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The communities of intestinal helminths found in the winter sample of ide (December–May, 45 fish) and in the summer sample (August–September, 42 fish) were compared. They consisted of 10 and 11 species, respectively, with Sphaerostomum globiporum being dominant in both communities. The species Parasymphylodora markewitschi and Capillaria tomentosa were found only in the summer community. Dominance and diversity (the Simpson and Brillouin indices) in the winter community were higher. All helminth species in the intestinal community of ide were of broad specificity. Therefore, host specialization does not play an important role in the forming of intestinal helminth community in this fish species.  相似文献   

The formation and transformation of live and dead phytomass in agrocenoses with a complex horizontal structure are described. These processes are demonstrated to be specific and to be determined by differences in the horizontal structure. Only agrocenoses of a mosaic structure (with square parcels) have optimal conditions for these processes.  相似文献   

The habitats, relative occurrence, and distribution of the white whale in the White Sea and the southeastern Barents sea in every month of the ice season have been studied using the results of an aerial ice survey along standard routes from 1970–1991. In these seas, white whales have been found in each month of the ice season, with single animals, groups, schools or gams, herds, and large congregations of several hundred animals accounting for 10, 22.8, 47.2, 12.9, and 7% of all aggregations of white whales observed, respectively. The relative occurrence of white whales in the White Sea is higher in March and May (32.5 and 30%, respectively) and lower in February, January, and November (15, 10, and 7.5%, respectively); in December and April, the whales are observed very seldom (2.5% in both months). In the southeastern Barents Sea, the relative occurrence of white whales is highest in May (53.3%) and considerably lower in December and February (16.7 and 10%); only a few animals are found during the remaining ice season. Regarding different habitats, the relative occurrences of white whales in open water, in water openings in the ice, near the edge of pack ice, and in ice packs with different degrees of closeness are 21.5, 11.4, 45.7, and 21.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

Advantages of the informal assessment of biodiversity based on the phytosociological spectrum (the ratio of species associated with different higher units of ecological-floristic classification in the cenoflora) are demonstrated in a study of pine forests of the Southern Urals (classes Vaccinio-Piceetea, Brachypodio-Betuletea, and Querco-Fagetea). The phytosociological spectrum reflects environmental conditions better than formal estimations of , , and -diversity.  相似文献   

A method is described for calculating the probability that the percentage of alien biotypes is higher than a specified threshold (e.g., 5%) in a population in which a certain number of alien biotypes has been found preliminarily. The method is based on the Bayesian approach; it assumes that the researcher has preliminary (a priori) information on the frequency of these biotypes. This a priori information makes it possible to estimate the aforementioned probability more accurately than is possible with the use of the standard binomial estimation. The method is illustrated by the results of the estimation of cultivar purity in batches of stock and foundation seeds of spring barley with the use of protein markers.Translated from Ekologiya, No. 2, 2005, pp. 106–109.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Zhivotovsky, Pomortsev, Lyalina, Kalabushkin, Pukhalskii.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) is considered as a potential toxin that is principally dispersed in natural and agricultural environments through anthropogenic sources. Untreated municipal sewage, often a potential source of Cd, is generally used to irrigate urban agricultural soils in many developing countries. A study was carried out to determine Cd concentration in untreated municipal sewage and sewage-irrigated soils and vegetables. The metal ion concentration in municipal sewage was found 3-fold (0.03mgL–1) its permissible concentration in irrigation water (0.01mgL–1). Ammonium bicarbonate–diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid NH4HCO3–DTPA) extractable Cd concentration in top 0.15m soil ranged between 0.25 and 0.34mgkg–1. Soil Cd concentration was significantly correlated with soil clay content, pH, electrical conductivity, and cation exchange capacity. Cadmium availability index (CDI) decreased with an increase in soil depth. The metal ion was found in leaf (0.17–0.24mgkg–1 fresh weight) and fruit (0.07–0.18mgkg–1 fresh weight) portions of all the sampled vegetables: bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.), cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L.), eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), fenugreek (Trigonella foenumgraecum L.), okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench], onion (Allium cepa L.), pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.), and spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Leafy tissue accumulated Cd about twice that of the fruit portion. Our results suggest that prolonged ingestion of sewage-irrigated leafy vegetables can develop such Cd levels in human body that may cause a number of illnesses.  相似文献   

