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The head Bay region bordering the Bay of Bengal is highly vulnerable to tropical cyclones. Catastrophic risks from storm surge and associated inundation are quite high due to high population density in coastal areas, socio-economic conditions, and shallow bathymetry. It features the world’s largest deltaic system comprising of ‘Sunderbans’ bordered by West Bengal and Bangladesh. In a geomorphologic sense, the head Bay region is a low-lying belt comprising several barrier islands and river drainage systems, numerous tidal creeks, and mud flats having a high risk for widespread inundation. In addition, the high tidal range together with low-lying topography leads to high risk and vulnerability from storm surge inundation. During May 2009, a severe cyclonic storm Aila struck West Bengal causing enormous destruction to life and property along coastal belts of West Bengal and Bangladesh. It was the strongest pre-monsoon cyclone in the past two decades that had landfall in West Bengal. This work reports on a numerical study for hypothetical storm surge and associated inundation from Aila using the ADCIRC model. The study covers a comprehensive qualitative analysis on water level elevation and onshore inundation for West Bengal and Bangladesh regions. The estimated peak storm surge was about 4 m in the Sunderban region that propagated into all major riverine systems, inundating the river banks as well the inland areas. Numerical simulations indicate an average inland penetration distance of 350 m with a maximum of 600 m at various coastal locations in West Bengal and Bangladesh. The study emphasizes the need and importance of inundation modeling system required for emergency preparedness and disaster management.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution patterns of krill, seabirds (penguin, petrel and albatross), fur seals and baleen whales were mapped in nearshore waters (<50 km from land) to investigate their habitat selection within two adjacent submarine canyons near Livingston Island, Antarctica. Three shipboard surveys were conducted (February 2005–2007), and an echosounder was used to measure the distribution and abundance of krill while simultaneously conducting visual surveys to map seabird and marine mammals. Using a multispecies approach, we test the hypothesis that spatial organization of krill and top predators co-vary according to fine-scale changes in bathymetry in the nearshore marine environment. GAMs are used to examine the effect of sea depth, slope and distance to isobaths on the spatial distribution and abundance of krill and predators. Spatial distribution patterns of krill and predators relate to fine-scale (1–10 km) changes in bathymetry and exhibit cross-shelf gradients in abundance. Krill were concentrated along the shelf-break and abundant within both submarine canyons. Predators exhibited different preferences for locations within the submarine canyon system that relates to their foraging behavior. Penguins concentrated closer to shore and within the head of the east submarine canyon immediately adjacent to a breeding colony. Whales were also concentrated over the head of the east canyon (overlapping with penguins), whereas albatrosses and fur seals were concentrated in the west canyon. Fur seals also showed preference for steep slopes and were concentrated along the shelf-break. Petrels exhibited peaks in abundance throughout both submarine canyons. Owing to their orientation, size and proximity to the coastline, submarine canyons provide important habitat heterogeneity for krill and a variety of predators. This study highlights the multispecies approach for studying spatial ecology of top predators and krill and has implications for marine spatial management of the Scotia Sea.  相似文献   

Sediment reworking due to burrowing and feeding was studied in the spatangoid Brissopsis lyrifera, at two different temperatures (7°C and 13°C). Spine activity and burrowing behaviour were recorded with a real-time video camera. Reworked sediment volume was calculated from tracks produced by the heart urchin. Ingestion rates were measured by feeding the heart urchins with luminophores. Temperature had a significant effect on the bioturbation activity of B. lyrifera. At 13°C reworked sediment volume due to burrowing was 22 ml sediment h-1 and at 7°C 14 ml sediment h-1. The ingested amount of sediment was 0.08 and 0.02 g dry sediment h-1 in 13 and 7°C, respectively. Reworked sediment volume due to burrowing was 60-150 times higher than the volume ingested. The large reworked volume is a consequence of B. lyrifera moving with a rocking motion through the sediment. The spines were continuously transporting sediment around the test with 5-min metachronal wave cycles.  相似文献   

