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Pesticide and PCB analyses were completed on fat and muscle samples of 750 fish collected from 11 major lakes and rivers in Alberta. Although phenoxy and organophosphate residues were always below detectable limits, traces of chlorinated pesticides and their derivatives, particularly DDE, DDD and chlordane, were detected in most fat samples. Methoxychlor was frequently found in goldeye from the North Saskatchewan River but not recorded in fish from any other lake or river. Its presence in goldeye, a highly migratory species, was probably a result of biting-fly control programs in the Saskatchewan part of the river. PCB levels exceeded 25 mg/kg in the fat of several species from the North Saskatchewan River but were generally lower in the other systems. Analysis of 160 sediment samples from the North Saskatchewan River revealed no point source of PCB contamination, with residues always <0.01 mg/kg dry weight.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the development of a land use regression (LUR) model for predicting the intraurban variation of traffic-related air pollution in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, an industrial city at the western end of Lake Ontario. Although land use regression has been increasingly used to characterize exposure gradients within cities, research to date has yet to test whether this method can produce reliable estimates in an industrialized location. Ambient concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were measured for a 2-week period in October 2002 at > 100 locations across the city and subsequently at 30 of these locations in May 2004 to assess seasonal effects. Predictor variables were derived for land use types, transportation, demography, and physical geography using geographic information systems. The LUR model explained 76% of the variation in NO2. Traffic density, proximity to a highway, and industrial land use were all positively correlated with NO2 concentrations, whereas open land use and distance from the lake were negatively correlated with NO2. Locations downwind of a major highway resulted in higher NO2 levels. Cross-validation of the results confirmed model stability over different seasons. Our findings demonstrate that land use regression can effectively predict NO2 variation at the intraurban scale in an industrial setting. Models predicting exposure within smaller areas may lead to improved detection of health effects in epidemiologic studies.  相似文献   

During January and February 1984, a field project was conducted near North Bay, Ontario, Canada. The principal objective was to characterize the chemical and microphysical properties of the air masses, clouds and precipitation in this region of NE North America during the winter season. Two extensively instrumented aircraft with some newly designed cloudwater and snow collectors were used, as well as a surface station continuously monitoring pollutant concentrations and a precipitation event sampling network. Pollutant concentrations at the surface were found to vary with the airmass back trajectory with the highest concentrations observed for trajectories from the S and SW and the lowest from the N. Vertical profiles of aerosol particle (0.2−2 μm diameter) and NOx concentrations show similar trends with maxima of 1200 cm−3 and 7 ppb, respectively near ground level with air mass trajectories from the S, in comparison to values of 250 cm−3 and 1 ppb obtained with trajectories from the N. Cloudwater, aircraft precipitation and ground precipitation samples had a daily median pH of 3.6,4.6 and 4.2, respectively with the cloudwater having the highest sulphate and nitrate concentrations. The nitrate/sulphate equivalent concentration ratios in the cloudwater, aircraft precipitation and ground precipitation samples were 0.7,0.6 and 1.4, respectively. The data suggest that precipitation scavenging of nitric acid below cloud base is an important process during the winter season.  相似文献   

This paper describes a near-field validation study involving the steady-state, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guideline model AERMOD and the nonsteady-state puff model CALPUFF. Relative model performance is compared with field measurements collected near Martins Creek, PA-a rural, hilly area along the Pennsylvania-New Jersey border. The principal emission sources in the study were two coal-fired power plants with tall stacks and buoyant plumes. Over 1 yr of sulfur dioxide measurements were collected at eight monitors located at or above the two power plants' stack tops. Concurrent meteorological data were available at two sites. Both sites collected data 10 m above the ground. One of the sites also collected sonic detection and ranging measurements up to 420 m above ground. The ability of the two models to predict monitored sulfur dioxide concentrations was assessed in a four-part model validation. Each part of the validation applied different criteria and statistics to provide a comprehensive evaluation of model performance. Because of their importance in regulatory applications, an emphasis was placed on statistics that demonstrate the model's ability to reproduce the upper end of the concentration distribution. On the basis of the combined results of the four-part validation (i.e., weight of evidence), the performance of CALPUFF was judged to be superior to that of AERMOD.  相似文献   