The principle of sustainable development is now 15-year-old. There are a lot of definitions and models for its explanation — ranging from triangles and prisms to eggs — but still its sense is diffuse. Moreover, important aspects like equity are not sufficiently taken into account.The following article takes a critical look on sustainable development. It shows logical, systemic, philosophic and ethic reasons for the re-development of substantial parts of the principle of sustainability. Based on the proposed Principle of Good Heritage it provides a rough outline of a future Concept of Evolutionability, comprising a first tentative for a definition of evolutionable development, aiming at achieving a more appropriate and more workable mainstream view of sustainability.Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

A system of plant, soil, water and nutrient management for irrigated rice developed in Madagascar has been yielding 5, 10, even 15tha–1 on farmers' fields where previous yields averaged around 2tha–1. This is achieved using whatever variety of rice the farmer is already using and without having to utilize chemical fertilizer or other purchased inputs. This system, known as SRI, shows that alternative management practices, creating optimal growing conditions for plants, can bring out previously untapped genetic potential. It also shows that the practices farmers have used for centuries may not always be the best in agronomic terms.  相似文献   

Uranov (1975) formulated a theory of the age structure of plant populations and, in particular, defined the index of ageness . On the basis of this theory, the concepts of the energy efficiency of plants in a certain ontogenetic state and the average efficiency of a population () are introduced. A new classification of populations with respect to the types of age structure is proposed which is based on both the and values and, accordingly, is named the delta–omega classification. The notion of effective population density is defined. This parameter takes into account different loads of plants in different ontogenetic states on the environment and is quantitatively equal to the product of the population density and . The proposed approaches and methods are illustrated by data on the distribution of age states in different plant species.  相似文献   

The soils formed on fortifications around the sites of ancient settlements 1500 and 2700 years old were studied in the Endyr archaeological landmarks (West Siberia, central taiga). It was shown that podzolic soils with morphological characteristics identical to those of the background soils were formed during these time periods. An attempt was made to estimate the characteristic times for some chemical characters. The greatest values of this parameter were about 8000 years.  相似文献   

The phenetic structure of Dreissena polymorpha populations in different water bodies is considered. The phenotypes of shell pattern and sculpture are identified and described using a scheme based on elementary characters, or pattern elements. It is shown that the frequencies of phenes in mollusks from different biotopes of the cooling system of two thermal power plants differ significantly. The data on species phenogeography are reviewed.  相似文献   

The mode of spatial distribution of soil animals and their trophic activity was studied in the sod-podzolic soil under a spruce forest. At the test point level, no apparent relationship between the distribution of soil animals and physicochemical characteristics of the soil was observed. The patterns of distribution of detritophages and the trophic activity (measured using the bait-lamina test) were similar. The perforation of laminae in the bait-lamina test resulted from the trophic activity of both micro- and mesofauna.  相似文献   

The results of a study on morphophysiological variation in fish inhabiting a subarctic lake exposed to chronic industrial pollution are described using an example of cisco, Coregonus lavaretus. It is shown that indices of the heart, liver, kidneys, gills, and fatness in these fish are increased significantly and have retained increased values for the past 20 years. The observed changes are analyzed on the basis of biochemical data. The results of studies on the dynamics of hematological parameters in fish are used for characterizing the development of toxicosis. Adaptive rearrangements associated with an increase in the metabolic rate and the activation of protective systems in the fish are explained in the context of S.S. Schvarts' concept. The idea is proposed that the additional energy cost of detoxification may be responsible for morphophysiological variation in fish under conditions of water pollution.  相似文献   

Five assessments covering less-developed countries have identified a land balance, available for future cultivation, using the approach of inventory and difference: assessment of the area cultivable, and subtraction of the area presently cultivated. All arrive at a balance of 1600–1900Mha, about twice the present cultivated area. The supposed existence of this spare land is widely quoted in forecasts of capacity to meet the food requirements for future population increase. It is argued here that these estimates greatly exaggerate the land available, by over-estimating cultivable land, under-estimating present cultivation, and failing to take sufficient account of other essential uses for land. Personal observation suggests that the true remaining balance of cultivable land is very much smaller, in some regions virtually zero. An order-of-magnitude estimate reaches the conclusion that in a representative area with an estimated land balance of 50%, the realistic area is some 3–25% of the cultivable land. This speculation could be tested by directly attempting to find such land in areas where it is supposed to exist. The impression given by current estimates, that a reserve of spare land exists, is misleading to world leaders and policy-makers.  相似文献   