• Emissions from two sedans were tested with gasoline, E10 and M15 at 30°C and -7°C. • As the temperature decreased, the PM, PN and BC emissions increased with all fuels. • Particulate emissions with E10 and M15 were more sensitive to the temperature. • The PN and BC generated during cold start-up dominated those over the WLTC. Ambient temperature has substantial impacts on vehicle emissions, but the impacts may differ between traditional and alcohol gasolines. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of temperature on gaseous and particulate emissions with both traditional and alcohol gasoline. Regulated gaseous, particle mass (PM), particle number (PN) and black carbon (BC) emissions from typical passenger vehicles were separately quantified with gasoline, E10 (10% ethanol and 90% gasoline by volume) and M15 (15% methanol and 85% gasoline by volume) at both 30°C and -7°C. The particulate emissions with all fuels increased significantly with decreased temperature. The PM emissions with E10 were only 48.0%–50.7% of those with gasoline at 30°C but increased to 59.2%-79.4% at -7°C. The PM emissions with M15 were comparable to those with gasoline at 30°C, but at -7°C, the average PM emissions were higher than those with gasoline. The variation trend of PN emissions was similar to that of PM emissions with changes in the fuel and temperature. At 30°C, the BC emissions were lower with E10 and M15 than with gasoline in most cases, but E10 and M15 might emit more BC than gasoline at -7°C, especially M15. The results of the transient PN and BC emission rates show that particulate emissions were dominated mainly by those emitted during the cold-start moment. Overall, the particulate emissions with E10 and M15 were more easily affected by ambient temperature, and the advantages of E10 and M15 in controlling particulate emissions declined as the ambient temperature decreased.  相似文献   

The depth distribution and temperature preferences of wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri) were quantified in the eastern North Pacific using archival tags. One hundred and eight data-loggers were deployed on wahoo (105?C165-cm fork length) from 2005 to 2008 at three locations off of the coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico (Alijos Rocks, 25°00??N/115°45??W; Magdalena Bay Ridge, 25°55??N/113°21??W; Hurricane Bank, 16°51??N/117°29??W). Twenty-five tagged individuals (23%) were recaptured within close proximity (<20?km) of their release sites. Collectively, depth and temperature data from 499?days revealed a predominant distribution within the upper mixed layer, with an average (±SD) depth of 18?±?4?m during the day and 17?±?6?m at night. Wahoo spent 99.2% of the daytime and 97.9% of night above the thermocline, and the greatest depth achieved by any fish was 253?m. Mean dive duration (3.8?±?2.9 vs. 2.3?±?0.8?min) and the vertical rate of movement (3.8?±?1.3 vs. 3.0?±?0.5?m?min?1) were greater at night when compared to day. Ambient temperatures obtained from tag records ranged from 11.1 to 27.9°C, with an average of 25.0?±?1.1°C. These data identify the importance of the warm, upper mixed layer for the wahoo. High recapture rates proximal to the deployment sites suggest seasonal site fidelity and reveal the economic importance of this resource to both commercial and recreational fisheries of the region.  相似文献   

Calcium carbonate transfer was experimentally examined in hydrothermal mussels Bathymodiolus azoricus, which were collected from 850 m depth at Menez Gwen hydrothermal vent site (31°31′W, 37°50′N) on the Mid Atlantic Ridge in May 2007. In each of four 10-day experiments, groups of mussels were maintained at atmospheric pressure or re-pressurised to depths relevant to their site of occurrence, i.e. 850 m depth at Menez Gwen, 1,750 m at Lucky Strike (31°31′W, 37°18′N) and 2,300 m at Rainbow (31°31′W, 36°13′N). The shells of experimental mussels were perforated and mantle tissue was fixed for light and TEM studies at days 7 and 10 following the injury. Simultaneously, haemocytes from the extrapallial fluid (EPF) at the site of induction were studied. At day 7 the response was most intense in the middle fold of the mantle margin and possibly proportional to hydrostatic pressure. At day 10 the epithelial cells on the mantle surface facing the body cavity produced copious organic secretions that avidly bound calcium. Haemocyte migration was noted within the mantle tissue, and the haemocytes at the mantle surface facing the shell had a Ca-positive granular content. Large haemocytes were detected in the EPF at the injury site, and some showed evidence of an immune reaction while others showed Ca-positive granular content. These results suggest that haemocytes are involved in shell repair in these deep-sea mussels just as in some freshwater and shallow marine molluscs.  相似文献   

