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In China, although improvements to the pesticide registration process have beenmade in last thirty years, no occupational exposure data are required to obtain a commercial license for a pesticide product. Consequently, notably little research has been conducted to establish an exposure assessment procedure in China. The present study monitored the potential dermal operator exposure from knapsack electric sprayer wheat field application of imidacloprid in Liaocheng City, Shandong Province and in Xinxiang City, Henan Province, China, using whole-body dosimetry. The potential inhalation exposure was determined using a personal air pump and XAD-2 sample tubes. The analytical method was developed and validated, including such performance parameters as limits of detection and quantification, linear range, recovery and precision. The total potential dermal and inhalation exposures were 14.20, 16.80, 15.39 and 20.78 mL/hr, respectively, for the four operators in Liaocheng and Xinxiang, corresponding to 0.02% to 0.03% of the applied volume of spray solution. In all trials, the lower part (thigh, lower leg) of the body was the most contaminated, accounting for approximately 76% to 88% of the total exposure. The inhalation exposure was less than 1% of the total exposure. Such factors as the application pattern, crop type, spray equipment, operator experience and climatic conditions have been used to explain the exposure distribution over the different parts of the body. As indicated by the calculated Margin of Exposure, the typical wheat treatment scenarios when a backpack sprayer was used are considered to be safe in terms of imidacloprid exposure.  相似文献   

Imidacloprid is one of the most commonly used insecticides in agricultural practice, and its application poses a potential risk for soil microorganisms. The objective of this study was to assess whether changes in the structure of the soil microbial community after imidacloprid application at the field rate (FR, 1 mg/kg soil) and 10 times the FR (10× FR, 10 mg/kg soil) may also have an impact on biochemical and microbial soil functioning. The obtained data showed a negative effect by imidacloprid applied at the FR dosage for substrate-induced respiration (SIR), the number of total bacteria, dehydrogenase (DHA), both phosphatases (PHOS-H and PHOS-OH), and urease (URE) at the beginning of the experiment. In 10× FR treated soil, decreased activity of SIR, DHA, PHOS-OH and PHOS-H was observed over the experimental period. Nitrifying and N2-fixing bacteria were the most sensitive to imidacloprid. The concentration of NO3- decreased in both imidacloprid-treated soils, whereas the concentration of NH4+ in soil with 10× FR was higher than in the control. Analysis of the bacterial growth strategy revealed that imidacloprid affected the r- or K-type bacterial classes as indicated also by the decreased eco-physiological (EP) index. Imidacloprid affected the physiological state of culturable bacteria and caused a reduction in the rate of colony formation as well as a prolonged time for growth. Principal component analysis showed that imidacloprid application significantly shifted the measured parameters, and the application of imidacloprid may pose a potential risk to the biochemical and microbial activity of soils.  相似文献   

Imidacloprid is one of the most commonly used insecticides in agricultural practice, and its application poses a potential risk for soil microorganisms. The objective of this study was to assess whether changes in the structure of the soil microbial community after imidacloprid application at the field rate(FR, 1 mg/kg soil) and 10 times the FR(10 × FR, 10 mg/kg soil)may also have an impact on biochemical and microbial soil functioning. The obtained data showed a negative effect by imidacloprid applied at the FR dosage for substrate-induced respiration(SIR), the number of total bacteria, dehydrogenase(DHA), both phosphatases(PHOS-H and PHOS-OH), and urease(URE) at the beginning of the experiment. In 10 × FR treated soil, decreased activity of SIR, DHA, PHOS-OH and PHOS-H was observed over the experimental period. Nitrifying and N2-fixing bacteria were the most sensitive to imidacloprid. The concentration of NO3-decreased in both imidacloprid-treated soils,whereas the concentration of NH4+in soil with 10 × FR was higher than in the control.Analysis of the bacterial growth strategy revealed that imidacloprid affected the r- or K-type bacterial classes as indicated also by the decreased eco-physiological(EP) index.Imidacloprid affected the physiological state of culturable bacteria and caused a reduction in the rate of colony formation as well as a prolonged time for growth. Principal component analysis showed that imidacloprid application significantly shifted the measured parameters, and the application of imidacloprid may pose a potential risk to the biochemical and microbial activity of soils.  相似文献   

