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The spatial distribution of the most abundant eggs and larvae of teleost fish species on the continental shelf and slope off the northern Benguela region was studied in April 1986. The horizontal and vertical distribution of eggs and larvae were analysed together with environmental data, in order to determine patterns of ichthyoplankton distribution. Both species composition and relative egg and larval abundance levels exhibited important latitudinal differences during a period of quiescent upwelling with an intense intrusion of Angolan water into the system. Larval diversity was higher in the northern part of the study area, where, because of the intrusion of the warmer Angolan water, the water column was more stratified than in the southern part, where the affect of upwelling of South Atlantic Central Water was continuous and only a few species spawned. The frontal zone appeared to be a nursery ground for the most important pelagic species of the region:Trachurus trachurus capensis, Engraulis capensis, andSardinops ocellatus. Vertical egg and larval distributions showed evidence of stratification, with highest concentrations located in the uppermost 50 m. In comparison, during periods of intense upwelling, longitudinal gradients were responsible for the horizontal distribution of ichthyoplankton, and the vertical distribution of eggs and larvae were much more extensive because of the greater mixing of the water column.  相似文献   

植物区系地理分布格局的研究有助于更好地理解植物区系的起源、迁移和分化。研究利用覆盖云南地区全境的植物区系分布信息,探讨了云南地区植物区系属的多度及区系过渡性的地理分布格局。结果表明,所有热带区系属的多度均随着纬度升高呈递减趋势;大多数温带区系属的多度随着纬度的升高呈递增趋势。中亚分布(T13)属的多度的高值主要出现在滇西北地区,尤其是在金沙江、澜沧江和怒江的上游地区,但在其它地区十分少见。地中海、西亚至中亚分布(T12)属的多度的高值也出现在滇西北地区,但在其它地区无明显空间分布规律;中国特有分布(T15)属在滇西北地区最为丰富,其次是滇东南地区,大致以“田中线”为界,界线以西地区的中国植物特有属的多度明显低于界线以东地区。从南到北,植物区系过渡性基本上呈单调递增格局,这一格局的形成可能与区系成分的迁移和地形格局有关。大理州以南的低海拔地区,热带区系成分占据主导地位,并占据了云南大部分的土地面积,这在一定程度上证实了云南地区总体上是一个“热带山原”的假说。本研究与其它研究的不同可能源于与源数据和取样尺度的差异。  相似文献   

植物区系地理分布格局的研究有助于更好地理解植物区系的起源、迁移和分化。研究利用覆盖云南地区全境的植物区系分布信息,探讨了云南地区植物区系属的多度及区系过渡性的地理分布格局。结果表明,所有热带区系属的多度均随着纬度升高呈递减趋势;大多数温带区系属的多度随着纬度的升高呈递增趋势。中亚分布(T13)属的多度的高值主要出现在滇西北地区,尤其是在金沙江、澜沧江和怒江的上游地区,但在其它地区十分少见。地中海、西亚至中亚分布(T12)属的多度的高值也出现在滇西北地区,但在其它地区无明显空间分布规律;中国特有分布(T15)属在滇西北地区最为丰富,其次是滇东南地区,大致以"田中线"为界,界线以西地区的中国植物特有属的多度明显低于界线以东地区。从南到北,植物区系过渡性基本上呈单调递增格局,这一格局的形成可能与区系成分的迁移和地形格局有关。大理州以南的低海拔地区,热带区系成分占据主导地位,并占据了云南大部分的土地面积,这在一定程度上证实了云南地区总体上是一个"热带山原"的假说。本研究与其它研究的不同可能源于与源数据和取样尺度的差异。  相似文献   

