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The present study compared population genetic structure of two northern hemisphere polychaetes, Neanthes virens (Sars, 1835) and Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776), with different life-history traits. N. virens has a pelagic larval phase that may last as long as 9 days, while H. diversicolor broods its offspring. It was predicted that N. virens populations, especially over relatively short geographic distances, would be more genetically similar than H. diversicolor populations. Sequence data were obtained for two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and cytochrome b (cyt b). The COI gene showed no variation in 16 N. virens individuals from 12 locations, and it was not examined in H. diversicolor. The nucleotide sequence of the cyt b gene was examined in 93 N. virens individuals collected in 1992, 1999, and 2000 from 12 localities throughout its range (North America, Europe, Japan) and from 33 H. diversicolor individuals collected in 1999 and 2001 from one locality in eastern Canada and two localities in France (Roscoff and Marseille). In N. virens, one cyt b haplotype was shared by 89% (83 out of 93) and only two other haplotypes were found. Significant population structure was observed in H. diversicolor. In the 33 sequences compared, 18.9% of sites were polymorphic and 12 haplotypes were identified. There were two haplotypes in the Canadian population, three in the Marseille samples, and seven in the Roscoff samples, and no haplotype was found in common between any two sites. These results show that widely separated H. diversicolor populations are strongly differentiated at the cyt b locus. The most plausible interpretation for the low variation at the COI and cyt b loci in N. virens, and for the lack of variation at allozyme loci (based on an initial survey of a smaller subset of populations), is that this species has experienced a drastic bottleneck and that a few remaining lineages recolonized its entire range.  相似文献   

Despite their potential importance in structuring reef communities, invertebrate corallivores and their population structures are poorly understood. We found distinct differences in the population structures (length-frequency distribution and sex ratio) of the corallivorous gastropod Coralliophila abbreviata residing on two coral-host taxa, Montastraea spp. and Acropora palmata, in the Florida Keys. In each of two survey years, around 50% of the Montastraea spp. colonies were infested, with a mean snail density of eight snails per infested colony (range 1–45), while around 20% of A. palmata colonies harbored three snails per infested colony (range 1–23). Variation in patterns of snail occurrence was also observed within a host taxon. A. palmata occurred in low- and high-density stands (0.4 and 1 colony m–2, respectively, at the initial survey) at different sites. Hurricane Georges struck the area in September 1998. When resurveyed in 1999, density of colonies in low-density stands had decreased by 75% to 0.1 colonies m–2. This decrease was accompanied by a doubling in the proportion of colonies infested with snails (from 19% to 46%) and an increase in snail density per infested colony (from 3.7±3.3 SD to 5.4±4.6 SD) as snails apparently concentrated on surviving A. palmata. In contrast, sites with high density A. palmata stands (thickets) retained colony densities of about ~1 colony m–2 among years, while snail infestation increased only from 9% to 14% of colonies surveyed and snail density essentially remained unchanged (from 2.7±1.8 to 2.9±1.9 snails per infested colony). Snails collected from Montastraea spp. were shorter than those from A. palmata in low-density stands and were longest on A. palmata in thickets. On both host taxa, female snails were longer than males. The sex ratio of snails on Montastraea spp. hosts was even (1:1), while that of snails on A. palmata was skewed (70% males). Factors that could explain observed differences in size structure and sex ratio between Coralliophila populations on the two coral host taxa include: differential susceptibility to predators, influence of host tissue nutritional quality and/or secondary metabolite content, and genetic differences (cryptic species). The host-specific characteristics of C. abbreviata populations imply that the impact of gastropods on reef communities will vary with the coral species composition.  相似文献   

