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Essential oils containing aromatic compounds can affect air quality when used indoors. Five typical and popular essential oils—rose, lemon, rosemary, tea tree and lavender—were investigated in terms of composition, thermal characteristics, volatile organic compound (VOC) constituents, and emission factors. The activation energy was 6.3–8.6 kcal mol?1, the reaction order was in the range of 0.6–0.8, and the frequency factor was 0.01–0.24 min?1. Toluene, 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, n-undecane, p-diethylbenzene and m-diethylbenzene were the predominant VOCs of evaporating gas of essential oils at 40 °C. In addition, n-undecane, p-diethylbenzene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, m-diethylbenzene, and 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene revealed high emission factors during the thermogravimetric (TG) analysis procedures. The sequence of the emission factors of 52 VOCs (137–173 mg g?1) was rose ≈ rosemary > tea tree ≈ lemon ≈ lavender. The VOC group fraction of the emission factor of aromatics was 62–78%, paraffins were 21–37% and olefins were less than 1.5% during the TG process. Some unhealthy VOCs such as benzene and toluene were measured at low temperature; they reveal the potential effect on indoor air quality and human health.  相似文献   

Oil-bodies are minute plant organelles (0.5-2.0microm diameter) consisting of an oil core surrounded by a phospholipid monolayer/proteinaceous membrane. Oil-bodies have been isolated from rapeseed seeds and demonstrated to constitute a novel type of micro-capsule suitable for the extraction of hydrophobic organic compounds from aqueous environments. Three hydrophobic pesticides: atrazine (2-chlor-4-ethyl-amino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-triazine), carbaryl (1-naphthyl methylcarbamate) and parathion (O,O-diethyl O-(4-nitrophenyl) phosphorothioate), as well as naphthalene and 2-phenylethanol were successfully extracted from aqueous solutions, with absorption in the inner oily core of OB as sorption mechanism. The OB membrane does not represent a barrier for the mass transfer of the compound towards the inner oily core of OB. Moreover, due to very high surface area to volume ratio, oil-bodies exhibit very good mass transfer properties compared with larger synthetic microcapsules or two-phase liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) techniques, which diminishes the need for strong agitation and avoids the formation of difficult to separate stable emulsions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This work assesses the contribution to climate change resulting from emissions of the group of halogenated greenhouse gases. METHODS: A bottom-up emission model covering 22 technological sectors in four major regions is described. Emission estimates for 1996 and projection for 2010 and 2020 are presented. The costs for deep cuts into projected emission levels are calculated. RESULTS: The substances covered by this study have contributed emissions of 1100 +/- 800 MT CO2 equivalents per year in 1996. In terms of their relative contribution to emissions of CO2 equivalents, this corresponds to 3 +/- 2% of global emissions of all anthropogenic greenhouse gases. The wide range of uncertainty is due to the poorly quantified net global warming potential of the ozone depleting substances, which have an indirect cooling effect on climate through the destruction of stratospheric ozone. For annual emissions of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 (which are regulated under the Kyoto Protocol and for which global warming potentials are well defined), the relative contribution is projected to increase to 2% (600 MT CO2 eq.) of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2010. This trend is expected to continue, emissions are projected to grow to a contribution of roughly 3% (870 MT CO2 eq.) in 2020 compared to 0.9% (300 MT CO2 eq.) in 1996. For HFCs, PFCs and SF6, this study identifies global emission reduction potentials of 260 MT CO2 eq. per year in 2010 and 640 MT CO2 eq. per year in 2020 at below US$ 50 per ton. These values correspond to roughly 40% and 75% of projected emissions in 2010 and 2020, respectively.  相似文献   

