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More complex models of forest ecosystems are required to understand how land-cover changes can impact vegetation dynamics and spatial pattern. In order to document spatio-temporal modelling abilities, the observations conducted in the declined climax mountain Norway spruce forest during the recovery period (1995-2006) are used for simulation and spatial analysis in the GIS environment. The developed spatio-temporal model is used for simulation of forest vegetation dynamics in a mountain spruce forest in the framework of regeneration processes after stress from air pollution. In order to explore the spatial and temporal phenomena of regeneration processes, the spatio-temporal model is based on a large set of ordinary differential equations that solve dynamic processes in sets of microsites arranged in grids for each ground vegetation species and each age group of Norway spruce seedlings. The spatial extent of the explored site is composed of a set of 50 × 50 microsites. Each microsite is represented by a square with dimensions of 1 m × 1 m. The presented simulation studies are mainly focused on seedlings from the seed year 1992, in order to explore the longest monitored time series of survival. It is based on exponential growth models that are related to the environmental conditions for each microsite. The canopy gaps based on estimates of the local crown projected area, the soil type layer, and the dominant grass density are used to provide case simulation studies. The first case study simulates the influence of microsite positions in relation to the local tree crown projections on the survival of spruce seedlings. It is assumed that the density of the trees is the main factor that determines the light and heat supply to the ground level of the Norway spruce seedlings. The second case study extends the previous study to include terms that determine the growth ratio in dependence on the crown projection area. The third case study provides further extensions in order to simulate growth ratio relations to the local soil type. The fourth case study demonstrates the local influence of the dominant grasses, such as Avenella flexuosa and Calamagrostis villosa, on the natural regeneration of Norway spruce. Starting from the conditions at the sites before the recovery period, the case simulation studies are able to project the short-term succession for a regeneration decade and the approximate long-term development. In addition to the standard simulation procedures based on solution of ordinary differential equations, spatio-temporal modelling in the GIS environment is able to provide spatial data management, analysis and visualization of the data.  相似文献   

Forest productivity is strongly affected by seasonal weather patterns and by natural or anthropogenic disturbances. However weather effects on forest productivity are not currently represented in inventory-based models such as CBM-CFS3 used in national forest C accounting programs. To evaluate different approaches to modelling these effects, a model intercomparison was conducted among CBM-CFS3 and four process models (ecosys, CN-CLASS, Can-IBIS and 3PG) over a 2500 ha landscape in the Oyster River (OR) area of British Columbia, Canada. The process models used local weather data to simulate net primary productivity (NPP), net ecosystem productivity (NEP) and net biome productivity (NBP) from 1920 to 2005. Other inputs used by the process and inventory models were generated from soil, land cover and disturbance records. During a period of intense disturbance from 1928 to 1943, simulated NBP diverged considerably among the models. This divergence was attributed to differences among models in the sizes of detrital and humus C stocks in different soil layers to which a uniform set of soil C transformation coefficients was applied during disturbances. After the disturbance period, divergence in modelled NBP among models was much smaller, and attributed mainly to differences in simulated NPP caused by different approaches to modelling weather effects on productivity. In spite of these differences, age-detrended variation in annual NPP and NEP of closed canopy forest stands was negatively correlated with mean daily maximum air temperature during July-September (Tamax) in all process models (R2 = 0.4-0.6), indicating that these correlations were robust. The negative correlation between Tamax and NEP was attributed to different processes in different models, which were tested by comparing CO2 fluxes from these models with those measured by eddy covariance (EC) under contrasting air temperatures (Ta). The general agreement in sensitivity of annual NPP to Tamax among the process models led to the development of a generalized algorithm for weather effects on NPP of coastal temperate coniferous forests for use in inventory-based models such as CBM-CFS3: NPP′ = NPP − 57.1 (Tamax − 18.6), where NPP and NPP′ are the current and temperature-adjusted annual NPP estimates from the inventory-based model, 18.6 is the long-term mean daily maximum air temperature during July-September, and Tamax is the mean value for the current year. Our analysis indicated that the sensitivity of NPP to Tamax was nonlinear, so that this algorithm should not be extrapolated beyond the conditions of this study. However the process-based methodology to estimate weather effects on NPP and NEP developed in this study is widely applicable to other forest types and may be adopted for other inventory based forest carbon cycle models.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model Mixfor-3D of soil–vegetation–atmosphere transfer (SVAT) was developed and applied to estimate possible effects of tree clear-cutting on radiation and soil temperature regimes of a forest ecosystem. The Mixfor-3D model consists of several closely coupled 3D sub-models describing: forest stand structure; radiative transfer in a forest canopy; turbulent transfer of sensible heat, H2O and CO2 between ground surface and the atmospheric surface layer; evapotranspiration of ground surface vegetation and soil; heat and moisture transfer in soil. The model operates with the horizontal grid resolution, 2 m × 2 m; vertical resolution, 1 m and primary time step, 1 h.  相似文献   

