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垃圾焚烧中的二噁英生成及抑制机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的发展,我国垃圾的焚烧将成为处理垃圾的主要方法。垃圾焚烧是城市中二噁英污染的主要来源。因此,弄清二噁英的危害、焚烧中的产生、以及如何抑制产生,很有必要。  相似文献   

采用生命周期评价的方法,比较了苏州市垃圾填埋和垃圾焚烧2种处置方法对环境的影响。研究的系统范围主要包括垃圾收集、垃圾运输、垃圾填埋或焚烧以及发电等几个部分。采用收集的垃圾组分数据,利用IPCC推荐的模型等,计算了垃圾填埋和垃圾焚烧时CO2等气体污染物的排放量。根据对垃圾渗滤液的实测数据,计算了水污染物的排放量。环境影响评价采用日本开发的AIST-LCA Ver4计算机软件进行。计算结果表明:垃圾填埋的生态币值要大得多,可见垃圾焚烧对环境的影响比垃圾填埋的影响要小。所获得的结论较为客观地反映了对环境的影响,可以作为中国城市垃圾处置决策的参考依据。  相似文献   

我国城市固体废弃物现状及其处理处置规划探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
综述了我国城市固体废弃物现状与特点,阐述了我国城市生活垃圾和工业固体废弃物发生、组成及其处理处置状况;指出我国城市固体废弃物处理主要存在欠帐太多、技术水平低下、经济拮据和认识与管理不够四个问题;对我国城市固体废弃物处理处置规划方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

广州市城市生活垃圾管理系统规划   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
运用最小费用规划模型,选取运输费用以及各处理设施(包括垃圾焚烧、制肥、回收利用、 填埋和中转处理)的处理费用为因子,同时把经济收入作为负的费用从中扣除,对选取的三个规划方案进行了计算,得出了广州市市区城市生活垃圾管理系统处理的最低费用,并给出了市属8个区的垃圾量相应的处理设置。  相似文献   

既能无污染处理垃圾又能用来发电的国内最大垃圾焚烧厂日前在上海点火投产。坐落在上海西郊江桥的生活垃圾焚烧厂占地 2 0 0余亩 ,政府投资额为 2 .4亿元人民币 ,一期工程生活垃圾日处理能力为 10 0 0 t,年处理垃圾可达 33万 t,其垃圾处理服务范围可覆盖上海 1/ 3的城市面积。二期工程建成后 ,将达到日处理垃圾 15 0 0 t的规模。上海生活垃圾日产生量达到万 t,而此前 7成以上都用来填埋。填埋处理既占用大量土地资源 ,环保性也不高。新点火的上海江桥生活垃圾焚烧厂采用焚烧、生化、填埋综合方式来处理垃圾。其烟气排放严格执行欧盟标准 ,废…  相似文献   

在我国 ,采用焚烧法处理城市固体垃圾 ,逐渐得到推广和应用。然而焚烧带来的二次污染物 ,如二、细颗粒、重金属、HCl以及SOx、NOx 等也随之引起了广泛关注。对垃圾焚烧过程中各种二次污染物的产生机理及其控制方法进行了综述。并且指出近期我国城市固体垃圾焚烧烟气污染物的重点控制对象应为颗粒物、HCl、SOx 和NOx。  相似文献   

焚烧已经成为处理城市生活垃圾的一种主要方法,而焚烧后所产生的垃圾飞灰由于其含有大量的有害物质,处理较为困难。为了探究冶金烧结法处理垃圾焚烧飞灰的可行性,将添加3%垃圾飞灰的冷固小球与其他矿石原料混合,进行烧结实验,并对添加垃圾焚烧飞灰后烧结矿的冶金性能进行了研究。实验结果表明,与基准样相比,烧结矿添加垃圾焚烧飞灰后其转鼓强度平均提高了9.51%,抗磨指数平均提高了9.47%,而其落下强度平均降低了3.79%。少量添加垃圾焚烧飞灰使得烧结矿的还原性提高了3.29%,而软融性和低温还原粉化性略微有所下降。总体来说,垃圾焚烧飞灰的添加并没有恶化烧结矿的冶金性能,且不影响后续冶炼工作的进行。  相似文献   

