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再生资源回收利用网络的建设和完善是促进我国再生资源产业发展的重要途径。目前我国再生资源回收网络建设仍较为滞后,尤其在广大农村地区,资源往往得不到有效回收利用,而大量废弃又造成了环境面源污染。如何将城市再生资源回收利用网络建设的经验引入农村,形成城乡互动、循环高效的回收利用网络,拉动农村资源利用和环境保护水平的提升,值得深入思考。  相似文献   

为促进再生资源回收,规范再生资源回收行业的发展,节约资源,保护环境,实现经济与社会可持续发展,根据《中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法》、《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》等法律法规,商务部、发展改革委、公安部、建设部、工商总局、环保总局六部委于2007年3月27日联合发布了《再生资源回收管理办法》(商务部令[2007]第8号,以下简称《办法》),自2007年5月1日起施行.  相似文献   

中韩资源再生和污染控制技术合作洽谈会于2013年10月24日在天津举行,会议由中华全国供销合作总社天津再生资源研究所和韩·中环境产业协力中心主办,天津子牙循环经济产业园管委会协办。  相似文献   

<正>2015年6月5日,世界环境日。桑德环境易再生网正式迎来上线时刻。易再生网是桑德环境股份有限公司再生资源业务板块重点项目桑德再生资源O2O的线上平台,网站秉承桑德"为环境,无止境"的理念,旨在搭建再生资源全产业链服务平台,目标直指再生资源行业门户网站。中国物资再生协会常务副会长刘强、副会长兼秘书长高延莉,中国再生资源回收利用协会副会长兼秘书长潘永刚,中国循环经济协会副会长兼秘书长赵凯、副会长张谦等行业协会领导拨冗莅临,与来自再生资源行业园区、企业、高校等单  相似文献   

2010年再生资源产业宏观发展环境综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年,我国再生资源产业所面临的宏观发展环境很不平静。国际金融危机对再生资源产业的影响正在消退,部分产品的价格渐趋稳定,但遭到破坏的市场基础仍未得到完全恢复。同时,再生资源产业迎来了一个良好的政策环境,再生资源企业逐步适应和接受税收政策的调整,关于再生资源回收体系建设、家电以旧换新的政策支持力度不断增大,而且扩展到城市矿产、报废汽车拆解加工等新的领域。有利于再生资源产业发展的宏观环境正在逐渐形成,其新兴战略产业的地位也在不断提升,再生资源产业将在促进我国建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会方面发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

介绍了河北省再生资源回收体系发展的现状,从政策环境和市场前景两个方面分析了河北省再生资源行业面临的发展环境,并从创新互联网+模式、创新联合执法模式、推进农村再生资源回收体系建设等角度,对河北省建设再生资源回收体系的措施进行总结。  相似文献   

为落实《供销社再生资源企业转型升级指导意见》有关工作要求,深入了解再生资源企业转型经验,交流探讨再生资源产业链经营创新、网络资源管理创新、农村综合环境服务体系构建等工作开展方向,2018年6月25—29日,中国再生资源回收利用协会赴蜀走访当地转型升级成功的优秀企业并进行调研学习,共同探讨企业在转型过程中所遇到的诸多问题,以及传统再生资源企业向环境服务型企业转型的宝贵经验。  相似文献   

介绍了大数据背景下再生资源企业面临的机遇,通过论述再生资源企业知识管理的影响因素,进而探究再生资源企业知识管理的方法,达到提高再生资源企业信息化水平、激发企业学习创新能力的目的,为提高再生资源企业竞争力提供参考依据。  相似文献   

指出城市再生资源回收行业现状严重制约城市环境的健康发展,提出建立科学规范的再生资源回收利用网络体系是实现城市环境健康发展的必然要求,同时对行业发展提出具体建议.  相似文献   

