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The distribution of breeding resources, such as nest sites, can have a pronounced impact on a population by affecting the proportion of individuals that succeed to breed and hence, the variation in reproductive success. Aggregation of important resources can lead to resource monopolisation by a limited number of individuals and thus affect the intensity of sexual selection. In this study, we tested, by contrasting two experimental treatments (dispersed vs. aggregated), how nest distribution affects: (1) mating behaviour, (2) male nest occupation and mating success, and (3) reproductive success and the opportunity for selection. We used the two-spotted goby (Gobiusculus flavescens), a small marine fish with a resource-based mating system, as our model species. When nests were aggregated, a larger proportion of the males behaved aggressively, fewer males succeeded in occupying a nest, fewer males became mated, and those males that mated received fewer eggs from spawning females. These effects resulted in a higher variance in reproductive success and hence, a higher opportunity for selection (I rs ), in the aggregated treatment. We suggest that the results are a direct consequence of males defending a territory around their nest, preventing competitively inferior males from breeding. However, we found no significant selection differentials for body length or condition of males in either treatment. Our results support the hypothesis that aggregation of essential resources like nests promotes resource monopolisation. In species facing highly clumped nesting resources in the wild, monopolisation may negatively impact population productivity but could lead to strong selection on traits that promote male competitive ability.  相似文献   

When brood parasites are about to lay an egg, they have to decide which nest to parasitize. The best nest in which to lay will depend on the parenting ability of the host. We have studied selection of magpie (Pica pica) hosts by great spotted cuckoos (Clamator glandarius). Great spotted cuckoos preferentially parasitize large host nests. Nest volume in magpies is a good indicator of territory quality, since there is a negative relationship between magpie nest size and breeding date, and timing of breeding in magpies is known to be positively related to territory quality. Moreover, magpies occupying high-quality territories have high breeding success. Therefore, nest size is positively related to the quality of magpies. Parasitized magpie nests were of greater volume than the nearest neighbouring nest not parasitized by the great spotted cuckoo. In order to test whether the great spotted cuckoos might select high-quality magpie hosts, we manipulated pairs of parasitized and non-parasitized nests with identical laying dates and habitats, introducing into each of the nests the same number of parasitic and non-parasitic eggs. The number of fledglings reared (magpie plus great spotted cuckoo chicks) in naturally parasitized nests was higher than in experimentally parasitized nests. Thus, the probability of survival of the parasite chicks increased if cuckoo eggs were laid in the nests of high-quality hosts originally chosen by the parasite.  相似文献   

Social nesting behaviour is commonly associated with high prevalence and intensity of parasites in intraspecific comparisons. Little is known about the effects of interspecific host breeding density for parasite intensity in generalist host–parasite systems. Darwin’s small tree finch (Camarhynchus parvulus) on Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos Islands, nests in both heterospecific aggregations and at solitary sites. All Darwin finch species on Santa Cruz Island are infested with larvae of the invasive blood-sucking fly Philornis downsi. In this study, we test the prediction that total P. downsi intensity (the number of parasites per nest) is higher for nests in heterospecific aggregations than at solitary nests. We also examine variation in P. downsi intensity in relation to three predictor variables: (1) nest size, (2) nest bottom thickness and (3) host adult body mass, both within and across finch species. The results show that (1) total P. downsi intensity was significantly higher for small tree finch nests with many close neighbours; (2) finches with increased adult body mass built larger nests (inter- and intraspecific comparison); (3) parasite intensity increased significantly with nest size across species and in the small tree finch alone; and (4) nest bottom thickness did not vary with nest size or parasite intensity. These results provide evidence for an interaction between social nesting behaviour, nest characteristics and host mass that influences the distribution and potential impact of mobile ectoparasites in birds.  相似文献   

