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We quantified potential biases associated with lakes monitored using non-probability based sampling by six state agencies in the USA (Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio, Maine, and New Hampshire). To identify biases, we compared state-monitored lakes to a census population of lakes derived from the National Hydrography Dataset. We then estimated the probability of lakes being sampled using generalized linear mixed models. Our two research questions were: (1) are there systematic differences in lake area and land use/land cover (LULC) surrounding lakes monitored by state agencies when compared to the entire population of lakes? and (2) after controlling for the effects of lake size, does the probability of sampling vary depending on the surrounding LULC features? We examined the biases associated with surrounding LULC because of the established links between LULC and lake water quality. For all states, we found that larger lakes had a higher probability of being sampled compared to smaller lakes. Significant interactions between lake size and LULC prohibit us from drawing conclusions about the main effects of LULC; however, in general lakes that are most likely to be sampled have either high urban use, high agricultural use, high forest cover, or low wetland cover. Our analyses support the assertion that data derived from non-probability-based surveys must be used with caution when attempting to make generalizations to the entire population of interest, and that probability-based surveys are needed to ensure unbiased, accurate estimates of lake status and trends at regional to national scales.  相似文献   

Stream metabolism was measured in 33 streams across a gradient of nutrient concentrations in four agricultural areas of the USA to determine the relative influence of nutrient concentrations and habitat on primary production (GPP) and respiration (CR-24). In conjunction with the stream metabolism estimates, water quality and algal biomass samples were collected, as was an assessment of habitat in the sampling reach. When data for all study areas were combined, there were no statistically significant relations between gross primary production or community respiration and any of the independent variables. However, significant regression models were developed for three study areas for GPP (r 2 = 0.79–0.91) and CR-24 (r 2 = 0.76–0.77). Various forms of nutrients (total phosphorus and area-weighted total nitrogen loading) were significant for predicting GPP in two study areas, with habitat variables important in seven significant models. Important physical variables included light availability, precipitation, basin area, and in-stream habitat cover. Both benthic and seston chlorophyll were not found to be important explanatory variables in any of the models; however, benthic ash-free dry weight was important in two models for GPP.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine status of heavy metals in agricultural soils under different patterns of land use. A total of 38, 40 and 45 soil samples for bare vegetable field, greenhouse vegetable field, and grain crop field were respectively taken from surface layer (0–20 cm) from selected experimental areas away from suburbs of ten counties (or districts or cities) in four provinces or municipalities of Huabei plain in north China. Information of crop production history, including varieties, rotation systems and fertilizer use, at the corresponding sampling sites was surveyed. Soil total Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Cr, As and Hg were measured. The results showed that the contents of total Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Cr, As, and Hg in the soil samples, especially soil total Cu and Zn contents, were higher in the bare vegetable field and the greenhouse vegetable field than that in the grain crop field. Long-term use of excessive chemical fertilizers and organic manures in the bare vegetable field and the greenhouse vegetable field contributed to the accumulation of Cu, Zn, and other heavy metals in the soils. The contents of total Cu, Zn, and other heavy metals in soils increased with increasing vegetable production history of the research areas. In comparison with the grain crop field, the comprehensive pollution indices of the seven soil heavy metals and the single-factor pollution indices of soil Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, and Hg based on the second criterion of Environmental Quality Standard for Soils were significantly higher in the bare vegetable field and the greenhouse vegetable field. Soils from the greenhouse vegetable field were slightly contaminated according to the comprehensive pollution index, and soils from the bare vegetable field and the grain crop field were at the warning heavy metal pollution level. The soils were contaminated with Cd according to the single-factor pollution index. The Cd pollution was relatively more serious in the bare vegetable field and the greenhouse vegetable field than that in the grain crop field. The soils selected with different land use patterns were not contaminated with Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr, As and Hg.  相似文献   

The hilly area of Loess Plateau has some of the highest soil erosion rates in the world, and serious soil erosion causes great losses of plant nutrients. As the most common land use in Loess Plateau, slope farmland contributed most of the erosion soils. This study was designed to examine the effects of land use and slope angle of farmland on phosphorus (P) loss in the hilly area of loess plateau. Farmland (FR), barrenland (BR), and four forest treantment (seabuckthorn+ poplar (SP), immature seabuckthorn (IS), mature seabuckthorn (MS), immature Chinese pine (ICP)) were the types of land use; 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 degrees were the slope angles of FR that were compared. The results showed a larger proportion of P loss occurred in erosion soil fraction of FR, ICP, ICP, and the five slope treatments of FR; in SP, IS, and MS, P loss was primarily through runoff. FR produced more P loss than SP, IS, ICP, BR, and MS. 20∼30 degrees may be the slope ranges for P loss of FR; FR in this ranges would loss more P with soil erosion. SP, IS, and MS were reasonable land uses for their less runoff, soil loss, and P loss. Farmlands over 15 degrees should be abandoned or reforested for it would produce more runoff, soil loss, and P loss.  相似文献   

