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Amongst a plethora of threats to seagrass ecosystems, contamination with heavy metals may well be one of the most significant.
We therefore set out to track contamination levels with Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in the principal autotrophic compartments and sediments
of a meadow of Posidonia oceanica in the Gulf of Naples, Mediterranean Sea. With respect to metal levels, leaves and their associated epibiota are certainly
not a homogenous compartment, as might perhaps be inferred from the common use of the term “leaf–epiphyte complex” in the
literature. Save for Cu, all metal species analysed showed appreciable differences in concentration between seagrass leaves
and epibiota. These results give strength to our argument that in ecotoxicological work leaves and epibiota should not be
treated as a single unit. Although absolute differences in trace-metal levels among sampling periods varied somewhat with
the specific component analysed (i.e. macrophyte organs, epibiota, sediment), an overall trend of markedly higher heavy-metal
levels during the winter season is a striking one. Whilst annual cycles in growth dynamics of the seagrasses explain a significant
fraction of the temporal variance, seasonality in productivity is a doubtful explanation for similar patterns in non-living
sedimentary components; consideration of additional variables therefore seems sensible. As variables with consistent explanatory
powers we suggest: (1) seasonal cycles in storm frequency and amplitude which remobilise metals bound in the sediments of
the sea floor, and (2) increased precipitation during the cold season which may significantly increase marine metal levels
through elevated weathering of rocks and elevated fluvial inputs of anthropogenic contaminant loads. Whereas Cd and Pb concentrations
in seagrass leaves from the Gulf of Naples fall within the range for coastal areas subjected to low levels of heavy-metal
pollution, Cu and Zn reach levels typical of highly contaminated regions, such as the waters bordering major coastal cities.
Any direct comparisons of the pollution status of seagrass beds between different geographic areas are, however, likely to
be confounded by the indiscriminate application of the “leaf–epiphyte complex”: the magnitude of the confounding effect depends
on the ratio of epibiota/leave biomass, time of sampling, and metal species analysed.
Received: 15 May 1997 / Accepted: 2 February 1998 相似文献
Guzel Yucel-Gier Aslı Kacar L. Tolga Gonul Idil Pazi Filiz Kucuksezgin Neslihan Erarslanoglu 《Chemistry and Ecology》2018,34(3):211-228
Lagoons are defined as wetlands separated from the sea coasts on which they are located and sit between continental and marine aquatic ecosystems. Çakalburnu Lagoon is a coastal wetland on the southern side of the Bay of ?zmir. Microorganisms, which are quite sensitive to changes occurring in environmental factors, are commonly used to determine the impact of environmental effects on the functioning of the ecosystem. In this study, variations in the abundance and biomass of picoplankton (Synechococcus spp. and bacteria) and the abundance of viruses, which identify the ecological productivity of the food chain, were seasonally examined by epifluorescence microscopy. Moreover, the microbial abundance and biomass relation over time between the physical and chemical parameters was evaluated. According to our results, the maximum abundance of Synechococcus spp. and viruses was 6.7?×?104 cell/ml and 9.9?×?108?cell/ml in the summer, respectively. Otherwise, the highest level of bacteria was measured at 3.6?×?107 cell/ml in the spring. Based on the principal component analysis and Pearson correlation analysis results, we concluded that total suspended solids, Chl-a, particulate organic carbon and particulate organic nitrogen were the major parameters influencing the observed variability of the lagoon system. Overall, to protect and improve the ecological and microbiological quality of aquatic systems such as lagoons, the necessary monitoring and measurement studies should be conducted in these sensitive areas. 相似文献
Maria S. P. Vilhena Marcondes L. Costa Jose Francisco Berredo 《Environmental geochemistry and health》2013,35(4):477-494
The high consumption of crabs (Ucides cordatus) stimulated interest in the present study on the northern coast of Brazil, which encompasses a preserved area of mangrove forest. The objective was to describe and quantify the transfer of metals from the muddy sediments to the leaves of the Rhizophora mangle, and thence the crabs and humans. The samples were collected along two transects, while samples of hair were obtained from local habitants. The pH, interstitial salinity, Eh (mV) were measured, the granulometry and mineralogical and multi-element chemical analyses were run, and the organic material determined. The sediments are silty-clayey, composed of quartz, kaolinite, iron oxides, and illite, as well as smaller portions of smectite, pyrite, halite, and high levels of SiO2 (56.5 %), Al2O3 (18.5 %), and Fe2O3 (7 %). The elements Zn, Sr, As, and Zr are concentrated in the leaves, while the bioaccumulation of Zn, Se, Sr, and As was recorded in the crabs, of which, Se is the most concentrated in the tissue of the muscles and the hepatopancreas. The concentrations of nutrient and toxic elements were similar in all age groups (hair samples), with only Hg presenting an increasing concentration between infants and adults. The highest rates of transfer were recorded for the elements Zn and Se in the crabs and Hg in leaves and hair. The accumulation of metals in the leaves and crabs reflects the chemical composition of the sediments and low rates of sediment-vegetation-crab transfer, with the exception of Hg, which accumulated in the hair. 相似文献
