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Quantitative ground-water tracing of conduit-dominated karst aquifers allows for reliable and practical interpretation of karst ground-water flow. Insights into the hydraulic geometry of the karst aquifer may be acquired that otherwise could not be obtained by such conventional methods as potentiometric-surface mapping and aquifer testing. Contamination of karst aquifers requires that a comprehensive tracer budget be performed so that karst conduit hydraulic-flow and geometric parameters be obtained. Acquisition of these parameters is necessary for estimating contaminant fate-and-transport. A FORTRAN computer program for estimating total tracer recovery from tracer-breakthrough curves is proposed as a standard method. Estimated hydraulic-flow parameters include mean residence time, mean flow velocity, longitudinal dispersivity, Peclet number, Reynolds number, and Froude number. Estimated geometric parameters include karst conduit sinuous distance, conduit volume, cross-sectional area, diameter, and hydraulic depth. These parameters may be used to (1) develop structural models of the aquifer, (2) improve aquifer resource management, (3) improve ground-water monitoring systems design, (4) improve aquifer remediation, and (5) assess contaminant fate-and-transport. A companion paper demonstrates the use of these hydraulic-flow and geometric parameters in a surface-water model for estimating contaminant fate-and-transport in a karst conduit. Two ground-water tracing studies demonstrate the utility of this program for reliable estimation of necessary karst conduit hydraulic-flow and geometric parameters.  相似文献   

An Overview of EPA's Regional Vulnerability Assessment (ReVA) Program   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Regional Vulnerability Assessment (ReVA) is an approach to place-based ecological risk assessment that is currently under development by EPA's Office of Research and Development. The pilot assessment will be done for the mid-Atlantic region and builds on data collected for the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. ReVA is being developed to identify those ecosystems most vulnerable to being lost or degraded in the next 5 to 50 years and to elucidate which stressors cause the greatest risk to ecosystem goods and services. The goal here is not exact predictions, but an early warning system to identify and prioritize the undesirable environmental changes we should expect over the next few decades. As such, ReVA represents a new risk paradigm for EPA that will require innovative approaches to combine existing knowledge, focus new research, and synthesize many types of information into a meaningful assessment designed to inform environmental decision-makers about future environmental risk.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition of the major elements was estimated from throughfall and bulk deposition measurements on 13 plots of the Swiss Long-Term Forest Ecosystem Research (LWF) between 1995 and 2001. Independent estimates of the wet and dry deposition of nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) on these same plots were gained from combined simplified models. The highest deposition fluxes were measured at Novaggio (Southern Switzerland), exposed to heavy air pollution originating from the Po Plain, with throughfall fluxes averaging 29 kg ha–1 a–1 for N and 15 kg ha–1 a–1 for S. Low deposition fluxes were measured on the plots above 1800 m, with throughfall fluxes lower than 4.5 kg ha–1 a–1 for N and lower than 3 kg ha–1 a–1 for S. The wet deposition of N and S derived from bulk deposition was close to the modeled wet deposition, but the dry deposition derived from throughfall was significantly lower than the modeled dry deposition for both compounds. However, both the throughfall method and the model yielded total deposition estimates of N which exceeded the critical loads calculated on the basis of long-term mass balance considerations. These estimates were within or above the range of empirical critical loads except above 1800 m.  相似文献   

This risk assessment on 1,1,2-trichloroethane (T112) was carried out specifically for the marine environment, according to the methodology laid down in the EU risk assessment Regulation (1488/94) and the Guidance Document of the EU New and Existing Substances Regulation (TGD, 1997). The study consists of the collection and evaluation of data on effects and environmental concentrations from analytical monitoring programs in large rivers and estuaries in the North Sea area. The risk is indicated by the ratio of the "predicted environmental concentrations" (PEC) and the "predicted no effect concentrations" (PNEC) for the marine aquatic environment. In total, 22 studies for fish, 45 studies for invertebrates and 9 studies for algae have been evaluated. Both acute and chronic toxicity studies have been taken into account and the appropriate assessment factors have been used to define a PNEC value of 300 µg/l. Most of the available monitoring data apply to rivers and estuaries and were used to calculate PECs. The most recent data (1991-1995) support a typical PEC of 0.01 µg T112/l water and a worst case PEC of 5 µg T112/l water. The calculated PEC/PNEC ratios give a safety margin of 60 to 30,000 between the predicted no effect concentration and the exposure concentration. Additional evaluation of environmental fate and bioaccumulation characteristics showed that no concern is expected for food chain accumulation.  相似文献   

