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To improve the efficiency of the carbon dioxide cycling process and to reduce the regeneration energy consumption, a sterically hindered amine of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propranol (AMP) was investigated to determine its regeneration behavior as a CO_2 absorbent. The CO_2 absorption and amine regeneration characteristics were experimentally examined under various operating conditions. The regeneration efficiency increased from 86.2% to 98.3% during the temperature range of 358 to 403 K. The most suitable regeneration temperature for AMP was 383 K, in this experiment condition, and the regeneration efficiency of absorption/regeneration runs descended from 98.3% to 94.0%. A number of heat-stable salts (HSS) could cause a reduction in CO_2 absorption capacity and regeneration efficiency. The results indicated that aqueous AMP was easier to regenerate with less loss of absorption capacity than other amines, such as, monoethanolamine (MEA), diethanolamine (DEA), diethylenetriamine (DETA), and N-methyldiethanolamine (MDEA).  相似文献   

Aqueous 1,8-diamino-p-menthane (KIER-C3) and commercially available amine solutions were tested for CO2 absorption. A 2-amino- 2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP) solution with an addition of KIER-C3 showed 9.3% and 31.6% higher absorption rate for CO2 than the AMP solution with an addition of monoethanolamine (MEA) and ammonia (NH3), respectively. The reaction rate constant for CO2 absorption by the AMP/KIER-C3 solution was determined by the following equation: k2,AMP/C3 = 7.702×106 exp (-2248.03/T). A CO2 loading ratio of the AMP/KIER-C3 solution was also 2 and 3.4-times higher than that of the AMP/NH3 solution and the AMP/MEA solution, respectively. Based on the experimental results, KIER-C3 may be used as an excellent additive to increase CO2 absorption capability of AMP.  相似文献   

在双搅拌反应釜中研究了位阻胺2-氨基-2-甲基-1-丙醇(AMP)与甘氨酸钠(SG)混合溶液吸收CO2的性能.实验温度293~313K,混合溶液的浓度为AMP(1.5kmol/m3)+SG (0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8kmol/m3),SG浓度每增加0.2kmol/m3,200min内的平均吸收速率分别提高11.47%,10.07%,9.18%和5.33%.与AMP单一溶液相比,混合溶液在200 min时的吸收容量增加了11.5%~41.1%.在293~313K,吸收速率随温度上升而提高.使用加热的方法进行再生实验,得到1.5 kmol/m3 AMP + 0.6 kmol/m3 SG混合液的最适再生温度为378K.AMP + SG混合溶液的再生效率高于单一SG溶液及AMP + MEA/DEA混合溶液.  相似文献   

喷雾塔中氨水吸收CO2的速率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为考察氨水细喷雾吸收CO2的能力,对喷雾塔中氨水细喷雾吸收CO2的反应过程进行了实验研究,测定了氨水吸收CO2的速率.实验结果表明,CO2的吸收速率随着氨水浓度、气体流量的升高而明显增大,随氨水流量升高也有所增加,CO2的吸收速率随CO2进口浓度的升高呈线性增加.当喷雾塔中温度低于40℃时,CO2的吸收速率随着塔内温度...  相似文献   

本文考察了CO2体积分数、温度、气体流量、吸收液喷雾量、DBU体积分数等因素对CO2吸收量的影响.研究结果表明:各因素对CO2吸收量的影响大小顺序为CO2体积分数温度气体流量吸收液喷雾量DBU体积分数,DBU醇溶液喷雾吸收CO2的最佳条件是CO2体积分数15%、温度30℃、气体流量2.7 L·min-1、吸收液喷雾量30 m L·min-1、DBU体积分数5%,此时CO2吸收量为1.095 mol·mol-1.  相似文献   

针对醇胺类吸收剂富液中CO_2的解吸及后续处置所存在的不足,提出一种新型解吸方案——钙法.通过CO_2负荷试验和Ca(OH)_2投加量试验确定了该法理想处理负荷为0.84 mol·L-1,理想投加比例为C∶Ca=1∶1(摩尔比),此条件下反应15 min和30 min的解吸率达到52.17%和55.02%,这表明钙法矿化解吸乙醇胺富液中CO_2是可行的.在此基础上,进一步研究了pH、温度和搅拌强度对CO_2解吸固定效果的影响.试验结果表明,CO_2解吸率随着pH和搅拌强度的增加而增大,但当pH和搅拌强度增大到一定程度后,解吸率增长放缓甚至出现下降.较高的解吸温度尽管解吸率更大,但高温条件下无法达到矿化固定CO_2的目的.CO_2二次吸收负荷试验表明经钙法解吸后的MEA再生液具有良好的可重复使用性.  相似文献   

