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In this work we studied the trophic ecology and feeding impact of the cladoceran Penilia avirostris and the cyclopoid copepod Oithona nana, the two dominant zooplankters in the summer communities of the coastal NW Mediterranean, on the naturally occurring microbial communities. In order to ascertain carbon surplus for growth and reproduction and the contribution to carbon and nitrogen recycling of these two species, we also determined their basal metabolism and excretion rates. The experiments conducted during summers 2002, 2003, and 2004 indicate that P. avirostris grazed mostly upon small flagellates, dinoflagellates, and diatoms, whereas O. nana had a narrower prey range, selecting motile organisms such as ciliates and occasionally dinoflagellates. The grazing impact of both species accounted, on average, for <10% of the standing stock of the microbial groups considered. In spite of the oligotrophic conditions, the feeding activity of P. avirostris is in general sufficient to compensate basal metabolism and allows a surplus for growth and reproduction. This was not the case for O. nana, its daily rations being often lower than the carbon basal demands. Regarding excretion rates, both species presented different N:P excretion ratios, the ones of O. nana falling within values typical for copepods, whereas the absence of detectable phosphorus excretion by P. avirostris implied an unbalance recycling with respect to typical Redfield ratio composition of marine seston.  相似文献   

Water samples from six bays were taken over a 5-year period (1988 to 1992) to determine the distribution and abundance of loricate choanoflagellates in coastal Newfoundland, and to assess the impact that these organisms might have on this cold ocean food web. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the morphology of these flagellates, allowing us to identify 11 species of loricate choanoflagellates. Parvicorbicula socialis (Meunier) Deflandre was the most abundant species (80 × 103 cells l−1), particularly during the spring diatom bloom. Single-cell species, such as Bicosta spini fera (Throndsen) Leadbeater and Calliacantha natans (Grontved) Leadbeater, were found more commonly after the spring diatom bloom in the summer months. Many of the single-cell choanoflagellates were attached to bacteria-rich microaggregates and debris in the water column and in unpoisoned sediment traps. The P. socialis cell flux was calculated to be 5.3 × 106 cells m−2 d−1 in late May sediment traps. P. socialis in the upper 100 m of the water column was removing 0.3% of the standing crop of bacteria each day (April/May), and the equivalent of 7.4% of the daily bacterial production over the water column. Diel studies of P. socialis in Conception Bay suggest that the sharp decline in population numbers observed in midnight samples may be related to the high number of grazing zooplankton observed during the same period. Pelagic tunicate and zooplankton fecal pellets were found to contain large numbers of choanoflagellate costae, thus providing a direct link from the microbial loop to the macrozooplankton. Received: 17 March 1997 / Accepted: 9 May 1997  相似文献   

R. T. Kneib 《Marine Biology》1987,96(2):215-223
Postlarval and juvenile grass shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio Holthuis) ≦15 mm total length (TL) were abundant at low tide in shallow aquatic microhabitats (i.e. puddles and films of residual tidal water) in the intertidal zone of a salt marsh on Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA from 1982 to 1984. The highest concentrations of young P. pugio occurred at 190 to 200 cm above mean low water, ∼10 to 20 cm below mean high water. The intertidal distributions of young grass shrimp expanded and contracted with changes in tidal amplitude. Postlarval grass shrimp (6 to 8 mm TL) continuously recruited into the intertidal marsh population from May until October, but densities varied in a regular pattern with peaks in abundance occurring at ∼2-week intervals, corresponding to spring tide periods in the lunartidal cycle. Although present nearly year-round in the intertidal marsh, juveniles (9 to 15 mm TL) were most abundant from August to October. Apparent growth rates of individuals up to 15 mm TL averaged 0.268±0.026 (mean±95% C.I.) mm d-1 from May to October and 0.070±0.032 mm d-1 in November and December. Unlike larger aquatic organisms, which can forage in the emergent marsh only when it is flooded by the tide, juvenile grass shrimp have constant access to intertidal resources. Although potentially important predators in this system, the role of young P. pugio in the trophic organization of salt marsh benthic invertebrate assemblages has yet to be examined. Contribution No. 576 of the University of Georgia Marine Institute  相似文献   