A voluntary programme on risk assessment for chlorinated chemicals was initiated by Euro Chlor (the European Chlorine Producers Federation). The study was targeted on the marine environment, starting with the North Sea, and the methodology used was based on the European Union risk assessment principles. Details of the method used are described in this paper. A first set of five compounds is published in this special issue: chloroform, 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene.  相似文献   

This risk assessment on tetrachloroethylene (PER) was carried out specifically for the marine environment, according to the methodology laid down in the EU risk assessment Regulation (1488/94) and the Guidance Document of the EU New and Existing Substances Regulation (TGD, 1997). The study consists of the collection and evaluation of data on effects and environmental concentrations from analytical monitoring programs in large rivers and estuaries in the North Sea area. The risk is indicated by the ratio of the "predicted environmental concentrations" (PEC) and the "predicted no effect concentrations" (PNEC) for the marine aquatic environment. In total, 18 studies for fish, 13 studies for invertebrates and 8 studies for algae have been evaluated. Both acute and chronic toxicity studies have been taken into account and the appropriate assessment factors have been used to define a PNEC value of 51 µg/l. Most of the available monitoring data apply to rivers and estuary waters and were used to calculate PECs. The most recent data (1991-1995) support a typical PEC of 0.2 µg PER/l water and a worst case PEC of 2.5 µg PER/l water. The calculated PEC/PNEC ratios give a safety margin of 20 to 250 between the predicted no effect concentration and the exposure concentration. Additional evaluation of environmental fate and bioaccumulation characteristics showed that no concern is expected for food chain accumulation.  相似文献   

This risk assessment on chloroform was carried out specifically for the marine environment, according to the methodology laid down in the EU risk assessment Regulation (1488/94) and the Guidance Document of the EU New and Existing Substances Regulation (TGD, 1997). The study consists of the collection and evaluation of data on effects and environmental concentrations from analytical monitoring programs in large rivers and estuaries in the North Sea area. The risk is indicated by the ratio of the "predicted environmental concentrations" (PEC) and the "predicted no effect concentrations" (PNEC) for the marine aquatic environment. In total, 23 studies for fish, 17 studies for invertebrates and 10 studies for algae have been evaluated. Both acute and chronic toxicity studies have been taken into account and the appropriate assessment factors have been used to define a typical PNEC value of 72 µg/l. Due to limitations of the studies evaluated, a worst PNEC of 1 µg/l could also be used. Most of the available monitoring data apply to rivers and estuaries and were used to calculate PECs. The most recent data (1991-1995) support a typical PEC of 0.2 µg chloroform per litre of water and a worst case PEC of 5 to 11.5 µg chloroform per litre of water. The calculated PEC/PNEC ratios give a safety margin of 6 to 360 between the predicted no effect concentration and the exposure concentrations. A worst case ratio, however, points to a potential risk for sensitive species. Refinement of the assessment is necessary by looking for more data. Additional evaluation of environmental fate and bioaccumulation characteristics showed that no concern is expected for food chain accumulation.  相似文献   