The effect of land cover change, from natural to anthropogenic, on physical geography conditions has been studied in Kayisdagi Mountain. Land degradation is the most important environmental issue involved in this study. Most forms of land degradation are natural processes accelerated by human activity. Land degradation is a human induced or natural process that negatively affects the ability of land to function effectively within an ecosystem. Environmental degradation from human pressure and land use has become a major problem in the study area because of high population growth, urbanization rate, and the associated rapid depletion of natural resources. When studying the cost of land degradation, it is not possible to ignore the role of urbanization. In particular, a major cause of deforestation is conversion to urban land. The paper reviews the principles of current remote sensing techniques considered particularly suitable for monitoring Kayisdagi Mountain and its surrounding land cover changes and their effects on physical geography conditions. In addition, this paper addresses the problem of how spatially explicit information about degradation processes in the study area rangelands can be derived from different time series of satellite data. The monitoring approach comprises the time period between 1990 and 2005. Satellite remote sensing techniques have proven to be cost effective in widespread land cover changes. Physical geography and particularly natural geomorphologic processes like erosion, mass movement, physical weathering, and chemical weathering features etc. have faced significant unnatural variation.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to determine agricultural land loss and environmental pollution caused by industrialization and urban sprawl using the Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing technique (RS). Remotely sensed data is the most powerful tool for monitoring land use changes and GIS is the best way to store and reproduce various kinds of integrated data. Considering the rapid increase of population the loss of fertile agricultural soils is a very dangerous situation for the future of the country. Thus, people are living in the cities in (with adverse) conditions of insufficient drinking water, infrastructure problems, inadequate landscape and many unsolved (extreme) environmental problems. During the last 36 years, unplanned urbanization and industrialization have led to the use of agricultural areas for non-agricultural purposes in the Torbali (Izmir) region, which has the most fertile soils of the Aegean Region. Within this study, a database was created on the parameters of land loss and environmental pollution by means of field observation, interpretation of satellite images (ASTER), aerial photos(1/25.000 scale), topographic map ,soil map, and 1/5.000 scale cadastral map. Results of previous researches and the archives of Torbali municipality were used as ancillary data. In the research, urbanization and industrialization of the town was studied by (using) GIS and RS between 1965 and 2001. Since 1965, 4.742.357 m2 agricultural land, mostly of first and second land use capability classes, has been lost due to unplanned urban and industrial developments. Urbanization and industrialization involved an area of which 58% was being used as irrigated lands, 25 % rain feed (rain fed lands)and 17 % for olive growing.  相似文献   

