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Nitrate, ammonium and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentrations were measured in the lower reaches of the River Test in Hampshire to assess the impact of two effluent point sources. An 18-month survey from July 2001 to December 2002 was carried out at locations above and below fish farm inputs and a sewage effluent outfall. The concentration of nitrate exceeded 400 μM at the four sites on all sample dates. A consistent increase in ammonium concentration was measured downstream of the fish farm, but not the sewage effluent input. DON samples collected downstream of the fish farm did not show a consistent increase in concentration, compared with the upstream sampling location, whereas the sewage effluent input at Romsey was a point source of DON to the River Test with a mean increase of 15 μM. Nitrate was the major component of dissolved nitrogen in this aquifer-fed chalk-bed river system, with up to 10% being DON and ammonium comprising <1%.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) fractions and different low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) were determined in soil solutions from two lime or ash treated Norway spruce sites in the south of Sweden. At Hasslöv, 3.45 t ha-1 or 8.75 t ha-1 dolomite were applied 15 years before sampling. Horröd was treated with 4.28 t ha-1 ash and 3.25 t ha-1 dolomite and sampled four years later. Propionate (7–268 M) and malonate (2–34 M) were the LMWOAsfound in the highest concentrations at Hasslöv. Two other LMWOAs dominated at Horröd, namely citrate (18–64 M)and fumarate (5–31 M). The differences in concentration of most of the determined LMWOAs at Hasslöv were significantly increased due to treatment. The LMWOAs comprised between 1.1–6.3% of the DOC at Hasslöv and 4.5–17.6% at Horröd. At Hasslöv normally 3–10% of the total acidity (TA) was due to LMWOAs and the average specific buffer capacity was 74 ± 22 mmol mol-1C.The total DOC concentration in the mor layer solution was 16 mM for the dolomite treated plots compared to 10 mM at the untreated plot. A major part of the increase in DOC at the treated plots apparently had a hydrophobic character and was of high molecular weight corresponding to 3–10 kDa. The concentration of DOC < 1 kDa in the control and treated plots was similar.  相似文献   

A 12-year record of water quality data for runoff from a spruce forested hillslope with podzolic soils shows the impacts of conifer harvesting and replanting in relation to nitrate generation and its influence on surface water acidification. With felling, nitrate increases from a background of 18 Eq/l to about 50 Eq/l after 1 to 2 years and then declines to background levels over the next 1 to 2 years and to lower concentrations thereafter. This change is mirrored by an acidification process as manifest by a change in Gran alkalinity, acid neutralization capacity (ANC) and aluminium concentrations as well as pH. For example, Gran alkalinity and ANC, which start at negative concentrations prior to felling (about –20 and –50 Eq/l, respectively), become more negative (–30 and –100 Eq/l, respectively) at high nitrate concentrations. Correspondingly, pH decreases from about 4.7 to 4.5 and aluminium concentrations increase from about 14 to 16 M. Subsequently, the acidification is reversed as nitrate concentrations decline and after five years post-felling the system has higher pH, Gran alkalinity and ANC together with lower aluminium concentrations than even before the felling took place (the post-felling values are about 4.9, -15 Eq/l, –20 Eq/l and 7 M/l, respectively).Other determinands show clear changes over time. For example, there is a marked increase in sodium and chloride prior to and around the time of felling (200 to 300 and 230 to 400 Eq/l, respectively), with a subsequent decline in concentration to pre-felling and to lower values of around 160 and 170 Eq/l, respectively, thereafter. This change is probably associated with abnormally high inputs of sea-salts from the atmosphere during the first quarter of the year of felling, and dilution thereafter, rather than a direct consequence of the felling activity itself: this change in sea salt loading has had an impact on stream acidity. Dissolved organic carbon and iron also change with concentrations increasing over time (60 to 200 and 1.0 to 1.5 M/l, respectively) and this mirrors a general pattern observed across the Plynlimon catchments irrespective of whether or not there has been felling activity.The implications of the findings are discussed in relations to environmental management and hydrochemical processes.  相似文献   

