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旅游综合体开发——一种旅游房地产全新开发模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着产业结构升级,旅游结构从原有的单一旅游经济模式向多元化的、集合式的、综合性的旅游模式发展,产生了以旅游资源与土地为基础,以旅游休闲功能为主导,结合大型旅游休闲项目、高品质服务的配套设施、互动发展的休闲旅游地产等多功能的、集合式的土地利用模式及产业聚集模式。在观察和归纳大量这类开发实例的基础上定义了旅游综合体开发这一房地产全新开发模式的概念,分析了该模式的表现特征,总结性地提出开发的理论模式及应用模式,并在此基础上归纳出开发的战略措施。  相似文献   

近年来随着房地产行业的蓬勃发展以及公众环保意识的不断增强,房地产开发建设项目环境影响评价水平不断被推向新的深度。本文将根据房地产开发建设项目自身的特点,综合论述此类项目环境影响评价中应关注的主要环境问题。  相似文献   

电网项目属于非污染型生态项目,具有该类型项目特有的影响因子单一、项目涉及范围广及环境敏感点分布不均等特点。该类项目竣工环保验收中存在6种主要问题,针对验收率、验收监测、公众参与等方面,通过制定规范、加强管理、落实环保治理措施等层面,给出了相对的解决方案。通过方案的实施,主要常见问题可得到解决或改善。  相似文献   

以某自然科学类实验室建设项目竣工环境保护自主验收工作为例,介绍了实验室建设项目环保自主验收的主要流程、自查要点和监测方案,着重分析了环境保护相关法律法规和规章制度,实验室污染物排放等验收工作中应关注的主要问题。分析了自然科学类实验室环保验收工作的特点,并提出了对应策略,以期为同类项目竣工环境保护验收提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

根据建设项目竣工环境保护验收规范要求,针对北京市医院环保验收内容,总结了此类项目的验收工作重点,并具体阐述了医院废水监测、医疗废物管理、环境管理检查等工作实施中的注意事项。  相似文献   

银川市房地产开发项目环境影响评价具有与工业建设项目不同的评价特点,通过分析它们对外环境的影响,以及周边环境对它们建设的适宜条件和制约因素,运用银川市政府批准的环境功能区划标准、项目总图布置等评价指标,对开发项目的油烟、异味、施工过程的噪声和扬尘污染、室内环境污染、高层建筑景观、生态环境适宜性等进行了分析。  相似文献   

在近几年的房地产开发建设过程中,环境保护越来越受到人们的重视。本文从法律角度出发,对房地产开发建设项目的法律法规、建设过程中的污染防治,交付使用后装饰装修涉及的环境保护等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

刘佳  张秋劲  徐亮  周春兰  潘倩 《四川环境》2012,(Z1):211-214
公路项目是生态影响类建设项目,本文以达渝高速公路三期工程(大竹城西至重庆段)竣工环境保护验收调查为例,以验收调查的技术路线、方法、工程建设对生态环境的影响及声环境的影响为重点进行调查,对在公路项目竣工环境保护验收调查中存在的问题和重点进行总结。  相似文献   

以福建省莆田市为例,研究分析了印制电路板项目竣工环境保护验收监测现场踏勘中存在的问题,提出要加强对项目的现场核查,以及对环保设施建设及运行、建设内容变更、环境风险、危险废物处理等的建议与对策。  相似文献   

本文通过对涟水县第二期黄淮海农业开发中低产田改造项目的实施,计算了该实施项目的经济效益,并对工程进行了经济评估。结果表明,该工程效益十分显著,开发项目切实可行。  相似文献   

随着现代工程技术的不断发展,大规模的水利工程建设,为国民经济建设发挥了巨大作用,但同时也对环境造成了影响和危害,因此,如何兴利避害,充分发挥水利工程为人类造福的优势,减少其对环境的不利影响,是我们必须考虑的问题。从水利工程对环境的影响进行探讨并对环境保护提出了建议。  相似文献   

