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The spatial distribution of phytoplankton assemblages, chlorophyll, primary production and physical and chemical parameters were studied in the Pontevedra Ria in Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula) from October 1997 to October 1998. In addition to the usual oceanographic periods described for the Galician Coast, two other periods were observed: a Prebloom or winter bloom, occurring during calm, sunny days in winter and a Continental period, related to the allochthonous intrusion of low salinity water from the Miño River in late spring. The phytoplankton biomass and production in both periods reached values of up to 145 mgChl-a m?2 and 3.6 gC m?2 day?1, respectively, which were similar to those found in summer upwelling blooms. Throughout the year, the phytoplankton biomass and primary production gradients along the ria’s axis were highly dependent on the balance between upwelling and runoff. When the latter prevailed, increased values were measured toward the inner ria, while the opposite pattern was observed during summer upwelling blooms. According to projections derived from climate models and the analysis of wind patterns, temperature and precipitation trends in the area, a drop in the productivity of the ria would be expected as a result of reduced upwelling intensity in summer and decreasing rainfall in spring. In any case the estuarine part of the ria would be the most seriously affected.  相似文献   

The present study addresses the ecology of two dominant copepod species in the Bay of Morbihan, Kerguelen Archipelago. The biomass of the herbivore Drepanopus pectinatus (from 2 mg m?3 in winter up to 500 mg m?3 in summer) is tightly coupled to seasonal changes in chlorophyll a concentration in the region, whereas the biomass of the predatory euchaetiid Paraeuchaeta antarctica increases during two distinct periods over the year: 250 mg m?3 in early summer, with the recruitment of the annual generation, and 100 mg m?3 in autumn, with the deposition of lipids as energy reserves in C5 stages and adults. The juvenile growth rates predicted by temperature-dependent models (0.09 day?1) closely approximate those observed in D. pectinatusin summer, but are much greater than those observed in P. antarctica (from 0.001 to 0.04 day?1 depending on developmental stages). This difference can be explained by the reproductive strategies and trophic positions of the two species and may also result from the dependence of larval growth on energy reserves in P. antarctica. The production rates are five- and tenfold greater in juvenile stages than in adults, respectively, for D. pectinatus and P. antarctica. The secondary production by D. pectinatusis insufficient to support P. antarcticaduring winter, when the predatory species probably shifts to alternate prey. In summer the predation by P. antarctica accounts for only a minor part of the mortality estimated for D. pectinatus (from 20% to 60% depending on the examined station). At two of the three stations examined in the Bay of Morbihan, the production of P. antarctica could potentially support the dietary requirements of planktivorous seabirds in the region (~2,000 kg prey day?1 for common diving petrels, Pelecanoides urinatrix, and ~90 kg prey day?1 for rockhopper penguins, Eudyptes chysocome filholi).  相似文献   

The impact of elevated CO2 and temperature on photosynthesis and calcification in the symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifer Marginopora vertebralis was studied. Individual specimens of M. vertebralis were collected from Heron Island on the southern Great Barrier Reef (Australia). They were maintained for 5 weeks at different temperatures (28, 32 °C) and pCO2 (400, 1,000 µatm) levels spanning a range of current and future climate-change scenarios. The photosynthetic capacity of M. vertebralis was measured with O2 microsensors and a pulse-amplitude-modulated chlorophyll (Chl) fluorometer, in combination with estimates of Chl a and Chl c 2 concentrations and calcification rates. After 5 weeks, control specimens remained unaltered for all parameters. Chlorophyll a concentrations significantly decreased in the specimens at 1,000 µatm CO2 for both temperatures, while no change in Chl c 2 concentration was observed. Photoinhibition was observed under elevated CO2 and temperature, with a 70–80 % decrease in the maximum quantum yield of PSII. There was no net O2 production at elevated temperatures in both CO2 treatments as compared to the control temperature, supporting that temperature has more impact on photosynthesis and O2 flux than changes in ambient CO2. Photosynthetic pigment loss and a decrease in photochemical efficiency are thus likely to occur with increased temperature. The elevated CO2 and high temperature treatment also lead to a reduction in calcification rate (from +0.1 to >?0.1 % day?1). Thus, both calcification and photosynthesis of the major sediment-producing foraminifer M. vertebralis appears highly vulnerable to elevated temperature and ocean acidification scenarios predicted in climate-change models.  相似文献   

