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Bacterial abundance, production, and extracellular enzyme activity were determined in the shallow water column, in the epiphytic community of Thalassia testudinum, and at the sediment surface along with total carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in Florida Bay, a subtropical seagrass estuary. Data were statistically reduced by principle components analysis (PCA) and multidimensional scaling and related to T. testudinum leaf total phosphorus content and phytoplankton biomass. Each zone (i.e., pelagic, epiphytic, and surface sediment community) was significantly dissimilar to each other (Global R = 0.65). Pelagic aminopeptidase and sum of carbon hydrolytic enzyme (esterase, peptidase, and α- and β-glucosidase) activities ranged from 8 to 284 mg N m−2 day−1 and 113–1,671 mg C m−2 day−1, respectively, and were 1–3 orders of magnitude higher than epiphytic and sediment surface activities. Due to the phosphorus-limited nature of Florida Bay, alkaline phosphatase activity was similar between pelagic (51–710 mg P m−2 day−1) and sediment (77–224 mg P m−2 day−1) zones but lower in the epiphytes (1.1–5.2 mg P m−2 day−1). Total (and/or organic) C (111–311 g C m−2), N (9.4–27.2 g N m−2), and P (212–1,623 mg P m−2) content were the highest in the sediment surface and typically the lowest in the seagrass epiphytes, ranging from 0.6 to 8.7 g C m−2, 0.02–0.99 g N m−2, and 0.5–43.5 mg P m−2. Unlike nutrient content and enzyme activities, bacterial production was highest in the epiphytes (8.0–235.1 mg C m−2 day−1) and sediment surface (11.5–233.2 mg C m−2 day−1) and low in the water column (1.6–85.6 mg C m−2 day−1). At an assumed 50% bacterial growth efficiency, for example, extracellular enzyme hydrolysis could supply 1.8 and 69% of epiphytic and sediment bacteria carbon demand, respectively, while pelagic bacteria could fulfill their carbon demand completely by enzyme-hydrolyzable organic matter. Similarly, previously measured T. testudinum extracellular photosynthetic carbon exudation rates could not satisfy epiphytic and sediment surface bacterial carbon demand, suggesting that epiphytic algae and microphytobenthos might provide usable substrates to support high benthic bacterial production rates. PCA revealed that T. testudinum nutrient content was related positively to epiphytic nutrient content and carbon hydrolase activity in the sediment, but unrelated to pelagic variables. Phytoplankton biomass correlated positively with all pelagic components and sediment aminopeptidase activity but negatively with epiphytic alkaline phosphatase activity. In conclusion, seagrass production and nutrient content was unrelated to pelagic bacteria activity, but did influence extracellular enzyme hydrolysis at the sediment surface and in the epiphytes. This study suggests that seagrass-derived organic matter is of secondary importance in Florida Bay and that bacteria rely primarily on algal/cyanobacteria production. Pelagic bacteria seem coupled to phytoplankton, while the benthic community appears supported by epiphytic and/or microphytobenthos production.  相似文献   

The tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier Peron and Lesueur 1822) is a widely distributed predator with a broad diet and the potential to affect marine community structure, yet information on local patterns of abundance for this species is lacking. Tiger shark catch data were gathered over 7 years of tag and release research fishing (1991–2000, 2002–2004) in Shark Bay, Western Australia (25°45′S, 113°44′E). Sharks were caught using drumlines deployed in six permanent zones (~3 km2 in area). Fishing effort was standardized across days and months, and catch rates on hooks were expressed as the number of sharks caught h−1. A total of 449 individual tiger sharks was captured; 29 were recaptured. Tiger shark catch rate showed seasonal periodicity, being higher during the warm season (Sep–May) than during the cold season (Jun–Aug), and was marked by inter-annual variability. The most striking feature of the catch data was a consistent pattern of slow, continuous variation within each year from a peak during the height of the warm season (February) to a trough in the cold season (July). Annual growth rates of recaptured individuals were generally consistent with estimates from other regions, but exceeded those for populations elsewhere for sharks >275 cm fork length (FL), perhaps because mature sharks in the study area rely heavily on large prey. The data suggest that (1) the threat of predation faced by animals consumed by tiger sharks fluctuates dramatically within and between years, and (2) efforts to monitor large shark abundance should be extensive enough to detect inter-annual variation and sufficiently intensive to account for intra-annual trends.  相似文献   

