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The spatial, diel and tidal variability in the abundance of piscivorous fishes and their teleost prey, and the dietary composition of predatory fishes were investigated in beds of Heterozostera tasmanica within Port Phillip Bay, Australia, from September 1997 to February 1998. Predatory and prey fish assemblages were sampled from beds of H. tasmanica at three locations during each combination of diel (day and night) and tidal (high and low) cycles. Pelagic and benthic crustaceans represented >60% by abundance of the diets of all predatory fishes. Seven species, 54% of all predatory fishes, were piscivorous. These piscivores consumed individuals from seven families, 36.8% of the fish families being associated with seagrass. Western Australian salmon, Arripis truttacea (Arripidae) (n = 174) and yank flathead, Platycephalus speculator (Platycephalidae) (n = 46) were the most abundant piscivores. A. truttacea consumed larval/post-larval atherinids, gobiids and sillaginids. P. speculator consumed late-juvenile/adult atherinids, clinids and gobiids. While the abundances of piscivores varied between locations (P < 0.001) and diel periods (P = 0.028), the relative differences in piscivore abundance between sites and diel periods were not consistent between tides. The abundances of A. truttacea varied in a complex way amongst sites, diel period and tidal cycle, as shown by a three-way interaction between these factors (P = 0.026). Only during diurnal periods at St. Leonards was the abundance of A. truttacea significantly higher during high than low tides (P < 0.001). During the other diel periods at each site, the abundance of A. truttacea did not vary. P. speculator was significantly more abundant nocturnally (P = 0.017). The abundance of small (prey) fishes varied significantly amongst sites (P < 0.001). During the day, the abundance of small fishes did not vary between high and low tides (P = 0.185), but their nocturnal abundance was greater during low tide (P < 0.001). Atherinids (n = 1732) and sillaginids (n = 1623) were the most abundant families of small fishes. Atherinids were significantly more abundant nocturnally (P = 0.005) and during low tides (P = 0.029), and varied significantly amongst sites (P < 0.001). Sillaginids varied significantly only amongst sites (P < 0.001). Seagrass beds provide a foraging habitat for a diverse assemblage of predatory fishes, many of which are piscivorous. Anti-predator behaviour and amongst-location variability in abundances of piscivorous fishes may explain some of the diel and tidal, and broad-scale spatial patterns in small-fish abundances. Received: 23 July 1999 / Accepted: 18 January 2000  相似文献   

What to do about fisheries collapse and the decline of large fishes in marine ecosystems is a critical debate on a global scale. To address one aspect of this debate, a major fisheries management action, the removal of gill nets in 1994 from the nearshore arena in the Southern California Bight (34°26′30″N, 120°27′09″W to 33°32′03″N, 117°07′28″W) was analyzed. First, the impetus for the gill net ban was the crash of the commercial fishery for white seabass (Atractoscion nobilis; Sciaenidae) in the early 1980s. From 1982 to 1997 catch remained at a historically low level (47.8 ± 3.0 mt) when compared to landings from 1936–1981, but increased significantly from 1995–2004 (r = 0.89, P < 0.01) to within the 95% confidence limit of the historic California landings. After the white seabass fishery crashed in the early 1980s, landings of soupfin (Galeorhinus galeus; Triakidae) and leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata; Triakidae) also significantly declined (r = 0.95, P < 0.01 and r = 0.91, P < 0.01, respectively) until the gill net closure. After the closure both soupfin and leopard shark significantly increased in CPUE (r = 0.72, P = 0.02 and r = 0.87, P < 0.01, respectively). Finally, giant sea bass (Stereolepis gigas; Polyprionidae) the apex predatory fish in this ecosystem, which was protected from commercial and recreational fishing in 1981, were not observed in a quarterly scientific SCUBA monitoring program from 1974 to 2001 but reappeared in 2002–2004. In addition, CPUE of giant seabass increased significantly from 1995 to 2004 (r = 0.82, P < 0.01) in the gill net monitoring program. The trends in abundance of these fishes return were not correlated with sea surface temperature (SST), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) or the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO). All four species increased significantly in either commercial catch, CPUE, or in the SCUBA monitoring program after the 1994 gill net closure, whereas they had declined significantly, crashed, or were absent prior to this action. This suggests that removing gill nets from coastal ecosystems has a positive impact on large marine fishes.  相似文献   