Submarine caves are considered as a top priority for conservation, but the effects of common pressures are poorly known for these habitats. Here, we examined the effect of recreational human visitation on a selection of submarine caves in a Mediterranean Marine Protected Area (40°35′40″N; 8°11′39″E) where diving activities are regulated. Sampling was conducted in visited and not visited caves to assess whether diving activities have a significant effect on cave habitats, what are the components of biodiversity most affected by this disturbance, and its potential effects on spatial heterogeneity of benthic assemblages. Results clearly showed that human visitation could significantly affect spatial patterns of benthic assemblages. Organisms with erect growth forms were significantly more abundant and homogeneously distributed where diving activities are forbidden. An increase in the small-scale heterogeneity of assemblages and a decrease in their three-dimensional structure could be the ultimate consequences of human visitation. The interaction between specific stressors and the patterns of distribution of species and assemblages can drive their spatial heterogeneity also in unique habitats like marine caves, representing an early warning for the development of appropriate management measures.  相似文献   

Scleractinian symbiotic corals living in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean Sea) have experienced warm summers during the last decade, with temperatures rapidly increasing, within a few days, to 3–4°C above the mean value of 24°C. The effect of elevated temperatures on the photosynthetic efficiency of zooxanthellae in symbiosis with temperate corals has not been well investigated. In this study, the corals, Cladocora caespitosa and Oculina patagonica were collected in the Ligurian Sea (44°N, 9°E), maintained during 2 weeks at the mean summer temperature of 24°C and then exposed during 48 h to temperatures of 24 (control), 27, 29 and 32°C. Chlorophyll (chl) fluorescence parameters [F v/F m, electron transport rate (ETR), non-photochemical quenching (NPQ)] were measured using pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorimetry before, during the thermal increase, and after 1 and 7 days of recovery (corals maintained at 24°C). Zooxanthellae showed a broad tolerance to temperature increase, since their density remained unchanged and there was no significant reduction in their maximum quantum yield (F v/F m) or ETR up to 29°C. This temperature corresponded to a 5°C increase compared to the mean summer temperature (24°C) in the Ligurian Sea. At 32°C, there was a significant decrease in chl contents for both corals. This decrease was due to a reduction in the chl/zooxanthellae content. For C. caespitosa, there was also a decrease in ETRmax, not associated with a change in F v/F m or in the non-photochemical quenching (NPQ); for O. patagonica, both ETRmax and F v/F m significantly decreased, and NPQmax showed a significant increase. Damages to the photosystem II appeared to be reversible in both corals, since F v/F m values returned to normal after 1 day at 24°C. Zooxanthellae in symbiosis with the Mediterranean corals investigated can therefore be considered as resistant to short-term increases in temperature, even well above the maximum temperatures experienced by these corals in summer.  相似文献   

