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The recent increase in energy costs, driven by a surge in oil prices, has increased world‐wide efforts on the exploitation of renewable/wind energy resources for environment‐friendly sustainable development and to mitigate future energy challenges. Moreover, experience in the wind energy industry has reached high levels in the field of manufacturing and application. This inevitably increases the merits of wind energy exploitation. In order to exploit wind resources, through the establishment of wind power plants, specific attention must be focused on the characteristics of wind and wind machines. The literature indicates that wind‐energy resources are relatively better along coastlines. In the present study, long‐term hourly mean wind speed data for the period 1986–2003, recorded at Dhahran (Eastern Coastal region, Saudi Arabia), has been analysed to examine the wind characteristics including (but not limited to): yearly/monthly/diurnal variations of wind speed, frequency distribution of wind speed, impact of hub‐height/machine‐size on energy production, etc. Data have been checked/validated for completeness. Data analysis indicated that long‐term monthly average wind speeds ranged from 3.8 to 5.8 m/s.

Concurrently, the study determined monthly average daily energy generation from different sizes of commercial wind machines (150, 250, 600 kW, etc.) to assess the impact of wind machine size on energy yield. The study also estimated annual energy production (MWh/year) from wind farms of different capacities (3, 6, 12, 24 MW, etc.) by utilising different commercial wind energy conversion systems (WECS). It was observed that, for a given 6 MW wind farm size, a cluster of 150 kW wind machines (at 50 m hub‐height) yielded about 32% more energy when compared to a cluster of 600 kW wind machines. The study also estimated the cost of wind‐based electricity (COE, US$/kWh) by using different capacities of commercial WECS. It was found that the COE per kWh is 0.045 US$/kWh for 150 kW wind machine (at 50 m hub‐height) whereas COE was 0.039 US$/kWh for 600 kW wind machine (at 50 m hub‐height). The study also dealt with wind turbine characteristics (such as capacity factor and availability factor). These characteristics are important indicators of wind turbine performance evaluation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the clean development mechanism (CDM) on China??s progress in building a resource-efficient and environmentally friendly society, referred to as a dual-goal society. It presents China??s CDM activities from the perspective of policy directions, administrative arrangements and capacity building as well as outlines the regional trends and distribution of CDM projects across China??s 30 provinces. Based on regression analysis of 2006?C2009 panel data, the research was able to provide estimates at provincial level of the impacts of CDM activities on China??s CO2 emission intensity, SO2 emission intensity and industrial dust emission intensity. The study concludes that the active CDM projects are mainly located in the less-developed central and west China where they have provided increased opportunities for sustainable development. Furthermore, the successful implementation of CDM projects across the country has significantly decreased the emission intensity of CO2, SO2 and industrial dust, which means that these activities have enhanced China??s ability to build the desired dual-goal society.  相似文献   

This work addresses increasing concerns about water management for rural productive activities in the vast dry regions of Latin America by assessing renewable energy technologies (RETs) that could be suitable for localized needs. Forecasted trends in climate change and variability make this analysis very relevant, in an area where very little published work exists. While Argentina is widely known for its fertile pampas, around 75 % of the country consists of dry lands. In addition, erosion is increasing by up to 650,000 hectares each year. The coordinated adoption of a set of actions, including land use planning and strengthening productive activities that guarantee access to water and improve water and soil management is needed. Renewable energies could help towards achieving these aims, if water is made available at affordable costs and with suitable technologies. This paper evaluates experiences with three RETs—photovoltaic pumping from deep wells, small wind turbine pumping, and high-power wind turbines, and discusses a potential role for use in rural Argentina. Although cheaper and more reliable renewable alternatives to energy sources such as diesel could be used for pumping from groundwater resources in isolated locations, limitations arise when pumping head and/or water volume requirements are large or highly seasonal. The cost increases and technical challenges of accessing this deeper water, as indicated by case studies, emphasize the importance of planning and support schemes development.  相似文献   

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