Plasma concentration of androgens and gonad development were studied in wild cooperatively breeding bell miners (Manorina melanophrys) of different age, sex and social status. Plasma levels of androgens increased with age of birds. For sexually mature (SM) bell miners, androgen levels were higher in breeders than in nonbreeding (NB) helpers (P < 0.005), and they were marginally higher in females than in males (P < 0.10). Thus female breeders showed the highest plasma levels of androgens. This pattern may be explained by an asymmetry between the sexes in the levels of competition needed to reach and defend breeding status; the degree of intra-sexual competition seems to be higher among female bell miners than among males. In general, male breeders had larger gonads than male SMNB helpers; male breeder gonads produced spermatozoa whereas most helpers' gonads did not. However, old (i.e. 34 months) SMNB male helpers had large gonads producing spermatozoa in spite of having low plasma levels of androgens. We suggest that young male bell miners may be under a voluntary mechanism of reproductive suppression perhaps favoured by inbreeding avoidance; although some aggressive interactions observed between very young helpers (about 2 months) and adult members of the breeding unit suggests that a certain degree of imposition also occurs at young ages. Older male helpers may avoid aggression with the male breeder and imposed reproductive suppression, hence the low circulating levels of androgens, but they have the potential to sneak extra-pair copulations. Gonad size decreased during the non-breeding season in both sexes.  相似文献   

The impact of 2 × CO2 driven climate change on radial growth of boreal tree species Pinus banksiana Lamb., Populus tremuloides Michx. and Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP growing in the Duck Mountain Provincial Forest of Manitoba (DMPF), Canada, is simulated using empirical and process-based model approaches. First, empirical relationships between growth and climate are developed. Stepwise multiple-regression models are conducted between tree-ring growth increments (TRGI) and monthly drought, precipitation and temperature series. Predictive skills are tested using a calibration–verification scheme. The established relationships are then transferred to climates driven by 1× and 2 × CO2 scenarios using outputs from the Canadian second-generation coupled global climate model. Second, empirical results are contrasted with process-based projections of net primary productivity allocated to stem development (NPPs). At the finest scale, a leaf-level model of photosynthesis is used to simulate canopy properties per species and their interaction with the variability in radiation, temperature and vapour pressure deficit. Then, a top-down plot-level model of forest productivity is used to simulate landscape-level productivity by capturing the between-stand variability in forest cover. Results show that the predicted TRGI from the empirical models account for up to 56.3% of the variance in the observed TRGI over the period 1912–1999. Under a 2 × CO2 scenario, the predicted impact of climate change is a radial growth decline for all three species under study. However, projections obtained from the process-based model suggest that an increasing growing season length in a changing climate could counteract and potentially overwhelm the negative influence of increased drought stress. The divergence between TRGI and NPPs simulations likely resulted, among others, from assumptions about soil water holding capacity and from calibration of variables affecting gross primary productivity. An attempt was therefore made to bridge the gap between the two modelling approaches by using physiological variables as TRGI predictors. Results obtained in this manner are similar to those obtained using climate variables, and suggest that the positive effect of increasing growing season length would be counteracted by increasing summer temperatures. Notwithstanding uncertainties in these simulations (CO2 fertilization effect, feedback from disturbance regimes, phenology of species, and uncertainties in future CO2 emissions), a decrease in forest productivity with climate change should be considered as a plausible scenario in sustainable forest management planning of the DMPF.  相似文献   

