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In the present paper a collective model for predicting the migration of dissolved toxic substances through drainage areas is described. The model has been validated using data for 137Cs and 90Sr concentrations in water of some European contaminated rivers following the atmospheric fall-out from the accident at the Chernobyl power plant. It has been demonstrated that the migration rate λ (s−1) of a dissolved toxic substance from a catchment may be evaluated by the following approximate formula: λ=(c ln t+d)/t, where t is the time from a pulse deposition event and the coefficients c and d depend on the characteristics of the substance. It has been shown that the mathematical form of the transfer function (flux of dissolved substance at time t following a single pulse deposition of a pollutant onto the catchment) of a toxic substance from a drainage area is very simple. Moreover, the values of the transfer function parameters are slightly variable despite the large range of characteristics of the catchments here examined. Indeed, the statistical aggregation of competing migration processes can lead to ‘stable’ collective behaviours that are less variable than each single process.  相似文献   

Collective detection concerns the idea that all members of a socially feeding group are alerted to an attack as long as at least one group member detects it. We found that collective detection in mixed flocks of emberizid sparrows is limited markedly by relatively small degrees of visual and spatial separation between foragers. These limits on collective detection appear to influence the degree to which flock members lower their vigilance with increasing group size (the group size effect). Specifically, the decrease in collective detection with increasing visual and spatial isolation between foragers is accompanied by a concomitant decrease in the strength of the vigilance group size effect. Explanations for the vigilance-related effects of such separation based upon a bird’s ability to monitor the vigilance behavior of flockmates can be ruled out for our experimental system. Our results also shed light on the issue of whether the vigilance group size effect is influenced more by collective detection or the simple dilution of risk with increasing group size. We argue that collective detection is not only an important determinant of the group size effect, but also that the phenomena of collective detection and risk dilution are interdependent. Received: 25 July 1995/Accepted after revision: 17 December 1995  相似文献   

Collective payments for ecosystem services (PES) programs make payments to groups, conditional on specified aggregate land-management outcomes. Such collective contracting may be well suited to settings with communal land tenure or decision-making. Given that collective contracting does not require costly individual-level information on outcomes, it may also facilitate conditioning on additionality (i.e., conditioning payments upon clearly improved outcomes relative to baseline). Yet collective contracting often suffers from free-riding, which undermines group outcomes and may be exacerbated or ameliorated by PES designs. We study impacts of conditioning on additionality within a number of collective PES designs. We use a framed field-laboratory experiment with participants from a new PES program in Mexico. Because social interactions are critical within collective processes, we assess the impacts from conditioning on additionality given: (1) group participation in contract design, and (2) a group coordination mechanism. Conditioning on above-baseline outcomes raised contributions, particularly among initially lower contributors. Group participation in contract design increased impact, as did the coordination mechanism.  相似文献   

Certain groups of organisms are capable of improving their collective performance with experience. In a recent study, we demonstrated that, over successive emigrations, colonies of the ant Temnothorax albipennis are able to improve their collective performance by reducing the time taken to complete an emigration (Langridge et al., Behav Ecol Sociobiol 56:523–529, 2004). In this paper, by recording the performance of individually marked workers during repeated emigrations, we were able to analyse some of the ways in which time gains are achieved. We found that: (1) those transporters that also transported in the preceding emigration began to transport earlier in the current emigration and, in the majority of emigrations, transported more items than those transporters that had not transported in the preceding emigration; (2) the time that elapsed before the first item was transported into the new nest reduced over successive emigrations, and this first item was, in the majority of emigrations, carried by a transporter that had also transported in the preceding emigration; (3) the number of adults that were transported reduced over successive emigrations. Our results strongly suggest that the behaviour of transporters that also transported in a preceding emigration may be modified as a result of their experience and that, consequently, their efforts in the next emigration make a major contribution to the improved performance of the colony as a whole.  相似文献   