River water quality was evaluated with respect to eutrophication and land use during spring snowmelt and summer base flow periods in Abashiri (mixed cropland-livestock farming) and Okoppe (grassland-based dairy cattle farming), eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Water from rivers and tributaries was sampled during snowmelt and summer base flow periods in 2005, and river flow was measured. Total N (TN), NO3–N, and Si concentrations were determined using standard methods. Total catchment and upland areas for each sampling site were determined with ArcGIS hydrology modeling software and 1:25,000-scale digital topographic maps. Specific discharge was significantly higher during snowmelt than during base flow. In both areas, TN concentrations increased, whereas Si concentrations decreased, with increased specific discharge, and were significantly higher during snowmelt. The Si:TN mole ratio decreased to below or close to the threshold value for eutrophication (2.7) in one-third of sites during snowmelt. River NO3–N concentrations during base flow were significantly and positively correlated with the proportion of upland fields in the catchment in both the Abashiri (r = 0.88, P < 0.001) and Okoppe (r = 0.43, P < 0.01) areas. However, the regression slope, defined as the impact factor (IF) of water quality, was much higher in Abashiri (0.025) than in Okoppe (0.0094). The correlations were also significantly positive during snowmelt in both areas, but IF was four to eight times higher during snowmelt than during base flow. Higher discharge of N from upland fields and grasslands during snowmelt and the resulting eutrophication in estuaries suggest that nutrient discharge during snowmelt should be taken into account when assessing and monitoring the annual loss of nutrients from agricultural fields.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean seas and coastal zones, rivers can be the main source of mercury (Hg). Catchment management therefore affects the load of Hg reaching the sea with surface runoff. The major freshwater inflows to the Baltic Sea consist of large rivers. However, their systems are complex and identification of factors affecting the outflow of Hg from its catchments is difficult. For this reason, a study into the impact of watershed land use and season on mercury biogeochemistry and transport in rivers was performed along two small rivers which may be considered typical of the southern Baltic region. Neither of these rivers are currently impacted by industrial effluents, thus allowing assessment of the influence of catchment terrain and season on Hg geochemistry. The study was performed between June 2008 and May 2009 at 13 sampling points situated at different terrain types within the catchments (forest, wetland, agriculture and urban). Hg analyses were conducted by CVAFS. Arable land erosion was found to be an important source of Hg to the aquatic system, similar to urban areas. Furthermore, inflows of untreated storm water discharge resulted in a fivefold increase of Hg concentration in the rivers. The highest Hg concentration in the urban runoff was observed with the greatest amount of precipitation during summer. Moderate rainfalls enhance the inflow of bioavailable dissolved mercury into water bodies. Despite the lack of industrial effluents entering the rivers directly, the sub-catchments with anthropogenic land use were important sources of Hg in the rivers. This was caused by elution of metal, deposited in soils over the past decades, into the rivers. The obtained results are especially important in the light of recent environmental conscience regulations, enforcing the decrease of pollution by Baltic countries.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess land suitability andto monitor the spatial and temporal changes in land use types (LUTs)by using GIS. The study was conducted in an irrigated area of 920ha, located in the East Mediterranean region of Turkey. Archiveddata of LUTs were utilized. Data analysis was conducted by usingArcInfo and ArcView GIS softwares. The land characteristics werecompared with land requirements of present LUTs by taking intoaccount the land evaluation results. Three major soil series andtwelve different LUTs were identified. Corn and citrus were themost planted LUTs in the assessment period. Generated mapsdemonstrated how LUTs changed spatially and temporally. Most LUTswere clustered in certain areas indicating that farmer'sselection of LUTs was affected by their habits and neighbor'sbehavior. Land suitability assessment results indicated thatCanakci and Mursel soil series were found to be highly suitable forall LUTs while Arikli soil series was determined to be moderately suitablecitrus, vegetables and watermelon. Citrus plantationmaps overlaid on soil series maps demonstrated that the citrushas not been planted completely on suitable areas. Landsuitability assessment showed that citrus plantation in Arikliseries would result in 40% yield loss and 58% of land is notused at its potential.  相似文献   

A distributed hydrologic modeling and GIS approach is applied for the assessment of land use impact in the Steinsel sub-basin, Alzette, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The assessment focuses on the runoff contributions from different land use classes and the potential impact of land use changes on runoff generation. The results show that the direct runoff from urban areas is dominant for a flood event compared with runoff from other land use areas in this catchment, and tends to increase for small floods and for the dry season floods, whereas the interflow from forested, pasture and agricultural field areas contributes to the recession flow. Significant variations in flood volume, peak discharge, time to the peak, etc., are found from the model simulation based on the three hypothetical land use change scenarios.  相似文献   

In this study an assessment is made of the negative impacts of wastewater irrigation on soils and crops sampled along the Khoshk River channel in suburban area of Shiraz City, SW Iran. For this purpose, samples of soil profiles (0–60 cm in depth) and crops were collected from two wastewater irrigated sites and a tube well-irrigated (control) site. Total concentrations of the five heavy metals (Ni, Pb, Cd, Zn and Cr) and their phytoavailable contents were determined. The Pollution Load Indexes (PLIs) and Contamination Factors (CFs) for soils and Hazard quotients (ΣHQ) for some vegetables were also calculated. The results showed the use of untreated wastewater has caused the following changes as compared to control site: (1) a 20–30% increase in organic matter content of soil; (2) increase in pH by 2–3 units; (3) significant concentration increase in Ex-Ca especially in top layers of soil resulting in high CEC; (4) build up of heavy metals (notably Pb and Ni) in topsoil above Maximum Permissible Limits (MPLs) indicating a moderate contamination (PLI > 1, CF > 2.5); (5) contamination of some vegetables (spinach and lettuce) with Cd due to its high phytoavailability in topsoil causing a HQ > 1; (6) excessive accumulation of Ni and Pb in wheat due to continual addition of heavy metals through long-term wastewater application. The study concludes that strict protection measures, stringent guidelines and an integrated system for the treatment and recycling of wastewater are needed to minimize the negative impacts of wastewater irrigation in the study area.  相似文献   