Household air pollution is considered to be among the top environmental risks in China.To examine the performance of improved stoves for reduction of indoor particulate matter(PM) emission and exposure in rural households, individual inhalation exposure to size-resolved PM was investigated using personal portable samplers carried by residents using wood gasifier stoves or improved coal stoves in a rural county in Central China.Concentrations of PM with different sizes in stationary indoor and outdoor air were also monitored at paired sites. The stationary concentrations of size-resolved PM in indoor air were greater than those in outdoor air, especially finer particles PM0.25. The daily averaged exposure concentrations of PM0.25, PM1.0, PM2.5 and total suspended particle for all the surveyed residents were 74.4 ± 41.1, 159.3 ± 74.3, 176.7 ± 78.1 and 217.9 ± 78.1 μg/m3,respectively. Even using the improved stoves, the individual exposure to indoor PM far exceeded the air quality guideline by WHO at 25 μg/m3. Submicron particles PM1.0 were the dominant PM fraction for personal exposure and indoor and outdoor air. Personal exposure exhibited a closer correlation with indoor PM concentrations than that for outdoor concentrations. Both inhalation exposure and indoor air PM concentrations in the rural households with gasifier firewood stoves were evidently lower than the reported results using traditional firewood stoves. However, local governments in the studied rural areas should exercise caution when widely and hastily promoting gasifier firewood stoves in place of improved coal stoves, due to the higher PM levels in indoor and outdoor air and personal inhaled exposure.  相似文献   

The direct and sensitized photodegradations of imidacloprid, 1-(6-chloro-3-pyridinylmethyl)-N-nitro-2-imidazolidinimine, were investigated in aqueous solution and with and without various photo-sensitizers. Results of the study revealed that the intensity of lamp-house and irradiation wavelength had significant effects on the photolysis of imidacloprid. Complete degradation of 20 mg/L imidacloprid in aqueous phase was observed in 40 min under ultraviolet(UV) irradiation system, suggesting the ultraviolet ray played significant role in direct photolysis of imidacloprid. The additions of various photo-sensitizers lead to improve the degradation efficiency of imidacloprid under the irradiation of black light fluorescent lamp. TiO2 was the most efficient in the photo-catalytic degradation of imidacloprid among other photo-sensitizers in used this study. However, addition of acetone inhibited the photolysis of imidacloprid under the irradiation of UV, indicating the occurrence of competition between acetone and imidacloprid for photos. Mineralization of the imidacloprid was examined to clarify the final photochemical degradation products of the insecticide which were CO2, CI^- and NO3^-. Complete photo-oxidation of nitrogen to NO3^- occurred very slowlyvia the intermediate formation of NH4^ and NO2^- .  相似文献   

电子垃圾的不规范拆解易造成较严重的有机物、重金属等污染排放.在政府西部大开发战略(WDS)的推动下,电子垃圾回收产业从东部地区向西部地区的转移势必会对西部地区生态环境造成一定的负面影响.本文以西部近年新建的某规模化电子垃圾拆解厂为研究对象,于2016年冬季采集了该厂拆解车间室内外及上风向对照区大气气相、颗粒相(PM_(1.0)、PM_(2.5)、PM_(10))共100个样品,对电子垃圾拆解活动造成的32种PCBs的排放污染水平和特征进行了观测研究,并基于该观测数据对规模化拆解厂的职业环境空气呼吸暴露风险进行了评估.结果表明,拆解车间内外及农家对照点空气中32种PCBs总浓度(∑_(32)PCBs)(气相+颗粒相)范围为0.36~806.65 pg·m~(-3),均值为28.00 pg·m~(-3),总体呈现低氯代(二至四氯)PCBs浓度较高的特征;拆解作业车间内电子垃圾拆解活动导致的PCBs排放主要赋存于颗粒相中(65%),而车间外及农家对照点空气中的PCBs主要分配于气相,分别占比72%和94%;颗粒相PCBs在车间内外的分布特征表现为:四氯PCBs中PCB52、PCB49在PM_(1.0)中的浓度百分比较高,而其他PCBs主要分布在PM_(10)中.车间内外空气中四氯PCBs(气相+颗粒相)浓度最高,三氯PCBs浓度次之,推测主要源于电子垃圾拆解的生产排放;而对照点含有更高的二氯PCBs同族体,初步推测主要来源于上风向外区域PCBs的大气长距离迁移.采样期间规模化拆解厂车间内职业环境空气的呼吸暴露致癌风险(9.62×10~(-12))低于美国EPA的规定限值1.0×10~(-6),处于可接受水平.说明我国对电子垃圾产业的规模化建厂、规范化拆解作业及按环保要求的规范化管理措施对于拆解作业环境的保护、职业工人的健康保护具有积极的作用.但规模化拆解产业依然会带来一定程度的污染物排放,从而对周边环境带来生态风险及存在潜在的职业健康风险.  相似文献   

金坛地区五氯酚的人体暴露评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以五氯酚及其钠盐(统称为PCP)为研究对象,选择曾长期使用五氯酚钠杀灭钉螺的江苏省金坛地区为研究区域,使用膳食暴露模型计算评价了当地居民的人体暴露水平.结果表明,该地区成年人日均PCP摄入量最高值为8μg·d-1,该值低于世界卫生组织推荐的每日允许摄入量180μg·d-1;饮水和植物类食物是人体摄入PCP的主要途径,分别占总摄入量的42%和39%.此外,不确定性分析表明,模式运算结果呈偏态分布,偏度、峰度系数分别为3.51和19.7.  相似文献   