Potential rates of reproduction (PRR) differ between the sexes of many animal species. Adult sex ratios together with PRR are expected to determine the operational sex ratio (OSR) defined as the ratio of fertilizable females to sexually active males at any given time. OSR is expected to determine the degree to which one sex competes for another—the limiting sex. We explored the potential for mate limitation in an intertidal amphipod, Corophium volutator (Pallas). Males have higher PRR than females, but males may be limiting because of extreme female-biased sex ratios observed in this species. Consistent with this idea, late season females were less likely to be ovigerous and had smaller size-specific clutches, both of which were associated with seasonal declines in availability of males of reproductive size. Seasonal changes in ovigery could not be explained by seasonal changes across sites in other factors (e.g., female body size or phenology of breeding). Smaller females were less likely to become ovigerous later in the season at three of four sites. Seasonal reductions in clutch size also occurred among small females expected to be reproducing for their first time. In complimentary laboratory experiments, reduced likelihood of ovigery and reduced fecundity occurred when the number of receptive females was increased relative to availability of a reproductively active male. Our results suggest male mate limitation can occur seasonally in this species and that male limitation is regionally widespread and may affect recruitment.  相似文献   

This paper presents research currently being conducted in Central Queensland, Australia to understand conflicts between coastal zone resource users and the associated sociocultural and political issues surrounding coastal zone management. Conflict occurs between stakeholders in the coastal zone over values, conservation and development trade-offs, access, and resource use rights. Decisions are currently made within a multi-stakeholder framework where there is limited understanding among stakeholders of each groups values and aspirations, and few, mechanisms for negotiation, or to ensure transparency of decisions and feedback on consultation. This paper reports on the contribution of stakeholder analysis and social mapping to conflict management and findings from their application. As it is applied here, stakeholder analysis and social mapping have been successful participatory tools used to document and feed back the values, interests, attitudes and aspirations of stakeholders. Understanding stakeholder conflict is essential in progressing a whole catchment approach to decision-making that secures the cooperation of a diverse range of social groups.  相似文献   

The Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum (Adams and Reeve, 1850) is one of the mollusc species that, driven mainly by the shellfish market industry, has extended throughout the world, far beyond the limits of its original habitat. The Manila clam was introduced into France for aquaculture purposes, between 1972 and 1975. In France, this venerid culture became increasingly widespread and, since 1988, this species has colonised most of the embayments along the French Atlantic coast. In 2004, this development resulted in a fishery of ca. 520 t in Arcachon Bay.  相似文献   

Marinas are usually located in coastal waters, but can also be found in lakes and rivers. Due to the activities that take place in marinas various contaminants are discharged. Specific measures have to be taken in order to keep the marina environment clean and healthy. Experiences from developed countries have shown that the most effective way to reduce pollution in marinas is the implementation of waste management programs. To this end, ‘Best Waste Management Programs’ (BWMPs) have been employed in the USA and other countries. However, in developing countries lack of available financial resources and unawareness of the concept of clean marinas may hinder the activities towards the application of BWMPs. The aim of this study is to address BWMPs in general and explain waste sources and disposal methods for marinas and yachting activities. The Kusadasi Setur marina in Turkey is investigated particularly as an example of a marina in a developing country and management measures taken in this marina are evaluated. The various kinds of waste generated in the marina are described and preventive measures against pollution taken in the marina are reviewed. Finally the importance of management programs towards the mitigation of pollution problems is emphasized.  相似文献   

