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漫湾库区生产恢复障碍及其原因   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在对漫湾库区调查的基础上,总结了库区生产恢复现状,认为农业生产相应条件恢复不到位,影响土地的持续利用:土地生产力降低,单一的种植业结构和产业结构,经济林与畜牧养殖业因土地被淹没带来萎缩,渔业、旅游业等缺乏规划和移民的参与,表现出库区移民生活水平相对于远迁移民、全县(省)平均下降了。分析了漫湾库区生产恢复的障碍及其原因,并就生产恢复提出一些建议:(1)提升澜沧江梯级开发水电工程中对移民问题的重视,将漫湾电站纳人中央直属电站范畴,统筹安排移民遗留问题,给予资金支持;(2)重新整体规划漫湾库区的移民安置,控制库区土地人口压力;(3)调整产业结构,促成传统种植业人口向林、牧业,向第二、三产业转移;(4)理顺和明确移民方面的责、权、利关系,将生产恢复问题与安置区地方经济发展问题结合起来考虑;(5)建立公众积极参与的决策体制与决策执行机制。  相似文献   

Half of the seafood consumed globally now comes from aquaculture, or farmed seafood. Aquaculture therefore plays an increasingly important role in the global food system, the environment, and human health. Traditionally, aquaculture feed has contained high levels of wild fish, which is unsustainable for ocean ecosystems as demand grows. The aquaculture industry is shifting to crop-based feed ingredients, such as soy, to replace wild fish as a feed source and allow for continued industry growth. This shift fundamentally links seafood production to terrestrial agriculture, and multidisciplinary research is needed to understand the ecological and environmental health implications. We provide basic estimates of the agricultural resource use associated with producing the top five crops used in commercial aquaculture feed. Aquaculture's environmental footprint may now include nutrient and pesticide runoff from industrial crop production, and depending on where and how feed crops are produced, could be indirectly linked to associated negative health outcomes. We summarize key environmental health research on health effects associated with exposure to air, water, and soil contaminated by industrial crop production. Our review also finds that changes in the nutritional content of farmed seafood products due to altered feed composition could impact human nutrition. Based on our literature reviews and estimates of resource use, we present a conceptual framework describing the potential links between increasing use of crop-based ingredients in aquaculture and human health. Additional data and geographic sourcing information for crop-based ingredients are needed to fully assess the environmental health implications of this trend. This is especially critical in the context of a food system that is using both aquatic and terrestrial resources at unsustainable rates.  相似文献   

采用GIS技术,根据高程、坡度、土壤类型等环境特征,将乌东德水库坝前段消落带分为18种生态类型,并完成了高程图、坡度图和土壤类型图,建立了环境特征和消落带类型的直观联系。然后根据不同的生态类型,提出了4种生态修复模式,并选择了10种植物作为生态修复物种。为其它水库消落带生态修复提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

入世后三峡库区的可持续发展研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
随着三峡工程的兴建,三峡库区的发展基础发生变化,库区的产业结构必然地要有所调整。百万移民促进新的城镇体系的建立。加入WTO对三峡库区的发展产生新的冲击,库区产业结构必须进一步调整。以大力发展林业为主,其次加强牧业的发展,再次大力发展水产养殖业,加强旅游业的发展,最后合理调整农业产业结构,同时要合理调整城镇体系。根据三峡工程和入世对库区的影响,提出三峡库区可持续发展的措施,建议:(1)以市场为导向,立体开发,提高资源利用率和商品率,确可经济的发展;(2)提高人才素质;(3)培养人们的生态价值观;(4)引进先进的科学技术,加强管理、环境保护和生态修复。  相似文献   