Many animals must choose a nest site in order to reproduce. However, it is unclear how nest-site selection strategies vary across different mating systems. We must therefore explore nest-site selection strategies in a range of mating systems, including the interaction between resource-defence polygyny and polyandry (i.e. polygynandry). In this study, we imposed a re-settlement event in the terrestrial toadlet Pseudophryne bibronii and measured the influence of the spatial position of each male’s nest site with respect to rival males on the likelihood that it would be abandoned or receive eggs. We captured every calling male in a population, measured their breeding success and released them back into the breeding area. We then recorded the establishment and abandonment of nest sites by males over 26 consecutive nights. Spatial positioning did not have any significant effects on male-breeding success, supporting claims that females show less discrimination between nest sites when they are polyandrous and spread their eggs amongst multiple male nests. However, we found that males consistently selected nest sites according to a site’s spatial position, which suggests that fitness benefits unrelated to male breeding success (e.g. reduced mortality risk) might influence male nesting decisions. Overall, our study provides new evidence that the mating system adopted by a population can influence the cues that individuals respond to when selecting nest sites.  相似文献   

The breeding success of many passerines is strongly reduced by egg predation. The adaptive significance of egg crypsis in open nesters is often taken for granted, but visually searching predators may first detect the nest or adult bird and not the eggs. Götmark predicted that selection should favour egg crypsis in the absence of conspicuous nests, whereas birds with conspicuous nests should have non-cryptic eggs. I compared the effect of egg colour treatment (white, blue, brown-spotted) on nest survival (1) among species characterized by different egg coloration, nest size and nest placement, and (2) between relatively well and poorly concealed nests within species. I used artificial nests (n=1,296) and eggs mimicking (except in egg colour) those of the yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella), blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) and song thrush (Turdus philomelos). Concurrently, I monitored survival of real nests (n=1,106). Nest survival differed among species, increased with nest concealment and throughout the breeding season, but was not significantly related to egg colour in any species. Nevertheless, the data for the yellowhammer suggest a trend in survival rates across the colour treatments. Brown eggs survived better than white eggs by 11% and 4% in 2 years, but this study had insufficient power to detect effects of this size. The results thus suggest that egg coloration in the song thrush and blackcap (shrub nesters) may be a neutral trait with regard to nest predation, whereas egg crypsis may be an anti-predation feature for the yellowhammer (ground/near-ground nester). The role of predation in the evolution of eggshell colour may vary not only between cavity and open nesters, but also across nest sites within the latter group.  相似文献   

Stone provisioning is a nest-maintenance activity accomplished by pygoscelid penguins after reliefs during the incubation/brooding period. The functional significance of this behaviour has been mainly explained as a parental strategy preventing nest flooding under detrimental weather conditions. In addition, and in the light of recent studies, this behaviour could also fit into the sexual selection process. In this study, we tested the first idea, that is, whether stone provisioning is a nest-maintenance behaviour to increase egg/nestling survival by lowering the risk of nest flooding, and can thus be considered a form of parental care. Additionally, we investigated if the effort invested by parents in nest maintenance is constrained by physiologically limiting resources. The effort of stone collection and the perceived risk of nest flooding were experimentally manipulated during the incubation and early brooding phases in a chinstrap penguin, Pygoscelis antarctica, colony. Three groups of nests were established. After weighing, control nests were left unmanipulated. In a second group of nests (reduced group), only one-half of the initial weight of stones was returned to the nests. In a third group of nests (snow-added group), we both reduced nest weight by a half and added snow outside the nest bowl over 6 consecutive days. Ten days after manipulation, the difference in nest weight between initial and final conditions was significantly related to treatment: penguins increased stone provisioning in the reduced group (44% of half-reduced nests), but drastically more in the reduced and snow-added group (123% of half-reduced nests), while the weight of control nests was unchanged compared to premanipulation conditions. The intensity of stone provisioning was affected by nest date, peaking about hatching time and shortly after, and declining with advancing chick age. These results suggest that stone provisioning is a mechanism that has evolved to prevent egg or chick mortality by nest flooding. The haematocrit, but not leukocyte numbers as expressed by the buffy coat layer, varied with the experimental conditions. Penguins investing more time in nest maintenance had a lower haematocrit, suggesting a physiological trade-off probably mediated by competition between the time devoted to nest maintenance versus foraging activities. The amount of stones collected and the haematocrit were positively related to the number of neighbour nests, so those individuals surrounded by more nests seemed to obtain benefits in the availability of nest material and energy savings. This study indicates that stone-provisioning behaviour is a nest-maintenance activity evolved to improve thermal nest characteristics potentially increasing offspring survival, and competing in time and energy with other reproductive activities. Stone provisioning in penguins should therefore be regarded as a form of parental care and an important part of individual reproductive effort in species breeding in harsh environments. Furthermore, nest size and nest-maintenance effort should be considered reproductive traits indicative of parental quality and thus could also be involved in the post-mating sexual selection process.  相似文献   

