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Many Europeans are concerned about the living conditions of farm animals because they view animals as beings that possess interests of their own. Against this background the introduction of an animal welfare label is being intensively discussed in Europe. In choosing a market-based instrument to take these concerns into account, normative judgments are made about the formation of preferences, the value system that is implicitly assumed, and the distribution of property rights. From the perspective of classical institutional economics it can be shown that the introduction of a label as an institutional change does not redefine institutions in a way that allows them to consider the interests of animals for their own sake. Rather, the label only redefines the property rights that humans have over animals. The market segregation into privileged and normal animals conflicts with the idea of equality between sentient animals. Within the group of humans only the interests of those who act on markets count. The commodification of their moral concerns assumes that people always decide based on their own interests, which can be traded off. The lexicographical ordering of preferences, which occurs when humans view animals as entities with rights, is not compatible with the normative assumptions of markets. Furthermore, interpreting animal suffering as market failure that can be corrected by labeling impedes a reasoned dialog within the society about the values and beliefs that serve as a basis for preference formation. Thus, an animal welfare label cannot replace a fundamental societal debate about legal standards on animal well-being.  相似文献   

A resource depletion index can serve as a quantitative tool to evaluate the level of depletion for natural resources. This study introduces two types of resource depletion indices, the global resource depletion index and the local resource depletion index. Global resource depletion index mainly concerns global reserves and the annual consumption rate of these resources. The local resource depletion index not only considers global reserves and their annual consumption rate, but also considers the local factors such as local reserves, local recycling rates, and local resource import characteristics. This study considers the local resource characteristics of Taiwan and develops calculations for local resource depletion indexes for the resources of cobalt, molybdenum, tungsten, copper, aluminum, lead and zinc.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ground water is intended to be administered in many western states as a flow or renewable resource. In Idaho, this administration is based on the appropriation doctrine of water rights. Two generalizations may be made concerning ground water. First, water artificially discharged from an aquifer system must deplete the total resource by that amount; water consumptively pumped from a well must be derived from either increased recharge, decreased discharge or a decrease of water in storage. Second, the annual rate of recharge to a ground-water system is often only a small percentage of the total resource in storage. Ground water may be divided into flow and stock portions. In those basins where the second generalization is true, most ground water may be classified as stock. However, only the flow portion of ground water may be developed if utilization of the resource is to be enjoyed over an infinite period. Data from the Raft River Basin in Idaho indicate that the flow and stock characteristics of ground water are time dependent. The resource exhibits the characteristics of both a renewable and nonrenewable resource. As a result, present administrative techniques do not provide for effective management of the resource.  相似文献   

Abstract: Alabama is a water rich state. Yet, agriculture is limited in both scale and productivity and the state regularly suffers from drought. Climate variability adds to this paradox even while water users, particularly farmers, have few coping mechanisms. In this paper, we argue that more significant than the water resource itself in Alabama is the governance structure of that resource. The riparian doctrine, as it stands, stymies effective management. The role of water doctrines, and resultant policy, is, therefore, crucial to enhancing decision‐making opportunities for agricultural end‐users in Alabama. After exploring different doctrine types as applied across the states we conclude that a move towards “regulated riparianism” consistent with the American Society of Civil Engineers Regulated Riparian Water Code (2004) would enhance opportunities for both the state and agriculturalists to cope with variable water supply conditions while maximizing environmental benefits. The paper then concludes with a review of the primary objectives of the Water Code and key places where Alabama’s Water Code would need revision to meet these objectives.  相似文献   

The author asserts that the cause of the current environmental and natural resource use problems is the attempt to run a technologically more sophisticated and significantly larger economy at higher average standards of living using outdated sets of implicit prices, relative to the real social value of environmental or natural resource services. Where these prices are implicitly set at zero, no policy, including a recycling policy, can be expected to succeed. Unless western society realises that these prices are significantly above zero, and are rising in some cases at an accelerating rate, much of the research reported will ultimately be of little or no value.  相似文献   

