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Costa Rica is internationally recognized for its abundant biodiversity and being a leader in the promotion of education strategies for biodiversity conservation. We interviewed staff from 16 institutions developing key environmental communication, education, and participation projects for biodiversity conservation in the country. Through content analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis and Chi-square tests, we examined the characteristics of the projects carried out by these institutions and developed a typology of four categories derived from six variables: primary audience, content, project purpose, location, scale, and facility. Then, we designed a conceptual model describing the integration of conservation and economic development in the educational projects. We found two key approaches related to this integration: vision of nature protection which aims to inform audiences of ecological concepts and focuses on schoolchildren and vision of sustainability which engages adult audiences and is management-oriented. Education for community-based environmental management may serve as a good example of educational projects which integrate conservation and economic development, implementing a vision of sustainability.  相似文献   

The idea of sustainability is intrinsically normative. Thus, understanding the role of normativity in sustainability discourses is crucial for further developing sustainability science. In this article, we analyze three important documents that aim to advance sustainability and explore how they organize norms in relation to sustainability. The three documents are: the Pope’s Encyclical Laudato Si’, the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. We show that understanding the role of different types of norms in the three documents can help understand normative features of both scientific and non-scientific sustainability discourses. We present the diverse system of norms in a model that interrelates three different levels: macro, meso, and micro. Our model highlights how several processes affect the normative orientation of nations and societies at the meso-level in different ways. For instance, individual ethical norms at the micro-level, such as personal responsibility, may help decelerate unsustainable consumerism at the aggregate meso-level. We also show that techno-scientific norms at the macro-level representing global indicators for sustainability may accelerate innovations. We suggest that our model can help better organize normative features of sustainability discourses and, therefore, to contribute to the further development of sustainability science.  相似文献   

Sustainability challenges rarely align with the conventional boundaries of our disciplines, institutions and means of communication. To address these challenges amid real-world complexity, we need to think holistically and collaborate across disciplines. In this paper, we synthesise three themes: (1) more integrated conceptual frameworks; (2) digital visual communication which provides fluid expression of complex ideas and perceptions; and (3) online networks which can empower sustainability initiatives and communicate them across social and institutional barriers at a global scale. Each of these tools can help to overcome persistent barriers to sustainability. When used together, they provide a strategic basis for the design of digital collaboration platforms for addressing sustainability challenges. Using design thinking, we developed a Synergy Map which identifies relationships among a number of barriers to sustainability and conceptual and digital tools which help to address them. The Map identifies the potential for synthesising these tools into effective digital artefacts. We provide several examples and identify characteristics of particular value for overcoming barriers to sustainability. Combining new theoretical developments in sustainability sciences with recent advances in communication and networking technologies offers substantial potential for advancing sustainability on multiple fronts.  相似文献   

The linear increment of Sphagnum fuscum and S. magellanicum in ombrotrophic mires of Western Siberia has been measured during two years over a transect about 2500 km long extending from forest–steppe to forest–tundra. Along the latitudinal gradient, the increment of both species has proved to be correlated with annual average air temperature and, in S. magellanicum, also with annual precipitation. The determinants of their growth differ between the southern, central, and northern parts of the study region. At the regional level, the annual and summer precipitation plays a more important role than the average air temperature. The increment of S. fuscum in the southern part is positively correlated with the amount of precipitation and negatively correlated with summer temperature, whereas the situation in the central part is inverse. In S. magellanicum, the linear increment is directly dependent on the annual average temperature and annual and summer precipitation in the south and on the annual and summer precipitation in the north of Western Siberia. The dynamics of linear growth of both species in bog pine forests during the growing season are similar: its rate is the highest in June, when the linear increment of S. fuscum and S. magellanicum amounts to 60 and 85% of the annual total, respectively.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of interactions between two amphipod species (Gmelinoides fasciatus and Gammarus lacustris) showed that predation is the basic mechanism accounting for their mutual exclusion in nature. Mortality from predation among similar-sized specimens of both species at an equal abundance ratio was similar (24–25% in G. lacustris and 27–30% in G. fasciatus). The displacement of G. lacustris by G. fasciatus was observed when the latter was dominant. Adult G. fasciatus and G. lacustris successfully preyed on juveniles of their competitors and did not differ significantly in daily food consumption as a percentage of body weight: 6–24% at a fresh body weight of 18–24 mg in both species. The potential for rapid population growth under new conditions contributed to the success of the invasive Baikal species G. fasciatus in displacing G. lacustris from many water bodies of Russia.  相似文献   

