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The Wu-Wei-Kang Wildlife Refuge, located at the southern end of the Lang-Yang Plain in Ilan County, Taiwan, is aimed at protecting the wintering waterfowl and their habitat. While reviewing its management activities and analyzing aerial photographs of neighboring areas in the early 1990s, we found that refuge management had overlooked human factors, which contributed to the succession process of turning the refuge from a wetland into a dry land. This oversight led to serious habitat degradation for the waterfowls. In 1996, a grassroots-level conservation initiative emerged, which engaged in habitat restoration on private lands near the core zone of the wetland but outside the Wildlife Refuge. This effort led to improvements in the quality of the habitat for waterfowl. Consequently, the Government has since adopted a more interventionist approach to refuge management, and been more willing to cooperate with grassroots-level NGOs in the following years. Generally, these results indicated that local governments should have more policy-making authority and resources (i.e., financial support) for managing wildlife refuges. Power sharing played a key role in enabling the management of the Wu-Wei-Kang Wildlife Refuge to build up partnership relationships with grassroots-level conservation organizations, local communities and other interested parties, such as academicians. We also found that economic incentives are crucial for a wildlife refuge to gain full support from local communities. All these factors will be crucial in the effort to consolidate the shift in management paradigm and future development of the Wildlife Refuge system in Taiwan.  相似文献   

丛丽  于佳平  王灵恩 《自然资源学报》2020,35(12):2831-2847
选取1906—2019年间我国574个半资源消费型野生动物旅游景区为研究对象,采用地理学的空间分析方法对其时空分布特征、演变规律及驱动因素进行实证分析。结果表明: (1)我国半资源消费型野生动物旅游景区的发展可分为探索(1906—1948年)、快速发展(1949—1959年)、慢速发展(1960—1992年)和高速发展(1993—2019年)四个阶段。(2)空间上呈凝聚型分布,地理集中程度较高,地区间不均衡程度高,形成了以北京、江浙沪交界及广州为核心的三个高密度区;整体呈现东南沿海多,中部过渡,西北内陆少的格局;随着时间的演化,凝聚形态一直延续,地理集中度逐渐下降,地区间的不均衡程度逐渐加深。(3)时空演化的影响因素包括历史背景、国家政策和地方人口数量、经济及旅游发展规模等,呈现了较强的正相关性。  相似文献   

李海燕  蔡银莺 《自然资源学报》2014,29(10):1696-1708
农田生态补偿政策是采用经济手段激励农户对农田生态系统服务功能进行保育和维护,解决因市场失灵造成生态效益外溢的一种有效方式,对于改善农田生态环境、提升农地开敞空间、增加农户收益具有积极作用。论文从发达地区农户生计多样性角度入手,利用结构方程模型分析农户生计多样性对农户参与补偿政策的支持意愿、政策实施效果响应的影响。结果表明:①农户基本特征、家庭特征、生计多样性特征、村庄发展特征在5%的水平下对农户在农田生态补偿政策上的支持意愿具有正向影响;②农户基本特征、家庭特征、生计多样性特征在5%的水平下对农户在补偿政策实施效果上的响应具有正向影响,农户村庄发展特征在5%的水平下对其具有负向影响;③农户生计多样性特征是影响农户补偿政策支持意愿最主要的因素,是影响补偿政策实施效果响应的次要因素。这表明补偿政策实施后,农户生计多样性特征对于提高农户对补偿政策支持意愿与政策实施效果响应方面具有积极的作用。把握三者之间的关系有利于政府制定和完善现有农田生态补偿政策,为引导农户生计多样性发展提供参考。  相似文献   

The Mexican government has an innovative policy model for biodiversity conservation and rural development that includes permissible use of wildlife within a System of Land Management Units (SUMA, by its Spanish acronym). This co-management approach has been successful in terms of landowner participation, since the SUMA currently covers 38.2 million hectares (nearly 20% of Mexican territory). However, after 18 years of implementation, there has been no comprehensive evaluation by which to assess its effectiveness at national level. This article introduces the SUMA policy, its implementation and outcomes, and proposes a framework for conducting institutional monitoring and evaluation within an adaptive co-management approach. Our methodology comprised analysis of the achievements and challenges reported through interviews with stakeholders, journals and grey literature, and a review of the SUMA Information System (SIS) and its decision-making information needs. As result we have developed a set of 40 environmental, social and economic indicators grouped into five distinct but complementary dimensions within a sustainability framework: (I) Biodiversity conservation,(II) Wildlife management, (III) Economics, (IV) Social welfare and (V) Administration. These indicators can be incorporated into the SIS in order to support program evaluation and strengthen decision-making. Our article provides specific pathways for developing policy-oriented evaluation systems for worldwide biodiversity and conservation initiatives.  相似文献   

