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•Bacterial concentrations from eight stages were 104–105copies/m3. •Diameter influenced clustering of bacterial and HPB lineages. •Dg of 8 HPB ranged from 2.42 to 5.09 μm in composting areas. •Dg of 8 HPB ranged from 3.70 to 8.96 μm in packaging areas. •HPB had high concentrations and small sizes in composting areas. Composting plants are regarded as one of the important sources of environmental bioaerosols. However, limitations in the size distribution of airborne bacteria have prevented our comprehensive understanding of their risk to human health and their dispersal behavior. In this study, different sizes of airborne bacteria were collected using an eight-stage impactor from a full-scale composting facility. Size-related abundance and communities of airborne bacteria as well as human pathogenic bacteria (HPB) were investigated using 16S rRNA gene sequencing coupled with droplet digital PCR. Our results indicate that the bacterial concentrations from the eight stages were approximately 104–105copies/m3. Although no statistical correlation was detected between the particle size and the Shannon index, the influence of size on bacterial lineages was observed in both composting and packaging areas. For airborne bacteria from different stages, the dominant phyla were Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria, and the dominant genera was Bacillus. Seven out of eight HPB with a small geometric mean aerodynamic diameter had a high concentration in composting areas. Based on diameters of 2.42 to 5.09 μm, most HPB in the composting areas were expected to be deposited on the bronchus and secondary bronchus. However, in the packaging areas, the deposition of HPB (diameters 3.70 to 8.96 μm) occurred in the upper part of the respiratory tract. Our results on the size distribution, abundance, and diversity of these bacteria offer important information for the systematic evaluation of bacterial pathogenicity and the potential health impacts on workers in composting plants and the surrounding residents.  相似文献   

The Jiushanwai channel is located in the Lucheng district of Wenzhou City, China. Four aquatic plant species (Canna indica, Cyperus alternifolius, Myriophyllum verticillatum, and Lythrum salicaria) were planted on floating-beds constructed in a north-south layout along this channel. Five sites were sampled during spring, summer and autumn. The physiological characteristics (content of chlorophyll and soluble protein, activity of peroxidase and catalase) of the plants and the corresponding water quality were determined and correlations between these indices were analysed. The physiological indices of the plants and water quality changed regularly at the five sampling sites. Myriophyllum verticillatum was the most sensitive species to water quality changes, whereas Lythrum salicaria was least sensitive. Of the physiological indices examined, soluble protein content was most sensitive to water quality changes. The physiological indices of M. verticillatum are deemed to be most suitable to indicate river water quality.  相似文献   

The ability to predict which alien plants will transition from naturalized to invasive prior to their introduction to novel regions is a key goal for conservation and has the potential to increase the efficacy of weed risk assessment (WRA). However, multiple factors contribute to plant invasion success (e.g., functional traits, range characteristics, residence time, phylogeny), and they all must be taken into account simultaneously in order to identify meaningful correlates of invasion success. We compiled 146 pairs of phylogenetically paired (congeneric) naturalized and invasive plant species in Australia with similar minimum residence times (i.e., time since introduction in years). These pairs were used to test for differences in 5 functional traits (flowering duration, leaf size, maximum height, specific leaf area [SLA], seed mass) and 3 characteristics of species’ native ranges (biome occupancy, mean annual temperature, and rainfall breadth) between naturalized and invasive species. Invasive species, on average, had larger SLA, longer flowering periods, and were taller than their congeneric naturalized relatives. Invaders also exhibited greater tolerance for different environmental conditions in the native range, where they occupied more biomes and a wider breadth of rainfall and temperature conditions than naturalized congeners. However, neither seed mass nor leaf size differed between pairs of naturalized and invasive species. A key finding was the role of SLA in distinguishing between naturalized and invasive pairs. Species with high SLA values were typically associated with faster growth rates, more rapid turnover of leaf material, and shorter lifespans than those species with low SLA. This suite of characteristics may contribute to the ability of a species to transition from naturalized to invasive across a wide range of environmental contexts and disturbance regimes. Our findings will help in the refinement of WRA protocols, and we advocate the inclusion of quantitative traits, in particular SLA, into the WRA schemes.  相似文献   