Heim S  Ricking M  Schwarzbauer J  Littke R 《Chemosphere》2005,61(10):1427-1438
To study the recent contamination history of DDT (1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(chlorophenyl)ethane) and its metabolites, as well as methoxychlor (1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-methoxyphenyl)ethane), chlorfenson (4-chlorophenyl-p-chlorobenzenesulfonate), and further halogenated aromatics, a sediment core was collected from the Teltow Canal in Berlin (Germany). The sampling site is located nearby a former industrial point source, where recently analyses on pre-samples have indicated high concentrations of halogenated organic compounds. The deposition time of the investigated sediments was determined by gamma-spectrometrical dating. Pollution trends of selected contaminants were attributed to a time period between 5 and 10 years. Concentration profiles reflect not only the recent pollution history of these compounds, but also the time-depending effects of the ban, restriction and termination of DDT-production in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). DDT and other chlorinated aromatic compounds were produced onsite until the late 1980s. Maximum values of 133 mg kg(-1) (dry weight) for p,p'-DDD (1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(chlorophenyl)ethane) and approximately 100 mg kg(-1) (dry weight) for p,p'-DDMS (1-chloro-2,2-bis(chlorophenyl)ethane), main metabolites of the anaerobic degradation of DDT, were determined. The occurrence of all selected contaminants, most of which have been banned more than 10 years ago, demonstrate recent contamination pathways, and the necessity of a continuous long-term monitoring of the affected environment.  相似文献   

The current knowledge of the gas-phase reactions occurring in the troposphere for alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, oxygenates and aromatic hydrocarbons and their photooxidation products is reviewed,and areas of uncertainty identified.  相似文献   

针对地下水石油类污染的问题,从某污染场地土壤中筛选驯化出了适用于处理挥发性有机物的3株低温高效降解菌,并以苯和萘作为特征组分考察了pH、DO、温度、氮磷等因素对降解效果的影响;实验结果表明,在8℃左右的地下环境中,DO和氮磷的含量对污染物的降解影响较大;在pH 7.5、DO>4 mg/L和投加氮磷的条件下,18 d内降...  相似文献   

Volatile organic sulfur compounds in a stratified lake   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hu H  Mylon SE  Benoit G 《Chemosphere》2007,67(5):911-919
Three volatile organic sulfur compounds (VOSCs), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), carbon disulfide (CS(2)), and dimethyl disulfide (DMDS), were detected in the stratified water column of a lake (Linsley Pond) in Connecticut. The compounds DMS and DMDS appeared in both the oxic and the anoxic portions of the water column, CS(2) was primarily found in anoxic hypolimnion. Algal metabolism and/or bacterial degradation of sulfur-containing amino acids or other organic materials are potential sources of VOSCs in the oxic lake water. Reactions of hydrogen sulfide with organic compounds and microbial degradation of organic matter may be responsible for the production of VOSCs in the anoxic lake water. The vertical distribution patterns of these three VOSCs varied from month to month in the summer, but the daily profiles obtained in one 5-day period in the summer displayed consistency. No clear diurnal pattern for any of the three VOSCs was observed. Based on observation that these VOSCs were not present in surface and near surface waters of Linsley Pond, freshwater inputs of reduced sulfur compounds to the atmosphere may be insignificant.  相似文献   

Sediment cores taken from Taihu Lake, East China were analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDEs). The results showed a general sharp increase of HCH, DDT, PAH and PBDE concentrations in the surface layers, corresponding to a sedimentation time of 1980 and 1990 onward in the Meiliang Bay and Xukou Bay, respectively. The source of PAHs has largely transferred from petrogenic to pyrogenic origin, and good relationships were observed between sediment PAH concentrations and the regional gross domestic product. The sharp increase of DDTs in recent years may be related to the mobilization and migration of these chemicals from surface soil to lake sediment, as a result of enhanced soil run-off due to large scale land transform, as well as the contribution of current usage of dicofol and DDT-containing anti-fouling paints.  相似文献   