In order to study taxon richness, biodiversity and abundance patterns in the North Atlantic from temperate latitudes through Arctic to high Arctic latitudes, we recorded the faunas (at ELWS level) colonizing 20 cobbles from three sites at each of seven boulder-field localities (south-west England, 50°N; Wales, 51°N; west Scotland, 56°N; Iceland, 64°N; Tromsø, 70°N; Svalbard, 77°N, 79°N). Inverse correlations were found between latitude and all measures of richness (species, orders, and phyla numbers) and biodiversity (S–W, P). However, these correlations were driven mostly by the consistently impoverished Arctic sites; an even cline of decreasing diversity from south to north did not exist. Multidimensional scaling revealed two communities, temperate–subarctic species-rich and high arctic species-poor. Evenness as measured by Pielou’s index was similar across all latitudes. Abundance data exhibited a similar trend to the species richness and diversity data with a significant negative correlation with latitude, but when Arctic data were excluded the correlation vanished.  相似文献   

The annual cycles of growth and of internal storage of nitrogen and carbon in Laminaria longicruris were compared at three sites in Nova Scotia, Canada. One site had abundant nitrogen all year round, on account of local upwelling, one had abundant nitrogen for only four months and the last was intermediate in this respect. Where nitrogen was abundant year round, growth followed the seasonal pattern of light, and there was little storage of either carbon or inorganic nitrogen. Where nitrogen was only abundant in the sea in winter, growth accelerated at this time and continued throught early summer while internal reserves of nitrogen were utilized. Carbon was stored in summer and used for growth in the fall. At the intermediate site, larger reserves of nitrogen were built up in winter and a high growth rate was maintained through most of the summer. Smaller carbon reserves were accumulated and growth was minimal in winter. Experiments in which plants were transplanted between sites were not conclusive, but suggested that plants at different sites may have genetic differences.  相似文献   

Juveniles and adult females were presented a food spectrum of three algae of different sizes (4.5, 12 and 20 m cell width). The increase in rate of ingestion of the medium-sized alga with an increase in copepod size was significantly greater than the increase in rate of ingestion of the small alga. It is hypothesized that the perception of chemical signals from the small alga by a copepod decreases as the copepod moults from stage to stage. The rate of ingestion of the large alga by copepod stage V (CV) and adult females was lower than the rate of ingestion of the medium-sized alga at mid- and high phytoplankton concentrations. The amount of nitrogen ingested when the medium-sized alga alone was offered was either higher than (stage C II) or not significantly different from that when the three algae were offered together (stage C IV). Ingestion rates are reduced when there is a multialgal food source. This implies that there is increased stability in the ocean because multiparticle food sources are more slowly depleted than unialgal foods. Weight-specific ingestion rates of copepods fed the three algae simultaneously increased from nauplius to stage C III and then decreased as adulthood approached. The contribution of the small alga to the total amount of nitrogen ingesied was greatest for naupliar stages while the contribution of the medium-sized cells was greater for later stages. The largest alga was readily ingested by stage C V and adult females but never contributed more than 25% of the nitrogen ingested. Eight to 12% of the nitrogen ingested by adult females was from the small alga. It is hypothesized that the algal cell size for maximum nitrogen ingestion in upwelled waters is relatively small, round or square and close to the size threshold below which adult females do not sense individual cells.  相似文献   

The overall effect of the number of boats on the copper (Cu) levels in the water column and sediment, along with their spatial variability within Shelter Island Yacht Basin (SIYB), San Diego Bay, California was examined. We identified a horizontal gradient of increasing dissolved Cu and Cu in sediment from outside to the head of SIYB which was coincident with the increasing number of boats. Spatial models of Cu distribution in water and sediment indicated the presence of ‘hotspots’ of Cu concentration. From outside to the head of SIYB, dissolved Cu ranged from 1.3 μ g L?1 to 14.6 μ g L?1 in surface water, and 2.0 μ g L?1 to 10.2 μ g L?1 in bottom water. Cu in sediment exceeded the Effect Range Low of 34 mg kg?1 (i.e. where adverse effects to fauna may occur), with a peak concentration of 442 mg kg?1 at the head of the basin. Free Cu++ in surface water was several orders of magnitude higher than in sediment porewater. High-resolution data of Cu species together with probability maps presented in this paper will allow managers to easily visualise and localise areas of impaired quality and to prioritise which areas should be targeted to improve Cu-related conditions.  相似文献   

