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Industrial workplaces pose concurrent hazards to the upper part of the head and the eyes. Under the circumstances, workers may use protective helmets in conjunction with protective goggles or spectacles. In order to assess the compatibility of this equipment, a method and a test stand for evaluating the behavior of safety helmets and protective goggles/spectacles upon the impact of a falling weight were designed. The results of tests concerning the displacement and deformation of helmets and spectacles/goggles, the forces acting on the helmets, as well as the forces exerted by the spectacles/goggles on the headform upon falling weight impact are presented. The results revealed the ways in which the tested equipment interacted with each other. The influence of equipment construction on the test results was analyzed and inferences concerning the safety of the studied protective devices were made. Some general construction guidelines were formulated for the compatibility of the equipment.  相似文献   

Objective: To reduce the severity of injuries and the number of cyclist deaths in traffic accidents, active safety devices providing cyclist detection are considered to be effective countermeasures. The features of car-to-bicycle collisions need to be known in detail to develop such safety devices.

Methods: The study investigated near-miss situations captured by drive recorders installed in passenger cars. Because similarities in the approach patterns between near-miss incidents and real-world fatal cyclist accidents in Japan were confirmed, we analyzed the 229 near-miss incident data via video capturing bicycles crossing the road in front of forward-moving cars. Using a video frame captured by a drive recorder, the time to collision (TTC) was calculated from the car's velocity and the distance between the car and bicycle at the moment when the bicycle initially appeared.

Results: The average TTC in the cases where bicycles emerged from behind obstructions was shorter than that in the cases where drivers had unobstructed views of the bicycles. In comparing the TTC of car-to-bicycle near-miss incidents to the previously obtained results of car-to-pedestrian near-miss incidents, it was determined that the average TTC in car-to-bicycle near-miss incidents was significantly longer than that in car-to-pedestrian near-miss incidents.

Conclusions: When considering the TTC in the test protocol of evaluation for safety performance of active safety devices, we propose individual TTCs for evaluation of cyclist and pedestrian detections, respectively. In the test protocols, the following 2 scenarios should be employed: bicycle emerging from behind an unobstructed view and bicycle emerging from behind obstructions.  相似文献   

如何进行科学合理的园区安全规划,整体上提高化工园区的安全水平,是当前化工园区发展过程中的一个关键问题。中国安全生产科学研究院研发的化工园区定量风险评价(QRA)技术及其软件通过化工园区各类事故后果计算、事故概率分析获得园区个人风险、社会风险和安全容量等园区整体性风险评价结果,可用于园区选址规划、园区布局规划、园区企业准入规划和园区安全生产一体化规划等,为化工园区土地使用安全规划提供了实用技术方法,在国内几十个化工园区推广应用,取得了良好实际应用效果。  相似文献   

化工园区安全容量计算模型研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文探讨了化工园区安全容量的含义。选择了适当的基础安全容量计算模型及事故统计指标,建立了安全容量影响因素体系,在此基础上,运用改进G1法和模糊综合评价法确定各因素的权重和隶属度,进而提出化工园区安全容量的计算模型。  相似文献   

徐得志 《安全》2004,25(3):32-34
近几年,作为安全职能管理部门,将传统安全管理和现代安全管理有机结合,运用岗位安全评价技术,贯穿到化工企业安全管理全过程,以达到安全生产的目的,对此,谈一谈岗位安全评价在化工企业安全管理中应如何运用.  相似文献   

依据电气安全通用标准GB 5226.1-2008,并结合数控机床电气结构特点,总结分析出了适合于数控机床的电气安全检测内容和方法。对电气系统检查内容划分了等级,提出了检查的方法和部位;同时也对电气三项试验方法特别是对试验中电路的设置进行了分析,提出了检测的难点、重点和测量不确定度的评定方法。结果表明,该方案的执行能够完整评价数控机床的电气安全性能,有利于促进电气安全标准的执行,可为今后机床电气安全设计、检测提供参考。  相似文献   

根据事故发生机理和系统相关性,给出了产品安全相关性的概念,并由此建立了定量评价模型.提出了主动安全相关性系数和被动安全相关性系数,并用其来表示产品安全相关性的大小.  相似文献   