<正>备受瞩目的"2014资源循环利用与过程污染控制科技创新高峰论坛"于2014年9月24日在鞍山市召开。本届高峰论坛由中华全国供销合作总社天津再生资源研究所主办、鞍钢集团矿业公司承办,是以资源循环、环境保护为主题的全国性科技创新研讨交流会,同时也是2013年11月由天津再生资源研究所发起成立"资源循环利用与过程污染控制产业技术创新  相似文献   

包装垃圾是由废弃的包装物产生的固体垃圾,约占我国城市生活垃圾的1/3,虽然政府进行了必要回收,但仍有1/3以上的塑料、玻璃等包装物没能被有效回收利用,成了填埋场的主要填埋物,造成了环境污染和土地、石油等不可再生资源大量浪费。从回收利用和源头减量两方面提出包装垃圾的应对,一是对包装垃圾按来源、成分等进行详细分类,并建议回收处置方法;二是从制定行业政策方面来减少过度包装和扶持再生资源行业健康发展,有效处置包装垃圾等可再生资源。  相似文献   

油气开采钻井固体废物处理与利用研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对比分析了我国部分地区油气开采钻井固体废物的污染特征,对普通钻井固体废物和含油钻井固体废物的无害化处理与资源化利用技术分别进行梳理和分析,主要包括固化处理技术、生物处理技术、不落地处理技术、资源化利用技术、萃取技术、热解析技术和组合处理技术等。结合当前存在的主要问题针对性地提出了4条对策建议:加强源头控制,减少钻井固体废物产生量;对钻井固体废物进行分质分级区别处理和利用;开发高效、低成本、低能耗的钻井固体废物处理技术,发展联合处理工艺;制定相关政策和标准,加强油气田污染治理的事中事后监管。  相似文献   

梁伯庆 《化工环保》1995,15(5):295-301
概述了法国政论和化工企业在推行清洁生产和保护环境方面所做的努力和取得的成绩。介绍了法国一些无机化工和石油化工生产过程中采用的污染防治技术以及资源综合利用和废物处置技术的进展。  相似文献   

Rapid economic growth in China has led to environmental pollution. Recycling nutrients is essential for sustainable agriculture, and it is necessary to estimate the amount of available organic resources in order to achieve this. Using nitrogen as a tracer, we estimated the organic resource flows in 1995, 2000, and 2004 in Beijing. The agricultural nitrogen flow was calculated from the fertilizer, agricultural product, and byproduct flows. The livestock nitrogen flow was calculated from the feed, excretion, and stock flows. The human nitrogen flow was calculated from the food intake, excretion, and food waste flows. The amounts of recyclable organic resources were estimated from these nitrogen flows. The Daxing, Fangshan, Miyun, Shunyi, and Tongzho areas had high nitrogen loads in 2004, as did the outer suburbs, but Beijing proper had an extremely low nitrogen flow and the inner suburbs had low nitrogen flows. The estimated amount of compost that could be produced from domestic organic waste across Beijing was equivalent to 88,100 t of nitrogen. The Beijing area contains 394,100 ha of farmland, so, if the compost was applied at an equivalent of 100 kg of nitrogen per hectare, the equivalent of 48,000 t of nitrogen would be surplus.  相似文献   

Mechanochemistry is defined to describe the chemical and physicochemical transformation of substances during the aggregation caused by the mechanical energy. Mechanochemical technology has several advantages, such as simple process, ecological safety and the possibility of obtaining a product in the metastable state. It potentially has a prospective application in pollution remediation and waste management. Therefore, this paper aims to give an overall review of the mechanochemistry applications in waste management and the related mechanisms. Based on our study, the modification of fly ash and asbestos-containing wastes (ACWs) can be achieved by mechanochemical technology. Waste metal oxides can be transformed into easily recyclable sulfide by mechanochemical sulfidization. Besides, the waste plastics and rubbers, which are usually very difficult to be recycled, can also be recycled by mechanochemical technology.  相似文献   

在概述“子牙模式”的基础上,对天津子牙循环经济产业园区面临的问题进行梳理,认为出现企业生产能力过剩,主要是由于废旧家电和废旧汽车等市场混乱,以及市场的行政分割所致。因此,需要提高环境标准和再生资源产业的市场准入门槛,规范市场;同时要突破行政边界,以企业经济合理的运输半径来建立区域市场。  相似文献   

