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Summary. The defensive chemistry of the ladybird beetle Epilachna paenulata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) was characterized as a mixture of piperidine, homotropane and pyrrolidine alkaloids. Whole body extracts of adult beetles contain four major alkaloids: 1-(6-Methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-pyridin-2-yl)-propan-2-one; 1-(6-methyl-2-piperidyl)-propan-2-one; 9-aza-1-methyl-bicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-3-one and 1- (2′′- hydroxyethyl)-2-(12′-aminotridecyl)-pyrrolidine. Comparative studies of the defensive chemistry of eggs, larvae, pupae and adults showed both qualitative and quantitative differences in alkaloid composition among the four life stages, and also within adult age. Laboratory predation bioassays with wolf spiders showed that the adults are better protected than the larvae and pupae. Field tests showed the adult alkaloid extract to be deterrent to ants.  相似文献   

Summary. Conium maculatum is an apiaceous species native to Eurasia that is highly toxic to vertebrates due to the presence of piperidine alkaloids, including coniine and γ-coniceine. More than 200 years after invading the United States this species remains mostly free from generalist insect herbivores. The presence of novel chemical defenses in the introduced range could provide invasive species with a competitive advantage relative to native plants. The cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni) is a generalist lepidopteran found throughout the US that occasionally feeds on C. maculatum. We evaluated the toxicity of piperidine alkaloids to T. ni and determined putative resistance mechanisms, both behavioral and physiological, that allows this insect to develop successfully on C. maculatum foliage. T. ni larvae raised on diets enriched with coniine and γ-coniceine showed a decrease in consumption and longer development time, but no effects on growth were found at any alkaloid concentration. In a diet choice experiment T. ni larvae showed no avoidance of alkaloid-enriched diets, suggesting that the deterrence produced by alkaloids was related to a post-ingestive metabolic response. The ability of T. ni to consume diets high in alkaloid content could be due to at least three different mechanisms: 1) a decreased consumption rate, 2) efficient excretion of at least 1/3 of ingested alkaloids unmetabolized in frass, and 3) partial detoxification of alkaloids by cytochrome P450 s, as shown by the decreased larval growth in the presence of piperonyl butoxide, a P450 inhibitor. Even though T. ni tolerates C. maculatum alkaloids, the use of this species as a host plant could be ecologically disadvantageous due to prolonged larval growth and thus increased exposure to predators. Novel plant secondary compounds do not guarantee increased resistance to generalist herbivores.  相似文献   

Summary. Many species of insects sabotage the pressurized defense vessels of their host plants prior to feeding. This behavior, however, does not render leaves indefinitely suitable, as some species employing this behavior eventually abandon uneaten portions of sabotaged leaves. In this study, we examined whether and to what degree wild parsnip, Pastinaca sativa, is capable of restoring its pressurized defenses and whether cabbage loopers, Trichoplusa ni, which normally trench parsnip leaflets, benefit from their trenching behavior. The pressurized oil tubes of parsnip leaves are rich in toxic terpenoids and furanocoumarins. A disruption of the integrity of the tubes (via razor blade nicks) in leaflets revealed that that some of their contents were expelled at the break and that some movement of oil from outside the leaflet (i.e., the midvein) occurred, bolstering furanocoumarin levels in the leaflet within minutes. Pressure and chemical content in a leaflet’s oil tubes were also shown to be restored within 24 hours of depressurization. This recovery ability allowed parsnip leaflets to respond to daily depressurizations by mechanical damage for up to at least 5 assaults, cumulatively causing an approximate ten-fold increase in furanocoumarins. Cabbage loopers fed parsnip leaflets that were artificially trenched accumulated twice as much body mass as larvae fed leaflets augmented with furanocoumarins equivalent to the quantity that would be avoided through trenching, indicating that trenching does benefit the herbivore. Although parsnip recovers from trenching rapidly, it does not do so within the time that cabbage loopers consume trenched leaflets  相似文献   

