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今年安全生产月的主题是“关爱生命、安全发展”,其中各项活动的开展都强调要以人为本。“关爱生命”是社会安全发展的必要基础,因为人最宝贵的是生命;而“安全发展”则是大势所趋,正是人类历史的发展才推动了社会文明的进程。从这里,我们再次看到了社会整体与独立个体之间的相互依存关系。  相似文献   

安全天地宽 国泰人民安安全人命关天 责任重于泰山逐级负责 人人负责 安全生产是国家、企业、职工群众共同的责任不怕有患 就怕无防夜夜防盗不受害 日日防火不受灾只有防微杜渐 才能防患未然与其事后痛心疾首 不如事前预防把守管理不善 事故不断“严”是安全的保证 “  相似文献   

火热的六月.我们迎来了全国第十二个“安全生产月”和江苏省第二十个“安全生产月”。为深入宣传党和国家安全生产的方针政策.营造安全生产的社会氛围,我省各地积极落实“强化安全基础、推动安全发展”的活动主题.坚持贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众;坚持面向基层、面向企业、面向职工,进一步创新活动形式和内容。下面是我省各地开展“安全生产月”活动的几个剪影.  相似文献   

兖矿国泰化工有限公司(以下简称“国泰化工”)是2005年投产的一个新兴的现代化高科技化工企业。国泰化工自成立以来,坚持把安全生产作为一项“生命工程”,以“铁的手腕”强化安全监督管理。  相似文献   

<正>6月是安全生产月。6日,记者跟随省安监局和相关部门组成的"白山松水安全行"活动小组,来到了实现连续安全生产1224天的长春宝钢钢材贸易有限公司,深入探寻企业安全生产的法宝。"让身体拒绝危险"--谈起安全管理,公司的总经理袁焕颇有感触。"安全应该是企业对员工最基本的保障,让员工高高兴兴上班,安安全全回家,才能实现企业的更好发展。"作为国企,  相似文献   

安全生产与社会发展的关系可概括为“八个是”和“三个关系”:八个是:1.安全生产是国家安全和社会稳定的基石:国家安全除了需要国防抗御“外患”外,在“冷战时期”,更需要重视“内忧”——技术风险(生产安全、信息安全)、自然风险(灾害、卫生事件)、社会风险(邪教、恐怖事件)、人为风险(治安与食品安全)等。2.安全生产是“三个代表”思想的具体体现:生命安全与健康保障是人民最基本的利益;先进生产力需要较高的生产安全水平来体现。3.安全生产是党和政府“执政为民”的要求:人民需要“安居乐业”,人民需要“平安吉祥”,员工要求“劳动保护”,企业需要“安全生产”。因此,安全生产需要成为各级政府的执政“要务”。  相似文献   

“全国安全生产月”即将来临,今年的主题是:“治理隐患,防范事故”。各级政府和企业都在制订“全国安全生产月”的活动方案,更多的注意力放在了造声势上。在当前对于生命的尊重意识尚未在全社会普遍根植的情况下,声势也是必不可少的文化氛围。但同时,我们应该更多地把治理隐患的关注点放在基层——班组层面。因为班组是企业的细胞,是安全生产的执行层。  相似文献   

企业作为市场经济的主体,效益与发展是最优先的考虑;但企业也是安全生产的主体,安全已随着形势的变化成为现代企业的一大核心竞争力,法律和经济全球化后的市场不允许企业无视安全生产工作。企业安全生产管理要在未来走出困境,适应更具活力、更加开放的社会主义市场经济的全面发展,必须以《安全生产法》、《职业病防治法》的规定为行为准则,要有超前的意识和发展的观念,切实解决好“谁来负责和管理”、“管什么”和“怎么管”这样三个基本问题。  相似文献   

安全是企业生产的永恒主题,它关系到企业的建设、发展和稳定,是企业的“生命线”。而宣传教育工作却是安全生产的“生命线”。事前,安全宣传教育能加强企业文化建设,营造浓厚安全文化氛围,是预防事故发生最直接、最实际、最有效的平台和载体;事中,不安全的因素在生产中是始终存在的,但是不安全因素造成事故却不是必然的。  相似文献   