Aureliaaurita s.l. scyphistomae are capable of developing different asexual modes for propagation and thus present a multi-mode reproductive strategy. The reproduction rates and the reproductive strategy they adopt depend on a combination of various environmental parameters. We investigated the A.aurita s.l. polyp-to-polyp reproduction strategy and population growth in relation to polyp density. Our results confirmed that density-dependent factors control population growth of A. aurita s.l. scyphistomae in three different ways: (1) decreasing the polyp reproduction rate, (2) triggering the production of motile bud-like tissue particles and (3) inducing the detachment of developed scyphistomae. Whereas the decrease in the reproduction rate reduces the number of recruits, the motile particles and the detachment of scyphistomae contribute to minimizing density-dependent effects by allowing reproductive products and scyphistomae to drift away. Thus, not only are the negative effects of intraspecific competition for space and food diminished but also the potential colonization of new substrates, and further increase in scyphistoma density is favoured on larger spatial scales. The potential capability to switch its polyp-to-polyp reproduction strategy in response to environmental clues and population density may give Aurelia high adaptability in the temperate coastal waters where they commonly live and where they may be exposed to wide-ranging and fluctuating environmental variables that affect their survival and longevity. Considering these features, as well as the wide tolerance of Aurelia scyphistomae (and medusae) to environmental parameters, it is not surprising that the species/lineages of Aurelia are cosmopolitan and exhibit the most frequent bloom events worldwide.  相似文献   

In many species, males and females mate with multiple partners, which gives rise to sperm competition and multiple paternity. The experiments on water frogs presented here demonstrate that such sperm competition can affect the structure and dynamics of mixed-species communities. The hybrid frog Rana esculenta (LR) mates with one of its parental species, usually R. lessonae (LL), although in some areas R. ridibunda (RR), to regain the premeiotically eliminated parental genome ("hybridogenesis"). Mixed LL/LR-populations are stable although hybrid numbers should continuously increase at the expense of parental animals, because of differences in female fecundity and other factors. This would finally lead to the extinction of the sexual host, followed by that of the sexual parasite, unless the reproductive superiority of R. esculenta is reduced by other factors, such as lower hybrid male fertility. Eggs from LL- and LR-females were fertilised in vitro by single- and multi-male sperm suspensions of LL-, LR- and RR-males. In all experiments, the proportion of offspring sired by R. esculenta sperm was significantly lower than that sired by R. lessonae or R. ridibunda sperm. Gonad mass, sperm morphology, sperm swimming velocity, and sperm survival did not explain these differences in fertilisation success; nor did gamete recognition and compatibility. Sperm density was the only trait that paralleled fertilisation success, but it offers no explanation either, because densities were equalised for the in-vitro fertilisations. In natural LL/LR populations, the significantly smaller amount, poorer competitive ability and lower long-term survival of R. esculenta compared to R. lessonae sperm will reduce the initial reproductive superiority of hybrids and contribute to the stabilisation of mixed water-frog populations. Differences in fertilisation ability are also likely to be relevant for the structure and dynamics of several other systems with encounters between eggs and sperm from different genotypes, ecotypes, ploidy levels and/or species.  相似文献   

Cordgrasses of the genus Spartina form dense monospecific stands worldwide, profoundly influencing the ecology of estuaries. One species, Spartina anglica, originated by allopolyploidy in the 1800s and has been particularly prolific as an invasive species worldwide. S. anglica tolerates low-lying estuarine mudflats that its progenitor species and other coastal halophytes cannot. However, very little is known of the physiology of S. anglica. In the present study, an automated flow-through respirometry system was used to quantify metabolic gas fluxes (O2, H2S, CO2, and NH3) of S. anglica rhizomes. Enhanced physiological mechanisms to transport O2 and H2S in both directions between the rhizosphere and the atmosphere were exhibited by S. anglica, but not by the native North American species S. alterniflora. These results suggest that tolerance of anoxia and H2S may assist S. anglica in colonizing extensively flooded environments. Enhanced sediment oxygenation by S. anglica may be potentially useful for phytoremediation of contaminated sediments, since microbial degradation of organic pollutants is often limited by O2 availability.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation of 10 populations of Linckia laevigata at 8 polymorphic loci and 13 populations of Tridacna crocea at 6 polymorphic loci were analyzed to compare genetic variability and genetic affinities among reefs in Palawan, Philippines. Two to five populations were sampled from each of four regions: the shelf reefs in (1) northern Palawan and (2) southern Palawan and the offshore reefs in (3) the Kalayaan island group (KIG) in the South China Sea and (4) the Tubbataha shoals in the Sulu Sea. Heterozygosity was highest in populations of L. laevigata from the south shelf of Palawan and populations of T. crocea from the Tubbataha shoals of the Sulu Sea. The lowest heterozygosity estimates were from the reefs of the KIG in the South China Sea, for both species. Overall F ST values for both species were significant, with an estimated average number of effective migrants per generation (N EM) of 4.85 (~5 individuals) for L. laevigata and 3.54 (~4 individuals) for T. crocea. Within-region comparisons showed NEM ranging from 6.29 to 92.34 for L. laevigata and from 3.40 to 6.30 for T. crocea. The higher gene flow among L. laevigata populations relative to T. crocea is consistent with the greater dispersal potential of the former species. Finer scale genetic structuring was evident in T. crocea populations. For both species, the Tubbataha reefs in the Sulu Sea have higher genetic affinity with the populations from the southern shelf of Palawan, while the reefs in the KIG had higher affinity with the northern Palawan shelf reefs. The north and south shelf populations have the least genetic affinity. Genetic patchiness among reefs within regions suggests the importance of small-scale physical factors that affect recruitment success in structuring populations in small island and shoal reef systems in Palawan.  相似文献   

