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Saplings of one half-sib family of birch, Betula pendula, were exposed to three levels of ozone in open-top chambers (OTCs) during two growing seasons 1997-1998. The ozone treatments were non-filtered air (NF, accumulated daylight AOT40 over the two growing seasons of 3.0 l l-1 h), non-filtered air with extra ozone (NF+, accumulated daylight AOT40 of 27.3 l l-1 h) and non-filtered air with additional extra ozone (NF++, accumulated daylight AOT40 of 120 l l-1 h). The birch saplings, including the roots, were harvested after the first and second growing seasons. After the first growing season, the NF++ treatment reduced the total wood biomass by 22%, relative to the NF treatment. There was no further reduction of the total wood biomass in the NF++ treatment after the second growing season. The root biomass was reduced by 30% after the first growing season. The shoot/root ratio, as well as the proportional biomass of leaves, were increased by ozone during both years. The ozone impact on the relative growth rate was estimated to -2% per 10 l l-1 h daylight AOT40 per growing season.  相似文献   

Saplings of two clones of European white birch (Betula pendula Roth) were exposed to three different ozone profiles resulting in same AOT40 value of 13–14 ppm h in a chamber experiment. The sensitive clone 5 and the more tolerant clone 2 were growing (1) under filtered air (=control), or (2) were exposed to 70 ppb ozone for 24 h d−1 (=profile 1), (3) to 100 ppb ozone for 12 h d−1 at 8:00–20:00 (=profile 2), or (4) to 200 ppb ozone for 4.5 h d−1 at 9:30–14:00 (=profile 3) for 20 d. The saplings were determined for growth, visible leaf injuries, stomatal conductance, and concentrations of Rubisco, chlorophyll and carotenoids. Growth responses and induction of visible foliar injuries under different ozone profiles were variable, resulting in 4–17% lower dry mass of shoot, 16–46% reduction in stem height increment and 11–43% increase in visible injuries in clone 5, which was accompanied by higher leaf turnover rate under profile 3 indicating compensation growth. In clone 2, ozone-induced responses ranged from slight stimulation in stem height growth to 13% decrease in dry mass of shoot and 2–16% increase in visible injuries. Daytime stomatal conductance rates were lowered by 14–54% in clone 5 and 9–74% in clone 2, depending on profile. The additional power-weighted analyses revealed that high peak concentrations and exposure shape were important for induction of visible injuries in both clones and reduction in stomatal conductance in clone 5, whereas growth reductions were rather related to total cumulative exposure. The results indicate that profile of ozone exposure, night-time stomatal conductance (24 h flux), and recovery time for defence and compensations reactions should not be ignored in plant response and ozone flux modelling.  相似文献   

The differences in growth, leaf senescence, visible ozone injuries and stomatal density between one coastal site (natural ozone) and two inland sites (natural and elevated ozone) in Finland were determined for saplings of Betula pendula clones grown under open-field conditions during two growing seasons. Responses in growth, leaf senescence, visible injuries, and stomatal density were determined in relation to cumulative ozone exposure accumulated over the thresholds of 30, 40 and 50 ppb (10(9)) during the exposure period. In addition, the effects of the different ozone exposures on ultrastructure of chloroplasts were studied. Increasing ozone exposure resulted in reduced shoot dry weight, stimulated (first year) or reduced (second year) height growth, accelerated autumn yellowing of leaves, increased stomatal density, visible symptoms and chloroplast injuries, and increased number and size of plastoglobuli. Newly expanded mature leaves in midsummer were more sensitive to ozone episodes than younger developing leaves in the early growing season. In most parameters, the best correlation was achieved with the exposure index AOT30. Ozone risk for birch is highest in the southern coastal area of Finland, where background ozone concentrations are higher than in inland sites.  相似文献   