利用常压搅拌吸收-解吸装置,在不同温度和浓度条件下,对MEA(乙醇胺)、DEA(二乙醇胺)、MDEA(N-甲基二乙醇胺)、TETA(三乙烯四胺)、DETA(二乙烯三胺)5种有机胺吸收解吸CO2进行研究.探讨了反应温度、吸收液浓度、有机胺种类对CO2吸收和解吸过程的影响规律,并利用正交试验法筛选出性能较好的混合胺复配剂.结果表明,当TETA/DEA=5:1,吸收温度为318K,解吸温度为388K时,混合胺具有较优的吸收解吸综合性能.  相似文献   

通过固定床实验研究了再生条件对钾基CO2吸附剂吸附性能的影响。深入分析了再生温度和气氛对吸附穿透时间和饱和吸附量的影响。研究发现,当再生温度为200℃,N2气氛下再生时效果最佳,在此条件下再生后钾基CO2吸附剂循环性能良好,10次循环后仍然能有很好的吸附效果;再生气氛中有H2O或CO2时会影响再生反应的进行,不利于吸附剂的再生。  相似文献   

采用海藻酸钠包埋和戊二醛交联法固定碳酸酐酶,比较游离酶和固定化酶的酶学性质,并用固定化酶催化吸收CO2.实验结果表明:固定化酶的酶活力回收率是56.3%;最适反应温度为30℃,最适p H为7,在T=30~40℃和p H=6~10区间有稳定和很高的相对酶活力;固定化酶在60℃温浴1 h后,能保持39.8%的相对酶活力,而游离酶已经基本完全失去活性,固定化酶在p H=5.0~11.0范围内p H稳定性显著;固定化酶在T=30℃下催化吸收CO2效果显著,10%的反应时间完成了80.2%的催化反应,催化吸收CO2的量是空白试验的4.2×103倍,SEM显示反应后的固定化酶表面出现大量形状不规则的小孔,空隙结构变得发达;固定化酶具有良好的储存稳定性和操作稳定性.  相似文献   

Photodegradation of nitrobenzene and nitrophenols in aqueous solutions by means of UV/H2 O2 process was studied in the Rayox batch reactors. Three nitrophenol isomers were identified as main photoproducts in the irradiated NB aqueous solutions. The distribution of nitrophenol isomers follows the order p-〉 m-〉 o-nitrophenol. Other intermediates detected include nitrohydroquinone, nitrocatechol, catechol, benzoquinone, phenol, nitrate/nitrite ions, formic acid, glyoxylic acid, maleic acid, oxalic acid and some aliphatic ketones and aldehydes. The degradation of nitrobenzene and nitrophenols at initial stages follows the first-order kinetics and the decay rate constants for nitrobenzene(NB) are around l0^-3-10^-2 s^-1 and for nitrophenols are around 10^-2 s^-1. The decomposition of H2 O2 in the presence of NB and each nitrophenol isomers follows zero-order kinetics. The quantum yields at initial stages for NB decay were estimated around 0.30 to 0.36, and for NPs decay is around 0.31-0.54.  相似文献   

IntroductionNitrobenzene (NB) was mainly used in theproduction of aniline, also used as a solvent inpetroleum refining, as well as used in the manufactureof other organic compounds such as dinitrobenzenes,dichloroanilines and acetaminophen (WHO, 2003).Nit…  相似文献   

Attempts have been made to generate euchlorine gas by chlorate-chloride process and to utilize it further to clean up SO2 and NOx from the flue gas in a lab scale bubbling reactor.Preliminary experiments were carried out to determine the gas and liquid phase mass transfer coefficients and their correlation equations have been established.Simultaneous removal of SO2 and NOx from the simulated flue gas using aqueous euchlorine scrubbing solution has been investigated.Euchlorine oxidized NO into NO2 completely and the later subsequently absorbed into the scrubbing solution in the form of nitrate.SO2 removal efficiency of around 100% and NOx removal efficiency of around 72 % were achieved under optimized conditions.Mass balance has been confirmed by analyzing the sulfate, nitrate, euchlorine and chloride ion using ion chromatograph/auto-titrator and comparing it with their corresponding calculated values.  相似文献   