The allocation to growth, defense and reproduction varies in social insects within a species' life cycle and between species. A life cycle model (Oster and Wilson 1978) generally failed to predict caste allocation in small litter-nesting colonies of Neotropical Pheidole. Two of its assumptions were often invalid: food was unlikely to be limiting in four of five populations, and sexual biomass production accelerated, not decelerated, with colony size in three of five populations. One of five Pheidole populations studied had higher caste ratios (soldiers /workers) in reproductive colonies as predicted, and in no species did caste functions conform to predictions. We also adapted three models from plant defense theory to study between-species patterns of caste allocation. Among 12 litter Pheidole the amount of sterile biomass devoted to soldiers varied from 18 to 62%. Queen size, growth rate, and soldier investment positively covaried. Only one model, the cost of replacement hypothesis (McKey 1979), correctly predicted that species with costly female alates invest more in defense. The two hypotheses linking apparency to defense may also be valid if fast-growing colonies are more likely to attract the attention of predators.  相似文献   

Summary We tested the role of a grasshopper defensive secretion in deterring lizard predation. Adults, but not young larvae, of the chemically defended lubber grasshopperRomalea guttata (=microptera) froth a volatile secretion when attacked by predators. The lizardAnolis carolinensis failed to strike juvenile lubbers (which lack secretion) in laboratory trials. Survivorship of palatable crickets loaded with secretion offered toA. carolinensis was not significantly different from survivorship of control crickets. In experiments designed to investigate if lizards learn an aversion to the secretion, striking times forSceloporus undulatus fed wax worms coated with secretion were not significantly different over three days of trials. Three primary conclusions are drawn from these data. First, the secretion may not be necessary for lubber protection from lizards. Second, lubber secretion does not appear to deter lizards from attacking or eating prey items. Third, lizards do not appear to develop an aversion to the secretion.  相似文献   

Summary The antifungal activity of volatile oil obtained from the leaves of sweet gale (Myrica gale) has been investigated. Fungi, isolated from the leaves ofM. gale, were grown in liquid medium containing the oil and its effect on biomass production was gauged. The oil inhibited growth of all species of fungi to greater or lesser extent. Sesquiterpenes were more active than monoterpenes, and among the sesquiterpenes germacrone was marginally more active than -elemenone. These results support the proposition that the volatile oil ofM. gale has a role in resistance to fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

Summary. Evidence is presented, obtained with two species of jays, that these birds differ in the ways in which they prepare bombardier beetles for ingestion. Blue Jays subject bombardiers to “anting,” a procedure by which the beetles are induced to eject their spray into the plumage of the birds. Florida Scrub Jays, in contrast, which live in an area where the soil is sandy, subject bombardiers to “sand-wiping,” causing the beetles to eject their spray into the substrate. Both strategies lend themselves also to pre-ingestive treatment of other chemically protected arthropods. Anting is a strategy widely practiced by birds, possibly because it can be put to use no matter what the nature of the terrain. Sand-wiping, as implied by its name (which we here coin), may be of more restricted occurrence, given that it can be carried out only on loose, penetrable soil.  相似文献   

Summary. The alkaloid profiles of the life history stages of the highly polyphagous arctiid Estigmene acrea were established. As larvae individuals had free choice between a plain diet (alkaloid-free) and a diet that was supplemented with Crotalaria-pumila powder with a known content and composition of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs). Idiosyncratic retronecine esters (insect PAs) accounted for approximately half of the PAs recovered from the larvae. These alkaloids were synthesized by the larvae through esterification of dietary supinidine yielding the estigmines, and esterification of retronecine yielding the creatonotines. The retronecine is derived from insect-mediated degradation of the sequestered pumilines (macrocyclic PAs of the monocrotaline type). With one exception, the PA profiles established for larvae were found almost unaltered in all life-stages as well as larval exuviae and pupal cocoons. The exception is the males, which in comparison to pupae and adult females, showed a significantly decreased quantity of the creatonotines and pumilines. These data support the idea that the creatonotines are direct precursors of the PA-derived male courtship pheromone, hydroxydanaidal. Crosses of PA-free males with PA-containing females and vice versa confirmed an efficient trans-mission of PAs from males to females and then from females to eggs. In single cases a male bestowed almost his total PA load to the female, and a female her total load to the eggs. The results are discussed with respect to pheromone formation, PA transmission between life-stages, and the defensive role of PAs against predators and parasitoids  相似文献   

