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在磷酸盐缓冲液(PB)中考察了特定条件下超声/过硫酸盐(US/PS)降解阿特拉津(又称莠去津,ATZ)的效果并对其降解机理及动力学进行了探讨.结果显示,在恒温水浴20℃的pH7的PB中,PS、ATZ浓度分别为200、0.928μmol/L,US强度为0.88 W/mL,反应时间为60 min时,US/PS对ATZ的降解...  相似文献   

An observational study on trace gases and PM2.5 was conducted at three sites in and around Beijing, during the Olympic season from 2007 to 2009. Air quality improved significantly during the Olympic Games due to the special emission control measures. However, concentrations of the primary pollutants and PM were found to have risen significantly after the Games. Although the major O3 precursors (NOx and VOCs) were well controlled during the Olympic season, O3 was still found to be the highest in 2008, based on the data of ground-based observation. All this information suggests that while control of regional emissions for the Beijing Olympic Games did improved the air quality in Beijing, more efforts will be needed for the continuous improvement of regional air quality, especially for significant reductions of O3 and fine particulate pollution, and not only in Beijing, but also in the B eijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.  相似文献   

利用吸湿增长光散射测量系统、黑碳仪和气相色谱质谱联用仪等仪器,于2019年7月15日~8月4日在北京地区开展了为期21d的大气气溶胶观测实验.观测期间北京市区于7月27日出现短暂的轻度污染,并在7月29日出现强降水天气.结果显示:北京市区夏季大气污染变化剧烈且短暂,大气气溶胶散射吸湿增长因子f(RH)呈现平滑连续的特点,并且降水会对f(RH)造成显著影响.7月27日PM2.5的平均质量浓度为(92.54±47.05)μg/m3;,表现出较为剧烈的污染变化.7月28~30日平均散射吸湿增长因子f(80%±1%)分别为(1.50±0.35),(1.43±0.36)和(1.48±0.25),反映了降水对于大气气溶胶的湿清除作用.最后利用实验数据估算粒径吸湿增长因子gf(RH),并建模研究f(RH)和gf(RH)的关系,模型精度R2最高可达0.698.  相似文献   

我国轻型汽车污染物排放因子的测试研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
采用底盘测功机按ECE-15规程测试了我国13辆(12种)正在使用的轻型汽车的CO、HC和NOx的排放量分别为87.25±56.31、11.36±5.13和8.20±6.68g/test;在相同测试条件下,测试了其中11种轻型车在不同车速匀速行驶时的CO、HC和NOx排放因子.测试结果表明、轻型汽车污染物排放因子随车速的变化有良好的规律性.用统计方法拟合了轻型汽车污染物排放因子的车速变化系数的计算公式。当车速<90km/h时,轻型车CO、HC排放因子随车速的增加而减小,当车速>90km/h时,又略有增加,而NOx排放因子随车速的增加而增大。  相似文献   

研究破波带内污染物输移扩散特性可为近岸水环境保护和污染物的排放设计提供依据。由于实际情况中海岸入射波都是不规则波,因此本文基于物理模型实验、图像处理和形心点追踪等方法对5组不规则入射波况下的污染物水平二维输移扩散特性进行了研究,着重对不同波况下污染物垂直岸线方向与沿岸方向的输移速度及垂直岸线方向的扩散系数进行了计算分析。结果表明,不规则入射波情况下污染物垂直岸线方向的输移速度Vx约为沿岸方向输移速度Vy的4.4%~64.7%;沿岸方向的污染物输移速度约为时均沿岸流速最大值的35%;在不规则波入射情况下,垂直岸线方向的扩散系数为2.3×10?4 ~2.2×10?3 m2/s,并且扩散系数随不规则入射波周期的增大而减小,而入射波波高对其影响并不显著。  相似文献   

针对径向浓淡旋流煤粉燃烧器直流二交风对出口冷态流动特性的影响进行了试验研究,并在一台220t/h锅炉和一台670t/h锅炉上进行了工业性试验。冷模试验表明,直流二次风对旋流燃烧器出口气流的流动和混合特性有重要影响。  相似文献   