哪一个人不愿笑语长在,哪一个家庭不愿幸福美满,哪一个企业不愿兴旺发达,哪一个国家不愿繁荣昌盛。安全就如一根七彩的丝线把我们这一个个美好的愿意连接起来,构成一个稳定、和谐、五彩缤纷的美好世界。国家的安全是国泰,民众的安全是民安。有了安全,我们才能以休闲的心情漫步在夕阳西下的田野上、小河边,低声吟唱“祝你平安”:有了安全,  相似文献   

Two field studies of interpersonal conflict in organizations and a simulated dyadic negotiation show that problem solving and forcing are frequently combined simultaneously and sequentially. As a robust finding, conglomerations of problem solving and forcing appear to enhance the parties' joint effectiveness. The best substantive and relational outcomes for the organization are reached through forcing followed by problem solving. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2003,41(9):739-757
It has been argued that the effects of safety programmes extend to safety related behaviour outside the work environment. Data from studies of the behaviour of workers in three industries with a high focus on safety were examined in order to explore this argument. By means of data collected through a questionnaire, safe behaviour and emergency preparedness behaviour at home and during leisure time were measured in a case-control study. The findings indicate that workers in two of the three studies did not transfer safe behaviour from workplaces with a high focus on safety to home and leisure arenas. The safety consciousness acquired by workers at their workplaces in the absence of specially designed home and leisure time intervention projects seems to be insufficiently comprehensive or deep enough to influence safe behaviour in other arenas. While safe behaviour was not transferred, the emergency preparedness behaviour was. This indicates that the contextual and situational aspects of emergency preparedness are shared across risk arenas.  相似文献   

Introduction: This study identifies determinants of safety climate at agricultural cooperatives. Methods: An extensive survey was designed to build upon past research done in collaboration with DuPont (Risch et al., 2014). In 2014 and 2015, the survey was administered to 1930 employees at 14 different agricultural cooperatives with 154 locations. Injury incidence data were also collected from each location to better understand the overall health and safety environment in this sector. An ordered probit model is used to identify variables that are associated with better safety climates. Results: Safety system components such as discipline programs, inspection programs, modified duty programs, off-the-job safety training programs, and recognition programs are positively related to individual safety climate for both managerial employees and nonmanagerial employees. Variables representing an employee’s agricultural background, distance between their workplace and childhood home, and formal education are not associated with managerial safety climate. However, agricultural background and childhood home distance are associated with nonmanagerial safety climate. Conclusions: Improving occupational health and safety is a priority for many agricultural cooperatives. Lower safety climate emerges as nonmanagerial employees have more experience with production agriculture and work nearer to their home community. Practical applications: Employees of agricultural cooperatives face a host of health and safety challenges that are likely to persist into the future. The safety system components associated with safety climate indicate that continuous feedback is important for improving occupational health and safety. Occupational health and safety programming should also acknowledge that many employees have experiences that influence their attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   

The overpressure produced by the boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE) is still not well understood. Various methods have been published on the overpressure modeling in the far field. They mostly differ by the modeling of the expansion energy, used to scale the distance to the source where the overpressure needs to be calculated. But these methods usually include a experimentally fitted reduction factor, and are mostly overestimating the overpressures. Today there is a growing interest in modeling the BLEVE overpressure in the near field, for studying the blast effect on critical infrastructure such as bridges and buildings. This requires a much better understanding of the BLEVE blast. This paper goes deeper in the understanding of the physical phenomenon leading to the BLEVE blast wave generation and propagation. First, mid-scale BLEVE experiments in addition to new experimental data for near field blast from a small scale supercritical BLEVE are analyzed. And second, an analysis method of the shocks observed in the experiments is presented based on fundamental gas dynamics, and allows the elaboration of a new modeling approach for BLEVE overpressure, based on the calculation of the initial overpressure and radius of the blast.  相似文献   

This paper presents an heuristic framework for analyzing hazards (potential for loss or harm) and strategies that may be developed to control their realization. Two basic forms of intervention for hazard control (anticipation and reaction) are identified. Three broad anticipative strategies are discussed: (1) elimination of the source of the hazard, (2) containment of the risk of its realization, and (3) mitigation of likely consequences. The communication and judgmental processes involved in decisions about strategies are shown to be embedded in the organizational “political” context, in which a variety of interests backed by varying sources of power and influence are represented. The development, implementation, and monitoring of any strategies that are decided upon are then discussed, including the fact that such actions and events may not produce the intended results. Comments are also made on the need for data provided by monitoring to be evaluated and appropriate adaptations made. Finally, a brief section of the paper discusses reactive strategies.  相似文献   

