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Summary This study was designed to clarify several aspects of sperm competition in the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). By mating females homozygous for a recessive coat color gene with two males, one homozygous for the dominat gene (agouti) and one homozygous for the recessive (cream), paternity of the resulting young could be determined by day 2 postpartum. When females received 5 consecutive ejaculations from a male of one strain followed by 5 ejaculations from a male of the other strain, there was a significant advantage with respect to litter composition for the male ejaculating first. A mechanism for the first male mating advantage was suggested by the results of an experiment in which the time interval between first and second males was varied. Delays of 30 min between first and second males significantly increased the proportion of young sired by the first male. With a delay of 8 h, the first male sired all of the young. Delays between matings by males of the two strains had greater effects when mating tests began around the time of ovulation, rather than several hours before. Ejaculations in excess of those required for pregnancy initiation were shown to have a two-fold effect. They afforded the first male a measure of protection against displacement by a subsequent male. Conversely, prolonged copulation by the second male resulted in significant displacement of the sperm of a predecessor. The protective effects of multiple ejaculations by the first male were mediated by two mechanisms: the delay in introduction of competing sperm and an increase in the relative concentration of the first male's sperm. Prolonged copulation by the second male also appeared to function through its effect on relative sperm concentrations. Males of these genotypes differed with respect to the relative fertilizing capacity of their cjaculates. When ejaculations from males of the two strains were alternated (thus minimizing mating order effects), agouti males sired over 90% of the young. The time during which mating tests were conducted (relative to the occurrence of ovulation) had no effect on the relative performance of the strains. The effects of prolonged copulation and first male mating advantage demonstrated in this study are consistent with observations of mating behavior under semi-natural conditions. Thus, it appears that patterns of sperm allocation and manipulation, male and female mating strategies, and mating systems have coevolved.  相似文献   

Competition among males to mate is generally associated with male-biased size dimorphism. In this study we examine mating behavior in the northern water snake (Nerodia sipedon), a species in which males are much smaller than females despite substantial competition among males to mate. Competition among males was a consequence of a male-biased operational sex ratio due to slightly higher female mortality from a birth sex ratio of 1 : 1, and, in 1 year, more synchronous and longer mating activity by males. Approximately one-third of both males and females appeared not to mate in a given year. Larger males were generally more likely to attempt mating, but size did not explain the variance in the number of aggregations in which individual males participated. Within aggregations, males that were successful at achieving intromission were larger than unsuccessful males in 1 of 2 years. Variation in condition (mass relative to length) and relative tail length were not generally useful predictors of either mating effort or success in males. Because large size was often advantageous to males, sexual size dimorphism appeared not to be a consequence of sexual selection favoring smaller males. Because sexual dimorphism was evident at birth, and both males and females matured sexually at about 4 years, sexual dimorphism was not simply a consequence of one sex growing at the maximum rate for longer. Female fecundity increased with size, and sex differences in size-fecundity relations may underly the pattern of sexual size dimorphism. However, because multiple mating by females is common, sperm competition is likely to be important in determining male reproductive success. Therefore, allocation of energy to sperm rather than growth may also prove to be an important influence on male growth rates and sexual size dimorphism.  相似文献   

Summary The orientation of golden hamsters during their return from a food source at the centre of an experimental arena to their nest at the arena's periphery was examined. The experiments took place under different visual conditions and involved conflicting spatial information, which the animal could collect either en route, during the outward journey to the food source, or on site, at the point of departure of the return trip. When the arena and nest box were rotated before the start of the trial (so that the hamsters started the outward journey from different points in absolute space), the animals returned directly to the point of departure of each particular hoarding trip when tested under infra-red light. Deprived of visual cues, they resorted to route-based information, i.e. they depended on the registration and computation of cues which had been generated during the outward journey. If tested under the ordinary room lights, the animals returned in a constant direction towards the usual location of the nest box, but with slight deviations towards the changing point in space where they had initiated each hoarding trip. They therefore relied mainly on stable location-based features from the distant visual background which they had associated with the standard location of the nest entrance; at the same time, however, they were also influenced by information derived from the outward journey. If exposed to a weak light source from outside the arena, the animals' homing behaviour reflected the simultaneous influence of three categories of information: (a) The light as a stable, location-based cue which the subjects had associated with the usual location of the nest; (b) the registration of the previous outward journey by means of internal (idiothetic) path-dependent variables; and (c) the registration of the previous outward journey using the light as visual reference. These results illustrate the interplay and functional hierarchy of various categories of spatial information which the hamster, active at dusk and at night, can use in laboratory conditions as well as in its natural habitat.  相似文献   