The lichen species Anaptychia ciliaris, Collema nigrescens, Evernia prunastri, Hypogymnia bitteri, Lobaria pulmonaria, Pseudevernia furfuracea and Usnea rigida s.l. were fumigated with site-relevant concentrations (for Central Europe) of ozone over 80 days (180 microg m(-3) during daytime, 80 microg m(-3) during the night). Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements revealed a significant reduction of Fv/Fm after ozone fumigation in five of the species investigated, indicating severe stress on photosystem II due to ozone. The physiological impairment paralleled our fine structural investigations, revealing a significantly higher percentage of collapsed photobiont cells. This indicates that the effects of ambient ozone concentrations under experimental conditions included biophysical and physiological, as well as structural impairment in the lichens studied.  相似文献   

Forty clones of Betula pendula and 6 clones of Betula pubescens, originating from southern and central Finland, were ranked in order of ozone sensitivity according to visible injuries, growth and leaf senescense under low ozone exposure. The plants were fumigated in natural climatic conditions using an open-air exposure system during two growing seasons. Control plants were grown under ambient air, and the elevated-ozone exposures were 1.6x the ambient in 1994 and 1.7x the ambient in 1995. The differences in ozone sensitivity among clones were large. Ozone tolerance was related to thicker leaves and higher stomatal density as compared to sensitive clones. Ultrastructural ozone-induced symptoms were found in chloroplasts of sensitive clones. Increased number of visibly injured leaves on fumigated plants was correlated with reduced leaf formation, foliage area, shoot dry wt and number of stomata, and increased yellowing of leaves. The results suggest that a considerable proportion of birch trees, showing high sensitivity to ozone, are at risk if ambient ozone exposures increase.  相似文献   

Plants of Bel-W3 and of seven commercial tobacco varieties (Nicotiana tabacum L.) were exposed to two relatively low ozone concentrations (90 or 135 ppb) for 20 consecutive days, for 8 h per day. Ozone caused necrotic and chlorotic spots, acceleration of leaf senescence, depression of photosynthetic mechanism, chlorophyll diminution and greater destruction of chl a than of chl b. The higher sensitivity of chl a was also confirmed by exposure of segments of leaves in test tubes to high ozone concentration (>1000 ppb) as well as by bubbling of ozone in extracts of chlorophyll in vitro. The quantum yield (QY) of photosynthesis was positively correlated with the chlorophyll content and negatively correlated with the visible injury and the chl b/a ratio.  相似文献   

Naturally regenerated, 30-year-old Scots pines (Pinus Sylvestris L.) were grown in open-top chambers and exposed in situ to doubled ambient O(3), doubled ambient CO(2) and a combination of elevated O(3) and CO(2) from 15 April to 15 September for three growing seasons (1994-1996). To examine the effects of O(3) and/or CO(2) on photosynthesis, chlorophyll a fluorescence and gas exchange were measured simultaneously. Doubled ambient O(3) significantly decreased the rates of photosynthesis at all levels of photon flux density. This was related mainly to a significant decrease in the photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (PS II) and the rate of whole electron transport, rather than to a decrease in stomatal conductance. When measurements were made at doubled ambient concentration of CO(2) (700 micromol mol(-1)), doubled ambient CO(2) treatment did not lead to a significant change in the intrinsic capacity of photosynthesis, as manifested by no changes in PS II, the rate of electron transport, the maximal rate of photosynthesis and the apparent quantum yield of CO(2) assimilation. However, elevated CO(2) increased the sensitivity of stomatal conductance to light and decreased maximal stomatal conductance. When O(3) and CO(2) were combined, the O(3)-induced decrease in photosynthesis rate was reduced significantly by a high concentration of CO(2). This may be partly related to the decrease in stomatal conductance induced by the high concentration of CO(2). The complete mechanism behind this interaction is, however, still unclear.  相似文献   

Plants of Bel-W3 and of seven commercial tobacco varieties (Nicotiana tabacum L.) were exposed to two relatively low ozone concentrations (90 or 135 ppb) for 20 consecutive days, for 8 h per day. Ozone caused necrotic and chlorotic spots, acceleration of leaf senescence, depression of photosynthetic mechanism, chlorophyll diminution and greater destruction of chl a than of chl b. The higher sensitivity of chl a was also confirmed by exposure of segments of leaves in test tubes to high ozone concentration (>1000 ppb) as well as by bubbling of ozone in extracts of chlorophyll in vitro. The quantum yield (QY) of photosynthesis was positively correlated with the chlorophyll content and negatively correlated with the visible injury and the chl b/a ratio.  相似文献   