Indoor mesocosm experiments were conducted to test for potential climate change effects on the spring succession of Baltic Sea plankton. Two different temperature (Δ0?°C and Δ6?°C) and three light scenarios (62, 57 and 49?% of the natural surface light intensity on sunny days), mimicking increasing cloudiness as predicted for warmer winters in the Baltic Sea region, were simulated. By combining experimental and modeling approaches, we were able to test for a potential dietary mismatch between phytoplankton and zooplankton. Two general predator–prey models, one representing the community as a tri-trophic food chain and one as a 5-guild food web were applied to test for the consequences of different temperature sensitivities of heterotrophic components of the plankton. During the experiments, we observed reduced time-lags between the peaks of phytoplankton and protozoan biomass in response to warming. Microzooplankton peak biomass was reached by 2.5 day °C?1 earlier and occurred almost synchronously with biomass peaks of phytoplankton in the warm mesocosms (Δ6?°C). The peak magnitudes of microzooplankton biomass remained unaffected by temperature, and growth rates of microzooplankton were higher at Δ6?°C (μ?0?°C?=?0.12 day?1 and μ?6?°C?=?0.25 day?1). Furthermore, warming induced a shift in microzooplankton phenology leading to a faster species turnover and a shorter window of microzooplankton occurrence. Moderate differences in the light levels had no significant effect on the time-lags between autotrophic and heterotrophic biomass and on the timing, biomass maxima and growth rate of microzooplankton biomass. Both models predicted reduced time-lags between the biomass peaks of phytoplankton and its predators (both microzooplankton and copepods) with warming. The reduction of time-lags increased with increasing Q10 values of copepods and protozoans in the tritrophic food chain. Indirect trophic effects modified this pattern in the 5-guild food web. Our study shows that instead of a mismatch, warming might lead to a stronger match between protist grazers and their prey altering in turn the transfer of matter and energy toward higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing were investigated in the restricted Bizerte Lagoon in 2002 and 2004. The 2002 study, carried out at one station from January to October, showed significant seasonal variations in phytoplankton dynamics. High growth rates (0.9–1.04 day−1), chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations (6.6–6.8 μg l−1) and carbon biomass (392–398 μg C l−1) were recorded in summer (July), when several chain-forming diatoms had intensively proliferated and dominated the carbon biomass (74%). In 2004, four stations were studied during July, a period also characterized by the high proliferation of several diatoms that made up 70% of the algal carbon biomass. In 2004, growth rates (0.34–0.45 day−1) and biomass of algae (2.9–5.4 μg Chl a l−1 and 209–260 μg C l−1) were low, which may be related to the lower nutrient concentrations recorded in 2004. Microzooplankton >5 μm were mainly composed of heterotrophic dinoflagellates and ciliates. Microzooplankton biomass peaked during summer (2002 320–329, 2004 246–361 μg C l−1), in response to the enhanced phytoplankton biomass and production. The grazer biomass was dominated by ciliates (71–76%) in July 2002 and by heterotrophic dinoflagellates (52–67%) in July 2004. Throughout the year and at different stations, microzooplankton grazed actively on phytoplankton, removing 26–58% of the Chl a and 57-84% of the primary production. In 2002, the highest grazing impact was observed on the large algae (>10 μm) during the period of diatom dominance. These results have a significant implication for carbon export to depth. Indeed, the recycling of most of the diatom production by the microbial food web in the upper water column would reduce the flux of material to the seafloor. This should be considered when modeling the carbon cycling in coastal environments and under conditions of diatom dominance. During both studies, ciliates had higher growth rates (0.5–1.5 day−1) and a higher carbon demand (165–470 μg C l−1 day−1) than dinoflagellates (0.1–0.5 day−1, 33–290 μg C l−1 day−1). Moreover, when grazer biomass was dominated by ciliates (in July 2002), herbivory accounted for 71–80% of the C ingested by microzooplankton while it accounted only for 14–23% when dinoflagellates dominated the grazer biomass (in July 2004). These results suggest that, in contrast to findings from open coastal waters, ciliate species of the restricted Bizerte Lagoon were more vigorous grazers of the large algae (diatoms) than were dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