Tropical forest destruction and fragmentation of habitat patches may reduce population persistence at the landscape level. Given the complex nature of simultaneously evaluating the effects of these factors on biotic populations, statistical presence/absence modelling has become an important tool in conservation biology. This study uses logistic regression to evaluate the independent effects of tropical forest cover and fragmentation on bird occurrence in eastern Guatemala. Logistic regression models were constructed for 10 species with varying response to habitat alteration. Predictive variables quantified forest cover, fragmentation and their interaction at three different radii (200, 500 and 1000 m scales) of 112 points where presence of target species was determined. Most species elicited a response to the 1000 m scale, which was greater than most species’ reported territory size. Thus, their presence at the landscape scale is probably regulated by extra-territorial phenomena, such as dispersal. Although proportion of forest cover was the most important predictor of species’ presence, there was strong evidence of area-independent and -dependent fragmentation effects on species presence, results that contrast with other studies from northernmost latitudes. Species’ habitat breadth was positively correlated with AIC model values, indicating a better fit for species more restricted to tropical forest. Species with a narrower habitat breadth also elicited stronger negative responses to forest loss. Habitat breadth is thus a simple measure that can be directly related to species’ vulnerability to landscape modification. Model predictive accuracy was acceptable for 4 of 10 species, which were in turn those with narrower habitat breadths.  相似文献   

The effects of iron exposure, on serum iron, serum superoxide dismutase (SOD), a free radical scavenger, and plasma malondialdehyde (MDA), a lipid peroxidation parameter, were investigated in Turkish iron miners, office workers and healthy control subjects. Serum iron levels in both miner and office workers groups were higher than those of healthy controls (p < 0.05). There were higher mean values of plasma MDA levels in both iron miners and office workers compared to controls (p < 0.05). Serum SOD activity in the miner group was lower than that of controls (p < 0.05). These results suggested that elevated MDA levels in both miners and office workers were the result of an increased production and/or decreased catabolism of MDA in chronic iron exposure. These changes in MDA metabolism may be due to iron-induced lipid peroxidation in the blood and related body compartments.  相似文献   

A simulation study was carried out to investigate simultaneously the effects of eco-physiological parameters on competitive asymmetry, self-thinning, stand biomass and NPP in a temperate forest using an atmosphere–vegetation dynamics interactive model (MINoSGI). In this study, we selected three eco-physiological relevant parameters as foliage profiles (i.e. vertical distribution of leaf area density) of individual trees (distribution pattern is described by the parameter η), biomass allocation pattern in individual tree growth (χ) and the maximum carboxylation velocity (Vmax). The position of the maximal leaf area density shifts upward in the canopy with increasing η. For scenarios with η < 4 (foliage concentrated in the lowest canopy layer) or η > 12 (foliage concentrated in the uppermost canopy layer), a low degree of competitive asymmetry was produced. These scenarios resulted in the survival of subordinate trees due to a brighter lower canopy environment when η < 4 or the generation of spatially separated foliage profiles between dominant and subordinate trees when η > 12. In contrast, competition between trees was most asymmetric when 4 ≤ η ≤ 12 (vertically widespread foliage profile in the canopy), especially when η = 8. In such cases, vertically widespread foliage of dominant trees lowered the opportunity of light acquisition for subordinate trees and reduced their carbon gain. The resulting reduction in carbon gain of subordinate trees yielded a higher degree of competitive asymmetry and ultimately higher mortality of subordinate trees. It was also shown that 4 ≤ η ≤ 12 generated higher self-thinning speed, smaller accumulated NPP, litter-fall and potential stand biomass as compared with the scenarios with η < 4 or η > 12. In contrast, our simulation revealed small effects of χ or Vmax on the above-mentioned variables as compared with those of η. In particular, it is notable that greater Vmax would not produce greater potential stand biomass and accumulated NPP although it has been thought that physiological parameters relevant to photosynthesis such as Vmax influence dynamic changes in forest stand biomass and NPP (e.g. the greater the Vmax, the greater the NPP). Overall, it is suggested that foliage profiles rather than biomass allocation or maximum carboxylation velocity greatly govern forest dynamics, stand biomass, NPP and litter-fall.  相似文献   