Costs and benefits associated with matings and the effects of mating frequency on fitness commonly differ between the sexes. As a result, outcrossing simultaneous hermaphrodites may prefer to copulate in the more rewarding sex role, generating conflicts over sperm donation and sperm receipt between mates. Because recent sex role preference models remain controversial, we contrast here some of their assumptions and predictions in the sea slug Chelidonura sandrana. For this hermaphrodite with sperm storage and internal fertilisation, risk-averse models assume that fitness pay-offs are constantly higher in the female than in the male function in any single mating. Moreover, excluding mutual partner assessment, these models predict male mating behaviour to be independent of receiver traits. The competing gender ratio hypothesis assumes that relative fitness pay-offs, and thus the preferred mating roles, vary and may reverse between matings and predicts that ejaculation strategies co-vary with receiver quality. We found that field mating rates of C. sandrana substantially exceeded what is required to maintain female fertility and fecundity, indicating large variation in direct female benefits between matings. We further demonstrate that male copulation duration adaptively increased with partner body size (i.e. fecundity) but decreased with recent partner promiscuity. These findings are compatible with the gender ratio hypothesis but contradict risk-averse models.  相似文献   

Summary In laboratory choice experiments, receptive female western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis affinis (deprived of contact with males 30 days) preferred the larger of two males. When two males differing in size were placed with a receptive female, the larger was generally able to monopolize access to her, but not when the female was not receptive. In other experiments, a single male was placed with a receptive or non-receptive female. These experiments showed size-correlated differences in male mating behavior. Smaller males were more likely to chase non-receptive females and attempt to inseminate them forcibly, while larger males continued to court females even if they were non-receptive. Even when the female was receptive, there was some evidence of size-correlated differences in levels of courtship and chasing.  相似文献   

Higginson AD  Ruxton GD 《Ecology》2010,91(9):2756-2768
In many taxa the timing of metamorphosis is plastic in response to predation risk during the pre-metamorphic stage, and trends in both age and body size at metamorphosis have been the subject of much study. The responses to cues of predators are predominantly to be larger or equal-sized at the same age or older at metamorphosis. These observations are in direct contrast with existing theoretical treatments of this plasticity, which mostly predict earlier and smaller metamorphosis and never later and larger metamorphosis without invoking indirect effects on growth rate. Here we resolve the discrepancy between theory and observation using a dynamic state-dependent model that incorporates morphological and behavioral responses to predation risk. We allow prey to choose the optimal activity level and/or investment in defense over the growth period. We show that under certain conditions, metamorphosis at a larger size and later time is likely to be optimal. Our analysis allows us to make testable predictions about the changes in activity level of prey as they grow and how the effect of providing refuges will vary with predator type. Several of these predictions are supported by a meta-analysis of metamorphic responses to caged predators by larval amphibians and insects. Our predictions lead to insights about the feedback effects of antipredator responses on growth and subsequent implications for life history.  相似文献   

