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中国植物园保护稀有濒危植物的现状和若干对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对中国植物园稀有濒危植物的保护现状和存在问题进行分析,重点讨论了稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的有效性问题,涉及稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的生长和适应问题、稀有濒危植物在植物园重复栽培问题、稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的有效种群大小问题、科学记录系统和监测中心的建立问题。就稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的可持续发展提出了若干对策与建议:以植物园为基础形成保护的网络系统;加强稀有濒危植物迁地保护规划并突出重点;加强科学记录系统和监测中心的建立;多方筹措资金,加强支持强度;加强人才培训与学术交流。  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物评价分级专家系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开列珍稀濒危植物的清单并划分其保护序列,是生物多样性保护的一项最基本的工作。本文通过对珍稀濒危植物评价分级指标的研究,以评价指标体系为基础,并引入专家系统方法,建立了珍稀濒危植物评价分级专家系统。该系统模拟人类专家的思维过程,将有助于把珍稀濒危植物优先保护级别的划分,由定性划分提高到定量定性相结合的水平。  相似文献   

针对中国植物园稀有濒危植物的保护现状和存在问题进行分析,重点讨论了稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的有效性问题,涉及稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的生长和适应问题、稀有濒危植物在植物园重复栽培问题、稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的有效种群大小问题、科学记录系统和监测中心的建立问题。就稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的可持续发展提出了若干对策与建议:以植物园为基础形成保护的网络系统;加强稀有濒危植物迁地保护规划并突出重点;加强科学记录系统和监测中心的建立;多方筹措资金,加强支持强度;加强人才培训与学术交流。  相似文献   

珍稀植物濒危机制及保育策略中的营养条件   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
首先简要论述了珍稀植物濒危的原因、濒危机制的各种理论和研究方法,包括就地保护和迁地保护两个方面的保育策略的制定与实践。然后着重从营养条件的角度对这些理论和现状进行了分析。认为濒危物种在其历史演化过程中存在的脆弱环节以及活植物迁地保护的评价标准均与营养条件密切相关,营养条件可能是某些物种濒危机制中的一个重要组成部分;营养条件方面的研究可以为保护区设立的大小提出指导性意见;珍稀植物迁地保护过程中应密切关注营养条件的影响;营养条件在一定程度上决定了对某些物种保育策略的制定;将分子生物学与植物营养学的研究方法相结合,将能成为珍稀植物濒危机制及保育策略研究中的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

雷公山自然保护区以秃杉等珍稀濒危物种和中亚热带山地森林生态系统为主要保护对象。10多年来,保护区在认真做好自然保护工作的同时,引导地方群众发展生产、脱贫致富,探索了许多适度开发当地资源的实用技术和有效的经济发展模式,促进了地方经济发展,改善了当地群众生活,增强了保护区经济活力。在分析保护区发展现状的基础上,针对目前存在问题,提出保护区今后发展的对策措施。  相似文献   

张旋 《农村生态环境》1996,12(2):6-8,16
雷公山自然保护区以秃杉等珍稀濒危物种和中亚热带山地森林生态系统为主要保护对象,10多年来,保护区在认真做好自然保护工作的同时,引导地方群众发展生产、脱贫致富、探索了许多适度开发当地资源的实用技术和有效的经济发展模式,促进了经济地方经济发展,改善了当发群众生活,增强了保护区经济活力。在分析保护区发展现状的基础上,针对目前存在问题,提出保护区今后发展的对策措施。  相似文献   

到1991年底,我国共建立各种类型自然保护区708个,总面积56066.6kha,约占国土面积的5.54%。本文从我国森林、草原、荒漠、内陆湿地和水域、海洋、海岸等生态系统类型自然保护区以及野生动、植物类型自然保护区的建设着手,全面分析了我国自然保护区建设对生物多样性保护的贡献和存在的不足。  相似文献   