本研究采用FeCl3·6H2O、ZnCl2和环丁砜(TMS)复配形成的Fe/Zn-TMS体系脱除催化裂化(FCC)干气中的H2S,并用30%H2O2氧化再生Fe/Zn-TMS体系.同时,研究了各活性成分比例、吸收液体积浓度、吸收液pH值等对脱硫效率的影响,以及H2O2用量、吸收富液pH值对Fe2+氧化率的影响.结果表明,n(FeCl3·6H2O)∶n(ZnCl2)∶n(TMS)为0.45∶0.55∶1,吸收液pH为0.75,体积浓度(W)为50%的条件下能长时间高效脱硫,最高脱硫率达99.9%;在n(Fe2+)∶n(H2O2)为2∶1,吸收富液pH为0.65的条件下,Fe2+氧化率达96.7%.体系可循环使用3次,且能耗低、操作简单.  相似文献   

使用半连续式不锈钢搅拌反应釜,研究了质量分数30%的乙醇胺(MEA)水溶液(CO2负载量0.4 mol·mol-1)的热降解-氧化降解循环过程,旨在探讨循环过程对MEA降解的影响,以及SO2对MEA热降解、氧化降解和循环过程产生的影响.其中,热降解的实验条件为120℃,降解时间为2周,在密闭反应器内进行;氧化降解的实验条件为55℃,约121.59 kPa,向溶液中持续通入模拟烟气,总气量为7.5 L·min-1,其中包括2%CO2、0~150 ppm SO2和空气.实验结果表明,在先进行热降解再进行氧化降解的过程中,MEA的热降解产物N-(2-羟乙基)乙二胺等会在氧化降解的过程中发生进一步反应,且原本氧化降解中生成的亚硝酸根会有部分进一步被氧化,生成硝酸根.在循环过程中,MEA的整体降解程度比单独进行热降解、氧化降解实验中有所提高.研究表明,添加亚硫酸根会加剧热降解中的氨气生成量,而在氧化降解中,SO2又表现出了明显的抑制作用.在循环过程中,这两者均有体现,SO2仍起到一定的抑制降解的作用.  相似文献   

Aqueous ammonia (NH3) solution can be used as an alternative absorption for the control of CO2 emitted from flue gases due to its high absorption capacity, fast absorption rate and low corrosion problem. The emission of CO2 from iron and steel plants requires much attention, as they are higher than those emitted from power plants at a single point source. In the present work, low concentration ammonia liquor, 9 wt.%, was used with various additives to obtain the kinetic properties using the blast furnace gas model. Although a solution with a high ammonia concentration enables high CO2 absorption efficiency, ammonium ions are lost as ammonia vapor, resulting in reduced CO2 absorption due to the lower concentration of the ammonia absorbent. To decrease the vaporization of ammonia, ethylene glycol, glycerol and glycine, which contain more than one hydroxyl radical, were chosen. The experiments were conducted at 313 K similar to the CO2 absorption conditions for the blast furnace gas model.  相似文献   

以刚果红作为模拟污染物,研究了Ti O2光催化剂的使用活性、失活及再生问题.Ti O2循环使用1、2、3、4、6、8次后,刚果红脱色率依次为86.0%、83.4%、79.1%、65.1%、46.0%、18.8%;失活Ti O2采用250℃、350℃、450℃、550℃进行焙烧再生,并考察其再生效果;通过SEM、XRD、紫外-可见漫反射光谱(UV-vis DRS)、傅立叶红外光谱(FTIR)对失活前后及再生Ti O2进行表征,分别分析了光催化剂的表面形态、晶体结构、光学特性及表面物种变化.结果表明:实验条件下,光催化剂反复使用8次后就基本丧失活性;造成Ti O2失活的主要原因,一是Ti O2颗粒的团聚;二是刚果红降解的中间产物,如硫酸盐,硝酸盐及含碳化合物累积在Ti O2表面占据催化剂的活性位,并阻碍光子和底物到达催化剂表面,使其光催化活性逐渐降低;失活Ti O2经最适温度450℃再生后,光催化活性恢复至81.4%.  相似文献   

