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The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence ofhigh levels of pesticides in groundwater and rainwater in TheProvince of Limburg in The Netherlands. In groundwater samplesin particular the presence of triazines – atrazine, simazine and propazine – was observed; besides these pesticides, dieldrin has also been observed. Atrazine and simazine were found to exceed the groundwater standard of 100 ng L-1. In the rainwater samples, the presence of 13 of 23 different analyzed pesticides was observed. A number of pesticides werefound in high concentrations; e.g. atrazine (>200 ng L-1). Two pesticides detected in rainwater (+-HCH and atrazine) were found to exceed the groundwater standard. Seven pesticides in rainwater were found to exceed the target value and three pesticides the maximum tolerable risk value (DDT, heptachlor and heptachlorepoxide A), which are used as ecotoxicological standards in The Netherlands.Nitrate in 15 of 16 analyzed natural springs was found toexceed the guideline value for nitrate in drinking waterof 50 mg L-1, up to levels of about 200 mg L-1. Nitrate concentrations in rainwater samples were observed up to 4.5 mg L-1. A risk analysis of exposure to high pesticide levels in groundwater or rainwater has been performed using the model HESP. For atrazine levels due todeposition of rainwater in two different locations, exceedance of the T.D.I. level of 0.5 g kg-1 day-1 based on WHO criteria was observed for children using both an urban and a rural scenario and use of groundwater as drinking water.  相似文献   

2016年8月1日—2017年7月31日在上海市崇明岛森林公园空气质量观测站进行了为期1年的大气气体污染物、PM2.5水溶性成分在线监测。各项常规大气污染物在该站浓度均较低,但污染物极值较高,说明崇明地区仍有显著的区域污染现象。PM2.5中硝酸根平均浓度(10. 0μg/m^3)高于硫酸根(6. 8μg/m^3),2种成分均在冬季出现最高值。崇明地区PM2.5污染中污染物区域传输是主要贡献因子,但夏季硫酸根二次生成较为明显。风速风向及后向气流轨迹分析表明,南通工业区及城区是崇明地区PM2.5二次无机成分气态前体物的重要贡献来源,而来自山东中部、江苏北部及长三角苏锡常地区的污染传输过程亦对硫酸根、硝酸根浓度有显著贡献。  相似文献   

选取2015年珠海市国控监测站ρ(PM_(2.5))数据,分析PM_(2.5)中有机碳(OC)、元素碳(EC)、水溶性离子组分等化学组成,ρ(PM_(2.5))时空分布特征,以及与气象因素的相互关系。结果表明,2015年珠海市PM_(2.5)年均值为31.0μg/m3,表现出显著的时间分布规律,月均值呈现"V"型趋势,PM_(2.5)中主要化学组分是有机物(OM),占总质量的34.0%,其次是硫酸根(SO2-4),占总质量的26.9%,具有明显的季节分布特征,呈现冬高夏低分布;ρ(PM_(2.5))日变化呈现双峰型分布,其值工作日显著高于非工作日;ρ(PM_(2.5))与平均温度、相对湿度、风速呈现负相关关系,与气压呈现显著正相关关系;珠海市ρ(PM_(2.5))空间分布总体呈现"东高西低,北重南轻"变化趋势,有机物、SO2-4和NH+4空间分布呈现东部高于西部趋势,颗粒物浓度受地形、气候因素和海域环境等影响呈现多样化分布趋势。  相似文献   

This is the first comprehensive study of sources of variation in metal concentrations within the whole tissues of a shallow burrowing, filter-feeding intertidal clam, Austrovenus stutchburyi. Samples were collected from 12 sites in April, August, November and February in 1993–1994 in the vicinity of Otago Harbour and Peninsula, New Zealand. Total tissue trace metal concentrations (μg g−1 dry weight) were measured in individual animals for the essential metals : Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni and the non-essential Cr using trace-metal clean acid-digestion and ICP-OAES techniques. Average metal concentrations were 3–60 μg g−1 for Cu, 40–118 μg g−1 for Zn, 2–12 μg g−1 for Mn, 5–35 μg g−1 for Ni and 1–44 μg g−1 for Cr. These levels decreased with body weight and differed amongst sites except for Cr in February (mid-summer). Highest concentrations occurred at sites close to a city (Dunedin) and within the central harbour region although the Cu, Zn, Ni and Cr concentrations did not correlate with the environmental gradient or season. At one coastal site, samples of both the blue mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and cockles gave similar trends in trace metal levels. These results suggest that the cockle could be a useful trace metal biomonitor within NZ estuaries.  相似文献   