Few researchers have developed large-scale habitat models for sympatric carnivore species. We created habitat models for red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), coyotes (Canis latrans) and bobcats (Lynx rufus) in southern Illinois, USA, using the Penrose distance statistic, remotely sensed landscape data, and sighting location data within a GIS. Our objectives were to quantify and spatially model potential habitat differences among species. Habitat variables were quantified for 1-km2 buffered areas around mesocarnivore sighting locations. Following variable reduction procedures, five habitat variables (percentage of grassland patches, interspersion–juxtaposition of forest patches, mean fractal dimension of wetland patches and the landscape, and road density) were used for analysis. Only one variable differed (P < 0.05) between red fox and coyote sighting areas (road density) and bobcat and coyote sighting areas (mean fractal dimension of the landscape). However, all five variables differed between red fox and bobcat sighting areas, indicating considerable differences in habitat affiliation between this pair-group. Compared to bobcats, red fox sightings were affiliated with more grassland cover and larger grassland patches, higher road densities, lower interspersion and juxtaposition of forest patches, and lower mean fractal dimension of wetland patches. These differences can be explained by different life history requirements relative to specific cover types. We then used the Penrose distance statistic to create habitat models for red foxes and bobcats, respectively, based on the five-variable dataset. An independent set of sighting locations were used to validate these models; model fit was good with 65% of mesocarnivore locations within the top 50% of Penrose distance values. In general, red foxes were affiliated with mixtures of agricultural and grassland cover, whereas bobcats were associated with a combination of grassland, wetland, and forest cover. The greatest habitat overlap between red foxes and bobcats was found at the interface between forested areas and more open cover types. Our study provides insight into habitat overlap among sympatric mesocarnivores, and the distance-based modelling approach we used has numerous applications for modelling wildlife–habitat relationships over large scales.  相似文献   

研究尾巨桉(E.urophylla×E.grandis)生长阶段(林龄3.5—5.5 a)所处小流域的降水产流特征,有助于了解桉树生长过程的生态水文效应,对修订桉树人工林经营方案中注重提高生态系统的水源涵养能力有重要参考意义.以广西南宁桉树森林生态系统定位观测研究站(南宁桉树生态站)的闭合尾巨桉林小流域为试验区,在小流...  相似文献   

The forest litter decomposition model (FLDM) described in this paper provides an important basis for assessing the impacts of forest management on seasonal stream water quality and export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). By definition, models with annual time steps are unable to capture seasonal, within-year variation. In order to simulate seasonal variation in litter decomposition and DOC production and export, we have modified an existing annual FLDM to account for monthly dynamics of decomposition and residual mass in experimental litterbags placed in 21 different forests across Canada.The original annual FLDM was formulated with three main litter pools (fast, slow, and very slow decomposing litter) to address the fact that forest litter is naturally composed of a mixture of organic compounds that decompose at different rates. The annual FLDM was shown to provide better simulations than more complex models like CENTURY and SOMM.The revised monthly model retains the original structure of the annual FLDM, but separates litter decomposition from nitrogen (N) mineralization. In the model, monthly soil temperature, soil moisture, and mean January soil temperature are shown to be the most important controlling variables of within-year variation in decomposition. Use of the three variables in a process-based definition of litter decomposition is a significant departure from the empirical definition in the annual model. The revised model is shown to give similar calculations of residual mass and N concentration as the annual model (r2 = 0.91, 0.78), despite producing very different timeseries of decomposition over six years. It is shown from a modelling perspective that (i) forest litter decomposition is independent of N mineralization, whereas N mineralization is dependent on litter decomposition, and (ii) mean January soil temperature defines litter decomposition in the summer because of winter-temperatures’ role in modifying forest-floor microorganism community composition and functioning in the following summer.  相似文献   