An individual-oriented model is constructed which simulates the collective foraging behaviour of a colony of honey-bees, Apis mellifera. Each bee follows the same set of behavioural rules. Each rule consists of a set of conditions followed by the behavioural act to be performed if the conditions are fulfilled. The set of conditions comprises the state of external information available to the bee (e.g. the dancing of other bees) and internal information variables (like memorised location of a food source and homing motivation). The rules are partly observational (i.e. they capture the observable regularities between the present external information and the individual bee's behaviour), and partly involve hypothesised internal-state variables (e.g. abandoning tendency and homing motivation), because no observable (physiological) aspect has as yet been detected in the bee which correlates with changes in the internal motivation. Our aim is to obtain a set of rules that is necessary and sufficient for the generation of the collective foraging behaviour observed in real bees. We simulated an experiment performed by Seeley et al. in which a colony of honey-bees chooses between two nectar sources of different profitabilities which are switched at intervals. A good fit between observed and simulated collective forager patterns was obtained when the model included rules in which the bees (1) relied on the information acquired from previous flights to a source (e.g. profitability and time of day when the source was found), (2) used positional information obtained by attending recruitment dances and (3) did not abandon a (temporarily) deteriorated source too fast or too slowly. The significance of the following issues is discussed: the role of internal and external information, source profitability, the spatial precision of the dance communication, the ability to search for a source after the source position has been transmitted, the tendency to abandon a deteriorated source, and the concepts of scout, recruit, (un)employed forager, and foraging history. Received: 26 January 1998 / Accepted after revision: 16 May 1998  相似文献   

Insect societies are often confronted with choices among several options such as food sources of different richness or potential nest sites with different qualities. The mechanisms by which a colony as a whole evaluates these situations and takes the appropriate decision are of crucial importance for its survival. Here we studied how collective decisions arise from individual behaviors when a group of workers of the ant Messor barbarus is given a choice between two aggregation sites. Two hundred ants were introduced into an arena and given a choice between two tubes connected to the arena. The tubes had different physical properties: dry and transparent (termed as dry), humid and transparent (termed as humid), or dry and dark (termed as dark). After 30 min, most ants were found to be aggregated in a humid tube when paired with a dry tube, or in a dark tube when paired with a humid one. When two humid tubes were in competition, ants aggregate more in one of the sites. The choice of ants was consistent throughout experiments. An analysis of individual behaviors shows that the probability of an ant recruiting and the intensity of its trail-laying behavior strongly depend on the quality of the tubes. Our study suggests that the selection of an aggregation site does not require that individual ants directly compare sites, but rather relies on the synergy between amplification processes involving recruitment by chemical trails, and a modulation of the individual resting time in a site as a function of its population.Communicated by L. Sundström  相似文献   

We examined the behavior of individual mature female Mediterranean fruit flies (medflies), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), transferred from a holding cage without fruit to a clean host kumquat fruit already occupied by another medfly female engaged in ovipositional behavior. A significantly greater proportion of transferred (=test) ovipositionally naive females initiated ovipositor boring into a fruit in the presence than in the absence of an occupying medfly. Moreover, test females commenced boring significantly sooner in the presence than in the absence of another medfly. Interestingly, similar results occurred when a test medfly was transferred to a kumquat occupied by an ovipositing female oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel. In contrast, there was no enhancement of propensity to bore when a test medfly was transferred to a kumquat occupied by a female Biosteres arisanus (Sonan), a parasitoid attacking medfly eggs. The principal proximate stimulus giving rise to the higher tendency to oviposit of a test medfly in the presence of an occupying medfly or oriental fruit fly appeared to be wing-waving by the occupant during an encounter. We consider our findings to be good evidence of socially facilitated ovipositional behavior in ovipositionally naive medflies, and suggest that such females may benefit from acquisition of a cue demonstrating the acceptability of a host for oviposition. Received: 7 July 1997 / Accepted after revision: 30 August 1997  相似文献   

Crown fire endangers fire fighters and can have severe ecological consequences. Prediction of fire behavior in tree crowns is essential to informed decisions in fire management. Current methods used in fire management do not address variability in crown fuels. New mechanistic physics-based fire models address convective heat transfer with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and can be used to model fire in heterogeneous crown fuels. However, the potential impacts of variability in crown fuels on fire behavior have not yet been explored. In this study we describe a new model, FUEL3D, which incorporates the pipe model theory (PMT) and a simple 3D recursive branching approach to model the distribution of fuel within individual tree crowns. FUEL3D uses forest inventory data as inputs, and stochastically retains geometric variability observed in field data. We investigate the effects of crown fuel heterogeneity on fire behavior with a CFD fire model by simulating fire under a homogeneous tree crown and a heterogeneous tree crown modeled with FUEL3D, using two different levels of surface fire intensity. Model output is used to estimate the probability of tree mortality, linking fire behavior and fire effects at the scale of an individual tree. We discovered that variability within a tree crown altered the timing, magnitude and dynamics of how fire burned through the crown; effects varied with surface fire intensity. In the lower surface fire intensity case, the heterogeneous tree crown barely ignited and would likely survive, while the homogeneous tree had nearly 80% fuel consumption and an order of magnitude difference in total net radiative heat transfer. In the higher surface fire intensity case, both cases burned readily. Differences for the homogeneous tree between the two surface fire intensity cases were minimal but were dramatic for the heterogeneous tree. These results suggest that heterogeneity within the crown causes more conditional, threshold-like interactions with fire. We conclude with discussion of implications for fire behavior modeling and fire ecology.  相似文献   