Julien Rochette 《Journal of Coastal Conservation》2009,13(2-3):131-139
In Italy, the incapability of the State to implement a national strategy for the sustainable development of coastal areas lead the regional authorities to adopt integrated coastal zone management plans. These initiatives are often relevant, correcting the defiency of the national legislation, but do not assure the implementation of a coherent littoral policy. Thereby, it is to be hoped that the recent developments in international law—and particularly the Mediterranean protocol on integrated coastal zone management recently adopted—will compel the Italian State to make a positive commitment to coastal protection. 相似文献
The ‘scope for growth’ (SFG) tool was used to study the growth performance of cultivated populations of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lmk., 1819) in an oligotrophic area of the Southern Mediterranean Sea. The study was carried out between 1993 and 1996 by using data from four seasonal oceanographic cruises and from growth experiments. Water samples were collected and analysed for total suspended matter (TSM), particulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON), particulate lipids, proteins and carbohydrates and chloropigments. The sum of the carbon equivalents of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids is indicated as the total biopolymeric particulate organic carbon (BPC) and was converted into a unit of energy in order to calculate the SFG of a theoretical mussel of 5 cm length. In order to test the performance of mussel growth at two depths (5 and 15 m water depth), mussel body size [as ash free dry weight (AFDW)] and the actual concentrations of BPC were used to calculate the monthly SFG using the physiological energetic relationships suggested in the current literature. Data from the field cruises led us to characterise the study site as ultra-oligotrophic (annual average of chloropigment concentration approximately 0.5 μg L−1). SFG calculations allowed us to identify a site where mussels grown successively were found to reach a commercial size in approximately 12 months. The good agreement obtained between energetic response and subsequent production response suggests that the available energy from particulate food could be fully available for organic production for maintaining “proportionate” growth trajectories, even in a ultra-oligotrophic system. 相似文献
Daniela Ruberti Marco Vigliotti Anna Di Mauro Roberto Chieffi Michele Di Natale 《Journal of Coastal Conservation》2018,22(5):897-917
This paper focused on the past shoreline change rates along the coastal plain of the Volturno River, in southern Italy, western Mediterranean. A wide database comprising historical maps, aerial photographs, topographic sheets, bathymetric data was used to extract the spatial and temporal information of the coastlines at seven time points. Coastline displacement was calculated for two successive time points and relative surface variation (accretion and erosion) was estimated as well as minimum and maximum accretion/erosion linear values and rates. The surface variation analysis has revealed that the studied coast can be considered homogeneous since the 1970s, whereas it exhibits a variety of shoreline evolutionary trends after that time period. Timing and causes of trends and rates of variation were detected. Based on the estimated shoreline change rates, an appropriate morhodynamic one-line model was applied to predict evolutionary scenarios also in presence of port and defence works. The results obtained strongly emphasize that a successful coastal management requires a constant monitoring of the human-induced changes to account for the variability of rates over time. 相似文献
The high conservational value of the lichen-rich vegetation and landscape of the marine foreland Ørkenen on the isle of Anholt is treated from a Danish as well as a European perspective. The sensitivity of the lichen-rich vegetation to physical disturbance is emphasized. The impact of invasive species such asPinus mugo as well as the effect of atmospheric deposition of nutrients on the heaths at Anholt is described. Considerations related to the development of a management plan for Ørkenen are presented. 相似文献
The marine foreland called Ørkenen (=the desert) at Anholt is covered by lichen-richEmpetrum nigrum-Corynephorus canescens heath vegetation on beach ridg e systems formed during the elevation of land after the Weichsel ice age andStereocaulon saxatile-richAmmophila arenaria-Corynephorus canescens vegetation on semi-fixed aeolic dunes. The development of the vegetation at Ørkenen is the result of various kinds of human exploitation, with its maximum in the 16th and 17th century. After the cessation of human use, a slow succession towards closed vegetation with mainlyEmpetrum nigrum andCorynephorus canescens began. The present heath ecosystem, developed on sandy substrate with very little organic matter and a small nutrient supply, is a high priority habitat in Europe. 相似文献