富营养浅水湖泊的退化与生态恢复   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
初步讨论了富营养浅水湖泊的退化现象的造成退化的主要原因,对湖泊生态恢复的目标和对策等问题也作了探讨,以武汉东湖为例,提出以水源保护地为主要功能的富营养浅水胡泊的恢复和整体优化对策,即恢复沉水植被、建立控制面源污染的半自然的人工湿地生态系统,优化水产养殖结构和恢复湖泊生物多样性等。对生物操纵在长江中下游富营养浅水湖泊恢复中的作用也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

生态服务价值的评估对于研究人员、政策制定者和公众都有重大意义,而农业生态系统价值往往集中于食物的供给价值,而生态系统的调控服务价值、支持服务价值和文化服务价值往往被忽略。空气调控服务属于生态系统调控服务中的一种,通过按季度检测池塘养殖水体的叶绿素a含量,计算养殖池塘的初级生产力,再以工业制氧法、碳税法和造林成本法估算了常规鱼类池塘养殖生态系统空气调节服务价值。结果表明:常规鱼类池塘养殖生态系统空气调节服务总价值为63 42248 yuan/a〖DK1〗·hm2。考虑到系统内部耗氧和向系统外释放含碳气体导致的价值损失,常规鱼类池塘养殖生态系统空气调节服务总净价值为28 88674 yuan/a〖DK1〗·hm2,其中固碳净价值为 25 46328 yuan/a〖DK1〗·hm2,释放氧气的净价值为3 42346 yuan/a〖DK1〗·hm2。相较44 0221 yuan/a〖DK1〗·hm2的池塘养殖水产品的市场价值,空气调节服务价值超过养殖水产品市场价值的一半以上,表明池塘养殖的生态服务价值对人类社会的贡献不可忽视。研究认为,由于池塘藻类的高增长率,常规水产池塘养殖系统空气调节服务价值高于一些种植业生态系统的空气调节服务价值。  相似文献   

The results of phenetic studies on chum salmon populations from the rivers flowing into Taui and Yama bays, Sea of Okhotsk, are discussed. The heterogeneity of samples with respect to the frequency of a certain phene in females is not necessarily revealed when this frequency is analyzed in males. Statistically significant heterogeneity with respect to phene frequencies is observed in all chum salmon populations, whether the corresponding data are analyzed by years or throughout the observation period. This population heterogeneity is accounted for by specific phenetic features of each chum salmon population, although in different years it manifests itself in the frequencies of different phenes. The phenes distinguished on the head of fish contribute most significantly to interpopulation differences.  相似文献   

Annual global aquaculture production has more than tripled within the past 15 years, and by 2015, aquaculture is predicted to account for 39% of total global seafood production by weight. Given that lack of adequate nutrition is a leading contributor to the global burden of disease, increased food production through aquaculture is a seemingly welcome sign. However, as production surges, aquaculture facilities increasingly rely on the heavy input of formulated feeds, antibiotics, antifungals, and agrochemicals. This review summarizes our current knowledge concerning major chemical, biological and emerging agents that are employed in modern aquaculture facilities and their potential impacts on public health. Findings from this review indicate that current aquaculture practices can lead to elevated levels of antibiotic residues, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, persistent organic pollutants, metals, parasites, and viruses in aquacultured finfish and shellfish. Specific populations at risk of exposure to these contaminants include individuals working in aquaculture facilities, populations living around these facilities, and consumers of aquacultured food products. Additional research is necessary not only to fully understand the human health risks associated with aquacultured fish versus wild-caught fish but also to develop appropriate interventions that could reduce or prevent these risks. In order to adequately understand, address and prevent these impacts at local, national and global scales, researchers, policy makers, governments, and aquaculture industries must collaborate and cooperate in exchanging critical information and developing targeted policies that are practical, effective and enforceable.  相似文献   