Group foraging allows the co-existence of a strategy (producer) that involves searching for food, and its alternative (scrounger) exploiting the food of the producer. The use of producer and scrounger strategies has been modelled as an alternative-option scramble which assumes strong negative frequency-dependence of the scrounger's pay-offs. We tested this assumption in a flock feeding situation by manipulating the proportion of scroungers in flocks of spice finches, Lonchura punctulata. In a first experiment we found that: (1) the food intake of scroungers, and to a lesser extent producers, was negatively affected by an increase in the proportion of scroungers; (2) the food intake of producers and scroungers was equal when the proportion of scroungers was small, suggesting that producers, who exploited 35.4% of their patches by scrounging were opportunistically adjusting their use of the strategies until the pay-offs equalized. In a second experiment we tested whether finches could vary their use of the two strategies in response to changes in foraging conditions brought about by an increase in the cost of producing. As predicted by the game, finches reduced their use of the producer strategy and increased their use of the scrounger strategy when the cost of producing increased. These results suggest that spice finches can alter their allocation to each foraging alternative by experience and that the producer-scrounger game is a realistic model for predicting group foraging decisions. Correspondence to: L.-A. Giraldeau  相似文献   

The ecological constraints model predicts that daily travel distance and home range size of social animals will increase as group size increases in order to meet the dietary needs of additional group members. This theory has been supported more predominantly by studies of frugivorous primate species than by studies of folivorous species. We examined the ranging patterns of mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, who include both herbaceous vegetation and fruit in their diet, to determine how ecological, behavioral, and social parameters influence movement patterns. Data were collected from three groups of gorillas with overlapping home ranges at a low-altitude location (1,450–1,800 m) and one group at a high-altitude location (2,100–2,500 m) in Bwindi from September 2001 to August 2002. We analyzed daily travel distance and home range size in relation to group size, while also considering patterns of frugivory, rainfall, and location (proxy for food availability) within the park. Both daily travel distance and home range size were positively related to group size. In addition, the degree of frugivory positively influenced daily travel distance and home range size, while rainfall negatively influenced daily travel distance only. Finally, groups at the low-altitude location, with higher fruit availability, traveled less than the group at the high-altitude location. These results demonstrate that mountain gorillas in Bwindi provide support for the ecological constraints model, but further studies are needed to determine how fine-scale spatial and temporal availability of food resources influence movement patterns. Ranging patterns of Bwindi gorillas are compared to those observed in other gorilla populations in the context of the ecological constraints model.Communicated by D. Watts  相似文献   

Much of the discussion of the tragedy of the commons focuses on aggregate impacts, often in data-poor developing country settings. Few non-experimental empirical studies shed light on contextual circumstances driving the extent of rent dissipation and overexploitation. We utilize a high-resolution data set to estimate a behavioral model of fishermen's spatial choices. A unique policy setting allows us to measure the degree to which individual fishermen's choices appear aimed at mitigating the tragedy of the commons in a small numbers setting. We find evidence of partial mitigation in excess of what we would expect under pure self-interest but short of what would occur under group-maximizing behavior. We also examine how contextual factors in the fishery shape the degree of cooperation within the fishing season and find evidence that competition for the common pool resource distorts fishermen's implicit cost of distance—creating a form of “common property inertia”.  相似文献   