利用主动观测技术对宁东能源化工基地大气PM2.5、PM1.0和气相中的PAHs浓度水平、族谱特征、时空分布及来源进行研究,并基于该观测数据对居民呼吸暴露健康风险进行评估.结果表明,宁东基地大气PM2.5、PM1.0及气相中∑16PAHs浓度范围分别为:17.95~325.12ng/m3、12.66~311.96ng/m3和26.33~97.88ng/m3,年均浓度分别为(99.42±117.48)ng/m3、(78.88±100.58)ng/m3和(57.89±47.39)ng/m3.宝丰基地冬夏季大气PM2.5、PM1.0和气相中∑16PAHs浓度水平均明显高于英力特;宝丰和英力特基地冬季大气PM2.5、PM1.0中∑16PAHs浓度水平均明显高于夏季浓度.宁东基地大气中∑16PAHs的浓度水平要高于国内外其他城市,大气PAHs污染较为严重.源解析表明夏季宁东基地PAHs的主要排放源是工业煤燃烧和机动车尾气,冬季则主要来自工业煤燃烧和木材、薪柴等生物质燃烧排放.宁东基地人群暴露于大气PAHs可能会造成平均冬季每百万人中约有33~2628人罹患癌症,夏季每百万人中约有11~834人罹患癌症的风险.  相似文献   

IntroductionTechnologytransfer,orextension(atthelocallevel),istheprocessofmovinginnovationsfromtheirorigintotheirpointofoperation.Innovationsmayincludescientificandtechnicalknowledge,ideas,services,inventionsandproducts.Technologyadoptionistheimpleme…  相似文献   

The Jialu River in China has been seriously polluted by the direct discharge of industrial and domestic wastewater. The predominant contaminants of the Jialu River and its adjacent groundwater were recently investigated. However, the potential genotoxic impact of polluted water on human health remains to be clarified. Here, we used human–hamster hybrid(A_L) cells, which are sensitive for detecting environmental mutagens. We found that the cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of the groundwater in the Jialu River basin were influenced by the infiltration of the Jialu River. Hydrological periods significantly affected the cytotoxicity, but not the mutagenic potential, of surface and groundwater. Further, the mutagenic potential of groundwater samples located 1 km from the Jialu River(S_(M-2) water samples) was detected earlier than that of groundwater samples located approximately 20 km from the Jialu River(S_N water samples). Because of high cytotoxicity, the mutagenic potential of water samples from the Jialu River(S_(M-1) water samples) was not significantly enhanced compared with that of untreated controls. To further assess the mutagenic dispersion potential, an artificial neural network model was adopted. The results showed that the highest mutagenic potential of groundwater was observed approximately 10 km from the Jialu River. Although further investigation of mutagenic spatial dispersion is required, our data are significant for advancing our understanding of the origin, dispersion,and biological effects of water samples from polluted areas.  相似文献   

晏彪  马萍  吴卓  杨旭  武阳 《环境科学学报》2016,36(8):3095-3102
作为"绿色换代产品",邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯(DINP)在全球范围逐渐取代邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己)酯(DEHP)成为聚氯乙烯制品的主要增塑剂.但人体DINP暴露也可能存在健康隐患,故近年来受到越来越多环境科学领域专家的关注.为了探讨DINP皮肤暴露是否对机体有氧化损伤的作用,本研究以Balb/c小鼠为模式生物进行实验,42只雄性Balb/c小鼠随机被分为5个DINP染毒组(0.02、0.2、2、20、200 mg·kg-1)和1个溶剂对照组,每组7只.皮肤染毒28 d后,用所获得的肝和肾组织匀浆测定活性氧自由基(ROS)、丙二醛(MDA)、还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH),用所获得的肝和肾细胞测定DNA-蛋白质交联(DPC)系数,同时观察小鼠背部皮肤的形态变化情况.实验结果表明,随着DINP染毒剂量的升高,脏器系数、ROS和MDA含量及DPC系数逐渐上升,GSH含量逐渐降低,各指标均呈现出一定的剂量-反应关系(p0.05,p0.01).研究表明,较高剂量的DINP(≥20 mg·kg-1)亦可通过皮肤暴露的方式造成小鼠肝脏和肾脏组织细胞的氧化损伤.  相似文献   

