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The population dynamics of small tiger prawns (Penaeus esculentus and P. semisulcatus) were studied at three sites around north-western Groote Eylandt, Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia, between August 1983 and August 1984. Seagrasses typical of open-coastline, reef-flat and river-mouth communities were found in the shallow depths (2.5 m) at these sites. The temperature and salinity of the bottom waters did not differ among the shallowest depths of the three sites and mean values at night ranged from 21.9 to 32.0 °C, and from 30.1 to 37.5% S. Data from fortnightly sampling with beam trawls showed that virtually all post-larvae (90%) were caught in the intertidal and shallow subtidal waters (2.0 m deep). At one site, where the relationship between seagrass biomass, catches and depth could be studied in detail, high catches were confined to seagrass in shallow water, within 200 m of the high-water mark. This was despite the fact that seagrass beds of high biomass (>100 g m-2 between August and February) were found nearby, in only slightly deeper water (2.5 m). It is likely, therefore, that only the seagrass beds in shallow waters of the Gulf of Carpentaria act as important settlement and nursery areas for tiger prawns. In general, catches of tiger prawn postlarvae (both P. esculentus and P. semisulcatus) and juvenile P. esculentus on the seagrass in the shallowest waters at each site were higher in the tropical prewet (October–December) and wet (January–March) seasons than at other times of the year. Juvenile P. semisulcatus catches were highest in the pre-wet season. While seasonal differences accounted for the highest proportion of variation in catches of tiger prawn postlarvae and juvenile P. semisulcatus, site was the most important factor for juvenile P. esculentus. In each season, catches of juvenile P. esculentus were highest in the shallow, open-coastline seagrass, where the biomass of seagrass was highest. The fact that the type of seagrass community appears to be more important to juvenile P. esculentus than to postlarvae, suggests that characteristics of the seagrass community may affect the survival or emigration of postlarval tiger prawns. Few prawns (<10%) from the seagrass communities in shallow waters exceeded 10.5 mm in carapace length. Despite the intensive sampling, growth was difficult to estimate because postlarvae recruited to the seagrass beds over a long period, and the residence times of juveniles in the sampling area were relatively short (8 wk).  相似文献   

Sillago burrus and S. vittata both use sheltered, nearshore shallow waters ( 1.5 m) as nursery areas. However, the juveniles of the former species remain there for only a few months, before migrating into deeper waters (5 to 15 m) as they increase in size, whereas some juvenile S. vittata do not undergo a similar migration until considerably later. S. burrus rarely exceeded 2 yr of age and was never found beyond 4 yr of age. Although only a small number of S. vittata exceeded 2 yr of age, a few individuals of this species were caught between 4 and 7 yr old. The maximum and asymptotic lengths of S. burrus (251 and 180 mm, respectively) were far lower than those of S. vittata (325 and 320 mm, respectively), whereas the growth coefficients (K) were much higher for the former species, i.e. 2.4 vs 0.4. Virtually all S. burrus, and also those S. vittata that moved into deeper waters early in life, spawned at the end of their first year of life. Since relatively few S. burrus reached 2 yr of age, the attainment of almost full size by the end of their first year of life enables a relatively large number of eggs to be produced by fish at the end of their first year-for many, their only spawning period. Those individuals of S. vittata that remained in their shallow nursery areas until the end of their first year of life, did not reach maturity until the end of their second year of life. The proportions of mature gonads and the numbers of yolk-vesicle and yolk-granule oocytes and post-ovulatory follicles in ovaries were far higher in both S. burrus and S. vittata during December to February than in any other month, demonstrating that these two species spawn largely in these summer months. During this period, the ovaries of individual S. burrus and S. vittata often contained post-ovulatory follicles, as well as yolkvesicle and yolk-granule oocytes that ranged widely in size, strongly suggesting that both species are multiple spawners. During the spawning period of S. burrus, the ovaries possessed large numbers of hydrated oocytes and no post-ovulatory follicles or the reverse situation, and the oocytes tended to form several relatively discrete size groups. This indicates that S. burrus produces eggs in batches and that the spawning of the members of this species is synchronised. The presence of large numbers of yolk-granule oocytes with migrating nuclei in the ovaries of many S. vittata at certain times suggests that this species is also a batch- and synchronised spawner. Comparisons between the results of the present study and past work emphasise that the relationships between the timing of offshore movements and the sizes and ages at first maturity vary considerably amongst whiting species.  相似文献   