Fraser fir seedlings from two seed sources in the Southern Appalachians (Mt Mitchell, North Carolina, a declining population; and Mt Rogers, Virginia, a relatively healthy population) were subjected to long-term (2.5 years) intermittent ozone fumigations (0.025, 0.070, and 0.150 ppm) while being grown through five growth cycles in an accelerated-growing regime. Fumigations took place during bud break, stem elongation and bud set. Following each growing cycle, gas exchange parameters and dry weights were determined. The ozone fumigations did not produce any effect on seedling growth. The ozone fumigation effects on gas exchange parameters were inconsistent, and generally not statistically different, with no differences occurring between seed sources. There was no correlation between photosynthetic rates and seedling growth. These results provide no evidence that ozone may be contributing to the differences in decline noted between the Mt Rogers and Mt Mitchell populations of Fraser fir.  相似文献   

Two birch clones originating from metal-contaminated sites were exposed for 3 months to soils (sand-peat ratio 1:1 or 4:1) spiked with a mixture of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs; anthracene, fluoranthene, phenanthrene, pyrene). PAH degradation differed between the two birch clones and also by the soil type. The statistically most significant elimination (p ≤ 0.01), i.e. 88% of total PAHs, was observed in the more sandy soil planted with birch, the clearest positive effect being found with Betula pubescens clone on phenanthrene. PAHs and soil composition had rather small effects on birch protein complement. Three proteins with clonal differences were identified: ferritin-like protein, auxin-induced protein and peroxidase. Differences in planted and non-planted soils were detected in bacterial communities by 16S rRNA T-RFLP, and the overall bacterial community structures were diverse. Even though both represent complex systems, trees and rhizoidal microbes in combination can provide interesting possibilities for bioremediation of PAH-polluted soils.  相似文献   

To assess the effects of tropospheric O3 on rice cultivated in Bangladesh, four Bangladeshi cultivars (BR11, BR14, BR28 and BR29) of rice (Oryza sativa L.) were exposed daily to charcoal-filtered air or O3 at 60 and 100 nl l−1 (10:00-17:00) from 1 July to 28 November 2008. The whole-plant dry mass and grain yield per plant of the four cultivars were significantly reduced by the exposure to O3. The exposure to O3 significantly reduced net photosynthetic rate of the 12th and flag leaves of the four cultivars. The sensitivity to O3 of growth, yield and leaf gas exchange rates was not significantly different among the four cultivars. The present study suggests that the sensitivity to O3 of yield of the four Bangladeshi rice cultivars is greater than that of American rice cultivars and is similar to that of Japanese rice cultivars and that O3 may detrimentally affect rice production in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

To clarify the effects of O3 on crop plants cultivated in Bangladesh, two Bangladeshi wheat cultivars (Sufi and Bijoy) were grown in plastic boxes filled with Andisol and exposed daily to charcoal-filtered air or O3 at 60 and 100 nl l−1 (10:00-17:00) from 13 March to 4 June 2008. The whole-plant dry mass and grain yield per plant of the two cultivars at the final harvest were significantly reduced by the exposure to O3. Although there was no significant effect of O3 on stomatal diffusive conductance to H2O of flag leaf, net photosynthetic rate of the leaf was significantly reduced by the exposure to O3. The sensitivity of growth, yield, yield components and leaf gas exchange rates to O3 was not significantly different between the two cultivars. The results obtained in the present study suggest that ambient levels of O3 may detrimentally affect wheat production in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) plants in two different soil moisture regimes were directly quantified and subsequently modeled over an entire growing season. Direct measurements captured the dynamic response of stomatal conductance to changing environmental conditions throughout the day, as well as declining gas exchange and carbon assimilation throughout the growth period beyond an early summer maximum. This phenomenon was observed in plants grown both with and without supplemental soil moisture, the latter of which should theoretically mitigate against harmful physiological effects caused by exposure to ozone. Seasonally declining rates of stomatal conductance were found to be substantial and incorporated into models, making them less susceptible to the overestimations of effective exposure that are an inherent source of error in ozone exposure indices. The species-specific evidence presented here supports the integration of dynamic physiological processes into flux-based modeling approaches for the prediction of ozone injury in vegetation.  相似文献   

