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木材采伐伤亡事故的成因及其对策李慧华,王任植(黑龙江省森林工业总局劳动安全监察处,哈尔滨150001)在森工生产作业中,木材采伐是最危险的工种之一,也是伤亡事故最多的工种,这种局面一直没能改变,长期困扰着木材安全生产管理者。1木材采伐作业伤亡事故多的...  相似文献   

森林采伐是木材生产过程的第一道工序,在整个木材生产作业中占有重要位置,能否实现安全生产直接关系森林采运企业的经济效益。现就国有林场、采育场森林采伐作业的安全问题作简要的分析。1采伐作业的特点1.1受地理条件、气候条件影响和作业方式的限制,露天作业,劳动环境复杂,给劳动保护工作带来许多困难。1.2木材体积大、重量重,形状不规则,给托集、装卸带来不便。1.3由于受生产成本的制约和地理条件限制,目前森林采伐机械化程度低,在我国南方山区基本上是手工作业。1.4采伐工人文化素质较低,安全意识差,安全管理的难度较大…  相似文献   

从事故教训中认识伐木安全距离的重要性龙泽铭林业部颁发的《木材采伐运输安全技术规程》及GB14192—93《木材采伐运输安全通则》中规定:“伐木与伐木必须实行隔号作业。伐木作业与其它工序之间的距离不得少于70米”,“在木材易发生滚落、窜动危险和18”以...  相似文献   

木材采伐伤亡事故的成因及其对策李慧华,王任植在木材生产中,采伐是伤亡事故最多的工序。采伐作业伤亡事故多发的局面,长期困扰着安全生产。伤亡事故多发的原因主要表现在以下几个方面:1.伐木顺序掌握与判断有误。由于天然林木株距的不规则,以及树冠重心、树枝牵挂...  相似文献   

中华人民共和国国家标准木材采伐运输安全通则。GB14192-93Safetycodeofpracticeforloggingoperations1主题内容与适用范围本标准规定了木材采伐、拖拉机集村、伐区归楞、伐区装车、汽车运材、森铁运材和木材水运的各...  相似文献   

森林采伐是危险性较大、事故最多的工种。因此,抓好采伐作业的安全工作就抓住了关键环节。以往安全操作不与操作者的收益挂勾,作业人员一味求生产效益,缺乏自我保护的安全意识,违章作业屡禁不止,事故时有发生。从东方红林业局采伐作业的安全检查情况看,伐区安全作业到位率仅30%。近几年在经济大潮的冲击下,不安全情况更趋严重,违章现象居高不下。究其原因,关键在于单纯以产量定报酬计发工资,缺少安全评价条件(即不以安全到位率定工资)。要消除这一弊端,实行安全作业工资是一个较为有效的措施。  相似文献   

▲日本宇都宫大学和东京大学根据日本文部省1995年下达的科研任务,合作研制成功具有换气功能的林业工人冬季作业服。经移动式钢架杆绞盘机捆挂工在集材作业中试穿表明,该作业服能自动调节衣内的温度和湿度,使捆挂工作业时既暖和又舒适,无湿热感。▲在木材生产过程中,处理搭挂木是采伐作业中一项十分危险的工序,伐木工常因时搭挂木处理不当发生人身伤亡事故。日本大限营林局新官营林署飞鸟森林作业所研制的F型搭挂木安全处器圆满地解决了搭挂木处理问题。生产使用表明它具有重量轻、携带方便、工作可靠、制作简单、成本低等特点,适用…  相似文献   

油锯类型和采伐地坡度对采伐工心率的影响根据日本岩手大学的测试表明:1.采伐工使用轻型油锯进行间伐作业,在平坦林地上采伐时的心率在915~106.2次/min之间,在陡坡林地上采伐时的心率在101.4~116.9次/min之间。2.采伐工使用中型油锯进...  相似文献   

松江-180型小四轮拖拉机装车法王文发,刘增仁,崔琦,常铁石我局建局40多年来,由于大面积的过量采伐,林分结构不断地发生变化,导致了采伐方式的改变。原条生产量逐年减少,原木生产量越来越大。1993年原木生产量占木材生产量的40多,1994年原木生产量...  相似文献   

拖拉机集材作业伤亡事故分析及预防对策邓元智,吴精伟集材作业是木材生产伤亡事故的多发工序,尤其是拖拉机集材作业发生的伤亡事故比较突出,占木材生产伤亡事故的21.2%。因此,分析研究拖拉机集材作业伤亡事故原因,做好预防工作,对于减少和控制木材生产伤亡事故...  相似文献   

安全生产是构建和谐社会的基础和前提,是可持续发展的基本保障。随着市场经济的不断发展,国有林场的进一步深化改革,三明市国有林场探索总结出了“定产定销”的新型木材产销模式,林业生产经营和生产用工状况发生了很大的变化。探讨了在新型木材生产销售模式下如何进行安全生产管理的问题。  相似文献   

Am-Be中子源和C5r源是一种极为有效的测井技术,但给测井操作员带来头昏、乏力、白细胞降低等症状,担心影响健康和生育。本文根据在江汉油田对100多名测井放射人员进行的379次有效资料统计,对个人剂量监测和临床观察.阐明测井放射性工作人员受中子、γ线全身照射的个人剂量水平及其医学影响程度。  相似文献   

