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气候变化问题日益凸显。应对和适应气候变化刻不容缓。然而,短期内无法有效减缓气候变化产生的不利影响。因此,有必要针对不同领域制定相应的适应措施来提高人们对气候变化的适应能力。北京作为人口众多的大城市及我国的缺水城市之一,气候变化无疑将加剧水资源的供需矛盾。本文针对北京市水资源现状及气候变化对北京市水资源领域已经形成的影响,从自然、工程、政策制度三个角度探讨了北京市水资源领域适应气候变化可采取的对策及保障措施。  相似文献   

正随着气候变化和人类活动的影响,水资源承载能力发生了明显变化。世界银行发布的《高温与干旱:气候变化、水与经济》报告指出,气候变化将加剧水资源短缺。水是生命之源、生产要素、生态基础,加强水资源保护、提高水资源承载能力能够有效推进低碳发展。本文对青岛西海岸新区水资源状况进行了调查分析,提出了开源与节水的具体措施,以提高青岛西海岸新区水资源承载能力。  相似文献   

文章以钱塘江流域水资源作为研究对象,介绍了钱塘江流域自然地理与水文气象数据概况,分析了钱塘江流域水文气象要素变化特征分析以及其气候变化对钱塘江流域水资源带来的影响,气候变化情景下水资源适应对策。  相似文献   

随着工业革命与第三次科技革命的深入,整个世界成了一个"地球村",人类社会的发展速度超越了以往的任何一个阶段。但是由于人类的过度开发、环境污染造成了自然环境质量下降、全球变暖影响了气候变化。近年来,水文水资源问题已经成为一个国际性大问题。特别是气候变化对水文水资源产生了重要的影响。本文主要探讨分析了气候变化对降水、河流、冰川、海平面、水质的影响,以此来警醒人们关注气候变化,并指导人们合理利用、开发水资源,减少对大自然的破坏。  相似文献   

基于SWAT-WEAP联合模型的西辽河支流水资源脆弱性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
气候变化与人类活动对水循环及水资源安全的影响是近代水科学面临的主要科学问题。以西辽河支流老哈河流域为研究区,探索了一种水文模型耦合方法(SWAT-WEAP),以水短缺量为指标,同等考虑水资源供给端与需求端,对气候变化与不同人类利用情景下水资源系统脆弱性进行定量分析,结果表明:①暖干化气候情景比暖湿化气候情景明显加剧了老哈河流域水资源系统的脆弱性,降水减少10%导致的水短缺量比降水导致10%所缓解的短缺量要多31.17%;②气候变化对流域农业灌溉用水影响最大,对城乡生活用水和工业用水影响相对很小;③老哈河流域水资源系统脆弱性的主要驱动力之一源自农业不合理灌溉,发展畜牧业、 改变种植结构与高效节水灌溉是缓解水短缺、 降低水资源系统脆弱性最为有效的措施,也是应对气候变化最为有效的方式;④基于供水端的措施(如水库)在暖干化气候时由于水资源供给来源受限,其缓解作用有所减弱。  相似文献   

气候变化对水资源的影响是一个重要的环境问题,应用人工神经网络方法建立了雅砻江和嘉陵江流域年均气温、年降水量与年径流之间的BP网络模型,利用建立的网络结构模拟了气温和降水变化对流域水资源环境的影响,结果表明气温增高和降水量减少将造成水资源量的大幅度减少,对生态环境构成威胁  相似文献   

该课题是中国国家环保总局和加拿大环境部在全球气候变化影响研究方面的一个国际合作项目。是我国首次进行未来气候变化对区域社会、经济和环境影响的案例研究。该项研究首先分析了气候变化对水资源、农业、工业、能源及海平面上升的影响 ,并建立了相关的影响模型。采用加拿大气候变化对麦肯兹流域的影响研究 (MackenzieBasinImpactstudy)课题的土地利用综合评价框架 (LIAF) ,进行了气候变化对长江三角洲环境经济影响的综合评价研究 ;并提出了适应对策及综合评价模型研究 ;建立了一套估算经济损失的方法。例如…  相似文献   

“为联合国各国使团和非政府机构而举行的关于气候变化的可能影响的讨论会”于1992年4月14~15日在纽约举行。有20名专家报告了最新的研究结果。我国中山大学大气科学系教授谭冠日应邀作了报告“气候变化对中国死亡率的影响”。 学术报告讨论分五部分:①气候变化对世界农业的影响;②气候对水资源的影响;③联合国环境计划中关于气候影响的研究;④气候变化对海岸的可能影响;⑤气候变化对健康和生态的可能影响。报告内容将以文集发表。  相似文献   