Males of the cactophilic fruitfly, Drosophila pachea, produce relatively few but very large sperm, and partition their limited gamete numbers among successive mates. The present study found that males take 10 days longer than females, post-eclosion, to become sexually mature. The pattern of testes development suggests that the need to produce testes long enough to manufacture the giant sperm is the cause of the delayed male maturity. These findings generate the prediction that the operational sex ratio (OSR) of populations will be female-biased. The size, sex ratio, and OSR of natural populations were examined. In general, local populations tended to be small and sex ratios tended to be slightly male-biased. However, as predicted, the OSR of populations, at least in one season, tended to be female-biased, with an average of 2.3 receptive females for each sexually active male. Results of laboratory experiments to determine the relationship between female remating frequency and fitness, and between population OSR and productivity, suggest that natural populations with female-biased OSRs are sperm-limited. The origin and maintenance of sperm gigantism and the unusual sperm-partitioning behavior of males are discussed with respect to population structure.  相似文献   

Effect of size and sex on buoyancy in the oyster toadfish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1991 we examined the developmental consequences of swimbladder growth and sexual dimorphism on specific gravity (SG) and percent buoyancy (%B) in the oyster toadfish (Opsanus tau Linnaeus collected in the York River, Virginia) and tested the hypothesis that large ovaries compensate for the buoyancy conferred by a smaller swimbladder in females. Weight in water (Ww) increased as a linear function of weight in air (Wa) for both sexes, and there were no sexual differences between regressions. SG and %B did not change with Wa, indicating proportional growth of body and swimbladder. SG averaged 1.049±0.002 and %B 3.183±0.160. Removal of the gonads had no significant effect on Ww, SG or %B, indicating that the larger ovaries did not compensate for buoyancy associated with a smaller swimbladder. In fact testis and ovary SG did not differ significantly from values for intact fish. However, gonad composition changed with development: testis SG and % fat decreased with gonosomatic index, whereas overy SG and % fat increased, but % water decreased. Removal of the swimbladder significantly increased SG to 1.083 and %B to 6. Swimbladder volume increased linearly with Wa and was significantly larger in males; adjusted means were 11.40±0.83 and 8.94±0.83 ml for males and females, respectively. Variability in bladder volumes contributed to the absence of sexual differences in SG and may be permissible because negative buoyancy imparts minimal selective advantage for precise volume and buoyancy control. The absence of a relationship between fish buoyancy and sexual dimorphism in bladder size supports evidence that sexual dimorphism in the swim-bladder relates to its function in sound production.  相似文献   

Mating systems evolve with sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in many animals. Mating systems with males larger than females occur when males compete for female access or guard territories, while mating systems with group mating tend to occur in species where females are the same size or larger than males. In addition to variation in SSD with mating system, sperm competition varies among mating systems in predictable patterns. We examined the evolution of mating systems with SSD and testes mass in 111 North American Cyprinidae fishes using phylogenetic comparative methods. Our results demonstrate that the evolution of mating systems in Cyprinidae fishes is from ancestral taxa that are group spawners with females the same size or larger than males to pair spawning systems where males tend to be larger than females. We used an additive model to predict male and female body size from testes mass and mating system. Only mating system varied predictably with SSD. Our results for analyses of hyperallometry (Rensch’s rule) were that individual species of Cyprinidae can have hyperallometry for SSD, but the pattern is not present across all taxa.  相似文献   

Variation in the mating success of males can often be predicted by considering measures of their exaggerated sexual traits. Male spotted bowerbirds Chlamydera maculata build and decorate elaborate structures--bowers--that function in mate choice. I show that numbers of certain decorations correlate with the mating success of the bower owner. Specifically, numbers of Solanum berries used as decorations, accurately predict variation in mating success over 2 years. I show a relationship between changes in rank berry number and changes in rank mating success. These predictive decorations differ from those shown to relate to mating success in another population of spotted bowerbirds, suggesting that the exact form of sexual display may differ between populations of the same species.  相似文献   

