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Photobacterium phosphoreum is a marine bacterium which is used extensively as a bioluminescent indicator of pollutants, where the presence of toxicants diminishes light output. To evaluate the utility of cell immobilisation in continuous toxicity testing, the sensitivity of P. phosphoreum to five gelling agents was evaluated relative to the retention of bioluminescence in 3% NaCl-glycerol suspensions. Following storage at 4°C, the control cultures retained light output for up to 2 weeks before significant decline; alginate-glycerol suspensions were stable for up to 4 weeks and bioluminescence was detectable for up to 6 weeks. Cells stored in agar were no more stable than the control, whereas cells gelled in agarose and low-melting point agarose showed a significant decline in bioluminescence within 2 weeks of storage. Bioluminescence was totally retained in alginate-glycerol suspensions stored at −80°C for up to 12 weeks. P. phosphoreum was successfully immobilised in strontium alginate and showed a dose-related response to four of the five heavy metal ions, SDS and pentachlorophenol tested when responses were followed over a time-course. A flow-through system for Sr-alginate immobilised cells was developed and conditions for operation were optimised. When cells were exposed to a pulse of 4-nitrophenol or salicylate then the nutrient feed continued, bioluminescence declined in response (pulse of 4–6 min) to these pollutants then recovered to a new stable rate of decline which was faster than the pre-exposure rate. These results demonstrate the potential of using immobilised P. phosphoreum in a continuous flow-through system for real-time environmental monitoring of water quality.  相似文献   

The impact of human activities and environmental factors on the fluctuation of chemical and physicochemical parameters along the Pinios River and its tributaries was studied. Their seasonal variations throughout the years 1996-1998 are also presented. Most of the parameters (physical or chemical) measured in this survey exhibited high spatial and temporal variability. High temperatures during the warm period, attributed both to meteorological conditions and to the geographical relief of Thessalia plain, cause a restriction of the water flow, an accumulation of organic matter and the depletion of the dissolved oxygen in the water. Conductivity and hardness are high during the warm and wet period for different reasons. At the seaward part of the river high conductivity and hardness values indicate extended admixture of seawater. COD values fluctuated seasonally. Among the studied stations along the Pinios River the most polluted was the area where the river has passed the city of Larissa.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development and application of process modeling and simulation tools to aid in the monitoring and measuring of pollution from industry, and investigate a plant's overall performance. A case study of a generic reduction plant is investigated, taking into account the underlying principles that determine the amount of fluoride emissions released from the plant's processes. The simulation study includes the investigation of the gas cleaning system within the plant, such as the system's operating relationships between the scrubbing efficiency, wear of the scrubber filter bags, maintenance costs and its response to the change of scrubbing circulation. Two sets of simulation runs are performed to seek a balance for the plant's overall system performance, taking into account environmental issues (fluoride emissions) and cost. The final simulation result demonstrates that cost savings can be achieved when the plant operates in a cleaner manner.  相似文献   

Sectorial approach for monitoring heavy metal pollution in rivers has failed to report realistic pollution status and associated ecological and human health risks. The increasing spread of heavy metals from different sources and emerging risks to human and environmental health call for reexamining heavy metal pollution monitoring frameworks. Also, the sources, spread, and load of heavy metals in the environment have changed significantly over time, requiring consequent modification in the monitoring frameworks. Therefore, studies on heavy metal monitoring in rivers conducted in the last decade were evaluated for experimental designs, research frameworks, and data presentations. Most studies (∼99%) (i) lacked inclusiveness of all environmental compartments; (ii) focused on “one pollutant – one/two compartment” or sometimes “one pollutant – one compartment – one effect” approach; and (iii) remained “data-rich but information poor.” An ecological approach with integrative system thinking is proposed to develop a holistic approach for monitoring river pollution. It is visualized that heavy metal monitoring, risk analyses, and water management must incorporate tracking pollutants in different environmental compartments of a river (water, sediment, and floodplain/bank soil) and consider correlating it with riverbank land use. The systems-based pollution monitoring and assessment studies will reveal the critical factors that drive heavy metals pollutant movement in ecosystems and associated potential risks to the environment, wildlife, and humans. Also, water quality and pollution indexing tools would help better communicate complex pollution data and associated risks among all stakeholders. Therefore, integrating systems approaches in scientific- and policy-based tools would help sustainably manage the health of rivers, wildlife, and humans.  相似文献   