At two fixed stations in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean (0°–4° W), the physical, chemical and biological properties of the euphotic layer were determined for 14 d (Station A: 5–18 February, 1979) and 13 d (Station B: 20 October–7 November, 1979), respectively. The stability of the water column allowed comparison of 3 different “systems”: (i) a well-illuminated and nitrate-depleted mixed layer; (ii) a chlorophyll maximum layer (chl a max) in the thermocline which is poorly illuminated (6.3% of surface irradiance); (iii) a well-illuminated but nitrate-rich (>0.9 μg-at l-1) mixed layer. In each layer the particulate organic carbon (COP), nitrogen (NOP) and phosphorus (POP) contents were measured and compared with the phytoplankton biomass. In the chlorophyll maximum layer, the phytoplankton biomass contributed significantly to the total particulate organic matter (between 55 and 75%). In the nitrate-depleted mixed layer, the results varied according to whether the regression technique [COP=f(chl a)] was used, or the chl a synthesis during the incubation of the samples. With the former technique, the phytoplankton carbon (C p) content appeared minimal, because the y intercept, computed using all the data of the water column, was probably overestimated for this layer. POP would be more associated with living protoplasm than with carbon and nitrogen in the three layers. In the chlorophyll a maximum layer it constitutes a valuable detritus-free biomass measurement, since 80% of the POP consist of phytoplankton phosphorus. The assimilation numbers (NA=μg C μg chl a -1 h-1) were high in all three layers, but the highest values were recorded in the nitrate-depleted mixed layer (NA=15 μg C μg chl a -1 h-1). In the chlorophyll maximum layer, light would be a limiting factor during incubation: between 1025 and 8.1024 quanta m-2 d-1 NA and light are positively correlated independant of nitrate concentration. The growth rates of phytoplankton (μ) were estimated and compared to the maximum expected growth rate. Our main conclusion was that despite very low biomass and nutrient content, the mixed layer was in a highly dynamic state, as evidenced by high rates of phytoplankton growth and short nutrient turnover times (1 d or less for PO-P4 in the mixed layer versus 3 d in the thermocline). The presence of nitrate in the water column allows the development of a higher phytoplankton biomass but does not increase growth rate.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic parameters for netplankton (>22 m) and nanoplankton (<22 m) varied over similar ranges but exhibited different seasonal and geographic patterns of variation. Nanoplankton a was relatively constant (0.06 mg C [mg Chl · h]-1 [E m-2 s-1]-1), but P m B (mg C [mg Chl · d]-1) was an exponential function of temperature independent of nutrient concentration and vertical stability in the euphotic zone. The temperature function gives a P m B of 24 at 25°C for nanoplankton growing in an estuarine environment characterized by high nutrient concentrations and a shallow, stratified euphotic zone. Variations in netplankton a and P m B were less predictable and were not correlated with temperature, nutrients or vertical stability. Chain forming diatoms with small cells were able to achieve high (0.10 to 0.15) and P m B (20 to 24) that were 3 to 5 times higher than large-celled diatoms and dinoflagellates were able to achieve.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that endolithic photo-autotrophs inside the skeleton of cold-water corals may have a mutualistic relationship with the coral host positively affecting coral calcification. This study investigated the effect of endolithic photo-autotrophs on the apical septal extension of the cold-water coral Desmophyllum dianthus at Fjord Comau, southern Chile (42.41°–42.15°S, 72.5°W). The fluorescent staining agent calcein was used to document the linear apical extension of septae for a period of one and a half years between 2006 and 2007. The results showed a severe reduction in extension rates associated with the presence of endolithic photo-autotrophs. Infested individuals grew about half as fast as non-infested polyps with a median value of 1.18 μm day?1 compared to 2.76 μm day?1. Contrary to the initial hypothesis, these results point toward a parasitic relationship between D. dianthus and its endolithic photo-autotrophs potentially impairing coral fitness. However, further data on physiological parameters and other aspects of the calcification process are necessary to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