White-nose syndrome (WNS) is a fungal disease that has caused precipitous declines in several North American bat species, creating an urgent need for conservation. We examined how microclimates and other characteristics of hibernacula have affected bat populations following WNS-associated declines and evaluated whether cooling of warm, little-used hibernacula could benefit bats. During the period following mass mortality (2013–2020), we conducted 191 winter surveys of 25 unmanipulated hibernacula and 6 manipulated hibernacula across Pennsylvania (USA). We joined these data with additional datasets on historical (pre-WNS) bat counts and on the spatial distribution of underground sites. We used generalized linear mixed models and model selection to identify factors affecting bat populations. Winter counts of Myotis lucifugus were higher and increased over time in colder hibernacula (those with midwinter temperatures of 3–6 °C) compared with warmer (7–11 °C) hibernacula. Counts of Eptesicus fuscus, Myotis leibii, and Myotis septentrionalis were likewise higher in colder hibernacula (temperature effects = –0.73 [SE 0.15], –0.51 [0.18], and –0.97 [0.28], respectively). Populations of M. lucifugus and M. septentrionalis increased most over time in hibernacula surrounded by more nearby sites, whereas Eptesicus fuscus counts remained high where they had been high before WNS onset (pre-WNS high count effect = 0.59 [0.22]). Winter counts of M. leibii were higher in hibernacula with high vapor pressure deficits (VPDs) (particularly over 0.1 kPa) compared with sites with lower VPDs (VPD effect = 15.3 [4.6]). Counts of M. lucifugus and E. fuscus also appeared higher where VPD was higher. In contrast, Perimyotis subflavus counts increased over time in relatively warm hibernacula and were unaffected by VPD. Where we manipulated hibernacula, we achieved cooling of on average 2.1 °C. At manipulated hibernacula, counts of M. lucifugus and P. subflavus increased over time (years since manipulation effect = 0.70 [0.28] and 0.51 [0.15], respectively). Further, there were more E. fuscus where cooling was greatest (temperature difference effect = –0.46 [SE 0.11]), and there was some evidence there were more P. subflavus in hibernacula sections that remained warm after manipulation. These data show bats are responding effectively to WNS through habitat selection. In M. lucifugus, M. septentrionalis, and possibly P. subflavus, this response is ongoing, with bats increasingly aggregating at suitable hibernacula, whereas E. fuscus remain in previously favored sites. Our results suggest that cooling warm sites receiving little use by bats is a viable strategy for combating WNS.  相似文献   

With large influx of freshwater that decreases sea-surface salinities, weak wind forcing of <10 m s−1 and almost always warm (>28°C) sea-surface temperature that stratifies and shallows the mixed layer leading to low or no nutrient injections into the surface, primary production in Bay of Bengal is reportedly low. As a consequence, the Bay of Bengal is considered as a region of low biological productivity. Along with many biological parameters, bacterioplankton abundance and production were measured in the Bay of Bengal during post monsoon (September–October 2002) along an open ocean transect, in the central Bay (CB, 88°E) and the other transect in the western Bay (WB). The latter representing the coastal influenced shelf/slope waters. Bacterioplankton abundances (<2 × 109cells l−1) were similar to those reported from the HNLC equatorial Pacific and the highly productive northern Arabian Sea. Yet, the thymidine uptake rates along CB (average of 1.46 pM h−1) and WB (average of 1.40 pM h−1) were less than those from the northwestern Indian Ocean. These abundances and uptake rates were higher than those in the oligotrophic northwestern Sargasso Sea (<7 × 108 cells l−1; av 1.0 pM h−1). Concentrations of chlorophyll a (chl a), primary production rates and total organic carbon (TOC) were also measured for a comparison of heterotrophic and autotrophic production. In the WB, bacterioplankton carbon biomass equaled ∼ 95% of chl a carbon than just 31% in the CB. Average bacterial:primary production (BP:PP) ratios accounted for 29% in the CB and 31% in the WB. This is mainly due to lower primary productivity (PP) in the WB (281 mg C m−2 d−1) than in the CB (306 mg C m−2 day−1). This study indicates that bacteria–phytoplankton relationship differs in the open (CB) and coastal waters (WB). Higher abundance and contrastingly low bacterial production (BP) in WB may be because of the riverine bacteria, brought in through discharges, becoming dormant and unable to reproduce in salinities of 28 or more psu. Heterotrophic bacteria appear to utilize in situ DOC rather rapidly and their carbon demand is ∼50% of daily primary production. It is also apparent that allochthonous organic matter, in particular in the western Bay, is important for meeting their carbon demand.  相似文献   

Elephant seals are among the most sexually dimorphic and polygynous species of all mammals. Their foraging grounds occupy a wide area of the world oceans, where they show spatial segregation between males and females. The objective of this paper was to correlate female and male foraging distributions of Mirounga angustirostris with main climatic variables at a biogeographical scale. We used website and bibliographical sources to obtain information on adult elephant seal distribution and environmental predictors (surface and bottom sea temperatures, productivity and bathymetry) and three species distribution models [maximum entropy model, environmental niche factor analysis and based on climatic envelopes (BIOCLIM)] to predict the habitat suitability of ocean regions. BIOCLIM provided the best fit. Sea surface and bottom temperatures were the variables with the highest explanatory power for females, while bathymetry was for males. Predictive maps suggest that low temperatures constrain female, but not male, distribution at high latitudes. We suggest that large size increases foraging efficiency of males because, among other benefits, it augments thermal insulation, improving the use of cold, rich sectors of the ocean. Different thermoregulatory abilities between sexes due to size dimorphism should be a complementary explanation of sexual segregation in elephant seals.  相似文献   