An approach combining nutrient budgets, dynamic modelling, and field observations of phytoplankton and nitrogen (N2)-fixing Lyngbya majuscula following changes in wastewater N loads, was used to demonstrate that Moreton Bay is potentially phosphorus (P) limited. Modelling and nutrient budgeting shows that benthic N-fixation loads are high, allowing the system to overcome any potential N-limitation. Phytoplankton biomass has shown little change from 1991 to 2006 in the sections of Moreton Bay most impacted by wastewater effluents, despite a large reduction in wastewater N loads from 2000 to 2002. This is consistent with modelling that also showed no reduction in primary productivity associated with reduced N loads. Most importantly, there have been rapid increases in the occurrence of N-fixing L. majuscula in Moreton Bay as wastewater P loads have increased relative to wastewater N loads. This is also consistent with modelling. This work supports the premise that there may be fundamental differences in nutrient limitation of primary production between subtropical and temperate coastal systems due to differences in the importance of internal nitrogen sources and sinks (N-fixation and denitrification). These differences need to be recognised for optimum management of coastal systems.  相似文献   

Perfluorinated compounds in a coastal industrial area of Tianjin,China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Perfluorinated compounds (PFC) in water, sediment, soil, and biota from the coastal industrial area of Tianjin, China, were measured to provide baseline information and to determine possible sources and potential risk to wildlife. Perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) was the predominant PFC with maximum concentrations of 10 ng/L in water, and 4.3, 9.4, and 240 ng/g dw in sediment, soil, and fish, respectively. Perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) concentration in water ranged from 3.0 to 12 ng/L. Perfluoroundecanoate (PFUnA) and Perfluorododecanoate (PFDoA) were detected in solid matrices, respectively, at concentrations of 相似文献   

Contrasting conditions at-sea are likely to affect the foraging behaviour of seabirds. However, the effect of season on the dive parameters of penguins is poorly known. We report here on an extensive study of the diving behaviour of king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) over the bird's complete annual cycle at the Crozet Islands. Time-depth recorders were used to record dive duration, bottom duration, post-dive interval, ascent rate and descent rate in breeding adults during different seasons in 1995 and 1996. Seasons included summer (n=6, incubation; n=6, chick brooding), autumn and winter (n=5 and n=3, respectively, chick at the crèche stage), and spring (n=4, birds at the post-moult stage). In all seasons dive duration increased with dive depth, but, for a given depth, dives were longer in winter (6.8 min when averaged over the 100-210 m depth layer) than in spring (4.6 min) and summer (4.4 min). The time spent at the bottom of the dives, which probably represents a substantial part of the feeding time, was much longer in winter (2.5 min per dive for dives over the 100-210 m layer) than during other seasons (1.0-1.4 min), i.e. there was a 2.5-fold augmentation for similar diving depths. Ascent and descent rates increased with increasing dive depth, but no difference in the relationships between rates of ascent and descent and dive depth was found among seasons. Furthermore, for all dive depths, ascent and descent rates were independent of the bottom duration. In all seasons post-dive intervals increased with dive duration and with dive depth, but they were longer in spring (2.3 min for dives over the 100-210 m layer) and summer than in autumn and winter (1.6-1.8 min). The diving efficiency decreased with increasing dive depth and was higher in autumn and winter (0.22-0.29) than in summer and spring (0.15-0.18). The large increase in bottom and dive duration from spring to winter is in agreement with the seasonal drop in prey density, with penguins spending more time searching for prey. In contrast, the consistency of the vertical velocity during contrasting conditions at-sea suggests that the transit time to depth is an important component of the foraging behaviour (scanning of the water column) that is independent of the prey availability. The time budget of the penguins during diving in a fluctuating environment appears to vary primarily during the bottom phase of the dives, with bottom duration increasing with diminishing prey supplies, while post-dive intervals shorten in the same time.  相似文献   

The tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier Peron and Lesueur 1822) is a widely distributed predator with a broad diet and the potential to affect marine community structure, yet information on local patterns of abundance for this species is lacking. Tiger shark catch data were gathered over 7 years of tag and release research fishing (1991–2000, 2002–2004) in Shark Bay, Western Australia (25°45′S, 113°44′E). Sharks were caught using drumlines deployed in six permanent zones (~3 km2 in area). Fishing effort was standardized across days and months, and catch rates on hooks were expressed as the number of sharks caught h−1. A total of 449 individual tiger sharks was captured; 29 were recaptured. Tiger shark catch rate showed seasonal periodicity, being higher during the warm season (Sep–May) than during the cold season (Jun–Aug), and was marked by inter-annual variability. The most striking feature of the catch data was a consistent pattern of slow, continuous variation within each year from a peak during the height of the warm season (February) to a trough in the cold season (July). Annual growth rates of recaptured individuals were generally consistent with estimates from other regions, but exceeded those for populations elsewhere for sharks >275 cm fork length (FL), perhaps because mature sharks in the study area rely heavily on large prey. The data suggest that (1) the threat of predation faced by animals consumed by tiger sharks fluctuates dramatically within and between years, and (2) efforts to monitor large shark abundance should be extensive enough to detect inter-annual variation and sufficiently intensive to account for intra-annual trends.  相似文献   

R. M. Morton 《Marine Biology》1990,105(3):385-394
The fishes occurring in a subtropical mangrove (Avicennia marina) area in Moreton Bay, Australia, were studied for one year (November 1987 to November 1988, inclusive). Fishes within the mangroves were sampled using a block net, whilst those in adjacent waters were sampled using seine and gill nets. Forty six percent of the species, 75% of the number of fishes and 94% of the biomass taken during the study (all methods combined) were of direct importance to regional fisheries. The fish community utilising the habitat within the mangrove forest differed from that occurring in adjacent waters in terms of density, standing crop, species composition and diversity-index values. Standing-crop estimates for the fishes occurring within the mangroves (study period mean ± SD = 25.3 ± 20.4 g m–2) were amongst the highest recorded values for estuarine areas whilst those for adjacent waters (2.9±2.3 g m–2) were comparable to those of other estuarine studies.  相似文献   

The Caribbean reef shark (Carcharhinus perezi), an abundant coral-reef-associated apex predator, is one of the most economically and ecologically important, yet least studied species of large shark in the greater Caribbean region. The relative abundance and population structure of C. perezi off Cape Eleuthera, The Bahamas, was surveyed by standardised longline surveys from May 2008 to October 2011, which resulted in the capture of 331 sharks. Abundance peaked in the summer and was lowest during the winter. Females were 1.6 times more abundant than males and the assemblage was dominated by immature female sharks (45.5 %). The abundance of mature male and female sharks peaked a month apart in June and August, respectively. All 331 sharks were tagged and released with 15.4 % being recaptured after periods at liberty between 5 and 1,159 days (Mean = 333.4 ± 42.7 SE). The mean distance between tagging and recapture was 1.77 km for recaptures in excess of 6 months, indicating seasonally stratified philopatry in this species. C. perezi inhabiting Bahamian waters have developed complex habitat use patterns that are both spatiotemporally and demographically segregated, most probably in response to the large and diverse habitat mosaic available on the Bahamas Banks compared to contemporary study sites. This study represents an important step in understanding the spatiotemporal population structure of C. perezi and illustrates the potential for studies examining behavioural plasticity in response to environmental variation and anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

Seasonal distribution of physico-chemical characteristics such as rainfall, pH, salinity, temperature, light extinction coefficient, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand and nutrients like total phosphorus, inorganic phosphate, nitrite, nitrate and reactive silicate has been studied at two stations of Uppanar estuary in relation to effluent discharges from SIPCOT industries. There are 44 industries discharges their effluents into Uppanar estuary, which may influence the biota. Nutrient concentrations were higher during monsoon season and low during summer season. The mean concentrations of nutrients were high at station 1 than station 2 due to discharges from industries, coconut husk retting grounds near the station 1. In the present study, the physico-chemical characteristic of Uppanar estuary carried out and variations are discussed.  相似文献   