Total Hg in Simulium spp. (Diptera, Simuliidae) was measured in 17 soft-water streams in the District of Muskoka and Haliburton County (Ontario, Canada) during 2003 and 2004. Black flies contained 0.07-0.64 microg/g total Hg (dry weight). The methylmercury concentration was measured in 6 samples of the 17, and ranged from 58% to 93% of total Hg. The concentration of total Hg is much higher than has been found in other filter feeding insects, and represents a significant potential source of Hg to fish. Mercury concentrations in Simulium spp. at different sites were strongly positively correlated with dissolved organic carbon, and the proportion of land within each catchment that was wetland. There was also a strong negative correlation with pH. By examining Hg concentration in filter feeding insects we have found a significant entry point for Hg and MeHg into the food web.  相似文献   

The major ion and trace metal geochemistry of a septic system plume in a shallow sand aquifer was characterized to assess geochemical processes controlling the transport of nutrients and their release to a nearby wetland. The plume was generated from a 16-year-old tile bed, and is more than 60 m long, 40 m wide and 7 m thick. The groundwater pH at the site is near neutral, but up to 0.4 units lower in the plume core as a result of H+ generated from NH3 and DOC oxidation in the unsaturated zone. The plume can be divided into distinct redox zones, which show differences in nutrient mobility. Proximal to the tile bed, there is a shallow suboxic zone, with intermediate Eh values (>400 mV), low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (<1.0 mg/l), and elevated concentrations of Mn (1–3 mg/l) and nutrients (10–80 mg/l NO3–N, 1–15 mg/l NH3–N, 0.1–1.5 mg/l PO4–P, 6–13 mg/l dissolved organic carbon). At the base of the aquifer, there is a reduced zone (Eh<200 mV) with elevated concentrations of Fe (1–14 mg/l), PO4 and NH3, but negligible concentrations of NO3 (<0.01 mg/l N). Distal from the tile bed, the shallow groundwater is suboxic to oxic, and has elevated concentrations of NO3 and NH3, but negligible PO4. In the lower reduced zone, elevated concentrations of PO4 occur up to 60 m away. The release of groundwater containing even very low concentrations of PO4 (<0.02 mg/l P) can lead to the development of eutrophic conditions in surface water bodies. Geochemical calculations indicate that, in the Mn-rich zone, the groundwater is close to saturation or supersaturated with respect to hydroxyapatite, rhodochrosite, calcite and ferrihydrite. In the reduced zone, the groundwater is close to saturation or supersaturated with respect to hydroxyapatite, vivianite, calcite and siderite. Formation of these phases, or related phases, are likely limiting the concentrations of dissolved PO4, Fe and Mn and controlling the geochemical evolution of the plume.  相似文献   

Concentrations of SO2 in a large city during a subsidence situation are predicted as a function of time by means of a simple box model and the predictions are compared to actual SO2 concentration measurements. The agreement between model results and measurements is found to be excellent. The model uses the height of the mixing layer as measured by means of an acoustic sounder. It is demonstrated that this height is a dominant factor in determining the variation of the SO2 concentration.  相似文献   

Fifty-six headwater Canadian Shield lakes were repetitively sampled from 1979 to 88 to determine their response to changes in acidic deposition of the period. Annual wet sulphate loadings varied between 38 and 83 meq m(-2), with highest deposition in the late 1970s followed by somewhat lower but variable deposition in the 1980s. Median pH of the lakes increased 0.42 pH units from 1979 to 1985 and decreased by 0.15 units between 1985 and 1988. Short water renewal times (x=1.1 y) promoted rapid equilibration. Since lake were so responsive to changes in SO4(2-) inputs, they were at or near steady state at all times. Comparison of predicted original pH and ANC with 1979 data indicate a median decline of 0.45 pH units and a loss of 34 microeq litre(-1). ANC. Four of 9 lakes were found to be historically fishless, based on the continued presence of Chaoborus americanus in sediment cores. The remaining five lakes historically had fish populations, but fish were not collected in 1979 when pH ranged betwen 4.6 and 5.3. By 1987, fish species were found in five of these lakes where pH had increased on average by 0.9 pH units. Our data indicate that water quality improvements could allow for the reinvasion or resumption of recruitment for a significant number of Ontario lakes.  相似文献   