The regulation of protein collection through pollen foraging plays an important role in pollination and in the life of bee colonies that adjust their foraging to natural variation in pollen protein quality and temporal availability. Bumble bees occupy a wide range of habitats from the Nearctic to the Tropics in which they play an important role as pollinators. However, little is known about how a bumble bee colony regulates pollen collection. We manipulated protein quality and colony pollen stores in lab-reared colonies of the native North American bumble bee, Bombus impatiens. We debut evidence that bumble bee colony foraging levels and pollen storage behavior are tuned to the protein quality (range tested: 17–30% protein by dry mass) of pollen collected by foragers and to the amount of stored pollen inside the colony. Pollen foraging levels (number of bees exiting the nest) significantly increased by 55%, and the frequency with which foragers stored pollen in pots significantly increased by 233% for pollen with higher compared to lower protein quality. The number of foragers exiting the nest significantly decreased (by 28%) when we added one pollen load equivalent each 5 min to already high intranidal pollen stores. In addition, pollen odor pumped into the nest is sufficient to increase the number of exiting foragers by 27%. Foragers directly inspected pollen pots at a constant rate over 24 h, presumably to assess pollen levels. Thus, pollen stores can act as an information center regulating colony-level foraging according to pollen protein quality and colony need. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

In this study a double model algorithm is developed for the simulation of the vertical profiles of monthly values of absolute humidity. The thrust of the algorithm is that is depends on the use of ground measurements for humidity and is based upon the use of two model relations for altitudes above and below 1 Km respectively. Monthly absolute humidity profiles as estimated using the specially constructed double model algorithm compare well with those calculated with the use of radiosonde data for the time period 1980–1990 (Helliniko station, Southern Greece). In particular the model estimation is very satisfactory at altitudes above the Planetary Boundary Layer and rather satisfying at altitudes below 1 Km. This implies that the model algorithm may be useful in supporting climatological studies in areas where lack of relevant information on the vertical distribution of water vapour is recognised.  相似文献   

A spatial zero-inflated poisson regression model for oak regeneration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ecological counts data are often characterized by an excess of zeros and spatial dependence. Excess zeros can occur in regions outside the range of the distribution of a given species. A zero-inflated Poisson regression model is developed, under which the species range is determined by a spatial probit model, including physical variables as covariates. Within that range, species counts are independently drawn from a Poisson distribution whose mean depends on biotic variables. Bayesian inference for this model is illustrated using data on oak seedling counts. Received: May 2004 / Revised: December 2004  相似文献   

多环芳烃(PAHs)在土壤-植物系统中的环境行为   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
占新华  周立祥 《生态环境》2003,12(4):487-492
PAHs具有强致癌性,它在环境中的污染问题日益受到重视。文章综合评述样品中PAHs分析过程所用提取剂的种类、提取方法和检测方法;土壤中PAHs的来源、含量、分布及其影响因素;PAHs在土壤中的吸附和解吸;PAHs在环境中的降解及降解PAHs的微生物类群;PAHs在植物体内的含量、分布及其影响因素。提出了今后值得加强研究的方面。  相似文献   

陶谨  陈晓宏 《生态环境》2010,19(5):1156-1159
通过人口迁移算法优化投影寻踪模型,提出了一种新的水安全智能识别模型。与遗传算法优化的投影模型相对比,人口迁移算法的自身优势有效地避免了网络早熟现象及寻找全局最优解的困扰。从水安全的评价结果来看,用人口迁移算法优化投影寻踪是可行的,并显示出优越性。人口迁移算法为求解投影寻踪模型的非线性约束提供了新的优化方法,并为水安全评价工作提供了新的智能识别模型。  相似文献   

Social animals behave collectively in order to maintain a cohesive group. This collective behavior is often led by a few individuals of specific gender, social rank, or spatial physical location in the group (i.e., perimeter or front). We examined how individual social voles (Microtus socialis) in same-gender compared with mixed-gender groups respond to an owl attack. We found that anxiety level, as measured by the time that each individual spent in less-sheltered sectors (open arms of elevated plus-maze and center of open arena), was affected by both the social context and the gender of the tested individuals. While both female and male voles generally reduced their activity in the open following owl attack, males in mixed-gender groups were exceptional in dichotomizing into those that spent a short period and those that spent a long period in the open arms of the plus-maze. Based on the similar responses of the same-gender groups, we suggest that anxiety is contagious, and based on the lower anxiety level of the mixed-gender groups, we suggest that natural groups that comprise both males and females are better able to cope with life-threat compared with same-gender groups. Finally, we suggest that the differential responses of males in the mixed-gender groups were due to a few males that displayed a low level of anxiety. These males were probably individuals of high social rank, and their response reflects their natural protective role, as previously described in social voles.  相似文献   

毒死蜱农药环境行为研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了毒死蜱农药在环境中的水解、土壤吸附和土壤消解行为。实验结果表明,毒死蜱在水体中降解较慢,半衰期为 25.6 d;土壤具有较强的吸持毒死蜱农药的能力;该农药在土壤中的消解也较慢。  相似文献   

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