Febros river water was sampled weekly, during 35 successive weeks, and analyzed for microbiological (total coliforms, faecal coliforms, faecal streptococci and enterococci) and chemical-physical (ammonia and temperature) parameters. All microbiological parameters were highly correlated with each other and with ammonia, suggesting that the simultaneous determination of all variables currently in use in the evaluation of the microbiological quality of waters is probably redundant, and could be simplified, and that ammonia should be tested as a sentinel parameter of the microbiological pollution load of Febros river. From the strains isolated from positive tubes of the faecal coliforms test (multiple tube fermentation technique) and retested in this assay, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca and Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae strains were positive, indicating that the faecal coliforms test is not totally specific for Escherichia coli, and can detect other bacteria. Considering that these Klebsiella spp. are not necessarily of faecal origin, it was concluded that the faecal coliforms test can overestimate true faecal pollution. From the strains isolated from positive tubes of the faecal coliforms procedure, only Escherichia coli strains were clearly positive in the β-D-glucuronidase test. All other species were negative or very weakly positive, suggesting that the assay of the β-D-glucuronidase activity is less prone to false positives than the faecal coliforms test in the quantification of Escherichia coli in environmental waters.  相似文献   

贵阳室内氡时空分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了全面分析室内氡的时空分布特征、来源和影响因素,选择了贵阳市不同地理位置的居民住宅、办公场所和公共场所,进行了为期一年的室内氡监测。贵阳市室内氡的平均浓度为(72.7±1.6)Bq/m3,低于室内空气污染国家标准,达标率98.5%。其中居民住宅、办公场所和公共场所的室内氡浓度分别为(93.46±86.93)、(74.68±40.74)、(61±26.93)Bq/m3。研究表明,室内涂料、装修程度和通风效果、小区环境等对室内氡浓度高低有显著影响,室内氡也随季节变化而发生波动。对于居民住宅和公共场所氡的室内外来源相对重要性不同。居民住宅内新楼和旧楼不同楼层室内氡的来源、影响因素和分布特征有显著差异。  相似文献   

运用多元统计方法,对东江中游水质自动站(河源临江站和惠州剑潭站)2009-2012年水质监测数据进行时空分异特征及影响因素研究。结果表明:水站水质在Ⅰ类~Ⅲ类之间;空间特征差异为 T 与 TB 差异不显著,pH 值、EC、DO、IMn、NH3-N 及 TP均存在极显著差异;水期体征差异为河源临江站除 DO各水期差异显著外,其他指标差异不明显,惠州剑潭站 pH值、EC、IMn与 TP各水期均呈显著差异,NH3-N 水期差异不显著。Pearson 相关性分析表明,T 是制约河源临江站水体 DO的主要相关因子,营养盐作用相对较低;惠州剑潭站水体 DO 与 T、TP及 IMn呈极显著负相关关系。通过因子分析,识别出影响惠州剑潭水质的主因子,量化了水体理化性质、地表径流及人为污染对水质变化的贡献。  相似文献   

太湖浮游植物种类组成时空变化规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从2010年的3月到2010年的10月,通过春、夏、秋3个季度的采样,对太湖东部的浮游植物种类组成及其变化进行渊查,发现浮游植物92属279种,太湖东部五个采样点位的浮游植物常见种季节变化明显,而各湖区浮游植物种类绀成空间变化较小。通过对太湖东部浮游植物种类组成的时空变化的规律的初步探索,为预警监测及水环境保护提供技术支持。  相似文献   

