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通过应用高新技术手段,对一个大型化工企业进行工业危险源和事故隐患普查辨识的成功实践,建成了企业危险源、重大危险源和重大事故隐患信息管理系统,为安全管理、安全决策及事故防范提供了技术支持条件。  相似文献   

建设工程危险源与事故隐患辨析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
危险源与事故隐患、重大危险源与重大事故隐患是4个重要但又不相同的术语.为此,介绍了危险源与事故隐患、重大危险源与重大事故隐患的定义和分类,分析了它们之间的关系.<重大危险源辨识>(GB18218-2000)中的重大危险源针对的只是危险物质,建设行业重大事故隐患辨识标准也尚未制定.为此,提出了对建设工程重大危险源和建设工程重大事故隐患的思考.  相似文献   

为治理煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故隐患,管控其风险大小,基于证据对瓦斯爆炸事故隐患进行了系统辨识,利用逻辑图分析了隐患之间的耦合关系和风险演化路径;从事件发生的可能性、事件自身的严重性以及受体的暴露程度3个方面对瓦斯爆炸风险进行表征,并提出三维风险矩阵对事故风险进行分级评价。该方法可以为瓦斯爆炸事故隐患辨识、风险分析、风险评价以及设计事故预防措施提供借鉴。  相似文献   

陈永泽 《安全》2015,36(2):29-32
作者根据长期的安全管理与实践,探讨研究出了危险源辨识法、新LEC评价辨识法等5种重大事故隐患辨识技术,解决了重大事故隐患辨识的难题,并给出应用实例.  相似文献   

通过对安全隐患的传统分级方法进行简要分析,探究其不足之处。事故隐患具有促进事故发生的根本属性,在此基础上提出按事故发展的隐患分类方式,将隐患分为两类,分别对应于事故发生前和事故发生后。按照隐患分级控制方法,提出了相应的评价指标,通过计算对隐患最终风险进行评估。  相似文献   

沈静涛 《安全》2020,(2):55-60
事故隐患管理是安全管理中重要的内容之一,但目前隐患的分级标准尚处于主观判断阶段,无可行的分级方法。为了进一步明确事故隐患的分类方法,本文基于轨迹交叉理论,分析了事故发生发展的机理过程,将事故隐患分为直接因素导致的事故隐患和间接因素导致的事故隐患,进一步明确了事故隐患的定义。根据事故隐患的定义建立了“隐患危害程度”和“整改难易程度”两个事故隐患等级评判因素。采用事故树分析方法和LEC分析方法,分别分析两个评判因素的大小,再次运用事故树分析方法进行综合评判,建立一种事故隐患等级定量划分方法,最终达到对事故隐患定量分级的目的。  相似文献   

送旧迎新,新春夷始之际,生产战线正忙碌于构思今年的集团化、外向型发展蓝图;安全战线面临的突出任务就是“查隐患、抓治理、提高本质安全度。” 近四年来的安全生产形势一直十分严峻,突发性的重特大事故接连不断,1995年虽然略有好转,但仍然没有得到有效的抑制。劳动部相继颁发了《重大事故隐患管理规定》和《爆炸危险场所安全规定》等文件,要求主管部门和当地人民政府对单位存在的事故隐患进行评估和分级,并且明确规定划分事故隐患类别、事故隐患等级的规范,分轻重缓急明确整改目标、制定整改(治理)措施、落实资金来源。为1996年的安全工作指明方向、做了布署。  相似文献   

针对煤矿区域探查治理工程中危险因素概念不清、辨识对象多,安全风险评价环节繁杂、危险因素分级与安全风险分级混用等问题,在现有安全风险研究理论基础上,提出适用公司的危险因素和事故隐患概念,明确了危险因素辨识对象和安全风险评价对象并分别进行分级,将危险因素辨识对象和安全风险评价对象从数百项缩减至几十项,优化了危险因素辨识环节和安全风险评估环节;在安全风险分布图方面提出将平面布置图、安全风险分布图、应急疏散平面图“三图”合一,对类似工程安全风险评估具有较强的实践指导作用。  相似文献   

易燃、易爆、有毒重大危险源评价方法与控制措施   总被引:23,自引:9,他引:14  
论述了重大危险源和重大事故隐患的定义;介绍了易燃、易爆、有毒重大危险源评价方法;在辨识评价的基础上,提出了制定重大危险源事故应急计划,加强监控、管理等措施  相似文献   

第一章 总则 第一条 为贯彻“安全第一,预防为主”的方针,加强对重大事故隐患的管理,预防重大事故的发生,制定本规定。 第二条 本规定所称重大事故隐患,是指可能导致重大人身伤亡或者重大经济损失的事故隐患。 第三条 本规定适用于中华人民共和国境内的企业、事业组织和社会公共场所(以下统称单位)。  相似文献   

This paper is based on a review of 183 detailed, major accident investigation and analysis reports related to the handling, processing and storage of hydrocarbons and hazardous chemicals over a decade from 2000 to 2011. The reports cover technical, human and organizational factors. In this paper, the Work and Accident Process (WAP) classification scheme is applied to the accident reports with the intention of investigating to what extent maintenance has been a cause of major accidents and what maintenance-related causes have been the most frequent.The main objectives are: (1) to present more current overall statistics of maintenance-related major accidents, (2) to investigate the trend of maintenance-related major accidents over time, and (3) to investigate which maintenance-related major accident causes are the most frequent, requiring the most attention in the drive for improvement.The paper presents statistical analysis and interpretation of maintenance-related major accidents’ moving averages as well as data related to the types of facility, hazardous substances, major accidents and causes. This is based on a thorough review of accident investigation reports.It is found that out of 183 major accidents in the US and Europe, maintenance was linked to 80 (44%) and that the accident trend is decreasing. The results also show that “lack of barrier maintenance” (50%), “deficient design, organization and resource management” (85%) and “deficient planning/scheduling/fault diagnosis” (69%) are the most frequent causes in terms of the active accident process, the latent accident process and the work process respectively.  相似文献   