退田还湖对鄱阳湖洪水调控能力的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用实测资料统计了鄱阳湖近50年来湖盆形态和洪水水情的变化,表明由于围垦的作用,1954~1992年鄱阳湖面积共减小1 300 km2,容积共减少81×108 m3,调节系数从17.3%下降到13.7%,调洪能力降低20.8%;20世纪90年代与50年代相比,年最高水位平均值抬高1.80 m。计算了退田还湖对近50年来两次特大洪水(1954年洪水和1998年洪水)最高水位的效应值,表明分别可使1954年洪水和1998年洪水的最高水位降低0.72 m和0.68 m。估算了退田还湖对鄱阳湖洪水位频率的影响,表明50年一遇和100年一遇的洪水位分别可降低0.63 m和0.68 m。计算还表明,高水还湖(单退)降低洪水位的作用与圩区还湖前夕的内涝程度密切相关,说明及时排除圩区的内涝对保障退田还湖的防洪减灾作用至关重要。分析了退田还湖面临的主要问题,分别是高水还湖圩区的内涝问题和平垸行洪(双退)圩区的血防问题;探讨解决这两个问题的具体对策,分别为单退圩堤采用“限高加固,排空待蓄”的运作方式,双退圩堤采用“敞开进洪,兼顾血防”的运用方式。  相似文献   

Aquaculture has a long history,and has achieved rapid development from 1950 to 2010,especially since the 1990s.Nevertheless,aquaculture has also seen a series of problems emerge.Inevitably,aquaculture interacts with the environment and society.Rapid development requires that close attention be paid to potential environmental and social impacts and their prevention or mitigation.The development and management of aquaculture is related closely with a variety of legal and institutional arrangements.Thus,aquaculture raises numerous legal and institutional issues.This paper explores actual legal and institutional practices of global representative aquaculture countries and provides a comprehensive account of the legislation and policies of different countries.Further,this paper reveals that the optimal legal framework for aquaculture is in line with related international regulations(especially the soft laws)and strictly operational,and the corresponding policy framework should establish early access and warning,as well as post assessment and feedback mechanisms.  相似文献   

三峡水库水质保护与渔业利用关系探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
捕捞渔业和不投饵养鱼对水体不会造成污染,并在一定程度上具有抑制藻类生长、减缓和控制富营养化发生的功能。投饵养鱼和施肥养鱼可增加富营养化发生的几率,但通过控制网箱的数量和布局,限定养殖种类和密度,提高低污染饲料质量,采取科学的投喂方式等措施,可减少对水体的负面影响。适度发展渔业是利用三峡水库水、土地和生物资源的有效途径之一,不仅可促进库区产业发展,增加库区移民就业和收入,而且对水库水生态环境有一定的保护作用。 要做到有序利用水面资源,必须尽快制定科学的渔业发展规划,加强渔业管理指导渔业生产,使渔业生产与环境保护、移民安置和水库其他功能相协调。  相似文献   

生态恢复过程中的种群遗传学考虑   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
生态恢复是生态科学的最终实验,从种群角度看,恢复的目标是使种群(尤其是优势种或建群种)到具有生长、繁殖和适应进化变化的能力。要达到这个目标,种群遗传学知识必不可少。遗传变异是物种适应变化环境的基础,而局部适应则是种群适应局部环境遗传分化的结果,它们在生态恢复中起着重要的作用。分析了生态恢复过程中影响种群遗传变异因素,主要有取样误差和小种群效应(主要是瓶颈或建立者事件及其以后的近交和漂变等),在进行  相似文献   