Integrated waste management systems are one of the greatest challenges for sustainable development. For these systems to be successful, the first step is to carry out waste characterization studies. In this paper are reported the results of a waste characterization study performed in the Campus Mexicali I of the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC). The aim of this study was to set the basis for implementation of a recovery, reduction and recycling waste management program at the campus. It was found that the campus Mexicali I produces 1ton of solid wastes per day; more than 65% of these wastes are recyclable or potentially recyclable. These results showed that a program for segregation and recycling is feasible on a University Campus. The study also showed that the local market for recyclable waste, under present conditions - number of recycling companies and amounts of recyclables accepted - can absorb all of these wastes. Some alternatives for the potentially recyclables wastes are discussed. Finally some strategies that could be used to reduce waste at the source are discussed as well.  相似文献   

This paper provides a general overview of solid waste data and management practices employed in Turkey during the last decade. Municipal solid waste statistics and management practices including waste recovery and recycling initiatives have been evaluated. Detailed data on solid waste management practices including collection, recovery and disposal, together with the results of cost analyses, have been presented. Based on these evaluations basic cost estimations on collection and sorting of recyclable solid waste in Turkey have been provided. The results indicate that the household solid waste generation in Turkey, per capita, is around 0.6 kg/year, whereas municipal solid waste generation is close to 1 kg/year. The major constituents of municipal solid waste are organic in nature and approximately 1/4 of municipal solid waste is recyclable. Separate collection programmes for recyclable household waste by more than 60 municipalities, continuing in excess of 3 years, demonstrate solid evidence for public acceptance and continuing support from the citizens. Opinion polls indicate that more than 80% of the population in the project regions is ready and willing to participate in separate collection programmes. The analysis of output data of the Material Recovery Facilities shows that, although paper, including cardboard, is the main constituent, the composition of recyclable waste varies strongly by the source or the type of collection point.  相似文献   

广州市城市木质废弃物资源化利用的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,广州市已全面实施垃圾分类工作,将城市垃圾中占一定比重的木质废弃物进行资源化利用对解决城市垃圾减量问题具有重大意义。提出总体布局回收网络,规划分拣中心,整合资源化利用平台,推动公共政策服务规范化和标准化的思路和构想,推进木质废弃物资源化利用,为实现广州市垃圾减量和推动循环经济发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Rapid economic growth, increasing population and change in living standards contribute to increasing the generation rate of municipal solid waste (MSW) in Denizli city, like other Turkish cities. The improper and poor MSW management system (old system) in Denizli caused environmental problems originating from the uncontrolled release of methane and leachate. In addition, the disposal of recyclable materials in unsanitary landfills is responsible for the consumption and destruction of natural sources. This paper presents a general overview of old and new MSW management practices in Denizli. Detailed data on MSW management practices including collection, transportation, disposal and recycling have been presented. The amount of solid waste generated in Denizli over the last decade has increased steadily over the years, from 108,500 tons in 1995 to 179,495 tons in 2006. The average MSW generation rate was found to be 1.23kg/day per capita. The major constituent of MSW in Denizli is food waste, but the percentage of recyclable waste has increased significantly recently. Except for metal wastes, the percentages of recyclable waste materials in Denizli are higher than in all neighborhood cities. The objective of this study is to compare the old and new MSW management systems in Denizli city. The MSW management system has been changed entirely last five years. A dumpsite was closed and a sanitary landfill with a composting facility was constructed. In addition, source separated collection has been carried out since 2002. The quantity of recyclable waste collected increased from 195 to 1549 tons. The amount of recyclable waste will continue to be increased by expanding the source separation collection system to all the districts of the city and preventing scavenging. Thus, revenue from recyclable waste ($7227 in 2006) is expected to increase. In addition, the capacity of the composting facility will be increased. Most importantly, information to increase public participation and awareness in municipal recovery programs has to be provided.  相似文献   

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