Summary. Data are presented on the repellency of the spray of a bombardier beetle (Pheropsophus aequinoctialis) to a lycosid spider (Lycosa ceratiola). The secretion is shown to cause the spider to desist from its assault on the beetle within, on average, 58 ms of onset of the beetle’s secretory emission, a reaction time that is at a par with latencies previously reported for startle, escape, and avoidance reactions of cockroaches, flies, and moths. Spray ejections by the beetle, are shorter in duration (43 ms, on average) than the response time of the spider, an indication that the beetle does indeed pack a formidable “punch” into its ejection. After being hit by a beetle’s spray, L. ceratiola were found occasionally to autotomize one or two of their legs. It is argued, but not proven, that this unusually severe effect from exposure to an arthropodan defensive secretion may be caused by the high temperature of the bombardier beetle spray.  相似文献   

Summary. Breeding burrows of Parastizopus armaticeps armaticeps, a fossorial desert tenebrionid beetle, are cleptoparasitised by the closely related Eremostibes opacus. Gas chromatographic analyses show a high congruity of the cuticular hydrocarbons of both species. We compare these hydrocarbon patterns with those of four other Stizopina species and the Scaurini Herpiscius sommeri. In a bioassay, dummies treated with cuticular hydrocarbon extracts of E. opacus and the P. a. bifidus parasite E. bushmanicus were mostly ignored by P. a. armaticeps, whereas dummies with applied extracts of the remaining species were heavily attacked. We show that there is a correlation between agonistic behaviour of P. a. armaticeps towards the intruder and the chemical similarity of the cuticular hydrocarbons of the two species. Furthermore, we produced quantitatively modified hydrocarbon patterns of E. barbatus by changing the temperature at which this species was kept. The new 30 °C type was chemically similar to E. opacus, and was frequently ignored by P. a. armaticeps, whereas a reduction of the temperature to 20 °C only had minor effects on the hydrocarbon pattern. Furthermore, we show that the addition of one single component, heptacosane, to the cuticular hydrocarbon extract of E. opacus alters the host’s reaction. We discuss the role of cuticular hydrocarbons for the recognition of this host-parasite system and the relevance of quantitative characters in the hydrocarbon pattern for the discrimination of the host.  相似文献   

Summary Cardenolide sequestration by a hemimetabolous aphid and a holometabolous butterfly from the neotropical milkweed,Asclepias curassavica L., is compared. The oleander aphid,Aphis nerii B. de F., sequestered a similarly narrow range of cardenolide concentrations to the monarch butterfly,Danaus plexippus (L.), from the wide range of concentrations available in leaves of A.curassavica. However, A.nerii sequestered significantly less cardenolide (269 µg/0.1 g) thanD. plexippus (528 µg/0.1 g). The honeydew excreted by A.nerii was comprised of 46% cardenolide. The complete polarity range of 25 cardenolides detected by thin layer chromatography in A.curassavica was represented in the 17 whole aphid cardenolides and the 20 aphid honeydew cardenolides detected. D.plexippus sequestered a narrower polarity range of 11 cardenolides, having eliminated low polarity cardenolide genins and glycosides. It is suggested that these chemical differences may be related to interactions among the broad feeding tactics of sucking or chewing milkweed leaves, life history constraints of holometabolyversus hemimetaboly, the distribution of milkweed food resources in space and time, and the dynamics of natural enemies.  相似文献   

In polygynous mammals, males are usually responsible for gene flow while females are predominantly philopatric. However, there is evidence that in a few mammalian species female offspring may disperse to avoid breeding with their father when male tenure exceeds female age at maturity. We investigated offspring dispersal and local population structure in the Neotropical bat Lophostoma silvicolum. The mating system of this species is resource defense polygyny, with the resource being active termite nests, excavated by single males, which are then joined by females. We combined field observations of 14 harems during 3 years and data about the genetic structure within and between these groups, calculated with one mitochondrial locus and nine nuclear microsatellite loci. The results show that both male and female offspring disperse before maturity. In addition, we estimated life span of excavated termite nests and the duration they were occupied by the same male. Our findings suggest that long male tenure of up to 30 months is indeed a likely cause for the observed dispersal by female offspring that can reach maturity at a low age of 6 months. We suggest that dispersal by offspring of both sexes may occur quite frequently in polygynous tropical bats and thus generally may be more common in mammals than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Summary. Two Ceratosoma species, C. trilobatum and C. gracillimum (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Opistobranchia), collected along the South China Sea coast, have been studied in order to investigate their defensive strategies. Both species contain four typical sponge furanosesquiterpenoids, probably with a dietary origin. The tissue distribution of these compounds has been studied by 1H-NMR analysis and preliminary bioassays have been carried out in order to evaluate the ecological role of the isolated metabolites. The main sesquiterpene component in both species was (–)-furodysinin (2), which showed significant feeding-deterrent and ichthyotoxic properties in bioassays with freshwater organisms. The work has been performed studying a very limited number of molluscs that prevented the realization of ecologically relevant experiments. However, the almost exclusive presence of compound 2 in the crude extract of the mantle glands concentrated in the dorsal horn of C. gracillimum strongly supports the defensive role of that dorsal protuberance, which probably acts as a defensive lure attracting potential predators to the part of the animal that contains the distasteful chemicals.  相似文献   