Chemicals are an important part of our society. A wide range of chemicals are discharged into the environment every day from residential, commercial and industrial sources. Many of these discharges do not pose a threat to public health or the environment. However, global events have shown that chemical incidents or accidents can have severe consequences on human health, the environment and society. It is important that appropriate tools and technical guidance are available to ensure that a robust and efficient approach to developing a remediation strategy is adopted. The purpose of remediation is to protect human health from future exposure and to return the affected area back to normal as soon as possible. There are a range of recovery options (techniques or methods for remediation) that are applicable to a broad range of chemicals and incidents. Recovery options should be evaluated according to their appropriateness and efficacy for removing contaminants from the environment; however economic drivers and social and political considerations often influence decision makers on which remedial actions are implemented during the recovery phase of a chemical incident. To date, there is limited information in the literature on remediation strategies and recovery options that have been implemented following a chemical incident, or how successful they have been. Additional factors that can affect the approach taken for recovery are not well assessed or understood by decision makers involved in the remediation and restoration of the environment following a chemical incident. The identification of this gap has led to the development of the UK Recovery Handbook for Chemical Incidents to provide a framework for choosing an effective recovery strategy. A compendium of practical evidence-based recovery options (techniques or methods for remediation) for inhabited areas, food production systems and water environments has also been developed and is included in the chemical handbook. This paper presents the key factors that should be considered when developing a recovery strategy with respect to how these may impact on its effectiveness. The paper also highlights the importance of these factors through an evaluation of recovery strategies implemented following real chemical incidents that have been reported in the literature.  相似文献   

大坝通过坝身泄流时,巨大的洪水卷吸空气中的大量气体直泻到下游河床,造成下游河道特别是近坝区域气体含量过饱和,给下游水生生物带来不利影响,其中鱼类气泡病就是水体气体过饱和造成的典型病症。为探明大坝泄流对坝下河道溶解氧饱和度的影响,以三峡 葛洲坝区域坝下近坝区定点区域的溶解氧实测资料为基础,建立溶解氧饱和度的BP网络预测模型,对大坝不同运行工况进行下游溶解氧饱和度的预测仿真计算,并将仿真预测值与实测及数值模拟结果进行比较分析。结果得出BP网络模型能很好地逼近坝下近坝区指定区域的溶解氧饱和度,可根据大坝运行工况对下游水体溶解氧饱和度进行快速预测,为有效控制坝下水体溶解氧饱和度提供借鉴  相似文献   

These experiments were designed to look at the cellular effects in key organs in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) after exposure in vivo to radiation and subtoxic levels of aluminum (Al) and cadmium (Cd), alone or in combination. Salmon (25g) were exposed to a single 0.5Gy dose of gamma-irradiation in water containing Cd, Al or Cd+Al. Three fish per group were sacrificed after 1h and the liver, pronephros, fin and gill of each was dissected. Small explants of each tissue were set up. After 2 days, the culture medium was harvested and filtered then placed on a reporter cell line for determination of stress signal activity (bystander effects). Radiation in combination with Cd and/or Al, caused bystander effects in tissues harvested from in vivo exposed salmon. The effects vary between different organs and are not consistently additive or synergistic for a given treatment. Tissue type appears to be critical. Liver cultures produce a toxic factor which is lethal to reporter cells, and therefore no liver data could be obtained. It is hoped that this stress signal response will prove to be a useful indicator of environmental stress in species inhabiting aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

湖泊鱼类养殖是非常重要的一种水产养殖方式,然而不同鱼类养殖和管理方式对湖泊浮游植物群落的影响及其季节动态尚不明确。2016年3月~2017年1月按季度调研了长江中游9个湖泊的浮游植物,所研究湖泊包括以下4组:水库极低密度放养组(SR组)、禁养组(SN组)、低密度养殖组(SL组)和高密度养殖组(SH组)。研究表明:4组湖泊共鉴定出浮游植物8门110属,以绿藻、硅藻和蓝藻为主。水库组优势种季节演替明显,其余3组均存在比较稳定的优势种,其中禁养组与高密度养殖组为平裂藻,低密度养殖组为假鱼腥藻。4组湖泊浮游植物丰度的季节变化规律不同,依赖于蓝藻优势度的变化。根据浮游植物多样性指数判断,4组湖泊水体污染状态(即营养状态)存在季节差异,Shannon Wiener指数与Pielou指数对水体污染状态的评价结果较为一致。对4组湖泊四季的浮游植物的数量进行了层序聚类分析与非度量多维尺度分析(NMDS),结果显示水库组单独为一类;禁养组与高密度养殖组除了夏季外,其余季节均为一类。不同鱼类养殖方式对湖泊浮游植物群落的结构及季节动态产生了一定的影响,然而短期的禁养并没有明显改变湖泊浮游植物群落。  相似文献   