In the Gurbantunggut Desert of Northwestern China, we surveyed the population structure and regeneration characteristics of six Haloxylon ammodendron plantations based on chronosequencing. The results showed that the age class of an individual H. ammodendron plant from youngest to oldest showed growth potential under the present environment. The optimal termination stage of H. ammodendron occurred at 20 years of age, which was accompanied by a regeneration phase at 17 years. The H. ammodendron plantations started to regenerate after 7 years. The maximal height and basal stem diameter of a grade III seedling reached 1.2 m and 1.9 cm in a 17-year-old plantation. In a 33-year-old plantation, the transformation rate of the seedling from grade I to grade III increased up to 92.3%. Although the seedling bank was plentiful in the plantations, the replenishment of the canopy was not continuous and timely. Therefore, measures to further the stability and sustainability of H. ammodendron plantation were necessary.  相似文献   

It is shown that the basidiocarps of many wood-decomposing fungi are inhabited by taxonomically and biomorphologically various eukaryotic (Charophyta, Chlorophyta, and Ochrophyta) and prokaryotic (Cyanophyta/Cyanobacteria) algae. They represent widespread eurybiont species and do not include any specialized mycetobionts. The communities formed by them have a host preference and green algae are their basic and obligate component, while other organisms are facultative components. Basidiocarps in which mycetobionts include heterocytic cyanoprokaryotes (Anabaena sp., Calothrix parietina, Hassallia byssoidea, Nostoc commune, N. punctiforme, Nostoc sp., and Scytonema ocellatum) are capable of molecular nitrogen fixation. Its activity is 0.044–0.903 mg of C2H4/m2/h in the basidiocarps of Bjerkandera adusta, Cerrena unicolor, Gloeophyllum sepiarium, and Trametes ochracea and 0.001–0.008 mg of C2H4/m2/h in the basidiocarps of Onnia leporina, Phellinus chrysoloma, Ph. tremulae, and Trametes pubescens. Basidiocarps without algae and those inhabited only by eukaryotic algae have no nitrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic methods (AFLP and ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 rDNA analysis) have been used to study the level and structure of genetic diversity in relict populations of the Ural endemic Gypsophila uralensis Less. in the northeast of European Russia. Intraspecific genetic differentiation is most clearly manifested between G. uralensis Less. subsp. pinegensis (Perf.) Kamelin locally endemic to the north of Europe (Arkhangelsk oblast, locus classicus) the population of G. uralensis Less. subsp. uralensis on limestone outcrops along the Shchugor River, the Subpolar Urals. The cluster of Timan populations (on limestone outcrops along the Svetlaya, Pizhma, and Myla rivers) is autonomous and genetically heterogeneous. Genetic distances between model G. uralensis s.l. populations are correlated with geographic distances. The size and abundance of relict populations show a descending gradient in the forest zone, and parameters of their genetic diversity [1] and unbiased expected heterozygosity have been found to decrease along this gradient.  相似文献   