Summary Kin selection, acting through high levels of relatedness, may be an important promoter in the evolution of nest sharing. Cerceris antipodes is a sphecid wasp that shares nests in contrast to the majority of sphecids where only one female occupies a nest. Nest sharing results from females remaining in their natal nests and females moving to already occupied nests. Average relatedness among nestmates of C. antipodes was calculated from allele frequencies of phosphoglucomutase to determine whether nests were usually shared by close relatives. Relatedness among nestmates was high (0.5 to 0.6) at one aggregation in two consecutive years. Preferential association of relatives away from the natal nest can be inferred from these high values combined with the frequency of nest switching observed. Estimates of relatedness were lower (about 0.3) and associated with large standard errors at 3 other aggregations. Inbreeding and relatedness between neighbouring nests were only significant at the aggregation with the fewest females. This may be a result of the small effective population size. The levels of relatedness observed are consistent with kin selection through relatedness being an important factor in the evolution of nest sharing.  相似文献   

Animals constantly need to acquire information about the environment for settlement decisions, either by using a trial-and-error strategy or by using public information by monitoring conspecifics. We studied a nest box population of Eurasian kestrels Falco tinnunculus in western Finland to test if pellets and other prey remains accumulated on the bottom of nest boxes are used as public information during settlement. During 2002–2013, nest boxes were randomly cleaned (treatment) or left un-cleaned (control) in each season. It is possible that kestrels reuse nest boxes which include information of successful nesting (i.e. have not been cleaned) because they indicate previous breeding attempt at the site. At the same time, this decision may entail costs because of blood-sucking ecto-parasites like Carnus hemapterus overwintering in the layer of pellets. First, we found that egg-laying date was significantly earlier in un-cleaned control boxes than in cleaned treatment boxes, indicating the use of public information revealed by pellets in the settlement decision. Second, the ecto-parasite burden of young nestlings (age 6–15 days) was significantly higher in un-cleaned control nest boxes. We found higher ecto-parasite infestation in early and lower infestation in late nests, a seasonal trend that is in disagreement with the ecto-parasite avoidance hypothesis. Contrary, in overall lower-infected cleaned boxes, ecto-parasite prevalence remained equal throughout the season. However, the ecto-parasite burden had no obvious effect on breeding success. We conclude that the use of pellets revealing successful breeding attempt of the previous year as public information appeared to be important in the settlement decision of kestrels.  相似文献   

An individually marked population of great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus was studied between 1984 and 1991 in South Central Sweden. The fates of 279 nests were analysed for the 25 days following clutch initiation. The average frequency of nest loss (43%) did not differ significantly between years or between four periods of the breeding season. After a breeding failure, 70% of the females laid a replacement clutch, most of them together with the same male. On polygnous territories, males assisted the female who first hatched young regardless of her initial mating status (Fig. 2). According to the acutal status of the females attending the nests, for each day nests were classified as being of either monogamous (M), primary (P) or secondary (S) status. From egg-laying to fledging the rate of nest loss decreased among nests of primary status whereas it increased among nests of monogamous and secondary status. During the egg-laying period, the rate of nest loss was 3 times higher among nests of primary than among nests of monogamous and secondary status (Fig. 3). Thus, the high loss level among nests of primary status during the laying period was closely associated with the presence of a female with a less advanced nest on the territory. All nests were situated in reed beds above deep water and most of them at a height at which possible inter-specific nest predators would have caused disturbance to the nest itself. The suspicion that secondary females committed sexually selected infanticide was supported by an experiment with dummy eggs that revealed bill peck markings identical to those obtained from great reed warblers (Fig. 4).  相似文献   