Experiments carried out in a Y-maze apparatus using a constant number of mussels, Mytilus edulis L., as prey showed the presence of a food-seeking period in the predatory starfish Asterias rubens L. collected in the Menai Strait, Anglesey, North Wales. The starfish orientated towards the mussels in the experiment conducted from Novemeber-December to May. The food-seeking activity was not significantly different from random expectation between June and October. It is suggested that this seasonal change in the behaviour of A. rubens can be due either to a lowering of chemo-sensitivity and failure to respond by A. rubens, or to a seasonal change in production of attractant(s) by the prey, or to a combination of the above. A. rubens does not move towards a bait of oyster spat (Ostrea edulis L.) in the Y-maze unless it has been previously conditioned to eat the oysters for about a month. In the Menai Strait, oysters would rarely be encountered by A. rubens and, therefore, the experiments confirmed the concept of ingestive conditioning (Wood, 1968).  相似文献   

Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) is rarely considered limiting for macroalgae, but some research suggests that under conditions of N sufficiency, photosynthetic capacity is enhanced with DIC enrichment. During spring (April–May) and summer (July–August) 1993, we investigated the interactive effects of nitrogen (N) and DIC on photosynthetic capacity, growth, and nutrient uptake rates of the macroalgae, Cladophora vagabunda (L.) van den Hoek and Gracilaria tikvahiae (McLachlan), dominant species in a temperate eutrophic estuary (Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA). Water-column CO2 concentrations showed significant diurnal fluctuations, ranging from a morning CO2 peak (21 M) to an afternoon low (13 M) during summer, probably associated with metabolic activities in a thick algal mat. Results from instantaneous photosynthesis measurements and microcosm experiments indicate that DIC limits photosynthetic capacity and growth rates of C. vagabunda during summer, perhaps related to tissue N sufficiency and low water-column CO2 concentrations. For example, this species showed enhanced growth (F=8.69, P<0.02) under DIC but not N enrichment. G. tikvahiae showed marginal DIC enhancement of maximum photosynthetic rate, while growth was significantly stimulated by addition of N. Reduced thallus N of this species during the summer further identifies N as the primary factor limiting growth. In addition, G. tikvahiae has the ability to use DIC in its several forms, while C. vagabunda primarily uses dissolved CO2. DIC enrichment resulted in a depression of NH4 + uptake rates for both species, particularly during summer at saturating (60 M) ammonium levels, suggesting competition between NH4 + uptake and DIC acquisition under conditions of N sufficiency. Dominance of C. vagabunda and G. tikvahiae in areas undergoing eutrophication has been attributed to their successful procurement and storage of N as well as to high growth rates. The present study revealed that under conditions of N sufficiency during summer, DIC may control rates of production of these opportunistic macroalgae.  相似文献   

The Panulirus ornatus stock in a 25 000 km2 area of Torres Strait was estimated by making visual counts of the number of lobsters in strip transects. Pilot studies in 1988 to assess the feasibility of a full-scale survey and optimize the sampling design showed that: 4×500 m transects were the most cost-effective of the different sizes trialled; two transects per location comprised the most optimal allocation of replication; and 300 locations were necessary to achieve a 95% confidence interval of ±10% of the mean density found in the pilot study. Satellite imagery was used to map habitats in Torres Strait, and areas likely to be inhabited by lobsters were classified broadly into three strata: windward reef slope, submerged reef, and deep areas. The 300 locations were allocated to each stratum in proportion to its area and the estimated variance of lobster abundance within it; once allocated, the locations were positioned at random within each stratum. The main survey was undertaken over a period of 7 wk in May–June 1989, and the resulting estimate of lobster abundance was 14 million with a 95% confidence interval of ±21%. The surveyed population was sampled concurrently to determine its size structure: the pre-fishery year-class comprised 43% of the population; lobsters greater than legal-size comprised 57% and their average tail weight was 346 g. Thus, the estimate of stock size for the study area was 2200 to 3350 t tail weight, which is roughly ten-fold greater than the annual catch of about 250 t. The current catch is approaching the lower estimates of potential yield, calculated using simple maximal sustainable yield estimators, which suggests that the fishery is unlikely to be under threat at present and may support greater effort.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to examine variation of juvenile growth (% d-1) of the polychaete Nereis virens (Sars) in relation to tidal flat plant species as food sources. We used vegetable materials (algae and vascular plants) which are carried along by tidal currents and are found abundantly at the upper tidal level. Juveniles (2-yr-old) markedly increased in wet weight with the algae Laminaria longicruris (weight-specific growth rate : 1.7% d-1) and Enteromorpha intestinalis (: 1.6% d-1) as food sources. A higher value of assimilation efficiency was observed for algal species (L. longicruris 55.1±7.9%; E. intestinalis 54.8±0.5%; Fucus vesiculosus 40.6%) than for marine vascular plants (Spartina alterniflora 26.8±10.9%; Zostera marina 1.4%). The digestion of marine vascular species lasts longer (19 to 38 h) than that of algal species. All these characteristics (growth, assimilation efficiency and duration of the digestive process) seem to correlate positively with lignin and cellulose concentrations in the plant structure.  相似文献   