用系统理论方法,从环境保护的角度,阐述了环境监理的目的、意义、内容和方法;对在建设项目、环保专项资金项目、政府限期治理项目、节能减排项目中全面推行环境监理制度进行了探讨。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国对水电工程建设的环境管理实行环境影响评价和"三同时"制度,主抓环保审批和竣工验收两个环节,在工程施工阶段的环境管理相对薄弱,因此在水电资源开发的同时,也带来了一定程度的环境污染和生态破坏。为实现水电开发与环境保护的协调可持续发展,本文作者以某梯级电站为例,结合所参与的水电建设项目,对水电建设环境监理进行梳理和探讨,以期为水电建设项目环境监理的发展提供一定的理论及技术支持。  相似文献   

罗永平 《四川环境》2009,28(5):124-126
建设项目环保工作“三同时”制度是环境保护管理的一项重要制度,环保档案是项目建设中直接形成的具有保存价值的不同形式和载体的原始资料,把握工作重点环节,坚持环保工作“三同时”与环保档案同步管理对建设优质工程项目和加强环境保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为了使基本建设工程项目和技术改造工程达到环境保护的要求,针对有一定难度的工程设计,按初步设计、技术设计和施工图设计三个阶段进行。最终使整个工程部署紧凑,流程顺畅,技术先进可靠,生产方便,经济合理。  相似文献   

The Sierra Club, which has long fought selected water resource projects that it believes would be environmentally damaging, has come to the conclusion in recent years that much more basic reforms are required in water resources development activities if the demands for environmental quality now evidenced by the American people are to be satisfied. These reforms should not be limited to those that would have a direct effect on the environmental aspects of proposed projects, but also many others long advocated by the economics profession that would have favorable indirect effects. Among the urgent reforms with indirect effects are those involving revision of the procedures used in evaluating proposed projects. These procedures should be revised so that future evaluations will much more accurately reflect the economic and environmental merits of proposed projects. Basic reforms of tax policies are also needed that will eliminate most of the private profit available to those who can persuade the government to increase the value of their land through the construction of water projects. Finally, some additional actions can be taken that will have a direct impact on lessening the adverse environmental impact of water projects beyond the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.  相似文献   


In the UK for the period 1994-99, a broad range of environmental projects were given financial support through the European Agriculture Guidance and Guarantee Fund under the Objective 1 and Objective 5b programmes. This paper is concerned with the ex-post evaluation of these projects set within a Sustainable Development framework. The aim was to identify project types or characteristics that offered the greatest return on investment. A classification of six broad project types was adopted. The evaluation revealed that there were significant differences between individual projects with respect to the type and scale, and temporal and social distribution of the benefits they delivered. In particular, as well as delivering environmental and economic benefits, many projects made a significant contribution to the development of human and social capital. The paper concludes that it is possible to improve the basis for future project selection in order to maximise the returns on environmental investments in the context of sustainable development.  相似文献   

试论我国建设项目环境监理的发展及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了建设项目环境监理的定义和意义;简介了我国建设项目环境监理的发展概况,分析了建设项目环境监理存在的问题,并提出了推进环境监理发展的几点建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Streambank protection projects are intended to prevent streambank erosion, thereby preventing streambank failure and maintaining a desirable channel alignment. Streambank erosion is a natural process of unaltered, dynamic river systems, and protection projects seek to impose stability on this natural system. The environmental impacts of such projects are primarily changes to terrestrial and aquatic habitats and to aesthetics. Adverse environmental impacts have been minimized and enhancement of existing habitat and aesthetics have been achieved through the development of new, innovative designs or modifications to existing designs and through use of construction and maintenance practices that promote habitat and aesthetics. Designs based on channel flow characteristics, e.g., revetments using a variety of structural materials, can result in preservation of wildlife habitat by reducing the use of structural protection by matching the erosion potential of flow at the bank with the protection capability of the materials used. Designs based on streambed stabilization prevent bank failure caused by bank undermining, result in preservation or establishment of streamside vegetation, and enhance aesthetics. Protection schemes that manage and preserve floodplains, berms, and riparian areas preserve the natural condition of the floodplain area. Designs based on deflection of erosive flows, e.g., dikes, minimize disturbance to the bank vegetation and create low-velocity aquatic habitats. Use of vegetation for bank protection is most effective when used in combination with structural components. Construction and maintenance practices can be scheduled and modified to minimize impacts to floodplain areas and to enhance wildlife habitat while preserving the integrity of the protection structure.  相似文献   

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