We examined multiple mate choice criteria in Cophixalus ornatus, a terrestrial breeding, microhylid frog. Mate choice consisted of three stages: mate attraction (male calling), courtship (male behavior between the call site and the nest), and nest site selection by the female. For male C. ornatus, the possession of a call with low dominant frequency relative to calling neighbors increased the probability that they would attract females. Dominant frequency was negatively correlated with age independent of male mass and snout vent length. When escorting the female from the call site to their nest, males traveled along more convoluted paths than when returning to the nest alone. The convolution of the path was, therefore, considered an aspect of courtship. Females released eggs into nests with structural characteristics typical of nests constructed by older males. Thus, females increased their chances of locating an acceptable nest by preferentially approaching males with lower dominant frequencies. This study is the first to demonstrate that age, independent of mass or snout-vent length, can influence call characteristics in anurans, and it is also the first to demonstrate the importance of male age to female mate choice in an amphibian.  相似文献   

Individuals of many taxa gather social information in order to make informed decisions with lowered unpredictability. Social information may show temporal periods of higher information value during certain events. However, the value of information is expected to decrease with time since the event and individuals accessing this information are expected to do so quickly. In birds, prospectors visit the nests of other individuals to gather information about reproductive decisions and breeding success. Individuals are known to prospect even during their own breeding to access this information. We investigated prospecting behavior of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) at conspecific nests within a short time period following a simulated predator visit. We performed predator and control presentations at flycatcher nests, and recorded all prospectors (foreign conspecific individuals) visiting these nests within 45-min periods before and after the presentations. We found a significant increase in conspecific prospectors visiting focal nests after the presentation of a predator near the nest. The prospectors in our data comprised mainly pied flycatchers actively breeding in the neighborhood of the focal nest. We also found that the increase in prospecting at these nests is of short-duration, and that prospecting rates decreased back to background prospecting levels relatively quickly. Our results find support for the prediction that individuals may respond to temporally peaking value of information after certain observable events. This result suggests that prospecting may be especially aimed at specific periods of high information value.  相似文献   

In populations of various ant species, many queens reproduce in the same nest (polygyny), and colony boundaries appear to be absent with individuals able to move freely between nests (unicoloniality). Such societies depart strongly from a simple family structure and pose a potential challenge to kin selection theory, because high queen number coupled with unrestricted gene flow among nests should result in levels of relatedness among nestmates close to zero. This study investigated the breeding system and genetic structure of a highly polygynous and largely unicolonial population of the wood ant Formica paralugubris. A microsatellite analysis revealed that nestmate workers, reproductive queens and reproductive males (the queens' mates) are all equally related to each other, with relatedness estimates centring around 0.14. This suggests that most of the queens and males reproducing in the study population had mated within or close to their natal nest, and that the queens did not disperse far after mating. We developed a theoretical model to investigate how the breeding system affects the relatedness structure of polygynous colonies. By combining the model and our empirical data, it was estimated that about 99.8% of the reproducing queens and males originated from within the nest, or from a nearby nest. This high rate of local mating and the rarity of long-distance dispersal maintain significant relatedness among nestmates, and contrast with the common view that unicoloniality is coupled with unrestricted gene flow among nests. Received: 8 February 1999 / Received in revised form: 15 June 1999 / Accepted: 19 June 1999  相似文献   

Summary Brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) parasitized yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia) six times more frequently than least flycatchers (Empidonax minimus) nesting in the same riparian habitat in southern Manitoba. This difference was surprising because least flycatchers were higher quality hosts; flycatchers always accepted cowbird eggs while warblers did so on only about half the occasions. Both hosts were equally good foster parents, at least until fledging; thus, once an egg was accepted there was probably no further advantage in parasitizing one species over the other. The probability that a nest was parasitized decreased with increasing nest height, perhaps as a consequence of the cowbird's habit of searching for nests close to the ground. Since least flycatchers nested higher in the canopy than yellow warblers, a greater proportion of flycatcher nests probably were not detected by cowbirds. Nevertheless, nest height alone could not account fully for the lower incidence of parasitism on flycatchers. Clutch initiation in flycatchers peaked 6 days after warbler clutch initiations and 5 days after that of cowbirds. Despite the later peak in initiations, flycatcher nests were always available as potential hosts over the entire cowbird laying season and it was not until new clutch initiations by warblers declined in late summer that flycatchers were actually used as hosts. Because least flycatchers responded more aggressively than yellow warblers to a model female cowbird at the nest, we concluded that greater nest defense by flycatchers may have also reduced the rate of brood parasitism in this host. Together, our results suggest the large difference in the frequency of parasitism between these two hosts was primarily a product of nest location but that differences in host nest-defense and breeding season asynchrony may have contributed to preferential host selection.Offprint requests to: J.V. Briskie  相似文献   