Benthic suspension feeders are abundant in Mediterranean coastal environments, though most of them are threatened due to overexploitation, climate change impacts, and unregulated diving or fishing practices. Little is known about most of the coastal communities in terms of large-scale distribution and realistic benthic–pelagic coupling implications, which are keys to understand and manage those threatened ecosystems. The active suspension feeder Halocynthia papillosa (one of the most common ascidian species of the Mediterranean Sea) was selected as a model organism to help to understand the ecological role in benthic–pelagic coupling processes and its importance as a carbon sink (an essential ecosystem service). The spatial and bathymetrical distribution of this organism has been studied using remotely operated vehicle video transects. The species was distributed throughout the study area, with a maximum density of 4 specimens m?2. The highest abundances and the biggest sizes were observed on the range of 20–50 m depth. The role as carbon and nitrogen sink of this suspension feeder has been quantified coupling distribution data with existing in situ studies of feeding and respiration. Along the 1.24 ha of the study area, H. papillosa yearly ingested 519.4 g C and 31.4 g N and retained 20.2 g C. As long as the physiological data are known, this new methodology could be very useful in assessing bentho–pelagic links and the capacity of being C and N sinks of a wide range of species. This new approach may be essential for the future management of benthic communities. 相似文献
Coastal areas are complex systems subject to significant erosion processes resulting from both physical and anthropogenic factors. This context introduces the importance of quantifying the impacts resulting from land artificialization increase, the assessment of coastal erosion and the development of strategies for achieving an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). In this study we employed the Land Transformation Model (LTM) to forecast urban growth to year 2014 in the South Coast of São Miguel Island, Azores (Portugal). Two different scenarios for modeling urban growth were tested: (1) one that considered an urban sprawl trend equivalent to the one measured between years 1998 and 2005, and (2) another that considered the restrictions included in the intervention area of South Coast Management Plan (POOC Costa Sul). The objective was to evaluate the impact of the POOC Costa Sul in the urban growth of the studied area. Results show that the POOC Costa Sul is not effective in containing urban growth quantities which are equivalent to the non-restricted scenario. However, it was possible to observe that it is effective in deciding where the urban expansion is likely to happen, preventing, for instances, the occurrence of urban growth near water lines or in the maritime public domain. We conclude that this type of models can be very relevant to manage and monitor coastal management plans. 相似文献
Francesco Scarton 《Journal of Coastal Conservation》2017,21(1):35-45
The aim of the paper is to examine the temporal and spatial changes observed over a 25-year period in the waterbird community nesting in the largest coastal lagoon around the Mediterranean; to examine driving factors for the observed changes; to address the most urgent conservation actions. Published sources and field surveys made between March and July were used to assess number of breeding pairs of the commonest waterbirds in 1990–1992, 2000–02 and 2012–14. The breeding waterbird community exhibited several changes in its structure, with an overall positive trend; the number of species increased from 14 to 25 and the mean yearly abundance increased from 6155 to 14,008 pairs. The diversity (H′) increased slightly, whereas similarity indices and nMDS ordination both highlighted clear differences between 1990 and 1992 and 2012–2014 communities. The increase in richness and abundance were mostly due to the immigration of birds from nearby wetlands, to the partial recovery of lagoon ecological conditions since the end of the 1980s and to the occurrence of suitable man-made habitats, such as fish farms, dredge islands and a constructed wetland. The fraction of the population nesting at artificial sites and fish farms increased from 50% in 1990–1992 till 80% in 2012–2014, highlighting the importance of artificial breeding sites in costal lagoons. At the opposite natural nesting habitats, such as saltmarshes and beaches are losing importance for breeding waterbirds, thus requiring urgent conservation measures. 相似文献
The temporal variation in metal concentrations in soil and vegetation samples collected in an area of Catalonia (Spain), which will be under the potential influence of a new hazardous waste incinerator was determined. In 1996 and again in 1998, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn, Tl and V were measured in 40 soil and 40 herbage samples collected at 250–4000 m from the facility at the same sampling points. Data of both surveys and the percentages of variation are here presented for all metals. Results are shown according to the main wind directions in the area, as well as distances from the new facility. During the period 1996–1998, a general decrease was noted for most metals. Only the levels of Hg were significantly increased during this period. The present results will be useful for future surveys aimed to evaluate the environmental impact of metals derived from emissions of the new plant. 相似文献