This risk assessment on trichloroethylene (TRI) was carried out specifically for the marine environment, according to the methodology laid down in the EU risk assessment Regulation (1488/94) and the Guidance Document of the EU New and Existing Substances Regulation (TGD, 1997). The study consists of the collection and evaluation of data on effects and environmental concentrations from analytical monitoring programs in large rivers and estuaries in the North Sea area. The risk is indicated by the ratio of the "predicted environmental concentrations" (PEC) and the "predicted no effect concentrations" (PNEC) for the marine aquatic environment. In total, 19 studies for fish, 30 studies for invertebrates and 14 studies for algae have been evaluated. Both acute and chronic toxicity studies have been taken into account and the appropriate assessment factors have been used to define a PNEC value of 150 µg/l. Most of the available monitoring data apply to rivers and estuaries and were used to calculate PECs. The most recent data (1991-1995) support a typical PEC of 0.1 µg TRI/l water and a worst case PEC of 3.5 µg TRI/l water. The calculated PEC/PNEC ratios give a safety margin of 40 to 1,500 between the predicted no effect concentration and the exposure concentration. Additional evaluation of environmental fate and bioaccumulation characteristics showed that no concern for food chain accumulation is expected.  相似文献   

This risk assessment on 1,2-dichloroethane (EDC) was carried out specifically for the marine environment, according to the methodology laid down in the EU risk assessment Regulation (1488/94) and the Guidance Document of the EU New and Existing Substances Regulation (TGD, 1997). The study consists of the collection and evaluation of data on effects and environmental concentrations from analytical monitoring programs in large rivers and estuaries in the North Sea area. The risk is indicated by the ratio of the "predicted environmental concentrations" (PEC) and the "predicted no effect concentrations" (PNEC) for the marine aquatic environment. In total, 21 studies for fish, 17 studies for invertebrates and 7 studies for algae have been evaluated. Both acute and chronic toxicity studies have been taken into account and the appropriate assessment factors have been used to define a PNEC value of 1100 µg/l. Most of the available monitoring data apply to rivers and estuaries and were used to calculate PECs. The most recent data (1991-1995) support a typical PEC of 0.5 µg EDC/l and a worst case PEC of 6.4 µg EDC/l. The calculated PEC/PNEC ratios give a safety margin of 170 to 2200 between the predicted no effect concentration and the exposure concentration. Additional evaluation of environmental fate and bioaccumulation characteristics showed that no concern is expected for food chain accumulation.  相似文献   

Screening-level ecological risk assessments of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) for aquatic organisms in Japan were conducted using estimated statistical values based on surface water and sediment monitoring data and effect threshold values based on a large aquatic toxicity database. An alternative method is proposed to handle monitoring data that contain nondetects including multiple detection limits and to determine the statistical values of DEHP concentrations in Japanese surface waters. The No-Observed-Effect-Concentration (NOECwater) of DEHP for aquatic life of 77 μ g/L was determined giving equal importance to both physical effects probably caused by undissolved DEHP and to the intrinsic toxicity potentially caused by DEHP. The NOECsediment of 615,000 μg/kg was determined by the Equilibrium Partitioning (EqP) theory, conservatively assuming a threshold effect level in the water column as the water solubility of 3 μ g/L. The potential risks of DEHP in Japanese water environments were characterized simply by comparing the margin of exposure (MOE) with a specified uncertainty multiplier (UM). The MOE is expressed as the ratio of NOECwater or NOECsediment to the expected environmental concentrations such as the 95th percentiles of the estimated DEHP concentration distributions for surface water or sediment. The results of risk characterization show that all MOE values calculated using the statistical values of DEHP concentrations in Japanese surface waters and sediments are above 10, indicating minimal risk. Although the DEHP concentrations of some surface water samples showed MOE values of less than 10, considering environmental chemistry such as bioavailable fractions and the form of existence of DEHP in a water environment, we conclude that the current levels of DEHP are of little concern to aquatic life in the majority of Japanese surface waters and sediments.  相似文献   