The taxonomic diversity of the Hirudinea fauna and its dependence on the ecological conditions in the Bukhtarma Reservoir (Eastern Kazakhstan) have been studied. The morphological analysis has shown that these leeches belong to two orders and three families: Rhynchobdellida (families Glossiphoniidae and Piscicolidae) and Arhynchobdellida (family Erpobdellidae). On the whole, eight leech species from five genera (Alboglossiphonia, Helobdella, Theromyzon, Piscicola, and Erpobdella) have been identified. Among them, there are three glossiphoniid species (A. heteroclite, H. stagnalis, and T. tessulatum), two species of piscicolids (Piscicola geometra and Piscicola sp.), and three species of predatory leeches (E. octoculata, E. vilnensis, and Erpobdella sp.). Possible effects of hydrochemical parameters of the aquatic environment on the species diversity have been analyzed. Correlation has been revealed between the abundance of species and the physical and chemical characteristics of the environment.  相似文献   

The level of genetic diversity of 13 Chinese populations of S. rostratum was investigated using nine microsatellite loci. The genetic diversity of the Weisanlu population in Hebei province was the highest and the Hohhot population was the lowest. The genetic differentiation among the populations was highly significant (P < 0.001). A total of 68.54% of the total genetic variation of population was within populations, and the genetic variation between populations accounted for 31.46%. The long-distance dispersal of its seeds by human transport mainly resulted in the rapid dispersal of S. rostratum in China.  相似文献   

The isotope ratios δ13C and δ15N and the contents of nitrogen, carbon, and mineral substances have been studied in the leaves of Ephedra sinica, Allium polyrhizum, and Stipa glareosa plants growing separately or together under arid conditions of the Gobi (Mongolia). The contents of nitrogen, mineral substances, and δ15N have proved to decrease when these species grow together, providing evidence that they compete for environmental resources. The nitrogen content decreases to the greatest extent in E. sinica due to the low competitiveness of this species. The direction of change in δ13C in E. sinica is opposite to that in A. polyrhizum and S. glareosa. Differences in physiological mechanisms of adaptation to stress between these species provides a basis for attributing them to different functional groups and for predicting the result of their competition upon changes in climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Basic climatic parameters (annual average air temperature and annual amount of precipitation) over 12–25 years have been analyzed with regard to their values corresponding to different levels of abundance in three species of forest voles: Clethrionomys glareolus (in 11 areas of the species range), Cl. rutilus, and Cl. rufocanus (in three areas each). The results show that the abundance of all these species correlates significantly with fluctuations of annual average temperature, with the correlation being negative in Cl. glareolus and Cl. rufocanus but positive in Cl. rutilus. In addition, the abundance of Cl. rufocanus shows a significant correlation with annual precipitation. Voles inhabiting different geographic regions may reach high abundance under different conditions. As for the species range as a whole, however, Cl. glareolus is more ecologically flexible than the other two voles. This species is also more warmth- and moisture-loving, while Cl. rufocanus is more cold-loving and xerophilous, with Cl. rutilus occupying an intermediate position between them. Clethrionomys rutilus is most temperature-dependent and stenothermic among them, whereas Cl. glareolus is indifferent to the factors studied.  相似文献   

The remnants of chironomid larvae from layers of the 10-cm-thick bottom sediment in Lake Oron have been studied. Six taxons unknown in the current chironomid fauna of the lake have been identified: Abiskomyia rivalis, Corynoneura arctica-type, Mesocricotopus thienemanni, Metriocnemus eurynotus-type, Nanocladius rectinervis-type, and Robackia pilicauda. The most probable reasons for the disappearance of these species from the Oron fauna, which are related to environmental changes caused by global climate changes, are considered.  相似文献   

Eomecon chionantha Hance, the only species in the genus Eomecon, is an angiosperm species endemic to China. Here we investigated the pollination syndrome, pollinator generalization of E. chionantha. Our results showed that the individual flower longevity of E. chionantha was 3–5 days. The flowering phenology of E. chionantha can be divided into five phases. We found significant differences in the pollination efficiency of the different insects visiting E. chionantha with bees and flies being the most efficient pollinators. This, in addition to floral morphology and phenology, suggests that E. chionantha is generalized on bees and flies and possesses an outcrossing, partially self-compatible and pollinator-dependent breeding system.  相似文献   