为研究安全帽安全性与保护性问题,利用落锤冲击实验,对不同材质安全帽吸能率、冲击力峰值进行研究.结果表明:随冲击能量增加,安全帽受冲击力峰值呈指数倍增长,吸能率呈指数倍下降;ABS树脂与玻璃钢材质安全帽头模受冲击力峰值小于HDPE材质安全帽;当冲击能量大于60 J,HDPE材质安全帽丧失保护功能;ABS安全帽能够承受最大...  相似文献   

化工园区的蓬勃发展为我国经济发展做出了重要贡献,与此同时,近年来化工园区的安全状况不容乐观,事故时有发生,缺乏有效的安全规划是事故发生的原因之一,而安全规划依据不完善、操作性不强是化工园区安全规划难以有效落实的重要原因。针对此问题,笔者依据《中华人民共和国安全生产法》等相关法律法规、标准规范,并借鉴国内外化工园区安全规划的先进经验,提炼出化工园区安全规划核心要素,将安全规划要素表作为化工园区安全规划的直接依据,该依据内容具体、较为完整。同时,基于安全规划要素表,本文重点研究了在化工园区生命周期内各阶段应重点规划的内容,指导化工园区各阶段的安全建设以及应重点注意的问题,以期加强化工园区的整体安全。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the design, testing and application of a new interlock system for field use with neutron generating bore hole probes at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. Such probes produce 14 MeV neutrons at a yield up to 3×108 neutrons/s, and present an ionizing radiation hazard to personnel particularly when operated in an unshielded configuration. This interlock system prevents personnel from being exposed to the relatively high radiation fields caused by an unsafe condition when an operating neutron generator probe is withdrawn from a well in the ground. An electromechanical interlock prototype system has been designed, built and tested, and has been found to be effective at preventing this event. The design is simple, is effective in mitigating the hazard, and can be installed in minutes. The system could be modified to interlock radiation-generating devices other than neutron generators that are used in similar environments.  相似文献   

层次分析法在化工园区安全评价中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文采用层次分析法对化工园区域的安全水平评价进行了综合分析研究,得到了化工园区安全评价指标的选取、安全指标权重的确定的技术方法.结果表明,为了构建较为全面的化工园区安全水平评价指标体系,可从区域企业安全生产状况、区域规划状况、区域应急资源利用能力、区域社会经济状况四个方面共25个安全评价指标组成评价体系,进而采用层次分析法确定了各指标的权重,计算结果不仅能够反映园区风险的分布状况,而且对整个园区的规划和布局具有较好的决策支持作用.总而言之,将层次分析法用于化学工业园的安全评价是一种新的尝试,对此进行全面的介绍有着一定的工程实际应用价值.  相似文献   

Chemical reactors represent probably the most hazardous units of chemical industry. Safety analysis of a chemical reactor requires basic knowledge of all particular processes which can be described by mathematical models. Most of the model parameters involved in the prediction of reactor behavior are uncertain. These uncertainties can cause discrepancies mainly in the prediction by models with nonlinear behavior and they can be the source of confusion in the design of chemical reactors and consequently also in the safety and operability analysis.The main aim of this work was to analyze the influence of uncertainties in the model parameters on the prediction of operating quantities by mathematical models with nonlinear behavior. Such analysis can be used for safety and operability analysis of an industrial catalytic ammonia reactor. The industrial fixed-bed reactor was used by a mathematical model with nine parameters. Analyses of the influence of uncertainty in a single model parameter and their combination were carried out by the Monte Carlo approach. It is shown that even a small uncertainty in one of the key parameters or in a combination of these key parameters can result in several steady states results of the operating quantities and can be the source of confusion in the design and consequently also in the safety and operability analysis.  相似文献   

Various and diverse industrial safety areas were identified and grouped as under: general areas of safety, Special areas of safety and industry specific areas of safety.

General areas of safety are common to all industries and special areas of safety are relevant only if the selected industry has such nature of work or hazard and whereas the industry specific areas of safety refers to process safety of the industry. Three separate modules were prepared along with contents.

For conduction of the programme, the selected industry must be studied and the designed safety education programme modules have to be adapted by leaving irrelevant areas in special and industry specific areas of the designed safety modules. The implementation of safety education programme was carried out at Bharath Heavy Electricals Ltd, Trichy and Southern Railway workshop, Trichy, by adapting the designed modules to suit these industries as mentioned above.

