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城市噪声对校园的干扰类型与特征浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对阿图什市区各学校所受的周边环境噪声干扰情况进行了监测,运用声环境评价方法,将市区10所学校校园划分为清静型、扰闹型和持续吵闹型3种噪声干扰类型。分析了各类型的特征和成因,并提出防治措施。  相似文献   

我国城市声环境质量状况与分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
介绍了我国城市声环境质量状况,并就相关问题进行了分析.我国城市道路交通声环境质量大部分处于好和较好水平;城市区域声环境质量主要处于较好和轻度污染状态;约有1%的人口处在噪声重度污染区域;交通噪声影响强度最大;社会生活噪声影响范围最广;环境噪声污染仍存在污染投诉率高、交通噪声污染严重等问题,改善声环境质量仍是今后一项主要工作.  相似文献   

综合比较了中国、日本、欧盟、美国和澳大利亚等国家或地区的环境噪声监测与评价方法,分析了声环境质量监测法、噪声地图预测法和噪声源监测法3种环境噪声评估方法的优缺点,认为声环境质量监测法适合现阶段中国环境噪声监测与管理需求,但下一步应结合噪声产生与传播预测方法改进中国声环境监测评价方法,增强对监测过程的质控,增加重点噪声源监测,以期更全面地反映城市声环境质量状况。  相似文献   

利用2016—2020年宁波市生态环境质量各要素监测结果,分析了“十三五”期间宁波市生态环境质量状况、变化趋势以及存在的主要问题。结果表明,“十三五”期间,宁波市生态环境质量总体向好。2020年中心城区环境空气质量优良天数比例比2016年提升了4.6个百分点;除臭氧外,各项污染物浓度均呈下降趋势;酸雨污染程度持续减轻。地表水总体水质由轻度污染转为良好,其中:2020年Ⅰ~Ⅲ类水质断面比例为86.3%,比2016年提升了37.5个百分点;劣Ⅴ类断面比例下降了3.8个百分点。集中式饮用水水源地、声环境、辐射环境等环境要素质量总体保持稳定。但环境空气质量、地表水环境质量后续改善难度较大,饮用水水源地存在较高的水华风险,生态安全屏障需要进一步巩固。  相似文献   

结合江苏省“十一五”期间环境质量状况及变化情况,综合分析了环境空气、水环境、声环境质量及污染物排放状况.“十一五”期间,江苏省经济总量以13.5%的平均速度增长,社会、经济的快速发展给全省环境质量带来巨大的胁迫压力,资源能源消耗迅速攀升,“三废”产生总量持续增长;而由于加大了节能减排和环境治理投入力度,采取了一系列措施...  相似文献   

基于“十三五”期间成都市生态环境监测数据,分析了成都市生态环境质量状况及变化趋势,以及存在的主要问题,以期为“十四五”成都市生态环境保护与治理提供参考。结果表明:“十三五”期间,成都市生态环境质量持续改善,空气质量优良天数比例整体呈上升趋势,部分污染物年平均浓度均呈逐年下降趋势;酸雨pH变化幅度较小,但酸雨量减少,酸雨污染减轻;地表水水质明显好转,Ⅰ~Ⅲ类水质比例呈现波动上升趋势,劣Ⅴ类水质比例呈下降趋势,成都市级、县级饮用水水源地水质保持稳定;昼间区域声环境质量、昼间交通道路声环境质量均比较稳定;生态质量为良,农村环境质量、辐射环境质量状况总体良好。但也存在空气中细颗粒物和臭氧污染仍较重,部分地表水断面水质不能稳定达标,乡镇饮用水水源地水质未全部达标,交通噪声与生活噪声影响城市声环境质量等问题,给“十四五”期间成都市生态环境质量改善带来挑战。  相似文献   

新疆克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州环境监测站在1987年承担了由克州科委下达的科研任务“阿图什市区环境质量状况调查”,历时三年,经过监测站科技人员的艰苦努力,取得了大量的第一手资料.在此基础上,写出有一定应用价值的课题报告,获得有关部门、专家  相似文献   