Previous research on gametic incompatibility in marine invertebrates suggests that for highly dispersive marine invertebrate species, barriers to fertilization among closely related taxa are often incomplete and sometimes asymmetric. The nature of these barriers can dramatically affect the patterns of gene flow and genetic differentiation between species, and thus speciation. Blue mussels, in the genus Mytilus, are genetically distinct in allopatry yet hybrids are present wherever any two species within the group co-occur. The present study sampled M. edulis (L.) and M. trossulus (Gould) in May and June 2001 from the East Bay section of Cobscook Bay, Maine, USA (latitude 44°56′30″N; longitude 67°07′50″W), where the two species are sympatric. Gamete incompatibility was investigated in a series of laboratory fertilizations carried out in July 2001. The proportion of fertilized eggs typically exceeded 80% at sperm concentrations of 103–104 ml?1 among intraspecific matings (n=18), but was <30% even at sperm concentrations in excess of 105–106 ml?1 for interspecific matings (n=13). Further analysis indicated that approximately 100- to 700-fold higher sperm concentrations were required to achieve 20% fertilization in interspecific matings relative to intraspecific matings, indicating strong barriers to interspecific fertilization. The proportion of fertilized eggs did not follow this general pattern in all matings, however. The eggs from two (out of five) M. edulis females were almost as receptive to M. trossulus sperm as they were to M. edulis sperm. In contrast, the eggs from all M. trossulus females (n=3) were unreceptive to M. edulis sperm, suggesting that fertilization barriers between these species may be asymmetric. Given the experimental design employed in this study, the results are also consistent with a strong maternal or egg effect on the level of interspecific gamete compatibility in M. edulis.  相似文献   

With the rapid economic development and urbanization, there would be severe air pollution. The path analysis method was employed to investigate the specific effects of Industrial Gross Domestic Product (IGDP), Urbanization Rate (UR), Environmental Investment (EI), and Coal Consumption (CC) on Industrial SO2 Emissions (ISE) and Industrial Dust Emissions (IDE). The results shown that (1) IGDP is the main reason for the increase in ISE and IDE, with the direct positive influence more than 20% and a total contribution of more than 35%, and the combined effects of UR can reduce air pollutants emission considerably, especially in ISE. (2) The effects of EI and CC on ISE could be ignored, given that their contributions comprised <?10%. Meanwhile, the contribution of EI to IDE was only 8.92%. For one reason, EI is underfunded which the percentage of Gross Domestic Product was <?2%.  相似文献   

