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董文茂 《环境》2005,(5):40-41
坡鹿之难 “从解剖记录看,完全可以判断这只鹿妈妈是活活被饿死的,这是事隔十余年后,我们再次发现鹿被饿死的情况。”解剖师林贤梅指着面前被解剖后的坡鹿尸体说。  相似文献   

英乐 《环境导报》2003,(10):31-31
在我国万里海疆的中部,孕育着一片神秘的滩涂。这里是黄海冲积平原沼泽地,河海港汉蜿蜒交错,盐土沼泽星罗棋布,处处可见裸地、草地、芦苇、蒲荡、竹园以及刺槐林,展现了海边的原始风貌。加上气候温和,雨量充沛,四季分明,无霜期长,自然生态环境优美,80余平方公里内人迹罕至,成为麇鹿最理想的放养地。占地约3000公顷的大丰麇鹿自然保护区就坐落在这片神奇的滩涂上,它是世界上第一个也是最大的麇鹿保护区。  相似文献   

一百年前,美国曾有一片茂密的凯巴伯森林,在那里大约生活着4000只鹿,同时也生活着约6000只狼。为了保护森林中的鹿,当时的美国总统便下令将可能对鹿的生存产生威胁的狼全部捕杀。然而,事与愿违,若干年后森林濒临消失,鹿也面临灭绝,是什么原因导致如此结局呢? 原来,天敌狼被消灭,鹿便生活在一个平静、安全、优越的环境之中,于是数量剧增,食量的加大导致森林大量被毁,最终使鹿群陷入消亡的境地。其实,狼不仅控制了鹿的数量,还  相似文献   

Audet  A  遂天 《交通环保》1995,16(6):42-44
1990年10月16日,油轮Rio Orinoco在加拿大圣劳伦湾的Anticosti岛附近触礁溢出燃油约200吨。大多数油污漂流及Anticost岛的海滩上,该岛是一个良好的狩猎和渔业养殖区,岛上养有10万多头鹿和种类繁多的海鸟,是鹿群和海鸟理想和栖息地。  相似文献   

李宜蓁 《环境》2004,(7):20-21
当年郑成功登陆台湾的鹿耳门,原本是历史的光荣据点,如今这里的居民却活在废弃的安顺碱厂毒物阴影中。  相似文献   

由中国环境科学出版社出版的<麋鹿回故乡>一书是由湖北省天鹅洲麇鹿自然保护区原主任戴居华根据本人任职期间保护麋鹿的亲身经历编写的.全书共分为重引进、回故乡、复野生、显困难、迎和谐5章,主要内容是写人工驯养麇鹿回归大自然以及麋鹿保护区如何成立的故事:麋鹿重引进的背景;麋鹿在石首天鹅洲恢复野生、回归大自然的表现;人们为此做出的努力以及作者的亲历亲为、所见所闻、所思所盼.  相似文献   

1906年以前,美国北亚利桑纳州的凯巴伯森林还是一片葱绿,生机勃勃。美丽的鹿在林间嬉戏。但鹿群的后面,往往跟着凶残的狼,它们总在寻找机会对鹿下毒手。凯巴伯森林大约有4000只鹿,它们时刻要提防狼的暗算。鹿的忧患,不知怎的让美国总统西奥多·罗斯福知道了。他恨透了狼。他一面宣布凯巴伯森林为全国狩猎保护地,一面由政府雇请猎人到那里去消灭狼。好心好意的罗斯福,希望鹿在他的保护下,变得越来越多。  相似文献   

正保护濒危物种是一场与时间赛跑的救援。多年来,中国建立起从中央到地方甚至到乡一级的保护体系,经过多年保护和繁育,一些物种从濒危甚至几近灭绝的状态,开始恢复生机,可谓"死去活来"。麋鹿:从绝迹到恢复野生种群麋鹿原产于长江中下游沼泽地带,头似马、角似鹿、尾似驴、蹄似牛,人称"四不像"。它们逃避敌害的能力差,易被捕杀;仅采食禾本科及  相似文献   

