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《防灾博览》:许主任您好,感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间接受我们的采访.这次汤加火山的喷发,是否有任何前期征兆呢? 许建东:事实上,这次的火山喷发是有一系列前兆的.洪阿-汤加-洪阿哈派火山从2021年12月29日到2022年1月4日间歇持续活动,其中1月3日的火山活动明显减弱.  相似文献   

费杰 《灾害学》2008,23(2):65-70
公元1600年秘鲁Huaynaputina火山喷发是历史时期全球最大规模的火山喷发之一,在全球范围产生了重大的气候与环境效应。通过对中国历史时期地方志文献的查阅与整理,结合南北极的冰芯、北半球的树轮和欧洲历史文献等有关记录,对Huaynaputina火山喷发在中国的气候效应进行探讨。结果发现1601年夏季长江下游地区异常寒冷,1601年夏季和秋季黄河中下游地区的严重霜灾,1602年上半年长江中下游地区异常多雪。  相似文献   

基于五大连池火山地质、地震活动和大地电磁深部探测资料,讨论了火山构造环境与地震活动的关系,受构造环境的制约,地震活动水平和空间分布特征与火山区断裂活动的强度与方式有直接的关系。老黑山附近东西侧地下介质的电性结构变化速度较大,与地震活动集中的事实相符,是现今火山区地壳浅层活动强的部位。  相似文献   

1、梅扎马火山,美国俄勒冈州约6000年前梅扎马火山发生了一次特大喷发。1.2万英尺高的梅扎马火山在喷发后,竟形成了一个深1900英尺的火山口湖。此后在漫长的年代里,由于火山活动的作用,湖心又渐渐升起了“神奇岛”,至今仍在不断长高。此处湖水碧蓝,景色宜人,1902年被辟为国家公  相似文献   

本文概要介绍火山的一般情况,侧重介绍火山喷发灾害及对我国的影响,指出我国与火山活动有关的问题,以加强研究,防患于未然。  相似文献   

格里姆火山位于冰岛东南部,5月21日起开始喷发。强度是这座火山自1873年以来最猛烈的一次,形成的柱状烟云一度高达2万米。火山喷发的火山灰已于24日飘到英国上空,为此英国的苏格兰、北爱尔兰以及英格兰北部部分地区的机场取消了航班。受此影响,上海飞往欧洲的部分航线也被迫取消或者延误。  相似文献   

南山 《防灾博览》2010,(6):42-43
<正>默拉皮火山地点:印度尼西亚爪哇岛中部最近一次大规模喷发:2007年,喷发的火山灰甚至到达了将近4000米的高度。列入关注的理由:大约每千年大规模爆发一次,最近一次大爆发大约发生在公元1006年——喷发的火山灰覆盖了整个中爪哇地区,很可能导致了统治3个世纪的信仰印度教的马塔拉姆王国的覆灭。  相似文献   

利用ERS-2 SAR,Landsat TM和全色航空照片等图像,结合测年、野外地质考察等资料,在GIS平台上利用多源数据融合、小波变换、神经元网络分类等手段,研究了长白山天池火山的喷发期次及分布,为火山灾害制图及危险性评价提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

长白山天池火山的研究现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
较详细地介绍了近年来长白山天池火山喷发历史、火山形成机制、火山系统的探测和火山灾害的研究现状,指出了当前研究中存在的一些主要问题。建议今后应加强火山活动历史研究;探测岩浆作用及其动态变化,限定火山失稳条件;研究岩浆作用和火山触发机制;开展火山作用的试验模拟和火山灾害区划的定量模拟研究;建立火山灾害预警系统,制定火山灾害应急预案,以达到减轻火山灾害的目的。  相似文献   

2022年1月15日17点10左右(当地时间),汤加洪阿-汤加-洪阿哈派(Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai)火山爆发了了本世纪以来最大规模的喷发.这次火山喷发,由于其引发海啸的特殊性加上日益先进的观测手段和社交媒体的加持,从民间到学术界都引起了极为广泛的关注. 与以往海啸的不同之处在于,这次爆炸性喷发...  相似文献   

Sigurdsson H  Carey S 《Disasters》1986,10(3):205-216
Volcanic eruptions in Latin America have claimed about 61,000 lives since 1600 A.D. and the region's volcanoes are responsible for about a quarter of the world's fatalities from this type of hazard. Nearly all loss of life from volcanism in Latin America is due to pyroclastic surges, pyroclastic flows and lahars or volcanic mudflows. Lahars generated during the 13th November, 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz in Colombia claimed 25,000 lives, underscoring the great hazard from lahars, which can be generated from the fifty-six, active, ice-capped Central and South American volcanoes during even very small eruptions. The probability of specific prediction of the timing of such events is currently low, whereas the probability of a general prediction of volcanic eruption is high, giving sufficient time to install telemetered lahar alarm systems, which could largely avoid the loss of life.  相似文献   