上海多灵环保工程设备有限公司研制成功第四代垃圾焚烧技术,包括垃圾预处理、焚烧、烟气治理、综合利用等技术组成,每天可处理100t生活垃圾,能适合600多个县城。其特点:垃圾不需分拣;不需添加燃料也可焚烧水分高达50%的垃圾;不烧垃圾时可像煤球炉一样暂时封炉。工程实例(海南琼海市)表明,  相似文献   

由化工厂、制药厂、垃圾填埋场、污水处理厂以及家庭装修等产生的恶臭,严重影响人们的生活和健康,迫切需要加以治理。上海乾瀚环保公司开发成功具有自主知识产权的低温等离子体空气净化设备,对各类恶臭气体、烟尘、废气、细菌等都具有很好的处理效果。低温等离子体被称作物质的第四形态,其原理是利用螺旋微波温冷光技术产生的高能离子束和电子束形成的低温等离子体,以每秒300万~3000万次的速度反复轰击恶臭气体分子,激活、电离、裂解废气中各种成分,  相似文献   

在分析垃圾焚烧技术及垃圾衍生燃料(RDF)技术的基础上,进一步分析了中国城市生活垃圾特点,表明了中国更适合利用陈旧垃圾制造高品质的RDF.通过RDF用于生活垃圾焚烧炉辅助染料的费用-效益分析,显示了RDF辅助城市生活垃圾焚烧是完全可行的,具有显著的经济、环境和社会效益.  相似文献   

我国是人口大国 ,随着人民生活水平的不断提高 ,现有的垃圾处理技术已逐渐不能适应产量日益增长与成分不断复杂化的垃圾处理的需要 ,垃圾处理急需一场革命性的变化 ,必须摆脱现有城市垃圾处理三大方法面临的技术上难以避免的弊端和“阴影”。也就是说 ,垃圾处理应该从垃圾分选设备技术整体创新入手 ,引入一整套的垃圾机械处理联合装置及各种新型的联合处理方法 ,使垃圾处理成本大大降低 ,从而产生一次历史转折性的突破 ,带动和实现垃圾处理的产业化。为了达到这一目标 ,对垃圾处理需要重点解决的技术难关进行了探讨与展望  相似文献   

本文调查了九江市城区生活垃圾现状,发展趋势,确定了影响九江市生活垃圾发生量的主要因素,提出了发生量与人口、气化率、废品回收和生活水平之间的定量模型,并以不同方法对未来垃圾发生量进行了预测,最后对城市垃圾的卫生填埋、生态工程处理、堆肥和焚烧四种处理方法的经济、技术和环境效益进行了比较与分析,提出九江市区生活垃圾应采取堆肥和生态工程处理相结合的方法。  相似文献   

郝广才  张全  赵由才 《环境污染与防治》2006,28(11):834-836,858
分析了上海市区生活垃圾收运处理现状与问题,借鉴国外特大城市生活垃圾收运处理管理经验和教训,提出了将现有垃圾水运系统升级改造为集装化水陆联运系统、将现有老港废弃物处置场扩建为生活垃圾分类、生化处理、焚烧发电、填埋等多种技术有机组合的综合型处理基地的方案,为改善上海市生活垃圾收运与处理处置系统提出可行的对策建议.  相似文献   