Karlson RH  Connolly SR  Hughes TP 《Ecology》2011,92(6):1282-1291
Species assemblages vary in structure due to a wide variety of processes operating at ecological and much broader biogeographical scales. Cross-scale studies of assemblage structure are necessary to fully understand this variability. Here, we evaluate the abundance and occupancy patterns of hierarchically sampled coral assemblages in three habitats (reef flat, crest, and slope) and five regions (Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, American Samoa, and the Society Islands) across the west-central Pacific Ocean. Specifically, we compare two alternative models that unify spatial variance and occupancy via the negative binomial distribution. The first assumes a power-law scaling between the mean and variance of abundance; the second assumes a quadratic variance-mean relationship and a constant abundance-invariant aggregation parameter. Surprisingly, the well-established power-law model performs worse than the model assuming abundance-invariant aggregation, for both variance-mean and occupancy-abundance relationships. We also find strong evidence for regional and habitat variation in these relationships and in the levels of aggregation estimated by the abundance-invariant aggregation model. Among habitats, corals on reef flats exhibited lower occupancy and higher levels of aggregation compared to reef crests and slopes. Among regions, low occupancy and high aggregation were most pronounced across all habitats in American Samoa. These patterns may be related to habitat and regional differences in disturbance and recovery processes. Our results suggest that the spatial scaling of abundance and occupancy is sensitive to processes operating among these habitats and at regional scales. However, the consistency of these relationships across species within assemblages suggests that a theoretical unification of spatial variance and occupancy patterns is indeed possible.  相似文献   

Fish larvae were sampled in and below three separate sewage plumes associated with the cliff-face (shoreline) outfalls at North Head, Bondi and Malabar, and at three control (non-plume) sites located>8 km away from the sewage outfalls, at Long Reef, Port Hacking and Marley Beach, in nearshore waters off Sydney, south-eastern Australia. Samples were collected at the surface and at 20 m depth during three periods: December 1989, April/May 1990 and August/September 1990. In December 1989, a greater number of taxa were caught at both depths at the plume sites compared to the control sites, but this did not occur during the other two sampling periods. Similarly, in April/May 1990, greater numbers of the clupeid Hyperlophus vittatus but fewer anthiines were caught at both depths near the outfalls (plume sites). Myctophids were more numerous in surface samples, but not at 20 m, at the plume sites in both April/May and August/September 1990, whereas in April/May 1990, labrids and anguilliformes were less abundant at 20 m at the plume sites compared to the control sites. These differences in the numbers of fish larvae caught may have been an effect of the effluent plumes, but these results were only correlative. The results most probably reflect spatial heterogeneity in the distribution and relative abundance of fish larvae nearshore to Sydney. There were striking differences, however, in the number of fish larvae caught at the surface and at 20 m, and among sampling periods, but these differences were similar across all sites. Of the 46 taxa considered common, 33 occurred in greater numbers at 20 m than at the surface, whereas only 8 taxa were caught in greater numbers at the surface. The composition of the fish larvae also differed markedly among sampling periods; few taxa were common to all three sampling periods. Greater numbers of fish larvae were caught in April/May and August/September 1990 than in December 1989, particularly at 20 m depth. The data highlight the large spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the distribution and relative abundance of fish larvae nearshore to Sydney and the difficulty of identifying effects that are solely due to sewage plumes.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns and temporal succession in soft-bottom macroinvertebrate assemblages are described for an area of the southern San Diego shelf which is influenced by both anthropogenic and natural events. The study transect covered 19 km along the 60 m-depth contour and spanned the terminus of the Point Loma wastewater outfall (32°40N; 117°17W). Ordination and classification analyses revealed that eight major benthic assemblages occurred in the study area from 1986–1990. These analyses further indicated that: (1) the impact of wastewater discharge on the benthos was asymmetric about the outfall, and (2) primary and secondary impact zones existed within the outfall footprint. The primary impact extended only 0.5 km south, but usually up to 1 km north, of the point of discharge, reflecting the prevailing northerly flow of currents along the San Diego coast. Stations within the primary impact zone usually supported similar faunal assemblages at any point in time. A lessened, or secondary, impact was apparent at stations 1 to 2 km south and 2 km north of the outfall. The two stations 9 km to the north appeared to be outside the outfall footprint. Assemblages in the three zones did not differ greatly in species composition, but did differ with respect to organismal density, relative abundances (dominance hierarchy) of component species, and temporal persistence. Biostimulation of the benthos, manifest as increased species richness and organismal abundance, was apparent in the primary impact zone from 1986–1988, although dominance was relatively low. Dominance increased at these sites during 1989 and 1990 due to large increases in populations of a few small species, such as the polychaete Myriochele sp. M and the ostracod Euphilomedes carcharodonta. Biomass was slightly elevated in the primary impact zone during 1986–1987; however, this trend was not sustained. Communities within the outfall footprint were much less persistent over time than those beyond it. The observed shifts in benthic assemblages within the outfall footprint corresponded to natural oceanographic cycles (i.e., the transition from El Niño to La Niña conditions) and anthropogenic changes (i.e., changes in wastewater output). These observations suggest that the Point Loma outfall has a localized effect on the stability of infaunal communities. Possible destabilization mechanisms are explored. Finally, comparisons with pre-discharge data taken during 1956–1957 revealed that about half of the species present prior to construction of the outfall were still common in 1990, after 27 yr of wastewater discharge, although large increases in species diversity and abundance seem to have occurred at all stations.  相似文献   