农户生计与耕地利用之间的关系已经成为理解人地关系的重要切入点。论文以宁夏盐池县为例,在可持续生计框架下,从农户生计资本和生产要素配置两个角度,探讨农户生计分化及其对耕地利用的影响。结果表明:1)盐池县兼业户与非农就业户合计占调查农户的58%,农户非农化现象普遍;2)劳动力越多、人均耕地越少的农户,其家庭非农收入占比越高,生计资本是农户生计分化的“推力”;3)务农机会成本越高的农户其生计分化程度越高,务农机会成本是农户生计分化的“拉力”;4)随着生计分化程度的增加,耕地利用的生产要素投入强度呈递减态势,但是兼业户的耕地利用效率高于纯农户和非农就业户。农牧交错区同时面临着生态保护、农牧业生产、脱贫攻坚等挑战,政策制定需充分考虑当地农户的生计特征与人地关系的演变规律,加强非农就业引导,鼓励农户土地流转,促进农户生计多样化,实现生态、经济、社会效益“共赢”发展。  相似文献   

通过对三江自然保护区核心区内6个村屯和实验区内5个村屯的310家农户家庭就退耕还湿和替代生计选择的问卷调查分析发现,在退耕还湿问题上,不同区域位置、年龄结构和耕地拥有量决定了他们对退耕还湿支持意愿的不同,表现在实验区内的农民和农民中的年轻人支持率要高,耕地在6~12hm2之间的农民支持率最低;农民反对退耕还湿的原因和农民接受退耕还湿的补偿选择都凝结着农民对现有耕地及补偿制度的思考。在替代生计选择上,当地居民没有明确的目标,多倾向于有保障的种植业调整。研究表明:农民对退耕还湿的支持主要取决于能否保证自身的经济利益,并且与农民的收入来源和谋生能力有关;替代生计发展的不健全和不稳定,使得农民仍把土地作为重要的生活保障。缺乏明确的退耕还湿补偿制度和替代生计引导是退耕还湿实施的制度障碍和政策缺失;基于当地农民考虑,提出了核心区生态移民、缓冲区传统农业改造和实验区多元化产业发展总体替代生计模式。  相似文献   

Italy is one of the European countries that are most heavily exposed to a wide range of natural hazards, which might cause large economic losses. In this context, the assessment of social vulnerability has an important role for evaluating the capacity of a community to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters. However there are currently no published studies analysing social vulnerability and its spatial distribution in Italy. Within this framework, this paper aims to apply a proven method for assessing social vulnerability at the national scale, while considering the contribution of the socioeconomic and demographic factors that affect the Italian population. The proposed methodology is based on the Hazard-of-Place Model approach, and uses free and open source software applications (FOSS). Specifically, we selected significant components through Principal Component Analysis and derived their spatial distribution. Using component scores, we derived a social vulnerability index, evaluated its geographic distribution, and performed a cluster analysis on its spatial variation. The analysis identified different spatial patterns across Italy, providing useful information for identifying the communities most likely to experience negative natural disaster impacts due to their socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. This research represents an important contribution to improve the potentiality of risk mitigation strategies and in designing risk custom-made policies.  相似文献   

生计风险作为移民社会整合的标尺,已成为研究生态移民生计及可持续发展的重要视角。以祁连山北麓的武威市为例,利用Binary Logistic模型分析了移民生计风险对其应对策略的影响机制,以期为制定有效的生计风险防范体系提供科学支撑。结果表明:(1)武威市生态移民的生计类型以非农户为主,纯农户比例不足10%,生计多样化指数仅为1.74且存在显著的区域差异。(2)67.44%的移民面临着多重风险,以经济风险为主,生活开支大、新分棚圈耕地质量差、返贫是主要的风险要素。(3)应对策略主要为向亲朋借钱、银行贷款、外出打工和减少开支,后顾生计则多选择扩大养殖、长期打工和维持现状,不同县区移民的策略选择略有不同。(4)政策、福利和经济风险会显著影响移民对“向银行贷款”“减少开支”及“外出打工”等应对策略的选择,而后顾生计的选择更多受制于生计资本储量,而政策及经济风险的影响较低。移民户的类型对策略选择影响显著,非农型兼业户更倾向于选择“向银行贷款”和“扩大养殖”。  相似文献   