大气卫星遥感监测作为一种新型监测手段,具有范围广、速度快、成本低等优势,对环境应急保护及其预警都具有非常重要的意义。选取天水市2006—2013年各年12月每日OMI level-2数据产品,利用Aura卫星技术和Arc GIS等技术平台,对天水市大气中SO_2的时空分布规律和污染原因进行了分析研究。结果表明:2006—2013年天水市SO_2柱浓度及其总量呈现出明显增加的趋势,但在2008年有小幅降低;在2008年以前,天水市SO_2浓度呈现出由东南向西北逐渐减少的趋势,但自2009年后污染重心发生迁移并且出现了数个集中化的SO_2高值区;研究区SO_2垂直柱浓度有自然因素、人类活动等多方面的复合影响,其中能源消耗及机动车尾气排放是主要影响因素。研究进一步讨论了遥感数据产品的应用前景。  相似文献   

A portion of Arizona’s San Pedro River is managed as a National Riparian Conservation Area but is potentially affected by ground-water withdrawals beyond the conservation area borders. We applied an assessment model to the Conservation Area as a basis for monitoring long-term changes in riparian ecosystem condition resulting from changes in river water availability, and collected multi-year data on a subset of the most sensitive bioindicators. The assessment model is based on nine vegetation bioindicators that are sensitive to changes in surface water or ground water. Site index scores allow for placement into one of three condition classes, each reflecting particular ranges for site hydrology and vegetation structure. We collected the bioindicator data at 26 sites distributed among 14 reaches that had similar stream flow hydrology (spatial flow intermittency) and geomorphology (channel sinuosity, flood-plain width). Overall, 39% of the riparian corridor fell within condition class 3 (the wettest condition), 55% in condition class 2, and 6% in the driest condition class. Condition class 3 reaches have high cover of herbaceous wetland plants (e.g., Juncus and Schoenoplectus spp.) along the perennial stream channel and dense, multi-aged Populus-Salix woodlands in the flood plain, sustained by shallow ground water in the stream alluvium. In condition class 2, intermittent stream flows result in low cover of streamside wetland herbs, but Populus-Salix remain abundant in the flood plain. Perennial wetland plants are absent from condition class 1, reflecting highly intermittent stream flows; the flood plain is vegetated by Tamarixa small tree that tolerates the deep and fluctuating ground water levels that typify this reach type. Abundance of herbaceous wetland plants and growth rate of Salix gooddingii varied between years with different stream flow rates, indicating utility of these measures for tracking short-term responses to hydrologic change. Repeat measurement of all bioindicators will indicate long-term trends in hydro-vegetational condition.  相似文献   

We studied the multiscale (sites, river reaches and rivers) and short-term temporal (monthly) variability in a freshwater fish assemblage. We found that small-scale spatial variation and short-term temporal variability significantly influenced fish community structure in the Macquarie and Namoi Rivers. However, larger scale spatial differences between rivers were the largest source of variation in the data. The interaction between temporal change and spatial variation in fish community structure, whilst statistically significant, was smaller than the variation between rivers. This suggests that although the fish communities within each river changed between sampling occasions, the underlying differences between rivers were maintained. In contrast, the strongest interaction between temporal and spatial effects occurred at the smallest spatial scale, at the level of individual sites. This means whilst the composition of the fish assemblage at a given site may fluctuate, the magnitude of these changes is unlikely to affect larger scale differences between reaches within rivers or between rivers. These results suggest that sampling at any time within a single season will be sufficient to show spatial differences that occur over large spatial scales, such as comparisons between rivers or between biogeographical regions.  相似文献   

香溪河库湾氮的时空分布及影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究解决香溪河库湾水体富营养化问题,需探明库湾水体氮的时空分布及影响因子。2010年12月—2011年11月对香溪河与水库干流交界处至香溪河库湾尾部共12个采样点进行连续监测,分析香溪河库湾氮的时空分布,结果表明,香溪河库湾氮存在明显的时空分布规律。空间上,回水末端处TN和NO3--N浓度低,河口处浓度高,随着与回水末端距离的增加,浓度逐渐升高。在时间上,香溪河库湾TN和NO3--N浓度的变异系数随着与河口距离的增加总体上逐渐增大,研究时间内的变化程度逐渐变大;且香溪河库湾TN和NO3--N浓度在三峡水库不同运行阶段的时间变化规律不同。  相似文献   