The export of wetland-derived materials to the coastal ocean (i.e., the “Outwelling” hypothesis) has received considerable attention over the past several decades. While a number of studies have shown that estuaries export appreciable amounts of nutrients and carbon, few studies have attempted to estimate the importance of estuarine sources for the coastal carbon budgets in river-dominated coastal ecosystems. A novel tidal prism model was developed to examine estuarine-shelf exchanges in the Barataria estuary, a deltaic estuary located in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. This estuary has been the site of a massive wetland loss, and it has been hypothesized that carbon export from the eroding coastal wetlands supports the development of a large hypoxic zone in the coastal Gulf of Mexico. The model results show that the Barataria estuary receives nitrogen through the tidal passes and releases carbon to the coastal ocean. The mean calculated tidal water discharge of 6930 m3 s−1 is equivalent to about 43% of the lower Mississippi River discharge. The annual total organic carbon (TOC) export is 109 million kg, or 57 gC m2 yr−1 when prorated to the total water area of the estuary. This carbon export is equivalent to a loss of 0.5 m of wetland soil horizon over an area of 8.4 km2, and accounts for about 34% of the observed annual wetland loss in the estuary between 1978 and 2000. Compared to the lower Mississippi River, the Barataria estuary appears to be a very small source of TOC for the northern Gulf of Mexico (2.7% of riverine TOC), and is unlikely to have a significant influence on the development of the Gulf's hypoxia.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to validate in the field certain measurement of the heart rate alterations of the bioindicator organism Mytilus galloprovicialis as a tool for ecotoxicological biomonitoring and assessment applications related to coastal and marine environment. The latter was determined by testing the mussels according to the method of functional loading (1-hour lowered salinity stress-exposure). The time of heart rate (HR) recovery (Trec) and the coefficient of HR variation (CVHR) in a group of tested animals were used as biomarkers for the assessment of their physiological state. It was found that the values of the biomarkers in mussels from our reference location were 1.3-1.5 times lower than in mussels from differently polluted coastal areas of the Bay. The study also included an investigation of the relationship between the mussel’s cardiac rhythm characteristics and the bioaccumulation of trace elements in their soft tissues, caused by chronic pollution. The conclusion was drawn that this approach to the physiological testing of mussels could be useful in developing a rapid and low-cost method for the assessment of the health of coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

A long-term monitoring program has been carried out since the early 1990s in the Mondego estuary, on Portugal's west coast, which is presently under heavy human pressure. In this shallow warm-temperate estuary, a significant macroalgal proliferation has been observed, which is a clear sign of nutrient enrichment. As a result of competition with algae, the extension of the seagrass meadows (mainly Zostera noltii) has been reduced. The present paper examined the applicability of a holistic Stochastic Dynamic Methodology (StDM) in predicting the tendencies of trophic key-components (macrophytes, macroalgae, benthic macroinvertebrate and wading birds) as a response to the changes in estuarine environmental conditions. The StDM is a sequential modelling process developed in order to predict the ecological status of changed ecosystems, from which management strategies can be designed. The data used in the dynamic model construction included true gradients of environmental changes and was sampled from January 1993 to September 1995 and from December 1998 to December 2005. The dynamic model developed was preceded by a conventional multivariate statistical procedure performed to discriminate the significant relationships between the selected ecological components. The model validation was based on independent data collected from January 1996 to January 1997 and from February 1999 to April 2000 for all the state variables considered. Overall, the simulation results are encouraging since they seem to demonstrate the StDM reliability in capturing the trophic dynamics of the studied estuary, by predicting the behavioural pattern for the most part of the components selected, with a focus on the Zostera noltii meadows recovery after the implementation of important management measures.  相似文献   