Owing to the necessity of delivering food to offspring at colonies, breeding seabirds are highly constrained in their foraging options. To minimize constraints imposed by central-place foraging and to optimize foraging behavior, many species exhibit flexible foraging tactics. Here we document the behavioral flexibility of pursuit-diving common murres Uria aalge when foraging on female capelin Mallotus villosus in the northwest Atlantic. Quite unexpectedly, being visual foragers, we found that common murres dived throughout the day and night. Twenty-one percent of recorded dives (n = 272 of 1,308 dives) were deep (≥50 m; maximum depth = 152 m, maximum duration = 212 s), bringing murres into sub-0°C water in the Cold Intermediate Layer (CIL; 40–180 m) of the Labrador Current. Deep dives occurred almost exclusively during the day when murres would have encountered spatially predictable aggregations of capelin between 100 and 150 m in the water column. Temperatures within the CIL shaped trophic interactions and involved trade-offs for both predators and prey. Sub-0°C temperatures limit a fish’s ability to escape from endothermic predators by reducing burst/escape speeds and also lengthening the time needed to recover from burst-type activity. Thus, while deep diving may be energetically costly, it likely increases certainty of prey capture. Decreased murre foraging efficiency at night (indicated by an increase in the number of dives per bout) reflects both lower light conditions and changing prey behavior, as capelin migrate to warmer surface waters at night where their potential to escape from avian predators could increase.  相似文献   

The northern Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada, was sampled five times between March and September 1986, employing a grid of stations spanning the strait. The spring diatom bloom was not observed and may have been suppressed by a combination of wind exposure and grazing by microzooplankton, notably non-loricate oligotrichs and the dinoflagellateGyrodinium spirale. Macrozooplankton were not studied. By June, the ecosystem was dominated by flagellates, and ciliate biomass was three times greater than that of the nanoflagellates. The photosynthetic dominantHeterosigma akashiwo was possibly inhibiting diatom growth, as environmental conditions were conducive to the latter's growth. During late summer (August–September), surface waters became nutrient-depleted and a mosaic of organismal types was formed. The pattern included diatoms on the more turbulent west side, nanoflagellates on the more stable east side, and dinoflagellates in the north associated with frontal boundaries. The driving force behind the mosaic appeared to be tidal turbulence and was most effective at times of advanced water-column stratification. Other points of interest were subsurface concentrations ofChaetoceros species, which were perhaps maintained at the pycnocline by entrainment in areas of high tidal turbulence, and a large ratio of heterotrophic to photoautotrophic biomass, possibly due to mixotrophy in ciliates.Please address all correspondence and requests for reprints to Dr. Taylor at the Department of Botany  相似文献   