The present study deals with the characterisation and interpretation of hourly taken maximum ozone concentrations of each day at various high altitude monitoring sites in Germany and contributes to the understanding of ozone transport processes. The relation between long range transport of ozone as well as its precursors and high ozone concentrations is of special interest. Aim of this paper is to investigate the influence and importance of large scale meteorological circulation and source regions of anthropogenic ozone precursors to local ozone concentrations using 2-dimensional backward trajectories. Further, reasons for the spatial and temporal variation of ozone concentration levels will be shown. Investigating numerous cases a similar origin of air masses causing high ozone concentrations in Germany and uniform patterns at various sites could be identified.  相似文献   

利用2013-2019年沈阳地区11个国控监测站近地层臭氧(O3)浓度监测数据和地面气象观测资料,分析了沈阳地区O3污染日的O3浓度时空分布规律,并对造成O3污染日的天气系统进行了主观分型.结果表明:自2013年以来,以O3为首要污染物的天数逐年增加,2017年达到研究期内的最高值,但2018-2019年略有下降.O3...  相似文献   

基于北京市PM2.5和PM10质量浓度、组分浓度以及降水数据,利用数理统计、相关性分析等方法分别从降水总量、降水时长和降水前颗粒物浓度3个角度研究降水对PM2.5、PM10的清除作用,同时以一次典型降水过程为例,具体分析降水对颗粒物的影响。结果表明:降水总量的增加有助于促进PM2.5、PM10的清除,随着降水总量增加,PM2.5、PM10的平均清除率提高,有效清除的比例增加;连续降水可增强对大气颗粒物的湿清除作用,连续降水达3d可有效降低PM2.5、PM10浓度;降水对PM2.5、PM10浓度的清除率和大气颗粒物前一日的平均浓度有较好的正相关性。降水对大气颗粒物的清除可分为清除、回升和平稳3个阶段,各个阶段大气颗粒物的变化趋势不同。降水对于大气气溶胶化学组分和酸碱性的改变具有明显作用,对于大气颗粒物各种组分的清除效果不完全相同。对于大气中OC、NO3-、SO42-和NH4+去除率较高,且这4种组分主要以颗粒态形式被冲刷进入降水中,加剧了北京市降水酸化程度。  相似文献   

利用2018年261个乡镇环境空气自动监测站监测数据,结合GIS空间分析技术,对石家庄市PM10和PM2.5的时空污染特征进行了研究。结果表明,石家庄地区PM10和PM2.5污染的空间分布整体表现为西北部山区好于东南部的平原地区,主城区好于周边县(市、区)的特征。采暖期PM10和PM2.5的污染程度明显重于非采暖期。PM2.5稳定性差于PM10,PM10和PM2.5的稳定性与污染程度具有一定的负相关性,表现出污染越轻的区域稳定性越差。两者的日均值浓度变化在时间序列上呈极强正相关,且污染越重的区域时间相关性越强。与日均值相关性不同,污染程度越轻的区域PM10和PM2.5年均值的线性相关性越强。  相似文献   

为了解石家庄市NO2时空分布特征及影响因素,结合GIS和相关性分析,对2018年环境空气自动监测站监测数据、气象数据和社会经济数据进行统计分析。结果表明:261个乡镇NO2年均质量浓度范围为11~68μg/m3,超标率为47.9%,仅有49个乡镇NO2日均质量浓度达到国家二级标准。主城区NO2质量浓度高于周边县(市、区),NO2总体呈圆环形带状分布。月变化方面,1—3月、10—12月污染较重,峰值出现在1月。NO2日变化呈“高-低-高”的变化趋势,区域差异明显。NO2与温度、湿度、风速呈负相关,与大气压呈正相关,气象条件的月际差异是导致NO2月差异的重要因素,NO2空间分布主要受地形、人口密度和机动车排放等因素影响。研究结果提示秋冬季是NO2治理的关键时期,主城区为重点防控治理区域。  相似文献   