A field study of triclosan loss rates in river water (Cibolo Creek, TX)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Triclosan (TCS) is an anti-microbial agent used in down-the-drain consumer products. Following sewage treatment some of the triclosan will enter receiving waters. This study was designed to determine the die-away rate of triclosan released into a river as part of the sewage treatment plant effluent matrix. The study was conducted in Cibolo Creek, a moderate sized stream (discharge approximately 0.1 m(3)s(-1)) located in South Central Texas. Triclosan was analyzed from samples collected upstream of the sewage treatment plant, the sewage treatment plant effluent, and the river downstream from the effluent discharge. The first-order loss rate of parent triclosan from the water column was calculated from measured data (0.06 h(-1)) and this rate corresponded to a 76% reduction in triclosan over an 8 km river reach below the discharge. Mathematical modeling indicated that sorption and settling accounted for approximately 19% of total triclosan loss over 8 km. When removing sorption and settling, the remaining amount of triclosan had an estimated first-order loss rate of 0.25 h(-1). This loss rate was presumably due to other processes such as biodegradation and photolysis. These data show that loss of parent triclosan from the water column is rapid. Additional data are needed to fully document loss mechanisms.  相似文献   

A validation exercise of the SoilFug model using field runoff data from Rosemaund Farm (UK) is described. A comparison has been made of modelled and measured concentrations of several pesticides in surface water and soil during and after specific rain events following application. The field experiments were designed to obtain data on rainfall, outflows of water, pesticide application rates and concentrations in soil and water. The results were satisfactory for the undissociated pesticides (atrazine, carbofuran, dimethoate, isoproturon, lindane, simazine and trifluralin), whose concentrations in water were mostly predicted within an order of magnitude of measured data. The results for the dissociated pesticides (dichlorprop, MCPA, mecoprop) were less satisfactory, giving generally much higher predicted concentrations in water. The use of the SoilFug model is suggested for the calculation of predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) in water, since it generally produces acceptable results from a relatively small set of input data, most of which is generally available.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine environmental occurrence and concentrations of selected currently-used-pesticides and some transformation products in agricultural farms in the Okanagan Valley (OKV), and to conduct a simple risk assessment of environmental pesticides levels detected in OKV on non-target aquatic organisms. The OKV is the tree fruit country of the Province of British Columbia where considerable amount of pesticides are applied annually. Water, sediment and soil samples were collected at eleven sites in early June and late September following rainfall events and/or extended periods of irrigation from drainage ditches and/or from small streams. Undisturbed reference sites were also sampled. Study results showed that forty of the eighty chemicals analyzed, including organochlorine, nitrogen-containing and organophosphate pesticides commonly used for OKV crops, were detected in runoff and small stream water samples. Among which, endosulfan-sulfate was the most frequently detected chemical. Also, azinophos-methyl (0.699–25.5 ng/L), diazinon (0.088–214 ng/L) exceeded, and α-, β- endosulfan, endosulfan sulphate approached the guidelines for the protection of aquatic life.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine environmental occurrence and concentrations of selected currently-used-pesticides and some transformation products in agricultural farms in the Okanagan Valley (OKV), and to conduct a simple risk assessment of environmental pesticides levels detected in OKV on non-target aquatic organisms. The OKV is the tree fruit country of the Province of British Columbia where considerable amount of pesticides are applied annually. Water, sediment and soil samples were collected at eleven sites in early June and late September following rainfall events and/or extended periods of irrigation from drainage ditches and/or from small streams. Undisturbed reference sites were also sampled. Study results showed that forty of the eighty chemicals analyzed, including organochlorine, nitrogen-containing and organophosphate pesticides commonly used for OKV crops, were detected in runoff and small stream water samples. Among which, endosulfan-sulfate was the most frequently detected chemical. Also, azinophos-methyl (0.699-25.5 ng/L), diazinon (0.088-214 ng/L) exceeded, and α-, β- endosulfan, endosulfan sulphate approached the guidelines for the protection of aquatic life.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of transboundary pollution between Ontario and New York using both observations and modeling results. Analysis of the spatial scales associated with ozone pollution revealed the regional and international character of this pollutant. A back-trajectory-clustering methodology was used to evaluate the potential for transboundary pollution trading and to identify potential pollution source regions for two sites: CN tower in Toronto and the World Trade Center in New York City. Transboundary pollution transport was evident at both locations. The major pollution source areas for the period examined were the Ohio River Valley and Midwest. Finally, we examined the transboundary impact of emission reductions through photochemical models. We found that emissions from both New York and Ontario were transported across the border and that reductions in predicted O3 levels can be substantial when emissions on both sides of the border are reduced.  相似文献   

Snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) trapped near U tailings had higher concentrations of (226)Ra in their bones (250 +/- 94 mBq g(-1) dry wt) than those from local control sites 3-15 km from the tailings (20-30 mBq g(-1) dry wt) and those from a distant control site 880 km away from the U mining area, which were below the detection limit (DL) (3.7 mBq g(-1) dry wt). Most chyme (stomach content) samples contained 226Ra below DL. Concentration ratios of 226Ra from tissues of local plants, considered important in the hare's diet, to bone ranged from 0.22 to 8.60. Concentrations of 210Pb and 210Po (95-245 mBq g(-1) dry wt) were not significantly different among tailings and control site populations. Disequilibrium between these isotopes and their precursors was noted. No significant accumulation of U and Th was noted at any site. Higher concentrations of 228Th compared to 232Th are attributed to accumulation of 228Ra in a manner similar to that of 226Ra. Based on bone 226Ra and 210Po contents, the maximum internal dose rates to the skeleton and the maximum life-time dose of hare living near tailings were 3.9 x 10(-5) Gy d(-1) and 4.2 x 10(-2) Gy, respectively. These rates were below the threshold required to produce osteosarcoma in other mammals and were considered unlikely to adversely affect hare during their lifetime. Radionuclide uptake by the animals was concluded to have no environmental significance in the transport of radionuclides from tailings to other locations.  相似文献   

Byer JD  Struger J  Sverko E  Klawunn P  Todd A 《Chemosphere》2011,82(8):1155-1160
Concerns regarding the impacts of pesticides on aquatic species and drinking water sources have increased demands on water quality monitoring programs; however the costs of sample analysis can be prohibitive. In this study we investigated enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as a cost-effective, high through-put method for measuring pesticide concentrations in surface waters. Seven hundred and thirty-nine samples from 158 locations throughout Ontario were analysed for atrazine and metolachlor from April to October 2007. Concentrations ranged from <0.1 to 3.91 μg L−1 (median = 0.12 μg L−1) for atrazine and from <0.1 to 1.83 μg L−1 (median = 0.09 μg L−1) for metolachlor. Peak concentrations occurred in late spring/early summer, in rural agricultural locations, and decreased over the remainder of the growing season for both herbicides. About 3% of the samples that had ELISA results occurring above the limit of quantification (0.10 μg L−1) were evaluated against gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Linear regression analysis revealed a R2 value of 0.88 and 0.39, for atrazine and metolachlor, respectively. ELISA tended to overestimate concentrations for atrazine and metolachlor, most likely because the ELISA kits also detect their metabolites. Atrazine data suggest that ELISA may be used complementary with GC-MS analysis to enhance the spatial and temporal resolution of a water quality monitoring study. The commercially available metolachlor ELISA kit requires further investigation. ELISA may be used to detect atrazine and metolachlor in surface water samples, but it is not recommended as a quantitative replacement for traditional analytical methods.  相似文献   