The male of Laimella longicauda Cobb, 1920 is described as having short arcuate spicules and a gubernaculum with caudally directed apophyses. The genus Paracomesoma Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1950 is reinstated to accommodate species of Laimella sensu Chitwood, 1937. Paramesonchium n. gen. is proposed to accommodate Laimella (?) serialis Wieser, 1954. Actarjania n. gen. (type species A. splendens n. sp.) differs from Sabatieria in having irregular lateral rows of longitudinal punctations and short arcuate spicules with distinctive distal extremities.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of Crepidula has been based principally on shell morphology, but shell characteristics in this genus may be strongly influenced by the substrates they inhabit and are thus of limited use in classification. Four species in this genus are currently recognized from the Chilean coast, of which two, Crepidula dilatata and C. fecunda, are sympatric. These species are morphologically cryptic and differ only in their larval development: C. dilatata has indirect development with a planktonic phase, and C. fecunda direct development within egg capsules. The other two species, C. coquimbensis and C. philippiana, are species that occur within gastropod shells inhabited by hermit crabs and differ from the other species in internal morphology of the shell, developmental features, and geographic distribution. Analyses of nine morphological characters, eight developmental characters, and 26 enzymatic loci were carried out on four Crepidula populations in the Coquimbo region of northern Chile. Four populations of Crepidula were identified based on morphological, developmental, and protein electrophoresis features. Our results suggest the presence of C. coquimbensis plus three morphologically cryptic species including C. dilatata, C. fecunda, and a new previously unrecognized cryptic species. All four populations showed differences in larval development pattern. C. fecunda have indirect development, with free-swimming larvae. The remaining three species have intracapsular metamorphosis, but different modes of larval nutrition. C. dilatata have nurse eggs that are consumed by mechanical destruction; C. coquimbensis engulf nutritional embryos; and the new species eat nutritive embryos by rotation. Protein electrophoresis data support the specific condition of each group with different larval development and endorse the use of developmental differences in taxonomy of Crepidula. Genetic distance shows that C. dilatata and C. fecunda are closely related, and that C. coquimbensis is closer to them than to the new cryptic species.  相似文献   

Merostachys riedeliana Rupr. is a native and overabundant bamboo species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Moderate to strong allelopathic activity may be one mechanism that explains this super-dominance and the changes in structure and composition of forest areas occupied by bamboo. This study evaluated the phytotoxic effect of M. riedeliana extracts and fractions and identified their putative allelochemicals. We investigated the presence of allelochemicals in soil collected from stands occupied by M. riedeliana. Furthermore, we evaluated the putative effect of tree allelochemicals, individually and combined, on germination and growth. The aqueous extract of leaves and its ethyl acetate fraction presented the highest inhibitory effects on seed germination and seedling growth. The effect of the extracts and fractions on the target species was species-specific. Neither the individual nor the combined phenolic acids significantly inhibited seed germination; however, a pronounced growth inhibition was observed in M. bimucronata seedlings treated with vanillic acid and in E. verna and M. bimucronata seedlings treated with combined phenolic acids. Isovitexin, vitexin, isoorientin, orientin, and their O-glycoside derivatives, the lactonic dimer of the p-hydroxybenzoic acid and 3,4-methylenedioxymandelic acid were identified in the aqueous extracts and ethyl acetate fraction by Liquid Chromatography-Diode Array Dectector/Electrospray Ionization/Mass Spectrometry (LC-DAD/ESI–MS/MS). The Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC–MS) profile of the same extract and fraction showed the presence of benzoic, benzeneacetic, salicylic, p-hydroxybenzoic, p-hydroxyphenylacetic, vanillic, p-coumaric, protocatechuic, syringic, gallic, m-coumaric vanillylmandelic, 4-methylmandelic, 3,4-methylenedioxymandelic and trans-ferulic acids. The p-benzoic acid and the apigenin 6-C-glucoside (isovitexin) were identified in the soil extract collected from under bamboo-growing areas. Even though laboratory bioassays are not completely predictive of the allelopathic effects that occur in nature, the results of this study provide preliminary evidence of allelopathy as a possible species-specific inhibition mechanism of native species that explain the impoverishment of floristic richness and the functional groups in areas where M. riedeliana is overabundant.  相似文献   