This paper describes a methodology for modelling light pollution using geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) technology. The proposed approach attempts to address the issue of environmental assessment in sensitive suburban areas. The modern way of life in developing countries is conductive to environmental degradation in urban and suburban areas. One specific parameter for this degradation is light pollution due to intense artificial night lighting. This paper aims to assess this parameter for the Athens metropolitan area, using modern analytical and data capturing technologies. For this purpose, night-time satellite images and analogue maps have been used in order to create the spatial database of the GIS for the study area. Using GIS advanced analytical functionality, visibility analysis was implemented. The outputs for this analysis are a series of maps reflecting direct and indirect light pollution around the city of Athens. Direct light pollution corresponds to optical contact with artificial night light sources, while indirect light pollution corresponds to optical contact with the sky glow above the city. Additionally, the assessment of light pollution in different periods allows for dynamic evaluation of the phenomenon. The case study demonstrates high levels of light pollution in Athens suburban areas and its increase over the last decade.  相似文献   

本文通过对地下水水质数学模拟方法讨论,介绍了主要污染物在土地处理系统中的迁移转化过程概况,根据不同类型污染物特性,边界条件及污水排放形式,建立起相应的模型解析方程,并确定有关参数值,试图从量上来预测污染物浓度在地下水流中的时空变化规律。  相似文献   

Light pollution is one of the most rapidly increasing types of environmental degradation. Its levels have been growing exponentially over the natural nocturnal lighting levels provided by starlight and moonlight. To limit this pollution several effective practices have been defined: the use of shielding on lighting fixture to prevent direct upward light, particularly at low angles above the horizon; no over lighting, i.e. avoid using higher lighting levels than strictly needed for the task, constraining illumination to the area where it is needed and the time it will be used. Nevertheless, even after the best control of the light distribution is reached and when the proper quantity of light is used, some upward light emission remains, due to reflections from the lit surfaces and atmospheric scatter. The environmental impact of this "residual light pollution", cannot be neglected and should be limited too. Here we propose a new way to limit the effects of this residual light pollution on wildlife, human health and stellar visibility. We performed analysis of the spectra of common types of lamps for external use, including the new LEDs. We evaluated their emissions relative to the spectral response functions of human eye photoreceptors, in the photopic, scotopic and the 'meltopic' melatonin suppressing bands. We found that the amount of pollution is strongly dependent on the spectral characteristics of the lamps, with the more environmentally friendly lamps being low pressure sodium, followed by high pressure sodium. Most polluting are the lamps with a strong blue emission, like Metal Halide and white LEDs. Migration from the now widely used sodium lamps to white lamps (MH and LEDs) would produce an increase of pollution in the scotopic and melatonin suppression bands of more than five times the present levels, supposing the same photopic installed flux. This increase will exacerbate known and possible unknown effects of light pollution on human health, environment and on visual perception of the Universe by humans. We present quantitative criteria to evaluate the lamps based on their spectral emissions and we suggest regulatory limits for future lighting.  相似文献   

Methods used to determine adverse impacts of air pollution on four levels of biological organization of terrestrial ecosystems were evaluated for their use in decision making by federal land managers of class I areas and as guidelines for scientists employed to design field studies in these areas. At the level of the individual, visible injury, biomass, and sulfur uptake were the most often used components; at the population level, natality and mortality; at the community level, diversity; and at the ecosystem level, biogeochemical cycling. Most studies focused on structural responses of individual organisms. These components are relatively sensitive and are easy and inexpensive to measure; however, linkages of these parameters to adverse impacts on populations, communities, or ecosystems are lacking. Measurements of effects of air pollution at the higher levels of organization are confounded by natural variability, long response times, climatic variation, pathogens, and other factors. In addition, the lack of replication and of true control areas creates severe problems for design of monitoring programs and testing of hypotheses concerning effects.  相似文献   