The Thriassion plain is a heavily industrialized area to the west of the Athens basin, separated from it by Mount Aegaleo, a 468-m high ridge about 15 km long. Three field experiments were performed to determine the possibility of air pollutant transport into the Athens basin. Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) was released from one of the stacks of the Hellenic Oil Refineries, situated in the eastern part of the Thriassion plain, together with several releases of tetroons. These experiments revealed two mechanisms of air mass transport from the Thriassion plain, a daytime mechanism, when the air mass is transported along the Mount Aegaleo ridge and through the passage between Mount Aegaleo and Mount Parnitha to the north, and a nighttime mechanism, when transport occurs over Mount Aegaleo. SF6 was released only during the night and although in all three occassions it reached the western suburbs of Athens, it did so by different simultaneous mechanisms. Furthermore its advection-diffusion once in the basin showed large variability, whose cause was the details of the flow field as it developed under the influence of the thermal stratification. The experiments demonstrate the complexity of the diffusion of air pollutants in complex terrain and the influence of both the details of the flow field and the stratification in determining the local ground-level concentrations. They also point out the need for simultaneous modelling of both factors, for the correct computation of pollution levels.  相似文献   

城市街道中复杂的高架桥结构会影响街谷内污染物的扩散.本文利用CFD软件FLUENT,采用标准k-ε方程和组分输运方程,对含双层高架桥的理想街谷内空气流场和CO浓度场进行了数值模拟.结果表明,高架桥破坏了理想街谷内CO浓度分布的爬墙效应,自地面沿高度方向CO浓度逐渐减小,超过每层高架桥面后激增,而后再次降低.双层高架桥改变了污染面源位置和街谷内流场分布.当双层高架桥都处于街谷内部时,来流风垂直于街谷方向自左向右吹送,街谷内涡旋整体结构保持顺时针方向,高架桥附近出现小涡旋,使得CO在街谷内部循环,引起背风面和街谷内CO平均浓度的升高,高架桥的"盖子效应"显著,与无高架桥街谷相比,CO平均浓度升高39.5%.当双层高架的上层高架与街谷建筑顶部持平,下层高架桥位于街谷中部时,街谷内部产生4个较大涡旋,能够显著地提高街谷内地面和背风面CO扩散速率,高架桥的"盖子效应"被破坏;与无高架桥街谷相比,CO平均浓度仅升高8.7%,与双层高架桥都处于街谷内相比,CO平均浓度降低22.1%,为城市多层高架桥建设提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

北京市传统春节假期空气质量特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用2013~2020年北京市传统春节假期期间主要污染物浓度?PM2.5主要离子组分浓度及气象数据,研究近年烟花爆竹集中燃放对北京市空气质量的影响.结果表明,自2018年北京市加强对烟花爆竹燃放的管控后,空气质量显著改善,其中2019年传统春节假期中共7个优良天,占比达87.5%,且未出现中度及以上级别污染天;近3年除...  相似文献   

建立了一个空气污染潜势预报和统计预报相结合的模型,该模型以特征气象因子和大气扩散清除因子为基础,并考虑不同因子的权重,定义空气污染潜势指数APPI.所考虑的因子包括:地面风速、混合层高度、混合层内平均风速、风向日变化、稳定度级数、垂直扩散系数、SO2干沉降速率、NO2干沉降速率、PM10干沉降速率、降水时长、地面天气形势.进一步利用统计方法建立空气污染指数API与APPI之间的关系.利用南京地区2009~2010年气象资料计算APPI,通过3项式拟合得到API与APPI的统计方程.结果表明,拟合得到的API与实际API相关系数为0.67,具有显著的相关性,且等级准确率为76.7%.进一步利用2011年1~12月中尺度气象模式WRF预报的气象场开展实况预报.研究表明,24h预报、48h预报、回顾预报的逐月等级正确率分别为44.4%~87.5%,46.4%~100%和63.0%~80.0%,年均等级正确率为60.6%,62.4%.和73.1%.若定义预报API与实际API相差±20以内为正确,则24h预报、48h预报、回顾预报的正确率分别为58.1%, 59.4%和63.8%.在IBM x3500并行集群服务器上计算,48h预报需要机时3h.可见,该模型具有较好的预报性能, 相对数值模型计算效率很高.  相似文献   