Critical or activation diameters of laboratory generated organic aerosols composed of succinic acid, adipic acid and glucose were determined. Measurements of sodium chloride and ammonium sulfate aerosols were performed for comparison. Our experimental approach involved producing single component aerosol particles of a known size, and measuring the fraction of aerosol number concentrations (CN) that act as CCN at several supersaturations. The particle diameter (D50) at which the CCN/CN ratio of 0.50 is reached is defined as the critical, or activation, diameter. These experimentally derived diameters are compared with the theoretical critical diameter (DC). The results indicate that highly water-soluble organic compounds exhibit critical diameters that approach that of ammonium sulfate.  相似文献   

JZ Wang  LY Liu  K Zhang  B Liang  GL Li  TH Chen 《Chemosphere》2012,89(8):1003-1008
Halogenated organic contaminants (HOCs) including 16 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and 37 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were determined in 49 surfacial sediments from Chaohu Lake, a highly eutrophicated lake, China. PBDEs were detected in almost samples with the range of the total concentration (defined as Σ16PBDEs) from 0.84 to 86.6 ng g−1. Compared with the occurrence of PBDEs in Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta in China, lower percentage of BDE-209 over the concentration of Σ16PBDEs was inferred by the high-volume application of penta-BDE mixture product for local domestic furniture purpose. The total concentration of 37 PCBs (Σ37PCBs) ranged from 0.05 to 3.36 ng g−1 with the most detection of PCB-1, -4, -52 and -71. Both the concentrations of Σ16PBDE and Σ37PCB poorly correlated with total organic carbon (TOC), suggesting the significant contribution of phytoplankton organic carbons to sediment TOC. The contamination by PBDEs and PCBs in western region of the lake was significantly more serious than in eastern lake. Our findings about the higher residues of PBDEs and PCBs in sediments at the estuary of Nanfei River compared to the other estuaries also supported the conclusion that urban area (Hefei city) was the main source of PBDEs and PCBs. The comparison with the concentration of HOC in the present study with those in other lacustrine sediments around the world suggested the contamination by PBDEs in Chaohu Lake is at middle of the global concentration range, whereas PCBs is at low end of the global range which could be elucidated by local economic development and historical usage of PBDEs and PCBs. The mass inventories of HOCs in the lake were estimated at 561 and 38 kg, which corresponds to only 0.000006% and 0.0001% of these global historical produce volumes, respectively.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds in selected micro-environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A program of sampling for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in ambient air was undertaken in selected locations and micro-environments in Perth, Western Australia to characterise concentrations of target VOCs and to determine the relative strength of the contributing sources to ambient air in different micro-environments in a major Australian city. Twenty-seven locations were sampled and, of the forty-one target compounds, 26 VOCs were detected in the samples collected. The highest concentrations were recorded for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX), chloroform and styrene. The maximum 12-h toluene and benzene concentrations observed were from a basement carpark and were 24.7 parts per billion (ppb) and 5.6 ppb, respectively. The maximum xylenes concentration was 29.4 ppb and occurred in a nightclub where styrene was also detected. A factor analysis of the data was undertaken. Two key factors emerge that appear to be associated with petroleum and motor vehicles and environmental tobacco smoke. A third significant occurrence was a high concentration of chloroform that was observed at a sports centre complex with a swimming pool text and was uncorrelated with other compounds in the data set. This study indicates that locations associated with motor vehicles and petrol fuel, tobacco and wood smoke and chlorinated water represent the major risks for personal exposure to VOCs in Perth.  相似文献   

Halogenated persistent organic pollutants [polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)] along with total lipid, were measured in the liver and muscle of three species of deep water fish (black scabbard, black dogfish (liver only) and roundnose grenadier) collected from the Rockall fishing area, to the west of Scotland, between 2006 and 2008. Both contaminant groups were detected in the muscle and liver, with concentrations of PCBs being higher than PBDEs. There were no significant differences in the PCB or PBDE concentrations between the three species, or different sampling locations in the Rockall fishing area. PCB concentrations (ΣICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea)7 PCBs) greater than 500 μg kg−1 lipid weight were found in 26 of the 106 liver samples. PCB concentrations were compared to OSPAR assessment criteria, concentrations were above background but below Environmental Assessment Criteria. Estimated Toxic Equivalent (TEQ) concentrations, calculated using published models, in the fish muscle and liver indicated that consumption of deep water fish is unlikely to represent a risk to human health. The high squalene content in some of the black dogfish liver necessitated an additional clean-up step, involving gel permeation chromatography, when analyzing for PBDEs. Concentrations of PBDEs were low with many congeners being below detection limits, particularly in the muscle. There are currently no assessment criteria available for PBDEs. Furthermore, there is only very limited data on PBDEs in deep water fish. However, the concentrations observed in this study were similar to the concentrations recently reported in Mediterranean deep water fish.  相似文献   