Bart Wouters Marijn Nijssen Gertjan Geerling Hein Van Kleef Eva Remke Wilco Verberk 《Journal of Coastal Conservation》2012,16(1):89-99
Encroachment of tall grasses and shrubs in coastal dunes has resulted in loss of vegetation heterogeneity. This is expected to have negative effects on animal diversity. To counteract encroachment and develop structural heterogeneity grazing is a widely used management practice. Here, we aim to functionally interpret changes in vegetation composition and configuration following grazing management on habitat suitability for sand lizards. Aerial photographs taken over a period of 16 years were used to quantify changes in vegetation composition. A GIS-based method was developed to calculate habitat suitability for sand lizards in a spatially explicit manner, encompassing differences in vegetation structure and patch size. From 1987 to 2003 dune vegetation shifted from small patches of moss and sand to larger patches covered by shrubs and grasses. Grazing management did not have any significant effect on the overall level of heterogeneity, measured as habitat suitability for sand lizards. However, on a more local scale highly suitable patches in 1987 were deteriorating whereas unsuitable patches became more suitable in 2003. This inversion results from a broad shift with shrubs being a limiting habitat element in 1987 to sandy patches being the limiting element in 2003. Future changes are believed to negatively impact sand lizards. The habitat suitability model has proven to be a useful tool to functionally interpret changes in coastal dune vegetation heterogeneity from an animal’s perspective. Further research should aim to include multiple species operating on different scale levels to fully capture the natural landscape dynamics. 相似文献
Hanen Belgacem Saïdi Radhia Souissi Fouad Zargouni 《Journal of Coastal Conservation》2011,15(4):523-529
The Hammam Lif shoreline, which is part of the Gulf of Tunis (North-East of Tunisia), suffered from a dramatic erosion event during a storm in 1981. Therefore, eight successive and detached breakwaters were built to protect it. The effect of these protection works on the evolution of this coastline is assessed using aerial photographs geo-referenced by digital photogrammetric methods. Results show that a general accretion has developed behind the detached breakwaters, with the formation of seven tombolos and one salient. The response of the coastline depends on the characteristics of the protective works (length, distance to coast, and spacing). Detached breakwaters which are short, far from the coastline and distant from each other, give rise to very small tombolos or salients. On the other hand, longer breakwaters which are near the coastline and closely spaced, give rise to more developed tombolos, showing that these structures are the most efficient. 相似文献
Agnar Ingólfsson 《Journal of Coastal Conservation》2007,11(2):75-90
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) project instigated in connection with the near-closure of the large fjord-like lagoon Gilsfjörður in sub-arctic western Iceland with a road is described and discussed. Three phases were involved: a survey of pre-impact conditions of areas possibly affected as well as control areas, predictions of impacts of the road, and assessment of impacts up to 5–6 years after completion of the project. Emphasis was placed on birds and benthic flora and fauna. Although several predictions were upheld, others were not. The most unexpected changes were the elimination of kelp forest and some associated fauna inside the road as well as from large areas outside it. Feeding areas of the knot (Calidris canutus) and female eiders (Somateria mollissima) with ducklings also changed in unexpected ways. Unforeseen changes can partly be traced to inadequate knowledge of communities and their functioning in the area. The ecological requirements of many species involved, e.g. with respect to salinity, were imperfectly known. The predictions of engineers on the effects of the project on physical factors were not as accurate or detailed as desired. Some critical predictions of the engineers failed to make an impact on the ecologists, who then failed to predict some major changes in the biota, such as the disappearance of kelp forest outside the road. This study highlights some problems probably shared by many EIAs: (a) the near impossibility of finding suitable control areas, (b) the lack of ecological understanding of even common species, and possibly (c) inadequate communication between engineers and ecologists. 相似文献
Luis Américo Conti Carlos Alberto S. Araujo Fernando S. Paolo Roberto L. Barcellos Marcelo Rodrigues Michel M. Mahiques Valdenir V. Furtado 《Journal of Coastal Conservation》2012,16(1):13-24
The aim of this work is to use GIS integration data to characterize sedimentary processes in a SubTropical lagoon environment.
