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环境、社会和治理(ESG)是一种由资本市场发展形成的融合多利益相关方诉求的新理念,目的是推动企业提升社会责任和实现可持续发展。推进ESG理念在中国发展,对国家扩大对外开放、增强企业国际竞争力以及实现“双碳”目标具有重大意义。本研究通过综述2019年3月—2022年3月以来国内外以ESG为主题的文献,分析ESG实践特点和发展新动向。研究发现,ESG三要素在金融投资、企业或银行财务表现、企业价值、企业社会责任绩效以及可持续发展能力方面会产生多样化影响。本文建立了一个包含ESG多利益相关方、第三方机构以及ESG代表性指南政策法规的运行体系框架,形象化地凝练了ESG的内涵和实践重点;结合理论研究,运用驱动力、压力、状态影响及响应(DPSIR)分析框架揭示了ESG理念在我国“双碳”目标下的发展方向。最后,建议从三方面推进ESG理念:以工业园区为载体推动企业整体性开展ESG实践创新;推进A股企业扩大ESG实践示范试点,引领中小企业整体提升;引导投资者积极参与ESG投资,推进企业提升现代化环境治理能力。  相似文献   

如今,世界各地上市公司正将利润最大化这一短期目标转向环境、社会及管治(ESG)可持续发展这一长期目标,更加清楚地认识到ESG已经构成了企业风险的重要来源之一,并可能影响公司的财务绩效。本文基于状态、压力、响应与层次分析(PSR-AHP)指标分类与权重配比方法构建中国大型发电上市公司ESG评级体系,并应用该评价体系对中国大型发电上市公司ESG绩效进行研究。结果发现,其ESG综合得分波动性大,在研究期最后两年走势不甚理想,其中社会绩效得分及其趋势表现优于环境及管治绩效;在环境及社会绩效方面,响应性指标表现优于压力性指标,而状态性指标走势较为稳定。最后,本文从披露深度及质量、第三方介入、奖惩及强制性披露措施等方面给出政策建议。  相似文献   

践行环境(E)、社会(S)和治理(G)理念是全面推进美丽中国建设的重要举措,也是企业现代绿色治理的关键手段。本文系统分析了我国ESG政策的发展脉络,将ESG在我国的发展分为萌芽起步阶段、探索发展阶段和深化提升阶段三个阶段。通过深入剖析我国ESG体系现存的若干问题,提出加大推广和实践ESG理念的力度和深度、分批分阶段有序推进ESG信息披露标准制定、加快构建具有中国特色的ESG评级标准、强化对ESG投资的指引和规范,以及加快建设健全的ESG监管体系等政策建议。  相似文献   

<正>建设美丽中国是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的重要目标,践行环境(Environment)、社会(Social)和治理(Governance)(以下简称“ESG”)理念是全面推进美丽中国建设的重要措施手段之一。ESG是衔接微观企业绿色治理行为和宏观绿色低碳高质量发展的重要工具手段,能够推动宏观绿色发展转型要求在微观行业企业层面实施落地,为加快推动发展方式绿色低碳转型和积极稳妥推进碳达峰碳中和提供政策选择。ESG通过信息披露、评价评级以及引导责任投资等方式,将资本市场关注的企业财务信息进一步拓展,  相似文献   

ESG投资作为基于企业社会价值投资的投资策略,已逐渐成为国际投资市场的焦点。国内ESG投资尚处于快速发展阶段,市场规律研究及监管机制建设尚处于探索发展阶段。本文系统分析了我国当前ESG投资实践发展进展及其创新,剖析了ESG投资基金相关政策进展、发展方向,以及ESG投资基金行业发展面临的关键问题,提出了促进投资理念渗透、提升信息披露质量、加快投资方式创新等对策建议,并就探索统一估值体系、深化ESG货币化测量研究等进行了展望。  相似文献   