旅游地可持续发展需要重点关注当地居民生计的可持续。以海螺沟景区为案例地,基于可持续生计框架构建了适用的生计资本评估指标体系,量化识别了景区农户可持续的生计方式,明确了影响两类脆弱性农户生计策略选择的主要因素。结果表明:在研究区六种生计方式中,采用均衡兼收型和旅游主营型策略的农户其生计资本水平最高,而传统务农型和务工型农户生计资本水平最低。不同生计策略类型的农户在空间上集聚分布。缺乏金融资本是影响传统务农型和务工型农户选择均衡兼收型生计策略的主要因素,而物质资本和社会资本的缺乏则对他们选择旅游主营型生计策略有显著的影响。此外,海拔、距公路和核心景点的距离也对农户生计策略的选择有重要影响。  相似文献   

论文通过实地调查获得研究数据,分析了农区、 半农半牧区、 纯牧区农户替代生计选择的结果及特征,采用Logistic回归模型对影响农户替代生计选择意愿的因素进行分析。研究得出:①在替代生计的选择上,纯牧区农户主要选择特色产品加工、 做生意、 现代畜牧业,农区和半农半牧区农户主要选择做生意、 外出打工和旅游服务业;②农户对替代生计的选择表现出生计路径依赖性、 区域差异性和多样性特征;③农户对替代生计的选择偏好受生计资本的影响,自然资本、 社会资本、 家庭整体劳动能力、 家庭整体受教育水平、 家庭拥有的牲畜数量、 户主的学历和年龄分别对不同替代生计的选择影响显著。地方政府应深入了解农户选择替代生计的特点和影响因素,根据不同家庭的情况设计相应的转型政策促进农户尽快提高生计能力。  相似文献   

通过研究黄河流域战略背景和城市群发展规划,本文构建评价生态保护和经济发展的指标体系并运用于城市群比较研究中,再依据耦合协调度模型、空间自相关和地理探测器,分析黄河流域七大城市群2007—2019年生态保护与经济发展耦合协调时空特征与驱动机制。结果表明:(1)研究期内黄河流域城市群的经济发展水平有较大提升,生态保护建设进展较为缓慢,二者耦合度波动上升。(2)上游城市群的协调度低于中下游,整体协调度提升至良好协调。(3)存在从经济发展滞后型向生态保护滞后型的转变。(4)各城市群的协调度存在关联效应。(5)影响耦合的机制和民生发展与对外开放、科技创新与产业发展、绿色发展与农业建设、基本公共服务体系等密切相关。  相似文献   

民生满意度评价是资源型城市转型绩效测度的终端体现,对于改善转型绩效、促进资源型城市可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。论文以民生满意度为视角,从居民生计、公共服务、民生环境、文化消费4个方面构建资源型城市转型绩效测度指标体系,采用专家群决策及AHP方法确定指标权重,运用顾客满意度评价法对黄石这一典型资源型城市转型绩效进行测度并进一步揭示被调查群体的差异特征。研究结果表明:1)基于民生满意度的黄石市转型绩效测度值为4.17,总体上处于"优秀"等级水平,但在某些局部指标上仍略显不足;2)黄石市转型绩效存在由被调查者特征而引起的群体和区域差异:不同性别、年龄、文化程度、职业类别、家庭年经济收入群体对转型民生满意度评价不同,并呈现一定规律;从区域差异来看,铁山区、大冶市等传统老矿区依托国家资源型城市转型政策支持,转型民生满意度绩效值相对较高,西塞山区、下陆区、黄石港区等中心城区历史包袱沉重、转型升级民生满意度暂时落后,以阳新为代表的农业县市,民众对于转型的认知和感受相对滞后,转型升级民生满意度居末;3)黄石市转型的民生满意度赋值与其物质产出绩效具有一致性。  相似文献   

旅游发展背景下乡村适应性演化理论框架与实证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乡村转型及适应演化路径是乡村可持续发展领域重要研究内容,对实施乡村振兴战略及其多元目标的实现具有重要理论和现实意义。通过国家制度(战略)变迁关键时间节点,梳理典型案例乡村发展阶段,明确案例乡村转型适应的体制演化特征。在乡村适应性演化理论分析框架构建基础上,以体制转换明显的乡村为实证案例,结合农户调查与深度访谈数据,评估乡村适应演化下系统适应能力(结果)及农户生计响应效果,并基于归纳法和灰色关联分析,揭示乡村体制转换与微观农户生计关联的适应演化路径及机制。研究结果表明:(1)传统农业体制乡村向旅游体制转换后出现乡村经济发展和环境破坏、社会矛盾风险并存局面,农户生计适应选择对乡村转型响应呈现多样化。(2)不同适应路径农户生计恢复力存在显著差异,升级型、扩张型生计恢复力相对较高,维持型和更替型较低。(3)乡村体制转换(R1到Rn)与农户生计适应(P1到P5)呈现协同且分化的演化路径,基础设施、政策扶持以及生态环境因子是乡村转型与农户生计关联适应演化的关键影响变量。  相似文献   