Chondrilla nucula is a common Caribbean demosponge that grows in a range of habitats, from coral reefs to mangrove swamps. On reefs, C. nucula grows as a thinly encrusting sheet, while in mangrove habitats it surrounds submerged mangrove roots as fleshy, lobate clumps. Previous feeding experiments using predatory reef fish revealed a high degree of variability in the chemical defenses of C. nucula. The present study was undertaken to determine whether a relationship exists between habitat, growth form, and chemical defense of C. nucula. Both laboratory and field feeding-assays of crude extracts confirmed that C. nucula possesses a chemical defense with high intercolony variability, but there was no significant variation in feeding deterrency between reef and mangrove habitats at either geographic location (Bahamas and Florida). Extracts of C. nucula collected during September and October 1994 from the Bahamas were significantly more deterrent than those collected during August 1993, May 1994, and May 1995 from Florida, and extracts of these spring and summer Florida collections were more deterrent than extracts of C. nucula collected in December 1994 and February 1995 in the same locations. There was no evidence that deterrent compounds were concentrated in the surface tissues of the sponge, or that chemical defense could be induced by simulated predation. Laboratory and field assays of the fractionated crude extract revealed that feeding deterrency was confined to the most polar metabolites in the extract. Field transplants were used to determine whether predation influenced the growth form of C. nucula. Uncaged sponges transplanted from the mangrove to the reef were readily consumed by spongivorous reef fishes. Lobate mangrove sponges became thinner after being caged on the reef for 3 mo, but encrusting reef sponges did not become thicker after being caged in the mangroves for the same period of time. Reef sponges that were caged for 3 to 15 mo thickened by only a small amount (<1 mm) compared to uncaged and open-caged (i.e. in cages lacking tops) sponges. Simulated bite marks on both reef and mangrove sponges were repaired at a rapid rate (0.8 to 1.6 mm d−1). Fish predation has an important impact on the distribution and abundance of C. nucula, but the thin growth form common to reef environments may be more the result of hydrodynamics than of grazing by spongivorous fishes. Received: 6 October 1997 / Accepted: 19 March 1998  相似文献   

In September and October 1980 we examined the relationships between food availability, depth, and chemical composition among 12 midwater fish species, from three adjacent areas of the eastern North Pacific: the eastern gyre, the California Current, and the transitional region between them. By comparing trends in chemical composition across a geographical productivity gradient, the influence of food availability could be examined both with and without depth as a dependent variable. In general, caloric density, lipids, and water content showed consistent trends along both vertical and horizontal gradients of food availability. Lipids and caloric contents were lowest among bathypelagic species and among fishes from the gyre. Water content was highest in the gyre and among deeper-living species. While protein content as a percentage of the total wet weight declined with depth, there was no clear trend among mesopelagic species between stations. Protein as percent of the total organic content showed no decrease with depth, but was significantly higher in the gyre among mesopelagic species. These findings suggest that compositional trends in water, lipids, and caloric content are correlated with food availability, regardless of any depth-related factors. In contrast, protein did not vary consistently with food availability and thus may be linked to other factors.  相似文献   

Urosalpinx cinerea (Say), accustomed to feeding on Balanus balanoides, were strongly attracted in a choice chamber by the effluents of B. balanoides and B. eburneus, were indifferent to the effluents of Crassostrea virginica, Crepidula fornicata and Mytilus edulis, and responded negatively to the effluent of their own species. Oyster drills from a population feeding on Crassostrea virginica were attracted to oyster effluent; when these snails were offered a choice between Crassostrea virginica and B. balanoides effluents, they responded in equal numbers to the two effluents. Concentrations of NH4Cl-ammonia in the range 18.2 to 73.3 mol did not attract the snails, and their responses to animal effluents were not correlated with the ammonia and amino-acid concentrations of the effluents, which ranged from 11.8 to 21.0 mol. It is argued that these results deny ammonia the role of a nonspecific distance attractant. Confined separately with various potential prey species, Urosalpinx drilled Balanus balanoides, B. eburneus, Crassostrea virginica, Crepidula fornicata, C. plana, Mercenaria mercenaria, Modiolus demissus, Mya arenaria, Mytilus edulis, Spisula solidissima, and Yoldia limatula, but not Anomia simplex. The prey species that were the least attractive in running water were generally rendered attractive and subject to attack in standing water. Freshly shucked Crepidula fornicata shells were scarcely drilled unless continuously perfused by C. fornicata effluent, and then only in small numbers. Altering the texture of living C. fornicata shells by wrapping them in nylon netting, by polishing, or by roughening, did not make them immune to drilling. Oyster drills in contact with C. fornicata attacked only if they received the effluent of the living prey, proving that tactile stimuli alone are not adequate to induce drilling.  相似文献   