This paper presents some recent research work that has beendeveloped for the major Portuguese agglomerations. Threemain topics are developed: the methodology used in Portugalto limit agglomerations (as they are defined by theEuropean Air Quality Framework Directive 96/62/EC), thepreliminary assessment of the air quality levels in themost densely populated agglomerations over the last fiveyears and their influence on the air quality levels acrossthe country (a requirement by Directive 96/62/EC), and theuse of an air quality index to raise public awareness aboutair quality levels. It is concluded that particulate matteris the critical pollutant in Portuguese populated urbanareas. In Lisbon and Oporto, based in 1999 data, in allmonitoring stations, the daily average limit value of 50g m-3 for particulate matter (PM10) isexceeded more times during a year period then allowed byDirective 99/30/EC. In the same areas, nitrogen dioxideconcentrations are above the annual limit value of 40g m-3 for the protection of human health set byDirective 99/30/EC, and influence pollution concentrationswithin a few tens of kilometres surrounding the urbanareas.  相似文献   

A chemical survey of 69 high-altitude lakes in seven national parks in the western United States was conducted during the fallof 1999; the lakes were previously sampled during the fall of 1985, as part of the Western Lake Survey. Lakes in parks in the Sierra/southern Cascades (Lassen Volcanic, Yosemite, Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Parks) and in the southern RockyMountains (Rocky Mountain National Park) were very dilute; medianspecific conductance ranged from 4.4 to 12.2 S cm-1 andmedian alkalinity concentrations ranged from 32.2 to 72.9 eqL-1. Specific conductances and alkalinity concentrations were substantially higher in lakes in the central and northernRocky Mountains parks (Grand Teton, Yellowstone, and GlacierNational Parks), probably due to the prevalence of more reactivebedrock types. Regional patterns in lake concentrations of NO3 and SO4 were similar to regional patterns in NO3 and SO4 concentrations in precipitation, suggestingthat the lakes are showing a response to atmospheric deposition.Concentrations of NO3 were particularly high in Rocky Mountain National Park, where some ecosystems appear to be undergoing nitrogen saturation.  相似文献   

In order to study the effect of thevegetation structure on atmospheric ammonia(NH3) dispersion and deposition, anexperiment was set up near Paris, in July 1997.Between 12 and 162 m downwind of a 200 m line-source releasing 600 to 1200 g NH3hr-1placed at the top of a maize canopy, NH3concentration was measured, within and above thecanopy, with a set of 30 active, acid-coateddenuders over periods of 2 to 3 hr. Eight datasets were collected over a one-month period.NH3 concentration decreased sharply withdistance to the source, from up to800 g NH3 m-3 at 12 m, to lessthan 10 g NH3 m-3 at 162 m andshowed strong vertical gradients. Within thecanopy, the concentration scaled using thefriction velocity, the canopy height, and thesource strength, exhibited a universal power lawrelationship as a function of the normaliseddownwind distance from the source. A mass balancemethod and a resistance model approach were usedas independent estimates of the cumulateddeposition at 162 m downwind from the source,which range between 1 and 29% of the emittedNH3. Both methods agreed approximately inmagnitude. A sensitivity analysis showed that thecuticular uptake and the compensation point aremajor parameters that needs to be bettercharacterised under high NH3 concentrationif one wants to improve NH3 short-rangedeposition modelling.  相似文献   