Pesticide applications to agricultural lands in California, USA, are reported to a central data base, while data on water and sediment quality are collected by a number of monitoring programs. Data from both sources are geo-referenced, allowing spatial analysis of relationships between pesticide application rates and the chemical and biological condition of water bodies. This study collected data from 12 watersheds, selected to represent a range of pesticide usage. Water quality parameters were measured during six surveys of stream sites receiving runoff from the selected watershed areas. This study had three objectives: to evaluate the usefulness of pesticide application data in selecting regional monitoring sites, to provide information for generating and testing hypotheses about pesticide fate and effects, and to determine whether in-stream nitrate concentration was a useful surrogate indicator for regional monitoring of toxic substances. Significant correlations were observed between pesticide application rates and in-stream pesticide concentrations (p < 0.05) and toxicity (p < 0.10). In-stream nitrate concentrations were not significantly correlated with either the amount of pesticides applied, in-stream pesticide concentrations, or in-stream toxicity (all p > 0.30). Neither total watershed area nor the area in which pesticide usage was reported correlated significantly with the amount of pesticides applied, in-stream pesticide concentrations, or in-stream toxicity (all p > 0.14). In-stream pesticide concentrations and effects were more closely related to the intensity of pesticide use than to the area under cultivation.  相似文献   

Nitrate leaching forms an important environmental problem because it causes pollution of groundwater and surface water, and adds to already problematic eutrophication. This study analyses the impact of reductions in nitrate leaching on land cover decisions of dairy farms, of which the activities make an important contribution to nitrate leaching. As the level of nitrate leaching depends on groundwater depth as well as on the supply of nitrogen, spatial variation in groundwater levels will cause a spatial variation in land cover under restrictions on nitrate leaching. A non-linear partial optimisation model for the economic and ecological aspects of the problem were used to show how land cover and dairy farms' financial balances change when nitrate losses are reduced. The model is spatially explicit, and describes nitrate leakage and yields of maize and grass as a function of groundwater depth, including the effects of various grazing systems. The model analyses the decisions of a risk neutral agent who minimises costs under the following constraints: (i) production, feed requirements and mass balances for fodder; (ii) constraints for nitrate leaching. Economic costs are attributed to increased costs of fodder and processing of manure when nitrate restrictions are tightened. An important result of the study is the variation in compliance costs and land cover for maize and grass production brought about by spatial variation in groundwater depth. While the effects are negligible for some shallow groundwater classes, it is extremely difficult in other classes – if not impossible – to obtain the EU standard of maximum admissible losses of 34 kg N ha–1 at low costs. The study shows an important reduction in land cover by maize.  相似文献   

There are discordant results on trends in nutrient river water quality from the economical transition countries in Europe. The present study assessed the impact of these economical changes on the load and concentration at 17 monitoring stations along the Nemunas River and its major tributaries (Lithuania and Belarus). Three time periods were evaluated: the Soviet rule command system period 1986–1991, the transfer to market economy period 1992–1996 and the post reform period 1997–2002. The most surprising result in this study, was the increased area-specific load of NO3-N from the first to the third period at almost all the sampling sites. The increase was particularly large (43–78%) at the sites in the Lithuanian part of the river. The corresponding load increase in the Belarussian part of the river was only 1–15%. The statistical analyses of concentration data confirm the strong upward NO3-N trend at the Nemunas mouth and at 5 of the 6 tributaries in the lower part of Nemunas. Temporal and spatial analysis of nitrates transport in the Nemunas River and its main tributaries revealed that nitrates mainly originate from agricultural areas. The upward trends were most likely an effect of ploughing of pastures and unbalanced crop fertilisation in combination with large storage and accumulation of soil-nitrogen during the Soviet period.On contrary to nitrate-N, the area-specific load of PO4-P decreased significantly from the first to the third period at all sites along the Nemunas River (31–86%). Seasonal (SMK) and Partial (PMK) Mann-Kendall tests on PO4-P concentrations also showed significant downward trend at 14 of 16 investigated sites. The decrease of PO4-P levels was attributed to the reduction of municipal and industrial point source emissions and to the decreased livestock numbers.The NH4-N load showed the same pattern as PO4-P. At the river mouth the load was 90 kg km−2 yr−1 during the first period compared to only 20–30 kg km−2 yr−1 in the third period. The trend test on NH4-N concentrations detected significant downward trends at 5 out of 16 sites. The declines were explained by decreased emissions from cities and large animal breeding farms.This study showed that trend analysis at multiple sites in a river basin is crucial for the understanding of the variability in time and space. Such analysis is also important for our interpretation of underlying sources and fluxes in a drainage basin over time. This is particularly important for compounds that have different source origin.  相似文献   

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