This article describes a new forest management module (FMM) that explicitly simulates forest stand growth and management within a process-based global vegetation model (GVM) called ORCHIDEE. The net primary productivity simulated by ORCHIDEE is used as an input to the FMM. The FMM then calculates stand and management characteristics such as stand density, tree size distribution, tree growth, the timing and intensity of thinnings and clear-cuts, wood extraction and litter generated after thinning. Some of these variables are then fed back to ORCHIDEE. These computations are made possible with a distribution-based modelling of individual tree size. The model derives natural mortality from the relative density index (rdi), a competition index based on tree size and stand density. Based on the common forestry management principle of avoiding natural mortality, a set of rules is defined to calculate the recurrent intensity and frequency of forestry operations during the stand lifetime. The new-coupled model is called ORCHIDEE-FM (forest management).The general behaviour of ORCHIDEE-FM is analysed for a broadleaf forest in north-eastern France. Flux simulation throughout a forest rotation compare well with the literature values, both in absolute values and dynamics.Results from ORCHIDEE-FM highlight the impact of forest management on ecosystem C-cycling, both in terms of carbon fluxes and stocks. In particular, the average net ecosystem productivity (NEP) of 225 gC m−2 year−1 is close to the biome average of 311 gC m−2 year−1. The NEP of the “unmanaged” case is 40% lower, leading us to conclude that management explains 40% of the cumulated carbon sink over 150 years. A sensitivity analysis reveals 4 major avenues for improvement: a better determination of initial conditions, an improved allocation scheme to explain age-related decline in productivity, and an increased specificity of both the self-thinning curve and the biomass-diameter allometry.  相似文献   

We examined how fire hazard was affected by prescribed burning and fuel recovery over the first six years following treatment. Eight common Mediterranean fuel complexes managed by means of prescribed burning in limestone Provence (South-Eastern France) were studied, illustrating forest and woodland, garrigue and grassland situations. The coupled atmosphere-wildfire behaviour model FIRETEC was used to simulate fire behaviour (ROS, intensity) in these complex vegetations. The temporal threshold related to the effectiveness of prescribed burning in reducing the fire hazard was assessed from derivated fuel dynamics after treatment. The study showed that prescribed burning treatment was effective for the first two years in most of the Mediterranean plant communities analysed. Thereafter, all forests and shrublands were highly combustible with a fire line intensity of more than 5000 kW/m except for pine stands with or without oak (medium intensity of 2000 kW m−1 3 years after treatment). Low fire line intensity (900 kW m−1) was obtained for grassland which was entirely treatment-independent since the resprouter hemicryptophyte, Brachypodium retusum, is highly resilient to fire. Fire behaviour was greatly affected by fuel load accumulation of Quercus ilex in woodland, and by standing necromass of Rosmarinus officinalis in treated garrigue. Pure pine stands with shrub strata similar to garrigue showed a lower fire intensity due to wind speed decrease at ground level under tree canopy, underlining the advantage of maintaining a proportion of canopy cover in strategic fuel-break zones.  相似文献   