Problem: It is well documented that logging is one of the most dangerous occupations and industries in which to work, and trees fellers are at greatest risk of injury. The objective of this study was to determine whether West Virginia (WV) logging companies experienced a reduction in injuries after beginning to use feller-bunchers (tree cutting machines, which replace some of the work done with a chainsaw) during harvesting operations. Methods: WV workers compensation claims and employment data from 1995 to 2000 were used to calculate injury rates. Injury trends in the rest of the WV logging industry, not using feller-bunchers, were also assessed. Results: For 11 companies, the pre-feller-buncher injury claims rate was 19.4 per 100 workers and the post-feller-buncher rate was 5.2 per 100 workers. This was a significant difference, with an adjusted rate ratio of 2.8 (95% CI: 1.8–4.5) of pre to post claims. Struck by injuries also showed significant decline, with the pre-feller-buncher injury rate being 3.8 (95% CI: 1.8–8.2) times as great as post-feller-buncher rate. During the time of the study, the injury rate rose in the rest of the WV logging industry. The average cost of a workers compensation claim in the WV logging industry during the time of the study was approximately $10,400. Impact on industry: As mechanization of logging tasks becomes more widespread, the WV logging industry as a whole may see substantial injury declines and a reduction in the total cost of injury claims. Struck by injuries, the most common and potentially fatal of logging injury types, appear to be particularly affected. However, logging operations in areas of very steep terrain where it is not possible to use these machines may need to rely on strategies other than feller-bunchers to reduce injuries.  相似文献   

介绍了锥形量热仪的基本原理和测试方法,在辐射能量35kW/m2的条件下对煤矿井下使用的钢丝绳阻燃胶带和两种木材的燃烧特性进行了实验研究,得到了3种材料的燃烧特征参数。实验结果表明:在产生的CO、释放的热量、生成的烟雾量方面,落叶松均少于果松,因此,落叶松的火灾危害性较小。钢丝绳芯阻燃胶带在产生的CO、释放的热量、生成的烟雾等方面明显大于两种木材,其火灾危害性比远远大于木材,因此,对钢丝绳芯阻燃胶带火灾应给予足够的重视。  相似文献   

本文论述了采运行业的特点,并提出了做好采运行业安全管理的几点对策.  相似文献   

从人员、设备、环境三方面 ,阐述了在木材生产中应用现代安全管理技术 ,提高本质安全水平  相似文献   

根据森林采伐生产的实际情况,从组织领导、制度建设、技措费投入、监督检查、安全管理等方面,提出了预防采伐生产事故的安全对策措施.  相似文献   

针对雷击电磁辐射对录井系统的危害问题,建立了录井系统线路雷击危害模拟试验模型,采用8/20 μs冲击电流发生器,开展了录井系统的雷击耦合试验,定量分析了雷击电磁辐射对录井系统的影响。研究结果表明:随着电流的增大和距离电流通道的减小,耦合的电压随之增大;线缆长度越长耦合的电压越大,最大耦合电压达到了2 720 V;屏蔽层接地可以有效地减小电磁辐射对线缆的耦合作用。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Logger safety training programs are rarely, if ever, evaluated as to their effectiveness in reducing injuries. METHOD: Workers' compensation claim rates were used to evaluate the effectiveness of a logger safety training program, the West Virginia Loggers' Safety Initiative (LSI). RESULTS: There was no claim rate decline detected in the majority (67%) of companies that participated in all 4 years of the LSI. Furthermore, their rate did not differ from the rest of the WV logging industry that did not participate in the LSI. Worker turnover was significantly related to claim rates; companies with higher turnover of employees had higher claim rates. Companies using feller bunchers to harvest trees at least part of the time had a significantly lower claim rate than companies not using them. Companies that had more inspections per year had lower claim rates. CONCLUSIONS: High injury rates persist even in companies that receive safety training; high employee turnover may affect the efficacy of training programs. The logging industry should be encouraged to facilitate the mechanization of logging tasks, to address barriers to employee retention, and to increase the number of in-the-field performance monitoring inspections. Impact on industry There are many states whose logger safety programs include only about 4-8 hours of safe work practices training. These states may look to West Virginia's expanded training program (the LSI) as a model for their own programs. However, the LSI training may not be reaching loggers due to the delay in administering training to new employees and high levels of employee turnover. Regardless of training status, loggers' claim rates decline significantly the longer they work for a company. It may be that high injury rates in the state of West Virginia would be best addressed by finding ways to encourage and facilitate companies to become more mechanized in their harvesting practices, and to increase employee tenure. Increasing the number of yearly performance inspections may also be a venue to reduce claim rates. Future research could investigate in better detail the working conditions of West Virginia loggers and identify barriers to job tenure, particularly for workers whose primary job task is chainsaw operation. A larger-scale study of the effect of performance monitoring inspections on claim rates is also warranted.  相似文献   

从安全角度提出了关于各类地区、各等级的汽车运材公路的主要技术指标,阐述了道路环境与行车安全的关系,提出了运材道路的防雪、防滑和冰湖防治的具体措施。  相似文献   

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