Summary. We tested the hypothesis that Daphne gnidium is an ancestral host plant of Lobesia botrana. To this end, we studied the oviposition response of this moth to various aerial organs of this plant. Our results show that females prefer to lay eggs on daphne berries rather than on grapes (cv. chasselas) and that polar surface extracts of daphne berries and leaves strongly stimulate oviposition in a dosedependant way, whereas flower extracts are weakly stimulant and branch extracts are inactive or deterrent for oviposition. Furthermore, a total extract of daphne berries stimulates oviposition in semi-natural conditions when applied onto fresh grapes. Oviposition stimulants from berries were isolated by HPLC coupled with a dual-choice oviposition bioassay. The ecological value of D. gnidium for L. botrana is discussed and the possible use of oviposition stimulants from daphne, contrasting with the oviposition signal of the cultivated host plant, is proposed in the perspective of developing behavioural manipulation methods such as stimulo-deterrent diversionary strategies compatible with IPM programs.  相似文献   

Summary. The occurrence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) in Pittocaulon (ex Senecio) praecox (Asteraceae) a species endemic to Mexico was established. The aboveground plant organs contain the 1,2-saturated monoester 7-angeloyl-dihydroxyheliotridane together with a small proportion of its 9-angeloyl isomer as major alkaloid. The monoesters are accompanied by the macrocyclic otonecine derivative senkirkine. Roots contain only related macrocyclic PAs with senecionine, senkirkine and platyphylline as major components; monoesters are absent. The broom-like succulent stems of P. praecox are infested by the scale insect Ceroplastes albolineatus conspicuously visible by its huge wax cover. All life-history stages, i.e. females, eggs, first instar nymphs (crawlers) and the wax cover were found associated with PAs. The measured PA concentrations clearly indicate sequestration. The highest PA concentrations (mg / g dry weight) reached are: mature females, 0.44; eggs, 0.58; crawlers, 0.37; wax cover, 0.08. The host plant as well as in the infesting scale insect contain the PAs exclusively as free bases. As a phloem-feeder C. albolineatus must acquire the PAs with the ingested phloem sap. This appears plausible since in Senecio species PA are transmitted and circulated through the phloem path. It is suggested that PAs may protect particularly the crawlers as the most endangered stage in the life-cycle of the scale insect.  相似文献   

Summary A sample of one-year-old seedlings of European white birch (Betula pendula) was analyzed to determine the content of sugars, phenolics and terpenoid compounds. Two vertical segments of each seedling were analyzed separately. The number of resin droplets, which correlates strongly and negatively with feeding by the mountain hare, was also counted on the bark of experimental seedlings. The variation in the palatability of birch seedlings to mountain hare was determined primarily by the most abundant terpenoid, papyriferic acid. On the other hand, the resistance to hare feeding at the seedling bases, which are frequently attacked by voles, appeared to be dependent on other components, apparently phenolic substances. Sugars did not affect the resistance of the tested seedlings. The variation among experimental seedlings was much greater for secondary substances, especially terpenoid compounds, than for sugars. It is suggested that this high variation in protective compounds may be an adaptive trait selected for by the feeding of generalist herbivores.  相似文献   

