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Spartina alterniflora plants were collected from salt marshes within New Jersey, South Carolina, and Georgia USA and shipped to The Pennsylvania State University. New plants were grown from rhizomes in six open-top field chambers. Three chambers received charcoal-filtered air, and three received charcoal-filtered air plus 80 ppb ozone, 8 h/day for 65 days. Flower, leaf, and shoot number per plant were recorded weekly. Photosynthetic rates were measured in week 5, and foliar injury was assessed during week 9. Final dry weight of roots, shoots, and rhizomes were determined. While ozone-treated plants from all states expressed symptoms of ozone injury, plants from South Carolina exhibited no effect of ozone on any other measured variable. Plants from the Georgia site showed ozone-induced reductions in all measured variables except leaf dry weight. Ozone-treated plants from New Jersey showed reductions in photosynthetic rate, leaf and shoot number, and root dry weights. Only plants from New Jersey produced flowers, with ozone treatment causing delay in flowering and reduction in the number of flower spikes produced.  相似文献   

Martins M  Ferreira AM  Vale C 《Chemosphere》2008,71(8):1599-1606
Depth concentration profiles of PAHs, organic carbon and dissolved oxygen in non-colonised sediments and sediments colonised by Sarcocornia fruticosa from Mitrena salt marsh (Sado, Portugal) were determined in November 2004 and April 2005. Belowground biomass and PAH levels in below and aboveground material were also determined. In both periods, colonised sediments were oxygenated until 15-cm, rich in organic carbon (max 4.4%) and presented much higher PAH concentrations (max. 7.1 microg g(-1)) than non-colonised sediments (max. 0.55 microg g(-1)). Rooting sediments contained the highest PAH concentrations. The five- and six-ring compounds accounted to 50-75% of the total PAHs in colonised sediments, while only to 30% in non-colonised sediments. The elevated concentrations of PAHs in colonised sediments may be attributed to the transfer of dissolved PAH compounds towards the roots as plant uptake water and subsequent sequestration onto organically rich particles. A phase-partitioning mechanism probably explains the higher retention of the heavier PAHs. In addition oxygenated conditions of the rooting sediments favour the degradation of the lighter PAHs and explain the elevated proportion of the heavier compounds. Below and aboveground materials presented lower PAH concentrations (0.18-0.38 microg g(-1)) than colonised sediments. Only 3- and 4-PAHs were quantified in aboveground material, reflecting either preferential translocation of lighter compounds from roots or atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   

Pools of Zn, Cu, Cd and Co in leaf, stem and root tissues of Sarcocornia fruticosa, Sarcocornia perennis, Halimione portulacoides and Spartina maritima were analyzed on a bimonthly basis, in a Tagus estuary salt marsh. All the major concentrations were found in the root tissues, being the concentrations in the aboveground organs neglectable for sediment budget proposes, as seen by the low root-aboveground translocation. Metal annual accumulation, root turnovers and cycling coefficients were also assessed. S. maritima showed the higher root turnovers and cycling coefficients for most of the analyzed metals, making this a phytostabilizer specie. By contrast the low root turnover, cycling coefficient and low root necromass generation makes S. perennis the most suitable specie for phytoremediation processes. Although the high amounts of metal return to the sediments, due to root senescence, salt marshes can still be considered sinks of heavy metals, cycling heavy metals mostly between sediment and root.  相似文献   

The composition of interstitial water collected from a salt marsh in NW Spain showed clear seasonal and spatial variations associated with redox cycles of Fe and S. In the summer, salinity increased in all soils as a consequence of the increase in evapotranspiration. The pH and concentrations of heavy metals also differed with season, but not all environments showed the same variations. Soils not colonized by plants had the highest pH and lowest heavy metal concentrations in the summer. These results support the idea that higher temperatures lead to an increase in the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria, which in turn leads to an increase in alkalinity and concentration of sulfides in the water. Trace metals tend to precipitate with sulfides under these conditions and are removed from the interstitial water. In contrast, in the soils colonized by Spartina maritima, the oxidation of metal sulfides during the summer led to a decrease in pH and an increase in the metal concentrations in the interstitial water. The results obtained concur with those found for seasonal variations in metal sulfides in soils from the same salt marsh.  相似文献   