Four-week-old paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) seedlings, inoculated or non-inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker & Couch and grown in steamed or non-steamed soil, were exposed to ozone (O(3)) and/or simulated acid rain (SAR). Plants were exposed to O(3) for 7 h per day on 5 days per week for 12 weeks. O(3) concentrations were maintained between 0.06 and 0.08 ppm. SAR was applied 10 min per day on 2 days per week. O(3), SAR, soil regime and mycorrhizal treatment did not significantly affect any of the measured variables. Interactions between O(3) and SAR, SAR and mycorrhizal treatment, soil regime and mycorrhizal treatment and ozone and soil regime had significant effects. Treatment of seedlings with pH 3.5 SAR caused increases in growth which were more apparent in birch exposed to O(3). Mucorrhizal treatment caused increased growth in non-steamed soil, while growth appeared to decrease in steamed soil. Birch seedlings grew much better in steamed soil. The implications of increased growth in steamed soil may demonstrate the importance of looking at the secondary effects of pollutants on soil-borne organisms.  相似文献   

Five varieties of rice (Oryza sativa L.) of varying salinity resistance were grown in non-saline and in saline conditions, with and without a repeated exposure to ozone at a concentration of 83 nmol mol(-1) giving an AOT40 (cumulative exposure above 40 nmol mol(-1)) of 3600 nmol mol(-1) h. Salinity caused a substantial reduction in shoot and root dry weight in all varieties, but the effect on root growth was proportionately less than on shoot growth. Ozone reduced root dry weight but the treatment used did not significantly affect shoot dry weight. Both salinity and ozone reduced plant height. The potassium concentration in the leaves of all five varieties was reduced by salinity, and by ozone in both saline and non-saline treatments. Ozone reduced the sodium concentration in plants grown at 50 mM NaCl but had no effect upon the chloride concentration. Carbon dioxide assimilation, transpiration and stomatal conductance were all reduced by salinity and by ozone and there was close quantitative similarity between the effects of ozone and/or salinity upon assimilation, stomatal conductance and transpiration. There were some antagonistic effects but there were additive effects of salinity and of ozone on root dry weight, plant height, shoot potassium concentration, photosynthesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance. The possible basis of the additive effects of salinity and ozone on gas exchange and mineral uptake are discussed.  相似文献   

Open pollinated families of black cherry seedlings were studied to determine genotypic differences in foliar ozone injury and leaf gas exchange in 1994 and growth response following three growing seasons. An O(3)-sensitive half-sibling family (R-12) and an O(3)-tolerant half-sibling family (MO-7) planted in natural soil were studied along with generic nursery stock (NS) seedlings. Ozone exposure treatments were provided through open top chambers and consisted of 50, 75, and 97% of ambient ozone, and open plots from May 9 to August 26, 1994. Ambient ozone concentrations reached an hourly peak of 88 ppb with 7-hour averages ranging from 39 to 46 ppb. Seedlings in the 50 and 75% of ambient chambers were never exposed to greater than 80 ppb O(3). Visible foliar ozone injury (stipple) was significantly higher for R-12 seedlings than MO-7 seedlings and increased with increasing ozone exposures. For the chamber treatments averaged over all families, there was no significant difference in stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rates, but there was a significant decrease in root biomass, and a significant decrease in root/shoot ratio between the 50 and 97% of ambient chambers. Stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rates were significantly different between families with R-12 seedlings generally greater than MO-7 seedlings. The R-12 seedlings had a 7.5 mmol m(-2) increase in ozone uptake compared to MO-7, and at the same cumulative O(3) exposure R-12 exhibited 40.9% stippled leaf area, whereas MO-7 had 9.2% stippled leaf area. Significant differences were observed in stem volume growth and total final biomass between the open-top chambers and open plots. Although R-12 had the most severe foliar ozone injury, this family had significantly greater stem volume growth and total final biomass than MO-7 and NS seedlings. Root:shoot ratio was not significantly different between MO-7 and R-12 seedlings.  相似文献   

