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Heavy metal removal from contaminated sludge for land application: a review   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
In recent years, various methods for heavy metal removal from sewage sludge have been extensively studied in order to minimize the prospective health risks of sludge during land application. In this paper, a comparative review and critical analysis of the application of chemical extraction, bioleaching, electroreclamation, and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), in removing heavy metals from contaminated sludges is presented. Moreover, speciation studies, which can indicate ease of leachability of the different forms of heavy metals in sludge, are also presented. Experimental studies revealed a broad range in metal extraction efficiencies of the different extraction technologies. Acid treatment seemed to effectively remove Cd, attaining as much as 100% removal for some studies, as compared to bioleaching. SFE also gave higher removal efficiency than bioleaching. Cr, Pb and Ni seemed to be also effectively removed by the acid treatment. For the removal of Cu, Mn and Zn, the bioleaching process seemed to be appropriate with maximum removal efficiencies of 91%, 93% and 96% for the three metals, respectively, and as high as 64% minimum removal efficiency for Zn. The SFE process also gave good results for Cu, Mn and Zn removal. Electroreclamation exhibited better removal efficiency for Mn, but is still inferior to acid treatment and bioleaching processes. For chemical extraction, because of the adverse impacts that can result from the use of inorganic acids and complexing agents, interest can be directed more toward utilizing organic acids as extracting agents because of their biodegradability and capability to remove metals at mildly acidic condition, hence requiring less acid. The bioleaching process, although it seems to give a higher yield of metal extraction with lower chemical cost than chemical extraction, may be limited by the inability of the system to cope with the natural environmental conditions, requires strict monitoring of aeration rate and temperature and has applicability to only low sludge solids concentration. A full-scale study would be useful to better assess the efficiency of the process. The electroreclamation technology is limited by its relatively higher energy consumption and limited applicability to sludge. The SFE method, on the other hand, is limited by the complexity of the process and the cost of ligands suitable for effective metal extraction. Both of these technologies are still in their early stage of application and hence there is a need for further basic and applied studies. Finally, the common advantage for almost all treatment technologies studied is that the extraction efficiencies for some metals are high enough to remove metals from sludge to levels suitable for land application.  相似文献   


Waste treatment using thermal technologies, such as incineration, leads to the production of pollutants and wastes, including fly ash (FA). Fly ash contains heavy metals (HMs) and other contaminants and can potentially pose high risks to the environment and negatively impact health and safety. Consequently, stabilizing fly ash prior to either use or landfilling is crucial. The toxicity of fly ash through heavy metal leaching can be assessed using leaching tests. The leaching rates of heavy metals primarily depend on the surrounding conditions as well as fly ash properties and metal speciation. Physical separation, leaching or extraction, thermal treatment and solidification/chemical stabilization are proposed as suitable approaches for fly ash treatment. Economic considerations, environmental concerns, energy consumption and processing times can define the efficiency and selection of the treatment approach. This review considers the latest findings and compares the advantages and shortcomings of different fly ash treatment methods with the aim of highlighting the recent advances in the field. The review concludes that the simultaneous implementation of various methods can lead to highly efficient heavy metals removal/stabilization while simultaneously taking economic and environmental considerations into account.


