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Advantages and disadvantages of the concept of an industrial complex are discussed. From an environmental standpoint an ideal industrial complex is one containing a group of compatible industrial plants utilizing completely each other's wastes and products as raw materials and manufacturing products with no adverse environmental impact and at a minimum of cost. A typical complex centering about a pulp and papermill is pictured in this paper. This complex produces six products for external sale and four products for internal use. In addition, all major wastes of suspended solids, cooking liquor, fillers, heat and bark are reused within the complex in the manufacture of these products. A literature review evolved typical concentrations of recoverable suspended solids in various process effluents. A mass balance was prepared assuming that the total production of fine paper is 907.2 kg × 103 (1000 tons) per day. Little or no air or water pollution results from this complex. In addition, it is anticipated that no expensive waste-water treatment plant would be required for this complex. Ten additional practices are described which, when used, will reduce operating costs even further. A continuing study with more precise data on the production requirements for the service plants in the complex will yield a more balanced and realistic system.  相似文献   

In order to contribute to a future waste management policy related to the presence of technologically enhanced natural occurring radioactive material (TENORM) in the Brazilian petroleum industry, the present work presents the chemical composition and the 226Ra and 228Ra content of sludge and scales generated during the offshore E and P petroleum activities in the Campos Basin, the primary offshore oil production region in Brazil.The 226Ra and 228Ra content on 36 sludge and scales samples were determined by gamma-spectrometry. Based on X-ray diffractometry results, a chemical analysis schema for these samples was developed. The results have shown that scales are 75% barium and strontium sulfates, with a mean 226Ra and 228Ra content of 106 kBq kg−1 and 78 kBq kg−1, respectively. On the other hand, sludge samples have a much more complex chemical composition than the scales. The 226Ra and 228Ra content in sludge also varies much more than the content observed in the scales samples and ranged from 0.36 to 367 kBq kg−1 and 0.25 to 343 kBq kg−1, respectively.  相似文献   

A principal component analysis (PCA) was used for classification of soil samples from different locations in Serbia and Montenegro. Based on activities of radionuclides ((226)Ra, (238)U, (235)U, (40)K, (134)Cs, (137)Cs, (232)Th and (7)Be) detected by gamma-ray spectrometry, the classification of soils according to their geographical origin was performed. Application of PCA to our experimental data resulted in satisfactory classification rate (86.0% correctly classified samples). The obtained results indicate that gamma-ray spectrometry in conjunction with PCA is a viable tool for soil classification.  相似文献   

In order to contribute to a future waste management policy related to the presence of technologically enhanced natural occurring radioactive material (TENORM) in the Brazilian petroleum industry, the present work presents the chemical composition and the (226)Ra and (228)Ra content of sludge and scales generated during the offshore E and P petroleum activities in the Campos Basin, the primary offshore oil production region in Brazil. The (226)Ra and (228)Ra content on 36 sludge and scales samples were determined by gamma-spectrometry. Based on X-ray diffractometry results, a chemical analysis schema for these samples was developed. The results have shown that scales are 75% barium and strontium sulfates, with a mean (226)Ra and (228)Ra content of 106 kBq kg(-1) and 78 kBq kg(-1), respectively. On the other hand, sludge samples have a much more complex chemical composition than the scales. The (226)Ra and (228)Ra content in sludge also varies much more than the content observed in the scales samples and ranged from 0.36 to 367 kBq kg(-1) and 0.25 to 343 kBq kg(-1), respectively.  相似文献   

In this work, potable water samples collected from boreholes of the Migdonia valley, located NE of the city of Thessaloniki, were analyzed for the determination of uranium (238U) and radon (222Rn) concentrations. The objective of the present work is to examine if there is any correlation between radon and uranium concentrations in the water samples. For the determination of traces of uranium in water samples, an analytical technique was developed based on the selective adsorption of uranium on the chelating resin, SRAFION NMRR, and the in situ determination of the retained uranium by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). By the described procedure, it was possible to determine uranium amounts in the range of microg/l. For measuring radon in water, a liquid scintillation counting system, using the Packard protocol was employed. The measured 222Rn activity concentrations are from background level up to 160 Bq l (-1).  相似文献   