Large predatory fishes are disproportionately targeted by reef fisheries, but little is known about their trophic ecology, which inhibits understanding of community dynamics and the potential effects of climate change. In this study, stable isotope analyses were used to infer trophic ecology of a guild of large predatory fishes that are targeted by fisheries on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Each of four focal predators (Plectropomus leopardus, Plectropomus maculatus, Lethrinus miniatus and Lutjanus carponotatus) was found to have a distinct isotopic signature in terms of δ13C and δ15N. A two-source mixing model (benthic reef-based versus pelagic) indicated that P. leopardus and L. miniatus derive the majority (72 and 62 %, respectively) of their production from planktonic sources, while P. maculatus and L. carponotatus derive the majority (89 and 74 %, respectively) of their production from benthic reef-based sources. This indicates that planktonic production is important for sustaining key species in reef fisheries and highlights the need for a whole-ecosystem approach to fisheries management. Unexpectedly, there was little isotopic niche overlap between three of four focal predators, suggesting that inter-specific competition for prey may be low or absent. δ15Nitrogen indicated that the closely related P. leopardus and P. maculatus are apex predators (trophic level > 4), while δ13C indicated that each species has a different diet and degree of trophic specialisation. In view of these divergent trophic ecologies, each of the four focal predators (and the associated fisheries) are anticipated to be differentially affected by climate-induced disturbances. Thus, the results presented herein provide a useful starting point for precautionary management of exploited predator populations in a changing climate.  相似文献   

The variation with depth in water, lipid, protein, carbon and nitrogen contents (% wet weight) of 42 species of midwater fishes, collected in November 1976 off the west coast of Oahu in the Hawaiian Archipelago, was measured. The Hawaiian fishes show significant relationships between these components and depth of occurrence. The slopes of these relationships are not significantly different from those reported for midwater fishes from off California, USA. However, the fishes from Hawaii have significantly lower lipid levels and higher protein levels than do the species from off California. The deep-living Hawaiian species (500 m and deeper) have significantly lower lipid (% wet weight), but there is no significant difference in protein (% wet weight). The difference in lipid contents at all depths appears to be an evolved characteristic, with the greater lipid levels off California being selected for by greater spatial and temporal variation in the food supply for these fishes off the California coast than off Hawaii. The higher protein contents in the shallow-living Hawaiian fishes appear to reflect greater muscle power selected for in these fishes by the greater water clarity, and therefore greater reactive distances, in the surface layers off Hawaii. These conclusions support the general hypothesis that the lower protein contents of bathypelagic fishes are not directly selected by food limitation at depth, but rather result from the relaxation of selection for rapid-swimming abilities at greater depths due to the great reduction at greater depths in the distance over which visual predator-prey interactions can take place. The lower lipid levels in the deeper-living species are apparently made possible by the reduced metabolic rates of these species which reduces their need for energy stores.  相似文献   

Electrona antarctica and Bathylagus antarcticus are dominant fishes in the Southern Ocean pelagic ecosystem with disparate life histories, making them excellent subjects for comparative studies. Twenty-one indices of nutritional condition were compared in both species by observing changes in each index as it varied spatially and temporally in association with the marginal ice-zone bloom in the northwestern Weddell Sea. E. antarctica and B. antarcticus exhibited very different patterns of response to the bloom. Nutritional condition increased in 11 of 21 measures in E. antarctica, suggesting that it was in poorer condition at ice-covered stations and in greatly improved condition in post-bloom, open-water stations. The data, combined with a few observations of larvae, indicate that E. antarctica increases feeding before the spring bloom, rapidly building stores of lipid, which are probably used for spawning. In contrast, only three measures of condition were variable in B. antarcticus, and lipid actually decreased from ice-covered to open water. RNA:DNA values increased in open water, coinciding with an increase in food volume present in their guts. These observations, coupled with observations of larvae in ice-covered stations, suggest that B. antarcticus possesses sufficient energetic stores to spawn prior to the bloom, so that larvae are able to fully utilize available resources associated with the spring bloom. Increased somatic growth, as indicated by RNA:DNA, may not begin until later, when the bloom was beginning to decline. Earlier work, which suggested that the deeper living, non-migrating species, like B. antarcticus, would not be affected by the bloom until after shallower, migratory species, like E. antarctica, is supported. Of the assays tested, RNA:DNA appeared to be the most sensitive. The combined assessment of many measures including biochemical, compositional, dietary, and age estimates from single specimens is possible if the samples are treated with sufficient care. The reliance upon a single measure to help interpret the ecology of a species, especially in nekton-sized species, is not as effective as techniques used in combination. Received: 12 January 2000 / Accepted: 16 August 2000  相似文献   