The functional approach at the level of physiological functional groups (PFGs) reflecting two types of ontogeny was used to analyze spleen hypertrophy in five species of rodents. In addition to a wide variation of spleen weight, its hypertrophy was observed: in bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus), the spleen weight was as great as 3.5 g versus the normal value of 100–150 mg. The variation range of the relative spleen weight was estimated. For example, in the dominant species, C. glareolus, this range was considerable (from 2 to 125). A distinct relationship with the types of animal ontogeny was revealed. The genus specificity of the phenomenon—its occurrence in three species of Clethrionomys voles and absence in Microtus voles and mice—was determined in the study region. The animals with normal and hypertrophied spleens did not differ from each other significantly in their vital activity (at least, with respect to the parameters studied). The voles with hypertrophied spleens normally reproduced, and the hypertrophy was asymptomatic. These findings suggest that the populations have adapted to a damaging factor (or factors) in the course of a prolonged coevolution. This parameter is regarded as the indicator of the presence of a damaging factor in the population.  相似文献   

Based on the results of our own long-term experiments and the analysis of published data, the process of individual development (ontogeny) of trees and the parameters of ontogenetic stages are described. Changes in the environment-forming (edificatory) role of a tree in the course of ontogeny and upon its completion are characterized. The performance of this role leads to the formation of the following components of biogeocenosis heterogeneity: phytogenic fields of trees, gaps in the tree canopy, and windfall–soil complexes. The data concerning the interrelation of structural transformations of the plant and soil covers in the course of forest vegetation and soil formation on the primary substrate are reviewed.  相似文献   

A minimal dynamical systems model that couples agricultural activity, native vegetation, and hydrological processes is developed to explore policy options regarding regional-scale soil and water salinization in southeastern Australia. The analysis suggests that although considerable revegetation is required to restore catchment water balance, the current value of water in uses other than agriculture is too low for revegetation to be economically viable. In contrast, groundwater pumping generates significant short-term gains by preventing soil salinization but is not a viable long-term solution. Thus, effective salinity management policy must include mechanisms to increase the value of water in uses other than irrigated agriculture to achieve sufficient long-term revegetation. These results are robust over a wide range of parameter values and thus provide a basis for policy action in the face of uncertainty about groundwater flow characteristics.  相似文献   

Natural dispersal of young animals was studied in the colonies of Spermophilus major and S. suslicus ground squirrels in the Volga region. On the basis of data obtained, this process was modeled taking into account the spatial–ethological structure of the colonies. In both species, male dispersal was more active, whereas the degree of natal philopatry was higher in females. The results of the study do not confirm the aggression concept of juvenile dispersal and indicate that its causes are related to hereditary behavioral tendencies. These results are compared with data on juvenile dispersal in other species of the genus Spermophilus.  相似文献   

Within this paper, we analyze the fulfillment of the Kyoto emissions reduction commitment particularly in Germany and its implication on the long-term paths of all macro-variables. Germany, like all other industrial or Annex-B countries, must reduce its emissions by 2010 according to what we call a Kyoto Forever scenario. We specifically investigate tradable permits as reduction measures in a national overlapping generations (OLG) model, where we change the discounting technique by using generation adjusted discounting (GAD) in comparison to conventional OLG discounting. We show that within our model framework Germany is able to develop along growing paths of, for example, gross domestic product (GDP) in sharp contrast to conventional results of OLG simulations. At the same time, current generations must share higher burdens in terms of lower GDP, per capita consumption and employment which can be initially interpreted as contemporary costs for reaching sustainable paths and, second, contributions for internalizing external effects. However, all costs in terms of lower macro-variables for current living generations are re-compensated through higher future values. This effect can be interpreted as an intergenerational application of full cost bearance, or, in other words, the polluter pays principle which is oriented towards sustainability of greenhouse gases abatement.  相似文献   

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