Pyrolysis has been examined as an attractive alternative to incineration for municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal that allows energy and resource recovery; however, it has seldom been applied independently with the output of pyrolysis products as end products. This review addresses the state-of-the-art of MSW pyrolysis in regards to its technologies and reactors, products and environmental impacts. In this review, first, the influence of important operating parameters such as final temperature, heating rate (HR) and residence time in the reaction zone on the pyrolysis behaviours and products is reviewed; then the pyrolysis technologies and reactors adopted in literatures and scale-up plants are evaluated. Third, the yields and main properties of the pyrolytic products from individual MSW components, refuse-derived fuel (RDF) made from MSW, and MSW are summarised. In the fourth section, in addition to emissions from pyrolysis processes, such as HCl, SO2 and NH3, contaminants in the products, including PCDD/F and heavy metals, are also reviewed, and available measures for improving the environmental impacts of pyrolysis are surveyed. It can be concluded that the single pyrolysis process is an effective waste-to-energy convertor but is not a guaranteed clean solution for MSW disposal. Based on this information, the prospects of applying pyrolysis technologies to dealing with MSW are evaluated and suggested.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Energy is conducting a project to accelerate remediation through the use of monitored natural attenuation and enhanced attenuation for chlorinated ethenes in soils and groundwater. Better monitoring practices, improved scientific understanding, and an advanced regulatory framework are being sought through a team effort that engages technology developers from academia, private industry, and government laboratories; site cleanup managers; stakeholders; and federal and state regulators. The team works collaboratively toward the common goals of reducing risk, accelerating cleanup, reducing cost, and minimizing environmental disruption. Cutting‐edge scientific advances are being combined with experience and sound environmental engineering in a broadly integrated and comprehensive approach that exemplifies socalled “third‐generation R&D.” The project is potentially a model for other cleanup activities. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The world’s plastic consumption has increased incredibly in recent decades, generating more and more plastic waste, which makes it a great public concern. Recycling is the best treatment for plastic waste since it cannot only reduce the waste but also reduce the consumption of oil for producing new virgin plastic. Mechanical recycling is recommended for plastic waste to avoid the loss of its virgin value. As a mechanical separation technology, triboelectrostatic separation utilizes the difference between surface properties of different materials to get them oppositely charged, deflected in the electric field and separately collected. It has advantages such as high efficiency, low cost, no concern of water disposal or secondary pollution and a relatively wide processing range of particle size especially suitable for the granular plastic waste. The process of triboelectrostatic separation for plastic waste is reviewed in this paper. Different devices have been developed and proven to be effective for separation of plastic waste. The influence factors are also discussed. It can be concluded that the triboelectrostatic separation of plastic waste is a promising technology. However, more research is required before it can be widely applied in industry.  相似文献   

Although composting has been successfully used at pilot scale to manage waste algae removed from eutrophied water environments and the compost product applied as a fertiliser, clear guidelines are not available for full scale algae composting. The review reports on the application of composting to stabilize waste algae, which to date has mainly been macro-algae, and identifies the peculiarities of algae as a composting feedstock, these being: relatively low carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio, which can result in nitrogen loss as NH3 and even N2O; high moisture content and low porosity, which together make aeration challenging; potentially high salinity, which can have adverse consequence for composting; and potentially have high metals and toxin content, which can affect application of the product as a fertiliser. To overcome the challenges that these peculiarities impose co-compost materials can be employed.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the more important aspects of this process with particular emphasis on the microbiological. Some attention is also given to hygienic and sanitary implications as well as considerations on plant design. Compost is also analysed in its agricultural role, in particular its effects on plant growth. Problems regarding the evaluation of biological maturity and phytotoxicity are also discussed.  相似文献   

房彬  张建  李玉庆  刘范嘉  马劲 《化工环保》2016,36(4):375-380
综述了植物修复、微生物修复和生物联合修复等土壤氰化物污染生物修复技术的降解机理、降解途径及降解影响因素的研究进展,探讨了氰化物生物修复技术的发展趋势和应用前景。指出基于提高修复时效和针对土壤复合污染类型的多技术融合研究、基于提高微生物耐受性和降解效率的菌株固定化及菌根真菌-植物联合技术研究以及基于工程化应用为导向的现场试验研究是未来研究的重点领域,为土壤氰化物污染的综合治理和修复提出了新思路。  相似文献   