Quantifying diffuse sources of pollution is becoming increasingly important when characterising river catchments in entirety - a prerequisite for environmental management. This study examines both low and high flow events, as well as spatial variability, in order to assess point and diffuse components of zinc pollution within the River West Allen catchment, which lies within the northern England lead-zinc Orefield. Zinc levels in the river are elevated under all flow regimes, and are of environmental concern. Diffuse components are of little importance at low flow, with point source mine water discharges dominating instream zinc concentration and load. During higher river flows 90% of the instream zinc load is attributed to diffuse sources, where inputs from resuspension of metal-rich sediments, and groundwater influx are likely to be more dominant. Remediating point mine water discharges should significantly improve water quality at lower flows, but contribution from diffuse sources will continue to elevate zinc flux at higher flows.  相似文献   

Castaldi P  Santona L  Melis P 《Chemosphere》2005,60(3):365-371
The effects of chemical amendments (zeolite, compost and calcium hydroxide) on the solubility of Pb, Cd and Zn in a contaminated soil were determined. The polluted soil was from the Southwest Sardinia, Italy. It showed very high total concentrations of Pb (19663 mgkg(-1) d.m.), Cd (196 mgkg(-1) d.m.) and Zn (14667 mgkg(-1) d.m.). The growth and uptake of heavy metals by white lupin (Lupinus albus L., cv. Multitalia) in amended soils were also studied in a pot experiment under greenhouse conditions. Results showed that the amendments increased the residual fraction of heavy metals in the soils, and decreased the heavy metals uptake by white lupin compared with the unamended control. Among the three amendments, compost and Ca(OH)2 were the most efficient at reducing Pb and Zn uptake, while zeolite was the most efficient at reducing Cd uptake by the plants. White lupin growth was better in amended soils than in unamended control. The above ground biomass increased with a factor 1.8 (soil amended with zeolite), 3.6 (soil amended with compost) and 3.1 (soil amended with Ca(OH)2) with respect to unamended soil. The roots biomass increased with a factor 1.4 (soil amended with zeolite), 5.6 (soil amended with compost) and 4.8 (soil amended with Ca(OH)2). Results obtained suggest that the soil chemical treatment improved the performance of crops by reducing bioavailability of metals in the soils. However it would be therefore interesting to find a suitable mixture of these amendments to contemporarily immobilize the three main pollutants in the polluted soils.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify factors affecting accumulation of elements by Moehringia trinervia (L.) Clairv. in a forest ecosystem impacted by long-term inflow of air pollution. The concentrations of N, S, Ca, K, Mg, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn were determined in plants collected in 1999. In addition, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn content was compared with measurements from 1984. Soil properties and bulk precipitation chemistry were used as explaining variables. The amount of heavy metals accumulated by M. trinervia depended on the magnitude of industrial emissions, but only Cu and Pb concentrations were clearly related to the distance from the pollution sources. The spatial distribution of Fe content was shaped by habitat conditions, whereas the distributions of Cd and Zn content were unexplained. Among the macronutrients, only Mg uptake was affected by environmental properties: it was lower under high concentrations of soil Cd and Zn.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) in wetlands is mainly bound to sediment in various species, which is essential to predict water column P levels. The purpose of this work is to understand the influences of sediment properties and vegetation types on P speciation. Sediments under four vegetation types in the tidal flat and offshore sandbar in Hangzhou Bay of China were collected seasonally. The rank order of P species in sediment based on concentration was exchangeable P (Exch-P)?相似文献   