In most rhodophytes, the quenchers zeaxanthin or lutein seem to be used for carotenoid photoprotection next to β-carotene. However, our study shows that the tropical intertidal alga Gracilaria birdiae possesses high concentrations of antheraxanthin, as well as lower concentrations of both zeaxanthin and violaxanthin. In higher plants and some algal groups, these three oxygenated carotenoids are known to protect photosystem II in a xanthophyll cycle. We were able to manipulate the carotenoid concentrations in G. birdiae by varying irradiance and temperature in laboratory experiments. Higher concentrations of violaxanthin were found in dark incubations and higher concentrations of zeaxanthin in light incubations, which is an indication that a xanthophyll cycle is active in G. birdiae. Our results also suggest a biosynthesis pathway from lycopene to β,β-carotene and β-cryptoxanthin in the light and synthesis of new lycopene in darkness. This would imply that the production of functional carotenoids is regulated by their need in photoprotection. Despite cultivation in the laboratory under the same conditions for at least 6 years, there were differences in photosynthetic properties and carotenoid dynamics between algae obtained from a population close to the Equator and another population close to the Tropic of Capricorn. These differences most probably have their origin in genetic differentiation mediated by ambient irradiance and temperature regimes. Four phycoerythrin-deficient mutant strains of G. birdiae were studied as well. Photosynthetic properties and carotenoid dynamics were basically the same in the mutants and the wild strains, but two green strains had remarkably low dark respiratory rates. This is an indication of low production of metabolites, which may be a competitive disadvantage.  相似文献   

Caprella scaura (Templeton in Trans Entomol Soc Lond 1:185–198, 1836) is a native species to the western Indian Ocean. It was first described from Mauritius and later reported from several regions of the world. During the last decade, the species spread out of the Adriatic Sea, and in 2005, C. scaura was reported in Gerona, on the north-eastern coast of Spain. The present study shows the recent rapid expansion of the species to the East Atlantic. During a sampling survey of harbours along the Strait of Gibraltar (Dec 2009–June 2010), we found high densities of C. scaura associated with the bryozoans Zoobotryon verticillatum Della Chiaje, 1822, in Chipiona and Bugula neritina (L.) in Cádiz, Atlantic coast of southern Spain; on the other hand, during May 2009, an important population of C. scaura was also found in the Canary Islands (Tenerife) associated with aquaculture resources. A total of 1,034 individuals of C. scaura were studied, and we confirm that the populations are effectively established, with high densities and reproducing females during the whole year. The population from Cádiz was characterised by smaller specimens but a higher number of eggs per female. These differences could be related to environmental conditions, mainly sea water temperature and to other factors such as competition with other species, or availability of food or substrate. Significant correlation was found between female size and number of eggs in the three populations, but egg size did not vary with female body length. The morphometric relation length/width of the second gnathopod was also calculated and compared between sexes: larger males presented longer gnathopods at the three sites. The most probable introduction vector of this species is shipping; in fact, the Strait of Gibraltar is characterised by an intense shipping traffic. Also, we have observed that the native Caprella equilibra Say, 1818, is being displaced by C. scaura in the harbour of Cádiz, where this species reach densities of 35,945 ind/1,000 g of B. neritina. Further experimental studies are necessary to explore the potential danger of this species, which might spread into natural habitats too.  相似文献   

Studies of innate colour preference and learning ability have focused on differences at the species level, rather than variation among populations of a single species. Initial strength and persistence of colour preferences are likely to affect colour choices of naïve flower visitors. We therefore study the influence of both the strength and persistence of innate colour preference (for blue) on an operant learning task (associating food reward with yellow flowers) in two populations of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. We found that both strength and persistence of blue preference differed significantly between populations: B. terrestris dalmatinus had a weaker and less persistent blue preference than B. terrestris audax. These differences in preference also influenced learning performance. Considering only landing behaviours, one-trial learning occurred in the majority (73%) of bees, and was achieved sooner in B. terrestris dalmatinus because of its weaker blue preference. However, compared to landing behaviours the relative frequency of approach flights to rewarding and unrewarding flower types changed more slowly with task experience in both populations. When considering both approaches and landings, the rate of learning, following the first rewarded learning trial, was faster in B. terrestris audax than B. terrestris dalmatinus. However, the net effects of population differences in blue preference and learning dynamics result in similar final levels of task performance. Our results provide new evidence of behavioural differences among isolated populations within a single species, and raise intriguing questions about the ecological significance and adaptive nature of colour preference.  相似文献   