Seventy-five samples of the crustacean fauna associated with the coral Madracis mirabilis (Duchassaing and Michelotti) were obtained at five sites along the west coast of Barbados in 1985. Samples were analyzed to determine whether any community response to eutrophication was evident. Ordination (multidimensional scaling) and classification (group average clustering) based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity measures separated the fauna of highly eutrophied sites from those that were less eutrophied. Dominance plots based on relative abundance and log-normal plotting methods were ineffective in distinguishing the fauna of eutrophied sites. The crustacean fauna responded to eutrophication mainly by reduction of density of animals. No differences in species richness, number of site endemic species or rare species were observed between highly eutrophied and less eutrophied sites. Nine indicator species of eutrophy were identified on the basis of strong density differences between sites.  相似文献   

The Kittlitz's Murrelet (Brachyramphus brevirostris) is a rare, non-colonial seabird often associated with tidewater glaciers and a recent candidate for listing under the Endangered Species Act. We estimated abundance of Kittlitz's Murrelets across space and time from at-sea surveys along the coast of Alaska (USA) and then used these data to develop spatial models to describe abundance patterns and identify environmental factors affecting abundance. Over a five-week period in the summer of 2005, we recorded 794 Kittlitz's Murrelets, 16 Marbled Murrelets (B. marmoratus), and 70 unidentified murrelets. The overall population estimate (N, mean +/- SE) during the peak period (3-9 July) was 1317 +/- 294 birds, decreasing to 68 +/- 37 by the last survey period (31 July-6 August). Density of Kittlitz's Murrelets was highest in pelagic waters of Taan Fjord (18.6 +/- 7.8 birds/km2, mean +/- SE) during 10-16 July. Spatial models identified consistent "hotspots" of Kittlitz's Murrelets, including several small areas where high densities of murrelets were found throughout the survey period. Of the explanatory variables that we evaluated, tidal current strength influenced murrelet abundance most consistently, with higher abundance associated with strong tidal currents. Simulations based on the empirically derived estimates of variation demonstrated that spatial variation strongly influenced power to detect trend, although power changed little across the threefold difference in the coefficient of variation on detection probability. We include recommendations for monitoring Kittlitz's Murrelets (or other marine species) when there is a high degree of uncertainty about factors affecting abundance, especially spatial variability.  相似文献   