作者论述了我国40年来林业建设的概况。重点介绍了五大林业生态工程的建设:1.三北防护林体系工程;2.长江中上游防护林体系工民;3.沿海防护林工程体系;4.平原绿化工程;5.太行山绿化工程。林业系统在自然保护区建设方面主要开展了七个方面的工作:1.确立林业系统自然保护区建设和科学管理的指导思想;2.保护自然环境和濒危物种;3.完成了自然保护区区划工作;4.开展科学研究和科学考察;5.探索保护区发展多种经营的路子;6.制定政策法规,加强法制建设;7.开展对外交流。林业部环境保护办公室在加强自然保护工作方面,采取如下具体措施:1.加强自然生态环境和自然资源保护;2.加强部门之间的配合和协作;3.解决自然保护区建设经费;4.给予保护区优惠政策;5.妥善处理与当地群众的关系。  相似文献   

马玉  陈浩昌  蔡钰灿  彭嵩  曾耀宏  马媛  王迪 《环境化学》2011,30(9):1674-1675
中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)是国家一级重点保护的濒危野生动物,在我国主要分布在广东珠江口、福建九龙江口和广西钦州海域.大襟岛中华白海豚自然保护区位于珠江口大襟岛近海,区内共有10余种珍稀濒危物种,也是至今为止我国海域已知的第二大中华白海豚集中分布区域,不仅数量集中,而且拥有完整的世代结构.  相似文献   

通过对长潭自然保护区的资源调查,阐述了长潭自然保护区在森林资源保护中产生的生态、社会和经济效益,指出长潭自然保护区森林保护的重要性及保护的意义,同时指出在长潭自然保护区森林资源可持续发展过程中出现的问题,提出森林资源的可持续发展建议。  相似文献   

Protected Areas and Prospects for Endangered Species Conservation in Canada   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract:  Reserve networks figure prominently in conservation strategies that aim to reduce extinction rates. We tested the effectiveness of the current reserve network at protecting species at risk in Canada, where relatively extensive wilderness areas remain. We compared numbers of terrestrial species at risk included in existing reserves to randomly generated networks with the same total area and number of reserves. Existing reserve networks rarely performed better than randomly selected areas and several included fewer endangered species than expected by chance, particularly in the most biologically imperiled regions. The extent of protected area and density of species at risk were unrelated at either broad (countrywide) or finer spatial scales (50 × 50 km grids), although there was a tendency for the most threatened regions of the country to have few or no protected areas (1.5% of areas with >30 endangered species were in reserves). Although reserves will play a useful role in conserving endangered species that occur within them, reducing extinction rates in a region with much of the world's remaining wilderness will require integrating conservation strategies with agricultural and urban land-use plans outside formally protected areas.  相似文献   

We analysed fisheries trends in the northern region of the Gulf of California, within the Biosphere Reserve of the Upper Gulf of California and Colorado Delta River and the Vaquita Refuge Area, and suggest measures to protect the vaquita, Phocoena sinus. We compiled and analysed catch reports of artisanal fishermen in the three fishing communities of the Upper Gulf of California (San Felipe in the State of Baja California, and Golfo de Santa Clara and Puerto Peñasco in the State of Sonora) from 1995 to 2007. This information was categorised with respect to geographic information systems, and all fishing sites within two marine protected areas in the region were identified. In addition, from a survey based on direct interviews with artisanal fishermen in each of the three ports, we identified that 23% of fishermen will continue fishing despite on-going fishing buy-out programmes in the region. We suggest several specific courses of action to decrease the fishing impact on this critically endangered cetacean. However, given the critical situation of this critically endangered species, it is very uncertain whether enforcing a no-take zone within the biosphere reserve and the Vaquita Refuge Area, or even a wider fishing moratorium, will be enough to save this endangered species from extinction.  相似文献   

Under Chinese culture it is believed that herbal medicine is always safe and wild food is always healthy. Generally, the rarer a plant, the higher its value. The booming economy in China has promoted tourism development in wilderness areas and wild medicinal and food plants are part of the attraction to tourists. Conflicts between wild plant exploitation and protection have emerged in many parts of China, such as Changbai Mountain. Changbai Mountain supports numerous medicinal and food plants but many have become rare and endangered. This paper numerically evaluates 30 plant species that have relatively high conservation value for each type (medicinal, ornamental and food), and briefly describes the uses of four to five top ranked species per type that need more protection on Changbai Mountain. This paper also addresses some tree species with important timber values on Changbai Mountain. Over 90% of China's medicinal, ornamental and food plant species, as well as valuable timber trees are found in the conifer–broadleaf mixed forest zone across the boundary of Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve. It is a major challenge to protect the native biodiversity of mixed forest on Changbai Mountain and more efforts need to be made to protect rare and endangered plant species with high economic value.  相似文献   