Year-to-year variation in SO4 2-,NO3 -, Ca2+, K+, and Mg2+concentrations in forest floor and mineral soil percolatefrom a forested, podzolic soil at the Turkey Lakes Watershedon the Precambrian Shield was assessed for monotonic trendsbetween 1986 and 1995. Our objective was to examine howrapidly ion concentrations in soil percolate equilibratedafter stabilization of SO4 2- concentrations inprecipitation. Significant negative trends were detected inmonthly Ca2+, and Mg2+ concentrations in forestfloor and SO4 2-, Ca2+, and Mg2+ inmineral soil percolate during the 10-year-period. Thedecline in Ca2+ and Mg2+ was greater than annualdecreases in SO4 2- and NO3 - in forestfloor percolate and proportional to the reduction inSO4 2- in mineral soil percolate. Response ofmineral soil percolate to a 15 molc L-1SO4 2- decrease in wet-only precipitation between1985 and 1986 was a gradual decline in SO4 2-concentration through 1995. The five-year meanSO4 2- concentration in bulk precipitation, forestfloor percolate, and mineral soil percolate decreased 8, 9and 18 molc L-1 from 1986–90 to 1991–95.Microbial (mineralization of organic S) and sorption(release from and/or retention in the pool of insolubleSO4 2-) processes in the soil were logicalexplanations for the observed changes in SO4 2- inmineral soil percolate.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) release and denitrification rates were investigated from the intertidal saltmarsh and mudflats of two European river estuaries, the Couesnon in Normandy, France and the Torridge in Devon, UK. Sediment cores and water were collected from each study site and incubated for 72 h in tidal simulation chambers. Gas samples were collected at 6 and 12 h intervals from the chambers during incubation. From these N2O emission rates were calculated. The greatest rates for both N2O production and denitrification were measured from saltmarsh cores. These were 1032 mol N2O m–2 day–1 and 2518 mol N2 m–2 day–1, respectively, from the Couesnon and 109 mol N2O m–2 day–1 and 303 mol N2 m–2 day–1 from the Torridge. A strong positive correlation was apparent with N2O emission rates and ammonium concentration in the sediment, nitrate concentration in floodwater and sediment aerobicity.  相似文献   

In April 1998, two intense dust storms were generated in CentralAsia and transported eastward across East Asia (15 and 19 April). This article presents the chemical characterization ofHong Kong (HK) aerosols during the dust storms. During the 15 Aprildust storm, hourly respiratory suspended particles (RSP)(particle diameter smaller than 10 m) concentrationsmonitored at 7 sites in Hong Kong reached the peak valuessynchronously between 9 and 11 a.m. on 17 April, in which thehighest concentration was 267 g m-3. Analysis ofthe RSP samples showed that concentrations of crustalelements (Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mg, K+) and anthropogenicspecies (As, Ni, Pb, Zn, NH4 +, NO3 -,SO4 2- and total carbon) were substantiallyenhanced. Enhancement of these species was more than afactor of 2 to 14 relative to the non dust period. The totalcarbon content was high, at 59 g m-3 (notincluding carbonate), and the enrichment factors of Asand Pb on 17 April were 122 and 117, respectively. Thisimplied that anthropogenic materials together with mineraldust were transported to HK from Mainland China. Based onmaterial balance calculations, mineral dust contributed41% to the observed RSP mass on 17 April, which was 2 times thatof the nondust sample (22%). From the 5-day backwardtrajectory analysis, this storm was transported directlyfrom Northwest China to HK. However, there was nocorresponding observation for the 19 April dust stormaerosol. Consequently, 15 April storm had stronger impact onHK's atmosphere than 19 April storm. Compared to the HK AirQuality Objective, 15 April dust storm did not cause seriousair pollution in HK.  相似文献   

Air pollution has become an actual problem in Balikesir because of rapid urbanisation and increasing of the polluting sources. Air pollutionproblems occur under the unfavorable meteorological conditions which increase in frequency of occurrence in winter due to use of low quality lignite coals for heating. The `Protection of Air Quality' in Turkey dated 1986 is based on the human health criteria. But the critical limit values are lethal for the forest trees as far as SO2 is concerned. The field observations showed that leaves of the trees have yellow spots indicating acid burns in Balikesir. This study aims at determining the relationships between the SO2 concentrationsin the air under selected climatic conditions, and the effects of air pollution on forest trees in Balikesir. Samples of leaves were collected from the City Parks in Balikesir, Deirmenboaz forested area located 10 km far fromBalikesiron the Balikesir-Bursa highway, and from the forestation areas near the Balikesir-Edremit highway. Sulfur contents of the leaves were very high especially in the city (2650–5300 g m-3).Samples from other areas had values lower than this range but above the usual values (850–3612 g m-3). The diameter increments of the trees were found to be lower and these results clearly showed the adverse impacts. Negative correlations were found between these sulfur concentrations and the daily mean temperatures and wind speeds. Positive correlation was seen between these concentrations and pressures, humidities. Emission sources must be controlled in order to safeguard the forests which protects the soil, facilitate water production, assimilate carbon dioxide in air and produce oxygen. It must be considered that the problems are not only regional but have a global identity.  相似文献   