Reproductive patterns of the endemic Hawaiian damselfish Dascyllus albisella were examined around the island of Oahu for 5 m in 1992. Daily variation in spawning was studied at four spatial scales: individual territories; reef transects; whole patch reefs; and locations separated by>20 km. A 6 d, non-lunar nesting cycle was found for individual males, and a synchronized, 6 d, nonhinar spawning cycle was found within reef transects, whole patch reefs, and locations. Spawning synchronicity was maintained among reefs within a location. However, spawning among locations was found to be asynchronous, limiting the spatial scale of reproductive synchrony to>1 km but<20 km. Inherent benefits of synchronous reproduction are discussed for D. albisella, but only the localized swamping of planktonic predators may be an inherent benefit of synchronous spawning for this species. Alternatively, synchronous spawning among populations may exist from adults tracking local, favorable environmental conditions rather than having evolved towards an inherent benefit of synchronization.  相似文献   

Summary I monitored the temporal pattern of diurnal feeding activity in several wood warbler (Parulidae) species and concomitantly recorded the numbers of active (flying) insects in 2 willow habitats in the western United States. At one site the temporal relationship between the density of active and inactive (nonflying) insects was investigated. The diurnal patterns of insect and bird activity were inversely related and each pattern was significantly nonuniform throughout the day; the wood warblers were largely inactive during the middle of the day when insects were most active.As foliage-gleaning birds, wood warblers depend primarily on the availability of inactive (nonflying) insects that they pick from the foliage, and they appear to be limited in their foraging activity by the unavailability of such insects during midday. Interestingly, the duration of midday inactivity for a given bird species varied inversely with the proportion of time that species spent flycatching. Thus, food availability may play an important role in determining the temporal patterns of feeding activity in these insectivorous bird species.  相似文献   

In our study of the condition of larval cod (Gadus morhua) collected off southwest Nova Scotia in winter-spring, 1983, we (1) examined relationships between larval condition and ambient environmental conditions, and (2) compared the use of simple morphometric indices of larval condition and of multivariate statistics to obtain information relevant to larval condition. Twelve indices of relative condition were obtained, based upon seven measurements made on each larva, and a principal component (PC) analysis was performed on these condition indices. Most condition indices and the first PC were significantly correlated with numbers of nauplii and of zooplankters per m3 in the water column, which are direct measures of food available to the larvae, but not to less direct measures of environmental quality for the larvae, such as plankton displacement volume or chlorophyll concentration. Conventional indices based upon relations of dry weight or body height at the anus to length were most sensitive to environmental conditions. There was no apparent advantage in performing a multivariate analysis based upon a larger series of measurements.  相似文献   

Flügge AJ  Olhede SC  Murrell DJ 《Ecology》2012,93(7):1540-1549
The current spatial pattern of a population is the result of previous individual birth, death, and dispersal events. We present a simple model followed by a comparative analysis for a species-rich plant community to show how the current spatial aggregation of a population may hold information about recent population dynamics. Previous research has shown how locally restricted seed dispersal often leads to stronger aggregation in less abundant populations than it does in more abundant populations. In contrast, little is known about how changes in the local abundance of a species may affect the spatial distribution of individuals. If the level of aggregation within a species depends to some extent on the abundance of the species, then changes in abundance should lead to subsequent changes in aggregation. However, an overall change of spatial pattern relies on many individual birth and death events, and a surplus of deaths or births may have short-term effects on aggregation that are opposite to the long-term change predicted by the change in abundance. The change in aggregation may therefore lag behind the change in abundance, and consequently, the current aggregation may hold information about recent population dynamics. Using an individual-based simulation model with local dispersal and density-dependent competition, we show that, on average, recently growing populations should be more aggregated than shrinking populations of the same current local abundance. We tested this hypothesis using spatial data on individuals from a long-term tropical rain forest plot, and find support for this relationship in canopy trees, but not in understory and shrub species. On this basis we argue that current spatial aggregation is an important characteristic that contains information on recent changes in local abundance, and may be applied to taxonomic groups where dispersal is limited and within-species aggregation is observed.  相似文献   

A survey of the phytoplankton in the eastern Atlantic Ocean south of the Gulf of Guinea was undertaken, covering the local cyclonic gyre in the neutral col between the South Subtropical gyre, the Equatorial Countercurrent and the coast of Africa. Phytoplankton distribution, cell size, and abundance displayed distinct patterns which are presumed to be related to differential environmental dependence.  相似文献   

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