Five hundred and ninety-nine primary producers and consumers in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM) (22°N–30°N, 160°W–180°W) were sampled for carbon and nitrogen stable isotope composition to elucidate trophic relationships in a relatively unimpacted, apex predator–dominated coral reef ecosystem. A one-isotope (δ13C), two-source (phytoplankton and benthic primary production) mixing model provided evidence for an average minimum benthic primary production contribution of 65 % to consumer production. Primary producer δ15N values ranged from ?1.6 to 8.0 ‰ with an average (2.1 ‰) consistent with a prevalence of N2 fixation. Consumer group δ15N means ranged from 6.6 ‰ (herbivore) to 12.1 ‰ (Galeocerdo cuvier), and differences between consumer group δ15N values suggest an average trophic enrichment factor of 1.8 ‰ Δ15N. Based on relative δ15N values, the larger G. cuvier may feed at a trophic position above other apex predators. The results provide baseline data for investigating the trophic ecology of healthy coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

In high-latitude waters such as the Southern Ocean, the primary production of phytoplankton supports the ecosystem. To understand the photo-acclimation strategy of such phytoplankton within cold environments, the vertical distribution profile of photosynthetic pigments was analyzed in the Southern Ocean. Samples were taken along 110°E during the austral summer, and along 150°E and around the edge of the seasonal sea ice of the Antarctic Continent during the austral autumn. Pigment extraction methods were optimized for these samples. The standing crop of chlorophyll a was larger in the region along the edge of the seasonal sea ice than at sampling stations in open ocean areas. Chlorophyll concentration seemed to be dependent on the formation of thermo- and haloclines along the edge of the seasonal sea ice, but not in the open ocean where such clines are less pronounced. The marker pigments fucoxanthin and/or 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin were dominant at most sampling stations throughout the water column, while other marker pigments such as alloxanthin were quite low. This indicated that diatoms and/or haptophytes were the major phytoplankton in this area. Comparison of the relative ratio of fucoxanthin with that of 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin allowed some stations to be characterized as either diatom-dominant or haptophyte-dominant. The relative ratio of xanthophyll-cycle pigments (diadinoxanthin plus diatoxanthin) to chlorophyll a was high in surface waters and decreased gradually with depth. This suggests that near the ice edge during summer in the Southern Ocean, both diatoms and haptophytes acclimate to their light environments to protect their photosystems under high-light conditions.  相似文献   

Diel changes in phytoplankton photosynthetic efficiency in Brackish waters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
From 18 to 23 September 1974, investigations on the diel changes in phytoplankton were carried out in the Baltic Sea. Every 4 h, water samples were collected from 2 and 15 m, and PO4, chlorophyll a, temperature, salinity, pH, phytoplankton composition and phytoplankton light photosynthesis relationship were determined. Continuous measurements of surface irradiance and some estimations of zooplankton were also made. P B (photosynthesis per unit chlorophyll a at low light levels of 2·10-2 cal cm-2 min-1) revealed only random variation during the sampling period, i.e., 1.0 to 1.6 mg C (mg chlorophyll a)-1 h-1. P m B (Light-saturated photosynthesis per unit of chlorophyll a) displayed pronounced diel fluctuations with the highest value of about 6 mg C (mg chlorophyll a)-1 h-1 around noon, and the lowest value of about 2.5 mg C (mg chlorophyll a)-1 h-1 during the night, during which latter period the value of P m B was more or less constant. Reasons for the diel fluctuations are discussed, and an equation which describes these fluctuations is proposed. Using this equation, the daily phytoplankton production estimated in incubators by a previously described method can be corrected for the time of day at which samples are collected.  相似文献   