X21 9801961应用BP网络研究气候变化对雅碧江和嘉陵江流域水资源环境的影响/刘国东…(四川联合大学水利系)//中国环境科学/中国环境科学学会一1997,17(5)一414一417环信X一58 气候变化对水资源的影响是一个重要的环境问题,应用人工神经网络方法建立了雅碧江和嘉陵江流域年均气温、年降水量与年径流之间的BP网络模型,利用建立的网络结构模拟了气温和降水变化对流域水资源环境的影响,结果表明气温增高和降水量减少将造成水资源量的大幅度减少,对生态环境构成威胁。图1表5参5当地人民的生活和生存问题具有重要的意义,而且对我国华北地区经济…  相似文献   

正全球平均温度上升是气候变化最显著的表现,这是在日常生活中每个人都可以感受到的。全球气候变化存在于一个更大的尺度,有可观察到的或隐藏的影响。我们的未来取决于气候变化如何发展,这就是为什么我们的能源政策对于可持续发展如此重要。气候变化正在以各种方式改变着我们的经济、健康和社会,影响着水资源、能源供应、交通运输、农业和生态系统。  相似文献   

中国气候变化影响研究概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了目前我国在未来气候变化影响研究方面的概况,气候影响研究采用的方法多为政府间气候变化专业委员会(IPCC) 第二工作组提出的气候变化影响评价方法。未来气候变化影响研究是在大气中CO2 浓度加倍,或气温、降水变化的情景下,进行未来农业、林业、水资源、生态环境以及海平面上升等方面的潜在影响研究,其中有模型研究、实验室研究、宏观研究和适应对策研究等。这些研究采用的未来气候情景多为GCM 模型预测的气候情景  相似文献   

In this paper, consideration has focused mainly on the extent and usefulness of the existing literature available so far on the understanding of the impact of climate change on water resources in Africa, focusing mainly on the Olifants River basin in South Africa. Here, the existing literature on the impact of climate change on the hydrological cycle (particularly the hydrological processes like temperature, precipitation and runoff) has been reviewed. The uncertainties, constraints and limitations in climate change research have been discussed at great length. A detailed discussion has been highlighted on the remaining knowledge gaps in climate change research, especially in Africa. In addition to the research gaps highlighted here, the emphasis on the need of climate change research by African scientists is included as part of lessons learnt. Overall, the importance of conducting further research in climate change, understanding the potential impact of climate change on our lives, and taking actions to effectively meet the adaptation needs of the people, emerge as an important theme in this review.  相似文献   

中国气候变化影响研究概况   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
介绍了目前我国在未来气候变化影响研究方面的概况,气候影响研究采用的方法多为政府间气候变化专业委员会(IPCC)第二工作组提出的气候变化影响评价方法。未来气候变化影响研究是在大气中C02浓度加倍,或气温、降水变化的情景下,进行未来农业、林业、水资源、生态环境以及海平面上升等方面的潜在影响研究,其中有模型研究、实验室研究、宏观研究和适应对策研究等。这些研究采用的未来气候情景多为GCM模型预测的气候情景。   相似文献   

Unmitigated anthropogenic climate change is set to exacerbate current stresses on water resources management and creates the need to develop strategies to face climate change impacts on water resources, especially in the long term. Insufficient information on possible impacts on water availability limits the organization and promotion of efforts to adapt and improve the resilience and efficiency of water systems. To document the potential impacts of climate change in the region of Mendoza, Argentina, we perform a hydrological modeling of the Mendoza River watershed using a SWAT model and project climate change scenarios to observe hydrological changes. The results show the impact of higher temperature on glaciers as river flow increases due to glacier melting; at the same time, runoff decreases as precipitation is reduced. Furthermore, the runoff timing is shifted and an earlier melting becomes more important in more pronounced climate change scenarios. Scenarios show a reduction in water availability that ranges between 1 and 10%. An additional scenario under stronger climate change conditions without glaciers data shows a reduction of the river flow by up to 11.8%. This scenario would correspond to a future situation in which glaciers have completely melted. These situations would imply a reduction in the water availability and the possibility of future unsatisfied water uses, in particular for irrigation, which received most of the available water in Mendoza, on which agricultural activities and regional economy depends.  相似文献   