BackgroundEnvironmental pollutants such as dioxins and PCBs, heavy metals, and organochlorine pesticides are a global threat to food safety. In particular, the aquatic biota can bioaccumulate many of these contaminants potentially making seafood of concern for chronic exposure to humans.ObjectivesThe main objective was to evaluate trends of contaminant levels in Norwegian farmed Atlantic salmon in light of the derived tolerable intakes.MethodsThrough an EU-instigated surveillance programme, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA) has between 1999 and 2011 collected more than 2300 samples of Norwegian farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) for contaminant analyses. The fillets of these fish were homogenised and analysed for dioxins, PCBs, heavy metals and organochlorine pesticides.ResultsThe levels of the contaminants mercury, arsenic, dioxins, dioxin-like PCBs and DDT in Norwegian farmed salmon fillet have decreased during our period of analyses. The levels of cadmium, lead and several organochlorine pesticides were too close to the limit of quantification to calculate time trends. For PCB6 and quantifiable amounts of pesticides, except DDT, stable levels were observed.ConclusionThe contaminant levels in Norwegian farmed salmon have generally decreased between 1999 and 2011. Excluding other dietary sources, the levels of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in 2011 allowed consumption of up to 1.3 kg salmon per week to reach the tolerable weekly intake. The group of contaminants which was the limiting factor for safe consumption of Norwegian farmed salmon, based on currently established TWI values, is the sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs.  相似文献   

Shrimp aquaculture is currently one of the major threats to mangroves, their destruction causing both environmental and social problems. This study investigated the mangrove area in the Pambala–Chilaw Lagoon complex (07°30 N, 079°49 E) in Sri Lanka. Using air-borne remote sensing, a land-use map was constructed in a geographical information system of the study area and pond managers were interviewed about the functioning of their shrimp farms. Based on fieldwork during the four years after taking the aerial photographs, an updated GIS-based land-use map was constructed and compared the original situation. This revealed that shrimp farms had expanded with by 25 ha in four years, mainly at the expense of mangrove forest (approx. 13 ha) and coconut plantations (approx. 11 ha). Official documents from the World Conservation Union advise conservation of the undisturbed habitats in Pambala, but this study's observations do not corroborate an eventuation of this. Other authors reported political patronage as the main cause of this adverse situation. Since the shrimp industry depends on various ecological services provided by the mangrove ecosystem in order to maintain production (cf. ecological footprint concept) the mangrove destruction is counter-productive and these observations are therefore alarming for the aquaculturists as well. The low ratio (2.6 : 1) of remaining mangrove to shrimp pond area suggests that the industry may experience severe problems, particularly as mangrove areas continue to be reclaimed for aquaculture or other land uses, unless drastic measures are taken.  相似文献   

中国水产品质量安全与有机水产养殖探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着中国水产养殖业的迅速发展。养殖水体环境污染、药物滥用等因素导致了常规水产品质量不断下降。有机水产养殖作为一种可持续发展模式。旨在实现水产健康安全养殖与生态环境保护的协调发展。是2l世纪中国水产健康养殖的发展方向和必然趋势。本文阐述了有机水产养殖的内涵和基本原则。探讨了中国有机水产养殖的兴起与发展现状。并就如何保证水产健康发展提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

The feeding of Atlantic salmon parrs and smolts has been studied in the subarctic Varzuga River, Kola Peninsula. It has been shown that young salmon at the parr stage, which are resident in rivers and stay for long at individual microstations in rapids and pools, feed in spring markedly more successfully than ??transitory?? smolts migrating from the river.  相似文献   

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