Based on direct monitoring of feeding and growth under field conditions and frequent measurements of respiration and energy content in the laboratory, annual energy budgets were derived for Polinices duplicatus feeding on Mya arenaria at Barnstable Harbor, Massachusetts. The gross growth efficiency (Pg/C) of P. duplicatus was high (35%) and varied inversely with snail size. The proportion of ingested energy expended on respiration (R/C) was modest (44%) and varied directly with snail size and inversely with temperature. The energetic efficiencies of P. duplicatus agreed with the few results available for othe predatory molluscs and differed from most results available for herbivorous and detritivorous molluscs.  相似文献   

Sponge-feeding fishes of the West Indies   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In an analysis of the stomach contents of 212 species of West Indian reef and inshore fishes, sponge remains were found in 21 species. In eleven of these, sponges comprised 6% or more of the stomach contents; it is assumed that these fishes feed intentionally on sponges. Sponges comprise over 95% of the food of angelfishes of the genus Holacanthus, over 70% of the food of species of the related genus Pomacanthus, and more than 85% of the food of the filefish, Cantherhines macrocerus. Lesser quantities of sponges are ingested by the remaining fish species. Fishes that feed on sponges belong to highly specialized teleost families, suggesting that this habit has evolved in geologically late time. The small number of fish species that concentrate on sponges as food suggests that the defensive characters of sponges—mineralized sclerites, noxious chemical substances, and tough fibrous components—are highly effective in discouraging predation. The two sponges most frequently eaten by fishes have a low percentage of siliceous spicules relative to organic matter, but among the 20 next most frequently consumed species no striking correlation occurs with respect to spicule content. Color and form of the sponge show no special correlation with frequency of occurrence in fish stomachs. Three species of fishes appear to concentrate on one species of sponge, but in these cases over 60% of the food taken consists of a variety of other organisms. Those fishes, more than half of whose diet consists of sponges, tend to sample a wide variety of species. No strong evidence is provided by our data that fish predation is a significant factor in limiting sponge distribution in the West Indian region.  相似文献   

B. J. Hill 《Marine Biology》1979,55(3):209-214
Scylla serrata in a South African estuary occurred more frequently in that part which had the highest number of prey organisms. Food location was by contact chemoreception, using the dactyls of the walking legs. Major prey groups were burrowing bivalves, attached bivalves and small crabs. s. serrata showed a preference for small crabs as prey. Because of their larger mass and higher energy content compared with other prey organisms, these crabs represented the major energy source of S. serrata in this area.  相似文献   

Lethal concentrations (LC50) of a synthetic pyrethroid pesticide, fenvalerate, for three species of air breathing fish Clarias batrachus, Channa punctatus and Heteropneustes fossilis were determined under water and acetone soluble condition in the laboratory using the static bioassay procedure of the American Public Health Association (APHA,1995). Acetone soluble fenvalerate was found more toxic than the water-soluble fenvalerate irrespective of species and exposure periods. The LC50 value upon 96 days exposure to acetone soluble fenvalerate for C. batrachus, Channa C. punctatus and Heteropneustes H. fossilis were 1.35, 1.0 and 0.65?µg?L?1, respectively. It is concluded from the present study that fenvalerate is highly toxic even to the hardy air breathing fishes and the pesticide, when dissolved in water, remains photostable and active to render toxicity for long duration.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the Gatun Lake fresh-water barrier to fish migration of the Panama Canal was examined, based on literature records and recent collections. Six species have migrated to the Pacific and three to the Atlantic Oceans. New records include: Hypleurochilus aequipinnis, Barbulifer ceuthoecus and Oostethus lineatus of Atlantic origin, and Gnathanodon, speciosus of Pacific origin. The majority of Atlantic migrants are known in the Pacific only from the Miraflores Third Lock, a unique ectogenic meromictic lake attached to the Pacific entrance of the canal. The hydrography and biota (including Atlantic algal and crustacean species previously unknown as canal migrants) of the lake are discussed. It is presumed that certain fish migrants transited the canal by associating with fouling material on the underside of ships. The euryhaline species, H. aequipinnis, Lupinoblennius dispar, Lophogobius cyprinoides and Omobranchus punctatus survived in freshwater (0.0‰S) for periods longer than réquired for ship transit of the canal (ca. 8h). The stenohaline migrant Gobiosoma nudum died after 2 h in freshwater, but survived more than 50 h at 2.5‰S. Plans to increase Panama Canal ship transits through the pumping of seawater into Gatún Lake might remove the biological barrier and allow the migration of euryhaline and stenohaline species. We find those plans unwise, and the potential consequences dangerous.  相似文献   