Allometry is the knowledge concerning relations between the features of some beings, like animals, or cities. For example, the daily energy rate is proportional to a mass of mammals rise of 3/4. This way of thinking has spread quickly from biology to many areas of research concerned with sociotechnical systems. It was revealed that the number of innovations, patents or heavy crimes rises as social interaction increases in a bigger city, while other urban indexes such as suicides decrease with social interaction. Enterprise is also a sociotechnical system, where social interaction and accidents at work take place. Therefore, do these interactions increase the number of accidents at work or, on the contrary, are they reduction-driving components? This article tries to catch such links and assess the allometric exponent between the number of accidents at work and the number of employees in an enterprise.  相似文献   

钢筋与混凝土界面的脱粘是钢筋混凝土材料与结构的主要失效形式之一。针对笔者建立的几何剪切筒模型和选取的常用实验加载方式 ,推导出循环荷载作用下钢筋与混凝土界面脱粘应力解析模型 ,借助断裂力学的基本理论 ,进一步研究和分析了界面疲劳脱粘速率及界面摩擦剪应力与循环加载次数的关系 ,同时考虑了泊松比对疲劳特性的影响 ,为混凝土结构的安全评估提供一个新思路。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate if precrash vehicle movement is associated with the severity of pedestrian injury. METHODS: We used comprehensive information on pedestrian, vehicle, and injury-related characteristics gathered in the Pedestrian Crash Data Study (PCDS), conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) (1994-1998). The odds ratio of severe injuries (injury severity score >/= 15) and crash fatality rate for right- and left-turn collisions at intersection compared with straight vehicle movement were compared using a logistic regression model and taking into consideration the type of vehicle and age of the pedestrians as potential effect modifiers. Later we evaluated the intermediate effect of impact speed on the association by adding it to the logistic regression model. RESULTS: Of 255 collisions eligible for this analysis, the proportion of pedestrian hit during straight movement, right turns, and left turns were 48%, 32%, and 10%, respectively. Sixty percent of the pedestrians in left-turn crashes and 67% of them in right-turn collisions were hit from their left side. For straight movements the pedestrians were equally likely to be struck beginning from the left or right side of the street.After adjustment for pedestrian's age, vehicle movement was a significant predictor of severe injuries (p < 0.0001) and case fatality (p = 0.003). The association between vehicle precrash movement and severe injuries (p = 0.551) and case fatality (p = 0.912) vanished after adjusting for impact speed. This indicated that the observed association was probably the result of the difference in impact speed and not the precrash movement of the vehicle. CONCLUSION: Pedestrian safety interventions that aim at environmental modifications, such as crosswalk repositioning, might be the most efficient means in reducing right- or left-turn collisions at intersection, while pedestrians' behavioral modifications should be the priority for alleviating the magnitude of the collisions that happen in vehicles' straight movements.  相似文献   

IntroductionThis study investigated the pedestrian crossing behavior at midblock crosswalks, in Istanbul. Method: Data were compiled from field studies at four selected crosswalks that were on one-way streets. Three of the crosswalks were located on three-lane streets while the other one was on a two-lane street. By using two-hour video recordings at each crosswalk, information was collected about pedestrian crossing preferences, pedestrian platoons both at curbside and during the crossing, traffic characteristics including volume, crosswalk occupancy and illegal parking, and pedestrian characteristics comprising age, gender and distraction status. These data were stratified with respect to the number of lanes and two multinomial logit models for platooning and individual crossing behavior was estimated for each stratum. Results: The results showed that the likelihood of platooning increases as the traffic volume and platoon size increase. Moreover, pedestrians who waited for little or no at the curbside and started to cross when one or more lanes were occupied generally lost time during the crossing. In terms of policy, the formation of platoons should be prevented by enforcement or demand-responsive traffic signals with push-to-walk buttons, etc. Overall, the study revealed that the presence of midblock crosswalks is questionable.  相似文献   

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