以北京西部某典型城市区域声环境为研究对象,在采集2010年该区域声环境质量历史监测数据的基础上,经完善声环境质量相关属性数据及定量化后,采用聚类分析方法对该研究区域声环境质量的网格样本进行统计分类研究。结果表明:研究区域分为3类较适宜,结合相关类别声环境网格空间中其他属性的定量特征,探讨了区域声环境质量影响的主控因素,提出了针对不同类别改善区域声环境质量的措施建议。  相似文献   

江苏省“八五”环境质量声像报告书的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“江苏省”‘八五’环境质量声像报告书“是以江苏省”八五期间近500万个监测数据为基础,运用地理信息系统和多媒体技术制作的集声,像图和文字为一体的环境质量计算机演示系统。该系统生动,直观地表征了江苏省“八五”环境质量状况及变化趋势。它的研制成功是环境质量表征技术的重要突破。  相似文献   

基于2011-2020年武汉市社会经济发展、环境质量和污染源排放数据,采用相关性分析、秩排序和主成分分析等方法,分析经济指标与环境状况指标的变化趋势和相互关系。结果表明:武汉市社会经济发展呈现持续健康发展态势,工业废水、废气和固废排放量年均变化率为-6.7%~1.5%,工业主要污染物排放总量显著下降,年均变化率为-24%~-16%,与主要社会经济指标显著负相关。环境质量整体状况持续好转,空气质量综合指数、河流综合污染指数显著下降,年均变化率为-9.0%和-6.3%。主要环境质量指标浓度均显著下降,但河流中化学需氧量浓度下降趋势不显著。新冠肺炎疫情期间环境质量显著好转,其中环境空气改善水平高于地表水。主成分分析结果显示:武汉市环境空气质量与社会经济发展的关系处于良性促进、持续好转的阶段,但地表水环境质量好转趋势相对平缓,改善过程中有波动,改善难度相对更大。  相似文献   

Libby, Montana is the only PM2.5 nonattainment area in the western United States with the exceptions of parts of southern California. During January through March 2005, a particulate matter (PM) sampling program was conducted within Libby’s elementary and middle schools to establish baseline indoor PM concentrations before a wood stove change-out program is implemented over the next several years. As part of this program, indoor concentrations of PM mass, organic carbon (OC), and elemental carbon (EC) in five different size fractions (>2.5, 1.0–2.5, 0.5–1.0, 0.25–0.5, and <0.25 μm) were measured. Total measured PM mass concentrations were much higher inside the elementary school, with particle size fraction (>2.5, 0.5–1.0, 0.25–0.5, and <0.25 μm) concentrations between 2 and 5 times higher when compared to the middle school. The 1.0–2.5 μm fraction had the largest difference between the two sites, with elementary school concentrations nearly 10 times higher than the middle school values. The carbon component for the schools’ indoor PM was found to be predominantly composed of OC. Measured total OC and EC concentrations, as well as concentrations within individual size fractions, were an average of two to five times higher at the elementary school when compared to the middle school. For the ultrafine fraction (<0.25), EC concentrations were similar between each of the schools. Despite the differences in concentrations between the schools at the various fraction levels, the OC/EC ratio was determined to be similar.  相似文献   

为支撑国家地下水环境管理与污染防治,在系统梳理我国地下水环境监测发展历程的基础上,分析了当前地下水环境监测的技术特点,从支撑国家地下水环境质量考核的角度出发,研究构建了涵盖点位布设、监测指标选取、样品采集与保存、样品分析测试、质量保证与质量控制、质量评价等全流程的监测技术体系和质量管理体系,建立了"十四五"国家地下水环境质量考核监测网络建设及业务运行模式。基于覆盖全国所有地级及以上城市、主要水文地质单元、典型规模以上地下水型饮用水水源地与重点污染源的考核监测网络,建立了完善的地下水环境监测技术与质量管理体系,有效支撑了国家地下水环境质量考核,有助于各级管理部门掌握地下水环境质量状况,有针对性地开展地下水污染防治,为逐步改善地下水环境质量提供基础保障。  相似文献   