Aerial sighting surveys were conducted in 2000 to evaluate the distribution and abundance of finless porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides in the Inland Sea of Japan. We flew 60 north–south transects (2,218 km in total) at intervals of 6.43 km over the study area between 131°3′ and 134°59′ E. In total, 148 groups were detected by two observers. The average group size was 1.56 individuals. The effective strip half-width of each observer was estimated to be 107 m (coefficient of variation [CV] = 8.26%). Porpoise abundance was estimated at 7,572 individuals and the density was as low as 0.506 individuals/km2 (CV = 17.3%). The sea is among the Japanese waters with the lowest density in spite of its favorable topographical conditions. In the western stratum of the study area, where the estimated density was 1.31 individuals/km2, we observed a relatively regular distribution. In the central-eastern stratum, which had an estimated density of 0.208 individuals/km2, we confirmed a clumped distribution that was restricted to inshore waters or near islands. No individuals were observed in waters between 132°51′ and 133°11′E, and between 133°43′ and 133°59′E, where sand dredging and other human activities have been active, suggesting that habitat fragmentation has occurred.  相似文献   

In order to develop effective conservation strategies for endangered migratory species, the link between feeding and breeding grounds needs to be clarified. In this study, the genetic compositions of consecutive Japanese feeding aggregations of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) along the Kuroshio Current were examined by mixed-stock analyses of mitochondrial DNA control-region sequences. The results indicated that the southern feeding aggregation around Yaeyama (24.3°N, 124.0°E) was sourced from various Pacific rookeries in the Yaeyama, Ogasawara, Western Pacific, and Indian Oceans and Southeast Asia. Among northern feeding aggregations, the Ginoza (26.5°N, 128.0°E) aggregation was also sourced from the Western Pacific Ocean, but the Nomaike (31.4°N, 130.1°E), Muroto (33.2°N, 134.2°E), and Kanto (35.6°N, 140.5°E) aggregations were contributed mostly by the closer Ogasawara rookeries. The reduced contribution from tropical Pacific rookeries to northern feeding aggregations and the significant correlation between genetic differentiation and geographical distance matrices of feeding aggregations indicated that most hatchlings from these regions transported by the Kuroshio Current settle in upstream feeding grounds along the Japanese archipelago, implying that current flow influences the composition of feeding aggregations. Differences in the composition of relatively close neritic feeding aggregations have important conservation implications, for which both regional and multinational conservation strategies are needed.  相似文献   

The curvature-driven secondary flow in sinuous submarine channels has been a subject of considerable interest and controversy. Here, results from numerical model studies involving saline flow in laboratory-scale channels are presented. A 3D finite volume model of density and turbidity currents is used and simulations are run with different inflow discharges and channel-axis slopes. The simulation results show strong influence of bend wave length, channel gradient, confinement and cross sectional shape on the structure of secondary flow in submarine channels. Major findings are: (i) reversal of secondary flow in submarine channels is strongly associated with a tight bend characterized by a smaller wave length to width ratio or larger wave number, (ii) for the same inflow condition and planform characteristics, a trapezoidal channel cross section is more favorable to secondary flow reversal than a rectangular cross section, (iii) lateral convection resulting from the interaction between in-channel and overbank flows leads to the reversal of secondary flow in an unconfined channel at a lower channel slope than in a confined channel with the same dimensions, (iv) flow discharge has only nominal effect on the secondary flow in submarine channels.  相似文献   