Denoting a fish length or weight at age t by X t , a reference age by t m , and the corresponding fish length or weight by X m , the relation between age and length or weight may be described by a parabola as follows: $$\left| {X_t } \right. - X_m \left| = \right.a + b(\left| {t - t_m } \right.\left| ) \right. + c(\left| t \right. - t_m \left| ) \right.^2$$ or $$X_t = A + b(\left| {t - t_m } \right.\left| ) \right. + c(\left| t \right. - t_m \left| ) \right.^2$$ where a, b and c are constants. Each of the above Eqs. describes one curve at ages older than t m and another one at younger ages, which is made possible by means of the transformation of t to (|t-t m |). In 2 cases out of 10, the parabola takes the form of a cubic equation. Evidence is given that, as the growth data become fewer, the better fit of the parabola or cubic equation will probably be less in comparison to the von Bertalanffy equation (1938, 1949) as developed by Beverton and Holt (1957) and the power-growth equation (Rafail, 1971), and vice versa. This growth equation is used to derive models for estimating the optimum age and yield for fish populations.  相似文献   

To examine the potential trophic competition between myctophids and small epipelagic fishes in the nursery grounds in spring, we compared the stomach contents of dominant myctophids (Symbolophorus californiensis, Ceratoscopelus warmingii and Myctophum asperum; = 179) and juvenile epipelagic fishes (Japanese sardine, Sardinops melanostictus, Japanese anchovy, Engraulis japonicus, chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus, and spotted mackerel, S. australasicus; = 78) that were simultaneously collected at nighttime with a midwater trawl net around the Kuroshio-Oyashio transition zone in the western North Pacific. It was clear that the neritic copepod Paracalanus parvus s.l. was the most abundant species in NORPAC samples (0.335 mm mesh size) taken at the same stations. Diets of dominant myctophid fishes differed from those of the juvenile epipelagic fishes; Japanese sardine and anchovy mostly preyed upon P. parvus s.l. (23.6% of stomach contents in volume) and Corycaeus affinis (16.1%), respectively. Both chub and spotted mackerels mainly preyed upon the seasonal vertical migrant copepod, Neocalanus cristatus (15.9 and 14.7%, respectively). On the contrary, myctophid fishes probably do not specifically select the abundant neritic copepods. Namely, S. californiensis mostly preyed upon a diel vertical migrating copepod, Pleuromamma piseki (22.7 and 30.6% in stomach of juvenile and adult, respectively), while C. warmingii and M. asperum preyed on Doliolida (43.0% in stomach of juvenile C. warmingii), appendicularians (11.0% in stomach of juvenile M. asperum), and Ostracoda (6.3% in stomach of adult C. warmingii). Feeding habits of myctophid fishes seem adapted to their prey animals; low rate of digested material (less than 30% in volume) in stomachs of S. californiensis may be linked to the movement of P. piseki, hence S. californiensis can easily consume this copepod at night since they are more concentrated at night than daytime. High rate of digested material (over 40%) of M. asperum and adult C. warmingii suggest that they feed not only at night but also during the daytime in the midwater layer. Thus, myctophid fishes actually fed in the surface layer but less actively than the small epipelagic fishes. These results suggest that the potential for direct food competition between myctophids and small epipelagic fishes is low in the nursery ground, but there remains a possibility of indirect effects through their prey items, since the above gelatinous animals feed on common prey items as juveniles of Japanese sardine and anchovy.  相似文献   

The toxicity test of fenvalerate were conducted to fresh water fishes Labeo rohita (Hamilton), Catla catla (Hamilton), Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton), Aplocheilus punchex (Hamilton) and Ctenopharygodon idellus (Valenciennes). The static and continuous flow through tests were employed to determine the lethal concentration (LC50) for 24h, 48h and 96h to the test fish. It was observed that Cirrhinus mrigala is more sensitive to this pesticide followed by Applochielus punchex, Lebeo rohita, Catla catla and Ctenopharyngodon idellus. The residue analysis for qualitative confirmation was done by thin layer chromatography (TLC) to assess the deposition of pesticide in different tissues of fishes. The quantitative study of accumulation in the whole body tissue was done by Gas liquid chromatography (GLC). The quantitative residues confirm the toxic action.  相似文献   