Water extracts of atmospheric particulate matter (PM2.5) collected at the Storm Peak Laboratory (SPL) (3210 MSL, 40.45° N, 106.74° W) were analyzed for a wide variety of polar organic compounds. The unique geographical character of SPL allows for extended observations/sampling of the free tropospheric interface. Under variable meteorological conditions between January 9th and January14th 2007, the most abundant compounds were levoglucosan (9–72 ng m?3), palmitic acid (10–40 ng m?3) and succinic acid (18–27 ng m?3). Of 84 analytes included in the GC–MS method, over 50 individual water extractable polar organic compounds (POC) were present at concentrations greater than 0.1 ng m?3. During a snow event (Jan. 11th–13th), the concentrations of several presumed atmospheric transformation compounds (dicarboxylic acids) were reduced. Lower actinic flux, reduced transport distance, and ice crystal scavenging may explain this variability. Diurnal averages over the sampling period revealed a higher total concentration of water extractable POC at night, 211 ng m?3 (105–265 ng m?3), versus day, 160 ng m?3 (137–205 ng m?3), which suggests a more aged nighttime aerosol character. This may be due to the increased daytime convective mixing of local primary emissions from the Yampa Valley. XAD resin extracts revealed a gas-phase partitioning of several compounds, and analysis of cloud water collected at this site in 2002 revealed a similar compound abundance trend. Levoglucosan, a wood smoke tracer was generally found to be the most abundant compound in both aerosol and cloud water samples. Variations in meteorological parameters and local/regional transport analysis play an important interpretive role in understanding these results.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated organic compounds in Yangtse River sediments   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Xu S  Jiang X  Dong Y  Sun C  Feng J  Wang L  Martens D  Gawlik BM 《Chemosphere》2000,41(12):1897-1903
Polychlorinated organic compounds (PCOCs) were analyzed in Yangtse River sediments. The results show that the concentrations of PCOCs in Yangtse River sediments followed the order of DDTs > HCB > HCHs > PCBs. High PCOCs concentrations were detected in sediments from station Y02a and Y02b, which are located in the main input of the Yangtse River (Nanjing section). Results also show that the PCOCs values were highly correlated with organic carbon content and heavy metal contamination.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the organic composition of wood smoke emissions and ambient air samples in order to determine the wood smoke contribution to the ambient air pollution in the residential areas. From November 2005 to March 2006 particle-phase PM10 samples were collected in the residential town Dettenhausen surrounded by forests near Stuttgart in southern Germany. Samples collected on pre-baked glass fibre filters were extracted using toluene with ultrasonic bath and analysed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). 21 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) including 16 USEPA priority pollutants, different organic wood smoke tracers, primarily 21 species of syringol and guaiacol derivatives, levoglucosan and its isomers mannosan, galactosan and dehydroabietic acid were detected and quantified in this study. The concentrations of these compounds were compared with the fingerprints of emissions from hardwood and softwood combustion carried out in test facilities at Universitaet Stuttgart and field investigations at a wood stove during real operation in Dettenhausen. It was observed that the combustion derived PAH was detected in higher concentrations than other PAH in the ambient air PM10 samples. Syringol and its derivatives were found in large amounts in hardwood burning but were not detected in softwood burning emissions. On the other hand, guaiacol and its derivatives were found in both softwood and hardwood burning emissions, but the concentrations were higher in the softwood smoke compared to hardwood smoke. So, these compounds can be used as typical tracer compounds for the different types of wood burning emissions. In ambient air samples both syringol and guaiacol derivatives were found which indicates the wood combustion contribution to the PM load in such residential areas. Levoglucosan was detected in high concentrations in all ambient PM10 samples. A source apportionment modelling, Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) was implemented to quantify the wood smoke contribution to the ambient PM10 bound organic compounds in the residential area.  相似文献   