W. Okera 《Marine Biology》1974,26(1):13-25
From 18th December, 1968 to 5th January, 1970, zooplankton samples were taken in darkness and using artificial light in selected areas of the Dar es Salaam coast (Tanzania, S. E. Africa). Surface sea temperature was measured on most occasions, salinity for the first 7 months only. The neritic waters of Dar es Salaam experience a warm period during January to March and a cool period during July to September. The annual salinity cycle is not known. Thirtysix dark and 17 light zooplankton samples were analysed; where possible, organisms were identified to species, others to generic or higher taxonomic level. The principal taxa and their mean percentage proportions (figures in parentheses) in the dark samples were: Calanoida (49. 1), Larvacea (11. 9), Corycaeus spp. (6.4), Cypridina sinuosa (5.6), Oithona spp. (4.8), caridean larvae (4.0), Sagitta spp. (3.8), Euterpina (2.1), Lucifer (1.2), Oncea (1.2), calyptopis larvae (1.0), Hydromedusae (1.0), Euconchoecia chierchiae (1.0), Creseis acicula (1.0), brachyuran zoeae (0.8), Ctenophora (0.5), Mysidacea (0.5), fish eggs (0.5), postlarval bivalves (0.5), postlarval gastropods (0.5), Cumacea (0.1), Gammaridea (0.1) and Hyperiidea (0.1). Evadne tergestina and Thalia democratica abound in waters at certain times of the year only and then virtually disappear. The remaining groups were numerically unimportant most of the time. Almost every major group showed an annual cycle of abundance; greater numbers were recorded either for the entire or part of the period February to August, compared to the period September to November. From the end of January to early August, 1969, the average numbers per haul of total zooplankton were about three times greater than for the period mid-August to mid-November. During February-March and July-August, several oceanic indicators were observed together in the neritic waters. Artificial light induced the following changes in night zooplankton: Mysidacea, Leptochela sp., Hyperiidea, Cypridina sinuosa, brachyuran megalopae and fish larvae were attracted towards artificial light and aggregated densely under the lamp; Calanoida, Corycaeus spp., Macrosetella, Microsetella and Euterpina avoided regions of strong illumination and aggregated in dim-lit areas; Lucifer, Creseis acicula and postlarval gastropods were more abundant in dim-lit samples compared to dark hauls; caridean larvae, brachyuran zoeae and larvaceans were less abundant in high-intensity light samples compared to dark hauls on the same nights.This work was performed at the Department of Zoology, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, S.E. Africa.  相似文献   

A. W. White 《Marine Biology》1981,65(3):255-260
Marine fishes (Atlantic herring, American pollock, winter flounder, Atlantic salmon, and cod) were dosed orally and intraperitoneally (i.p.) with paralytic shellfish toxins extracted from Bay of Fundy Gonyaulax excavata (tamarensis) cells. The toxins are lethal to these fishes in low oral doses, and in extremely low i.p. doses. Symptoms are the same among these fishes, both for oral and i.p. administrations, including loss of equilibrium within 5 to 15 min, followed by immobilization and shallow, arrhythmic breathing. Death generally occurs within 20 to 60 min of toxin administration. Dose responses are also similar among these fishes. Oral LD50 values are 400 to 750 g saxitoxin (STX) equivalent kg-1 body weight. Intraperitoneal LD50 values are 4 to 12 g STX equivalent kg-1. Toxins are undetectable in fish muscle tissue following lethal oral doses. The similarity of symptoms and dose responses suggest that fish as a group are sensitive to G. excavata toxins. Results, in combination with reports implicating these toxins in herring, sand lance, and menhaden kills, show the plausibility that the nearly worldwide blooms and red tides of G. excavata and its relatives may cause kills of a variety of fishes.  相似文献   

The average grazing and ingestion rates of all stages of the marine planktonic copepod Calanus helgolandicus (Calanoida) from nauplius stage IV to adults were measured experimentally at 15°C in agitated cultures. The chain-forming diatom Lauderia borealis and the unarmoured dinoflagellate Gymnodinium splendens were offered as food. The food concentrations were close to natural conditions and ranged from 36 to 101 g of organic carbon per liter. The medium body weights expressed in g of organic carbon of almost all larval stages raised at 49 g C/1 were identical with the weight of the same stages caught in the Pacific Ocean off La Jolla, California, USA. In a log-log system, grazing and ingestion rates increased almost linearly with increasing body weight. Grazing rates ranged from 4 to 21 ml/day/nauplius stage IV to 286 ml to 773 ml/day/female. Ingestion rates increased from 0.2 g to 0.8 g C/day/nauplius stage IV to 18 g to 69 g C/day/female. Grazing and ingestion rates per unit body weight decreased gradually with increasing body weight. The daily ingested amount of food decreased from 292 to 481% of the body weight (g C) of nauplius stage V to 28–85% of the body weight of adult females. Grazing and ingestion performances of all stages increased with increasing particle size. Grazing rates decreased and ingestion rates increased with increasing food concentrations. The published data on food intake of the different age groups of C. helgolandicus show that the young stages of herbivorous planktonic copepods can play a major part in the consumption of phytoplankton in the sea due to their high grazing and ingestion rates.  相似文献   