Approximately 1.5 billion tyres are produced each year which will eventually enter the waste stream representing a major potential waste and environmental problem. However, there is growing interest in pyrolysis as a technology to treat tyres to produce valuable oil, char and gas products. The most common reactors used are fixed-bed (batch), screw kiln, rotary kiln, vacuum and fluidised-bed. The key influence on the product yield, and gas and oil composition, is the type of reactor used which in turn determines the temperature and heating rate. Tyre pyrolysis oil is chemically very complex containing aliphatic, aromatic, hetero-atom and polar fractions. The fuel characteristics of the tyre oil shows that it is similar to a gas oil or light fuel oil and has been successfully combusted in test furnaces and engines. The main gases produced from the pyrolysis of waste tyres are H2, C1–C4 hydrocarbons, CO2, CO and H2S. Upgrading tyre pyrolysis products to high value products has concentrated on char upgrading to higher quality carbon black and to activated carbon. The use of catalysts to upgrade the oil to a aromatic-rich chemical feedstock or the production of hydrogen from waste tyres has also been reported. Examples of commercial and semi-commercial scale tyre pyrolysis systems show that small scale batch reactors and continuous rotary kiln reactors have been developed to commercial scale.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to present an industrial application of an optimization tool for the supervisory control of the NOx reduction section. This work does not pretend to address any new technique of NOx reduction but rather to show the results obtained when a comprehensive on-line optimization tool has been successfully applied. The optimization procedure consists of the search of the best working conditions that satisfy the operating and legal constraints, in terms of emission amounts and combustion quality. This procedure adopts a simulation algorithm and data reconciliation tool to verify and improve the consistency of the calculated values by experimental data. Using such algorithm it is possible to identify all the updated data necessary to optimize the plant's performance. Specifically, the DeNOx section optimization, both from an economical and environmental point of view, is strongly related to the estimation of the nitrogen waste mass fraction together with the catalytic reactor efficiency. The results obtained in many case studies show that it is possible to achieve the desired performance and to reduce the operating costs by defining the optimal operating temperature and the corresponding amount of ammonia required for the catalytic reduction of NOx subject to the emission limits. These tools were successfully tested on a municipal waste incineration plant.  相似文献   

Anammox: an option for ammonium removal in bioreactor landfills   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experiments carried out in bioreactor landfill simulators demonstrated that more than 40% of the total N was transferred into the liquid and gas phases during the incubation period of 380 days. Ammonium, an end product of protein degradation and important parameter to consider during landfill closure, tends to accumulate up to inhibitory levels in the leachate of landfills especially in landfills with leachate recirculation. Most efforts to remove ammonium from leachate have been focused on ex situ and partial in situ methods such as nitrification, denitrification and chemical precipitation. Besides minimal contributions from other N-removal processes, Anammox (Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation) bacteria were found to be active within the simulators. Anammox is considered to be an important contributor to remove N from the solid matrix. However, it was unclear how the necessary nitrite for Anammox metabolism was produced. Moreover, little is known about the nature of residual nitrogen in the waste mass and possible mechanisms to remove it. Intrusion of small quantities of O2 is not only beneficial for the degradation process of municipal solid waste (MSW) in bioreactor landfills but also significant for the development of the Anammox bacteria that contributed to the removal of ammonium. Volatilisation and Anammox activity were the main N removal mechanisms in these pilot-scale simulators. The results of these experiments bring new insights on the behaviour, evolution and fate of nitrogen from solid waste and present the first evidence of the existence of Anammox activity in bioreactor landfill simulators.  相似文献   

Efficient, economical treatment of mercury-contaminated soils and industrial wastes requires a treatment process that reduces mercury content to near background levels (<1 ppm) and recovers the removed mercury in pure recyclable form without producing liquid, solid, or gaseous secondary wastes. This article reviews the results achieved using a medium-temperature thermal desorption process developed and commercialized by Mercury Recovery Services, Inc. (MRS) that has successfully achieved these goals.  相似文献   

No one remedial technology is best suited to treat every groundwater contaminant plume. This article describes how pilot testing and analytical evaluation targeted selection of two treatment technologies, UV peroxidation and air stripping, to be used in series to create a synergistic, cost-effective pump-and-treat system for the removal of VOCs from groundwater. Pilot plant size equipment was employed to treat the VOC-contaminated groundwater in order to obtain site-specific reaction rates and to develop full-scale design parameters. It was found that by using the two treatment technologies in combination, the influent concentration of 2,000 ppb total VOCs could be reduced to less than 1 ppb, thus meeting drinking water standards.  相似文献   