Fine structure of the atmospheric boundary layerin desert regions of Kalmykia and on dried bottom of theAral Sea and its relation to soil particle emission in theatmosphere are discussed. It was found that in a hot seasonin the absence of dust storms convective processes lift updust particles into the atmospheric boundary layer fromsandy landscapes of Kalmykia and Sub-Aral regions. Thisaerosol consists of aggregate particles and contains asignificant amount of long-living aerosol of size less than5 m (including fine-dispersion 0.01–0.1 maerosol). The increasing of fine aerosol concentration wasfound at air temperature above 25 °C, surfacetemperature above 50 °C, and relative humidityless than 40–50%. Some mechanisms influencing the particle emission rates are briefly considered.  相似文献   

For characterisation of landscapes in north-eastern Estoniaaffected by alkaline oil shale fly ash and cement dust the zonation-method based on average annual (C y) and short-termconcentrations of pollutants in the air was used, as well as on deposition loads of dust and Ca2+. In the overground layer of atmosphere the zones with different air pollution loads were distinguished. A comparative analysis of pollution zones characteristics and biomonitoring data revealed that for sensitive lichen the dangerous level of alkaline dust in the air, introducingthe degradation of Sphagnum sp. at the level of C y of dust 10–20 g m-3 and at 0.5–1 hr maximums 100–150 g m-3. For Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) this limited concentration (decline of growth parameters) of cement dust is correspondingly following: 30–50 g m-3 and 150–500 g m-3, in case of fly ash the limit level of C y amounting 100 g m-3. Daily deposition load of Ca2+ should not exceed approximately 4.5–15 mg m-2 for lichen; for conifers the harmful pollution load is higher – >22 mg m-2.  相似文献   

Monitoring of dust pollution at the western shore of Tae-ahn Peninsula (TAP) and in the Chongju area of central Korea was carried out from January to May 2001. It was found that in Koreathere were 9 cases of sand and duststorms (DS) and 16 associatedsignificant dustfall (SD) days. Observed maximum concentrations of DS and SD coming from NW China and Mongolia were in the rangeof 300–920 for TSP, 200–690 for PM10 and 100–170 g m-3 for PM2.5.Satellite measurements clearly showed the formation and subsequent movement of DS to the Korean Peninsula and onward to the Korea East Sea, Japan and the Gulf of Alaska. According to satellite image analysis of dust clouds there were abundant coarse particles, measuring in size of 11.0 m. Medium-sizedparticles measuring in the range of 3.5–7.0 were also prevalent,while fine particles of less than 2.0 m were less distinctive in reflectivity. Measured values of PM2.5 were alsorelatively low with SD events.The measured average pH values of dusty precipitation associatedwith DS were 7.24. Alkaline precipitation can play a `temporary'role in the neutralization of acidified soil until the subsequentevent of acidic rain. The new selection criteria of SD days from PM2.5 at 85 g m-3, PM10 190 g m-3 and TSP 250 g m-3 are recommended on dust pollution occurring from the invasion of a DS elsewhere.  相似文献   