环境、社会及公司治理(ESG)数据有助于认识我国企业的环保行为,同时也有助于深化对近年来企业经济行为的理解。本文立足于坚持绿色发展的现实背景,实证研究了财务状况、系统性风险对我国电力上市公司ESG表现的影响。研究发现:由于投资者与企业管理者对社会责任的忽视,电力企业系统性风险无法影响其ESG表现。研究还发现,较好的偿债能力、盈利能力和合理的资本结构可以促进公司ESG表现,但良好的营运能力会使公司忽视可持续发展的重要性。本文将系统性风险与电力行业ESG研究相结合,为未来的扩展研究提供了新的角度,并就加强信息披露监督、继续深化绿色市场发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

环境、社会和治理(ESG)能给基础设施建设投资规制带来新理念,但是我国现行政策和项目中的ESG表现情况尚不清楚,有必要开展调查研究。本研究以规制政策和项目报告为研究对象,采用文本分析方法,对我国基础设施建设投资规制中的ESG表现进行调查研究。研究发现:(1)规制政策和项目报告中均已有一定程度的有关ESG表现方面的内容,但三个维度之间存在丰富性和完备性等方面的差异;(2)环境影响规制政策最完备,社会影响规制涉及安全评估、职业健康预评价等议题,其他议题未在文本中提及,项目治理规制政策数量最多,展现了我国自主的投资项目治理体系;(3)项目报告中的环境影响责任目标和措施相对完善,社会影响责任目标和措施则因项目和所处情境而异,项目治理责任目标和措施更多体现合规性要求,缺乏项目管理人自主动机。本研究提供了基础设施建设投资规制中的ESG表现调查情况,为我国以公共投资为主导的基础设施领域引入国际流行投资理念提供了决策依据。  相似文献   

数字普惠金融为农业经济韧性水平提升指明新的方向,对保障农业现代化、实现乡村振兴具有重要意义。基于2011—2021年中国31个省份面板数据,构建农业经济韧性综合水平指数,利用面板回归模型,探究数字普惠金融对农业经济韧性的影响及作用机制。结果表明:数字普惠金融能显著增强农业经济韧性;分维度看,覆盖广度对农业经济韧性的促进作用最大,使用深度次之,数字化程度最小;分区域看,数字普惠金融对东部地区农业经济韧性的推动作用优于中西部地区;数字普惠金融能通过促进农村创新、创业提升农业经济韧性水平;传统金融竞争在数字普惠金融促进农业经济韧性水平提升中存在门槛作用,传统金融竞争越激烈,对农业经济韧性水平的提升作用越强。未来应大力发展数字普惠金融,因地制宜协调数字普惠金融发展,提高农村地区创新、创业活力,引导传统金融良性竞争。  相似文献   

以2016年我国水稻主产区湖南省14个市的667个家庭农场和种植大户实地调研数据为基础,运用三阶段DEA方法对调研样本的经营绩效进行测算,通过构建空间杜宾计量模型,考察家庭农场获得的金融信贷支持是否提升了他们的经营绩效。结果显示:湖南省家庭农场的经营绩效水平偏低,各市域的金融支持确实促进了当地家庭农场经营绩效的提高,但对邻近地区表现出负面抑制效应,而财政补贴、农产品商品率、教育水平和交通条件等控制变量也分别表现出不同的空间外溢特征。据此,提出基于空间视角下金融支持家庭农场的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

国家可持续发展实验区政策实施效果评价研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探索科学有效的评价方法,量化评价实验区建设的实施效果,对推进国家可持续发展实验区与国家可持续发展议程创新示范区战略,进一步提升实验区与示范区建设质量具有重要意义。本文将创新驱动维度引入可持续发展评价体系,构建了包含三级指标、四大维度、五种权重方案的实验区可持续发展水平评价框架,使用熵值法与主观赋权法、灰色聚类法、序参量法三类各有侧重又相互关联的方法,以25个地级市型实验区及其所在省份2013—2016年发展成果的量化评估,探究了实验区政策的实施效果。本文使用的三类评价方法在实验区政策效果评价方面具有一致性,研究发现:各实验区可持续发展水平均有显著提升;与所在省份相比,实验区整体上跳出了传统发展空间锁定的发展模式,发展协调度提升更为显著;实验区在某些维度下可持续发展水平进步速率更快,但仍有部分实验区尚未探究出环境、经济等多维度协调发展的路径。  相似文献   