我国全要素能源效率及其收敛性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
传统单要素能源效率测度指标,只是能源投入与产出之间的关系,无法测度其他的投入要素组合对于能源效率的影响,忽略了GDP产出是由能源与资本、劳动力等相互可替代的要素投入共同组合的结果,具有比较明显的缺陷。而DEA模型可以综合考虑能源、资本和劳动因素以测度我国能源效率。本文采用中国大陆29个省市的面板数据,运用基于投入导向的规模报酬不变DEA模型,分析比较了1995-2006年各个省份、全国整体及三大区域的全要素能源效率。其结果表明我国地区全要素能源效率由西到东逐步提高,且全国和三大区域的能源效率在1999-2002年间有所波动,但总体均呈现出上升的趋势。通过进一步对全国整体及东中西三大区域进行全要素能源效率收敛性的分析,发现我国整体和东中部的能源效率呈现向一个稳态收敛的发展趋势,而西部则有微弱发散的趋势。  相似文献   

The radioactivity of 238U, 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs in sediments, soil, turf and honey from Serbia and Kosovo (Yugoslavia) was measured using gamma and alpha spectrometry in order to estimate the radiation hazard from natural and man-made sources, as well as to compile a database for radioactivity levels in those regions. One sample, collected in the vicinity of a "depleted uranium" (DU) shell of the recent Balkan war, revealed a high 238U activity and a non-natural 235U/238U activity ratio, confirming therefore its anthropogenic origin. However, some other soil samples coming from characteristic DU craters did not show any characteristic level of radioactivity. The other sediment and turf samples taken all around the country show low radioactivity levels for all the isotopes here considered. With the aim of obtaining some indication about radioactivity migration in the food chain, several honey samples have been examined too. All samples show very low radioactivity content, often indistinguishable from natural background.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to obtain the equivalent dose, which is the important quantity for all the studies related to the use of luminescence in dating sediments. Recent advances in luminescence dating have led to increasing application of the technique to sediment from the depositional environmental samples. The sample used in this study is the active main fault sample that was collected from the Sea of Marmara in NW Turkey. Equivalent dose was measured using both the multiple-aliquots and the single-aliquot techniques. In this study single aliquot regeneration on additive dose (SARA) procedure was also used. The result obtained was not in agreement with the results evaluated from the multiple-aliquots procedure. So a simple modification was suggested for SARA procedure. In our modified procedure the calculated dose (D) values were obtained by using the additive dose protocol instead of regeneration protocol.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to obtain the equivalent dose, which is the important quantity for all the studies related to the use of luminescence in dating sediments. Recent advances in luminescence dating have led to increasing application of the technique to sediment from the depositional environmental samples. The sample used in this study is the active main fault sample that was collected from the Sea of Marmara in NW Turkey. Equivalent dose was measured using both the multiple-aliquots and the single-aliquot techniques. In this study single aliquot regeneration on additive dose (SARA) procedure was also used. The result obtained was not in agreement with the results evaluated from the multiple-aliquots procedure. So a simple modification was suggested for SARA procedure. In our modified procedure the calculated dose (D) values were obtained by using the additive dose protocol instead of regeneration protocol.  相似文献   

Aqueous solutions containing organic amines and metal complexes were applied for the removal of nitrogen oxides. Organic amines were effective for the removal of the mixture composed of nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide. In particular, methyl and ethyl amines removed these species with 1 : 1 ratio from the mixture at fairly rapid rates. Dinitrogen trioxide (N2O3) was suggested to be involved in the course of the removal.Metal complexes removed nitrogen dioxide efficiently. As has been previously reported for a number of inorganic or organic redox systems, it was concluded that the removal of nitrogen dioxide by metal complexes proceeded also by the redox mechanism.Iron (ii) chelate complexes were highly effective for the removal of nitric oxide and this was attributed to a reversible coordination to the complex.  相似文献   

基于环境修正的中国农业全要素生产率度量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境的外部性使包含环境影响的生产率度量一直是个难题,而此类研究对推动我国农业可持续发展具有重要意义.本文提出了一种度量和评估包含环境影响的农业生产率方法,在本研究中,环境的外部性通过定义一个包含市场产出和污染产出的总产出而纳入分析框架,用总产出代替传统TFP计算中的产出,包含环境影响的全要素生产率公式得以建立.利用基于单元的综合调查评价法计算了1990-2008年我国主要农业污染物排放数量,并在此基础上度量了基于环境修正的我国农业全要素生产率.研究表明在1990-2008年间我国经环境调整后的农业生产率增长呈现减小趋势,农业环境污染使农业生产率增长降低0.09%-0.6%,量呈现较大的时期变化;依据不同环境污染价值损失评估法,环境对农业全要素生产率的修正会带来或高或低的结果.为了更准确地度量环境对农业全要素生产率的影响,需要进一步探索环境污染价值评估方法,完善我国农业环境监测体系.  相似文献   