Summary A number of hypotheses for the occurrence of multiple mating by queens of social Hymenoptera are reviewed in the light of Cole's (1983) observation that polyandrous species tend to have larger colonies than single-mating ones. Most of these hypotheses cannot be definitively excluded, but only three of them appear sufficiently general, plausible and predictive to be useful guides to further research. These, and their predictions, are: (1) Caste-determination has a genetic basis and hence polyandry allows fuller expression of the potential caste system in each colony. Species with more complex caste differentiation should be more often polyandrous than species with simpler caste systems. (2) Polyandry maximises the production of divergent worker genotypes and hence the range of environmental conditions that a colony can tolerate. Broader-niched species should be more often polyandrous than species with narrower niches. (3) The reduction of the variance of diploid male production, under the heterozygosity sex-determination model, favors polyandry when sexuals are produced late during colony growth. Queens in species reproducing during the exponential phase of colony growth should tend to mate once, but queens should tend to be polyandrous in species with reproduction occurring further along the colony growth curve. Williams's (1975) observation that the level of genetic variation in a brood approaches a maximum very quickly with increasing polyandry is quantified for females; the initial increase is much greater for male-haploid than for male-diploid species.  相似文献   

An obvious means to secure paternity is the production of a mating plug that blocks the female genital opening after mating. Although the mechanical efficacy and persistence of plugs on/in the female genital openings are key traits that determine the degree of paternity protection, these factors have hardly been explored. We therefore investigated the influence of the size of the amorphous plug material (experimentally terminated mating duration as a proxy) and age of the mating plug (time interval between copulations with two successive males) on the efficacy of the plug by analysing the mating success of subsequent males in the dwarf spider Oedothorax retusus (Linyphiidae: Erigoninae). Overall, subsequent males attempted to mate in 82 % of trials but only 32.5 % of these resulted in copulation, demonstrating that the plugs are effective safeguards against remating. Remating probability was significantly higher after previous short copulations (~small plug size) compared to long copulations (~large plug size). In the small plug group, fresh plugs (short remating intervals) were significantly less effective compared to older plugs. In the large plug group, remating probability was similarly low over all remating intervals. The observed copulations, however, do not necessarily result in sperm transfer, since sperm masses were found on the plugged female genital area. Our study on O. retusus shows that mating plugs are a powerful mechanical safeguard whose efficacy varies with plug size and age. We discuss these findings in the light of theoretical considerations on the evolution of effective mating plugs.  相似文献   

Non-random sex allocation may occur whenever the expected reproductive value of sons and daughters differs, as is the case when the sexes differ in susceptibility to environmental conditions or maternal effects (e.g. egg size and hatch order). Under such circumstances, covariation between egg and clutch characteristics and egg sex may be expected, and this covariation should vary with maternal state or ecological conditions. In this 2-year study (2007–2008), we examined sex allocation in relation to egg and clutch traits in the yellow-legged gull Larus michahellis, a species where male chicks are larger and more susceptible to harsh rearing conditions than female ones. In 2008, eggs were more likely male early in the season in two- but not three-egg clutches, and large eggs were more likely males late in the season. No egg/clutch traits predicted egg sex in 2007. Within-clutch egg mass asymmetry (the difference in egg mass between the first- and last-laid eggs) predicted sex in both years. In 2007, clutches with smaller egg mass variation were more likely to contain males, while in 2008 this relationship held for the last-laid egg and was reversed for the preceding egg(s). Laying order and sex of the previous egg did not predict egg sex, providing no evidence of sex-specific oocyte clustering. Thus, the relationships between egg sex and egg/clutch traits differed among years, suggesting a phenotypically plastic response of females to extrinsic conditions, and involved within-clutch egg mass asymmetry, a trait likely reflecting variation in maternal quality and/or reproductive tactics, which has been largely neglected in previous studies of sex allocation.  相似文献   

Mate choice experiments have generally focused on female choice; few have considered that males can also be selective. We examined courtship in male field crickets sequentially introduced to four females of differing size. Large (L) and small (S) females were introduced in order of either LSLS or SLSL. We demonstrate that naive males invest equally (courtship effort) in the first female they meet, regardless of her size, but show greater courtship effort when they subsequently encounter large compared with small females. Moreover, we demonstrate that males show this discriminatory behavior when they are permitted to mate with females (i.e. use a spermatophore) but are less choosy when the female is removed before spermatophore transfer.  相似文献   