In population modeling, a considerable level of complexity is often required to provide trustworthy results, comparable with field observations. By assuring sufficient detail at the individual level while preserving the potential to explore the consequences at higher levels, individual-based modeling may thus provide a useful tool to investigate dynamics at different levels of organization. Still, population dynamics resulting from such models are often at odds with observations from the field. This may be partly caused by a lack of focus on the individual dynamics under conditions of food stress and starvation. I developed a physiologically structured, individual-based simulation model to investigate life history of Daphnia and its effect on population dynamics in response to the productivity of the system. In verifying model behavior with available literature data on life history and physiology, I paid special attention to the dynamics of food intake and the verification of individual level results under conditions of food limitation and starvation. I show that the maximum filtering rates under low food levels used in the current model are much closer to measured filtering rates than the ones used in other models. Being consistent with results on physiology and life history from experiments at a wide range of food availability (including starvation), the model generates low amplitude or high amplitude population density cycles depending on the productivity of the system, as observed in field and experimental populations of Daphnia and with the minimum population densities being one to two orders of magnitude lower in the high amplitude than in the low amplitude cycles. To generate results which are not only qualitatively but also quantitatively comparable to experimental and field observations, however, a crowding effect on the filtering response has to be incorporated in the model.  相似文献   

Based on biologic and environmental materials collected from coastal areas of Bohai Bay (China) in April, 2008, three biotic indices (AZTI's Marine Biotic Index (AMBI), Shannon-Wiener Index and W-statistic) were applied together to evaluate the ecological status of the sampling area. The results showed a clear spatial gradient from a worse ecological status in the near-shore areas (especially around Haihe and Jiyun River Estuaries) to a better status in the offshore areas. While all the three indices could assist decision makers in visualizing spatial changes of organic pollutants in Bohai Bay, two indices, i. e., AMBI and Shannon-Wiener index, were effective in distinguishing sites from Haihe River Estuary, Jiyun River Estuary and other area. However, W-statistic can't tell the differences between estuaries and other area. It would be explained that organic pollutants and/or other environ- mental stresses in Bohai Bay were not strong enough to reduce the size ofmacrozoobenthos, which may cause both of the abundance and biomass curves crossed. To our knowledge, this is the first time that several benthic indices were used to assess the benthic ecological status in Bohai Bay, which gave the similar results. Furthermore, there is indication that the ecological status is related to excess input of wastewater along main rivers and outlets. In a word, AMBI, Shannon-Wiener Index and W-statistic could be able to assess the benthic ecological status of Bohai Bay under the organic pollutants pressure.  相似文献   

Restoration of waterbird diversity and abundance is a key objective of river system management in Australia. Therefore, understanding the effects of climatic and hydrological variables on waterbird population dynamics is fundamental for successful river restoration programs. We investigated the population dynamics of waterbirds (total abundance) and seven functional waterbird groups in the floodplains of lower Murrumbidgee River. We found a general declining abundance trend from 1983 to 2007, except for the deep water foragers. We modelled the relative contribution of the climatic and hydrological factors to waterbird population decrease using the generalized additive model (GAM) framework after identifying the negative binomial distribution. Most of the seven functional groups were positively related to both annual rainfall and water usage, defined as the total water volume intercepted by the river reach, and the models indicated that rainfall was slightly more important. Temperature also played a role in waterbird abundance: the maximum summer temperature negatively influenced the abundance of dabbling ducks, shoreline foragers and fish eaters, while the minimum winter temperature positively affected the abundance of dabbling ducks and shoreline foragers. Overall, our results support the practice of providing environmental water for sustaining waterbird populations. However, environmental water provision is likely to be most effective when timed to coincide with antecedent rainfall.  相似文献   