The estimated daily intakes (EDIs) of six trace elements (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Hg, and As) in vegetables (leafy vegetable, i.e., bok choy, fruit vegetables, i.e., cucumber and tomato, and other categories, i.e., mushroom, kidney bean, and potato), cereals (rice and wheat flour), and meats (pork, mutton, and beef) most commonly consumed by adult inhabitants of Qiqihar, Northeastern China, were determined to assess the health status of local people. The average EDIs of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Hg, and As were with 20.77 μg (kg bw)?1 day?1 of Cu, 288 μg (kg bw)?1 day?1 of Zn, 2.01 μg (kg bw)?1 day?1 of Pb, 0.41 μg (kg bw)?1 day?1 of Cd, 0.01 μg (kg bw)?1 day?1 of Hg, and 0.52 μg (kg bw)?1 day?1 of As, respectively, which are below the daily allowance recommended by FAO/WHO. However, the maximum EDIs of Pb and Cd were 4.56 μg (kg bw)?1 day?1 and 1.68 μg (kg bw)?1 day?1, respectively, which are above the recommended levels [i.e., 3.58 μg (kg bw)?1 day?1 for Pb and 1.0 μg (kg bw)?1 day?1 for Cd] by FAO/WHO. This finding indicates that the potential health risk induced by daily ingestion of Pb and Cd for the local residents should receive a significant concern. Similarly, we detected elevated Pb and Cd concentrations, i.e., with average of 13.58 and 0.60 mg kg?1 dw, respectively, in the adult scalp hairs. Consumption of rice, potato, bok choy, and wheat flour contributed to 75 and 82% of Pb and Cd daily intake from foodstuffs. Nevertheless, human scalp hair is inappropriate biological material for determination of the nutritional status of trace elements in this region.  相似文献   

The fate of microzooplankton production, whether it is channeled to mesozooplankton or recycled within the microbial food web, has major implications for the oceanic carbon cycle. The aim of this study was to estimate internal predation within naturally occurring microzooplankton communities. A dilution series based on the Landry and Hasset technique was created by mixing 200-μm-screened water (used as whole water) with 5-μm-screened seawater due to the dominance of pico- and small nanoplankton at our study site. This modification of the original technique allows for gradual reduction in microzooplankton abundance and thus internal predation while maintaining sufficient phytoplankton prey levels for microzooplankton growth in diluted treatments. Microzooplankton growth and mortality rates were calculated based on the changes in abundance during 24-h incubation. In the diluted treatments, microzooplankton growth rates were significantly higher (1.21 ± 0.20 day?1 for ciliates and 0.88 ± 0.05 day?1 for heterotrophic dinoflagellates) compared to those in whole seawater where microzooplankton abundance remained unchanged or even declined over time. Approximately 79 % of microzooplankton production was consumed within the microzooplankton, with aloricate ciliates being the most vulnerable to predation. These findings support the assumption that trophic interactions between microzooplankton can be an important factor controlling their production and, thus, energy transfer in picoplankton-dominated pelagic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton and benthic vegetation biomass undergoes spatial-temporal changes in relation to their life cycle, but also to meteorological conditions, physical-chemical variables, organic input and internal dynamism. The main aim of this work was to observe the effect of all environmental variables on the vegetative dynamic process in a protected zone of a Mediterranean costal lagoon (Lesina lagoon, SE Italy). Seven samplings were performed from 2010 to 2012 at 30 sites for nutrient and chlorophyll analyses, while TOC measurements and wet biomass evaluation were performed at 10 sites. Temperature, salinity and oxygen saturation were also measured by multiparametric probe and a visual census for vegetation was performed. Sites close to freshwater inflow were characterized by lower temperature and salinity, and high nitrate, with maxima of 191.05 μM in May 2010 and more than 250 μM in October 2010. Silicates drastically decreased from May 2010 (87.57 μM) to July 2010 (6.15 μM) and increased again in October (74.99 μM). Chl a concentrations were not on average higher than 6 mg m?3, but peaks of 20 mg m?3 were observed during May 2011 and May 2012. Benthic vegetation wet biomass collected in 2010 was approximately twice that collected in 2012, with a maximum of 27,554 g m?2 and a dominance of macroalgae (70 % in May 2010 and 40 % in August 2010). During period 2010, a simultaneous and drastic decreasing of both mean values of wet biomass and chl a was observed from May to October 2010. During period 2012 a shift of vegetation biomass was shown from May (phytoplankton prevalence) to August 2012, with angiosperm prevalence (more than 30 %).  相似文献   