Specimens of the oceanic decapod Systellaspis debilis were collected from six sites in the East Atlantic Ocean between 1970 and 1984, and were analysed for Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn and Cd. The data confirm that there are small but significant differences in mean metal concentrations from some sites which showed no obvious pattern in relation to geographic location of the samples. As a result, ranges of site means are quoted as baseline levels for each metal (g g-1 dry wt): 2.3 to 2.9 g Mn g-1, 31.2 to 77.8 g Fe g-1, 25.9 to 83.4 g Cu g-1, 41.9 to 92.9 gZn g-1, 11.1 to 31.8 g Cd g-1. The concentration of cadmium in S. debilis from all sites was raised relative to cadmium concentrations reported for coastal decapods, perhaps as a result of dietary enrichment. Metal accumulation may provide useful information for understanding the complex feeding behaviour of many oceanic animals.  相似文献   

Adaptation of solitary corals, Fungia repanda and F. echinata, and their zooxanthellae to low light and ultraviolet light B (UV-B) was studied with respect to changes in their protein contents, photosynthetic pigment contents and the photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) curves. The corals were collected from 1 to 50 m depths in the Republic of Belau (Paulau) in 1990 and 1991. The chlorophyll a content in a unit surface area of the coral did not change significantly with the depth of the habitat, whereas cellular chlorophyll a in the algae increased with the depth. Zooxanthellae density and protein content in a unit surface area of Fungia spp. decreased with the depth. Photosynthetic parameters normalized by a unit surface area of the Fungia spp., maximum gross photosynthetic rate (P gmax area-1) and dark respiration rate (R area-1), were negatively correlated with the depth, while initial slope of the P-I curve () did not show significant correlation with the depth. Compensation light intensity (Ic) decreased with the depth. In isolated zooxanthellae, P max chl a -1, and R chl a -1 decreased with the depth, while chl a was constant. P gmax cell-1 and R cell-1 did not change significantly but cell increased with the depth. Ic decreased with the depth as in the intact corals. Reduction of protein content in a unit area of the coral from deeper habitat implies decrease of host animal tissues. Reduction of Ic can be explained by decrease of R area-1, which may be due to the diminution of animal tissues. The photoadaptational response to low light intensity of intact Fungia spp. was found to be a combination of the photoadaptation of symbiotic algae and the decrease of host animal tissue. In order to study their adaptation to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, P-I curves of Fungia spp. and isolated zooxanthellae were analyzed before and after UV-B irradiation. 1 h UV-B irradiation showed no effect on the photosynthetic rate of the shallow water (1 m) corals, while it inhibited the photosynthesis of the deep water (30 m) corals and zooxanthellae isolated from both shallow and deep water corals. These results indicate that the host, Fungia spp., in shallow water have protective mechanism for intense UV-B in their habitat. These photoadaptational mechanisms seem to allow the Fungia spp. to have wide vertical distribution where light intensity spans more than two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of growth, reproduction, and productivity of Codium fragile spp. tomentosoides (van Goor) Silva were monitored at 3 locations in Rhode Island. Maximal growth occurred during the summer and was more significantly correlated with temperature than any other factor measured in this study. Multiple correlation models suggested an interaction between temperature, irradiance, and available nitrogen. Maximal reproduction occurred in late summer and early fall. The maximal productivity, based on harvested quadrats, was 2. 10 g dry weight m-2 day-1. A large amount (up to 87.3%) of the annual production entered the detrital food chain during the winter by fragmentation of the thallus. Culture studies examined the effects of temperature (6° to 30°C), irradiance (7 to 140 E m-2 sec-1), daylength (8 h light: 16 h dark to 24 h light: O h dark) and salinity (6 to 48) on growth. Differentiated thalli grew over a broad range of experimental conditions, with maximal growth at 24°C, 24 to 30 S, a minimal irradiance of 28 E m-2 sec-1, and 16 h daylength. The effect of increasing daylength was due to increased total daily irradiance rather than to a true photoperiodic effect. Undifferentiated sporelings survived and grew in a narrower range of environmental conditions than thalli. c. fragile spp. tomentosoides grew equally well with nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, and urea as a nitrogen source. The addition of NaHCO3 stimulated growth at levels of 2.4 to 4.8 mM, suggesting an inorganic carbon limitation in static cultures. This study supports the hypothesis that the in situ seasonal growth pattern of c. fragile spp. tomentosoides is primarily due to the interaction of temperature and irradiance.  相似文献   