Summary Colonies of Anelosimus eximius in Panama had an average sex ratio of 0.15±sd 0.09, i.e. about five females for each male. The sex ratio in egg sacs reared was even lower (0.08±0.01), as was that of immatures in newly founded colonies (0.12±0.05). The possible mechanisms responsible are discussed. Mature colonies had an average ratio of 17 females and 2 males for each egg sac present (range: 2–91 females, 0.2–8.2 males) and contained a large proportion of females which were not inseminated but which presumably help. Since both sexes are diploid, arrhenotoky can be ruled out and it is assumed that some females do not come to reproduction, the proportion depending on the availability of resources. This mechanism may enable entire colonies to survive lean times.  相似文献   

Some invasive plant species appear to strongly suppress neighbors in their nonnative ranges but much less so in their native range. We found that in the field in its native range in Mexico, the presence of Ageratina adenophora, an aggressive Neotropical invader, was correlated with higher plant species richness than found in surrounding plant communities where this species was absent, suggesting facilitation. However, in two nonnative ranges, China and India, A. adenophora canopies were correlated with much lower species richness than the surrounding communities, suggesting inhibition. Volatile organic compound (VOC) signals may contribute to this striking biogeographical difference and the invasive success of A. adenophora. In controlled experiments volatiles from A. adenophora litter caused higher mortality of species native to India and China, but not of species native to Mexico. The effects of A. adenophora VOCs on seedling germination and growth did not differ between species from the native range and species from the nonnative ranges of the invader. Litter from A. adenophora plants from nonnative populations also produced VOCs that differed quantitatively in the concentrations of some chemicals than litter from native populations, but there were no chemicals unique to one region. Biogeographic differences in the concentrations of some volatile compounds between ranges suggest that A. adenophora may be experiencing selection on biochemical composition in its nonnative ranges.  相似文献   

The ant Hypoponera opacior exhibits alternative reproductive morphs of males and females associated with distinct sexual behaviours. Our long-term study reports strong seasonality in sexual production with a mating season in early and one in late summer. Winged (alate) reproductives emerge in June, swarm during the monsoon season and establish new colonies independently. In contrast, wingless worker-like (ergatoid) reproductives that appear in late August mate within their natal or adjacent nests and either do not disperse or establish new nests close by. These divergent dispersal patterns allowed us to analyse the impact of local factors on investment strategies by comparing sex allocation between and within the two reproductive events. The optimal sex ratio for ergatoid reproductives should be influenced both by competition for matings between brothers (local mate competition) and rivalry among young locally dispersing queens for workers, nest sites or food (local resource competition). The greater importance of local resource competition was demonstrated both by a male-biased sex ratio for wingless sexuals and a stronger increase in the number of males with total sexual production than for the number of queens. Microsatellite analysis revealed that inter-nest variation in relatedness asymmetry cannot explain split sex ratios in the August generation. Instead, nests with related ergatoid males raised a male-biased sex ratio contrary to the expectations under local mate competition. In conclusion, male bias in wingless H. opacior indicates that local mate competition is less strong than local resource competition among ergatoid queens over the help of workers during nest foundation.  相似文献   

