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澳大利亚和新西兰都有着丰富的自然资源。他们在开发资源的过程中,很好地处理了环境保护与资源开发的关系,有许多经验值得我们借鉴。本文还介绍了澳大利亚的环保投融资体系、环保 投资对GDP增长的贡献率等内容。  相似文献   

Assumptions about public stakeholder attitudes to pest and disease management can influence the decisions of forest managers and NGOs involved in responding to pests and diseases; however, they are rarely assessed directly. Evidence on the social acceptability of tree health management methods is required to inform government led policy and management. A nationally representative survey of 2000 members of the UK public was used to address two research questions: (1) How acceptable are tree health management methods to the public? (2) How do opinions about woodland functions, concern and awareness of tree pests and diseases, and demographics influence acceptance of management methods? We found that public stakeholders are highly supportive of tree health management; however, knowledge about tree pests, diseases, and management options is low. Methods seen as more targeted and ‘natural’ were preferred, e.g. felling and burning only affected trees and using biological control rather than chemical control. There were demographic differences in attitudes: men and older people are more likely to support management interventions and stronger management methods than females and younger people. Acceptance of management can also differ according to location and local context (e.g. management is less supported when it may impact on wildlife) and values (e.g. those with economic values are more supportive of management). These findings provide evidence to support current government initiatives on tree health and should improve confidence amongst managers tasked with carrying out tree pest and disease management. However, there is a need for in-depth qualitative studies to explain the beliefs which influence demographic variations in acceptance and the influence of concepts such as ‘nativeness’ and ‘naturalness’.  相似文献   

澳大利亚,新西兰有关遗传资源管理的启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
澳大利亚和新西兰 将遗传资源管理作为国家可持续发展的重要物质基础,视为国家主权的象征。其管理的基本原则:一是当地人必须共享遗传开发的惠益 ;二是严格遗传资源获取方式的管理;三是积极鼓励利用国外遗传资源。我国应认真借鉴澳、新两国经验:提高对遗传资源管理的认识;广泛研究世界各国的经验;加强能力建设;加大国内遗传 资源 管理的力度;积极发展自然保护区,重视生物安全管理。  相似文献   

The objective of this special issue is to showcase what Cleaner Production (CP) practitioners and scholars in Australia and New Zealand have accomplished to date, and how they hope to progress in the coming decades. The contributions to this special issue have been grouped under three main categories: sectoral, regional, and CP methods and tools. These contributions suggest that the CP debate has moved on from anecdotal justification of CP through case studies to diffusing and broadening CP practices so that they fulfil their role as effective components of a viable, sustainable society. The continued evolution of CP methods and tools in Australia and New Zealand is a good indicator of such a trend. Papers in all three categories identify and present responses to the challenges faced in ensuring that CP activities are both linked to and informed by policy-making and that they support and enhance decisions made in pursuit of sustainable production.  相似文献   

为学习和借鉴国外发达国家先进的生态和环境保护经验,研究了澳大利亚和新西兰自然生态和城市环境保护工作,分析了两国在自然生态保护、农业可持续发展、城市基础设施建设方面的特点,总结了两国在城市内河治理、挥发性气体回收、公众环保参与形式及固体废物回收利用等方面的经验,提出了中国生态与环境保护工作的建议。  相似文献   

Introduced ungulates, e.g., deer and Himalayan tahr, are variously considered as both pests and resources in New Zealand. Much ecological research has occurred into these species and into the ecosystems in which they live. Concurrently, much has been done to develop ‘management’ plans for these species. We reviewed ecological research relevant to these ungulates and developed ecologically relevant criteria to assess the extent to which these have been considered in these plans. Nine criteria were developed within four thematic areas: ecological principles, objectives and outcomes, adaptive management, and use of science information. Four planning documents were then evaluated. All four poorly or at best marginally considered fundamental ecological principles: only the Himalayan thar control plan scored well in terms of having objectives and outcomes that were clearly ecologically based; the thar plan was very strong in terms of its commitment to implementing adaptive management; and, in terms of using the best available science both the thar plan and the deer issues and options paper scored well. Overall, ecological science and principles have not played major roles in the development of some of these plans, probably because ultimately they reflect political choices that are difficult to support with the available ecological research.  相似文献   