The present study aims to determine the phytotoxic effects of lead (Pb) on corn (Zea mays), wheat (Triticum aestivum), cucumber (Cucumis sativus), cabbage (Brassica oleracea) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and to identify the sensitive crop species and appropriate bioassays for potential use in phytotoxicity assessment of Pb-contaminated soil. In a laboratory experiment, Pb(NO3)2 was added to the background soil to obtain eight Pb treatments. The results indicate that the seed germination rate of lettuce decreases by 14.44%, 30.00% and 40.00% at 2000, 3000 and 4000 mg Pb kg?1 soil, respectively. However, the germination of corn, wheat, cucumber and cabbage is not significantly influenced by the Pb-contaminated soil treated with all the tested concentrations. Furthermore, the root elongation is more sensitive to Pb than is seed germination. The minimum concentrations of adverse effect of maize, wheat, cucumber, cabbage and lettuce are 2000, 3000, 1300, 800 and 300 mg Pb kg?1 soil, respectively. Moreover, dicotyledon species are more sensitive than monocotyledon species. In the genotoxicity study, the mitotic index (MI) fluctuates with an increasing Pb concentration. The micronuclei (MN) frequencies of cucumber, cabbage and lettuce exhibit a dose-dependent effect at concentrations ranging from 1300 to 4000 mg Pb kg?1 soil. It can be concluded that lettuce is a good candidate for indicating the toxicity of Pb in soil. Root elongation and the micronucleus frequency of dicotyledon are appropriate bioassays for potential use in phytotoxicity assessment of Pb-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

• Size and shape-dependent MnFe2O4 NPs were prepared via a facile method. • Ligand-exchange chemistry was used to prepare the hydrophilic MnFe2O4 NPs. • The catalytic properties of MnFe2O4 NPs toward dye degradation were fully studied. • The catalytic activities of MnFe2O4 NPs followed Michaelis–Menten behavior. • All the MnFe2O4 NPs exhibit selective degradation to different dyes. The magnetic nanoparticles that are easy to recycle have tremendous potential as a suitable catalyst for environmental toxic dye pollutant degradation. Rationally engineering shapes and tailoring the size of nanocatalysts are regarded as an effective manner for enhancing performances. Herein, we successfully synthesized three kinds of MnFe2O4 NPs with distinctive sizes and shapes as catalysts for reductive degradation of methylene blue, rhodamine 6G, rhodamine B, and methylene orange. It was found that the catalytic activities were dependent on the size and shape of the MnFe2O4 NPs and highly related to the surface-to-volume ratio and atom arrangements. Besides, all these nanocatalysts exhibit selectivity to different organic dyes, which is beneficial for their practical application in dye pollutant treatment. Furthermore, the MnFe2O4 NPs could be readily recovered by a magnet and reused more than ten times without appreciable loss of activity. The size and shape effects of MnFe2O4 nanoparticles demonstrated in this work not only accelerate further understanding the nature of nanocatalysts but also contribute to the precise design of nanoparticles catalyst for pollutant degradation.  相似文献   

An individual-based model was developed to predict the population dynamics of Daphnia magna at laboratory conditions from individual life-history traits observed in experiments with different feeding conditions. Within the model, each daphnid passes its individual life cycle including feeding on algae, aging, growing, developing and – when maturity is reached – reproducing. The modelled life cycle is driven by the amount of ingested algae and the density of the Daphnia population. At low algae densities the population dynamics is mainly driven by food supply, when the densities of algae are high, the limiting factor is “crowding” (a density-dependent mechanism due to chemical substances released by the organisms or physical contact, but independent of food competition).  相似文献   

The lower reaches of the Heihe River, in northwestern China, is characterised by unique local edaphic conditions that have influenced the development of local desert riparian forests. This study examines the variations in spatial variation patterns to reveal the relationships between plant species diversity and soil moisture/salinity/texture gradients at different soil depths, providing insights into the management and restoration of vegetation in ecosystems in the study area. The species–environmental relationships are investigated by redundancy analysis based on the plant species diversity matrix and the edaphic gradient matrix. A survey of 61 sampling plots identified 37 plant species in the study area. The distribution pattern of the plant species diversity are mainly affected by soil moisture, soil salinity, and soil texture at different soil depths. These edaphic factors are able to explain 98.47% of the total variation in the analysed vegetation dataset. Soil moisture, salinity, and texture content vary in terms of both the soil depths and the vegetation types in the study area. The plant community Class IV, xeric shrub, has the lowest soil water content among different vegetation types. The surface soil salinity differs for different plants and follows the order: Sophora alopecurides?>?Tamarix chinensis?>?Populus euphratica.  相似文献   