Lake Vela, located in the Portuguese littoral-centre, is a temperate shallow lake exhibiting a high trophic status. This aquatic ecosystem has been potentially exposed to contamination generated by agricultural and livestock activities held in their drainage basin, which seriously compromise their health. This work summarizes some background information and presents the problem formulation step of the ERA. Therefore, it evaluates the characteristics of the stressor(s), describes the ecological system and receptors and suggests a conceptual model, which predicts the potential exposure pathways, relating suspected sources to the defined endpoints. This introductory step also described an analysis plan on the entire study, which includes a delineation of the assessment design, data needs, measures, and methods for conducting the analysis phase of the risk assessment process.  相似文献   

采集湘江(株洲段)9个断面的底泥样品,和1个柱状样品,对重金属(Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Ni、Cr、Hg、As)含量进行了检测;并运用地质积累指数法对底泥中重金属进行了生态风险评价.结果表明,该江段底泥已受到较严重的重金属污染,在霞湾断面达峰值.Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd含量为湘江背景值4.6倍~58.8倍,比该江段20世...  相似文献   

Atmospheric change comprises many phenomena, namely climate change, acidic deposition, stratospheric ozone depletion, SMOG, increasing trend of suspended particulate matter, and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). Among HAPs, a particular group of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), such as some organochlorine pesticides, has shown a variety of toxic effects, altering the biodiversity of many ecosystems. Because of their persistence in the environment, and of their long range transport, the study of the global cycle of POPs is important in understanding how they can affect biodiversity. This can be accomplished by coupling different approaches: toxicity and ecological studies, emission estimates, and the use of global models.  相似文献   

Eels are exposed to pollutants due to their unusual life cycle and are vulnerable to contamination associated with sediment due to their diet, feeding habits and territoriality. Since the 1980s, a decline in American and European eel populations has been recorded. The causes of this decline still are unknown but pollution from domestic and industrial effluents is known to be involved. Since little data is available on PCB contamination in eels from Italian waters, PCBs were measured in muscle of Anguilla anguilla captured in 2001 in two brackish ecosystems of the Mediterranean: the lagoons of Orbetello and Santa Giusta (Italy). PCBs were higher in samples from Orbetello lagoon than in those detected from Santa Giusta lagoon (P < 0.05). Congener and isomer analyses indicated Aroclor 1260 as a likely source of PCBs in the Orbetello and Santa Giusta samples. Only the toxic equivalents (TEQs) of mono-ortho PCBs were calculated.  相似文献   

为了解当前不同来源环境空气气态污染物(CO、SO2、NO)标气质量状况,选择12家主流气态污染物(CO、SO2、NO)标气制造商,分别匿名采购3种气态污染物标气,建立2家参考实验室共同测试的模式和计量溯源一致性评价方法,对标气进行测试后,采用En值法评价其定值准确性,同时评估其技术资料完整性。结果显示:12家制造商的72瓶有证标气中,有9瓶标气定值结果准确性评价为不合格,涉及5个制造商来源,其中NO作为反应性气体,不合格标气数量最多,占比达20.8%;12家制造商中8家技术资料完整。鉴于标准气体对气态污染物监测结果的准确性、可比性和可溯源性具有重要意义,建议进一步加强标气质量事中事后监管和行业评估,推动制造商不断提高标气生产水平。标气使用者则应尽量选择质量可靠的有证标气。  相似文献   

环境中药品和个人护理品的复合污染风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在环境中污染物常以混合物的形式存在,从而扩大或减小了其对环境和生物的效应。指出目前对药品和个人护理品(PPCPs)环境健康风险的研究多停留在单一物质表观层面,造成其风险值出现偏差。系统分析了PPCPs与有机和无机污染物之间的复合污染,提出加强复合污染毒性风险及致毒机理等方面的研究,为有效降低环境水体中PPCPs潜在的安全风险提供理论支持。  相似文献   