Transient and permanent farm ditches flowing to the Lower Fraser River tributary fish streams of British Columbia, Canada, were sampled at several locations in 2003–2004 to determine the occurrence and concentration of residues of selected pesticides, their transformation products, and soluble/extractable Cu++ ions. Of the 43 compounds analyzed, 28 and 22 pesticides were detected in transient farm ditch water and sediments, respectively. About 34% fewer pesticides, however, were found in both matrices of permanent farm ditches. Average concentrations (μ g L?1) of those most frequently detected in permanent farm ditch water were atrazine (0.20), α -chlordane (0.06), desethylatrazine (0.13), diazinon (0.55), dieldrin (0.28), endosulfan sulfate (0.16), glyphosate (6), metalaxyl (0.27); and soluble Cu++ ions (25). Those most often found in ditch sediments (μ g kg?1) were aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) (2,300), 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) (250), endosulfan sulfate (500), glyphosate (1,225); and extractable Cu++ ions (58,000). The risk potential of these pesticide residues to non-target aquatic organisms inhabiting Fraser River tributary fish streams contiguous to permanent farm ditches is evaluated and discussed.  相似文献   

Storm runoff from six types of underlying surface area during five rainfall events in two urban study areas of Wenzhou City, China was investigated to measure phosphorus (P) concentrations and discharge rates. The average event mean concentrations (EMCs) of total phosphorus (TP), total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), and particulate phosphorus (PP) ranged from 0.02 to 2.5 mg?·?L?1, 0.01 to 0.48 mg?·?L?1, and 0.02 to 2.43 mg?·?L?1, respectively. PP was generally the dominant component of TP in storm runoff, while the major form of P varied over time, especially in roof runoff, where TDP made up the largest portion in the latter stages of runoff events. Both TP and PP concentrations were positively correlated with pH, total suspended solids (TSS), and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)/chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations (p?<?0.01), while TDP was positively correlated with BOD/COD only (p?<?0.01). In addition, the EMCs of TP and PP were negatively correlated with maximum rainfall intensity (p?<?0.05), while the EMCs of TDP positively correlated with the antecedent dry weather period (p?<?0.05). The annual TP emission fluxes from the two study areas were 367.33 and 237.85 kg, respectively. Underlying surface type determined the TP and PP loadings in storm runoff, but regional environmental conditions affected the export of TDP more significantly. Our results indicate that the removal of particles from storm runoff could be an effective measure to attenuate P loadings to receiving water bodies.  相似文献   

Weekday/weekend variations in tropospheric ozone concentrations were examined to determine whether ground-level greenhouse gases have a significant impact on local climate. The city of Toronto, Canada, was chosen due to a high volume of commuter traffic and frequent exposure to high ozone episodes. Due to day-of-the-week variations in commuter traffic, ozone concentrations were shown to vary significantly between weekdays and weekends. During high ozone episodes weekend air temperatures were significantly higher than those observed on weekdays. As no meteorological phenomenon is known to occur over a 7 day cycle the observed temperature variations were attributed to anthropogenic activity.  相似文献   

Lead concentrations and Pb isotope ratios were measured in the forest floor, mineral soil and vegetation at a white pine and a sugar maple stand in a woodland in south central Ontario. Lead concentrations decreased and 206Pb/207Pb ratios increased with mineral soil depth reflecting the mixing of pollution and natural Pb sources. Lead concentrations and 206Pb/207Pb ratios at 20-30 cm depth were approximately 6-7 mg/kg and 1.31-1.32, respectively. Assuming an integrated 206Pb/207Pb ratio in deposition over time of 1.18, estimated from lichen measurements and published data for the region, approximately 65% of Pb in the surface (0-1 cm) mineral soil is from anthropogenic sources. Approximately 90% of pollution Pb is found in the 0-10 cm soil layer (Ah) and less than 3% of the pollution Pb is present in the forest biomass and mull-type forest floor combined. Despite low Pb concentrations in vegetation (<2.5 mg/kg), we estimate that between 65 and 100% of the Pb in vegetation and approximately 75% of the Pb in the forest floor is from pollution sources. In total, the pollution Pb burdens at the pine and maple stands are estimated to be 860 and 750 mg/m2, respectively.  相似文献   

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