The health and safety hazards posed by volcanic eruptions are outlined with special reference to experience gained from the eruptions of Mount St. Helens in 1980. The ability of volcanologists to predict the timing and the impact on local communities of an impending eruption are limited, some recent devastating eruptions having occurred without apparent warning. With the expansion of world populations into hazardous volcanic areas there is a growing need to develop appropriate emergency response measures. This paper describes the main preventive public and occupational health measures that are now a necessary part in dealing with volcanic emergencies.  相似文献   

张富国  张先恭 《灾害学》1993,8(2):63-67
本文将世界火山爆发地点分为6个区域,根据500a来火山活动和我国华南旱涝资料,研究了中国华南阜涝与不同火山区域及不同季节火山爆发的统计关系,发现了不同区域火山爆发对华南旱涝的影响不同。  相似文献   

强火山爆发与我国华北地区夏季旱涝的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张富国  张先恭 《灾害学》1994,9(2):69-73
本文根据我国1470~1990年旱涝型和旱涝等级指数资料,研究了15世纪以来世界8个区域强火山爆发与我国华北旱涝的统计关系,发现火山爆发后1~2a内华北地区夏季以偏旱为主。  相似文献   

Considerable progress has been made in volcanic disaster mitigation in the Philippines during the last four decades, since the devastating Hibok-Hibok eruption in 1951 and the establishment of the Commission on Volcanology (COMVOL), the forerunner of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) in 1952. The management of the Pinatubo Volcano eruption crisis of 1991-92 marks the highest point in the development of volcanic disaster mitigation in the country. State-of-the-art volcano monitoring techniques and instruments were applied; the eruption was accurately predicted; hazards zonation maps were prepared and disseminated a month before the violent explosions; an alert and warning system was designed and implemented; and the disaster response machinery was mobilized on time. The unprecedented magnitude and lingering nature of the hazards, however, and their widespread, long-term impacts have sorely tested the capability of the country's volcanic disaster mitigation systems. In particular, the lahar threat has triggered controversies and put decision makers in a dilemma of choosing between adaptive versus confrontational/control approaches. At least three strategies have been articulated and adopted in varying degrees and forms: (1) the establishment of a lahar monitoring-warning-evacuation system to deal with the lahar problem on an emergency basis; (2) relocation of settlements from the hazard zones; and (3) installation of engineering countermeasures to control/divert the lahar flows and protect settlements. A combination of the three appears to be the best, but the most effective and least costly mix remains to be determined.  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(3):89-103

The most dynamic demographic process of the past 250 years has been the movement of people from rural areas to cities. For most of this period urbanisation has been concentrated in economically more developed parts of the world, but during the last 50 years the focus has shifted to economically less developed regions. Urbanisation, particularly in developing countries, has led to increasing global exposure to a variety of natural hazards, not the least of which are risks posed to large cities by volcanoes. In this paper we monitor these demographic changes and detail the various types of volcanic hazard to which cities are exposed. A major eruption affecting a city in a developing country could cause widespread loss of life and regional disruption. Effective response, however, might minimise casualties in a city within a developed nation affected by a major eruption, but the economic impact could have global consequences. We argue that global hazard exposure is often subtle and involves not only the size of a city and the types of volcanic product that may occur, but also the strategic position of the threatened city within the economy of a country and/or region and the fact that volcano-induced tsunami and other consequences of eruptions, such as climatic change, may affect cities far removed from a given eruption site. Mitigation measures informed by both specifc prediction (surveillance) and general prediction (hazard mapping) are providing the potential to reduce hazard exposure. The paper concludes with a consideration of ongoing research, in particular the emphasis currently being placed on conflating hazard analysis with studies of place, economy, society and culture.  相似文献   

1IntroductionAs a many-volcano-distributed country,China is covered with many volcanoes and lava rocks.A-mong the one-thousand-or-so volcanoes,Changbai Mountain Volcano,Wudalianchi Volcano,Tengchong Volcano and Ashikule Volcano of West Kunlun are the mostlatentcatastrophic erup-tive active volcanoes.In recent years,the activity of the earth' s crust in some volcanic areas isobviously becoming increasing violent.Butfew scholars have monitored and evaluated volcano inChina.So building VDI…  相似文献   

火山喷发的气体灾害   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李霓 《自然灾害学报》2000,9(3):127-132
火山喷发是一种壮观的自然景象,其喷发类型多种多样。火山喷发不仅可以改变地貌,带来一些矿产资源,更多的是给自然界带来灾害。火山喷发一般都同时喷出气体,强火山喷发巨量的气体喷入空中,会给全球气候和环境造成极大的灾害。  相似文献   

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