A new method is presented for measuring the rate of release of dissolved organic matter (DOM) produced by natural populations of marine phytoplankton. The method has been field-tested using natural populations of estuarine, coastal, and oceanic phytoplankton. Problems associated with the necessity for long incubation times, high initial activity of the inorganic 14C added to the sample, and self-absorption are overcome. Improved sensitivity is obtained by utilizing a large portion of the sample filtrate, Results from sampling at different times of day and for different lengths of incubation suggest that these problems should be reexamined in terms of both the percent and rate of relase of DOM from natural populations of phytoplankton. The rate of release of DOM from natural populations of marine phytoplankton decreases seaward. Phytoplankton in Georgia (USA) estuaries release <1 to 40 mg C m-3 day-1, in southeastern USA coastal waters from 0 to 19 mg C m-3 day-1, and in the westernmost Sargasso Sea from 0 to 2 mg C m-3 day-1. The percent of photoassimilated carbon released as DOM increases seaward. The percents are less than 7% in the Georgia estuaries, generally less than 13% in southeastern USA surface coastal waters, generally less than 21% for these coastal waters below the surface, and less than 44% for the westernmost Sargasso Sea. The results of this study and of other studies suggest that the measurement of primary productivity in estuarine and nearshore coastal waters is not seriously in error because of the absence of measurements on the rate of release of DOM from such phytoplankton. However, the estimation of primary-productivity values for oceanic waters is underestimated in some cases by about 50%.Contribution No. 595 from the Department of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA and Contribution No. 224 from the University of Georgia Marine Institute, Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA.Extracted in part from a dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the University of Georgia in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.  相似文献   

Egg and faecal pellet production and egg hatching success of the calanoid copepod Calanus finmarchicus were monitored over a period of 14?days (14?C28 April, 2008) while fed water from 4 differently treated mesocosms and ambient water. Two of the mesocosms used were inoculated with the polyunsaturated aldehyde (PUA)-producing diatom Skeletonema marinoi, while 2 received only nutrient additions with or without silica. The mesocosms developed blooms of S. marinoi, mixed diatoms or the haptophyte Phaeocystis pouchetii, respectively. Faecal pellet production of C. finmarchicus increased with increasing food availability. Egg production increased with time in all mesocosms to a maximum single female production of 232 eggs female?1?day?1 (average of 90 eggs female?1?day?1) and followed the development of ciliates and P. pouchetii, but was not affected by the observed high (up to 15?nmol?L?1) PUA production potential of the phytoplankton. The hatching success of the eggs produced on the mesocosm diets was high (78?C96%) and was not affected by either aldehydes in the maternal diet or exposure to the dissolved aldehydes in the water.  相似文献   

A bacterial strain capable of degrading carbofuran as the sole carbon source was isolated from carbofuran-phytoremediated rhizosphere soil of rice. A 16S rRNA study identified the strain as Burkholderia sp. (isolate PCL3). Free cells of isolate PCL3 possessed inhibitory-type degradation kinetics with a q max of 0.087 day?1 and S m of 248.76 mg·L?1. Immobilised PCL3 on corncob and sugarcane bagasse possessed Monod-type degradation kinetics with a q max of 0.124 and 0.098 day?1, respectively. The optimal pH and temperature with the highest degradation rate coefficient of carbofuran were pH 7.5 and 35 °C, respectively.  相似文献   