Summary. The defensive secretions of Platyphora kollari beetles (Chrysomelidae) from Brazil contained one oleanene glycoside. This was identified as 3-O-g-D-glucopyranosyl-(l̆)-g-D-glucuronopyranosyl-hederagenin (8), by a combination of 1D and 2D NMR methods (COSY, HMQC, MBC) and SIMS. There were also several amino acid derivatives, including the known non-protein amino acid (Z)-2-amino-3,5-hexadienoic acid (1), the new dipeptide L-n-glutamyl-2-amino-(3Z)-hexenoic acid (4), ethanolamine (7), and a mixture of phosphatidylcholines. Compounds 1 and 7 have already been identified in several leaf beetle taxa. Secretions of Leptinotarsa behrensi contained as major triterpene glycoside 3-O-g-d-glucopyranosyl-(l̅)-g-d-glucuronopyranosyl-oleanolic acid-28-O-g-d-glucopyranoside (9), already isolated from Platyphora opima. Although the host plants of these beetles were devoid of these triterpene glycosides, g-amyrin was shown to be present in three plants on which different species of triterpene-producing chrysomelids had been fed (Mikania micrantha, Ipomoea batatas and Convolvulus arvensis). This suggests that these insects are able to use g-amyrin from their food plant as a precursor to their oleanolic- and hydroxyoleanolic acid glycosides. The distribution of toxins already identified in leaf beetles suggests that amino acid derivatives could be a plesiomorphic character, considering their wide distribution, whereas the secretion of triterpene saponins, probably derived from ubiquitous plant triterpenes, could be an apomorphic character shared by some Doryphorina. The secretion of cardenolides derived from ubiquitous plant phytosterols would be another apomorphic character shared by other Doryphorina and Chrysolinina.  相似文献   

There are large extensions of coastal lagoons in the Colombian Caribbean. In spite of their renowned environmental and socio-economic importance, these ecosystems have been poorly evaluated. To initiate a process for understanding the biophysical features of the La Caimanera lagoon, bathymetric surveys were conducted on a 25 × 25 m grid approach. Echo sounder and GPS were used to collect the data, which was then analyzed with ArcGIS 9.2 to produce bathymetry maps. A total of 3355 data points indicated an average depth of 1.83 m (SD ± 0.55) with a range of 0.7–5.4 m. Higher and lower values were recorded within the access channel and on the western margin of the lagoon respectively, suggesting that depth distribution was probably related to the interaction of different factors. These factors include the hydrological influence of the entrance channel currents and the micro-catchments of the streams located on the southeast side, along with the possible effects of the survey course selection. Apparently, the dynamic of the streams caused sedimentation on the opposite southwest margin, affecting the environmental quality by siltation and the accumulation of organic matter. Research, monitoring programs, and new management plans are necessary to avoid the deterioration of the ecological goods and services derived from this important local ecosystem.  相似文献   

Electronic tagging and remotely sensed oceanographic data were used to determine the oceanographic habitat use and preferences of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) exhibiting behaviors associated with breeding in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). Oceanographic habitats used by 28 Atlantic bluefin tuna exhibiting breeding behavior (259 days) were compared with available habitats in the GOM, using Monte Carlo tests and discrete choice models. Habitat utilization and preference patterns for ten environmental parameters were quantified: bathymetry, bathymetric gradient, SST, SST gradient, surface chlorophyll concentration, surface chlorophyll gradient, sea surface height anomaly, eddy kinetic energy, surface wind speed, and surface current speed. Atlantic bluefin tuna exhibited breeding behavior in the western GOM and the frontal zone of the Loop Current. Breeding areas used by the bluefin tuna were significantly associated with bathymetry, SST, eddy kinetic energy, surface chlorophyll concentration, and surface wind speed, with SST being the most important parameter. The bluefin tuna exhibited significant preference for areas with continental slope waters (2,800–3,400 m), moderate SSTs (24–25 and 26–27°C), moderate eddy kinetic energy (251–355 cm2 s−2), low surface chlorophyll concentrations (0.10–0.16 mg m−3), and moderate wind speeds (6–7 and 9–9.5 m s−1). A resource selection function of the bluefin tuna in the GOM was estimated using a discrete choice model and was found to be highly sensitive to SST. These habitat utilization and preference patterns exhibited by breeding bluefin tuna can be used to develop habitat models and estimate the probable breeding areas of bluefin tuna in a dynamic environment.  相似文献   