The evolution of polyandry is a central problem in the study of insect mating systems, and both material and genetic benefits have been proposed to offset the presumed costs of multiple mating. Although most eusocial Hymenoptera queens mate with just one or occasionally two males, high levels of polyandry are exhibited by several taxa, including seed-harvester ants of the genus Pogonomyrmex. Previous studies of queen mating frequency in Pogonomyrmex have focused on monogynous (one queen per colony) species in the subgenus Pogonomyrmex. We performed a genetic mother–offspring analysis of mating frequency in Pogonomyrmex (Ephebomyrmex) pima, a queen-dimorphic species with dealate and intermorph queens that differ in colony structure (intermorph colonies contain multiple queens). Our results demonstrate that both dealate and intermorph queens of P. (E.) pima are typically single maters, unlike their congeners analyzed thus far. Polyandry appears to be a derived trait in Pogonomyrmex, but comparative tests between P. (E.) pima queen morphs and across the genus provide no evidence that it evolved as an adaptation to increase genetic diversity within colonies or to obtain more sperm, respectively.  相似文献   

To assess the fitness consequences of foraging on patchy resources, consumption rates, growth rates and survivorship of Armadillidium vulgare were monitored while feeding in arenas in which the spatial distribution of patches of high quality food (powdered dicotyledonous leaf litter) was varied within a matrix of low quality food (powdered grass leaf litter). Predictions from behavioural experiments that these fitness correlates would be lower when high quality food is more heterogeneously distributed in space were tested but not supported either by laboratory or field experiments. To investigate whether A. vulgare can develop the ability to relocate high quality food patches, changes in foraging behaviour, over a comparable time period to that used in the fitness experiments, were monitored in arenas in which there was a high quality food patch in a low quality matrix. A. vulgare increased its ability to relocate the position of high quality food over time. It reduced time spent in low quality food matrices and increased time spent in high quality food patches with time after the start of the experiment. When the position of a high quality food patch was moved, the time spent in the low quality food matrix increased and less time was spent in high quality food patches, compared to arenas in which the food was not moved. The fitness benefits for saprophages of developing the ability to relocate high quality patches while foraging in spatially heterogeneous environments are discussed.  相似文献   

Coastal areas of Iran are heavily affected by urbanisation, industrialisation, and maritime activities. One consequence of this environmental pressure is the contaminants accumulation, as heavy metals, into the marine ecosystem. In this review, the coastal areas in the north and south of the country were assessed for lead (Pb) contamination of, one of the most toxic metals found in the environment. All studies conducted during 2006–2016 with at least 10 specimens that reported the mean and standard deviation of Pb were considered in this review. Heterogeneity between studies was assessed using the Q and I2 statistics. The Pb mean concentration overall studies was estimated to be 21.88?µg/g (95% CIs: 16.25–27.50). Random effect model showed no statistical difference in mean Pb concentration levels between south and north coasts. However, the variability in Pb mean concentrations within southern coasts was considerable and statistically significant. Moreover, the Pb concentrations in the northern coasts of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, in south of Iran, decreased in the following order Hormozgan > Khuzestan > Sistan-VA-Balluchestan > Bushehr while in the southern coasts of Caspian Sea, in north of Iran, decreased in the order Guilan > Mazandaran > Golestan.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of the C/N ratios and variations in δ13C and δ15N of suspended particulate matter were used to characterise their source in Asia’s largest brackish water lagoon, Chilika, India. In addition, the significance of re-mineralised nutrients in the primary productivity of the shallow lagoon was also determined through quantification of the subsurface nitrogen uptake conditions at two relatively stable locations in the lagoon. The results indicated that the influence of terrestrial organic matter was the maximum in the northern sector and was relatively limited at the central and southern part of the lagoon. In situ 15N uptake experiments (daytime) under biogeochemically stable conditions revealed that the N uptake by phytoplankton ranged between 0.24 and 1.01?mM?m?3?h?1 during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. New production and regenerated production in the shallow lagoon was also estimated by calculating f-ratios (ratio of nitrate assimilation by phytoplankton to total nitrogenous nutrient assimilation, have been estimated), which varied from 0.52 in the post-monsoon to 0.38 in the pre-monsoon. Lowering of the f-ratio from post- to pre-monsoon indicated a dominance of mineralisation over the new production.  相似文献   