This research aims to investigate various sustainability issues in the New Zealand wine industry. Namely, the study examines (1) what drives the industry to engage in sustainability practices, (2) the role of stakeholders in the company's decision-making, and (3) environmental practices related to water utilization, chemicals and waste management. A qualitative research approach supplemented by quantitative measures was adopted to answer the research questions. Twenty-four wineries were studied. The research found that the most important drivers for sustainable practices are personal values, preferences and satisfaction with the profession (i.e., enjoyment of the work itself), followed by product quality and customers' demand. Size of firm also appears to be an important factor. New Zealand wine companies are also driven by the market, but companies do not receive a price premium for grapes grown sustainably or organically grown. The study proposes a typology matrix that differentiates wineries' involvement in sustainability based on the extent of sustainability practices and sustainability drivers.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis in three pregnancies revealed chromosomal mosaicism confined to chorionic villi. They were ascertained in the third trimester by intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) in otherwise normal fetuses. In case of triple trisomy 6,21,22 and trisomy 16, it was obvious that these findings were most likely restricted to the placenta. These trisomies act as early lethal factors when they occur in the embryo itself. With trisomy 18, however, the interpretation of the cytogenetic finding remains ambiguous. The question arises as to whether an abnormal karyotype may be the cause of placenta insufficiency or is just coincidentally associated.  相似文献   

Cross-cultural differences exist in prenatal diagnosis and abortion for fetal anomaly, stemming from variations in laws, reimbursement policies, litigation, physicians' decision-making authority, and attitudes toward the prevention of handicaps. The first part of this paper discusses such differences in France and the U.S. The second part describes a survey of practising obstetricians in Paris, designed to assess (1) their attitudes toward pregnancy termination for various conditions, (2) their concern about fetal viability, (3) their desire for diagnostic certainty before justifying a late abortion, and (4) their perceived role in such decision-making. Among the 64.8 per cent (N = 217) who responded, the majority supported third-trimester termination (TTT) for diseases such as spina bifida, trisomy 21 , microcephaly, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy; 30–59 per cent supported TTT for cystic fibrosis and sickle cell disease; and 22–29 per cent supported TTT for haemophilia, tetralogy of Fallot, limb amputation, and Turner and Klinefelter syndromes. Obstetricians who approved of abortion across trimesters were less concerned with the certainty of diagnosis than its severity, more likely to think that abortion ought to be the parents' choice, but more likely to report making a recommendation to the parents about whether to abort a fetus. Such permissive abortion attitudes might imply more permissive prenatal diagnosis and abortion practice among Parisian obstetricians, which might lead to increased migration of patients from other E.C. countries. Cross-cultural variation in obstetric practice suggests that an international registry of pregnancies terminated for medical reasons, enabling further study of this issue, would be valuable.  相似文献   



Understanding the value, benefits and harms of health interventions is needed to inform best practice and ensure responsible implementation of new approaches to patient care. Such value is demonstrated through the assessment of outcomes; however, which outcomes are assessed is often highly varied across studies and can hinder the ability to draw robust conclusions. The Core Outcome Development for Carrier Screening study aims to understand the outcomes that can meaningfully capture the value of reproductive genetic carrier screening (RGCS).


The authors report an iterative, two-round online Delphi survey of Australian and New Zealand stakeholders to determine the degree of consensus regarding the core outcomes of RGCS. Panellists ranked 83 outcomes according to their perceived importance on a nine-point Likert scale. Using the distribution of rankings, outcomes were grouped into tiers representative of their perceived level of importance and agreement between groups.


The top tier outcomes represent those agreed to be critically important for all future studies of RGCS to assess and were used to define a preliminary core outcome set encompassing the domains (1) primary laboratory outcomes, (2) pregnancy outcomes, (3) resource use and, (4) perceived utility of RGCS.


These findings can guide the selection of meaningful outcomes in studies aiming to demonstrate the value of RGCS. A future international consensus process will expand on these findings and guide the inclusion of diverse perspectives across the range of settings in which RGCS is offered.  相似文献   



To examine the extent to which sex chromosomes are included in current noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) and the reporting practices with respect to fetal chromosomal sex and sex chromosome aberrations (SCAs), in addition to an update on the general implementation of NIPT.


A questionnaire addressing the research objectives was distributed by email to fetal medicine and clinical genetics experts in Asia, Australia, Europe and the USA.


Guidelines on NIPT are available in the majority of the included countries. Not all existing guidelines address reporting of fetal chromosomal sex and SCAs. In most settings, NIPT frequently includes sex chromosomes (five Australian states, China, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, Thailand, USA and 23 of 31 European countries). This occurs most often by default or when parents wish to know fetal sex. In most settings, a potential SCA is reported by stating the risk hereof as “low” or “high” and/or by naming the SCA. Less than 50% of all pregnant women receive NIPT according to respondents from three Australian states, China, Israel, Singapore, Thailand and 24 of 31 European countries. However, this percentage, the genomic coverage of NIPT and its application as primary or secondary screening vary by setting.


In most of the studied countries/states, NIPT commonly includes sex chromosomes. The reporting practices concerning fetal chromosomal sex and SCAs are diverse and most commonly not addressed by guidelines. In general, NIPT is variably implemented across countries/states.  相似文献   

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