Previous time-series studies of meroplankton abundances in the LEO-15 research area off Tuckerton, New Jersey, USA (39°28′N, 74°15′W) indicated short-lived (6–12 h) pulses in larval surfclam (Spisula solidissima Dillwyn) concentration often associated with the initiation of downwelling. To examine possible larval surfclam (and other bivalve) concentrating mechanisms during upwelling and downwelling, six sets of adaptive mobile zooplankton pump samples were taken in July 1998 at different depths at five to six stations along a 25-km transect perpendicular to the coastline and crossing Beach Haven Ridge at LEO-15. Sampling was guided by near real-time, satellite imagery of sea surface temperature overlain by sea surface currents from a shore-based ocean surface current radar (OSCR) unit. A Seabird CTD on the mobile pump frame near the intake provided information on thermocline depth, and sampling depths were adjusted according to the temperature profiles. Near shore, the thermocline was tilted down during downwelling, and up during upwelling. The highest concentrations of surfclam larvae occurred near the bottom at a station near Beach Haven Ridge during downwelling, and just above the thermocline 3 km further offshore during well-developed upwelling. For other bivalve taxa, the larvae were concentrated near the thermocline (Anomia simplex Orbigny and Pholadidae spp.) or concentrated upslope near the bottom (Mytilidae spp.) during upwelling, and the larvae were concentrated near the bottom or were moved downslope during downwelling. Donax fossor Say larvae were found near the surface or above the thermocline during upwelling and downwelling. The general patterns of larval bivalve distribution appear to be influenced by water mass movement during upwelling and downwelling. The larval concentration patterns of individual species are likely a consequence of advection due to upwelling and downwelling circulation, vertical shear in the front region, species-specific larval behaviors, and larval sources.  相似文献   

High-resolution satellite locations were obtained from striped marlin using Argos transmitters attached to the upper lobe of the caudal fin. Twenty-six striped marlin were tagged off New Zealand (2005–2007) and tracked as far as the central Pacific Ocean. Caudal fin mounted Argos tags generated 1,524 locations during a total of 659 tracking days [mean 25 (±21.24) days per fish and 2.3 (±2.30) locations per day]. 38% of locations have an estimated accuracy of ±1 km or better. Displacement rates from high quality locations ranged from 2.9 to 170.8 km in a 24 h period, with a mode at 20–30 km and a mean of 45 km/day. The caudal fin attachment methodology and antenna configuration was adjusted each season to improve transmission life and data quality, with the best results obtained in the last year of deployments (2007). The longest track duration was 102 days, with a total displacement of 4,959 km and a total track distance from all locations received of 6,850 km. Tag shedding and antenna failure appear to have limited the duration of tracks from SPOT tags. The high temporal and spatial resolution data revealed behaviours not previously observed in striped marlin, including associations to subsurface bathymetric features. High resolution location data such as these are useful inputs for statistical models used to investigate habitat selection and switching between different behavioural modes. The geolocations calculated using ukfsst estimates from PAT tag data had RMS errors of 1.01° latitude and 0.59° longitude when compared with SPOT tag Argos locations.  相似文献   

The temperature tolerances in culture of Ecklonia maxima (Osbeck) Papenf., the dominant kelp in the Benguela upwelling region on the west coast of southern Africa, and the smaller E. biruncinata (Bory) Papenf., growing on the warmer south coast, have been investigated. Vegetative growth and reproduction of gametophytes show very similar patterns in the two species, although temperature optima in E. biruncinata are consistently 2 ° to 3 °C higher than those of E. maxima. Reciprocal crosses between clonal female and male gametophytes of the two species produced healthy juvenile sporophytes, indistinguishable from the parent crosses. All parents and hybrids grew well over a wide range of temperatures (8 ° to 22°C), with E. biruncinata sporophytes again having slightly higher optima than E. maxima. Both reciprocal crosses exhibited optima intermediate between the parent crosses. The results are discussed with respect to the origins and evolution of Ecklonia species in the region.  相似文献   

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