Carbon fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRPs) have attracted attention from the aerospace industry due to their light weight, excellent mechanical properties, and resistance to corrosion. However, CFRP composites are difficult to recycle as their recycling process must be performed under extreme conditions; end-of-life regulations do not directly address the problem with reusing these composites. Thus, the objective of this study is to explore solutions that minimize the use of CFRPs and prolong their useful life in the airline industry. To achieve this goal, this work conducted a review of the state of the art of CFRP fiber recycling, emphasizing the recycling processes, restrictions, and regulations. One solution is to develop a CFRP recycling market that would allow the sequential use of recycled materials among industries in descending order of the required structural performance of the composite.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the pelagic vertical distribution of fish eggs is central for several aspects of fisheries science including fisheries recruitment and egg production studies. In modelling egg vertical distributions, variation in fish egg density is an important issue. Though variation in egg density between individual eggs has been reported, evidence for significant spatial variation in egg density is novel. The present study provides evidence that egg density of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) varies spatially across spawning sites in the Bay of Biscay, depending on the regional scale variation in sea water properties due to river discharge. We measured the density of the eggs using a density gradient column at 17 stations in 2005 and 2006 as well as their diameter. At station, the variability in the individual egg density was statistically distributed according to a Gaussian probability function. Significant variation in the mean egg density was observed across stations. Mean egg density displayed a significant correlation with sea surface salinity. Results are discussed in light of the mechanisms determining the egg density.  相似文献   

This paper is the first to address the suitability and potential of the cytochrome oxidase-1 (CO1) region of the parasitic marine nematode Anisakis simplex sensu stricto as a genetic marker. A. simplex s.s. is an ubiquitous parasite of many marine organisms and has been used as a ‘biological tag’ for population studies of pelagic fish stocks. The CO1 marker informs not only about nematode population structure but also about its hosts. The large CO1 sub-unit (∼800 bp) was analysed from third stage larvae of A. simplex s.s. from Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus L. caught off the north-west coast of Scotland. In total 161 A. simplex s.s. CO1 sequences were analysed from 37 herring that represented three spawning periods over 2 years. Overall very high haplotype and low nucleotide diversities were observed (h = 0.997 and π = 0.008, respectively). These results are in keeping with studies investigating parasitic nematodes of ungulates and are symptomatic of the high rate of substitutions accumulated by mtDNA and effective dispersal strategies of the parasite. The Tamura-Nei I + Г (Г = 1.2243) model of nucleotide substitution best suited the present data which were dominated by a high thymine bias and associated transitions. Large within population differences were highlighted by hierarchal AMOVAs with little variation related to spawning events or years which may indicate localised temporal stability. Temporal homogeneity in the CO1 gene coupled with the ubiquitous and widespread nature of the parasite indicates both the potential and limitations for its incorporation in stock-separation studies of its hosts. This work was carried out at the School of Biological Sciences, Liverpool University, Crown Street, Liverpool. L69 7ZB, UK.  相似文献   

Coastal lagoons are subject to several sources of contaminations. To shade light on the contamination level of the Santa Gilla lagoon (Tyrrhenian Sea) we investigated the spatial distribution of Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn and Hg in sediments and their correlation with grain size and organic matter contents. Moreover, sediment contamination levels and the ecological risk associated with metal concentration were assessed using different abiotic indicators. The lagoon is characterised by low levels of contamination, with exceptions for Pb and Hg, whose distribution reflects the position of an old chlor-alkali plant and that of an airport. These results indicate that the restoration put in place 30 years ago have not reached the expected target and that the presence of the airport deserves further attention. In the outer section of the lagoon, where clam fishery occurs, we observed low levels of contamination suggesting that such artisanal fishery could somehow help mobilising metals. We conclude that the area exposed to Hg pollution, though tentatively restored, still suffers of a potential risk of ecosystem deterioration. We pinpoint that further investigations on the mobility, bioavailability and toxicity of metals are needed to finally address the actual impairment of the Santa Gilla lagoon.  相似文献   

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