Growth and production of the bathyal ophiurid brittle star Ophiocten gracilis was studied from skeletal growth bands and disc size frequencies of specimens collected in sled and trawl samples taken on the continental slope off Scotland. Growth bands showed up in SEM examination as ring-like zones in surface relief and texture of the stereom microstructure of the intervertebral muscle insertions on the arm ossicles. Seasonal variability in somatic growth, presumed to underlie this growth pattern, may reflect reproduction and/or a possible non-feeding period during gonad maturation. Disc size-at-age was back-calculated from size-at-age interpreted from growth-band series on the vertebral ossicles from arms of O. gracilis. Pooled growth-band frequency data and normal-distribution mixtures based on size-at-age data were used to test for overgrowth of early growth bands on the ossicles from larger individuals. Von Bertalanffy and Gompertz growth models were fitted to the finalised back-calculated disc size-at-age data. These were used along with the modal structure of the observed disc size frequencies to develop a demographic model based on normal-distribution mixtures constrained by the growth model. These and other defining parameters were fitted by non-linear regression to size structure observed in a sample of the breeding population from 997 m depth on the Hebrides Terrace. Recruitment was estimated according to available data from sediment-trap time series. A ratio of somatic production/biomass, PS/B, in the range of 0.43–0.54 was estimated using a fitted size/mass relationship and the increment summation method (ISM) applied to the fitted growth models. A narrower, but otherwise similar, range in estimated PS/B ratios (0.48–0.49) was obtained in a parallel approach using the mass-specific growth rate method (MSGRM), whereby the same size/mass relationship was applied to the observed frequencies and growth parameters fitted to growth banding. Using previously obtained data on population density, a standing crop of 4.8 g wet weight (~0.58 mg AFDW) m?2 would provide annual wet weight production in the range of 1.9–2.4 g (~0.23–0.29 mg AFDW) m?2 in the population between ca. 700–1000 m depth. Somewhat greater production estimates (PS/B=0.73–0.98) were obtained from MSGRM by pooling the sample with size frequencies from other large samples in which postlarval sizes were more numerous, but larger sizes less numerous. Similarly high production was estimated by MSGRM from a box corer sample from the Wyville-Thomson Ridge. Explanations for variability in size structure are discussed, but even the lower estimates are comparable to boreal shallow-water brittle stars. The high rate of growth and production by accepted deep-sea standards may be related to a capability for interface feeding.  相似文献   

A new genus, Meyersia, and five new species of the nematode family Oncholaimidae, are described from Biscayne Bay, Florida, and environs, viz., Metoncholaimus pelor n. sp., M. amplus n. sp., Meyersia major n. gen., n. sp., M. minor n. sp., and Filoncholaimus prolatus n. sp. Also included in the genus Meyersia are Adoncholaimus bandaenis Kreis, 1932 and A. meridionalis Kreis, 1932.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a Bayesian method to estimate the underlying density function of a study variable Y using a ranked set sample in which an auxiliary variable X is used to rank the sampling units. The amount of association between X and Y is not known, resulting in an unknown degree of ranking error. We assume that (XY) follows a Morgenstern family of distributions. The study variable Y is assumed to have a parametric distribution, with the distribution of the parameters having a Dirichlet process prior. A Markov chain Monte Carlo procedure is developed to obtain a Bayesian estimator of the desired density function as well as of the ranking error. A simulation study is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. An example from forestry is used to illustrate a real-life application of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