Fractionation of plutonium isotopes (238Pu, 239,240Pu) in environmental samples (i.e. soil and sediment) and bio-shielding concrete from decommissioning of nuclear reactor were carried out by dynamic sequential extraction using an on-line sequential injection (SI) system combined with a specially designed extraction column. Plutonium in the fractions from the sequential extraction was separated by ion exchange chromatography and measured using alpha spectrometry. The analytical results show a higher mobility of plutonium in bio-shielding concrete, which means attention should be paid to the treatment and disposal of nuclear waste from decommissioning.  相似文献   

Fifty granitic rock samples were collected from different plutons in the central part of the Eastern Desert of Egypt and were analyzed for specific concentrations of (238)U, (232)Th and (40)K radionuclei. The measurements were carried out using a high performance and stability Nomad Plus spectroscopy system attached to a 1.7 keV (FWHM) HPGe detector. The spectra were analyzed using the direct gamma counting comparison method as well as the traditional absolute efficiency curve method. The highest average value of (238)U concentration (1184 Bq kg(-1)) was observed at EI Misikat region whereas the highest average values of (40)K and (232)Th concentration (2301.8 and 162.5 Bq kg(-1) respectively), were detected at Gabal Homret Waggat area. The radium equivalent activity (Ra(eq)), the absorbed dose rate (D), the external hazard index (H(ex)) and the annual gonadal dose equivalent were also calculated and compared to the international recommended values. Radon exhalation rate from the rock samples were measured using the activated charcoal canister method. The average value of radon exhalation varies from 0.052 to 0.69 Bq m(-2) h(-1) and depends on the specific concentration of uranium.  相似文献   

Soil samples collected from locations in Kosovo where depleted uranium (DU) ammunition was expended during the 1999 Balkan conflict were analysed for uranium and plutonium isotopes content (234U, 235U, 236U, 238U, 238Pu, (239 + 240)Pu). The analyses were conducted using gamma spectrometry (235U, 238U), alpha spectrometry (238Pu, (239 + 240)Pu), inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (234U, 235U, 236U, 238U) and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) (236U)). The results indicated that whenever the U concentration exceeded the normal environmental values (approximately 2 to 3 mg/kg) the increase was due to DU contamination. 236U was also present in the released DU at a constant ratio of 236U (mg/kg)/238U (mg/kg) = 2.6 x 10(-5), indicating that the DU used in the ammunition was from a batch that had been irradiated and then reprocessed. The plutonium concentration in the soil (undisturbed) was about 1 Bq/kg and, on the basis of the measured 238Pu/(239 + 240)Pu, could be entirely attributed to the fallout of the nuclear weapon tests of the 1960s (no appreciable contribution from DU).  相似文献   

Human perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) body burdens are attributable to both direct PFOS and indirect PFOS precursor (PreFOS) exposure. The relative importance of these two pathways has been estimated, but the relative temporal trajectory of exposure to PFOS and PreFOS has not been examined. Here, two hypothesized biomarkers of PreFOS exposure, PFOS isomer profiles (quantified as percent branched PFOS, %br-PFOS) and chiral 1m-PFOS enantiomer fractions (1m-PFOS EF) were analyzed in archived human serum samples of individual American adults (1974–2010) and pooled samples of Swedish primiparous women (1996–2010). After correcting for potential confounders, significant correlations between %br-PFOS and 1m-PFOS EFs were observed in American samples and in Swedish samples for the 1996–2000 period, supporting the hypothesis that both %br-PFOS and 1m-PFOS EF are biomarkers of PreFOS exposure. Significant trends of increasing %br-PFOS, from 2000 to 2010, and increasingly non-racemic 1m-PFOS EFs, from 1996 to 2000, were detected in Swedish samples. No statistically significant trend for %br-PFOS or 1m-PFOS EF was observed in American samples, but American males had significantly higher %br-PFOS and significantly lower 1m-PFOS EF (i.e. more non-racemic) than females, and a similar significant difference was shown in the older age group, relative to the younger age group. These temporal trends in %br-PFOS and 1m-PFOS EF are not easily explained and the results highlight uncertainties about how humans are exposed to PFOS.  相似文献   