Noise is an important pollutant of environment causing various health hazards. In the present study, ambient noise levels were measured in two different areas within Jaisalmer city viz., commercial and residential area, on festive day and non-festive day (after) of Diwali. The results of noise level monitoring revealed the fact that due to higher amount of firecrackers on Diwali festival noise level was enhanced. The average equivalent noise level was increased from 61.94?dB to 72?dB (A) and 64.68?dB to 73.74?dB (A) on festive day, respectively, in selected residential and commercial areas, where noise was 30 and 13.44?% higher than standards of Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi for residential and commercial areas, respectively.  相似文献   

Air pollution from motor vehicles, electricity-generating plants, industry, and other sources can harm human health, injure crops and forests, damage building materials, and impair visibility. Economists sometimes analyze the social cost of these impacts, in order to illuminate tradeoffs, compare alternatives, and promote efficient use of scarce resource. In this paper, we compare estimates of the health and visibility costs of air pollution derived from a meta-hedonic price analysis, with an estimate of health costs derived from a damage-function analysis and an estimate of the visibility cost derived from contingent valuation. We find that the meta-hedonic price analysis produces an estimate of the health cost that lies at the low end of the range of damage-function estimates. This is consistent with hypotheses that on the one hand, hedonic price analysis does not capture all of the health costs of air pollution (because individuals may not be fully informed about all of the health effects), and that on the other hand, the value of mortality used in the high-end damage function estimates is too high. The analysis of the visibility cost of air pollution derived from a meta-hedonic price analysis produces an estimate that is essentially identical to an independent estimate based on contingent valuation. This close agreement lends some credence to the estimates. We then apply the meta hedonic-price model to estimate the visibility cost per kilogram of motor vehicle emissions.  相似文献   

Air leakages compromise the CO2 capture rate and auxiliary power consumption of oxyfuel power plants. Constructive measures can significantly improve the leakage rate in newly built plants. However, the mitigation of increasing leakage rates during the plant lifetime is crucial for high plant efficiency. In this paper, we apply three statistical methods on experimental process data gathered in an air leakage test in Vattenfall's Oxyfuel Pilot Plant in Schwarze Pumpe, Germany. The performance of the methods in identifying increasing leakage rates and localizing the leakage source is investigated. It was found that all three methods can identify and localize even small increases of the leakage rate. A combination of all three methods allows taking advantage of the individual features of each method. Additional installation of CO2, O2, H2O, and SO2 measurements in the oxidizer can considerably enhance localization performance. Finally, it is shown that the results can be transferred to commercial-scale oxyfuel pilot plants by generating training data with thermodynamic plant models.  相似文献   

Household waste prevention in England has been recognised in national strategy as a key component for future sustainable practice. To support the policy agenda, the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in England has funded an extensive programme of fundamental research in the area. The specific research aim reported on here, in this Defra funded project, was to trial and assess methods for monitoring and evaluating approaches detailed in the National Resource and Waste Forum (NRWF)’s Household Waste Prevention Toolkit. The methods that formed the basis for the four research Objectives for the project were: using pilot and control areas (core Objective), tracking waste arisings, measuring specific activities and declared awareness and behaviour surveys. A primary objective of this research was to quantify the direct waste tonnage impacts of implementing a targeted household waste campaign in Dorset County, UK. A key performance indicator chosen for this assessment was the weight of waste collected at the kerbside from households. In an area where a waste prevention campaign is well planned and implemented then reductions in household waste arisings in pilot areas can be in the region of 2% per annum. This method for monitoring can be used, in the hands of an expert project team, to communicate to the public the direct benefits of waste prevention. It was found that there are a wide range of factors that need to be taken into account in the UK, and that these had hitherto been given little prominence, such as careful matching of pilot and control areas – this proved problematical in this research. However, a range of techniques used to support the methods, e.g. doorstepping surveys and focus groups could not show clear attributable waste prevention impacts but their findings could be used to direct new future messages to the public. The most successful and measurable campaign activities that were revealed by evaluation were: mail preference registrations, Home composting and doorstepping. An expert evaluation of all major methods found that no clear preference was revealed as to which were the most useful. None of the methods were judged very poor neither very good, all had major issues about their use. Tracking waste arisings and focus groups were assessed to be the best techniques in terms of input effort to output value. It is likely that waste prevention teams for household waste will need very careful training in the cost-effective use of the NRWF Toolkit before they are competent to apply it to a given place; the issues are more complex than were first thought.  相似文献   