Effectiveness is measured by the increase in safety awareness of the selected industrial workers (sample), who had already undergone such programmes with short falls conducted within the industry itself. Research Tool was prepared based on the contents of the adapted safety education modules and pre-test and post-test were conducted, data collected and analysed.

The results were statistically significant as confirmed by t-test analyses.  相似文献   

A behavior (work) sampling approach was used to both develop and evaluate the effectiveness of an occupational safety training program for industrial lift truck operators. Two studies, each using different experimental designs and performed at two separate warehouses, were conducted, resulting in a total of 96 operators trained. Observations through several months of training program assessment indicated that: (a) occupational safety training, emphasizing modification of operationally defined unsafe work practices derived from task/hazard analysis, can be demonstrated to be effective and to endure beyond cessation of performance feedback; (b) the basis for endurance appears to be continued practice in the modified safe work procedures, coupled with a redefinition of group norms sustained through informal influences such as peer modeling of desired behaviors and continued management support of the program; and (c) a behavior sampling procedure, specifying performancebased criteria, can be used effectively in both the development and evaluation of an occupational-safety training program.  相似文献   

小波变换理论在炸药装药安全性检验中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业CT探测炸药时,存在的严重噪声使得信号难以识别,严重影响了炸药探测的可靠度和精确度.为提高工业CT探测炸药的信噪比和可靠性,利用小波变换的方法降低信号噪声以实现有效的炸药探测.结果显示,小波变换可以实际地进行工业CT探测炸药得到的信号的分析,能有效地抑制噪声和提高信噪比,并且利用小波变换可以检测出药柱的裂纹以及裂纹的位置.  相似文献   

工伤保险与安全生产相结合是人们的共识。而如何结合,才能发挥工伤保险在事故预防中的作用哪?分析国内外工伤保险的管理体制、运行模式和工作特点,人们不难从中得出结论。  相似文献   

A quantitative risk assessment (QRA) tool has been developed by TNO for the external safety of industrial plants with a dust explosion hazard. As a first step an industrial plant is divided into groups of modules, defined by their size, shape, and constructional properties. Then the relevant explosion scenarios are determined, together with their frequency of occurrence. These include scenarios in which one module participates, as well as domino scenarios. The frequency is partly based on casuistry.

A typical burning velocity is determined depending on the ignition type, the dust properties and the local conditions for flame acceleration. The resulting pressure development is predicted with the ‘thin flame model’. Module failure occurs when the explosion load exceeds thresholds, which are derived from single degree of freedom (SDOF) calculations for various types of modules. A model has been developed to predict the process of pressure venting after module failure and the related motion of launched module parts.

The blast effects of the primary explosion are based on results from calculations with BLAST3D. The blast and flame effects of the secondary external explosion due to venting are calculated using existing models. The throw of fragments and debris is quantified with a recently developed model. This model is based on trajectory calculations and gives the impact densities, velocities, and angles as output. Furthermore the outflow of bulk material is taken into account. The consequences for external objects and human beings are calculated using existing models. Finally the risk contours and the Societal risk (FN curve) are calculated, which can be compared to regulations.  相似文献   

A predictive safety model for accident prevention and system failure, called Continuous Hazard Tracking and Failure Prediction Methodology, is applied at the Marshall Space Flight Center's promoted combustion test chamber. It combines the underlying principles of work sampling, control charts, and multivariate analysis. The sampling is performed to observe the occurrence of conditions which may be becoming hazardous in a given system. These building blocks of hazards, which we have called dendritics, could result in an accident, system malfunction, or unacceptable risk conditions. The data collected is plotted to generate the appropriate control chart, which depends on the characteristics of the given system and the protection desired. Based on the pattern of the control chart, a system ‘under control’ is not disturbed whereas a system ‘out of control’ is investigated for potential conditions becoming hazardous. Then appropriate steps are taken to eliminate or control these conditions in order to maintain a desired safety status of the system. The continuously running characteristic of this model allows for the verification that the corrective measures taken to ameliorate the ‘out of control’ conditions were satisfactory or whether more proactive action is required. The results provided by the predictive model were validated with historical safety data.  相似文献   

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