The dietary compositions and breadths of sequential 50 mm size classes of the six whiting species found in nearshore (<1.5 m), shallow inner-shelf (5 to 15 m) and/or deep inner-shelf (20 to 35 m) waters of the lower west coast of Australia were determined. Comparisons between the results of principal components analysis of head and mouth dimensions and the dietary compositions of Sillago bassensis, S. vittata, S. burrus, S. schomburgkii, S. robusta and Sillaginodespunctata suggests that any differences in the dietary composition of similar-sized representatives of different species, when they occur in the same habitat, are more likely to be due to differences in foraging behaviour than mouth morphology. Classification, ordination and Schoener's overlap indices showed that, in nearshore waters, the juveniles of Sillago bassensis, which colonise relatively exposed areas, have a different diet to those of the smallest representatives of the other whiting species that occupy more sheltered habitats. S. bassensis consumes mainly amphipods, whereas the smaller representatives of S. vittata, S. burrus, S. schomburgkii and Sillaginodes punctata ingest large volumes of copepods, which are typically abundant in protected nearshore waters. Although the mouth dimensions of S. punctata tend to be smaller than those of Sillago schomburgkii, the larger individuals of the former species ingest greater quantities of larger prey, such as crabs and carid shrimps. As S. bassensis, S. vittata and S. burrus increase in size and migrate out into shallow inner-shelf waters, the latter two species tend to concentrate more on benthic prey, while the former species ingests fauna that is more epibenthic. The largest S. bassensis subsequently migrate out into deep inner-shelf waters, where they co-occur with S. robusta, which is restricted to those waters. In these waters, S. bassensis feeds to a far greater extent on large benthic prey, whereas S. robusta consumes a greater quantity of small epibenthic crustaceans, differences that reflect the far larger lengths of the former species in that region. The above data emphasise that the distribution and ontogenetic movements of the six abundant species of whiting play a major role in facilitating a partitioning of food resources amongst these species found in coastal waters of the lower west coast of Australia. Received: 7 October 1996 / Accepted: 31 January 1997  相似文献   

Customary medicinal plant species used by Australian Aborigines are disappearing rapidly with its associated knowledge, due to the loss of habitats. Conservation and protection of these species is important as they represent sources of novel therapeutic phytochemical compounds and are culturally valuable. Information on the spatial distribution and use of customary medicinal plants is often inadequate and fragmented, posing limitations on the identification and conservation of species-rich areas and culturally valuable habitats.In this study, the habitat suitability modeling program, MaxEnt, was used to predict the potential ecological niches of 431 customary medicinal plant species, based on bioclimatic variables. Specimen locality records were obtained from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) data portal and from Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH).Ecological niche models of 414 predicted species, which had 30 or more occurrence points, were used to produce maps indicating areas that were ecologically suitable for multiple species (concordance of high predicted ecological suitability) and having cultural values. For the concordance map, individual species niche models were thresholded and summed. To derive a map of culturally valuable areas, customary medicinal uses from Customary Medicinal Knowledgebase (CMKb) (www.biolinfo.org/cmkb) were used to weight individual species models, resulting in a value within each grid cell reflecting its cultural worth.Even though the available information is scarce and fragmented, our approach provides an opportunity to infer areas predicted to be suitable for multiple species (i.e. concordance hotspots) and to estimate the cultural value of a particular geographical area. Our results also indicate that to conserve bio-cultural diversity, comprehensive information and active participation of Aboriginal communities is indispensable.  相似文献   

The evaluation of biophysical models is usually carried out by estimating the agreement between measured and simulated data and, more rarely, by using indices for other aspects, like model complexity and overparameterization. In spite of the importance of model robustness, especially for large area applications, no proposals for its quantification are available. In this paper, we would like to open a discussion on this issue, proposing a first approach for a quantification of robustness based on the variability of model error to variability of explored conditions ratio. We used modelling efficiency (EF) for quantifying error in model predictions and a normalized agrometeorological index (SAM) based on cumulated rainfall and reference evapotranspiration to characterize the conditions of application. Population standard deviations of EF and SAM were used to quantify their variability. The indicator was tested for models estimating meteorological variables and crop state variables. The values provided by the robustness indicator (IR) were discussed according to the models’ features and to the typology and number of processes simulated. IR increased with the number of processes simulated and, within the same typology of model, with the degree of overparameterization. No correlation were found between IR and two of the most used indices of model error (RRMSE, EF). This supports its inclusion in integrated systems for model evaluation.  相似文献   

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