N-甲基二乙醇胺/哌嗪溶液和氨水吸收二氧化碳的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MDEA/PZ溶液被认为是目前燃煤电厂煤燃烧后脱碳过程中一种很有应用前景的化学吸收剂.反应速率和气液平衡是研究CO2吸收剂的重要参数.因此,本文在一个加压湿壁塔实验台上,针对45%MDEA/5%PZ(质量分数)溶液进行实验研究,得到了溶液在20~60℃时的反应速率和在20~120℃之间低CO2负载量(<0.2mol·mol-1)条件下的CO2平衡分压,并拟合出了平衡分压的半经验关联式.鉴于氨水是目前另一种被广泛关注的CO2吸收剂,本文在相同的实验装置上,进行了5%氨水的吸收速率实验,并与MDEA/PZ的实验结果进行了对比.结果表明,两者在20℃和40℃之间的吸收速率接近,20℃时氨水的吸收速率略高,但MDEA/PZ溶液在40℃时的吸收速率高于氨水.基于研究结果,本文推荐45%MDEA/5%PZ溶液的吸收温度窗口应为40~60℃,氨水应为20~40℃.  相似文献   

膜吸收法脱除电厂模拟烟气中的CO2   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
以氨基乙酸钾、一乙醇胺和甲基二乙醇胺水溶液为吸收液,研究了聚丙烯膜接触器分离模拟烟气中CO2的技术.分析了气液流速、吸收剂浓度、烟气CO2浓度和吸收液CO2负荷等对传质速率和脱除率的影响.结果表明:1mol·L-1MEA在流速0.1m·s-1,烟气流速0.211m·s-1时,CO2传质速率高达7.1mol·(m2·s)-1;1mol·L-1氨基乙酸钾在流速0.05m·s-1,烟气流速0.211m·s-1时,脱除率为93.2%;4mol·L-1氨基乙酸钾在同样条件下脱除率达98%;而且在试验的较广烟气CO2浓度范围内,氨基乙酸钾CO2脱除率保持在90%以上.试验证明膜吸收法既适合目前最为普遍的PF和NGCC烟道气脱除CO2,也是一种应用广泛、有良好发展前景的CO2分离法.  相似文献   

光催化氧化苯甲酸时TiO2中毒机理及再生方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以苯甲酸作为模型污染物,采用强制中毒的方法研究了TiO2在悬浮光催化氧化体系中的中毒过程,并通过对中毒TiO2进行IR、SPS及XPS表征,分析了中毒后TiO2的表面性质,揭示了苯甲酸光催化降解过程中TiO2光催化剂的中毒机理.采用高温焙烧、UV光照射及超声波振荡等方法对中毒TiO2进行再生,并考察再生效果.研究表明,实验条件下,催化剂反复使用20次后将完全中毒.引起TiO2中毒的主要原因是苯甲酸及其降解中间产物,如羟基苯甲酸、顺丁烯二酸、反丁烯二酸等吸附、积累在TiO2表面,占据了TiO2的表面活性位置,使其光催化活性下降;TiO2在使用过程中出现的团聚现象也会导致其活性降低.比较了高温焙烧、UV光照及超声波清洗3种方法对中毒催化剂的再生效果的比较研究,结果表明,3种方法均能使中毒后TiO2的催化活性得到一定恢复,其中高温焙烧对中毒TiO2的再生效果较好.  相似文献   

Capturing flue gases often require multiple stages of scrubbing, increasing the capital and operating costs. So far, no attempt has been made to study the absorption characteristics of all the three gases (NO, SO2 and CO2) in a single stage absorption unit at alkaline pH conditions. We have attempted to capture all the three gases with a single wet scrubbing column. The absorption of all three gases with sodium carbonate solution promoted with oxidizers was investigated in a tall absorption column. The absorbance was found to be 100% for CO2, 30% for NO and 95% for SO2 respectively. The capture efficiency of sodium carbonate solution was increased by 40% for CO2 loading, with the addition of oxidizer. Absorption kinetics and reaction pathways of all the three gases were discussed individually in detail.  相似文献   

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