本文以大量翔实的数据介绍了香港对城市固体废物的系统管理,即分类、收集、监测分析、处理和预测评价。香港环保署自80 年代开始对城市固体废物进行监测并系统管理。在全港设置了3 个大型策略性填埋场、5 个垃圾转运站、1 个垃圾焚烧厂(1997 年5 月关闭) 和1个化学废物处理中心。目前,香港政府正筹建一个新的、技术先进的焚烧厂。从1986 ~1997年,这些废物处理设施处理全港废物量为8960 ~24300t/d,其中城市固体废物比例每年不等,最低为30 .7 % ,最高为65 .5 % 。1997 年,这些废物中可循环再利用物接近50 % ,出口部分达120 多万吨,回收资金20 多亿港元。根据历年来城市固体废物量与本地生产总值(GDP)和人口数量的密切相关性,预测出2011 年城市固体废物人均产率为2 .56kg/ 人·d, 城市固体废物量为12810 t/d。城市固体废物系统管理紧迫而重要,香港的经验是值得我们借鉴的。  相似文献   

Despite this country’s scientific advances, most communities in the United States are still disposing of solid wastes the way they did 50 years ago. The problem is advancing faster than the solution. Less than half the cities in this country with populations over 2500 dispose of their wastes by an approved sanitary and nuisance-free method. Do you realize that every 60 seconds people in the United States drop 251 tons of trash into their garbage cans. At the end of the day, 362,000 tons have accumulated. This means each of the 190 million people in the US disposes of 43½ lb of rubbish daily. By the year 2000 population is expected to double, while the per capita rate of increase in refuse production rises about 2% annually.

As the population booms and spreads to the suburbs, and suburbs expand into further suburbs, we will rapidly use up the land once used for waste disposal. Thus, sanitary landfill sites will disappear because by the year 2000 three-fourths of our population will live in urban areas.

The answer to this enormous problem faced by large and small communities is central incineration. Only this system can provide a maximum reduction in the volume of refuse. It is for this reason that communities are turning to incineration as the best solution. However, a growing public awareness plus changing municipal, state, and federal laws necessitate the need for a modern incineration plant that incorporates the most advanced and proved method of air pollution control. Where efficiencies of 60 to 80% were acceptable in the past, 90 to 95% are sought at present, and soon 96 to 99% will be required.

This paper deals with the effective control of particulate emissions from municipal incinerator exhaust gases.  相似文献   

在上海老港生活垃圾填埋场,对1991~2004年间填埋垃圾进行了小规模开采和手工分选,考察了填埋垃圾组成随填埋年份的变化规律.分选结果表明:在缺氧和避光的封场环境中,填埋垃圾中塑料、橡胶和化纤织物组分在未发生明显老化,经简单预处理后即可再生利用;以塑料为主的有机组分随填埋年份呈对数上升趋势,2010年将占填埋垃圾的50%以上.因此,焚烧和气化热处理工艺将是填埋垃圾资源化的理想选择之一.  相似文献   

The overall objective of this paper was to evaluate five different technologies used for infectious medical waste treatment and select the optimum one by means of multicriteria analysis. Steam disinfection was selected as the optimum treatment technology, among others using incineration, microwave disinfection, chemical disinfection with sodium hypochlorite, and reverse polymerization with microwaves. The evaluation was based on four groups of criteria, specifically, environmental, economic, technical, and social criteria, using the analytic hierarchy process. Selection among four commercial systems using steam disinfection was not possible, because it required additional site-specific criteria, e.g., loading capacity and requirements of local regulations.

Implications: The paper can help health care facilities to select the system for infectious waste treatment that best fits their needs. It was concluded that steam disinfection was the optimum technology, using environmental, economic, technical, and social criteria.  相似文献   

Estimates indicate that approximately 2.6% of the total atmospheric pollution in this country may originate as a result of refuse disposal. Although this may appear to be a comparatively low figure, it is important to note that refuse disposal is a universal problem: wherever we go, be the area urban, or rural, waste must be disposed of and in most cases the methods of disposal produce air pollution. Tabulated data indicates that the per capita rate of production has been increasing annually. In the city of Hartford, the quantity of refuse that is being burned in the municipal incinerator has been increasing at a rate of 5%/year. A comparison of the air pollutants emitted from open burning at a refuse disposal area, backyard burning and incineration of refuse in a municipal multiple chamber incinerator indicates that the quantity of pollutants emitted from the latter source is much less than those emitted from the other sources. The effect of having legislation with, enforcement authority and a program for regular inspections, has resulted in marked improvements of refuse disposal operations in Connecticut since June, 1966. Most of the burning still being done at refuse disposal areas is limited to only brush and demolition material. A multi-purpose incinerator is presently under construction in the city of Stamford, Conn. It is planned to demonstrate that not only bulky wastes and auto bodies, but also liquid wastes can be burned in the same unit without creating any adverse effect on the environment. This incinerator will be provided with an electrostatic precipitator for removing particulate emissions.