Sustaining Asia's groundwater boom: An overview of issues and evidence   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This article suggests that Asia’s groundwater socio‐ecology is at an impasse. Rapid growth in groundwater irrigation in South Asia and the North China plains during the period 1970–95 has been the main driver of the agrarian boom in these regions. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and China account for the bulk of the world’s use of groundwater in agriculture. On the plus side, groundwater development has provided sustenance to agrarian economies and millions of rural livelihoods. On the downside, it has created chronic problems of resource depletion and quality deterioration. While problems of groundwater depletion, pollution and quality deterioration are indeed serious, so are the consequences of the degradation of the resource for those that have come to precariously depend upon groundwater irrigation. Three problems currently afflict groundwater use: depletion due to overdraft; water logging and salinization; and pollution due to agricultural, industrial and other human activity. The pathology of the decline in groundwater socio‐ecology reflects a remarkably similar pattern across regions. The critical issue for Asia now is: what might be done to sustain and revive these groundwater socio‐ecologies vital to the region’s economy? This article reviews a variety of techno‐institutional approaches. However, transposing lessons from the industrialized world uncritically in the Asian context may not work. A more nuanced understanding of the peculiarities of Asia’s groundwater socio‐ecology is needed.  相似文献   

Water is a resource that is essential for all life on Earth. An exponentially growing human population, in addition to unprecedented industrial and technological development, threaten the availability and quality of this resource. Climate change and ozone depletion are two major environmental problems facing mankind today. These problems have the potential to further strain currently available freshwater resources. Recent research has shown that climate change and ozone depletion are linked phenomena and their interaction exacerbates their impact. Changes in precipitation, surface runoff, solar UV radiation, temperatures, and evaporation are some of the predicted outcomes of climate change and ozone depletion. They influence the biogeochemical cycles and aquatic ecosystems in lakes and rivers, and alter the character of natural organic matter (NOM) and, consequently, they have the potential to affect the quality, quantity and treatability of our water resources. Given these uncertainties, and the need to mitigate the consequences of climate change and ozone depletion, the issues of changing water quality, quantity and treatability cannot be ignored by Australian governments and water utilities.  相似文献   

Theoretically, a resource rent tax is neutral in that it does not influence the allocation of resources. However, the application of such fundamental principles in the tax formula of the South African gold mining industry negates the neutrality principle. A progressive element in the tax rate encourages mining of submarginal ores - leads to misallocation of resources. However, it substantially reduces the financial risks of a mining company engaged in the extraction of a commodity characterized by price volability, such as gold, and permits economies of scale in mining and encourages conservation of a non-renewable resource. As long as prices increase faster than costs, the advantages of this system probably exceed the disadvantages. The choice of the threshold rate in such a tax system is critical. If it is too high it will encourage mining of submarginal ores, and if too low it does not recognize the peculiar risks of gold mining investments.  相似文献   

The idea of sustainable development has much popular appeal, but conflicts with centuries of economic theory about how limited land and natural resources constrain the growth of economies and populations. Much of that doctrine, especially that in the Malthusian tradition, is contradicted by historical experience, but the modern threat of environmental degradation raises new questions about whether growth can be sustained. Many of those new problems result from biases in economic organization and institutions against so-called environmental resources. Marketed resource commodities like minerals and timber are protected by the incentives of owners and suppliers to conserve them, enhance them and find new sources, and by the incentives of users to economize on their demands and find cheaper substitutes. Together, these forces have been sufficient to offset depletion and render resources less scarce over time. The same forces are not at work on environmental resources like water and air, so they are over-used and degraded as demands grow. However, promising opportunities exist to develop property rights and economic incentives to encourage users of environmental resources to protect and husband them, and these are likely to be more effective in harmonizing economic activity with the environment than purely regulatory policies.  相似文献   