This paper examines sustainable development in the corporate mining context, and provides some guidelines for mining companies seeking to operate more sustainably. There is now a burgeoning literature that examines sustainable development in the context of minerals and mining, most of which is concerned with sustainability at global and national scales. What is often challenging to ascertain, however, from these numerous perspectives on sustainable mineral extraction, minerals and metals recycling, environmental management, and social performance, is how sustainable development applies to mining companies themselves, and what steps a mine must take in order to improve the sustainability of operations. Since mining processes have the potential to impact a diverse group of environmental entities, and are of interest to a wide range of stakeholder groups, there is ample opportunity for the industry to operate more sustainably. Specifically, with improved planning, implementation of sound environmental management tools and cleaner technologies, extended social responsibility to stakeholder groups, the formation of sustainability partnerships, and improved training, a mine can improve performance in both the environmental and socioeconomic arenas, and thus contribute enormously to sustainable development at the mine level.  相似文献   

Energy finance has resurfaced as a major issue in energy and energy policy debates. These concerns arise from the recent dismal performance of the private oil industry, and the growing financial demands of the former Soviet Union and other emerging markets. These growing financial imbalances are seen as jeopardizing the continued smooth growth of the world's petroleum industry. However, this paper stresses that the financial difficulties being experienced by publicly held oil companies are due, primarily, to the current economic recession. As economic growth recovers, and owing to recent substantial cost reductions, the balance sheets of the private oil industry will improve. Among state energy companies, recent structural and financial reforms mean that such companies will be able to retain more cash flow than was true historically. Moreover, many national oil companies are again able to access funds on international financial markets and generally at increasingly attractive spreads. And finally, there is the growing importance of financial innovation that is already having a positive impact on the level and pace of petroleum development worldwide.  相似文献   

Major mining companies have recently embraced the sustainable development paradigm, in seeking to improve their competitiveness and increase shareholder returns. Successful mine closure is one important element of this process. Improved performance in this area is essential if surrounding communities are to see mining companies as responsible corporate and social partners.
In Indonesia, the new approach has coincided with the development of specific mine closure legislation. To facilitate the legislation, a consortium of mining companies joined to form the Industry Mine Closure Steering Committee. This Committee has lobbied the Government, actively negotiating to incorporate sustainable development ideals and practices into the new legislation. The Committee's aim has been to foster continued development of the mining industry, while taking account of variation in environmental, social and community conditions. In describing the process, this article seeks to provide guidance for the development of mine closure legislation in other nations.  相似文献   

In this article, environmental management programs of Standard & Poors (S&P) 500 companies were evaluated using a series of industry and size-adjusted environmental trend indicators. The statistical analysis shows that a handful of corporate policy, governance, human resources, auditing, and financial parameters are highly relevant to improving corporate environmental performance. The results have implications for corporate environmental efforts as well as future government policies to foster environmental improvement.  相似文献   

The concept of sustainable development is debatable within the mining context as the fact that mineral resources are non-renewable makes mining inherently unsustainable. The need for a realistic definition of sustainability that can be applied to mining is important, in light of claims by the industry that sustainable development principles underpin aspects of their operations. Furthermore, the socio-economic upliftment that should logically follow the implementation of these principles is not visible in many mining areas. Within the theoretical frameworks of intermediate sustainability, our study aimed to determine the level of sustainability that is appropriate for the mining context. The evaluation of community perspectives within the Rustenburg platinum region in South Africa as a case study, based on qualitative information derived from structured questionnaires and informal interviews brings further clarity. We found out that the environmental and social costs associated with mining were high, while economic benefits to surrounding communities were low. The perceptions of community and corporations were found to contrast sharply: the reality experienced by community members fell well short of the optimistic scenarios presented in the corporate social responsibility reports of the mining companies, which has implications for the mining industry in the area. The Rustenburg region is typical of mining areas, more especially the developing world, and application of a realistic sustainable development concept here can help the mining industry elsewhere to move its operations onto a genuinely more sustainable path.  相似文献   

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