环境监理运行模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
围绕环境监理的基本职责 ,对捆绑式、专一式、切块式 3种不同的环境监理运行模式进行了探讨。提出切块式环境监理运行模式比较适合现阶段环境监理工作 ,是一种值得推广的环境监理运行模式。  相似文献   

The Children's Environment and Health Action Plan for Europe (CEHAPE) of WHO focuses (inter alia) on improving indoor environments where children spend most of their time. At present, only little is known about air pollution in schools and its effect on the lung function of school children. Our project was set up as an Austrian contribution to CEHAPE. In a cross-sectional approach, differences in indoor pollution in nine elementary all-day schools were assessed and 34 of these pollutants were analyzed for a relationship with respiratory health determined by spirometry using a linear regression model. Overall 596 children (aged 6-10 years) were eligible for the study. Spirometry was performed in 433 children. Socio-economic status, area of living (urban/rural), and smoking at home were included in the model as potential confounders with school-related average concentration of air pollutants as the variable of primary interest. A negative association with flow volumes (MEF(75)) was found for formaldehyde in air samples, benzylbutylphthalate and the sum of polybrominated diphenylethers in school dust. FVC and FEV(1) were negatively associated with ethylbenzene and xylenes in air samples and tris(1,3-dichlor-2-propyl)-phosphate on particulates. Although, in general, the quality of school indoor air was not worse than that reported for homes, effects on the respiratory health of children cannot be excluded. A multi-faceted strategy to improve the school environment is needed.  相似文献   

The environmental noise level represents one of the key factors of life quality in urban areas of modern cities. A continuous monitoring of the noise levels and the analysis of results have become a necessity when we discuss a possible recovery of those areas with high levels of noise pollution, and particularly, those zones which were designed for specific activities, e.g., areas around hospitals and schools. The city of Nis, Serbia, owing to the permanent long-term noise monitoring, possesses a database containing figures related to the noise levels at relevant locations in the city, which can serve as a basis for an analysis of the change of conditions, their tendencies in the future, and recognizing factors which influence the danger of noise pollution. The paper involves an analysis of the environmental noise level collected during the previous years.  相似文献   

WPI指数在地表水环境质量评价中的运用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在地表水环境质量评价中提出了 WPI指数 ,并对其使用方法作了详细说明 ,提供了计算 API指数和判定水质类别的 wpix( data,bh,lx)函数  相似文献   

The environmental decision-making process is related with the interpretation of data both in spatial and temporal dimensions. This paper presents a methodology that integrates the time-space framework of air quality data to infer the temporal pattern and spatial variability that could be interpreted for environmental decision purposes. Variograms that accommodate time and space lags were used for the analysis and proved to be effective. Its environmental meaning, in particular its relationship with traffic patterns is discussed. Data from air quality monitoring stations located in the central part of Lisbon were used in this study. It describes a strategy to identify the type of vehicles responsible for certain pollutant levels, particularly for nitrogen oxides, and discusses the application of new air quality European legislation to the city of Lisbon, Portugal.  相似文献   

对照《中华人民共和国环境保护法》(2014版)中对环境监测的总体要求,指出了目前环境监测监管体系中存在的面对新型环境问题监测滞后、监测基本制度尚不完善、全过程监管出现真空区、法律责任追究软弱乏力、环境监管监测信息封闭、社会监测力量发展缓慢等问题。提出,应构建现代监测管理制度,加快监测信息主动公开,加强全过程的质量控制,充分依靠社会监测力量,推进以人为本环境监测,细化监测法律责任。  相似文献   

In recent years, China's fisheries economy has expanded dramatically. As a result, environmental pollution caused at least partially by such an expansion has endangered human health and the sustainable development of fisheries in some coastal regions. This paper establishes an indicator system for fisheries economic growth and environmental quality and evaluates the coordinated level of the two systems in 12 regions in China. Results show that i) it is necessary to expand the relative scale of fisheries economy, optimize the structure of fisheries industry, and improve the utilization capacity of pollutants; ii) the selected regions are evaluated as half each the fisheries economic lagging type and the environmental lagging type; iii) most of the selected regions exhibit a high coupling coordination degree, and the highest of those is Shandong. In the last section, the policy implications and further research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

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