A regression model based on the provincial energy consumption data was developed to calculate the monthly proportions of residential energy consumption compared to the total year volume. This model was also validated by comparing with some survey and statistical data. With this model, a PAHs emission inventory with seasonal variation was developed. The seasonal variations of different sources in different regions of China and the spatial distribution of the major sources in different seasons were also achieved. The PAHs emissions were larger in the winter than in the summer, with a difference of about 1.3-folds between the months with the largest and the smallest emissions. Residential solid fuel combustion dominated the pattern of seasonal variation with the winter-time emissions as much as 1.6 times as that in the summer, while the emissions from wild fires and open fire straw burning was mainly concentrated during the spring and summer.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition of metals emitted from mining operations has raised metal concentrations in the surrounding soils. This repository may be remobilized and act as a source of metals to nearby surface aquatic systems. It is important to understand metal dynamics and the impact of various chemistry and fate parameters on metal movement in the soil environment in order to evaluate risk associated with metals in terrestrial ecosystems and accurately establish critical discharge limits that are protective of aquatic biota. Here we extend our previously developed coupled multispecies metal fate-TRANsport and SPECiation/complexation (TRANSPEC) model, which was applicable to surface aquatic systems. The extended TRANSPEC, termed TRANSPEC-II, estimates the partition coefficient, K(d), between the soil-solid and -soluble phases using site-specific data and a semi-empirical regression model obtained from literature. A geochemical model calculates metal and species fractions in the dissolved and colloidal phases of the soil solution. The multispecies fugacity/aquivalence based fate-transport model then estimates inter-media transport rates such as leaching from soil, soil runoff, and water-sediment exchanges of each metal species. The model is illustratively applied to Ni in the Kelly Lake watershed (Sudbury, Ontario, Canada), where several mining operations are located. The model results suggest that the current atmospheric fallout supplies only 4% of Ni removed from soil through soil runoff and leaching. Soil runoff contributes about 20% of Ni entering into Kelly Lake with the rest coming from other sources. Leaching to groundwater, apart from runoff, is also a major loss process for Ni in the soil. A sensitivity analysis indicates that raising soil pH to above 6 may substantially reduce metal runoff and improve water quality of nearby water bodies that are impacted by runoff.  相似文献   

Duman F  Obali O  Demirezen D 《Chemosphere》2006,65(11):2145-2151
In this study, submerged aquatic plant Potamogeton lucens, corresponding sediment and water samples were seasonally collected from Lake Sapanca (Turkey) and analysed for their heavy metal contents (Pb, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn and Cd). While heavy metals concentrations in the water samples were decreased as Zn > Cr > Ni > Pb > Mn > Cu > Cd, in sediment samples were Mn > Zn > Ni > Cu > Cr > Pb > Cd, respectively. Generally, heavy metals concentrations in the plant tissues were decreased in sequence of Mn > Zn > Cu > Ni > Cr > Pb > Cd. It was determined that Cu, Mn and Zn were actively transported to the root, where they were accumulated especially in autumn. Lower accumulation factor ratios were seen in spring than other seasons. Cd exhibited a relatively clear pattern of increasing accumulation in P. lucens with increasing sediment metal concentrations. Significant positive correlations were observed between Cr, Cu, Ni and Cd contents in sediment and Cd contents in root of P. lucens. The investigations suggested that Ni and Mn have a tendency to be accumulated in leaf especially in autumn and Cr and Cd to be accumulated in shoot especially in summer.  相似文献   

Slugs (Deroceras reticulatum) (Muller)) were collected from a disused Pb/Zn mine site for a period encompassing 3 years. The analysis of whole body replicates, collected monthly for a period of one year, demonstrated a large variability in metal concentrations for each of the five metals (Cu, Pb, Cd, Zn and Ca) analysed. Nevertheless, a number of significant monthly differences in metal levels were found, the most regular being for Ca, and the least regular for Cu. Significant differences in metal body burdens were also found between slugs collected during the same month, but in consecutive years. The presence of such large and irregular variability greatly restricts the potential value of terrestrial slugs as biomonitors of heavy metal contamination.  相似文献   