During Balkan conflicts in 1994-1995, depleted uranium (DU) ordnance was employed and was left in the battlefield. Health concern is related to the risk arising from contamination of the environment with DU penetrators and dust. In order to evaluate the impact of DU on the environment and population in Bosnia and Herzegovina, radiological survey of DU in biological and water samples were carried out over the period 12-24 October 2002. The uranium isotopic concentrations in biological samples collected in Bosnia and Herzegovina, mainly lichens, mosses and barks, were found to be in the range of 0.27-35.7 Bq kg(-1) for (238)U, 0.24-16.8 Bq kg(-1) for (234)U, and 0.02-1.11 Bq kg(-1) for (235)U, showing uranium levels to be higher than in the samples collected at the control site. Moreover, the (236)U in some of the samples was detectable. The isotopic ratios of (234)U/(238)U showed DU to be detectable in many biological samples at most sites examined, but in very low levels. The presence of DU in the biological samples was as a result of DU contamination in air. The uranium concentrations in water samples collected in Bosnia and Herzegovina were found to be in the range of 0.27-16.2 m Bq l(-1) for (238)U, 0.41-15.6 m Bq l(-1) for (234)U and 0.012-0.695 m Bq l(-1) for (235)U, and two water samples were observed to be DU positive; these values are much lower than those in mineral water found in central Italy and below the WHO guideline for public drinking water. From radiotoxicological point of view, at this moment there is no significant radiological risk related to these investigated sites in terms of possible DU contamination of water and/or plants.  相似文献   

The concentrations of natural radionuclides in surface soils around Adana, Turkey were determined using gamma ray spectrometry with an HPGe detector. The natural gamma ray radioactivity of the terrestrial radionuclides in air was calculated throughout different areas of Adana. The average activity concentrations of (238)U, (232)Th and (40)K were found to be 17.6, 21.1 and 297.5 Bq kg(-1), respectively. Outdoor gamma dose measurements in air 1m above ground level were determined by using a portable gamma scintillation detector. The gamma dose measurements in air were taken from the same places where soil samples were taken. Average outdoor gamma dose rates in sample stations were determined as 67 nGy h(-1). The annual effective dose to the public was found to be 82 microSv.  相似文献   

The military use of depleted uranium initiated the need for an efficient and reliable method to detect and quantify DU contamination in environmental samples. This paper presents such a method, based on the gamma spectroscopic determination of 238U and 235U. The main advantage of this method is that it allows for a direct determination of the U isotope ratio, while requiring little sample preparation and being significantly less labor intensive than methods requiring radiochemical treatment. Furthermore, the fact that the sample preparation is not destructive greatly simplifies control of the quality of measurements. Low energy photons are utilized, using Ge detectors efficient in the low energy region and applying appropriate corrections for self-absorption. Uranium-235 in particular is determined directly from its 185.72 keV photons, after analyzing the 235U-226Ra multiplet. The method presented is applied to soil samples originating from two different target sites, in Southern Yugoslavia and Montenegro. The analysis results are discussed in relation to the natural radioactivity content of the soil at the sampling sites. A mapping algorithm is applied to examine the spatial variability of the DU contamination.  相似文献   

A dynamic extraction system exploiting sequential injection (SI) for sequential extractions incorporating a specially designed extraction column is developed to fractionate radionuclides in environmental solid samples such as soils and sediments. The extraction column can contain up to 5 g of a soil sample, and under optimal operational conditions it does not give rise to creation of back pressure. Attention has been placed on studies of the readsorption problems during sequential extraction using a modified Standards, Measurements and Testing (SM&T) scheme with four-step sequential extractions. The degree of readsorption in dynamic and conventional batch extraction systems is compared and evaluated by using a double-spiking technique. A high degree of readsorption of plutonium and americium (>75%) was observed in both systems, and they also exhibited similar distribution patterns of the two radionuclides. However, the dynamic system is fully automated, eliminates manual separations, significantly reduces the operational time required, and offers detailed kinetic information.  相似文献   

Four samples of scrap raw materials for an aluminium recycling plant were screened for the occurrence of persistent halogenated aromatic compounds. The samples contained waste from handling of electric and electronic plastics, filter dust from electronic crusher, cyclone dust from electronic crusher and light fluff from car shredder. In our screening analyses, brominated flame retardants were observed in all samples. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) were identified in all samples in amounts of 245-67450 ng/g. The major PBDE congeners found were decabromo- and pentabromodiphenyl ethers. 1,1-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethane, hexabromobenzene, ethyl-pentabromobenzene, tetrabromobisphenol-A, pentabromotoluene and dimethyl tetrabromobenzene were observed in all scrap samples. The concentrations of PCBs, PCNs (polychlorinated naphthalenes) and nona- to undecachlorinated terphenyls in some of these scrap samples were remarkably high.  相似文献   

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