COGNIS TERRAMET® soil leaching and Bescorp soil washing systems have been successfully combined to remediate an ammunition test burn area at the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP), New Brighton, Minnesota. This cleanup is the first in the country to successfully combine these two technologies, and it offers a permanent solution to heavy metal remediation. Over 20,000 tons of soil were treated in the project. The cleaned soil remained on-site, and the heavy metal contaminants were removed, recovered, and recycled. Eight heavy metals were removed from the contaminated soil achieving the very stringent cleanup criteria of <175 ppm for residual lead and achieving background concentrations for seven other project metals (antimony, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, and silver). Initial contaminant levels were measured as high as 86,000 ppm lead and 100,000 ppm copper, with average concentrations over 1,600 ppm each. In addition, both live and spent ordnance were removed in the soil treatment plant to meet the cleanup criteria. By combining soil washing and leaching, COGNIS and Bescorp were able to assemble a process which effectively treats all the soil fractions so that all soil material can be returned on-site, no wastewater is generated, and the heavy metals are recovered and recycled. No hazardous waste requiring landfill disposal was generated during the entire remedial operation.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a pilot test that was conducted to determine the effectiveness of using steam‐enhanced dual‐phase extraction (DPE) at a former industrial site in New York. The pilot test proved that steam‐enhanced DPE was very effective at removing significant contaminant mass from the subsurface in a relatively short time period. Concentrations of volatile organic compounds and semivolatile organic compounds in the vapor stream and groundwater were successfully reduced, in some cases by orders of magnitude. Based on the results of the steam‐enhanced DPE pilot test, the final remedy for the site includes implementing this technology at selected areas as an alternative to DPE alone or other remedial alternatives, such as excavation or groundwater pump and treat. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The process of designing a remedy for contaminated groundwater historically has not commonly included climate-future, hydrologic, and biogeochemical aquifer characteristics. From experience, the remedy design process also has not consistently nor directly integrated or projected future hydrologic and biogeochemical effects of the human-induced or developed environment—aka the anthropogenic influence—on potential remedy performance. The apparent practice of (1) not regularly assessing anthro-influenced hydrological (termed here as anthrohydrology) or biogeochemical characteristics (collectively hydrobiogeochemistry) of a site and (2) rarely accounting for future climatic shifts as design factors in remedy design may be due, in part, to the general practice-level view that groundwater remediation systems (whether in situ or ex situ) have seldom been anticipated to last more than a few years (or one or two decades at the most). Second, methods to reliably and quantitatively estimate site-specific, climate-future shifts in groundwater conditions using global and/or regional climate models and the resultant impacts on contaminant plume characteristics have not been readily available. The authors here suggest that while the concept of remedy design resilience and durability, within an envelope of climate change and anthropogenic influence, has been discussed in some technical circles as a component of “sustainable remediation,” we have found that direct application of these technical concepts in quantifiable terms remains rare. By incorporating the potential influence of future hydrobiogeochemical scenarios into remedy design, however, the design process could account for reasonable climate-induced influence on the groundwater system for a given site. These scenarios could then be applied within the remedy selection process to assess performance durability under potentially changing hydrologic, biological, and chemical conditions.  相似文献   

The need for remediation of poly‐ and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) is growing as a result of more regulatory attention to this new class of contaminants with diminishing water quality standards being promulgated, commonly in the parts per trillion range. PFASs comprise >3,000 individual compounds, but the focus of analyses and regulations has generally been PFASs termed perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs), which are all extremely persistent, can be highly mobile, and are increasingly being reported to bioaccumulate, with understanding of their toxicology evolving. However, there are thousands of polyfluorinated “PFAA precursors”, which can transform in the environment and in higher organisms to create PFAAs as persistent daughter products. Some PFASs can travel miles from their point of release, as they are mobile and persistent, potentially creating large plumes. The use of a conceptual site model (CSM) to define risks posed by specific PFASs to potential receptors is considered essential. Granular activated carbon (GAC) is commonly used as part of interim remedial measures to treat PFASs present in water. Many alternative treatment technologies are being adapted for PFASs or ingenious solutions developed. The diversity of PFASs commonly associated with use of multiple PFASs in commercial products is not commonly assessed. Remedial technologies, which are adsorptive or destructive, are considered for both soils and waters with challenges to their commercial application outlined. Biological approaches to treat PFASs report biotransformation which creates persistent PFAAs, no PFASs can biodegrade. Water treatment technologies applied ex situ could be used in a treatment train approach, for example, to concentrate PFASs and then destroy them on‐site. Dynamic groundwater recirculation can greatly enhance contaminant mass removal via groundwater pumping. This review of technologies for remediation of PFASs describes that:
  • GAC may be effective for removal of long‐chain PFAAs, but does not perform well on short‐chain PFAAs and its use for removal of precursors is reported to be less effective;
  • Anion‐exchange resins can remove a wider array of long‐ and short‐chain PFAAs, but struggle to treat the shortest chain PFAAs and removal of most PFAA precursors has not been evaluated;
  • Ozofractionation has been applied for PFASs at full scale and shown to be effective for removal of total PFASs;
  • Chemical oxidation has been demonstrated to be potentially applicable for some PFAAs, but when applied in situ there is concern over the formation of shorter chain PFAAs and ongoing rebound from sorbed precursors;
  • Electrochemical oxidation is evolving as a destructive technology for many PFASs, but can create undesirable by‐products such as perchlorate and bromate;
  • Sonolysis has been demonstrated as a potential destructive technology in the laboratory but there are significant challenges when considering scale up;
  • Soils stabilization approaches are evolving and have been used at full scale but performance need to be assessed using appropriate testing regimes;
  • Thermal technologies to treat PFAS‐impacted soils show promise but elevated temperatures (potentially >500 °C) may be required for treatment.
There are a plethora of technologies evolving to manage PFASs but development is in its early stage, so there are opportunities for much ingenuity.  相似文献   