The paper briefly develops an approach toward using pollution coefficients from one country as an expedience for applying an environmental economic analysis to a separate, but similar country for which hard data may not be available.The Coefficients are defined based upon information available from the Netherlands and the United States in combination with input-output data available for Belgium. A combination of the various data results in a crude estimate of the direct and indirect pollution generation per unit activity in different sectors on a country-wide basis.  相似文献   

In this paper, the life span of hydro and nuclear energy generations and the relationship between hydro and nuclear energy generations, environmental pollution, and economic growth were investigated for Japan covering the period of 1960–2018 by employing the Bathtub-Weibull curve and Markov switching-vector error correcting (MSVEC) method, respectively. According to the Bathtub-Weibull curve analysis, a rising failure rate for nuclear energy was found, indicating that the life of nuclear energy has expired, but a decreasing failure rate for hydroelectric energy has been detected. Then two different MSVEC models were used. The MSVEC method, unlike traditional approaches, determines the relationship between variables under different regimes. The results of MSVEC methods indicate three important points. First, regime-dependent asymmetry and regime changes are crucial for policy recommendations. Second, the shocks to hydropower and nuclear energy generations cause temporary deviations from the long-run growth path in both regimes. Lastly, the increase in hydropower generation leads to a decrease in environmental pollution and an increase in GDP, and an increase in nuclear power generation increases pollution and growth in both regimes.  相似文献   

This article will discuss in some detail how prescribed command-and-control pollution abatement and economic growth must work together rather than in opposition. How a balanced environment can and must tolerate acceptable levels of pollution and how economic growth from added value pollution prevention in unity with pollution control technology can and does work.© 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Rivers are the main source of water in India, and are particularly used for agricultural irrigation and drinking water supply. As most of the rivers pass through agricultural fields, they are subject to contamination with the different insecticides used for crop protection. Residues of persistent organochlorines, which are still used in large quantities in India, are found in water from many Indian rivers. In certain rivers, the concentrations of DDT, aldrin and heptachlor are often present in excess of their guideline limits. Although the concentration level of gamma-HCH is well below the guideline limit, the accumulation of the carcinogenic beta isomer is a matter of great concern. A few organophosphorus insecticides have also been detected in river water. Recently, some organochlorine insecticides have been banned from use in India. The use of new, readily biodegradable insecticides and biocides in agriculture and public health programmes offers some optimism.Drs Satya P. Mohapatia, Vijay T. Gajbhiye and Narendra R. Agnihotri all work within the Division of Agricultural Chemicals at the above address. Dr Manju Raina is employed by the Ganga Project Directorate of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi 11003, India.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have been linked to the rise in land and sea temperature [Climate Change, 2001. In: Houghton, J.T., Ding, Y., Griggs, D.J., Noguer, M., van der Linden, P.J., Xiaosu, D. (Eds.), The Scientific Basis Contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Cambridge University Press, UK, p. 944]. To demonstrate geological carbon sequestration as a mitigation technique, a carbon dioxide injection experiment was conducted in East Texas. The target – Frio formation – is a highly porous, permeable and unconsolidated sandstone. The specific interval is the Frio C sand, which originally was saturated with saline formation water. At the injection location, the Frio C sand dips 18° to the south. To monitor the injected CO2 spreading in the formation, an old well from 1956 drilled into the deeper Yegua formation was selected as the observation well. The injection well was drilled at a distance of 100 ft downdip from the monitoring well. Several borehole measurement methods were available to monitor the CO2 injection, but the most suitable technology was thought to be the pulsed neutron logging. This logging is used widely in cased hole, and the measured macroscopic thermal absorption cross-section (Σ) is sensitive to CO2 saturation in high porosity saline water environments. Several log examples are given demonstrating successful the monitoring of the CO2 plume moving through the two boreholes and the resulting saturation changes.  相似文献   

This article describes how Boeing'S program to conduct environmental assessments has developed since its inception five years ago, and has contributed to the company'S overall Quality Improvement process.  相似文献   

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