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Sustainable development and the definition of indicators to assess progress towards sustainability have become a high priority in scientific research and on policy agendas. In this paper, we propose a consistent and comprehensive framework of principles, criteria and indicators (PC&I) for sustainability assessment of agricultural systems, referred to as the Sustainability Assessment of Farming and the Environment (SAFE) framework. In addition we formulate consistent and objective approaches for indicator identification and selection. The framework is designed for three spatial levels: the parcel level, the farm level and a higher spatial level that can be the landscape, the region or the state. The SAFE framework is hierarchical as it is composed of principles, criteria, indicators and reference values in a structured way. Principles are related to the multiple functions of the agro-ecosystem, which go clearly beyond the production function alone. The multifunctional character of the agro-ecosystem encompasses the three pillars of sustainability: the environmental, economic and social pillars. Indicators and reference values are the end-products of the framework. They are the operational tools that are used for evaluating the sustainability of the agro-ecosystems. The proposed analytical framework is not intended to find a common solution for sustainability in agriculture as a whole, but to serve as an assessment tool for the identification, the development and the evaluation of agricultural production systems, techniques and policies.  相似文献   

Support for the notion that policy should embrace sustainability is widespread but the actual incorporation of the concept into policy is proving to be difficult. To insert the word into a policy document, accompanied by some marginal changes, is enough to allow policy makers to claim that sustainability has been considered. The novel research reported here has applied sustainability analysis to the case of aviation which is one of the areas of policy where the conflict between environmental and economic objectives is most intense. It was found that sustainable policy options are blocked whilst sustainability is regarded as an add-on to existing policy. The policy stalemate exists because it is neither understood nor accepted that sustainability requires systemic change. The empirical stage of the research comprised 28 stakeholder interviews and identified four categories of action with the potential to break the stalemate in aviation which could be applied also to other areas of policy: long-term strategic planning; facilitation of dialogue between stakeholders; government support for innovation; and educating the public. The study concluded that fundamental change to the process of crafting policy is required if sustainability is to fulfil its potential to reconcile environmental and economic objectives.  相似文献   

彭晓 《自然资源学报》2022,37(11):2856-2866
为解决国土空间面临的城市蔓延、乡村空心化、环境退化等系统性问题,国土空间规划需要整合出于各部门利益最大化制定的、时常是相互冲突的规划方案,实现“多规合一”。基于安全格局理论提出协调规划冲突的途径,包括:(1)在认识层面,将国土空间规划视为理性过程,利用最小—最大约束途径制定可辩护的规划方案,通过空间博弈协调对有限土地的竞争、寻求各方均可接受的结果;(2)在操作层面,首先识别作为保障自身目标、协调各方利益依据的安全格局,然后据此对空间用途进行谈判。实践中需要建立协调规划冲突的制度机制,并在多方博弈中优先考虑处于劣势的生态和自然资产,通过建立生态安全格局和生态基础设施提供综合生态系统服务,再造秀美河山。  相似文献   

生态系统服务功能价值法是土地利用规划环境影响评价中应用较为广泛的方法之一,然而其存在不同研究区域之间可比性较弱的问题,为增强可比性,本次研究引入灰靶理论及熵权理论,构建了熵权灰靶生态系统服务价值模型,并将其应用于山西省晋城市之中.结果表明,在规划目标年,晋城市下辖各区县中,城区、高平市、阳城县、泽州县、陵川县及沁水县的靶心度分别为0.3354、0.3913、0.4962、0.5020、0.5521及1.0000,进而基于上述结果,对晋城市下辖各区县提出了差异化的土地利用意见建议.本次研究成果从理论研究与实际工作方面都对晋城市及其它地区土地利用规划环境影响评价提供了一定的参考.  相似文献   

根据景观生态学相关理论,选取高程、坡度、土地利用类型、植被覆盖度、土壤侵蚀、距风景名胜区距离、距水体距离、距道路距离、距居民点距离、距工业用地距离、距矿点距离等11个生态安全评价因子,应用GIS空间分析技术对安徽省宁国市生态安全等级进行划分,并采用基于源汇理论的最小累积阻力(MCR)模型构建宁国市生态廊道和生态节点,优化生态网络布局.模拟结果表明,宁国市总体生态安全水平较高,高度安全的区域面积为1174.38 km2,占区域总面积的48.41%;低度安全的区域面积为232.07 km2,占区域总面积的9.57%;在生态安全评价的基础上,提取了宁国市88条潜在生态廊道,总长度约1426.99 km,生态节点57个.与现有生态廊道相比较,宁国市需进一步补充11条主要生态廊道,总长度约241.37 km,这对城市生态安全保护具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

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