The degradation rate of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) was studied in silica-slurry systems to evaluate the bioavailability of sorbed-phase contaminant. After the silica particles were saturated with 2,4-D, the system was inoculated with the 2,4-D-degrading microorganism Flavorbacterium sp. strain FB4. The disappearance rate of 2,4-D was found to be greater than the rate predicted based upon liquid-phase 2,4-D concentrations. A kinetic formulation, termed the enhanced bioavailability model, was developed to describe the desorption and biodegradation processes in this batch system. The approach assumes that 2,4-D resides in both the liquid and solid phases and degradation occurs via both suspended and attached biomass. All biomass can degrade liquid-phase 2,4-D at one rate, while only attached biomass can degrade sorbed 2,4-D at another rate. An enhanced transformation factor (Ef) was introduced to express the increased biodegradation rate over that expected from the liquid phase only. This approach was able to account for the increased degradation rates observed experimentally. The results provide evidence that desorption to the bulk solution is not prerequisite to degradation, and that sorbed substrate may be available for degradation.  相似文献   

We are often tempted to believe that a nation's resource policy is the result of careful deliberation and conscious design and is articulated in a relatively few statutes. This paper traces the history of percentage depletion in the USA and finds that this particular resource policy has evolved in the absence of a recognizable master plan. Percentage depletion has developed through a continuing political tug-of-war in the US Congress as a seemingly unending array of special interest groups sought and finally gained the prize of percentage depletion for their industry.  相似文献   

The agricultural production from the Lower South Platte Basin in Colorado represents a significant portion of the state economy. Until the early 1950's the production had developed almost exclusively by use of river water. Drought conditions combined with improved well technology resulted in an inordinate amount of well development in the valley during the period 1952-56. These wells were used for supplemental supply in many cases, but the application of sprinkler irrigation brought many acres of here-to-fore dry land into irrigated production. As a result of the vast amounts of groundwater withdrawal by the newly developed wells, senior surface appropriators found a decreasing amount of water available for use in the streams. The legislature, observing the doctrine of prior appropriation, ruled that all surface and ground water in a tributary would be treated and administered as one resource. This, of course, spelled doom for the well-oriented segment of the economy. Analysis of a segment of the river on an inflow-outflow basis was made with careful determination of all inflow-outflow in the study reach to include correlations required to determine ungaged side-channel in-flow and unmetered irrigation wells. Results indicate that wells have intercepted normal return flows to the river resulting in a decreased amount of surface water during the irrigation season. Stream depletion appears to equal the expected consumptive use of well water which ranged between 40% to 50% of the groundwater extraction.  相似文献   

Solar photovoltaic (PV) cells are used to resolve energy security and climate change problems. Although PV panels have long physical lifetimes, they would be eventually replaced by new ones with higher energy efficiency and then changed to waste. Depending on the types of PV cells, waste PV panels have different environmental impact potentials due to different contents of substances. This study assesses and compares hazardous waste, resource depletion, and toxicity potentials from metals in three types of PV modules (i.e., polycrystalline silicon (Si), amorphous Si, and CIGS (copper/indium/gallium/di-selenite) PVs) on per-watt electricity generation basis. Hazardous waste potentials are examined by using metal leachability tests, and resource depletion and toxicity potentials are evaluated by using life cycle impact assessment methods. The polycrystalline Si and CIGS PVs have hazardous waste potentials due to lead (Pb) and cadmium/selenium, respectively, whereas the amorphous Si PV does not. The polycrystalline Si PV has the highest resource depletion potential due primarily to silver; the CIGS PV has the next highest due primarily to selenium; and the amorphous Si PV had the lowest, which is derived primarily from tin and copper. For toxicity potentials, overall the amorphous Si PV had lower potentials, derived primarily from barium/copper/nickel/zinc, than the polycrystalline Si and CIGS PVs of which the toxicity potentials were primarily form copper/lead/nickel/silver and copper/mercury/molybdenum/nickel/silver, respectively. Therefore, waste polycrystalline Si and CIGS PV panels should be recycled and managed with priority, and PV technology development needs to be directed to amorphous Si PV from the material perspective.  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》1986,12(1):73-74
In 1931, Hotelling developed a rule which became a central efficiency criterion in natural resource economics. It states that in a competitive world the rate of capital gains due to resource use must equal the rate of return on any other asset. Here, the author presents a modification for easier handling of discrete time models taking capital depreciation into account.  相似文献   