Extremely high emissions of S and N compounds in Central Europe (both 280 mmol m-2 yr-1) declined by 70and 35%, respectively, during the last decade. Decreaseddeposition rates of SO4 -2, NO3 -, and NH4 + in the region paralleled emission declines. The reduction in atmospheric inputs of S and N to mountain ecosystemshas resulted in a pronounced reversal of acidification in the Tatra Mountains and Bohemian Forest lakes. Between the 1987–1990and 1997–1999 periods, concentrations of SO4 -2 and NO3 - decreased (average ± standard deviation) by 22±7 and 12±7 mol L-1, respectively, in theTatra Mountains, and by 19±7 and 15±10 mol L-1, respectively, in the Bohemian Forest. Their decrease was compensated in part (1) by a decrease in Ca2+ + Mg2+ (17±7 mol L-1) and H+ (4±6 mol L-1), and an increase in HCO3 -(10±10 mol L-1) in the Tatra Mountains lakes, and (2) by a decrease in Al (7±4 mol L-1), Ca2+ + Mg2+ (9±6 mol L-1), and H+ (6±5 mol L-1), in Bohemian Forest lakes. Despite the rapid decline in lake water concentrations of SO4 -2 and NO3 - in response to reduced S and N emissions, their present concentrations in some lakes are higher than predictionsbased on observed concentrations at comparable emission rates during development of acidification. This hysteresis in chemical reversal from acidification has delayed biological recovery of the lakes. The only unequivocal sign of biological recovery hasbeen observed in erné Lake (Bohemian Forest) where a cladoceran species Ceriodaphnia quadrangular has recentlyreached its pre-acidification abundance.  相似文献   

The legislative framework of waste management in Taiwan has never been efficient, mainly due to unclear definitions and regulations. In 2002, this system was split into two parts by enacting a new law, the Resource Recycling and Re-use Act (RRRA). However, it then became more complicated and recycling effectiveness was impeded. The causes were mainly the unclear definitions, conflicts about the scope, and issues between the RRRA and the Waste Disposal Act (WDA). This article examines the recycling legislation experience in Taiwan, and proposes two modifications for resolving these problems. The first proposal is merging these two acts into one. The second proposed modification maintains a two-system structure but introduces a new subject, discards, into the law. The subject of discards is further categorized as recyclable resources or waste, which correspond to recycling operations and disposal operations, respectively. The new structures, interfaces, prerequisites, properties, and comparisons are also explained.  相似文献   

The Cairngorms in north-east Scotland is remote from pollutant sources although it currently receives ca. 10 kg ha1 yr1 S and ca. 11 kg ha1 yr1 N deposition from the atmosphere.In 1955, 15 lochs (lakes) at a range of altitudes were sampled and analysed for major ion concentrations. A new survey of these and an additional 23 lochs and their catchment soils was conducted in 1999 to determine the impact of acid deposition, and the changes in loch chemistry since the 1955 survey. The bedrock geology of this region has a strong influence on the loch chemistry. Surface waters were generally more acidic in high altitude areas due to predominantly poorly buffered, thin alpine soils developed on granitic parent material (mean acid neutralising capacity (ANC) for 23 lochs = 30 eq L1). At lower altitudes where the geology is dominated by Dalradian metamorphic rocks surface waters are comparatively base rich and have higher ANC (mean ANC for 15 lochs = 157 eq L1). Surface water nitrate concentrations show a negative relationship with soil C:N status, in that higher nitrate only occurs at low soil C:N ratios. A comparison of data for 1955 and 1999 shows that sulphate concentrations are significantly lower (67.8 and 47.5 eq L1, respectively), and pH has improved (pH 5.6 and 5.9) in response to decreased S deposition since the mid 1970s. However, mean nitrate concentrations were found to increase from 2.48 >eq L1 in 1955 to 5.65 eq L1 in 1999. Differences in the sampling and laboratory methods from 1955 and 1999 are acknowledged in the interpretation of data.  相似文献   

The effect of starch granule size on the viscosity of starch-filled poly(hydroxy ester ether) (PHEE) composites was characterized using size-fractionated potato starch, as well as unfractionated starches (rice, corn, wheat, and potato). Potato starch was separated using an air classifier into four particle size fractions: <18 m, 18-24 m, 24-30 m, and >30 m. The starch was dried to a moisture content of 0.5% to minimize moisture effects on composite rheology. PHEE and potato starch were extruded with starch volume fractions of 0.46 and 0.66. Stress relaxation, frequency and strain sweep, and temperature-dependence measurements were carried out. Although small variations in viscosity were seen with the different potato starch fractions, differences were not significant at a volume fraction of 0.46. Viscosity differences between the different particle size fractions were more pronounced at a volume fraction of 0.66. The temperature dependence could be described by an Arrhenius relation, with an apparent activation energy of 84 kJ/mole. At a volume fraction of 0.46, the starch/PHEE viscosities increased in the order potato starch < wheat starch corn starch < rice starch.  相似文献   