Emotions such as fear in vertebrates are often strongly lateralised, that is, a single cerebral hemisphere tends to be dominant when processing emotive stimuli. Boldness is a measure of an individual’s propensity to take risks and it has obvious connections with fear responses. Given the emotive nature of this well-studied personality trait, there is good reason to suspect that it is also likely to be expressed in a single hemisphere. Here, we examined the link between laterality and boldness in wild and captive-reared rainbowfish, Melanotaenia nigrans. We found that fish from the wild were bolder than those from captivity, which might be a reflection of the differences in the level of predation pressure experienced by the two populations. Secondly, we found that non-lateralised fish were bolder than strongly lateralised fish. In addition, differences in boldness scores between left- and right-biased fish were revealed. We suggest that variation in cerebral lateralisation contributes to the persistence of individual differences in boldness scores in animal populations.  相似文献   

Deforestation is a primary driver of biodiversity change through habitat loss and fragmentation. Stream biodiversity may not respond to deforestation in a simple linear relationship. Rather, threshold responses to extent and timing of deforestation may occur. Identification of critical deforestation thresholds is needed for effective conservation and management. We tested for threshold responses of fish species and functional groups to degree of watershed and riparian zone deforestation and time since impact in 75 streams in the western Brazilian Amazon. We used remote sensing to assess deforestation from 1984 to 2011. Fish assemblages were sampled with seines and dip nets in a standardized manner. Fish species (n = 84) were classified into 20 functional groups based on ecomorphological traits associated with habitat use, feeding, and locomotion. Threshold responses were quantified using threshold indicator taxa analysis. Negative threshold responses to deforestation were common and consistently occurred at very low levels of deforestation (<20%) and soon after impact (<10 years). Sensitive species were functionally unique and associated with complex habitats and structures of allochthonous origin found in forested watersheds. Positive threshold responses of species were less common and generally occurred at >70% deforestation and >10 years after impact. Findings were similar at the community level for both taxonomic and functional analyses. Because most negative threshold responses occurred at low levels of deforestation and soon after impact, even minimal change is expected to negatively affect biodiversity. Delayed positive threshold responses to extreme deforestation by a few species do not offset the loss of sensitive taxa and likely contribute to biotic homogenization.  相似文献   

Yahdjian L  Sala OE 《Ecology》2006,87(4):952-962
Grassland aboveground net primary production (ANPP) increases linearly with precipitation in space and time, but temporal models relating time series of ANPP and annual precipitation for single sites show lower slopes and regression coefficients than are shown by spatial models. The analysis of several ANPP time series showed lags in the ecosystem response to increased water availability, which may explain the difference between spatial and temporal models. The lags may result from constraints that ecosystems experience after drought. Our objective was to explore the structural constraints of the ANPP response to rainfall variability in a semiarid ecosystem, the Patagonian steppe, in southern Argentina. We designed a 3-yr rainfall manipulation experiment where we decreased water input with rainout shelters during two consecutive years, which included three levels of rainfall interception (30%, 55%, and 80%) and a control. In the third year, we irrigated one-half of the plots of each rainfall-interception treatment. We evaluated the immediate effects of drought on current-year ANPP and the effects of previous-year drought on vegetation recovery after water supplementation. ANPP (g x m(-2) x yr(-1)) was linearly related to annual precipitation input (APPT; mm/yr) along the experimental precipitation gradient (ANPP = 0.13 x APPT + 58.3; r2 = 0.34, P < 0.01), and this relationship was mostly accounted for by changes in the ANPP of grasses. Plant density (D; no. individuals/mm2) was related to the precipitation received during the drought period (D = 0.11 x APPT + 18; r2 = 0.39, P < 0.05). The recovery of plants after irrigation was lower for those plots that had experienced experimental drought the previous years relative to controls, and the lags were proportional to the intensity of drought. Therefore, our results suggest that the density of plants may constrain the recovery of vegetation after drought, and these constraints may determine lags that limit the capacity of the ecosystem to take advantage of wet years after dry years.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of DNA in sediments is described. The comparison between DNA extraction profiles from natural sediment samples and from precleaned sediments (concentrated nitric acid and subsequently 1 100 °C), to which known amounts of DNA were added, demonstrates that the sand particles participate in the delay of extraction of DNA we observed. Experiments with nuclease mixtures show that DNA by its interaction with the sediment is protected considerably against degradation by nucleases.  相似文献   

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