In-situ caged rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) studies reveal significant fish toxicity and fish stress in a river impacted by headwater acid rock drainage (ARD). Stocked trout survival and aqueous water chemistry were monitored for 10 days at 3 study sites in the Snake River watershed, Colorado, U.S.A. Trout mortality was positively correlated with concentrations of metals calculated to be approaching or exceeding conservative toxicity thresholds (Zn, Mn, Cu, Cd). Significant metal accumulation on the gills of fish stocked at ARD impacted study sites support an association between elevated metals and fish mortality. Observations of feeding behavior and significant differences in fish relative weights between study site and feeding treatment indicate feeding and metals-related fish stress. Together, these results demonstrate the utility of in-situ exposure studies for stream stakeholders in quantifying the relative role of aqueous contaminant exposures in limiting stocked fish survival.  相似文献   

Landscape is becoming an object of growing social concern and, as such, an object of mediation between major industrial producers and local communities. The question of the capacity of environmental assessment to address this issue is thus raised. Until now, landscape studies have focused on visual aspects, although subjective dimensions such as perceptions and meanings have been recognised. The research in this article concerns the subjective dimensions, and is presented with a view to further the understanding of the process of the social interpretation of landscape as it relates to heavy industrial sites. Within a socioconstructivist perspective, two case studies (a longitudinal follow-up and an ex-post) of two aluminum smelters, one in Alma (Quebec, Canada) and the other in Dunkirk (France) were conducted. The results show that nearby residents' interpretations of landscape varied according to three sets of factors related to 1) the dynamics of regional development and the historical place of industry in the community, 2) the relationship between residents and the industry and local governance capacities, and 3) the social impacts experienced. To conclude, three ways of using qualitative methodologies for social and environmental follow-up in a socioconstructivist approach to landscape are proposed.  相似文献   

The implications of metal contamination of agricultural soils due to long term irrigation with treated industrial wastewater and their subsequent accumulation in the vegetables/crops growing on such soils has been assessed in an area of industrial complex, Jajmau, Kanpur (India). Physico-chemical properties of the soil were also studied. The soil and vegetables/crops were sampled from an area of 2100 acre agricultural land and analyzed for physico-chemical properties and metal accumulation in different parts of the plants. The comparison of the data of physico-chemical properties of control and contaminated soil showed that salinity, electrical conductivity, available phosphorous, sodium and potassium content (both water soluble and exchangeable) were found high in contaminated soil. The analysis of plant available metal content in the soil showed the highest level of Fe, which ranged from 529.02 to 2615 μg g−1 dw and lowest level of Ni (3.12 to 10.51 μg g−1 dw). The analysis of the results revealed that accumulation of toxic metal Cr in leafy vegetables was found more than fruit bearing vegetables/crops. Thus, it is recommended that the leafy vegetables are unsuitable to grow in such contaminated sites. It is important to note that toxic metal, Ni was not detected in all the plants. The edible part of the vegetables (under ground) such as, garlic (19.27 μg g−1 dw), potato (11.81 μg g−1 dw) and turmeric (20.86 μg g−1 dw) has accumulated lowest level of toxic metal, Cr than leafy and fruit bearing vegetables. In some fruit part of vegetables such as, bitter gourd, egg plant, jack tree, maize and okra, the accumulation of Cr was not detected and may be grown in this area.  相似文献   

Kemaliye (Erzincan/Turkey) is the member of European Association of Historic Towns and Regions. The aim of this study was to reveal the visual richness of the town; to identify the relationship between landscape spatial pattern and visual quality of the landscape and to offer some suggestions for the future planning in regarding to these visual beauties. The visual quality assessment method was used in this study. The results of the study revealed three landscape types that have the highest visual quality. Among those, the highest one is urban scenery 3 (US3; VQP = 5.9400), the second is geological structure scenery 5 (GSS 5; VQP = 5.9200) and the third natural scenery 3 (NS3; VQP = 5.9133). Visual quality assessment showed that urban pattern, geological structure and natural resources of the region also have visual value. The relationships between landscape spatial pattern and visual quality of landscape indicated that certain characteristics of landscape affected the quality. For instance, as the texture level decreased in natural landscapes and as the green areas increased in geological structure, visual preferences ratio increased. Some suggestions were also made regarding the visual resources use in the region.  相似文献   

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