The levels of organochlorine compounds in eggs of water birds from the colony on Tai Lake in China were studied. The eggs were collected in 2000 and belonged to the following species: 65 samples of black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), 36 samples of little egret (Egretta garzetta), 26 samples of cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) from 13 clutches and 43 samples of Chinese pond heron (Ardeola bacchus) from 17 clutches. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its derivates (DDE and DDD), hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and its isomers (-HCH, -HCH, -HCH, -HCH), heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, endrin aldehyde, -endosulfan, -endosulfan, and endosulfan sulfate were determined in the laboratory by gas chromatography. The data showed that DDE had the highest levels in all the samples, followed by -HCH. The mean levels of DDE among the water bird species were in the order as follows: black-crowned night heron (5464.26ng/g, dry weight) > Chinese pond heron (2791.12ng/g, dry weight) > little egret (1979.97ng/g, dry weight) > cattle egret (660.11ng/g, dry weight). DDT and its metabolites accounted for 90% of the total organochlorines, except that it was only 73% for cattle egret. The differences of the residue among the bird species were statistically significant and could be attributed to their variations in prey and habitat. Although the DDE burdens in Tai Lake were much lower than 8 g/g (wet weight) which are thought to have significant adverse effects on black-crowned night herons, they would be expected to increase the risk of adverse effects on survival of chicks of herons and egrets, particularly black-crowned night heron, based on the critical value of 1 g/g (wet weight) DDE. The burdens of HCHs in this study were higher and the cyclodienes were lower than those found elsewhere.  相似文献   

Studies of geographic population variation needed to estimate gene flow are lacking in deep-sea biology. Using allozyme electrophoresis, I have studied population-level geographic variation among scavenging lysianassoid amphipod populations (Abyssorchomene spp.) inhabiting deep-water basins of the Southern California Continental Borderland. Samples were collected from November 1987 to November 1990, using baited traps, from six basins whose bottom depths ranged from ca. 1000 to 2100 m. Five basins (San Diego Trough, Santa Catalina, San Nicolas, Santa Cruz, Tanner Basins) could be grouped together as shallow-sill basins, with physical conditions distinctly different from a single deepsill basin (San Clemente Basin). Amphipods tentatively identified asAbyssorchomene sp. 1 collected from the shallow-sill basins were morphologically discriminated from those collected in the San Clemente Basin, which were identified asAbyssorchomene sp. 2. Results from eight enzyme loci revealed significant genetic differentiation [Nei's genetic distance (D)>0.155] of deep-sill basin-dwellingAbyssorchomene sp. 2 vsAbyssorchomene sp. 1 from the shallow-sill basins and low levels of gene flow (migration rate, <1). Comparisons of benthic fauna suggest the presence of an abyssal-related assemblage in the deep-sill basin isolated from the northern shallow-sill basins. Genetic distances among the five shallow-sill basin populations ofAbyssorchomene sp. 1 were very low (D < 0.003). Estimates of gene flow among these populations were very high ( > 24 to 170) and suggested weak isolation by distance.  相似文献   

While sampling intertidally in Puget Sound, Washington, USA, for juvenile Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) in 1984, we found evidence of two distinct cohorts of the same year-class based on sizes of first-instar juveniles (J1) and the spatial/temporal patterns of settlement. In 1988, three distinct cohorts were observed to settle in Puget Sound and its approaches. Settlement of one cohort occurred during May in the Strait of Juan de Fuca and in those areas of Puget Sound closest to the Strait. J1 individuals of this cohort were large (x=7.4 mm carapace width, CW) and comparable in both size and timing of settlement to populations along the Washington coast (e.g. Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay). Initial settlement density of the May cohort was as high as 215 crabs/m2 in intertidal eelgrass beds along the Strait of Juan de Fuca and decreased to <2 crabs/m2 within Puget Sound and the Strait of Georgia. A second cohort apparently originated in Hood Canal (a deep inland fjord), its size upon settlement in June was significantly smaller (J1 x= 5.3 mm CW) than the May cohort, and it was limited to Hood Canal and areas of Puget Sound close to the mouth of Hood Canal. A third cohort, which settled in late July and August, was the smallest of the three cohorts (J1 x= 4.8 mm CW), and was widely distributed around Puget Sound from Seattle in the south to the USA/Canadian border in the north. We hypothesize that most juvenile recruitment in Hood Canal and Puget Sound originates from parental stocks endemic to their respective basins (Hood Canal and Puget Sound cohorts), but that, on occasion, oceanographic conditions allow substantial influx of Pacific Ocean Dungeness crab larvae (oceanic cohort) through the Strait of Juan de Fuca into Puget Sound. Tracking of spatial/temporal settlement patterns and comparison of J1 sizes proved useful for estimating the probable sources and dispersion of Dungeness crab larvae. Differences in size and time of settlement between various larval cohorts of C. magister may prove useful as biomarkers for tracing circulation patterns within and between inland waters of Washington and the Pacific Ocean. Causes of smaller size and later settlement of the Puget Sound cohort relative to oceanic conspecifics of the same year-class are discussed.Contribution No. 856, School of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle  相似文献   