Surrogate compounds for dioxins in incineration. A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dioxins, formed in any combustion process where carbon, oxygen and chlorine are present, are a subject of major interest due to their toxicity. Their measurement is very expensive and time consuming. In order to optimize the combustion process, on-line measurements of pollutants must be done. The use of surrogate compounds instead of dioxins seems to be a convenient method to overcome the aforementioned drawback. This work is a review of the literature dedicated to the possible surrogate compounds for dioxins; the relationships found were systematized and, in some cases, the available experimental data were used and original correlations were found. Correlation of surrogate compounds was found to be: incinerator, feedstock, process and sample point location specific. Amongst the possible surrogates, chlorobenzenes show real possibilities to be good indicators for toxic equivalent factors.  相似文献   

The drivers for increasing incineration of sewage sludge and the characteristics of the resulting incinerated sewage sludge ash (ISSA) are reviewed. It is estimated that approximately 1.7 million tonnes of ISSA are produced annually world-wide and is likely to increase in the future. Although most ISSA is currently landfilled, various options have been investigated that allow recycling and beneficial resource recovery. These include the use of ISSA as a substitute for clay in sintered bricks, tiles and pavers, and as a raw material for the manufacture of lightweight aggregate. ISSA has also been used to form high density glass–ceramics. Significant research has investigated the potential use of ISSA in blended cements for use in mortars and concrete, and as a raw material for the production of Portland cement. However, all these applications represent a loss of the valuable phosphate content in ISSA, which is typically comparable to that of a low grade phosphate ore. ISSA has significant potential to be used as a secondary source of phosphate for the production of fertilisers and phosphoric acid. Resource efficient approaches to recycling will increasingly require phosphate recovery from ISSA, with the remaining residual fraction also considered a useful material, and therefore further research is required in this area.  相似文献   

Heavy metal-bearing waste usually needs solidification/stabilization (s/s) prior to landfill to lower the leaching rate. Cement is the most adaptable binder currently available for the immobilisation of heavy metals. The selection of cements and operating parameters depends upon an understanding of chemistry of the system. This paper discusses interactions of heavy metals and cement phases in the solidification/stabilisation process. It provides a clarification of heavy metal effects on cement hydration. According to the decomposition rate of minerals, heavy metals accelerate the hydration of tricalcium silicate (C3S) and Portland cement, although they retard the precipitation of portlandite due to the reduction of pH resulted from hydrolyses of heavy metal ions. The chemical mechanism relevant to the accelerating effect of heavy metals is considered to be H+ attacks on cement phases and the precipitation of calcium heavy metal double hydroxides, which consumes calcium ions and then promotes the decomposition of C3S. In this work, molecular models of calcium silicate hydrate gel are presented based on the examination of 29Si solid-state magic angle spinning/nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS/NMR). This paper also reviews immobilisation mechanisms of heavy metals in hydrated cement matrices, focusing on the sorption, precipitation and chemical incorporation of cement hydration products. It is concluded that further research on the phase development during cement hydration in the presence of heavy metals and thermodynamic modelling is needed to improve effectiveness of cement-based s/s and extend this waste management technique.  相似文献   

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