Concentrations and profiles of 2,3,7,8-substituted polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) were investigated in sediment and plants collected from a salt marsh in the Tejo estuary, Portugal. The highest PCDD/F and dl-PCB concentrations were detected in uncolonized sediments, averaging 325.25?±?57.55 pg g?1 dry weight (dw) and 8,146.33?±?2,142.14 pg g?1 dw, respectively. The plants Sarcocornia perennis and Halimione portulacoides growing in PCDD/F and dl-PCB contaminated sediments accumulated contaminants in roots, stems, and leaves. It was observed that PCDD/F and dl-PCB concentrations in roots were significantly lower in comparison with stems and leaves. In general, concentration of ΣPCDD/Fs and Σdl-PCBs in H. portulacoides tissues were found to be twofold higher than those in S. perennis, indicating a difference in the accumulation capability of both species. Furthermore, congener profiles changed between sediments and plant tissues, reflecting a selective accumulation of low chlorinated PCDD/Fs and non-ortho dl-PCBs in plants.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations were measured in Spartina alterniflora plants grown in pots of contaminated sediment, plants grown in native sediment at a marsh contaminated with up to 900 microg/g total PAHs, and from plants grown in uncontaminated control sediment. The roots and leaves of the plants were separated, cleaned, and analyzed for PAHs. PAH compounds were detected at up to 43 microg/g dry weight in the root tissue of plants grown in pots of contaminated soil. PAH compounds were detected at up to 0.2 microg/g in the leaves of plants grown in pots of contaminated soil. Concentrations less than 0.004 microg/g were detected in the leaves of plants grown at a reference site. Root concentration factor (RCF) values ranged from 0.009 to 0.97 in the potted plants, and from 0.004 to 0.31 at the contaminated marsh site. Stem concentration factor (SCF) values ranged from 0.00004 to 0.03 in the potted plants and 0.0002 to 0.04 at the contaminated marsh. No correlation was found between the RCF value and PAH compound or chemical properties such as logKOW. SCF values were higher for the lighter PAHs in the potted plants, but not in the plants collected from the contaminated marsh. PAH concentrations in the roots of the potted plants are strongly correlated with soil concentrations, but there is less correlation for the roots grown in natural sediments. Additional plants were grown directly in PAH-contaminated water and analyzed for alkylated PAH homologs. No difference was found in leaf PAH concentrations between plants grown in contaminated water and control plants.  相似文献   

分析了洛阳市3个污水处理厂脱水污泥中Cu、Zn、Ni、Cr和Pb的含量,采用BCR法研究了污泥中重金属的形态分布特征,并利用地累积指数法(Igeo)和潜在生态危害指数法(RI)评价污泥在农用过程中重金属的潜在生态风险。结果表明,涧西污泥中Cu、Zn和Ni含量超过了农用泥质A级标准的限值(CJ/T309-2009),而新区污泥和瀍东污泥显示出良好的农用性质。污泥中Cu和Cr主要以可氧化态存在,Zn主要以酸溶态和可还原态存在,迁移性强,Ni含量分布相对比较均匀,Pb主要以残渣态存在。Igeo表明,污泥中Cu、Zn是潜在的污染元素。RI表明,Cu表现出高潜在生态风险;Zn的总含量虽高,但Zn的生物毒性响应因子低,对污泥的潜在风险贡献较低。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown the presence of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) in different environmental compartments, for example, in surface water or wastewater ranging from nanograms per litre to micrograms per litre. Likewise, some recent studies have pointed to seasonal variability, thus indicating that PhAcs concentrations in the aquatic environment may depend on the time of year. This work intended to find out (1) whether Tagus fluvial and drinking water were polluted with different groups of PhACs and (2) if their concentrations differed between winter and summer seasons. From the 58 substances analysed, 41 were found belonging to the main therapeutic groups. Statistical differences were seen for antibacterials, antidepressants, anxiolytics, antiepileptics, and cardiovascular drugs, with higher concentrations being detected in winter than in summer. These results might indicate that the PhACs analysed in this study undergo lower environmental degradation in winter than in summer. In order to confirm these initial results, a continuous monitoring should be performed especially on those PhACs that either because of an elevated consumption or an intrinsic chemical persistence are poorly degraded during winter months due to low temperatures and solar irradiation. It is especially important to identify which of these specific PhACs are in order to recommend their substitution by equally effective and safe substances but also environmentally friendly.  相似文献   