The concentrations of 11 heavy metals (Ag, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Zn) were measured in the tissues (digestive gland, branchial hearts, gills, digestive tract, kidney, genital tract, muscle, skin, shell) of the two cephalopods Eledone cirrhosa (d'Orb.) and Sepia officinalis (L.) collected from the French coast of the English Channel in October 1987. The tissues of both species displayed a similar pattern of heavy-metal accumulation: the digestive gland, branchial hearts and kidney were the major sites of concentration for all 11 metals; the digestive gland accumulated silver, cadmium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead and zinc, the branchial hearts high concentrations of copper, nickel and vanadium, and the kidney high concentrations of manganese, nickel and lead. The digestive gland, which constituted 6 to 10% of the whole-animal tissue, contained >80% of the total body burden of Ag, Cd and Co and from 40 to 80% of the total body burden of the other metals. The ratios between heavy metal concentrations in the digestive gland and those in the muscle separated the elements into three groups, those with a ratio 10 (Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, Zn), those with a ratio >10 to <50 (Co, Cu, Fe), and those with a ratio 50 (Ag, Cd). The digestive gland of cephalopods (carnivorous molluscs whose age can be easily calculated with great accuracy) would seem to constitute a good potential indicator of heavy metal concentrations in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Quantitative measurements have been made on the ultra-structure and capillary supply to the axial muscles of the mesopelagic hatchet fish Argyropelecus hemigymnus (Cocco, 1829). Fish were collected at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean Station 10244, 32°48N; 31°15W during November 1980, from a depth of 480 to 550 m. Mitochondria with densely packed cristae occupy 44.3% of slow-fibre volume. Each myofibril is in direct contact with a mitochondrion. Compared with other fishes studied, the capillary supply to A. hemigymnus slow fibres is poorly developed. The average number of capillaries per fibre is 0.9, such that each m of capillary contact supplies 0.011 m2 of fibre cross-sectional area. The capillary surface area (m2) supplying 1 m3 of slow-fibre mitochondria is 0.17 in anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), 0.14 in rat-fish (Chimaera monstrosa), 0.14 in tench (Tinca tinca), 0.16 in catfish (Clarias mossambica), and only 0.025 for A. hemigymnus. It is suggested that, relative to the former species, some modifications in factors determining tissue oxygenation (e.g. myoglobin concentrations, blood flow, perfusion distribution or haemoglobin) and/or mitochondrial respiration rate are required in order to match oxygen supply and demand to the slow muscle in A. hemigymnus.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in order to specify the reductants responsible for the carbon dioxide fixation of the symbiotic sulfur bacteria in the gutless marine oligochaete Phallodrilus leukodermatus (Annelida) from shallow calcareous sediments in Bermuda. Carbon dioxide-uptake rates were suppressed by S= and stimulated by S2O3 =. Individuals which hosted bacteria containing reserve energy substances maintained a high short-term CO2-uptake activity, while bacteria in worm homogenates and in worms treated with an antibiotic (Baypen) did not show any significant metabolic activity. Absolute uptake rates in P. leukodermatus were usually considerably higher than those reported for other animals harbouring prokaryotic sulfuroxidizing symbionts. Utilization of thiosulfate rather than sulfide is compatible with the preferred occurrence of the worms around the redox discontinuity layer and has been confirmed in other thiobiotic animals. Sulfur stored in the symbiotic bacteria appears to be oxidized to sulfate and be excreted when the worms are held under energy-limited conditions. The data emphasize the complexity of the possible metabolic pathways involved in the oxidation of reduced-sulfur compounds by bacterial symbionts in marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

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