The increasing production and usage of chlorinated paraffins(CPs) correspondently increase the amount of CPs that experience thermal processes. Our previous study revealed that a significant amount of medium-chain chlorinated paraffins(MCCPs), short-chain chlorinated paraffins(SCCPs) as well as aromatic and chlorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(Cl-PAHs) were formed synergistically during the thermal decomposition of CP-52(a class of CP products).However, the transformation mechanisms of CP-52 to these compounds are still not very clear.This article presents a mechanistic analysis on the decomposition of CP-52 experimentally and theoretically. It was found that CP-52 initially undergoes dehydrochlorination and carbon chain cleavage and it transformed into chlorinated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Cyclization and aromatization were the most accessible pathways at low temperatures(200–400°C), both of which produce mostly aromatic hydrocarbons. As the temperature exceeds 400°C, the hydrocarbons could decompose into small molecules, and the subsequent radical-induced reactions become the predominant pathways, leading to the formation of Cl-PAHs. The decomposition of CP-52 was investigated by using density functional theory and calculations demonstrating the feasibility and rationality of PCB and PCN formation from chlorobenzene. The results improve the understanding of the transformation processes from CP-52 to SCCPs and Cl-PAHs as well as provide data for reducing their emissions during thermal-related processes.  相似文献   

The internal sedimentary phosphorus(P) load of aquatic systems is able to support eutrophication, especially in dam–reservoir systems where sedimentary P stock is high and where temporary anaerobic conditions occur. The aim of this study therefore is to examine the response of sedimentary P exposed to redox oscillations. Surface sediments collected in the Champsanglard dam–reservoir(on the Creuse River, France) were subjected to two aerobic phases(10 and 12 days) alternated with two anaerobic periods(21 and 27 days)through batch incubations. The studied sediment contained 77 ± 3 μmol/g DW of P, mainly associated with the ascorbate fraction(amorphous Fe/Mn oxyhydroxides). The used sediment was rich in organic matter(OM)(21% ± 1%) with primarily allochthone signature.Our results showed that redox oscillations enhance dissolved inorganic phosphorus release at sediment/water interface. During the first anaerobic stage, the P release was mainly controlled by the dissolution/precipitation of iron minerals. The more pronounced increase of P release during the second anaerobic stage(44%) was due to various mechanisms related to the change in quality of dissolved organic matter(DOM), namely a higher SUVA254 and humification indices. The release of more refractory DOM(rDOM) served to lower the microbial metabolism activity, possibly favored iron oxyhydroxide aggregation and thus limiting iron reduction. In addition, rDOM is able to compete for mineral P sorption sites,leading to a greater P release. In reservoir with predominant allochthone OM input, the release of more aromatic DOM therefore plays an important role in P mobility.  相似文献   

煤粉再燃对锅炉CO及N2O排放控制的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合CO和N2O的生成及分解机理,利用2.11 WM燃煤半工业炉进行了煤粉再燃试验,研究了煤粉再燃技术对锅炉CO和N2O排放的控制效果.试验发现,随再燃比的增加和再燃区过量空气系数的减少,CO和N2O的脱除效果增强;过高或过低的一级燃烧区过量空气系数均不利于CO的脱除;N2O的脱除随一级燃烧区过量空气系数的增大而增大.煤粉炉应用煤粉再燃技术可以实现CO和N2O的同时脱除,因而可开发该技术在燃煤锅炉中的多种污染物联合控制能力。  相似文献   

Air pollution is one of the main factors that affect the air quality in aircraft cabins, and the use of different air supply modes could influence the distribution of air pollutants in cabins. Based on the traditional ceiling air supply mode used on the B737NG, this study investigated another 3 different kinds of air supply modes for comparison: luggage rack air supply mode, joint mode combining ceiling and luggage rack air supply, and joint mode combining ceiling and individual air supply. Under the above 4 air supply modes, the air velocity, temperature and distribution of air pollutants in a cabin full of passengers were studied using computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and carbon dioxide (CO2) and formaldehyde were selected as 2 kinds of representative air pollutants. The simulation results show that the joint mode combining ceiling and individual air supply can create a more uniform distribution of air velocity and temperature, has a better effect on the removal of CO2 and formaldehyde, and can provide better air quality in cabins than the other 3 modes.  相似文献   

在小试规模下,研究了不同气液比对地下水中3种典型挥发性有机物1,2-二氯乙烷、苯和氯仿吹脱处理效率的影响。结果表明:在20 ℃、气液比为60∶1时,3种有机物的去除率最佳,分别达89%、93%和95%以上。在小试研究结果的基础上,依托自主开发的吹脱中试设备,研究了气液比、水温、有机物初始浓度和类型对吹脱效率的影响。结果表明:气液比和水温对3种有机物的去除率影响最大,当水温为20 ℃、吹脱塔气液比为75∶1时,1,2-二氯乙烷、苯和氯仿的去除率均达到99.7%以上,达到设计要求。中试吹脱后尾气处理采用DBD(dielectric barrier dischange)低温等离子体协同活性炭处理技术。  相似文献   