This article presents a comparison of indicators based on an economy-wide material flow analysis, namely imports, exports, domestic material consumption, raw material equivalents of imports, raw material equivalents of exports and raw material consumption. These indicators were calculated for the Czech Republic for 1995–2010 using, besides an economy-wide material flow analysis, the hybrid input–output life cycle assessment method, which allows for a calculation of raw material equivalents of imports and exports. The results show that a calculation of indicators, which include raw material equivalents, is useful, as it provides some important information which is not obvious from imports, exports and domestic material consumption indicators. We have proved that the latter group of indicators provide the incorrect information regarding the environmental pressure trend related to material flows, underestimate the overall pressure related to foreign trade and provide incorrect information on the importance of various material categories in particular indicators. Consequently, in the case of the Czech Republic, the implications stemming from these points such as the very high dependency of the Czech production system on metal ores from abroad and a rather unequal distribution of environmental pressures between the Czech Republic and its trading partners have not been more thoroughly addressed by Czech economic, environmental and sustainability policies so far and present unresolved issues which will have to be dealt with in the future.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are increasingly regarded as socio-ecological systems. In addition to their reported ecological effects, MPAs may have important social, economic and cultural effects on local communities and marine and coastal stakeholders. Those effects should be considered within an ecosystem approach to MPA planning, designation and management. Here we present a new framework to monitor and assess the socioeconomic effects of MPAs saliently and soundly: the Integrated MPA Socio-Economic Assessment (IMPASEA). The IMPASEA considers and analyses those factors deemed most important for marine and coastal stakeholders in a spatially referenced, sound and cost-effective manner. The development of the IMPASEA followed a mixed-methods research design in 3 phases: literature review, stakeholder survey and geo-statistical analysis using a Multiple-Paired-Before-After-Control-Impact design (MPBACI). The framework was tested on a set of 6 multiple-use MPAs on the French side of the English Channel. Of the eight socioeconomic variables analysed at the scale of ‘commune’ in the geo-statistical phase, only one variable (‘number of hotel rooms’) might have been affected by the designation of MPAs. Factors such as MPA designation category and management status are likely to have contributed to the non-significant differences shown at the scale of commune for the selected MPAs. In contrast, most of the six variables related to fishing showed differences between ports inside and outside MPAs, although these results need further ground truthing to discriminate attribution of effects. The characteristics of the IMPASEA make it a sound monitoring and assessment framework that could be applied in different contexts and to different types of sustainability assessments involving protected areas or other spatially-defined entities under certain conditions: existence of consistent time series of fine-scale socioeconomic data and avoidance of overlap of designation categories over single spaces.  相似文献   

在快速城市化及城乡社会经济转型过程中,城市边缘区农户家庭的耕地利用功能较传统方式已发生根本转变,农业劳动力的农地生存依赖性弱化、生计多元促进土地转出市场活跃。论文以武汉、成都及苏州1 022户农户调查数据为实证,分析城市边缘区农户家庭耕地利用功能对土地转出决策的影响。研究表明:1)城市边缘区农户家庭的耕地利用在食物生产、经济贡献及养老就业等传统功能上明显弱化,在满足家庭成员未来选择及后代馈赠需求等功能有所增强,且存在地区差异。2)城市边缘区农户土地转出意愿强烈,转出率达59.39%,土地转出存在地区差异。苏州乡镇经济发达、农民非农收入比例高,农户土地转出意愿最强烈、转出市场也最活跃;而武汉、成都作为中西部的典型城市,城市边缘区农户的土地转出决策相对滞后。3)整体而言,农户家庭耕地利用功能对土地转出意愿及行为均具有负向影响,表明家庭耕地功能依赖性愈强、土地转出决策越弱。建议健全农村社会及养老保障体系,强化城市边缘区耕地资源产权及生态环境建设,促进耕地资源养老保障及选择馈赠功能的释放,确保农田生计依赖性弱化的农民依托市场转出土地,实现农地资源优化配置、适宜规模经营。  相似文献   