This paper documents zootherapeutic practices in Northeast Brazil. It is primarily based on field surveys carried out in fishing villages located in the States of Maranhão and Paraíba, where dwellers provided information on snake species used as medicine, body parts used to prepare the remedies, and the illnesses to which the remedies were prescribed. The species used as medicinal drug and their respective families were: Crotalus durissus (rattlesnake), Bothrops leucurus (‘lance head’, a venomous snake), and Lachesis muta (bushmaster) of the family Crotalidae; and Boa constrictor (boa constrictor), Epicrates cenchria (‘salamanta’), and Eunectes murinus (anaconda) of the family (Boidae). These zootherapeutical resources were used for the cure of 14 illnesses. The most commonly cited species were Crotalus durissus (n=26) e Boa constrictor (n=6), Apparently, the medicinal use of snakes does not pose a threat for their population in the studied sites.  相似文献   

While adaptation has received a fair amount of attention in the climate change debate, barriers to adaptation are the focus of a more specific, recent discussion. In this discussion, such barriers are generally treated as having a uniform, negative impact on all actors. However, we argue that the precise nature and impact of such barriers on different actors has so far been largely overlooked. Our study of two drought-prone communities in rural Ethiopia sets out to examine how female- and male-headed households adapt to climate change, particularly focusing on how a variety of barriers influence the choice of adaptation measures to varying extents. To this purpose, we built a conceptual framework based on the Sustainable Livelihood Approach. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with male- and female-headed households, community leaders and local extension workers. Our findings suggest that gender-based differences in the choice of adaptation measures at the household level are driven by cultural, social, financial and institutional barriers. Barriers to adaptation—particularly when interacting—have a differentiated impact upon different actors. This outcome hints at the need for donors and policymakers to develop intervention strategies that are sensitive to this fact.  相似文献   

Specific ecological features of trees (Chosenia arbutifolia and Betula lanata) and shrubs (Pinus pumila and Duschekia fruticosa) at the northern limit of their distribution are compared. New biomorphological adaptations of these species under extreme conditions are described.  相似文献   

General biological issues related to the formation and functioning of aquatic invertebrate consortia around Dreissena or Dreissena + Anodonta mollusks in shallow areas of an artificial eutrophic lake are considered. The environment-forming role of Dreissena in assembling the groups of companion (consort) species is shown.  相似文献   

Microbiomes were analyzed in samples of the major soil types of Russia and Western Kazakhstan region from different plant communities (fallow, forest, agrophytocenosis). The representatives of 42 bacterial and 2 archaeal phyla were identified in the samples, among which the dominant positions were occupied by representatives of ten phyla: nine bacterial (Actinobacteria (33.5%), Proteobacteria (28.4%), Acidobacteria (8.3%), Verrucomicrobia (7.7%), Bacteroidetes (4.2%), Chloroflexi (3.0%), Gemmatimonadetes (2.3%), Firmicutes (2.1%), Planctomycetes (2.0%)) and one archaeal Crenarchaeota (2.6%). Data analysis by the methods of multivariate statistics suggests that the taxonomic structure of microbiota is formed under the action of two main factors: the strongest factor is soil acidity, which determines the dynamics of the microbiome at the level of major taxa such as phylum, and the weaker factor is the type of vegetation, which determines the community structure at lower taxonomic level (order, family, genus). Detailed analysis of the samples of podzolic soil in Leningrad Region made it possible to identify bacterial taxa specifically associated both with the type of biome (fallow, forest, agrophytocenosis) and with the specific plant community (specific composition of plant synusia).  相似文献   

The functioning of two foci of helminth diseases caused by trematodes Apophallus muehlingi and Rossicotrema donicum has been studied in the Volga Delta. The origin of these foci is related to the expansion of species ranges of Lithoglyphus snails, intermediate hosts of trematodes. Introduced mammal species, the raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides and American mink Mustela vision, are involved in the circulation of the invasion.  相似文献   

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