Among acarid mites, a number of species are characterised by the presence of discontinuous morphologies (armed heteromorphs vs. unarmed homeomorphs) associated with alternative mating tactics (fighting vs. scramble competition). In Rhizoglyphus echinopus, expression of the fighter morph is suppressed, via pheromones, in large, dense colonies. If this mechanism is adaptive, fighters should have relatively lower fitness in large and/or dense colonies, due to costs incurred from fighting, which is often fatal. In order to test these predictions, we quantified the survival and mating success of fighters and scramblers in colonies of equal sex and morph ratios; these colonies either differed in size (4, 8, or 32 individuals) but not density or differed in density but not size (all consisted of 8 individuals). We found that the relative survival and mating success of fighters was inversely related to colony size, but we did not find a significant effect of colony density. The higher mating success of fighters in small colonies was due to the fact that, after killing rival males, these fighters were able to monopolise females. This situation was not found in larger colonies, in which there was a larger number of competitors and fighters suffered relatively higher mortality. These results indicate that morph determination, guided by social cues, allows for the adaptive adjustment of mating tactics to existing demographic conditions.  相似文献   

Success of animal translocations depends on improving postrelease demographic rates toward establishment and subsequent growth of released populations. Short‐term metrics for evaluating translocation success and its drivers, like postrelease survival and fecundity, are unlikely to represent longer‐term outcomes. We used information theory to investigate 25 years of data on black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) translocations. We used the offspring recruitment rate (ORR) of translocated females—a metric integrating survival, fecundity, and offspring recruitment at sexual maturity—to detect determinants of success. Our unambiguously best model (AICω = 0.986) predicted that ORR increases with female age at release as a function of lower postrelease adult rhinoceros sex ratio (males:females). Delay of first postrelease reproduction and failure of some females to recruit any calves to sexual maturity most influenced the pattern of ORRs, and the leading causes of recruitment failure were postrelease female death (23% of all females) and failure to calve (24% of surviving females). We recommend translocating older females (≥6 years old) because they do not exhibit the reproductive delay and low ORRs of juveniles (<4 years old) or the higher rates of recruitment failure of juveniles and young adults (4–5.9 years old). Where translocation of juveniles is necessary, they should be released into female‐biased populations, where they have higher ORRs. Our study offers the unique advantage of a long‐term analysis across a large number of replicate populations—a science‐by‐management experiment as a proxy for a manipulative experiment, and a rare opportunity, particularly for a large, critically endangered taxon such as the black rhinoceros. Our findings differ from previous recommendations, reinforce the importance of long‐term data sets and comprehensive metrics of translocation success, and suggest attention be shifted from ecological to social constraints on population growth and species recovery, particularly when translocating species with polygynous breeding systems.  相似文献   

An evaluation of the social organization and sexual system of eusocial species of Synalpheus has been hindered because it has not been possible to determine the sexual composition of colony helpers (workers). The external sexual characters typically used to sex caridean shrimps are lacking in Synalpheus. We used SEM sexing technique to determine the sexual composition of helpers in colonies of Synalpheus regalis, S. rathbunae, S. chacei, S. rathbunae A (see Morrison et al. Mol Phylogen Evol 30:563–568, 2004), and S. filidigitus. Colonies consisted of both sexes and sex ratios of helpers generally conformed to 50:50 female to male. Females were characterized by gonopores with U-shaped slits on the coxae of the third pereopods (first walking legs) while males had oval gonopore openings on the coxae of the fifth pereopods (third or last walking legs). In S. chacei, S. filidigitus, and S. rathbunae A, a few helpers were found that had both male and female gonopores (intersexes). All three reproductive females (queens) of S. filidigitus examined were intersexes. Sexing of helpers allowed us to test some hypotheses about sexual differences in helper morphology that might indicate task specialization (division of labor). Male helpers were not different from female ones in body size (except in S. regalis: males somewhat larger) and in fighting chela size. The lack of sexual dimorphism in these characters suggests no male–female specialization in colony tasks such as defense. The presence of male and female helpers similar in size suggests that the sexual system of these eusocial species is gonochoristic, although protandry of some sort in S. filidigitus can not be ruled out. The intersexuality observed in a few individuals may be due to developmental anomalies, protandry, or even simultaneous hermaphroditism. Finally, the sexing technique allowed us to establish that new colonizers of unoccupied sponges in S. rathbunae are a single male and female of helper size.  相似文献   

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