Texas' surface water law began its evolution during the Hispanic period of occupance. Later, the English riparian doctrine was adopted, and finally, in the late 1800's, the prior appropriation doctrine was superimposed, resulting in an exceedingly complex dual system. Though the judiciary, legislature, and state water agencies have wrestled with the problem of coordinating these diverse water rights and more accurately delineating and measuring riparian rights and water use since early in this century, until recently all attempts were unsuccessful. The unknown riparian element, in particular, made coordinated and efficient management and administration of the state's surface water resources impossible. Finally, measurable progress toward solution of these problems began in 1967 with passage of the Water Rights Adjudication Act, aimed at identifying all unrecorded surface water rights claims and eventually merging all claims into the permit system. This paper examines the gradual evolution of Texas' curious blend of Hispanic-English riparian rights and later appropriate rights; discusses the resultant problems of water resource administration; and traces the progress of the ongoing water rights adjudication, a lengthy, expensive, and complex procedure, which should eventually make possible more efficient administration of all surface water rights.  相似文献   

The present system which has led to a high rate of recovery of the ferrous and non-ferrous metals from the obsolete automobile processed by shredding is described. Projections of the potential resource recovery from the non-metallic components of the shredded automobile are presented along with a detailed account of the current research and development programme directed toward such recovery.  相似文献   

To the USSR resource depletion is not a threat to be taken seriously on a world-wide basis but rather a manifestation of capitalism. Shortages caused by the system will aggravate the contradictions inherent in capitalism and hasten its downfall. The socialist world avoids resource crises by planning its economies. The author examines here the ideological basis of views held on the resources question in the USSR and the role resources planning will play in the eventual triumph of socialism.  相似文献   

税永红  周宇 《四川环境》2006,25(3):119-122,126
消费的过程实质上就是一个资源消耗的过程。随着地球上有限资源被不断地消耗,因消费而引起的环境污染也日益严重,社会可持续发展的问题摆在了人们弱面前。本文介绍了绿色消费及其产生的背景,简析了目前中国的消费现状及国内外绿色消费与环境标志产品,提出了促进中国的绿色消费和实现社会可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

新疆罗布泊野骆驼国家级自然保护区位于哈密、巴州、吐鲁番三地州.罗布泊是塔里木盆地最低的断陷洼地,也是第四纪以来盆地地表水的集水中心和积盐中心.1970年干涸后4000 km2的湖盆成为平坦的岩盐地,其外围分布着各种类型的盐壳、棕漠土、风沙土等极旱荒漠土壤,局部地段分布有草甸土、盐土等,山地分布有棕钙土、高寒荒漠土,各种土壤有其不同的特征.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This analysis identifies two basic structural features of Colorado's water management system which inhibit constructive reform and perpetuate inefficiencies in water use and distribution patterns. These features are: (1) the fragmentation of authority and influence over water, and (2) the estrangement of interest in reform from formal control over water policy. These interrelated features have continued to produce: sporadic, high conflict battles over proposed changes in the status quo; decision making which tends to exaggerate the importance of narrow, special interests while virtually ignoring legitimate interests of major sectors of the public; an inertia which discourages innovation; and an agglomeration of rules and water rights that are predicated on obsolete social and economic needs. Two radical proposals for reforming the state's water resource management system in order to overcome these problems and to enhance the probability that wise water policy will result are offered. These proposals are: (1) the abolition of the present system of water rights founded on the doctrine of prior appropriation, and (2) the consolidation of authority over water allocation in a single board of governors.  相似文献   

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