Atmospheric chemical composition affects foliar chemical composition, which in turn influences the dynamics of both herbivory and decomposition in ecosystems. We assessed the independent and interactive effects of CO2 and O3 fumigation on foliar chemistry of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and paper birch (Betula papyrifera) at a Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) facility in northern Wisconsin. Leaf samples were collected at five time periods during a single growing season, and analyzed for nitrogen. starch and condensed tannin concentrations, nitrogen resorption efficiencies (NREs), and C:N ratios. Enriched CO2 reduced foliar nitrogen concentrations in aspen and birch; O3 only marginally reduced nitrogen concentrations. NREs were unaffected by pollution treatment in aspen, declined with 03 exposure in birch, and this decline was ameliorated by enriched CO2. C:N ratios of abscised leaves increased in response to enriched CO2 in both tree species. O3 did not significantly alter C:N ratios in aspen, although values tended to be higher in + CO2 + O3 leaves. For birch, O3 decreased C:N ratios under ambient CO2 and increased C:N ratios under elevated CO2. Thus, under the combined pollutants, the C:N ratios of both aspen and birch leaves were elevated above the averaged responses to the individual and independent trace gas treatments. Starch concentrations were largely unresponsive to CO2 and O3 treatments in aspen. but increased in response to elevated CO2 in birch. Levels of condensed tannins were negligibly affected by CO2 and O3 treatments in aspen, but increased in response to enriched CO2 in birch. Results from this work suggest that changes in foliar chemical composition elicited by enriched CO2 are likely to impact herbivory and decomposition, whereas the effects of O3 are likely to be minor, except in cases where they influence plant response to CO2.  相似文献   

Phenogenetic response of silver birch populations and half-sib families to separate and combined elevated ozone (O3) concentrations and ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation dozes was studied at juvenile age in the climatic chambers. Significant population and family effects were found for seedling height, lamina width, and leaf damage. The exposure to UV-B radiation decreased genetic variation at the stage of seed germination. Complex exposure to UV-B and O3 caused an increase of genetic variation at the stage of intensive seedling growth: seedling height genetic variation in separate treatments increased from 23.7–38.6 to 33.7–65.7%, the increase for lamina width was from 10.2–13.9 to 13.6–31.8%. Different populations and families demonstrated differing response to elevated complex UV-B and O3 exposure. Changes of genetic intra-population variation were population-specific. Such changes in genetic variation under the impact of stressors can alter adaptation, stability, and competitive ability of regenerating populations in a hardly predictive way.  相似文献   

To study the biochemical mechanism of EDU protection against ozone injury, peroxidase, ascorbate-dependent peroxidase, and catalase activities, and the contents of ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid, malondialdehyde and soluble protein were measured in Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Lit exposed to ozone and ethylenediurea (EDU) in open-top chambers. Plants not treated with EDU showed foliar bronzing due to ozone, while EDU-treated plants were not affected. EDU application modified the reaction of biochemical parameters to ozone. Soluble protein content was elevated by EDU. Peroxidase activity increased with ozone exposure in untreated plants only, while ascorbate-dependent peroxidase activity was lower in EDU treated plants. Catalase activity decreased in EDU-untreated plants. The ratio of ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbic acid was significantly increased in EDU treated plants. These results suggest that EDU might induce ascorbic acid synthesis and therefore provide the plant with a very potent antioxidant. Or the content of hydrogen peroxide was reduced due to other unknown processes and caused a delay in foliar senescence, regardless of whether these processes were ozone-induced or due to natural aging processes.  相似文献   

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