坡鹿,海南人视为“仙鹿”。它生活在沿海稀树草坡平原地区,身穿带白色梅花点的黄袍,像梅花鹿,但其角尖指向前部,与梅花鹿的角尖向后相反。平时和牛一样在草地上悠闲地吃草,一旦受惊即四蹄生烟,能跳过丈把高的灌木丛,跃过十多米宽的鸿沟,像仙鹿那样腾云驾雾遁去。坡鹿全身是宝。人吃了坡鹿的骨、肉、血或各器官组织,就能爬山不喘气,下海不怕冷。吃到鹿茸,更会精神百倍,龙精虎猛。故  相似文献   

何军 《沿海环境》2001,(2):17-17
有关专家说,野生动物体内含有各种病毒, 还携带各种寄生虫,吃野生动物会得出血热、鹦鹉热、兔热等疾病,这些病因少见,对人体危害很大,有一些病如狂犬病目前还是不治之症。 随着人们生活水平的提高,野味成了宾馆、饭店招揽生意的招牌,蛇、鹿肉甚至连蝗虫、甲壳虫等都成了尝鲜人口中的佳肴。然而,这些餐桌上的美味没有经过卫生检疫就进了灶房,染疫的野生动物对人体构成了极大的危害。据东北林业大学野生动物资源学院邹兴淮介绍,野生动物在野外除死于天敌外,有相当一部分是死于各种疾病,如鹿的结核病患病率就不低,而且,野生动物…  相似文献   

居民生活垃圾及生活污水产生量的影响因素通径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过构建多元通径分析模型,定量分析中国各地区人口总数、生产总值、居民消费水平和生活供水用水量对生活垃圾清运量和生活污水排放量的直接影响和间接影响。结果表明各地区的生产总值对生活垃圾清运量的直接影响最大。生活用水供水量也对生活垃圾的清运量有一定的直接影响,居民消费水平和人口总数几乎没有直接影响。人口总数对垃圾清运量的间接影响最大,居民生活用水供水量、居民消费水平、地区生产总值对于垃圾清运量都具有不同程度的间接影响。生活用水供水量对生活污水排放量影响最大,地区生产总值和居民消费水平对生活污水排放量也有一定的直接影响,而人口总数几乎没有直接影响。人口总数对生活污水排放量的间接影响最大,其次是地区生产总值、居民消费水平和生活用水供水量对污水排放量也有间接影响。  相似文献   

南宁市主要以堆肥和填埋方式处理生活垃圾,由于二次污染而对外界环境造成影响,应尺快实现堆肥,焚烧,填埋有机融合的“三合一”生活垃圾综合处理工程,逐步实现生活垃圾处理无害化,减变化,资源化的目标。  相似文献   

Wild house mouse populations have been suggested to locally adapt to varying dispersal regimes by expressing divergent aggressivity phenotypes. This conjecture implies, first, genetic polymorphism for dispersive strategies which is supported by the finding of heritable variation for male dispersal tendency in feral house mice. Secondly, aggressivity is assumed to translate into dispersal rates. This speculation is reinforced by experimental evidence showing that non-agonistic males display lower dispersal propensity than same-aged males that have established agonistic dominance. However, the actual ontogenetic behavioural pattern and its variability among populations remain unknown. Hence, in this study the timing of agonistic onset is quantified within laboratory-reared fraternal pairs, and compared between descendants from two different feral populations. Males from the two populations (G and Z) differed strongly in agonistic development, as Z fraternal pairs had a 50% risk of agonistic onset before 23.5±2.7 days of age, while this took 57.3±5.4 days in males from population G. This difference coincided with significant genetic differentiation between the males of the two populations as determined by 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers. Furthermore, in population G, males from agonistic and amicable fraternal pairs exhibited significant genetic differentiation. These results corroborate the supposition of genetic variability for dispersive strategies in house mice, and identify the ontogenetic timing of agonistic phenotype development as the potential basis for genetic differentiation. This opens a unique opportunity to study the genetic determination of a complex mammalian behavioural syndrome in a life history context, using a simple laboratory paradigm.  相似文献   

室内环境质量的好坏直接影响人的健康。随着人类物质生活的提高,装修中有机物污染的普遍性与严重性已经达到令人震惊的程度。一些有机物无色无味令人难以察觉,不易监测,但其对人体的危害却非常可怕。家装中有机物污染已经成为社会关注的问题。  相似文献   