针对环境卫星 CCD 影像,结合影像质量评价、专题制图、土地利用/覆被解译以及常用植被指数构建,以青海湖区域为例,与Landsat TM影像进行比对研究。结果表明,在与TM影像质量评价参数比较中,TM影像较优,而环境卫星影像具有很大的改善空间;在对地物判译中,环境卫星影像色彩稍暗淡,但对大多数地物解译判读的边界更清晰;环境卫星覆盖度大,区域制图的优势非常明显;生态监测定量遥感常用的植被指数比较中两种数据大致相同。  相似文献   

Multiple Antibiotic Resistance (MAR) analysis and regression modeling techniques were used to identify surface water areas impacted by fecal pollution from human sources, and to determine the effects of land use on fecal pollution in Murrells Inlet, a small, urbanized, high-salinity estuary located between Myrtle Beach and Georgetown, South Carolina. MAR analysis was performed to identify areas in the estuary that are impacted by human-source fecal pollution. Additionally, regression analysis was performed to determine if an association exists between land use and fecal coliform densities over the ten-year period from 1989 to 1998. Land-use variables were derived using Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques and were used in the regression analysis.MAR analyses were conducted by comparing the frequency and patterns of antibiotic resistance found in Escherichia coli isolates derived from surface water samples and from sewage sources in the Murrells Inlet sewage collection system. The MAR results suggest that the majority of the fecal pollution detected in the Murrells Inlet estuary may be from non-human sources, including fecal coliforms isolated from areas in close proximity to high densities of active septic tanks.A MAR Index, which measures the frequency of antibiotic resistance, was calculated for each of twenty-three water samples and nine sewage samples. The antibiotic resistance pattern comparisons were performed using cluster analysis. Although the MAR indices indicated that several surface water sites had potential human-source contamination, the cluster analysis suggests that only one sampling site had MAR patterns that were similar to those found in the sewage samples. This site was in close proximity to several large pleasure boats as well as a sewage collection system lift station, but was not near areas with active septic tanks. The results of the regression analysis also suggest that sewage sources and rainfall runoff from urbanized areas may contribute to fecal pollution in the estuary.  相似文献   

In the last decades the European Union exerted influence on precautionary environmental planning by the establishment of several Directives. The most relevant were the Habitat-Directive, the EIA-Directive, the SEA-Directive and the Water Framework Directive. Comparing these EU policies in the area of environmental precaution it becomes obvious that there is a lot of common ground. Thus, the conclusion seems likely that the European Union, in doing so, has intended to establish general planning concepts through introducing several methodological steps indicated by the regulations. The goal of this article is firstly to point out, which are the common planning principles, converted by methodological elements and secondly examine the consideration of these planning concepts by the implementation and application in the member states. In this context it is analysed whether the connections and divergences between the directives lead to significant differences in the implementation process. To this aim the directives are shortly introduced and significant steps of the processes regulated by them are outlined. In the second steps the national legal implementation in the Alpine states and its consequences for the practical application are discussed. The results show a heterogeneous application of the EU principles. Within the comparative view on the four directives influence and causalities between the national implementation and the practical application were identified, which can be simplified as four types. Since a coherent strategic and methodological concept for improving environmental precaution planning from part of the EU is noticeable, more unity and comparability within the implementation is desirable, particularly in areas with comparable habitats such as the alpine space. Beyond this the trade-off between the directives poses an important task for the future.  相似文献   

Great concern has been raised with respect to the 13 traplines that constitute the traditional territory of the Ouje-Bougoumou Cree located in the James Bay region of northern Quebec, Canada, with respect to mine wastes originating from three local mines. As a result, an “Integrative Risk Assessment” was initiated consisting of three interrelated components: a comprehensive human health study, an assessment of the existing ecological/environmental database, and a land use/potential sites of concern study. In this paper, we document past and present land use in the traditional territory of the Ouje-Bougoumou Cree for 72 heads of households, including 13 tallymen, and use a Geographic Information System (GIS) to layer harvest/hunting and gathering/collecting data over known mining areas and potential sites of concern. In this way, potential receptors of contamination and routes of human exposure were identified. Areas of overlap with respect to land use activity and mining operations were relatively extensive for certain harvesting activities (e.g., beaver, Castor canadensis and various species of game birds), less so for fish harvesting (all species) and water collection, and relatively restrictive for large mammal harvesting and collection of firewood (and other collection activities). Potential receptors of contaminants associated with mining activity (e.g., fish and small mammals) and potential routes of exposure (e.g., ingestion of contaminated game and drinking of contaminated water) were identified.  相似文献   