H. Guzmán  C. Guevara 《Marine Biology》2002,141(6):1077-1084
The structure, distribution, and population abundance of Oreaster reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) in 47,157 ha of shallow-water habitat in the archipelago of Bocas del Toro, Panama, were assessed from May to October 2000. The reproductive cycle of the sea star was studied in Isla Solarte, from February 2000 to February 2001. In total, 4,818 sea stars were recorded with a mean density of 149.7 ind. ha-1, and a population of over 7 million was estimated for the archipelago. O. reticulatus was absent in ca. 50% of the evaluated areas, possibly due to high runoff and sedimentation; highest density was observed in an intermediate-runoff regime (255 ind. ha-1). About 45% of the population was found in substrata dominated by seagrass (Thalassia testudinum) and coarse, calcareous sand, 51% occurred in habitats where coral reef patches were mixed with seagrass, and 4% exclusively on coral reefs. The average size, based on the major radius, was 9.5 cm (3-21 cm), with a population structure composed of ca. 83% juveniles and 17% adults. The average reproductive size, measured as major radius, was 15 cm, and the minimum was 7 cm. Both males and females with a maximum stage (IV) of gonad development were observed throughout the year. The gonad index showed three peaks of maximum reproductive activity, which is not comparable to studies from other localities. The reproductive cycle did not seem to be related to water temperature, which ranged from 27°C to 30°C, but may respond more closely to changes in local rainfall. This relationship was not statistically significant based on this 1-year study. These data provide a useful baseline for management of local populations in the face of an increasing harvest for the aquarium trade and as souvenirs.  相似文献   

Phyllorhiza punctata, commonly called the Australian white spotted jellyfish, invaded the Caribbean in the 1960s, becoming established there and subsequently in the United States in the northern Gulf of Mexico (by 2000) and eastern Florida (2001). With the prevailing Loop Current flowing clockwise around the Gulf of Mexico and joining the Gulf Stream along eastern Florida, potential transport of P. punctata along the eastern seaboard of the USA could be facilitated. P. punctata medusae were collected in small numbers along the entire Georgia coast during May–November in 2007 and 2008. Medusa bell diameters increased both years from ca. 10 cm in May to ca. 33 cm in autumn. Specimens lacked zooxanthellae, as reported for medusae in the northern Gulf of Mexico and Florida. It is possible that the P. punctata medusae observed were transported from established populations to the south; however, whether or not this species is established along the Georgia coast has yet to be determined.  相似文献   

J. Mauchline 《Marine Biology》1994,120(4):561-570
Studies of the biology of oceanic copepods are few relative to those of coastal species. Females of the genus Euchaeta have spermatophores attached to the genital somite by the male and carry their broods of eggs attached to this somite, so defining the breeding season. Populations of E. norvegica in the fjordic environment of Loch Etive (collected between 1971 and 1974 and from 1978 to 1979), Scotland and in the marginal oceanic region of the Rockall Trough, northeastern Atlantic Ocean (collected between 1973 and 1976) and of a further eight species of Euchaeta in the Trough are examined. Seasonal changes in the incidence of egg masses and spermatophores attached to the females, sex ratio and population numbers are determined. Sampling errors in the estimation of these parameters are larger in the oceanic Rockall Trough. The Loch Etive populations of E. norvegica produce two generations per year with a proportion, variable between years, of the population producing a third generation. This species produces a single annual generation in the Rockall Trough as do E. acuta and E. pseudotonsa. Two generations per year are probably passed through by E. gracilis in the Trough while the large bathypelagic E. sarsi may produce a single generation in the autumn of every second year. The other bathypelagic species, E. barbata, E. scotti, E. abbreviata and E. longissima, breed continuously throughout the year and no estimate of their generation times is possible. Consequently, this approach to population analysis is useful where breeding is seasonal, but resolving generation time in bathypelagic crustaceans remains a problem.  相似文献   