Land use change, natural disturbance, and climate change directly alter ecosystem productivity and carbon stock level. The estimation of ecosystem carbon dynamics depends on the quality of land cover change data and the effectiveness of the ecosystem models that represent the vegetation growth processes and disturbance effects. We used the Integrated Biosphere Simulator (IBIS) and a set of 30- to 60-m resolution fire and land cover change data to examine the carbon changes of California's forests, shrublands, and grasslands. Simulation results indicate that during 1951-2000, the net primary productivity (NPP) increased by 7%, from 72.2 to 77.1 Tg C yr−1 (1 teragram = 1012 g), mainly due to CO2 fertilization, since the climate hardly changed during this period. Similarly, heterotrophic respiration increased by 5%, from 69.4 to 73.1 Tg C yr−1, mainly due to increased forest soil carbon and temperature. Net ecosystem production (NEP) was highly variable in the 50-year period but on average equalled 3.0 Tg C yr−1 (total of 149 Tg C). As with NEP, the net biome production (NBP) was also highly variable but averaged −0.55 Tg C yr−1 (total of -27.3 Tg C) because NBP in the 1980s was very low (-5.34 Tg C yr−1). During the study period, a total of 126 Tg carbon were removed by logging and land use change, and 50 Tg carbon were directly removed by wildland fires. For carbon pools, the estimated total living upper canopy (tree) biomass decreased from 928 to 834 Tg C, and the understory (including shrub and grass) biomass increased from 59 to 63 Tg C. Soil carbon and dead biomass carbon increased from 1136 to 1197 Tg C.Our analyses suggest that both natural and human processes have significant influence on the carbon change in California. During 1951-2000, climate interannual variability was the key driving force for the large interannual changes of ecosystem carbon source and sink at the state level, while logging and fire were the dominant driving forces for carbon balances in several specific ecoregions. From a long-term perspective, CO2 fertilization plays a key role in maintaining higher NPP. However, our study shows that the increase in C sequestration by CO2 fertilization is largely offset by logging/land use change and wildland fires.  相似文献   

As interest grows in the quantification of global carbon cycles, Light Use Efficiency (LUE) model predictions of the forest net primary production (NPP) are being developed at an accelerating rate. Such models can provide useful predictions at large scales, but evaluating their performance has been difficult. In this study, a remote sensing-based LUE model was established to estimate forest NPP. Using the forest inventory data (FID) from the regional forest inventory survey in China and established allometric biomass equations, we calculated the biomass, the biomass increment, and the NPP of Eucalyptus urophylla (E. urophylla) plantation plots in the forestry jurisdiction of the Leizhou Forestry Bureau, Southern China. The FID-based NPP and the NPP from LUE model predictions were then compared to each other. Results show that the NPP from model predictions at a spatial resolution of 30 m × 30 m varied from 0 to 265 gC/(m2 month) and showed regional differences. In addition, the stand age had variable effects on the average individual biomass of the E. urophylla plantation plots. The average individual biomass of the young and mid-age forests increased exponentially and logarithmically with the stand age (R2 = 0.9178 and R2 = 0.8683), respectively. For young and mid-age E. urophylla plantation plots, the LUE model-predicted NPP was fairly consistent with the FID-based NPP, but the model predictions of the NPP were higher than the estimates from FID. Through the analysis of the causes of uncertainty and the possible reasons for the discrepancy between the model-based NPP and FID-based NPP, the FID-derived estimates provided a foundation for model evaluation.  相似文献   

We explored the effects of prevalence, latitudinal range and clumping (spatial autocorrelation) of species distribution patterns on the predictive accuracy of eight state-of-the-art modelling techniques: Generalized Linear Models (GLMs), Generalized Boosting Method (GBM), Generalized Additive Models (GAMs), Classification Tree Analysis (CTA), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS), Mixture Discriminant Analysis (MDA) and Random Forest (RF). One hundred species of Lepidoptera, selected from the Distribution Atlas of European Butterflies, and three climate variables were used to determine the bioclimatic envelope for each butterfly species. The data set consisting of 2620 grid squares 30′ × 60′ in size all over Europe was randomly split into the calibration and the evaluation data sets. The performance of different models was assessed using the area under the curve (AUC) of a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plot. Observed differences in modelling accuracy among species were then related to the geographical attributes of the species using GAM. The modelling performance was negatively related to the latitudinal range and prevalence, whereas the effect of spatial autocorrelation on prediction accuracy depended on the modelling technique. These three geographical attributes accounted for 19–61% of the variation in the modelling accuracy. Predictive accuracy of GAM, GLM and MDA was highly influenced by the three geographical attributes, whereas RF, ANN and GBM were moderately, and MARS and CTA only slightly affected. The contrasting effects of geographical distribution of species on predictive performance of different modelling techniques represent one source of uncertainty in species spatial distribution models. This should be taken into account in biogeographical modelling studies and assessments of climate change impacts.  相似文献   

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