Over 300,000 caddisfly specimens representing 249 species were collected from nearly 250 sites throughout Minnesota during 2000 and 2001 to determine the effects of human disturbance on the composition of caddisfly trophic functional groups at the landscape level. Canonical correspondence analysis determined that stream width was the most important variable influencing functional group composition in regions of the state with relatively low disturbance, and that differences in the caddisfly fauna between sizes of streams generally followed trends predicted by the river continuum concept. In regions of the state with moderate disturbance, both stream width and the percentage of disturbed habitat upstream of a site were important variables influencing functional group composition. In highly disturbed regions, no variables corresponded to changes in the composition of caddisfly functional groups. Instead, ecosystems were homogeneous: fine-particle filtering collectors dominated in all sizes of streams. The observed aquatic ecosystem homogenization is attributed mostly to input of fine-particle organic and inorganic sediment from extensive agriculture.  相似文献   

以土地利用转移矩阵为基础,通过计算土地利用净变化量、交换变化量和绝对变化总量,对泰州市及生态红线区2010—2014年土地利用空间变化特征做分析。结果显示:耕地转化为建设用地及水域湿地景观为主要变化趋势,生态红线区域内土地开发利用受到较严格的限制,保护措施成效较好,其自然生态环境得到持续的修复和改善。  相似文献   

Recent conceptual and technological solutions to biodiversityassessment allow large numbers of invertebrate specimens to beprocessed rapidly and provide researchers and practitioners with a unique tool for characterizing habitats. One applicationof these advances is the ability to detect and monitor small-scale habitat heterogeneity and so provide a measure of ecosystem restoration. This case study presents a test of theefficacy of using invertebrates to assess and monitor ecologicalrestoration following bush regeneration. Eight contiguous habitatpatches within a suburb of northern Sydney, Australia, were selected to represent areas that had undergone different bushregeneration techniques. A nearby and relatively undisturbed area of bushland was also sampled. A total of 57 806 ground-active invertebrate specimens from 35 different orders were collected in pitfall traps. 1 246 ant (Formicidae) specimens were further sorted into 46 ant morphospecies from20 genera. Analyses of the three taxonomic data sets, includingtwo different data transformations, demonstrated that: (i) invertebrate communities successfully characterized different sites, providing a high degree of differentiation among sites;(ii) ordinations of the sites allowed visual assessment of theimpact of each management technique on the habitat relativeto undisturbed habitats; and (iii) characterization of sitescould be achieved using abundance classes or binary countsof ant morphospecies, representing potential cost and timesavings. The project duration was a total of three personweeks and cost less than US$3,000 (1999 prices) to complete.Measurement of invertebrate assemblages will provide a toolfor both rapid assessment of management decisions and ameans by which to implement adaptive management and restoration.  相似文献   

应用遥感技术监测分析扬州市2009—2012年土地利用与覆盖状况。结果表明,扬州市土地利用及覆盖以耕地、城乡工矿居民用地及水域为主,主要生态红线区土地覆盖类型未发生人为改变,生态环境状况总体良好,呈略有改善的态势。提出,应坚持开展污染治理和生态建设,优化发展空间,统筹城乡建设用地管理。  相似文献   

陆地表面温度(Land Surface Temperature,LST)是地表能量平衡组分中的一个重要参数。随着卫星遥感技术的快速发展,遥感反演成为获取区域LST的一个重要手段。目前已有学者提出多种基于遥感数据反演LST的算法,其中劈窗算法被证明是一种精度较高的算法。基于Landsat-8卫星30 m空间分辨率的陆地成像仪(OLI)数据和100 m分辨率的热红外传感器(TIRS)数据,采用劈窗算法计算了无锡地区的LST,并采用地面实测水温数据和同步的MODIS温度产品对Landsat-8的计算结果进行了验证和对比分析。结果表明:基于Landsat-8数据和劈窗算法获取的LST精度较高,误差1K。在计算的LST结果基础上,进一步提取了热场变异指数来分析城市热岛空间分布特征,给出了城市热岛效应的定量化描述,并就不同地表覆盖类型对热岛效应的影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

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