事故致因理论是事故的发生机理和理论模型,事故致因链是其核心,是导致事故发生的基本路线。通过对古典事故致因链的代表:海因里希因果连锁理论及现代事故致因链的代表:行为安全"2-4"模型的原因定义、组织概念的引入、链条逻辑关系、事故预防策略等多方面的比较,并应用于一起真实煤矿事故案例分析,发现行为安全"2-4"模型不仅继承和发展了因果连锁理论的优点,更是改进其缺点,在对我国煤矿事故案例分析中更加有效,且在各层级均可找到事故预防的策略。  相似文献   

Land use planning (LUP) around industrial sites at risk of major accidents requires the application of sound approaches in the selection of credible accident scenarios. In fact, the ‘technical’ phase of LUP is based on the identification and assessment of relevant accident scenarios. An improper choice of scenarios may critically affect both the ‘technical’ phase of risk assessment and the following ‘policy’ phase concerning decision making on land-use restrictions and/or licensing. The present study introduces a procedure aimed at the systematic identification of reference accident scenarios to be used in the gathering of technical data on potential major accidents, which is a necessary step for LUP around Seveso sites. Possible accident scenarios are generated by an improved version of the MIMAH methodology (Methodology for the Identification of Major Accident Hazards). The accident scenarios are then assessed for LUP relevance considering severity, frequency and time scale criteria. The influence of prevention and mitigation barriers is also taken into account. Two applications are used to demonstrate the proposed procedure. In both case-studies, the proposed methodology proved successful in producing consistent sets of reference scenarios.  相似文献   

Accidents in the process industry involve several interacting factors, including human and organizational factors (HOFs). A long-standing obstacle to HOFs analysis is lack of data. Accident reports are an essential data source to learn from the past and contain HOFs-related data, but they are usually unstructured text in a not standardized format. Some studies have explored the extraction of information automatically from accident reports based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. However, they were not dedicated to HOFs. Risk communication is considered an essential pillar in safety and risk science. This research develops a HOFs-focused risk communication framework based on the NLP techniques that can support risk assessment and mitigation. The proposed approach automatically extracts the target groups oriented “Who, When, Where, Why” (4Ws) information from accident reports.This framework was applied to explore the eMARS database. The results show that the “4Ws” skeleton of narratives has appreciated performance in pattern recognition and holistic information analysis. The graphical representation interfaces are designed to display the features of HOFs-related accidents, which can better be communicated to the sharp-end operators and decision-makers.  相似文献   

为保障危化品道路运输行车安全,基于STAMP模型构建危化品道路运输的分层安全控制结构,将安全问题看作是控制问题,并将系统工程思想融入事故预防中。在此基础上,引入沪昆高速湖南邵阳段“7.19”特别重大道路交通危化品爆燃事故并对其进行实证分析,从物理层、基础层、运营层及监管层动态分析导致事故发生的控制缺失。结果表明:基于STAMP模型的安全分析方法不仅可考虑由组件失效引起的事故,还可发现组件之间的组织问题及决策背景,并对事故致因做出更为详细的解释,为类似事故的分析和预防提供思路与参考。  相似文献   

The paper presents a new method for identifying contributors to chemical process accidents by exploiting knowledge on causes of past accident cases. Accident reports from the Failure Knowledge Database were analyzed and utilized for hazard identification. The accident information gathered was used as a basis to develop an accidents ranking and points-to-look-for approach for the safe design and operation of chemical process equipment. In the method, accident contributors including technical, design and operation errors of major process equipment types and piping are identified. The method is applicable throughout the process lifecycle, even for process changes in the early design stages. The Bhopal tragedy is used as a case study to demonstrate and test the method. The proposed method can predict on average up to 85% of accident causes and design and operation errors.  相似文献   

为研究化工企业火灾爆炸事故的主要人为因素,以63起火灾爆炸事故案例为样本,构建人为因素分析与分类系统(HFACS)模型,进行火灾爆炸事故人为因素分类统计与分析,并利用卡方检验和比值比分析HFACS模型上下层级间的因果关系。结果表明:HFACS模型中上下层级人为因素间存在显著的因果关系,层级1中的“不良的组织氛围”及“组织过程漏洞”和层级2中“监督不充分”在HFACS模型中可以显著增大事故发生的可能性,且“资源管理漏洞”、“不良的组织氛围”、“组织过程漏洞”→“监督不充分”→“人员因素”→“违规”是引发事故的关键路径,并根据HFACS模型中引发事故的关键路径及其人为因素的主要表现形式,提出针对性的化工企业火灾爆炸事故预防措施。  相似文献   

重大危险源普查与建立重大事故预防控制体系   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本简要介绍了重大危险源普查技术方法和北京、上海等6城市重大危险源普查结果。论述了重大事故预防控制体系要素,包括重大危险源普查(辨识)、评价、安全管理、应急计划、安全规划、安全监察,GIS网络监控系统等。  相似文献   

简述了我国重大工业事故发生的主要原因,提出了建立重大事故预防控制体系的建议,制定《重大事故预防和控制法》,实行重大危险源上报、登记、评价、分级监察管理,建立国家、省、市三级重大事故应急反应系统和重大危险源动态监控网络系统。  相似文献   

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