In many areas of the world, socioeconomic and political factors are increasingly impacting spatial patterns of land use and land cover in the landscape. Much of the land in the United States has been divided using a grid-based system that was implemented to realize socioeconomic and political goals rather than to protect and conform to biophysical differences. The borders of individual parcels of land often reflect the boundary lines created by this system. These borders are important components of policies related to land management such as zoning and private land use decisions. The potential impact this system of land division may have on spatial patterns in a landscape remains unclear. The majority of landscape research has focused exclusively on biophysical differences occurring over relatively large areas of land and ignored possible finer-scale, human impacts on landscape composition and configuration. There is a need for research on spatial patterns occurring over areas that match socioeconomically or politically important units of land in order to improve understanding of relationships between human related processes and ecosystem functions and to create better management policies.This research explores whether the system of land parcelization is evident in patterns of land use and land cover in the landscape of south-central Indiana. In particular, it investigates whether parcel boundaries correspond to distinct changes in the composition and configuration of forest, developed, and agricultural lands. This research uses theory and methodology from geography, geographic information science, and landscape ecology to analyze patterns of land use and land cover in a rural to semi-rural county in south-central Indiana. A classification of a remotely sensed image is used as a basis for calculating metrics of landscape composition and configuration with the use of a geographic information system. The metrics are calculated for areas of forest, developed, and agricultural land associated with a sample of parcels chosen to represent all the parcels within Monroe County. The values for areas near the parcel boundaries are compared with the values for areas at relatively short distances from the parcel boundaries. This comparison indicates whether there is a distinct change in the composition or configuration of the landscape occurring at approximately the parcel boundaries.The results suggest that in Monroe County, Indiana, changes in the composition of the landscape, particularly the amount of area covered by agriculture and forest, correspond with parcel boundaries. Changes in the configuration of agricultural and, to a lesser extent, developed lands also occur near parcel boundaries. The results support the hypothesis that the grid-based system of parcelization has affected spatial patterns of land use and land cover. These results illustrate the potential impact socioeconomic and political systems may have on spatial patterns in a landscape.  相似文献   

野生动物资源的保护与持续利用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文从非洲南部的大象、澳大利亚的大袋鼠到北美的野生动物管理体制、欧洲的野生动物狩猎、新西兰草地牧业的转轨,回顾了世界野生动物利用与保护的历史。并追溯了我国古代野生动物管理思想,以黄羊、虎两个实例,分析了我国野生动物资源濒危的原因与现状。最后,探讨了野生动物资源保护与开发的辩证关系,提出了野生动物利用分为开发初期、过度开发期、保护恢复期及持续利用期,目前我国野生动物资源正处于保护恢复期。  相似文献   

国内外生态补偿现状及其完善措施   总被引:35,自引:4,他引:31  
通过回顾发达国家(如美国、欧洲国家)和发展中国家(如中国、拉丁美洲国家)在实施生态补偿过程中采取的各种措施,发现其中存在的一些问题。在此基础上,总结了生态补偿的运行机制,提出完善生态补偿机制的措施,即:界定受偿方和支付方,明确各自的权利与义务;以机会成本为理论依据,将受偿地区生态保护与经济社会发展综合考虑,设定具有差异性的补偿标准,并将补偿分为基本补偿、产业结构调整补偿以及生态效益外溢补偿3个阶段;综合受益程度、支付能力和支付意愿确定支付方的支付标准;建立融资渠道,有效配置资金;建立生态补偿组织管理体系。生态补偿机制应以“造血式”补偿为目标,在研究中需加强生态学与经济学理论与方法的交叉。  相似文献   

Flood risk assessments provide inputs for the evaluation of flood risk management (FRM) strategies. Traditionally, such risk assessments provide estimates of loss of life and economic damage. However, the effect of policy measures aimed at reducing risk also depends on the capacity of households to adapt and respond to floods, which in turn largely depends on their social vulnerability. This study shows how a joint assessment of hazard, exposure and social vulnerability provides valuable information for the evaluation of FRM strategies. The adopted methodology uses data on hazard and exposure combined with a social vulnerability index. The relevance of this state-of-the-art approach taken is exemplified in a case-study of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The results show that not only a substantial share of the population can be defined as socially vulnerable, but also that the population is very heterogeneous, which is often ignored in traditional flood risk management studies. It is concluded that FRM measures, such as individual mitigation, evacuation or flood insurance coverage should not be applied homogenously across large areas, but instead should be tailored to local characteristics based on the socioeconomic characteristics of individual households and neighborhoods.  相似文献   

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