Summary.  Anting, the plumage-dipping behavior to which ants (mostly formicines) are commonly subjected by birds (mostly passerines), is shown in tests with hand-raised Blue Jays (Cyanocitta cristata) and the ant Formica exsectoides to be instinctive: the birds displayed typical renditions of the behavior on the first occasion that they encountered ants. Evidence is presented supportive of the view that anting is a strategy by which birds render ants fit for ingestion. Formicine ants are ordinarily protected by their formic acid-containing spray. Being wiped into the bird’s plumage causes them to discharge that spray, without harm to the bird, to the point of almost total emptying of the glandular sac in which the secretion is stored. The ants are therefore essentially secretion-free by the time they are swallowed. Further evidence indicates that it is the ant’s possession of the acid sac that triggers the anting behavior in the bird. If F. exsectoides are surgically deprived of their acid sac, they are eaten by the birds without first being subjected to anting. Data are also presented indicating that the ant’s crop, which is especially capacious in formicines (its contents may amount to over 30% of the formicine’s mass), and which appears to survive the anting procedure intact, constitutes, at least when laden, a valuable component of the trophic package that the bird accesses by anting.  相似文献   

Summary Larvae of the ithomiine butterflyPlacidula euryanassa sequester tropane alkaloids (TAs) from the host plantBrugmansia suaveolens and pass them through the pupae to freshly emerged adults. Wild caught adults also show in their tissues, variable amounts of pyrrolidizine alkaloids (PAs), probably sequestered from variable plant sources and subject to dynamics of incorporation, accumulation and utilization of PAs by ithomiine butterflies. The ratio TAs/PAs is also variable between different populations.Miraleria cymothoe, another ithomiine that feeds onB. suaveolens as larvae, does not sequester TAs from the host-plant, but sequesters PAs from plant sources visited by the adult butterflies. The main alkaloid found in both butterflies is lycopsamine, which also is the principal PA found in all genera of Ithomiinae.  相似文献   

Summary The adaptation of defensive secretions to their target organisms was examined for the abdominal gland secretions ofBledius furcatus, B. spectabilis andB. arenarius. Therefore the target organisms of the secretion of theseBledius species (i.e. their predators) had to be identified. At the collection sites examined these were the earwigLabidura riparia, the antCataglyphis bicolor, the flyLispe candicans, different carabids of the generaPogonus, Dichirotrichus, Dyschirius, Bembidion andCalathus and the wading birdsHaematopus ostralegus andCalidris alba. The secretion of the abdominal glands contains the toxin ptoluquinone dissolved in either-dodecalactone and 1-undecene (B. furcatus andB. spectabilis) or in octanoic acid and octyloctanoate (B. arenarius). The ratio of these solvents is species-specific. Application experiments using some of the natural insect predators (L. riparia, C. bicolor, Pogonus, Di. gustavii, Dyschirius) revealed that these solvent ratios provided a more effective deterrent than other possible ratios. Thus by combining the solvents in certain ratios, the capability of cuticular penetration and therefore the effectiveness of the defensive secretions are adapted to their natural targets.  相似文献   

Summary Oreina cacaliae andO. speciosissima (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) sequester in their elytral and pronotal defensive secretions pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) as Noxides (PA N-oxides). The PA N-oxide patterns found in the beetles and their host plants were evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively by capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Of the three host plantsAdenostyles alliariae (Asteraceae) is the exclusive source for PA N-oxide sequestration in the defensive secretions of the beetles. With the exception of O-acetylseneciphylline the N-oxides of all PAs ofA. alliariae, i.e. senecionine, seneciphylline, spartioidine, integerrimine, platyphylline and neoplatyphylline were identified in the secretion. PA N-oxides typical ofSenecio fuchsii (Asteraceae) were detected in the bodies of the beetles but not in their secretion. No PAs were found in the leaves of the third host plant,Petasites paradoxus (Asteraceae). The results suggest the existence of two distinctive storage compartments for PA N-oxides in the beetle: (1) the defensive secretion, containing specifically PA N-oxides acquired fromA. alliariae; (2) the body of the beetle, sequestering additionally but less selectively PA N-oxides from other sources,e.g. S. fuchsii or monocrotaline N-oxide fed in the laboratory. The concentration of PA N-oxides in the defensive secretion is in the range of 0.1 to 0.3 mol/1, which is more than 2.5 orders of magnitude higher than that found in the body of the beetle. No significant differences exist in the ability of the two species of beetles to sequester PA N-oxides fromA. alliariae, althoughO. speciosissima, but notO. cacaliae, produces autogenous cardenolides. A negative correlation seems to exist between the concentrations of plant-derived PA N-oxides andde novo synthesized cardenolides in the defensive secretion ofO. speciosissima.  相似文献   

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