Pronounced seasonal cycles in the rates of oxygen consumption and feeding were found for Cardium (=Cerastoderma) edule L. measured in the field under ambient conditions. The cockles had a maximum rate of oxygen consumption (0.89 ml O2 g-1 h-1) in April which declined to a minimum of 0.35 ml O2 g-1 h-1 in March. Their feeding rate was variable but had a maximum value (3.91 l g-1 h-1) in April and a minimum value (0.73 l g-1 h-1) in October. There was no apparent seasonal variation in absorption efficiency, with a mean value of 67.6%. Gametogenesis was initiated in January and the population reached a peak in reproductive condition in April/May, followed by a 3 month spawning period. Carbohydrate reserves were synthesised during spawning, and were then utilised during the winter and early spring. An adaptive function for a reduction in time spent feeding is postulated, and correlations between the rates of certain physiological processes and some exogenous and endogenous variables are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of environmental parameters (temperature, salinity and available food) on the condition, reproductive activity and biochemical composition of a native population of Ostrea edulis L. in San Cibran (Galicia, Spain) was studied between September 1988 and December 1989. Histological preparations of gonads showed that gametogenesis started when temperature was at its lowest in winter. The water temperature in San Cibran never fell low enough to interrupt it. Gametogenesis proceeded slowly and spawning took place in May–June, although the predicted time of ripening was early March. Salinity in San Cibran was relatively stable throughout the year; it did not seem to have any influence on gametogenesis. Available food appeared to be a very important factor in controlling gonad growth, once gametogenesis was initiated. The major concentration of suspended organic particulate matter was present in the spring at the time of rapid gonadal maturation. Only one spawning period was observed. Larvae were released when the food in the water was high. Seasonal changes in the main biochemical components of this oyster were determined for a standard individual. Lipids and carbohydrates presented a similar time-course whereas proteins were constant. When food was abundant, energy reserves were built up. Spawning produced a decrease in biochemical constituent levels, and recovery coincided with the phytoplankton bloom. The stored reserves, mainly lipids, were used to overcome a state of energy imbalance in late autumn associated with low food availability. Results show this oyster to be an opportunist organism which concentrates its reproductive effort during a short period of favourable conditions and which is directly dependent on nutritive availability in the environment.  相似文献   

Dissolved iron (Fe) distribution and speciation was determined in water samples (0–200?m) collected in a coastal area near Terra Nova Bay during the austral summer of 2014. Nutrients, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll-a, phytoplankton composition and prokaryotic biomass distribution were investigated in combination with measurements of the physical properties of the water columns and its dynamics. The dFe value was above the limiting growth concentration, ranging from 0.52 to 4.51?nM, and it showed a spatial variability with a horizontal length scale of about 10?km, according to the variability of the water column physical properties and to iron sources. The organic ligands (L) maintained the concentrations of dFe at levels much higher than the inorganic solubility of Fe, keeping it available for phytoplankton and the log K’FeL values found (from 22.1 to 23.6) highlighted the presence of complexes of differing stabilities.  相似文献   

The seasonal speciation of mercury (Hg) was determined in water, soil, and sediments from watersheds located in the North-West province of South Africa. The study area is known to have a long history of mining activities which also include the recovery of gold from old tailings. Both inorganic (IHg) and methyl mercury (MHg) were detected at high concentrations (up to 8480 μg IHg kg?1 and 13 μg MHg kg?1) in surface sediments during dry season. A considerable remobilization of Hg from bottom sediments was observed in water from dry to wet season as well as the migration of Hg away from pollution sources due to seasonal influences. Hg in sediments mostly has been speciated as Hg0. Enhancement of Hg methylation occurred mainly in deeper sediments at regions corresponding to the lowest redox potential, higher pH, and enrichment of IHg. Hg values in borehole waters were very high (up to 3310 ng L?1) suggesting a serious contamination of the site groundwater which needs to be addressed urgently in order to minimize further impact that affects the Vaal River and other water systems located nearby.  相似文献   

This research was motivated by a never-ending questions, which arose in coastal land use conflict especially in Indonesian and generally in developing countries. Policy makers and others stakeholders both in central and local governments concerned with resolution conflict occurred in coastal areas. Squatters, who live and built houses in illegal land, were forced to move out to theirs origin home lands. Such conflicts occurred again and again without clear solution among parties involved. Such conflict shows that both squatters and land owners have no benefits in their conflict. Such condition could decrease their economic productivity. As a consequence the economic performance of coastal area become declining. The aim of this research is to analyse coastal land use conflict between squatters and land owners. It includes to formulate conflict resolution based on land optimation. To solve the coastal land conflicts, an economics approach is needed with assumption that conflict is a concept. As a concept, conflict could be measured by using economic variables called benefits and costs to be taken into account. GAMS (General Algebraic Modelling System) is a computer language which permit formulating economic equilibrium models as systems of nonlinear equations. In this research GAMS was used to calculate the value of land rents. The results of GAMS operation produces that the coastal land area should be maintained, expanded and added of Squatters.  相似文献   

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