New methods of refuse disposal which are being tried are briefly described in this paper. All these methods tend to reduce or eliminate air pollution along with eliminating the health hazards normally related with open face dump type of operations.

The continual technological progress and improvements in methods of manufacture, packaging, and marketing of consumer products along with the economic, population, and industrial growth of the nation has resulted in an ever-mounting increase and change in the characteristics of the mass of material being discarded by the purchaser. In May 1967, a Three-State Conference on Air Resource Management was held at the City College of the City University of New York. This conference consisted of a number of panels or committees which discussed specialized areas of the problem of air pollution and its control. A portion of the introductory remarks from the panel report of the Solid Waste Committee1 is as follows:  相似文献   

In the hazardous waste community, the term “thermal destruction” is a catchallphrase that broadly refers to high temperature destruction of hazardous contaminants. Included in the thermal destruction category are treatment technologies such as rotary kiln incineration, fiuidized bed incineration, infrared thermal treatment, wet air oxidation, pyrolytic incineration, and vitrification. Among them, conventional rotary kiln incineration, a disposal method for many years, is the most well established, and often serves as a barometer to gauge the relative success of similar technologies. Public sentiment on environmental issues and increasingly stringent environmental regulations has, over time, spurred design and development of innovative thermal treatment processes directed toward reducing harmful emissions and residuals that may require further treatment or disposal. In situ vitrification (ISV), a technology that combines heat and immobiliztion, is one such innovative and relatively new technology.

This paper presents a comparison of ISV and rotary kiln incineration for soils treatment in the areas of process performance, process residuals, process limitations, applicable or relevant and appropriate (ARAJRs) regulations, criteria and limitations, and costs.  相似文献   

In this study, in order to understand accurate calculation of greenhouse gas emissions of urban solid waste incineration facilities, which are major waste incineration facilities, and problems likely to occur at this time, emissions were calculated by classifying calculation methods into 3 types. For the comparison of calculation methods, the waste characteristics ratio, dry substance content by waste characteristics, carbon content in dry substance, and 12C content were analyzed; and in particular, CO2 concentration in incineration gases and 12C content were analyzed together. In this study, 3 types of calculation methods were made through the assay value, and by using each calculation method, emissions of urban solid waste incineration facilities were calculated then compared. As a result of comparison, with Calculation Method A, which used the default value as presented in the IPCC guidelines, greenhouse gas emissions were calculated for the urban solid waste incineration facilities A and B at 244.43 ton CO2/day and 322.09 ton CO2/day, respectively. Hence, it showed a lot of difference from Calculation Methods B and C, which used the assay value of this study. It is determined that this was because the default value as presented in IPCC, as the world average value, could not reflect the characteristics of urban solid waste incineration facilities. Calculation Method B indicated 163.31 ton CO2/day and 230.34 ton CO2/day respectively for the urban solid waste incineration facilities A and B; also, Calculation Method C indicated 151.79 ton CO2/day and 218.99 ton CO2/day, respectively.

Implications: This study intends to compare greenhouse gas emissions calculated using 12C content default value provided by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) with greenhouse gas emissions calculated using 12C content and waste assay value that can reflect the characteristics of the target urban solid waste incineration facilities. Also, the concentration and 12C content were calculated by directly collecting incineration gases of the target urban solid waste incineration facilities, and greenhouse gas emissions of the target urban solid waste incineration facilities through this survey were compared with greenhouse gas emissions, which used the previously calculated assay value of solid waste.  相似文献   

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