Climate change mitigation, in the context of growing population and ever increasing economic activity, will require a transformation of energy and agricultural systems, posing significant challenges to global water resources. We use an integrated modelling framework of the water-energy-land-climate systems to assess how changes in electricity and land use, induced by climate change mitigation, impact on water demand under alternative socioeconomic (Shared Socioeconomic Pathways) and water policy assumptions (irrigation of bioenergy crops, cooling technologies for electricity generation). The impacts of climate change mitigation on cumulated global water demand across the century are highly uncertain, and depending on socioeconomic and water policy conditions, they range from a reduction of 15,000 km3 to an increase of more than 160,000 km3. The impact of irrigation of bioenergy crops is the most prominent factor, leading to significantly higher water requirements under climate change mitigation if bioenergy crops are irrigated. Differences in socioeconomic drivers and fossil fuel availability result in significant differences in electricity and bioenergy demands, in the associated electricity and primary energy mixes, and consequently in water demand. Economic affluence and abundance of fossil fuels aggravate pressures on water resources due to higher energy demand and greater deployment of water intensive technologies such as bioenergy and nuclear power. The evolution of future cooling systems is also identified as an important determinant of electricity water demand. Climate policy can result in a reduction of water demand if combined with policies on irrigation of bioenergy, and the deployment of non-water-intensive electricity sources and cooling types.  相似文献   

气候变化对我国水稻主产区水资源的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以气象站点的观测数据和PRECIS模型发展的B2情景数据为驱动,运用分布式VIC水文模型进行气候变化对水资源影响的情景模拟。通过2001-2030年对照期与1981-2000年基准期水资源量对比表明:水稻主产区整体水资源量呈上升趋势,水资源的空间分布由东南向西北呈下降趋势;在气候变化的影响下,水稻主产区的28个二级流域的水资源变化量幅度在-48.5~269.1 mm之间,相对变化率在-6.1%~29.6%之间。沿海的钱塘江流域、瓯江流域、闽江流域、韩江流域、闽东、粤东及台湾沿海诸河流域、东江流域水资源量增多明显;粤桂琼沿海诸河流域、元江-红河流域、黄河上游干流区间、嘉陵江流域和淮河干流水资源量减少,但减少的绝对量不大。  相似文献   

Climate change is a global environmental issue, which is challenging water resources management and practices. This study investigates the impact of climate change on water resources of the Yellow River basin, a major grain-producing area in China, and provides recommendations on strategies to increase adaptive capacity and resilience in the basin region. Results show that the recorded stream flows of the Yellow River declined from 1951 to 2010 and have decreased significantly in the middle and lower reaches. The variable infiltration capacity (VIC) model performs well as a tool to simulate monthly discharge of both the tributary catchments and the whole Yellow River basin. Temperature across the Yellow River basin over 2021–2050 is expected to continue to rise with an average rates of approximately 0.039–0.056 °C/annum. The average annual precipitation in the basin is projected to increase by 1.28–3.29 % compared with the 1991–2010 baseline. Runoff during 2021–2050 is projected to decrease by 0.53–9.67 % relative to 1991–2010 with high decadal and spatial variability. This is likely due to the model’s projections of a significant rise in temperature and changes in precipitation patterns. Climate change will likely aggravate the severity and frequency of both water shortages and flooding in the basin region. It is therefore essential to devote sufficient attention on structural and non-structural measures for the Yellow River basin to cope with climate change. At the global level, strategies to increase adaptive capacity and build resilience to climate change focus on public education to improve awareness of climate risks, implementing the integrated water resources management and planning based on impact assessments.  相似文献   

Water scarcity in China would possibly be aggravated by rapid increase in water demand for irrigation due to climate change. This paper focuses on the mechanism of climate change impact on regional irrigation water demand by considering the dynamic feedback relationships among climate change, irrigation water demand and adaptation measures. The model in implemented using system dynamics approach and employed in Baojixia irrigation district located in Shaanxi Province of China to analyses the changes in irrigation water demand under different climate change scenarios. Obtained results revealed that temperature will be the dominant factor to determine irrigation water demand in the area. An increase of temperature by 1 °C will result in net irrigation water demand to increase by about 12,050?×?104 m3 and gross water demand by about 20,080?×?104 m3 in the area. However, irrigation water demand will not increase at the same rate of temperature rise as the adaptation measures will eventually reduce the water demand increased by temperature rise. It is expected that the modeling approach presented in this study can be used in adopting policy responses to reduce climate change impacts on water resources.  相似文献   

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