用同位素方法评估天津市汽油无铅化进程   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
用同位素技术研究和评估天津市汽油无铅化进程.采用稀酸浸出法处理天津市1994~2001年冬春季节123个玻璃纤维滤膜大气颗粒物样品,测量了大气铅浓度和同位素丰度比(206Pb/207Pb).结果表明,1994~2001年是我国汽油无铅化的重要时段,这期间大气颗粒物样品铅浓度有所下降,铅的同位素丰度比逐渐增加,表征了汽油无铅化进程中汽车尾气的贡献率减少,其他来源的贡献率上升.在汽油无铅化后,我国还应加强对铅污染的综合治理.  相似文献   

通过对我国某汽车铸造厂车间及周边环境中细颗粒物及气相中PCDD/Fs进行采样及分析,初步评估该汽车铸造车间内二 的污染水平,污染特征及车间工作人员的呼吸暴露量.结果表明,(1)该汽车厂车间内二 平均质量浓度为4.18pg/m3,分别是背景区和居民区的22倍和5倍,其中落砂区浓度最高;(2)车间内二 毒性当量浓度平均值为0.282pg I-TEQ/m3,其中镉化区平均水平最高,为0.480pg I-TEQ/m3,但均低于日本环境空气推荐质量标准(0.6pg I-TEQ/m3);(3)车间内不同区域不同劳动强度的个体二 呼吸暴露量为0.02~0.25pg I-TEQ/(kg·d),镉化区工作人员承担最高的二 暴露风险.  相似文献   

准确评估中国森林碳汇潜力与增汇成本的经济可行性,是科学制定碳中和林业行动方案的基础。然而针对中国森林碳汇潜力与增汇成本的不同结果差异明显,可靠性需要进一步验证。为此,基于相关文献,采用Meta分析方法,对中国森林碳汇潜力与增汇成本及其导致差异的原因展开评估。研究表明:(1)中国森林碳汇量呈现不断增长的态势,但不同研究对森林碳汇潜力测度结果存在较大差异。(2)中国森林增汇的平均成本为220.45元/t CO2e(区间值为3.9~1457.02元/t CO2e),与工业减排成本相比,中国森林增汇更具有经济可行性,但波动幅度较大。(3)评估方法采用、碳库数量选择等因素是导致已有森林碳汇潜力文献估计结果差异的关键因素;森林增汇成本差异则主要受碳汇成本测度研究方法、成本收益数据来源等因素影响。(4)中国森林增汇对碳中和的贡献将会持续增加。基于研究结果,提出进一步深化森林碳汇潜力与成本测算相关研究等方面的政策建议。  相似文献   

我国城市垃圾焚烧技术发展方向探讨   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
分析了国内外城市垃圾焚烧处理技术的发展和应用现状以及存在的问题,在分析了国内大城市、沿海地区中小城镇和内地中小城市垃圾焚烧特性的基础上,探讨了适合我国城市垃圾焚烧处理的技术发展方向。   相似文献   

战略环境评价(SEA)在日本已成为政府和地方公共团体实施可持续发展战略的一个重要手段。简要回顾了日本战略环境评价的发展情况,着重介绍了开展战略环境评价的基本指导原则及实施过程中的注意事项。综合日本的实践经验及我国的实际情况。提出了我国开展SEA的几点建议。  相似文献   

A multi-isotope approach and mixing model were combined to identify spatial and seasonal variations of sources,and their proportional contribution to nitrate in the Hutuo River alluvial-pluvial fan region.The results showed that the NO3- concentration was significantly higher in the Hutuo River valley plain(178.7 mg/L) region than that in the upper and central pluvial fans of the Hutuo River(82.1 mg/L and 71.0 mg/L,respectively)and in the river(17.0 mg/L).Different land use...  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to learn about the level of knowledge in Polish industrial organizations about the principles of cleaner production and also to identify some barriers to implementation of cleaner production strategies. In order to gain this information, a special questionnaire with fundamental questions related to environmental attitudes was distributed to various Polish enterprises. The purpose of this paper is to attempt to characterize the state of cleaner production in Poland based on the results of this survey.  相似文献   

吡虫啉在土壤中的吸附及作用机理研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
研究了吡虫啉在土壤中的吸附及作用。结果表明,吡虫啉在土壤中的吸附主要归结于土壤有机质对它的结合,其它因素影响较小,Freundlich常数Kf与OM(%)有较好的相关性;吡虫淋能与腐殖酸作用发生电荷转移,并能与腐殖酸羟基形成氢健。  相似文献   

The electronic waste (e-waste) is increasingly flooding Asia,especially China.E-waste could precipitate a growing volume of toxic input to the local environment if it was not handed properly.This makes the evaluation of environmental impact from electronics an essentially important task for the life cycle assessment (LCA) and the end-of-life management of electronic products.This study presented a quantitative investigation on the environmental performance of typical electronics.Two types of disposed mobile...  相似文献   

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