The catalytic degradation of polyolefin using H-gallosilicates was examined using a bench-scale reactor (0.8kg/h) with semicontinuous feeding and the following plastics: (1) low-density polyethylene (LDPE) pellets; (2) linear low-density polyethylene (L-LDPE) pellets; (3) high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pellets; (4) polypropylene (PP) pellets; (5) polyolefin obtained from pulverized industrial waste plastics. The yields of liquid compounds from these materials, which were aromatics in most cases, ranged from 55wt% to 68wt%. With an increase in the ratio of total reactant to catalyst, the liquid yield remained the same. Yields of benzene, toluene, and xylenes (BTXs) decreased rapidly to below 50wt% at a ratio of more than 30. Differences in this ratio for BTXs were always small and were independent of the material. Only about half of the gas product was propane with a fresh catalyst. When the experiments were repeated, propylene, isobutane, and isobutene were found to increase.  相似文献   

The effect of liming (3.45 and 8.75 t ha-1 dolomite; 16 yr after application) on the biodegradation of three low molecular weight organic acids (citrate, oxalate and propionate) in forest soils was investigated. The concentration of organic acids in the soil solution followed the series propionate > citrate > oxalate with liming having no significant impact on soil solution concentrations (mean organic acid concentration = 8.7 ± 2.3 M). Organic acid mineralization by the soil microbial community was rapid in surface organic horizons (mean half-life for citrate = 2–6 h), with biodegradation rate gradually declining with soil depth. Concentration-dependent biodegradation studies (0 to 350 M) showed that the mineralization kinetics generally conformed well to a single Michaelis–Menten equation with Vmax values following the series oxalate > citrate > propionate (mean = 9.8 ± 1.0 nmol g-1 h-1) and KM values following the series oxalate = citrate > propionate (mean 168 ± 25 M). The Vmax values declined with soil depth, which was consistent with a general reduction in microbial activity down the soil profile. Liming induced a significant increase in Vmax for citrate with no change for propionate and reduction in Vmax for oxalate. The latter was probably due to adsorption and precipitation of Ca-oxalate making it unavailable for microbial uptake. The higher adsorption/precipitation capacity for oxalate in the limed soils was confirmed by adsorption isotherms. Generally, liming increased soil microbial activity by approximately 10 to 35% with calculations based on soil solution concentrations indicating that organic acid mineralization constituted approximately 3 to 15% of the total soil respiration.  相似文献   

In order to understand the fate of anthropogenic lead (Pb)pollution in boreal forest soils, and to predict future trends, it is important to know where in the soil the pollution Pb is accumulated and how large the pollution and natural Pb inventories are in different soil horizons. We combined stable Pb isotope (206Pb/207Pb ratios) and concentration analyses to study Pb in podzol profiles and mor samples from old-growth forest stands at seven sites distributed from southern to northern Sweden. Additional samples were taken from managed forests, and from an agricultural field, to give some idea of the effects of land-use. Pb concentrations are typically 60–100 g g-1 dry mass in the mor layer in southern Sweden and about 30 g g-1 in northern Sweden. Pb isotope analyses show that virtually all of this Pb is pollution Pb. The isotope composition also shows that pollution Pb has penetrated downwards between 20–60 cm in the forest soils. The total pollution Pb inventories vary between 0.7–3.0 g m-2 ground surface, with larger inventories in southern compared to northern Sweden. Although the highest Pb concentrations occur in the mor layer, the largest inventories of pollution Pb are found in the Bs-horizon. The limited investigation of Pb distribution and inventories in soils from managed forests did not point to any major difference compared to the old-growth forests. The agricultural field revealed, however, a completely deviating Pb profile with all pollution Pb evenly distributed in the 20 cm thick top-soil.  相似文献   

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