The study area was the Cananéia Inlet estuary in the southeastern section of the Cananéia Lagoon Estuarine System (CLES), state of S?o Paulo, Brazil (25°03′S/47°53′W). The area is formed by the confluence of two estuarine channels forming a
bay-shaped water body locally called “Trapandé Bay”. The region is surrounded by one of the most preserved tracts of Atlantic Rain Forest in Southwestern Brazil and presents
well-developed mangroves and marshes. In this study a methodology was developed using integrated a GIS database based on bottom
sediment parameters, geomorphological data, remote sensing images, Hidrodynamical Modeling data and geophysical parameters.
The sediment grain size parameters and the bottom morphology of the lagoon were also used to develop models of net sediment
transport pathways. It was possible to observe that the sediment transport vectors based on the grain size model had a good
correlation with the transport model based on the bottom topography features and Hydrodynamic model, especially in areas with
stronger energetic conditions, with a minor contribution of finer sediments. This relation is somewhat less evident near shallower
banks and depositional features. In these regions the organic matter contents in the sediments was a good complementary tool
for inferring the hydrodynamic and depositional conditions (i.e. primary productivity, sedimentation rates, sources, oxi-reduction rates). 相似文献
Coastal systems are characterized by high geophysical and biophysical sensitivity as being their massive occupation a serious issue concerning their self-regulation. Worldwide coastal areas are exposed to problems such as coastal erosion, degradation and destruction of marine habitats, pollution and rising sea level. Thus, it is crucial to design models of coastal vulnerability assessment to ensure a better management of coastal areas. This study characterizes the vulnerability of the coastal stretch between the beaches of Porto de Mós and Falésia in the Algarve, corresponding to 52?km of the south coast of Portugal. The expansion of urban areas was modelled using a Cellular Automata (CA) based approach. Results show that 65% of the coastal stretch has high and very high vulnerability caused by both physical and human factors. Results further indicate that urban growth may interfere with the natural evolution of the coastal geomorphology. The scenario of urban expansion for the year 2015 highlights the need to develop effective urban planning processes to ensure a correct balance between the geophysical resilience of coastal systems and the promotion of the coastal sector as a strategic asset for the regional and national economy. 相似文献
The ‘scope for growth’ (SFG) tool was used to study the growth performance of cultivated populations of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lmk., 1819) in an oligotrophic area of the Southern Mediterranean Sea. The study was carried out between 1993 and 1996 by using data from four seasonal oceanographic cruises and from growth experiments. Water samples were collected and analysed for total suspended matter (TSM), particulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON), particulate lipids, proteins and carbohydrates and chloropigments. The sum of the carbon equivalents of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids is indicated as the total biopolymeric particulate organic carbon (BPC) and was converted into a unit of energy in order to calculate the SFG of a theoretical mussel of 5 cm length. In order to test the performance of mussel growth at two depths (5 and 15 m water depth), mussel body size [as ash free dry weight (AFDW)] and the actual concentrations of BPC were used to calculate the monthly SFG using the physiological energetic relationships suggested in the current literature. Data from the field cruises led us to characterise the study site as ultra-oligotrophic (annual average of chloropigment concentration approximately 0.5 μg L−1). SFG calculations allowed us to identify a site where mussels grown successively were found to reach a commercial size in approximately 12 months. The good agreement obtained between energetic response and subsequent production response suggests that the available energy from particulate food could be fully available for organic production for maintaining “proportionate” growth trajectories, even in a ultra-oligotrophic system. 相似文献