Planting State-Listed Endangered and Threatened Plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution and planting of state-listed endangered and threatened plants is outlawed in most states of the United States, yet listed species are commonly used in landscaping and restorations. There is a need to re-examine policy regarding planting and propagation of endangered and threatened plants outside of planned recovery efforts. Potential advantages associated with increased outplanting of rare species include (1) improved public education and relations; (2) demographic security derived from creation of new populations; (3) provision of new, appropriate gene-flow opportunities; (4) applied research opportunities; and (5) ability to regulate a currently uncontrolled activity. Potential disadvantages are (1) confusion of natural and planted populations; (2) bureaucratic problems with protection of planted populations; (3) potential far inappropriate gene flow between natural and planted populations causing outbreeding depression and loss of genetic purity of natural populations; and (4) extension of the natural geographic and ecological range of the species. Policies, regulations, and nursery practices exist that would maximize the potential advantages and minimize the risks associated with the distribution of endangered and threatened plants. Policy considerations discussed include selection of appropriate species, production of appropriate and high-quality genetic stock, and regulation of outplanting programs. I weigh the risks and benefits of a program that would allow the general public access to some state-listed plants for natural landscaping. I conclude that a less restrictive but enforceable set of policies and regulations may be preferable to the status quo.  相似文献   

Rarity of Organisms in the Sand Pine Scrub Habitat of Florida   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Naturalists conceive of "rare" organisms as those narrow in geographic range, restricted to few habitats, or small in population sizes. Because rare organisms may be rare in a variety of ways, a particular conservation strategy that purports to protect them may not do so effectively in all cases; therefore, categorization of rarity in advance could help ensure that the chosen strategy has a reasonable chance of success in a particular case. We placed plants, amphibians, and reptiles resident in the Sand Pine scrub habitat of Florida into categories of rarity. Determining if and in what way a particular organism is rare proved difficult, because the process requires exact specification of what is meant by "narrow,""restricted," and "small." Furthermore, the process requires choice of a scale for judging rarity and relies upon data that are likely to be of variable availability and reliability. We categorized rarity by several schemes, and they produced distributions of taxa among categories of rarity that largely were similar to one another but that diverged in telling ways. The distributions of taxa among categories of rarity produced by any scheme were different for scrub plants than for scrub amphibians and reptiles. Likewise, these distributions were different than those produced by previously published studies of rarity. We found that the results of our categorization schemes did not match particularly well with the official listing of scrub organisms as endangered or potentially endangered.  相似文献   

In the U.S. rare and endangered species protection is a public policy responsibility commonly ascribed to the federal or state governments. We make three related claims: 1) the scale of local and regional land use control and open-space acquisitions matches the range sizes of many rare, endemic species, 2) land acquisition is the most attractive approach to conserving many rare taxa, especially endangered flora, and 3) at least some local governments and non-governmental organizations have the policy capacity necessary to identify, acquire, and manage critical habitats for endangered species. Although local involvement can have conservation payoffs throughout the United States, we focus on California in general and, in particular, use as a case study the biology and political resources of four adjoining counties in the central coast region of the state: San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, and Monterey. We close with a discussion of policy implications for coordinating local, state, and federal conservation efforts. These include 1) brokering land acquisition deals with input from public land managers and private owners, 2) shifting funding priorities for rare, well-known species away from research to habitat acquisition and management, and 3) encouraging biologists to invest more effort in local land use regulations so that they may make more effective use of local land management and conservation opportunities.  相似文献   

掌叶木为我国特有残遗植物 ,仅分布在广西与贵州接壤的石灰岩地区。因人为破坏、生境特殊及自身特性影响 ,资源稀少 ,被列为国家重点保护植物。本文研究了其生态生物学特性 ,并初步探讨其致濒原因及解决方法  相似文献   

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