Bi R  Schlaak M  Siefert E  Lord R  Connolly H 《Chemosphere》2011,83(3):318-326
The combined use of electrokinetic remediation and phytoremediation to decontaminate soil polluted with heavy metals has been demonstrated in a laboratory-scale experiment. The plants species selected were rapeseed and tobacco. Three kinds of soil were used: un-contaminated soil from forest area (S1), artificially contaminated soil with 15 mg kg−1 Cd (S2) and multi-contaminated soil with Cd, Zn and Pb from an industrial area (S3). Three treatment conditions were applied to the plants growing in the experimental vessels: control (no electrical field), alternating current electrical field (AC, 1 V cm−1) and direct current electrical field (DC, 1 V cm−1) with switching polarity every 3 h. The electrical fields were applied for 30 d for rapeseed and 90 d for tobacco, each experiment had three replicates. After a total of 90 d growth for rapeseed and of 180 d for tobacco, the plants were harvested. The pH variation from anode to cathode was eliminated by switching the polarity of the DC field. The plants reacted differently under the applied electrical field. Rapeseed biomass was enhanced under the AC field and no negative effect was found under DC field. However, no enhancement of the tobacco biomass under the AC treatment was found. The DC field had a negative influence on biomass production on tobacco plants. In general, Cd content was higher in both species growing in S2 treated with AC field compared to the control. Metal uptake (Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb) per rapeseed plant shoot was enhanced by the application of AC field in all soils.  相似文献   

Among the inorganic toxicants of greatest concern in mine tailings, Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd and As figure prominently due to their abundance and potential toxicity. Here we report on their biolability and solid-phase speciation in two sediment cores subject to variable hydrological regimes at an abandoned pyritic mine tailing. The oxic conditions of well-drained sediments induced pyrite oxidation and the subsequent liberation of H+, SO4(2-) and considerable quantities of Fe(III), which precipitated as goethite. Solubility of Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd was closely coupled to pH and goethite presence. Metal lability was particularly low in zones of neutralization, formed by the accumulation of calcite, first carried then deposited by percolating waters in both saturated and unsaturated cores. We conclude that differential hydrology induces variable heavy metal speciation and biolability in Pb-Zn mine tailings, and suggest that site-specific risk assessments must account for past and present hydrological regimes.  相似文献   

Liu M  Yang Y  Xu S  Liu H  Hou L  Ou D  Liu Q  Cheng S 《Chemosphere》2006,62(3):440-448
HCHs and DDTs in salt marsh plants taken from intertidal flats in the Yangtze estuary and coastal area in April and July 2002 were determined by GC-ECD. A significant seasonal effect was observed for HCHs and DDTs in sources and concentration levels in different sample types including above-ground tissues and roots as well as the whole plants and rhizospheric sediments. The results indicated that the concentration of t-HCH was higher in the above-ground tissues than in their roots in April; however, the partitioning of DDTs between contaminated sediments and the roots showed the higher concentrations of t-DDT in their roots. HCHs and DDTs concentration levels were higher in above-ground tissues than in roots in July. BCFs of HCHs and DDTs exhibited lower values with higher levels of contaminants in sediments, and higher values with lower levels in sediments.  相似文献   

The use of plants to decontaminate soils polluted by heavy metals has received considerable attention in recent years as a low-cost technique. Poplars (Populus spp.) can accumulate relatively high levels of certain metals, and have the added advantage of producing biomass that can be used for energy production. A short rotation coppice culture with 13 poplar clones was established on a former waste disposal site, which was moderately polluted with heavy metals. Total content of metals in leaves, wood and bark were determined in August and October/November. Significant clonal differences in accumulation were found for most metals, although clones with the highest concentration of all metals were not found. Cadmium, zinc and aluminium were most efficiently taken up. The lowest concentration was found in wood; the highest concentrations were generally found in senescing leaves, making removal and treatment of fallen leaves necessary.  相似文献   

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