报道了昆明市开展温室气体自动监测试点以来的温室气体浓度变化情况,采用了2009年和2010年昆明市二氧化碳(CO2)、甲烷(CH4)和氧化亚氮(N2O)的小时、日、月和年平均数据,通过对日、月和年内变化的初步分析,对昆明市三种温室气体的浓度变化进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

Because of the pronounced seasonal variation in the indoor levels of Rn concentration, it is necessary to make measurements over the entire period to arrive at an average of annual dose to the occupants. This paper gives the results of a study made on the seasonal variation of indoor Rn and its progeny concentration in a house in Bombay. It has been observed that the indoor Rn concentration follows a specific trend of seasonal variation. An average annual effective dose equivalent of 0.48 mSv has been estimated for the occupants of the house.  相似文献   

This paper examines the energy and carbon balance of two residential house alternatives; a typical wood frame home using more conventional materials (brick cladding, vinyl windows, asphalt shingles, and fibreglass insulation) and a similar wood frame house that also maximizes wood use throughout (cedar shingles and siding, wood windows, and cellulose insulation) in place of the more typical materials used – a wood-intensive house. Carbon emission and fossil fuel consumption balances were established for the two homes based on the cumulative total of three subsystems: (1) forest harvesting and regeneration; (2) cradle-to-gate product manufacturing, construction, and replacement effects over a 100-year service life; and (3) end-of-life effects – landfilling with methane capture and combustion or recovery of biomass for energy production.The net carbon balance of the wood-intensive house showed a complete offset of the manufacturing emissions by the credit given to the system for forest re-growth. Including landfill methane emissions, the wood-intensive life cycle yielded 20 tons of CO2e emissions compared to 72 tons for the typical house. The wood-intensive home's life cycle also consumed only 45% of the fossil fuels used in the typical house.Diverting wood materials from the landfill at the end of life improved the life cycle balances of both the typical and wood-intensive houses. The carbon balance of the wood-intensive house was 5.2 tons of CO2e permanently removed from the atmosphere (a net carbon sink) as compared to 63.4 of total CO2e emissions for the typical house. Substitution of wood fuel for natural gas and coal in electricity production led to a net energy balance of the wood-intensive house that was nearly neutral, 87.1 GJ energy use, 88% lower than the scenario in which the materials were landfilled.Allocating biomass generation and carbon sequestration in the forest on an economic basis as opposed to a mass basis significantly improves the life cycle balances of both houses. Employing an economic allocation method to the forest leads to 3–5 times greater carbon sequestration and fossil fuel substitution attributable to the house, which is doubled in forestry regimes that remove stumps and slash as fuel. Thus, wood use has the potential to create a significantly negative carbon footprint for a house up to the point of occupancy and even offset a portion of heating and cooling energy use and carbon emissions; the wood-intensive house is energy and carbon neutral for 34–68 years in Ottawa and has the potential to be a net carbon sink and energy producer in a more temperate climate like San Francisco.  相似文献   

As with many farmland bird species, the house sparrow Passer domesticus is declining in Europe, mainly due to intensification of agriculture reducing nest sites and food supplies. During 2002–2005, we studied the population size and nest site characteristics of house sparrows breeding within white stork Ciconia ciconia nests in a large area of agricultural landscape within western Poland. To explain sparrow density within stork nests, we examined characteristics of white stork nests (position, age, productivity) and the farm type around the nest. House sparrow density was greatest in the longest established (and hence larger) white stork nests located on traditionally managed farms. Two recent changes appear to have adverse effects on house sparrows. The first is the intensification of farming and the second is active management of white stork nests on electric poles to reduce nest size and thus avoid both disruption to the electrical supply and electrocution of white storks. Because the white stork has such a high profile in Poland, there are numerous schemes to conserve and enhance this species. In conclusion, we clearly show that protecting one species can have valuable, although unplanned, benefits to another species of conservation interest, the house sparrow.  相似文献   

暗河式生活垃圾干发酵处理研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
提出了生活垃圾的暗河式干发酵处理研究及其工艺设想。经实验证明这种处理方法的优点是垃圾处理量大、垃圾可以得到及时即地处理、占用土地少等。是一种较理想的垃圾处理新思路  相似文献   

根据城市生态住区水资源利用特点,在生态住区采用人工湿地技术实现中水回用、湖水水质保持、雨水利用及面源污染治理等功能,为住区生态建设开辟新途径。  相似文献   

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