Summary Five definite and nine suspected cases of infanticide were documented in the swallow Hirundo rustica. Unmated males visited neighbouring nests and removed entire broods during the first days of the nestling period, preferentially from nests owned by young late-breeding individuals. Infanticide followed the disappearance of the male nest owner in 11 of the 14 cases. The unmated infanticidal male later mated with the female victim although renesting during the same season only took place in 12 of the 14 cases. The fraction of unmated males increased with colony size, and infanticide was relatively more common if unmated males were abundant. Females did not engage in extra-pair copulations in order to avoid infanticide. Intense guarding of the nest and its contents prevented infanticide. Nest guarding intensity was higher in colonial compared with solitarily breeding swallows, and guarding intensity increased with colony size. Experimental removal of male swallows during the early nestling period reduced the nest guarding intensity and increased frequency of visits from unmated males in colonies, but not among solitarily breeding swallows. Colonial nests from which the male was removed suffered from infanticide more often than solitary nests, and nests where infanticide was recorded were guarded significantly less intensely than other nests before the infanticidal incidents.  相似文献   

Summary Although a few male longear sunfish nest solitarily, most territorial males excavate their nest in dense aggregations. The importance of sexual selection in the evolution of this breeding system was evaluated by 1) examining the influence of certain male and nest characteristics on spawning success and 2) by comparing the success of social and solitary nesters. Among group nesters, females spawned preferentially with males nesting early within a spawning period and occupying central nests. Male size and nest diameter were negatively correlated with nesting day and hence spawning success. However, female discrimination using these traits directly could not be demonstrated. The reproductive success of social and solitary males was compared by counting the larvae in their nests several days after spawning. Successful males (with larvae) were more likely than males without larvae to be encountered later in the breeding season and to nest in small groups or solitarily. Spawning period (of which there were 5 or 6 in a season) was significantly correlated with larval abundance in the nest, while male size was not. Social and solitary males were equally successful, but aggregations may nonetheless result from sexual selection: males unlikely to attract females may nest around more attractive males to steal fertilizations from them. High spawning synchrony may prevent attractive males from renesting elsewhere once other nesters aggregate around them.  相似文献   

What is the cost of parental care in birds? Previous studies using observational and experimental techniques on nest building and clutch sizes in a small migrant flycatcher, the Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe), led to contradictory results that did not show a consistent cost of current reproductive effort on residual reproductive output. The data presented here indicate that different elements of parental behaviors are indeed costly because they reduce various aspects of phoebes' subsequent reproductive performance. Experimental removal of old nesting structures at previously used breeding sites reduced but did not eliminate the chance of phoebes' settlement in the subsequent year. Comparing sites at which phoebes did and did not build new nests showed that nest builders completed their first clutches later, had lower probabilities of second breeding attempts, and more often lost their nesting attempt due to fallen nest structures than nest reusers. There was, however, no significant effect of nest building on the clutch sizes and rates of cowbird parasitism of first nesting attempts. Overall, sites with newly built nests had lower seasonal reproductive effort than sites with reused nests. I also examined phoebes' relative residual reproductive output in a separate breeding season when nest building was not experimentally manipulated. When controlled for confounding variables this analysis indicated that in those phoebes that did breed for a second time, the relative decrease of the sizes of first to presumed second clutches was greater at sites where first breeding attempts consisted of more total nestlings. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that parental care is costly in Eastern Phoebes and support predictions of trade-offs between the nest building, brood care, and residual egg-investment components of reproduction.  相似文献   