The European earwig, Forficula auricularia is an invasive insect found in many temperate regions of the world and is regarded as an urban and agricultural pest of numerous crops. Several studies have shown that F. auricularia aggregate in large numbers with the use of an aggregation pheromone. However, the identity of compounds which constitute the pheromone remains elusive. Our aim was to isolate and identify the aggregation pheromone used by F. auricularia using both solvent washes of individuals and thermal desorption of substrates exposed to earwigs. Solvent washes of male, female and juvenile earwigs isolated 51 different branched and unbranched alkanes, alkenes and alkadienes. Substrates exposed to aggregating field populations in situ were demonstrated to be attractive to earwigs after less than 24 h of exposure. Analysis of these substrates using thermal desorption and solvent washes showed that hydrocarbons were the only detectable compounds laid down by earwigs on these surfaces. Significant behavioural responses were observed to synthetic blends of the unsaturated hydrocarbons containing (Z)-7-tricosene, (Z)-9-tricosene, (Z)-7-pentacosene and (Z)-9-pentacosene at ≥25 insect equivalents in field-based bioassays. However, behavioural responses to these blends proved inconsistent particularly later in the field season, possibly due to a missing component within the pheromone blend or plasticity in the pheromones production and response.  相似文献   

In order to understand the bioaccumulation of essential metals in filter-feeding mollusks living in soft sediments, the uptake and depuration kinetics of three elements (Co, Mn and Zn) were investigated in the king scallop Pecten maximus exposed via seawater, food, or sediment, using radiotracer techniques. The scallops were collected in April 2005 in the Pertuis Breton, France and acclimated to laboratory conditions for 8 weeks prior to the experimental exposures. Dissolved metals were efficiently bioconcentrated with mean concentration factors (CFs) ranging from 65 (Co) to 94 (Mn) after 7 days of exposure. Feeding experiments using microalgae Skeletonema costatum (diatom) or Isochrysis galbana (flagellate) showed that metal assimilation efficiency (AE) and retention (T ) were strongly influenced by food source. For Co, AE was higher when ingested with I. galbana (29 vs. 4%), whereas Mn and Zn AE was higher for S. costatum (82 vs. 44% and 86 vs. 68%, respectively). Transfer factors (TFs) in P. maximus exposed to radiolabelled sediment were 3–4 orders of magnitude lower than CFs. Nevertheless, the fraction of sediment-bound metals that was taken up was efficiently absorbed in scallop tissues (>85%). Whatever the exposure pathway, metals were strongly retained in the kidneys of P. maximus. Due to poor determination of Mn biokinetics (and related parameters) in scallops exposed through sediment, the relative contribution of the three different pathways could be determined only for Co and Zn using a biodynamic model. The particulate pathway (i.e. food or sediment) appeared to be the main route for bioaccumulation of both metals in this scallop. In addition, even though P. maximus displayed different AEs for Co and Zn according to the food, results of the model were only slightly affected, if any, by change in the dietary parameters (AE and depuration rate constant, k e).  相似文献   

The residual levels of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were examined in soils covering five types of land use along a salinity gradient on the Yellow River Delta. The most prominent OCPs were dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (∑DDT, arithmetic mean = 5.11 μg kg?1), hexachlorocyclohexane (∑HCH, 1.69 μg kg?1) and ∑endosulfan (10.4 μg kg?1). The spatial variability of OCPs composition shifted from γ-HCH and o,p′-DDT dominated pesticides in coastal soils to p,p′-DDE dominated pesticides in inland soils. In different land-use types, the percentages of β-HCH and p,p′-DDE are characterized by more recalcitrant components in decreasing order of vegetable fields, cereal fields, cotton fields, wetlands and tidal flats with increasing soil salinity. However, the less recalcitrant components, γ-HCH and o,p′-DDT, showed an opposite trend. Endosulfan sulfate predominated in all land-use types. Residual levels of β-HCH were affected by soil organic matter. The correlations between γ-HCH and clay content and between p,p′-DDE, o,p′-DDT and salinity might associate with the influence of sediment cotransport by the Yellow River and the density of anthropogenic activities in coastal region. Depth distribution of the OCPs in typical soil profiles also implied that local historical usage and sediment transport by the Yellow River both affected the OCPs residual in this region.  相似文献   

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