A pilot study was conducted in application of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Methods 325A/B variant for monitoring volatile organic compounds (VOCs) near two oil and natural gas (ONG) production well pads in the Texas Barnett Shale formation and Colorado Denver–Julesburg Basin (DJB), along with a traffic-dominated site in downtown Denver, CO. As indicated in the EPA method, VOC concentrations were measured for 14-day sampling periods using passive-diffusive tube samplers with Carbopack X sorbent at fenceline perimeter and other locations. VOCs were significantly higher at the DJB well pad versus the Barnett well pad and were likely due to higher production levels at the DJB well pad during the study. Benzene and toluene were significantly higher at the DJB well pad versus downtown Denver. Except for perchloroethylene, VOCs measured at passive sampler locations (PSs) along the perimeter of the Barnett well pad were significantly higher than PSs farther away. At the DJB well pad, most VOC concentrations, except perchloroethylene, were significantly higher prior to operational changes than after these changes were made. Though limited, the results suggest passive samplers are precise (duplicate precision usually ≤10%) and that they can be useful to assess spatial gradients and operational conditions at well pad locations over time-integrated periods.

Implications: Recently enacted EPA Methods 325A/B use passive-diffusive tube samplers to measure benzene at multiple fenceline locations at petrochemical refineries. This pilot study presents initial data demonstrating the utility of Methods 325A/B for monitoring at ONG facilities. Measurements revealed elevated concentrations reflective of production levels and spatial gradients of VOCs relative to source proximity at the Barnett well pad, as well as operational changes at the DJB well pad. Though limited, these findings indicate that Methods 325A/B can be useful in application to characterize VOCs at well pad boundaries.  相似文献   

Starokozhev E  Sieg K  Fries E  Püttmann W 《Chemosphere》2011,82(10):1482-1488
Laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the partitioning behavior of a set of diverse volatile organic compounds (VOCs). After equilibration at a temperature of 25 °C, the VOC concentrations were measured by headspace method in combination with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The obtained data were used to determine the partition coefficients (KP) of VOCs in a gas-liguid-solid system. The results have shown that the presence and nature of solid materials in the working solution control the air-water partitioning of dissolved VOCs. The air/solution partitioning of BTEX and C9-C10 aldehydes was most affected in the presence of diesel soot. KP values decreased by a factor ranging from 1.5 for toluene to 3.0 for ethylbenzene. The addition of mineral dust in the working solution exhibited greater influence on the partitioning of short aldehydes. KP values decreased by a factor of 1.8. The experimental partition coefficients were used to develop a predictive model for partitioning of BTEX and n-aldehydes between air, water and solid phases.  相似文献   

Fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM2.5–10) smoke particles from controlled biomass burnings of a shrub-dominated forest in Lousã Mountain, Portugal, enabled the quantification by chromatographic techniques of several molecular tracers for the combustion of Mediterranean forest ecosystems, which could be conducive to source apportionment studies. The major organic components in the smoke samples were pyrolysates of vegetation cuticles, mainly comprising steradienes and sterol derivatives, carbohydrates from the breakdown of cellulose, aliphatic lipids from vegetation waxes and methoxyphenols from the lignin thermal degradation. Most of these compounds are chiefly found in fine particles. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were also present as minor constituents. Anhydrosugar and PAH molecular diagnostic ratios were applied as source assignment tools. Some biomarkers are reported for the first time in biomass burning smoke.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The world faces tremendous challenges and environmental crises due to the rising strength of wastewater. The conventional technologies fail to achieve...  相似文献   

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