Barrier islands and coastal beach systems provide nesting habitat for marine and estuarine turtles. Densely settled coastal areas may subsidize nest predators. Our purpose was to inform conservation by providing a greater understanding of habitat-based risk factors for nest predation, for an estuarine turtle. We expected that habitat conditions at predated nests would differ from random locations at two spatial extents. We developed and validated an island-wide model for the distribution of predated Diamondback terrapin nests using locations of 198 predated nests collected during exhaustive searches at Fisherman Island National Wildlife Refuge, USA. We used aerial photographs to identify all areas of possible nesting habitat and searched each and surrounding environments for nests, collecting location and random-point microhabitat data. We built models for the probability of finding a predated nest using an equal number of random points and validated them with a reserve set (N?=?67). Five variables in 9 a priori models were used and the best selected model (AIC weight 0.98) reflected positive associations with sand patches near marshes and roadways. Model validation had an average capture rate of predated nests of 84.14 % (26.17–97.38 %, Q1 77.53 %, median 88.07 %, Q3 95.08 %). Microhabitat selection results suggest that nests placed at the edges of sand patches adjacent to upland shrub/forest and marsh systems are vulnerable to predation. Forests and marshes provide cover and alternative resources for predators and roadways provide access; a suggestion is to focus nest protection efforts on the edges of dunes, near dense vegetation and roads.  相似文献   

Summary Red-winged blackbirds, Agelaius phoeniceus, breed in marshes in high densities and their nests are frequently clumped. Because predation is consistently the most important cause of redwing nesting mortality, high densities of breeding individuals could be an anti-predation adaptation. In our study site predation by marsh wrens, Cistothorus palustris, was the main cause of redwing nesting losses. In situations when marsh wrens were near, predation rates on redwing nests decreased with increasing female density. Group life could reduce predation because of improved nest defense, selfish herd effects, or predator dilution effects. We differentiated between these possibilities by introducing experimental colonies consisting of 3, 6, and 9 artificial nests near and away from active redwing nests. The experimental colonies near active nests suffered less predation, but predation rates were not correlated with colony size or a nest's location within the colony. Therefore, the advantage of group life in this population is probably mutual nest protection.  相似文献   

Summary Colony structure and reproductive investment were studied in a population of Myrmica punctiventris. This species undergoes a seasonal cycle of polydomy. A colony overwinters in entirety but fractionates into two or more nest sites during the active season and then coalesces in the fall. Colony boundaries were determined by integrating data on spatial pattern, behavioral compatability, and genetic relatedness as revealed by protein electrophoresis. Colonies contained at most one queen. Consequently, a colony consisted of one queenright nest and one or more queenless nests. Furthermore, estimates of relatedness were fully consistent, with queens being single mated. M. punctiventris therefore has a colony genetic structure that conforms to the classical explanation of the maintenance of worker sterility by kin selection. Kin selection theory predicts that workers would favor a female-biased allocation ratio while selection on queens would favor equal investment in males and females. We predicted that in polydomous populations, queenless nests would rear more female reproductives from diploid larvae than queenright nests. There was a significant difference between queenright and queenless nests in sexual allocation; queenless nests allocated energy to reproductive females whereas queenright nests did not. At neither the nest nor colony levels did worker number limit sexual production. We also found that nests tended to rear either males or females but when colony reproduction was summed over nests, the sexes were more equally represented. The difference in allocation ratios between queenless and queenright nests was attributed solely to queen presence/absence. Our work shows that polydomy provides an opportunity for workers to evade queen control and thereby to sexualize brood.Offprint requests to: L.E. Snyder at the current address  相似文献   

Recent investigations of male ornaments in sexual selection have used experimental manipulation of tail length in three widowbird species, but only for one of these have correlates of male reproductive success been reported. I examined correlates of male attractiveness to nesting females over two breeding seasons for the polygynous yellow-shouldered widowbird, Euplectes macrourus, in order to discover which cues females may be using to select mates. The black, long-tailed ( 10 cm) males defend large territories and build nest frames, or cock's nests, which females then line and use for nesting. I examined various aspects of male morphology, five behavioral displays, territory characteristics, and the number of cock's nests that males built. Few correlates of mating success were found. The best predictor was the number of cock's nests that a male builds, though one courtship display also correlated with male mating success in 1 year, as did average grass height. Tail length did not correlate with male mating success. A partial correlation analysis confirmed that cock's nests and, in 1 year, grass height, were the primary contributers to male success. Females may choose where to nest primarily on the availability of suitable nesting sites. Long tails may be used by females seeking extra-pair copulations or in male-male competition for territories.  相似文献   

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