Aerobic granular sludge was cultivated in sequencing batch airlift reactors(SBAR) at 25,30,and 35°C,respectively.The effect of temperature on the granules characteristics was analyzed and the microbial community structures of the granules were probed using scanning electron microscope(SEM) and polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(PCR-DGGE).The results showed that 30°C is optimum for matured granule cultivation,where the granules had a more compact structure,better settling abili...  相似文献   

绥化市一次空气污染过程及潜在源区分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以2019年12月21—25日绥化市一次严重的空气污染事件为研究对象,分析了此次污染概况、气象条件、污染成因以及污染的潜在源区.结果表明:此次污染期间,绥化市以PM2.5污染为主,污染特征由21日10:00及22日11:00的偏燃煤污染型转变为24日15:00的偏二次颗粒物污染型,最终25日12:00污染特征又转变为偏燃煤型,本次污染主要以燃煤、机动车尾气和二次无机源为主;不利的气象条件主要由于弱风、高湿及低温、较差的扩散条件导致污染物局地积累;48 h后向轨迹模拟表明污染期间绥化市受4类气流输送的影响,主要来源于俄罗斯、内蒙古、吉林等方向,其中超标轨迹占97.4%;WPSCF分析发现潜在源区主要集中在绥化本地中部、辽宁省东北部、大庆市中部、齐齐哈尔市东南部、哈尔滨市中部区域;WCWT模拟出的潜在源区域较WPSCF大,模拟发现吉林北部对绥化PM2.5污染贡献值为60~80 μg·m-3,黑河东北部的贡献值高达100 μg·m-3以上,俄罗斯、内蒙古地区对绥化市大气PM2.5污染水平的影响及贡献较小.  相似文献   

本研究以2018年12月10~13日哈尔滨市一次严重的空气污染事件为研究对象,分析了此次污染过程的概况、成因以及污染的潜在源区.结果表明:此次空气污染过程以PM2.5影响为主,污染类型由10日00:00~11日17:00的偏燃煤型发展为11日17:00~13日15:00的二次气溶胶复合污染,最终在13日15:00后稳定为偏燃煤型.从天气形势和风速风向分析可知此次10~13日的污染过程与不利气象扩散条件也是密不可分的.模拟的48h后向轨迹经过聚类分析主要分为4类,大部分来自内蒙古、吉林等方向,70.83%的轨迹PM2.5超标,表明来自这些方向的污染气团对哈尔滨市的空气质量影响较大;而通过对模拟的48h后向轨迹进行PSCF、CWT分析,发现哈尔滨的WPSCF和WCWT分布特征类似,WPSCF和WCWT的高值主要集中在哈尔滨本地的双城、巴彦、阿城、吉林省的中部、西部地区等地区,以及大庆、绥化等地区,说明这些区域都是哈尔滨市PM2.5的潜在源地.  相似文献   

粉煤灰-粘土砖烧制过程处理城市污水污泥的试验研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以城市污水污泥(以下简称城市污泥)为研究对象,进行粉煤灰-粘土砖烧制过程处理城市污泥的试验研究。结果表明:煤中掺入20%左右含水率90%的污泥,可改善和提高煤的燃烧特性;粉煤灰-粘土砖中掺入30%左右含水率80%的污泥不影响烧制成品的各项性能:整个过程中可资源化利用50%左右城市污泥。  相似文献   

针对北京及周边地区2017年11月2~8日的一次污染过程,利用韩国静止卫星COMs1GOCI数据,对北京地区进行AOD监测.AOD反演采用时间序列迭代算法,根据地表反射率随时间慢变而大气气溶胶随时间快变的理论,采取最小值拟合的方式,获取气溶胶光学厚度数据.反演结果与地基AERONET监测结果具有很好的一致性,两者的相关系数R2大于0.89.AOD监测结果表明,GOCI传感器1次/h的监测频率,可以很好地展现北京地区大气污染过程的开始,发展及消散过程,可以展示出一天之内AOD的变化,为大气污染监测以及气候变化研究提供依据.  相似文献   

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