Phenylureas such as diuron are major herbicides used worldwide to control undesirable weeds. The environmental fate of phenylureas is of great interest because massive amounts of those herbicides are used. It is known that abiotic degradation of phenylureas in soil–water systems is catalyzed by humic acids. However, due to the chemical heterogeneity and large molecular sizes of humic acids, the specific effects of functional groups during catalysis have not been elucidated. Therefore, we studied here for the first time the kinetics of diuron degradation in the presence of low molecular weight humic acid-like compounds such as benzoic acid derivatives. Experiments were carried out at various pH and temperature, and monitored by high-performance liquid chromatography. Results show that all benzoic acid derivatives efficiently catalyzed diuron hydrolysis. The catalytic efficiency decreased in the following order: 0.88 M?1 day?1 for 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, 0.72 M?1 day?1 for 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, 0.23 M?1 day?1 for phthalic acid, 0.11 M?1 day?1 for 2-hydroxybenzoic acid, and 0.09 M?1 day?1 for 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid. These differences in the catalytic efficiency are explained by steric hindrance affecting the accessibility of reactive sites and hence influencing the rate of the overall process. Steric factors are therefore expected to control the catalytic activity of humic acids because of the chemical similarities between humic acids and low molecular weight humic acid-like compound. Our results should help predict more accurately the fate and abiotic degradation mechanism of phenylureas in the environment.  相似文献   

Forty-eight male Wistar albino rats were allocated to the four groups such that each comprised 12 animals. The first group was maintained as the control. In group 2, evening primrose oil was administered at a dose of 0.1 mL rat?1 day?1 (~500 mg kg?1 bw) into the stomach via gavage, whilst in group 3 sodium arsenide was administered at a concentration of 100 mg L?1 in ad-libitum drinking water for 30 days. The fourth group was given 0.1 mL rat?1 day?1 evening primrose oil into the stomach via gavage plus 100 mg L?1 of sodium arsenide in ad-libitum drinking water for 30 days. At the end of the 30th day, tissue (liver, lung, kidney, brain, heart, spleen, and testis) and blood samples were collected from each group. Malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitric oxide (NO) levels and superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities were measured in the samples. Exposure to arsenic in rats causes oxidative stress by increasing lipid peroxidation (increase of MDA and NO levels) and altering the activity of antioxidant enzymes. Evening primrose oil did not have any adverse effects. Furthermore, it was ascertained that the administration of arsenic with evening primrose oil reduced the severity of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Great attention should be paid to the possible impacts of various nanoparticles on aquatic organism. Freshwater diatoms are essential components of phytoplankton and play a critical role in bioassessment of nanoparticle exposure in the environment. In this study, cell growth was inhibited by TiO2-NPs and MWCNTs, the 24?h EC50 values of TiO2-NPs and MWCNTs to Nitzschia frustulum were 20.75 and 24.64?mg?L?1, respectively. Significant decreases of Chl a content after TiO2-NPs exposures were detected and the Chl a content of N. frustulum was obviously increased by MWCNTs treatment at lower concentration. The ROS was detected in N. frustulum after TiO2-NPs and MWCNTs exposures. The MDA content was significantly induced by TiO2-NPs at lower concentrations of 24 and 48?h exposure; meanwhile, it increased at all tested concentrations at 24?h MWCNTs exposure. The SOD enzyme was induced by 72 and 96?h TiO2-NPs exposure, and increased by MWCNTs treatment at 96?h in N. frustulum. Scanning electron microscopy results revealed that N. frustulum had obvious cell deformation after TiO2-NPs treatment. The result showed that the physiological and biochemical response mechanisms after NPs exposure of diatom were species-specific, and in relation to the exposure concentration and time.  相似文献   

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